Spelling suggestions: "subject:"patologi."" "subject:"natologi.""
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Protokolloptimering: Immunhistokemisk färgning med en PAX8 antikroppMotar, Maram January 2021 (has links)
Paired box (PAX) gener kodar för en familj av nio stycken PAX transkriptionsfaktorer. PAX transkriptionsfaktorer är uppbyggda av en N-terminal DNA-bindande domän som utgörs av 128 aminosyror, en oktapeptid, och en C-terminal DNA-bindande domän. Studier har visat att PAX8 har en betydande roll vid utvecklingen av olika typer av tumörer. MRQ-50 är en antikropp som används inom Region Skåne för att påvisa PAX8 uttryck vid histopatologisk diagnostik. MRQ-50 riktas mot N-terminalen av PAX8 som är homolog med N-terminalen av PAX5. Detta kan leda till en korsreaktion i B-lymfocyter samt neoplasier, vilket inte är optimalt för diagnostik. Av den anledningen fortsätter forskning för att hitta en ny klon som kan ersätta MRQ-50. EP331 är en antikropp som är anpassad för detektion av det nukleära antigenet PAX8 och korresponderar till C-terminalen av human PAX8 protein. Syftet med arbetet är att optimera ett immunhistokemiskt färgningsprotokoll för detektion av PAX8 med hjälp av anti-PAX8 antikroppen EP331 och undersöka om godkända resultat kan erhållas. Detta gjordes för att ta reda på om det går att optimera ett protokoll med EP331, och om det erhålls lämpligare resultat än MRQ-50. Optimeringen gjordes på kontrollvävnader njure, tuba/äggledare och appendix och testades slutligen på patientprov med tumörvävnad. För protokolloptimering testades heat induced epitope retrieval, inkuberings tid av EP331, amplifiering, Ultra Wash i olika testomgångar. Resultatet visade att kärnor i epitelceller i proximala-, distala-njurtubuli och parietala epitelceller som klär Bowmans kapsel infärgades måttligt till starkt. De sekretoriska epitelen i tuba infärgades med stark intensitet och cilierade epitel måttligt. Infärgningen på patientprover visar godkänd specificitet, med en generell måttlig till stark intensitet. Med fler forskningsstudier av EP331 är det möjligt att primärantikroppen kan ersätta MRQ-50.
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Strangeness of being | Dubbellivets patologiska dissonansSvanelind, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Protect dirt from shame | the love that vanished är en utställning som har utgångspunkt i mina egna erfarenheter av lesbiska relationer och av att ha en kvinnokropp. I min essä kommer jag rikta fokus till de delar av utställningen där motstridiga känslorna omhändertas i ett ifrågasättande av att göra skillnad på som en del av att vara homosexuell och kvinna kan innebära i möte med en heteronormativ mansdominerad värld. Den homosexuella berättelsen som ett samtal som hela tiden ska undvikas, vars kroppar ska tynas bort och var kärlek inte ska uppvisas för omgivningens skull, något som jag menar på försvagar identiteten. Hur fördomar separerar oss och skapar en illusion av ett ”vi och dom”, där homosexuella inte längre ses som vanliga människor. I utställningen utforskar jag genom det måleriska och skulpturala vad som händer med kvinnokroppen när den överskrider det förutbestämda genuset och ifrågasätter döljandet av homosexuella berättelser och vad den sortens fobiskt klimat gör med oss. Det är utifrån erfarenheter och insjunkande i depressioner och psykoser som jag senare kom att börja funderar om det dubbla livet som följd av homofobiskt klimat förhåller sig så som samtiden förhåller sig till många världar genom tillbakagång av erkännande? Ett insjuknande i desorientering och hallucinationer som splittrar oss än djupare in i isolering och individualism när vi frånstöter det mänskliga, det verkliga och inte låter oss varandra närmas. Samhällets dragning till ett dualistiskt binärt tänkande som riskerar frånta verklighetens komplexitet och reducera ner jaget till något ensamt och oföränderligt. I mitt försök att relatera och föra samman händelser skulle jag vilja citera Designing for interdependence, a poetics of relating av Martin Avila, "relation is the knowledge in motion of beings, which risks the being of the world”
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Molecular Mechanisms in Endothelial Cell DifferentiationRennel, Emma January 2004 (has links)
<p>Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels from the pre-existing blood vessels. Blood vessels are composed of endothelial cells and supporting musculature. Angiogenesis is regulated by numerous soluble ligands and by cell-matrix interactions. We have studied the molecular mechanisms in fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) and vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A)-induced angiogenesis using immortalized endothelial cell lines in different angiogenesis assays.</p><p>The role of the signaling protein H-Ras in FGF-2-induced <i>in vitro</i> angiogenesis was studied by expressing mutated versions of H-Ras in immortalized mouse brain endothelial cells using a tetracycline-regulated expression system. <i>In vitro</i> angiogenesis was analyzed as the ability of cells to invade a fibrin matrix and form branching structures in response to a combination of FGF-2 and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). Inhibition of H-Ras through the expression of dominant negative (S17N) H-Ras or pharmacological inactivation of H-Ras with a farnesyl transferase inhibitor, did not inhibit growth factor-induced invasion. In contrast, expression of constitutively active (G12V) H-Ras caused cells to adopt a transformed phenotype which inhibited invasive growth and cells formed solid tumors when injected in nude mice. These studies suggest that H-Ras activity is not required for differentiation but its activity must be tightly regulated as aberrant activity impairs endothelial cell differentiation.</p><p>In order to screen for both known and novel genes that regulate angiogenesis we used large scale microarray analysis. In VEGF-A-stimulated telomerase immortalized human microvascular endothelial cells undergoing invasive growth in fibrin gels, or forming cord-like structures on collagen, we identified several genes that were differentially expressed. Some of these are known to be important for endothelial cell functions and angiogenesis while others have no previous connection with endothelial cell function or were transcripts with no assigned function. Further analysis of these proteins will aid in elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying endothelial cell differentiation. </p>
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Molecular Mechanisms in Endothelial Cell DifferentiationRennel, Emma January 2004 (has links)
Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels from the pre-existing blood vessels. Blood vessels are composed of endothelial cells and supporting musculature. Angiogenesis is regulated by numerous soluble ligands and by cell-matrix interactions. We have studied the molecular mechanisms in fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) and vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF-A)-induced angiogenesis using immortalized endothelial cell lines in different angiogenesis assays. The role of the signaling protein H-Ras in FGF-2-induced in vitro angiogenesis was studied by expressing mutated versions of H-Ras in immortalized mouse brain endothelial cells using a tetracycline-regulated expression system. In vitro angiogenesis was analyzed as the ability of cells to invade a fibrin matrix and form branching structures in response to a combination of FGF-2 and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). Inhibition of H-Ras through the expression of dominant negative (S17N) H-Ras or pharmacological inactivation of H-Ras with a farnesyl transferase inhibitor, did not inhibit growth factor-induced invasion. In contrast, expression of constitutively active (G12V) H-Ras caused cells to adopt a transformed phenotype which inhibited invasive growth and cells formed solid tumors when injected in nude mice. These studies suggest that H-Ras activity is not required for differentiation but its activity must be tightly regulated as aberrant activity impairs endothelial cell differentiation. In order to screen for both known and novel genes that regulate angiogenesis we used large scale microarray analysis. In VEGF-A-stimulated telomerase immortalized human microvascular endothelial cells undergoing invasive growth in fibrin gels, or forming cord-like structures on collagen, we identified several genes that were differentially expressed. Some of these are known to be important for endothelial cell functions and angiogenesis while others have no previous connection with endothelial cell function or were transcripts with no assigned function. Further analysis of these proteins will aid in elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying endothelial cell differentiation.
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AI som kollega : - mötet mellan teknik och medarbetare / AI as a colleague : - the meeting between technology and coworkerSvenblad, Tommy January 2022 (has links)
Med hjälp av en vetenskaplig grund i teorin om social konstruktion har nio kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med läkare verksamma inom klinisk patologi, i Sverige. Intervjuerna har fokuserat på att undersöka hur patologerna ser på artificiell intelligens, AI, och hur de tror deras yrke kommer förändras på grund av AI. Vidare undersökte även intervjuerna hur patologerna tror att det kommer vara att arbeta med AI som en del i deras vardag. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att olika patologer har olika inställning till AI och således även olika mycket förhoppning eller förtvivlan inför vad som komma skall. De ser fördelar och nackdelar, risker till försämring och chanser till förbättring. Studiens grund i social konstruktion kompletterar resultatet med att vilka sociala grupper som anses relevanta med fördel kan expanderas samt även att dessa grupper behöver ta sin roll i den sociala konstruktionen av den nya teknologi som AI innebär.
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Microarray Technology for Genotyping in PharmacogeneticsLiljedahl, Ulrika January 2004 (has links)
The studies in this thesis describe the development of a microarray based minisequencing system and its application to highly parallel genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms. The technical developments included identification of a three-dimensional microarray surface coating with high binding capacity for oligonucleotides modified with amino groups as the most optimal one for the system. The system was also established for multiplexed, reproducible quantitative analysis of SNP alleles both on the level of DNA and RNA. The sensitivity of the system to distinguish SNP alleles present as a minority in a mixed sample was found to be 1-6%. The microarray based minisequencing system was applied in a pharmacogenetic study on antihypertensive drug response. A panel of 74 SNPs located in candidate genes related to blood pressure regulation were genotyped in DNA samples from hypertensive patients that had been treated with the antihypertensive drugs irbesartan or atenolol. Multiple regression analysis of the genotype data against the reduction in blood pressure identified genotype combinations of four to five SNPs that explain 44-56% of the reduction in blood pressure in the two treatment groups. The genotypes of two individual SNPs in the angiotensinogen (AGT) gene and a SNP in the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene appeared to be associated to reduced blood pressure after treatment with atenolol, while a SNP in the apolipoprotein B (APOB) gene was associated to blood pressure reduction after irbesartan treatment. The genotype of one SNP in the adrenergic alpha-2A-receptor gene (ADRA2A) was related to the reduction in left ventricular mass following atenolol treatment while the genotypes of two SNPs, one in the APOB gene and one in the AGT gene were related to the reduction in left ventricular mass in the patients treated with irbesartan.
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Proximity Ligation : Transforming protein analysis into nucleic acid detection through proximity-dependent ligation of DNA sequence tagged protein-bindersFredriksson, Simon January 2002 (has links)
<p>A novel technology for protein detection, proximity ligation, has been developed along with improved methods for <i>in situ</i> synthesis of DNA microarrays. Proximity ligation enables a specific and quantitative transformation of proteins present in a sample into nucleic acid sequences. As pairs of so-called proximity probes bind the individual target protein molecules at distinct sites, these reagents are brought in close proximity. The probes consist of a protein specific binding part coupled to an oligonucleotide with either a free 3’- or 5’-end capable of hybridizing to a common connector oligonucleotide. When the probes are in proximity, promoted by target binding, then the DNA strands can be joined by enzymatic ligation. The nucleic acid sequence that is formed can then be amplified and quantitatively detected in a real-time monitored polymerase chain reaction. This convenient assay is simple to perform and allows highly sensitive protein detection. Parallel analysis of multiple proteins by DNA microarray technology is anticipated for proximity ligation and enabled by the information carrying ability of nucleic acids to define the individual proteins. Assays detecting cytokines using SELEX aptamers or antibodies, monoclonal and polyclonal, are presented in the thesis.</p><p>Microarrays synthesized <i>in situ</i> using photolithographic methods generate impure products due to damaged molecules and interrupted synthesis. Through a molecular inversion mechanism presented here, these impurities may be removed. At the end of synthesis, full-length oligonucleotides receive a functional group that can then be made to react with the solid support forming an arched structure. The 3’-ends of the oligonucleotides are then cleaved, removing the impurities from the support and allowing the liberated 3’-hydroxyl to prime polymerase extension reactions from the inverted oligonucleotides. The effect of having pure oligonucleotides probes compared to ones contaminated with shorter variants was investigated in allele specific hybridization reactions. Pure probes were shown to have greater ability to discriminate between matched and singly mismatched targets at optimal hybridization temperatures.</p>
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Angiogenic growth factors : mechanism of action and function in vascular developmentRolny, Charlotte January 2003 (has links)
<p>The mature vascular system is composed of a network of blood vessels organized into arteries, capillaries, and veins. The vessels are composed of endothelial cells surrounded by smooth muscle cells and embedded in a specialized basement membrane. The demand for oxygen during embryonal development regulates vessel formation through a process denoted vasculogenesis. These primitive vessels are further remodeled through proliferation, sprouting and migration of endothelial cells in a process denoted angiogenesis. Vasculogenesis and angiogenes are regulated by growth factors, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF).</p><p>To study vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, we employed differentiating embryonal stem cells (embryoid bodies). Vascularization of embryoid bodies follows a vascular pattern highly reminiscent of the in vivo pattern, leading to expression of a set of endothelial cell markers. Treatment of the embryoid bodies with different angiogenic growth factors led to distinct vascular morphologies. Expression of VEGF receptor-2 was an absolute demand for proper vascular development. PDGF-BB was shown to be potent in regulating vascular plexus formation in embryoid bodies. PDGF-BB induced capillary formation by promoting endothelial cell migration and differentiation. Hypoxia is a powerful inducer of angiogenic growth factors, such as VEGF-A, leading to angiogenesis. Hypoxia treatment induced an extensive vascular network that covered the entire embryoid body. Hypoxia-induced vascularization still occurred when VEGF receptor function was blocked, indicating that other pathway than VEGF/VEGF receptors may be critical for hypoxia-driven vessel formation. </p><p>Heparan sulfated proteoglycans (HSPGs) are present in the vascular basement membrane and are known to modulate angiogenic growth factor effects on endothelial cells in normal and pathological conditions such as tumor growth and formation of metastases. We employed heparin as an HSPG equivalent to show that PDGF-BB stimulation of PDGF a-receptor phosphorylation was augmented by heparin, resulting in increased mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) and protein kinase B PKB/Akt activation, and enhanced cellular migration towards PDGF-BB.</p>
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Microarray Technology for Genotyping in PharmacogeneticsLiljedahl, Ulrika January 2004 (has links)
<p>The studies in this thesis describe the development of a microarray based minisequencing system and its application to highly parallel genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms. The technical developments included identification of a three-dimensional microarray surface coating with high binding capacity for oligonucleotides modified with amino groups as the most optimal one for the system. The system was also established for multiplexed, reproducible quantitative analysis of SNP alleles both on the level of DNA and RNA. The sensitivity of the system to distinguish SNP alleles present as a minority in a mixed sample was found to be 1-6%. </p><p>The microarray based minisequencing system was applied in a pharmacogenetic study on antihypertensive drug response. A panel of 74 SNPs located in candidate genes related to blood pressure regulation were genotyped in DNA samples from hypertensive patients that had been treated with the antihypertensive drugs irbesartan or atenolol. Multiple regression analysis of the genotype data against the reduction in blood pressure identified genotype combinations of four to five SNPs that explain 44-56% of the reduction in blood pressure in the two treatment groups. The genotypes of two individual SNPs in the angiotensinogen (AGT) gene and a SNP in the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene appeared to be associated to reduced blood pressure after treatment with atenolol, while a SNP in the apolipoprotein B (APOB) gene was associated to blood pressure reduction after irbesartan treatment. The genotype of one SNP in the adrenergic alpha-2A-receptor gene (ADRA2A) was related to the reduction in left ventricular mass following atenolol treatment while the genotypes of two SNPs, one in the APOB gene and one in the AGT gene were related to the reduction in left ventricular mass in the patients treated with irbesartan.</p>
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Screening for Candidate Brain Tumor Genes : Identifying Genes that Cooperate with Platelet-Derived Growth Factor in Glioma Development and ProgressionJohansson, Fredrik January 2006 (has links)
<p>Malignant primary brain tumors, gliomas, often overexpress both platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) ligands and receptors providing an autocrine and/or paracrine boost to tumor growth. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most frequent glioma. Its aggressive and infiltrative growth renders it extremely difficult to treat. Median survival after diagnosis is currently only 14 months. </p><p>The present thesis describes the use of retroviral tagging to identify candidate cancer-causing genes that cooperate with PDGF in brain tumor formation. Newborn mice were injected intracerebrally with a Moloney murine leukemia retrovirus carrying the <i>sis</i>/PDGF-B oncogene and a replication competent helper virus. Brain tumors with many characteristics of human glioblastomas developed after 13-42 weeks. </p><p>Analysis of proviral integrations in the brain tumors identified almost 70 common insertion sites (CISs). These CISs were named brain tumor loci and harbored known but also putative novel cancer-causing genes.</p><p>An array with over 15000 unique cDNAs was used to screen for differentially expressed genes in the mouse brain tumors compared to normal brain. Known tumor genes and markers of immature cells were upregulated in the tumors. Short latency tumors were further distinguished as fast growing and GBM-like. Long latency tumors resembled slow-growing oligodendrogliomas and contained significantly less integrations as compared to short latency tumors.</p><p>The gene <i>Prkg2</i>, encoding the cGMP-dependent protein kinase II, was targeted by insertions in two brain tumors. Overexpression of <i>Prkg2</i> in human glioma cell lines led to a reduction in colony formation, cell proliferation and migration. A glioma cell line expressing markers of immature stem cells showed loss of cell adhesion, G1 cell cycle arrest and decreased activation of the survival signaling protein Akt upon stimulation with a cGMP analog that activates the <i>Prkg2</i> protein. The present thesis shows that proviral tagging may be a useful tool in the search for candidate glioma genes.</p>
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