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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parâmetros plasmáticos de equinos alimentados com níveis crescentes de polpa cítrica / Blood parameters in horses fed with increasing levels of citrus pulp

Menezes, Madalena Lima 21 February 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito dos níveis de inclusão de polpa cítrica sobre parâmetros sanguíneos de equinos, vinculados ao metabolismo energético dos cavalos. Foram utilizados cinco animais, com idade média de 3,5 anos e peso vivo de 460,6±76,86kg, sem raça definida, arraçoados duas vezes ao dia, às 7:00 e às 16:00. As dietas foram formuladas para atender a demanda de animais em mantença, sendo 60% da energia proveniente do volumoso e 40% do concentrado, contendo níveis crescentes de inclusão de polpa cítrica (0, 7, 14, 21 e 28%). A coleta de sangue ocorreu nos tempos: antes da alimentação, uma, três, seis, nove horas após a alimentação. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas através de venopunção da jugular utilizando tubos coletores a vácuo para determinação de albumina, triglicérides, colesterol, glicose, insulina e ácidos graxos de cadeia curta. Foram calculadas a área abaixo da curva e o pico da glicose e insulina, para as quais não foram observados efeitos (P>0,05). Não houve efeito (P>0,05) da dieta sobre as concentrações sanguíneas dos parâmetros. Não houve efeito (P>0,05) do tempo de coleta sobre as variáveis: ácidos graxos de cadeia curta, colesterol, triglicérides e albumina, porém foi observado efeito (p<0,05) para as concentrações de glicose (y = -0,521x2 + 4,133x + 84,647) e insulina (y = -0,097x2 + 0,795x + 1,616). A polpa citrica é um ingrediente promissor na alimentação de equinos, sem causar alteração nas concentrações sanguineas de glicose, insulina, colesterol, triglicerides e ácidos graxos de cadeia curta. Dietas com alta inclusão de fibra e participação de ingredientes com fibras de fácil fermentação são benéficas a dietas de equinos pois mantem as curvas glicêmicas e insulinêmicas próximas aos valores basais além de postergar a queda glicêmica pós prandial. / The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of levels of citrus pulp on blood parameters of horses tied to energy metabolism of horses. Five animals were used, with an average age of 3,5 years and body weight of 460,6 ± 76,86 kg mongrel, hand fed twice daily at 7:00 and 16:00. Diets were formulated to meet the demand of animals in maintenance, 60% of energy from the forage and 40% concentrate, containing increasing levels of citrus pulp (0, 7, 14, 21 and 28%). Blood collection occurred at times: before eating, one, three, six, nine hours after feeding. Blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture using vacuum collectors for the determination of albumin, triglycerides, cholesterol, glucose, insulin and short-chain fatty acids tubes. The area under the curve and the peak glucose and insulin, for which no effect (P>0,05) were observed, were calculated. There was no effect (P>0,05) of diet on blood concentrations of parameters. There was no effect (P>0.05 ) and time of collection on the variables: short-chain fatty, cholesterol, triglycerides and albumin acids, but effect ( p<0.05 ) was observed for glucose concentrations (y = - 0.521x2 + 4.133 x 84.647) and insulin (y = -0.097x2 + 0.795 + 1.616 x). The citrus pulp is a promising ingredient in feed for horses without causing changes in blood concentrations of glucose, insulin, cholesterol, triglycerides and short-chain fatty acids. Diets with high fiber inclusion and participation of ingredients with easily fermentable fibers are beneficial because the diets of horses keeps the glucose and insulin curves near the baseline plus delay the postprandial glycemic fall.

Stabilizujući efekat polisaharidnih jedinjenja industrije šećera u proizvodnji emulzija / Stabilizing effect of sugar industry polysaccharide compounds in the production of emulsions

Maravić Nikola 04 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Stabilizatori na bazi biopolimera postaju posebno povoljna prirodna re&scaron;enja za primenu u kompleksnim sistemima, kao &scaron;to su emulzije tipa ulja u vodi. U ovoj disertaciji je ispitan individualni i kombinovani uticaj tri stabilizatora na bazi polisaharida (vlakna &scaron;ećerne repe, pektin &scaron;ećerne repe i OSA maltodekstrin) na formiranje i stabilnost emulzija kukuruznog ulja u vodi. Ispitan je uticaj četiri različite tehnike emulgovanja (ultrazvučna homogenizacija, visokopritisna homogenizacija, membransko emulgovanje i rotor-stator homogenizacija). Sveobuhvatna karakterizacija koja je obuhvatala ispitivanje fizičko-hemijskih, strukturnih, tenziometrijskih, konduktometrijskih, viskozimetrijskih osobina ispitivanih polisaharida je prikazana u ovoj disertaciji. Dobijeni rezultati veličine kapi emulzija i njihove fizičke stabilnosti ukazuju na dobra stabilizaciona svojstva ispitivanih polisaharida. Interakcije između primenjenih stabilizatora na bazi polisaharida rezultovale su značajnim promenama veličine kapi, zeta potencijala, kriming indeksa i strukture emulzije.</p> / <p>Biopolymer based stabilizers become particularly favorable natural solutions for use in complex systems, such as oil-in-water emulsions. In following dissertation, the individual and combined effects of three polysaccharide based stabilizers (sugar beet fibers, sugar beet pectin and OSA maltodextrin) on the formation and stability of corn oil emulsions in water were tested. The influence of four different emulsion techniques (ultrasonic homogenization, high-pressure homogenization, membrane emulsification and rotor-stator homogenization) were examined. A comprehensive characterization that included the examination of physico-chemical, structural, tensiometric, conductometric, viscometric characteristics of the polysaccharides examined is presented in this dissertation. The obtained results of the emulsion droplet size and their physical stability indicate good stabilization properties of the polysaccharides examined. The interactions between the applied polysaccharide-based stabilizers resulted in significant changes in the droplet size, zeta potential, creaming index and the structure of the emulsion.</p>

Microrheological investigations of biopolymer networks : PhD thesis, research conducted at the Institute of Fundamental Sciences, Massey University of Palmerston North, New Zealand

Vincent, Romaric Remy Raoul January 2008 (has links)
is a major polysaccharide of the plant cell wall which is known to play a role in many mechanical functionalities, especially when a gel is formed in the presence of calcium. Understanding the gelling abilities of pectin is of great interest to the food industry also, since pectin is a widely used as a gelling agent and thickener. The aim of this study was to apply two complementary microrheological techniques to these systems, multiple particle tracking (MPT) and a light scattering technique called diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS). While the first one provides fundamental information about the homogeneity of the studied gel, the second gives access to the high frequency behaviour, related to the nature of the basic strands of the network. Firstly, after verifying the validity of the experimental apparati and analysis approaches in a series of careful control experiments on archetypal systems, a regime where pectin gels exhibit the signatures of semi-flexible networks was identified in experiments carried out on gels made of pectin chains pre-engineered by enzymatic deesterification and subsequently assembled with the release of Ca2+. These results were the first showing that polysaccharides networks could be accommodated within the framework of semi-flexible networks, which have become a paradigm for biological gels, such as the well-known F-actin solutions present in the cell cytoskeleton. However, in the plant cell wall, where calcium is already present, the assembly mechanism could be controlled in a different manner, and a more biologically relevant system was studied where the action of the plant enzyme pectinmethylesterase was used to liberate ion-binding groups in the presence of Ca2+. Gels formed according to this alternative methodology were found to behave as punctually cross-linked flexible networks, strikingly different from the first results. This would be explained by the presence of short blocks of charged residues. Finally, experiments on pectins carried out with controlled blocky structures showed that a pectin made of short blocks can exhibit both sorts of network, depending on the polymer and Ca2+ concentrations. This lead naturally to the construction of a state diagram for the regimes of assembly, with proposed control parameters being the polymer concentration and the ratio of the amount of Ca2+ to the quantity of pectic residues which can effectively bind the calcium into cross-links, christened Reff.

Biochemical Study and Technical Applications of Fungal Pectinase

Zhang, Jing January 2006 (has links)
<p>Pectinases are a group of enzymes produced by bacteria, fungi, higher plants and animals. Pectinases can modify and degrade pectins, a class of heterogeneous and multifunctional polysaccharides present in middle lamellae and primary cell walls of plants. Pectins have been showed to play diverse roles in cell physiology, growth, adhesion and separation. Pectinases are used technically in the processing of fiber production and fruit juice or wine making. We have studied the mechanisms and applications of pectinases, especially in retting, a microbiological process where bast fibers in flax and other bast fiber cultivars are released from each other and from the woody core.</p><p>A strong correlation was found between the ability to perform retting and the degradation of sparsely esterified pectin, a substrate of polygalacturonase. This led to the conclusion that polygalacturonase plays a key role in the enzymatic retting of flax. We purified and characterized an extracellular polygalacturonase produced by Rhizopus oryzae, a very potent retting organism. The purified enzyme which appeared to be the single active component in retting, has non-methylated polygalacturonan as its preferred substrate. Peptide sequences indicate that the enzyme, like another polygalacturonase (EC., belongs to glycosyl hydrolase family 28. It contains, however, an N-terminal sequence absent from other fungal pectinases, but present in an enzyme from the phytopathogenic bacterium, Ralstonia solanacearum.</p><p>Our finding that removal of calcium ions from the plant material by pre-incubation in dilute acid in enzymatic retting could reduce enzyme consumption by several orders of magnitude, improves the economical feasibility of the enzymatic retting process. Comparisons with different acids showed that the action was mainly pH dependent.</p><p>Pectinases were employed as analytical tools in a study of stored wood discoloration and, together with cellulases, in a mechanical process for making pulp from flax and hemp in paper production. </p>

Biochemical Study and Technical Applications of Fungal Pectinase

Zhang, Jing January 2006 (has links)
Pectinases are a group of enzymes produced by bacteria, fungi, higher plants and animals. Pectinases can modify and degrade pectins, a class of heterogeneous and multifunctional polysaccharides present in middle lamellae and primary cell walls of plants. Pectins have been showed to play diverse roles in cell physiology, growth, adhesion and separation. Pectinases are used technically in the processing of fiber production and fruit juice or wine making. We have studied the mechanisms and applications of pectinases, especially in retting, a microbiological process where bast fibers in flax and other bast fiber cultivars are released from each other and from the woody core. A strong correlation was found between the ability to perform retting and the degradation of sparsely esterified pectin, a substrate of polygalacturonase. This led to the conclusion that polygalacturonase plays a key role in the enzymatic retting of flax. We purified and characterized an extracellular polygalacturonase produced by Rhizopus oryzae, a very potent retting organism. The purified enzyme which appeared to be the single active component in retting, has non-methylated polygalacturonan as its preferred substrate. Peptide sequences indicate that the enzyme, like another polygalacturonase (EC., belongs to glycosyl hydrolase family 28. It contains, however, an N-terminal sequence absent from other fungal pectinases, but present in an enzyme from the phytopathogenic bacterium, Ralstonia solanacearum. Our finding that removal of calcium ions from the plant material by pre-incubation in dilute acid in enzymatic retting could reduce enzyme consumption by several orders of magnitude, improves the economical feasibility of the enzymatic retting process. Comparisons with different acids showed that the action was mainly pH dependent. Pectinases were employed as analytical tools in a study of stored wood discoloration and, together with cellulases, in a mechanical process for making pulp from flax and hemp in paper production.

Förädling av stjälkfibrer för fler naturliga fiberalternativ : Enzymbehandling för avlägsnande av pektin i stjälkfibrer för ökad spinnbarhet. / Processing of bast fibres with pectate lyase

Larsson, Malin, Nilsson, Annie January 2015 (has links)
Grewia optiva är en utav många outnyttjade stjälkfibrer som skulle kunna bidra till ökandet utav de naturliga fiberalternativen. Fibern har idag inte så många användningsområden på grund utav dess hårda och styva uppbyggnad, vilket gör den svår att spinna till garn. På uppdrag av organisationen Bhartiya Gramotthan Sanstha (BGS) har i detta projekt en redan befintlig metod utvecklats för att förädla fibern. Vad som främst eftersöktes var nedbrytandet av pektin som är en av de faktorer som bidrar till fiberns hårda och styva struktur. I metoden användes biologiskt nedbrytbara enzym som katalysatorer. En fungerande metod skulle kunna öka användningsområdet hos stjälkfibrer generellt och öka möjligheten till användandet utav fler naturliga fibrer. Enzymet som har använts i metoden är ett pektatlyas EC som katalyserar reaktionen som sker då pektinmolekyler klyvs. För att effektivisera processen adderades en komplexbildare, EDTA, som tidigare visat goda resultat för lin. Efter enzymbehandlingen skedde en viktreduktion av fibrerna samt förändring av deras utseende. I svepelektronmikroskop observerades förändring av ytstruktur samt separation mellan fiberbuntarna. Dessa parametrar är viktiga och har stor inverkan på spinnbarheten hos fibrer. I projektet har försök att spinna fibern gjorts men inte lyckats helt. Förändringen på ytstruktur och separation mellan fibrerna tyder dock på att behandlingen är ett steg i rätt riktning. / Grewia optiva is one of many unused bast fibres that could contribute to an increase of natural textile fibres on the industrial market. This fibre has to-day not as many applications due to its stiff and hard structure that makes the fibre difficult to spin into yarn. On behalf of the organisation Bhartiya Gramotthan Sanstha (BGS) has an existing method been developed to process the Grewia optiva fibre. The method is developed to break down substances like pectin that is responsi-ble for the hard and stiff structure of the fibre. Degradable biological en-zymes were used as catalyser in the method. With a functioning method like this the applications of bast fibres could increase and contribute to the use of more natural fibres. The enzyme used to catalyse the chemical reaction and the cleavage of pec-tin molecules in this method was a pectate lyase EC In this method EDTA was used as a chelator to efficient the chemical process. EDTA has been used as a chelator in earlier reports and showed good results. After the enzymatic treatment a weight reduction of the fibre was notable. In SEM-analysis separation between fibres and changes on the fibre surfaces was observed. These parameters are important and affect the spinning capability of the fibre. To test the spinning capability of the enzyme treated fibre they were spun in a ring spinning system, unfortunately not successfully. The surface changes and the separation shows that the enzymatic treatment had occurred and indicates that the method has developed in the right direction.

Biochemical and structural characterization of a novel enzyme involved in uronic acid metabolism

Lee, Seung Hyae 23 December 2014 (has links)
Polyuronic acids are an important constituent of seaweed and plants, and therefore represent a significant part of global biomass, providing an abundant carbon source for both terrestrial and marine heterotrophic bacteria. Through the action of polysaccharide lyases, polyuronic acids are degraded into unsaturated monouronic acid units, which are fed into the Entner-Doudoroff pathway where they are converted into pyruvate and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. The first step of this pathway was thought to occur non- enzymatically. A highly conserved sequence, kdgF was found in alginate and pectin utilization loci in a diverse range of prokaryotes, in proximity to well established enzymes catalyzing steps downstream in the Entner-Doudoroff pathway and I hypothesized that KdgF was involved in the catalysis of the first step of this pathway. The kdgF genes from both Yersinia enterocolitica and a locally acquired Halomonas sp. were expressed in Escherichia coli and their activity was examined using unsaturated galacturonic acid depletion activity assays. To gain perspective on the general structure of KdgF, x-ray crystallography was used to obtain a crystal structure of both HaKdgF and YeKdgF. These crystal structures provided insight into the molecular details of catalysis by the KdgF proteins, including their putative catalytic residues and a coordinated metal binding site for substrate recognition. To elucidate amino acids that may be involved in binding and/or catalysis, mutants were created in HaKdgF, and lack of activity was observed in four mutants (Asp102A, Phe104A, Arg108A, and Gln55A). The research done in this study suggests that KdgF proteins use a metal binding site coordinated by three histidines and several additional residues to cause a change in monouronic acid, thereby, affecting the unsaturated double bond. This suggests that KdgF is involved in the first step in the Entner-Doudoroff pathway, which is the linearization of unsaturated monouronic acids. / Graduate

Mathematical Analysis Of Peeling Of Carrots

Aydin, Ozlem 01 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, carrots of Beypazari variety, cultivated during 2004 season were chemically and steam peeled. Effects of temperature, concentration of NaOH solutions and immersion time on lye peeling of carrots were studied / optimum time-temperature-concentration relations were analyzed mathematically. Then suitable combinations of concentration, temperature and time were determined just by considering degree of peeling. Increases in both temperature and concentration of lye solution led to a decrease in peeling time. However it was observed that the temperature of the lye solution was the main effect on the quality of carrots. Treatment with 0.75 % NaOH at 77&deg / C for 10.5 minutes was found to be optimum to peel the carrots, mathematically. In steam peeling, the peeled surface area-time relations were analyzed mathematically. Complete peeling was achieved at 8.5 minutes. Under complete peeling conditions, the effect of chemical and steam peeling on quality of carrots were determined. Then the mathematical optimum value for chemical peeling was evaluated for quality parameters. The optimum chemical peeling value was fitted to the peeling yield-pectin relations. The peeling yield of steam peeled carrot was higher than the chemically peeled carrot. The color of the chemically peeled carrot had the highest consumer acceptance compared to conventional peeling. Finally, the two conditions were suitable for considering the need of the plant design.

Use of pectinases to improve the nutritive value of lupins for poultry

Ali, Ahmed January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Australia produces 87% of the world’s lupins (Lupinus angustifolius) which have the potential to be an excellent source of protein and energy in animal diets. However, feed manufacturers and poultry producers cannot use more than about 5% lupins in broiler and 7% in layer diets. The main reason is because 34% of the lupin grain comprises complex cell-wall polysaccharides that are indigestible. The main component of cell walls in lupins is pectin (33%). Poultry cannot digest pectin because they don't secrete the appropriate enzymes so their ability to use lupins is limited. Undigested pectins increase the viscosity of digesta in the bird's digestive tract, which in turn reduces the digestibility of dry matter and efficiency of feed utilisation. Pectins also increase water-holding capacity, a characteristic directly related to water intake and wet droppings. In this thesis, I tested the general hypothesis that breakdown of cell walls and pectins will improve the nutritive value of lupins for broilers and layers and reduce wet droppings. This hypothesis was tested in six experiments by treating lupins with specific exogenous enzymes (pectinases) or mechanical-heat treatment (expansion) plus pectinase. In the first experiment, attempts to break down the cell walls and pectins using four doses of pectinase, specifically polygalacturonase (PG), succeeded in improving the nutritive value of whole and dehulled lupins for egg layers. The lowest dose, 0.6g/kg diet, was the most effective dose for reducing water intake, wet droppings, the viscosity of the digesta and the number of soiled eggs. ... Equivalent figures for layers were 14, 15, 5 and 8%, indicating that the pectinases were slightly more effective in layers than broilers. For diets containing 20% dehulled lupins, pectinases were also very effective at breaking down both pectin and cell walls to release nutrients and, concomitantly, reducing water intake and wet droppings, but the magnitude of the responses was slightly less than with the 10% dehulled lupin diets. For diets containing 30% dehulled lupins, although the pectinases again were effective at breaking down pectin and cell walls and reducing viscosity, they did not reduce water intake or wet droppings. This might be due to the large amounts of nonmethylated pectic polysaccharides, which make up two thirds of the cell walls, by increasing water-holding capacity particularly when dehulled lupins are included in the diet at high levels (up to 30%). These polysaccharides might be broken down by appropriate enzymes. This hypothesis is worth testing in the future. Overall, the results of my study supported the general hypothesis. These in vivo results are conclusive and consistent. They show that an optimum combination of PME and PG is capable of including dehulled lupins up to 20% in broiler and layer diets without any nutritional or hygienic problems. The strategies I developed have proven very useful for breaking down the cell walls and pectins, improving the nutritive value of lupins for broilers and layers, and reducing wet droppings. By using the optimum combination of two pectinases, it should be possible to make substantial improvements in the nutritive value of lupins for broilers and layers, most importantly by reducing excessive water intake and wet droppings associated with feeding dehulled lupins. Without pectinases, the amount of dehulled lupins used in poultry diets is fairly small (7%), but if pectinases are used, this upper limit can be lifted to 20%.

Alterações metabólicas e morfométricas induzidas por hipóxia em Gallus gallus

Oliveira, Evandro Menezes de [UNESP] 05 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-09T12:28:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2014-08-05Bitstream added on 2015-04-09T12:48:25Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000816835.pdf: 477732 bytes, checksum: 5361526fe0e8b4689d116ee1ecb9d976 (MD5) / Dois experimentos foram realizados para com o objetivo de analisar se a ingestão de até 5% de pectina cítrica altera o desempenho, o peso corporal, a digestibilidade da ração e a composição física e química dos ovos de poedeiras semipesadas. No primeiro experimento foram utilizadas duzentas poedeiras Lohmann Brown, da 29ª até a 41ª semana de idade, distribuídas homogeneamente pelo peso corporal (1,70kg±0,31kg) em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC), cinco tratamentos com porcentagens de fibra solúvel nas dietas (ração controle sem pectina, 2%, 3%, 4% e 5% de pectina cítrica purificada), com cinco repetições de oito aves por unidade experimental. O desempenho foi analisado no período total do experimento e os ovos analisados em 4 períodos intercalados de três semanas (31ª, 34ª, 37ª e 40ª semanas de idade). Os resultados mostraram que o desempenho das aves mediante a ingestão de fibra solúvel não alterou o consumo de ração, produção de ovos e peso dos ovos não foram alterados durante o período experimental e consequentemente a conversão alimentar também não teve variação. O peso corporal das aves que ingeriram ração padrão sem pectina tiveram aumento no ganho de peso da 29ª à 41ª semana de idade, não observado nas poedeiras que receberam ração com pectina. O peso dos ovos aumentou com a ingestão de ração com 3%. As características físicas e químicas dos ovos foram alteradas de acordo com a porcentagem de pectina e idade das aves, e o colesterol da gema é diminuído quando a pectina é ingerida por até 6 semanas. No segundo experimento foram utilizadas oitenta poedeiras Lohmann Brown, na 37ª semana de idade, distribuídas em (DIC), cinco tratamentos com porcentagens de fibra solúvel nas dietas (ração controle sem pectina, 2%, 3%, 4% e 5% de pectina cítrica purificada), com cinco repetições de quatro aves por unidade experimental. Analisou-se a digestibilidade dos ... / Two experiments were conducted in order to evaluate whether ingestion of up to 5% of citrus pectin alters the performance, body weight, digestibility of feed and the physical and chemical composition of egg of laying hens. In the first experiment two hundred Lohmann Brown laying hens were used in the 29th to 41th week of age, the body weight evenly distributed (1.70kg ± 0.31kg) in a completely randomized design with five treatments in percentages of soluble fiber diets (control diet without pectin, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% of purified citrus pectin), with five replicates of eight birds each. The performance and the eggs were analyzed in the total period of the experiment and analyzed for 4 interspersed periods of three weeks (31th, 34th, 37th and 40th weeks of age). The results showed that the performance of birds fed with soluble fiber intake did not affect feed intake, egg production and the egg weight were not changed during the experimental period and consequently the feed conversion was also no affected. The body weight of the birds that ate standard feed without pectin had an increase in weight gain of the 29th to 41st week of age, it was not observed in laying hens fed diets with pectin. Egg weight was increased with feed intake with 3%. The physical and chemical characteristics of the eggs were changed according to the percentage of pectin and age of the birds, and the yolk cholesterol is decreased when the pectin is ingested for up to six weeks. In the second experiment eighty Lohmann Brown hens were used at 37 weeks of age, in with five treatments percentages of soluble fiber in the diet (control diet without pectin, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% pectin purified citrus), with five replicates of four birds per experimental unit. We analyzed the digestibility of the ration by the method of total excreta collection for 5 days. The results showed that pectin increases the volume and the moisture of excreta and the digestibility ...

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