Spelling suggestions: "subject:"payroll"" "subject:"rayroll""
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Strategické řízení nákladů lidského kapitálu / Strategic cost management of human capitalDonova, Svetlana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with strategic cost management of human capital. The theoretical part describes the essence of human capital. Subsequently, attention was focused on the possibility of using human capital in an enterprise and the ways of its measurement. In the practical part of the thesis were analysed payroll costs in a particular company. In the first part of the empirical research were described company, its structure and history, organizational and economic characteristics and selected financial indicators. In the next section were analysed costs incurred on human resources in this company. An important part of this chapter is a description of the deficiencies of the existing management of personnel costs. In conclusion of the practical part were presented some variants for optimizing the payroll cost system of the company.
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[pt] Analisar comportamentos não-competitivos no mercado de trabalho tem
se tornado um aspecto crucial para melhorar a compreensão das dinâmicas do
mercado de trabalho, e estimar elasticidades-salário da oferta de trabalho pode
auxiliar a determinar a existência de estruturas de oligopsônio. Ao construir
sobre Manning (2003), uso dados de contratos identificados por empregadorempregado,
e aproveito choques específicos de desonerações na folha de pagamento,
para estimar elasticidades-salário da oferta de trabalho para o mercado
de trabalho brasileiro. Estimamos elasticidades-salário de separações e contratações
utilizando de uma abordagem por IV que permite a identificação de
variações exógenas nos salários, através da desoneração implementada no Brasil,
que representa choques à demanda por trabalho. Enquanto estimativas
padrão por MQO são baixas (e irrealistas) como na literatura recente, estimativas
usando a abordagem de variáveis instrumentais são muito mais razoáveis.
Os resultados indicam a existência de considerável poder de mercado pelo lado
de firmas no mercado de trabalho no Brasil, com a elasticidade no nível do
mercado de 1.4 e no nível da firma de 4.4. Finalmente, avaliamos se o poder
de oligopsônio das firmas difere entre níveis de qualificação, e entre municípios
mais ou menos urbanos e informais. Encontramos que as firmas exertem
maiores markdowns para trabalhadores menos qualificados, e que maior poder
de mercado das firmas está correlacionado com menor urbanização e maior
informalidade. / [en] Understanding non-competitive behavior in labor markets has become crucial to gain insight into labor market dynamics, and estimating labor supply wage elasticities can help determine the existence of oligopsony power. By building on Manning (2003), I use matched employer-employee data,
and take advantage of sector-specific shocks to payroll taxes, to estimate labor supply wage elasticities for the Brazilian labor market. I estimate separation and recruitment elasticities using an IV approach that allows for the identification of exogenous variation in wages through the reform on payroll taxes implemented in Brazil, which represents shocks to labor demand. While standard OLS estimates are low (and unrealistic) as in the recent literature, estimates using the IV approach are much more reasonable. Results indicate that there exists considerable labor market power by firms in Brazil, with a market-level elasticity of 1.4 and a firm-level elasticity of 4.4. Finally, I evaluate whether oligopsony power is different between skill levels, as well as between more or less urbanized and informal municipalities. I find that firms exert higher markdowns for low-skill workers, and that higher labor market power is correlated with lower urbanization and higher informality.
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Srovnání zdanění příjmů ze závislé činnosti v České republice a Spolkové republice Německo / A comparison of taxation of income from employment in the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of GermanySmetana, Václav January 2012 (has links)
- A comparison of the taxation of income from employment in the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany The main objective of this thesis is to compare the taxation of income from dependent activities (especially from employment) in the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. The thesis consists of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion. Chapter One is rather theoretical and deals with general terms of the tax theory. The term "dependent activity" is defined in chapter two. Chapter Three compares and contrasts the components of individual income tax in both countries. Chapter Four offers a brief and simplified comparison of the tax burden of an individual in the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. The last chapter is concerned with double taxation and its prevention. The tax rate in Germany is higher than in the Czech Republic. Nevertheless, the German tax system takes more into account the individual tax payer's ability to pay taxes as well as his specific social situation. A more complicated tax system like that, however, demands very high standards from the state administration. When an employee is working abroad, it is essential to determine his tax residence - limited or unlimited tax liability - in order to properly calculate his income tax....
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Mzdové účetnictví v roce 2010 v komparaci se změnami roku 2011 / Payroll accounting in year 2010 in comparison with changes in year 2011Jánová, Iveta January 2010 (has links)
This graduation thesis deals with regulation of payroll accounting. The aim is to provide a comprehensive picture of calculating employee wages in the year 2010 (based upon actual law) and how it is recognized in accounting evidence of employer. Gradually, I deal with the issue of labor-law relations, employee compensation, health and social insurance and the calculation of income tax. The penultimate chapter deals with changes that occurred in the year 2011. Last chapter is devoted to a complex example that shows the calculation of wages in year 2010 compared with 2011.
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Três ensaios sobre economia internacional / Three essays on international economicsScarabel, Mirela Virginia Perrella 20 June 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar aspectos relevantes da economia internacional. O primeiro ensaio desta tese visou avaliar pela primeira vez (até onde se tem conhecimento) se o recente desenvolvimento do mercado de Credit Default Swaps - CDS alterou os efeitos das mudanças de rating sobre o mercado financeiro.Como o CDS é um derivativo que tem como objetivo refletir a qualidade do crédito do ativo avaliado e esta mensuração é feita através do mercado e de forma contínua no tempo, este instrumento poderia reduzir a relevância dos ratings atribuídos pelas agências; uma vez que estes últimos também avaliam a qualidade do crédito, mas sua atuação é discreta no tempo. Foi empregada a metodologia de estudo de evento a uma base de dados diária de CDS, bolsa e taxas de câmbio para37 países. Em resumo,foram encontradas evidências de que o impacto das mudanças de ratings sobre os ativos financeiros sofreu moderação nos últimos dez anos e que o papel do CDS pode estar por trás desta redução. Além disso, foram encontrados resultados que mostram que o mercado de CDS é o que mais reage a reclassificações de risco. O principal objetivo dos ensaios seguintes é trazer luz ao debate das fontes de competitividade no comércio internacional. Neste sentido, o segundo ensaio trata do papel do custo fixo de entrada para a exportação sobre a competitividade internacional no nível da firma. Foi estimadoo custo médio de entrada para a exportação utilizando o banco de dados do World Bank Enterprise Survey do Banco Mundial que conta com informações de mais de 70 mil firmas de diversos setores de atividade distribuídas em mais de 120 países em desenvolvimento. A pesquisadora se apoiou no modelo e na metodologia desenvolvidos na publicação da Econometrica de Das, Roberts e Tybout (2007) e conclui que em média uma firma paga 3,2 milhões de dólares para começar a exportar. Além disso, encontrou que o custo fixo de entrada para exportação varia entre os países e isso ajuda a explicar porque firmas semelhantes com produtividade parecida instaladas em países diferentes têm probabilidades distintas de serem exportadoras. No terceiro ensaio desta tese, estudou-se o impacto da desoneração da folha de pagamento, implementada a partir de 2011, nas exportações e importações brasileiras. Através de um painel de efeito fixo para produto, relacionando as exportações e importações em função da variável desoneração e a da variável de intensidade de mão-de-obra na produção do bem. Os dados foram extraídos do MDIC, da PIA e a variável desoneração foi construída utilizando as diversas leis que, ao longo do tempo, foram ampliando o rol de bens desonerados. Grosso modo, controlando por intensidade de mão-de-obra, encontrou-se que as desonerações foram responsáveis por uma queda da quantidade importada dos bens cujos similares foram desonerados internamente, enquanto que o efeito nas exportações provocou uma queda nos preços dos bens desonerados que não foi compensada por uma elevação na quantidade exportada, o que conjuntamente resultou em uma queda das exportações em valor. / This thesis evaluated some relevant aspects of the international economy. The first chapter evaluatesfor the first time (as far as we know) if the recent development of the credit default swaps market, CDS, has changed the effects of rating reclassifications on the financial market. Given that the price of CDS is driven bythe entity\'s credit quality and it moves continuously over time, this instrument would reduce the significance of ratings assigned by the agencies, since these agencies act discretely over time. We apply the event study methodology to a daily database of CDS, stocks and exchange rates for 37 countries. Generally speaking, we find evidences that the impact of ratings changes on financial assets has moderated over the past decade and that the role of CDS may explain this reduction. Furthermore, we find results that show that the CDS market is more responsive to risk reclassification. The following chapters have the main objective to shed some light on the debate on the sources of competitiveness in international trade. In this sense, the second chapter studies the role of sunk entry cost to export in international competitiveness at firm level. We estimate the average export sunk entry cost using the World Bank Enterprise Survey database of the World Bank that has informations about more than 70 thousand firms spreaded over several activity\'s sectors and more than 120 developing countries. We followed the model and methodology developed by Das, Roberts and Tybout in a paper published in Econometrica in 2007 and we found that a firm, in average, pays 2.3million dollars in order to start exporting. Besides that, we found that the export entry cost varies between countries and this fact helps to explain why similar firms in different countries have different probabilities to become exporters. In the third chapter of this thesis, we present a study on the impact of the payroll tax exemption implemented since 2011 on Brazilian exports and imports. Using a panel of fixed effect for product, we will relate the exports and imports as function of the variable exemption and the variable of labor intensity in the production function of the good. The data were extracted from the MDIC, the PIA and the variable exemption was constructed using the many laws that, over time, were expanding the list of exempted goods. Generally speaking, controlling by labor intensity, we found that the payroll tax exemption was responsible for a drop in the quantity of goods imported from abroad, while the effect on exports led to a drop in the prices of the goods exported, which was not offset by a rise in the quantity exported, resulting in a fall in exports by FOB value.
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Incentivo fiscal e alavancagem operacional: um estudo de caso sobre a desoneração da folha de pagamento em uma empresa start-up / Tax incentives and operating leverage: a case study of the payroll tax exemption in a start-up companyCardoso, Rafael Felipe Silva 31 May 2016 (has links)
Os incentivos fiscais concedidos pelos entes públicos às empresas nacionais suscitam cada vez mais o interesse de estudos aprofundados em relação a seu impacto dentro das organizações. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar os efeitos dos incentivos fiscais, especificamente, da desoneração da folha de pagamento instituída pelo Plano Brasil Maior do Governo Federal em 2011, no grau de alavancagem operacional de uma empresa start-up brasileira. A pesquisa foi realizada através de um estudo de caso em uma empresa start-up atuante no Brasil no setor de tecnologia desde 2011. As análises do estudo de caso confirmaram que há uma relação direta entre a desoneração da folha de pagamento e o grau de alavancagem operacional de uma empresa. A interpretação dos dados sugere que para uma melhor eficiência dos incentivos fiscais, estes devem alterar o comportamento dos custos e despesas fixas para variáveis, diminuindo assim a exposição ao risco operacional da empresa. / Tax incentives granted by public entities to domestic companies tend to raise more interest of extensive studies in relation to its impact within organizations. This research aims to analyze the effects of tax incentives, specifically, the payroll tax exemption established by the \"Plano Brasil Maior\" of the Brazilian Federal Government in 2011, on the degree of operating leverage of a Brazilian start-up company. The research was conducted through a case study of a start-up company operating in Brazil in the technology sector since 2011. The analysis of the case study confirmed that there is a direct relation between the payroll tax exemptions and the degree of operating leverage of a business. The interpretation of the case suggests that, for a more efficiency of the tax incentives, the incentive must directly modify the fixed and variable costs and therefore reducing the company\'s exposure to operational risk
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An analysis of the risk of debt over-indebtedness and public servants of the executive branch of state cearà / Uma anÃlise do risco de endividamento e sobre-endividamento do servidor pÃblico do poder executivo do Estado do CearÃNotlin de AraÃjo Almeida 16 October 2012 (has links)
Secretaria do Planejamento e GestÃo / As from informations upon 111.123 active and retired state public workers from the executive power of the state of CearÃ, regarding to the month of April of 2012, and informations regarding to the payroll of the state public service, wag-es and discount values with monthly deduction from the payroll, this paper ana-lyzes the determinants of the likelihood of a public state worker to be indebted or over-indebted, taking into account that this second category is characteristi-cally indebted over the average of its group. Dual dependent variable models with probit theory are developed and the results show that in the functional cat-egory groups, the probability of indebtedness varies from 40 and 75 per cent, and the over-indebtedness varies from 27 and 75 per cent, which means a criti-cal financial situation of the state worker. / A partir de dados para 111.123 servidores pÃblicos estaduais ativos e aposentados do Poder Executivo do estado do CearÃ, com referÃncia em abril de 2012, e informaÃÃes referentes à folha de pagamento do serviÃo pÃblico estadual, remuneraÃÃo e valores de descontos com emprÃstimos consignados em folha de pagamento, esta dissertaÃÃo analisa os determinantes da probabilidade de um servidor pÃblico do estado estar endividado ou sobre-endividado, sendo esta Ãltima categoria caracterizada pela existÃncia de um endividamento acima da mÃdia de seu grupo. Modelos de variÃvel dependente binÃria com hipÃtese Probit sÃo desenvolvidos e os resultados permitem inferir que no conjunto das categorias funcionais, a propensÃo ao endividamento varia de 40% a 75% e ao sobre-endividamento varia de 27% a 75%, o que sinaliza uma situaÃÃo financeira crÃtica dos servidor estadual.
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Taxes, Nudges, and Conformity : Essays in Labor and Behavioral EconomicsJohan, Egebark January 2015 (has links)
This thesis consists of four papers summarized as follows. Do Payroll Tax Cuts Raise Youth Employment? We study whether payroll tax reductions are an effective means to raise youth employment. In 2007, the Swedish employer-paid payroll tax was cut on a large scale for young workers, substantially reducing labor costs for this group. Using the variation in payroll taxes across cohorts, we estimate a significant, but small, impact both on employment and on wages. Effects of Taxes on Youth Self-Employment and Income. I examine the link between taxes and youth self-employment. I make use of a Swedish reform that made the payroll tax and the self-employment tax vary by age. The results suggest that youth self-employment is insensitive to tax reductions, both in the short run and in the somewhat longer run. For those defined as self-employed, I find positive effects on income from self-employment, and negative effects on income from wage employment. Can Indifference Make the World Greener? We conducted a natural field experiment at a large university in Sweden to evaluate the effects of two resource conservation programs. The first intervention consisted of a campaign that actively tried to convince people to cut back on printing in general, and to use double-sided printing whenever possible. The second intervention exploited people's tendency to stick with pre-set alternatives. At random points in time we changed the printers’ default settings, from single-sided to double-sided printing. Whereas the moral appeal had no impact, the default change cut paper use by 15 percent. The Origins of Behavioral Contagion: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Facebook. We explore the micro-level foundations of behavioral contagion by running a natural field experiment on the networking site Facebook. Members of Facebook express positive support to content on the website by clicking a Like button. We show that users are more prone to support content if someone else has done so before.
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Zvyšování efektivnosti mzdového systému v podniku / Increasing the effectiveness of the wage system in the enterpriseŠVÁBOVÁ, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The principal objective of dissertation was characterized and assessed the existing payroll system in a selected business entity. Several suggestions leading to increase efficiency was made according to the findings resulting from the appreciation The researched subject was the payroll system in Tesco Stores ČR a. s. The analysis of efficiency of human capital was performed to fulfil the stated objective.The analysis consisted in the application of evaluating labor productivity indicators. As well as, selected indicators were compared to the biggest retail chains on the market, that actually include Ahold Czech Republic a. s. a Kaufland Česká Republika v. o. s. Suggestions for change of the payroll system, employees' benefits and evaluation of employees were performed on the basis of the facts consequent from the overall analysis.
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Essays on industrial organizationBretan, Pedro Luis Accioli Nobre 23 December 2010 (has links)
Submitted by PEDRO BRETAN (pedrobretan@yahoo.com.br) on 2011-06-22T04:12:37Z
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Previous issue date: 2010-12-23 / This thesis is comprised of three essays with a common goal: expand the theories about what drives the shape of an industry and its consequences. All three are theoretical and applied, in the sense of being detailed studies about the inner workings of industries and their impact on the shape of the latter. In the first chapter I model how the interplay among institutional quality, trust and contract incompleteness affects firms' decisions about their international mode of organization. Second second chapter also concerns industries' ownership choices, but in a complete different perspective, focusing in information transmission between the different parts that constitute a supply chain. Finally, third chapter uses industrial organization modeling to show how the internal structure of an industry influence the risk of payroll-backed loans. / Esta tese compõe-se de três ensaios que versam sobre o formato, em termos de estrutura de governança, das indústrias e como a estrutura interna das mesmas influenciam esses formatos e seus produtos. O primeiro capítulo apresenta um modelo de como a qualidade institucional, confiança e incompleteza contratual afetam as decisiões das firmas sobre a melhor forma de se organizarem internacionalmente. O segundo capítulo vai na mesma direção de explicar a organização das indústrias, mas com foco no efeito da transmissão de informação entre as unidades constituintes das organizações sobre o formato ótimo das mesmas. Ambos trabalhos usam modelos dinâmicos. O terceiro capítulo se utiliza da modelagem de organização industrial para mostrar como a estrutura interna de uma indústria influencia no risco de crédito consignado.
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