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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La réussite criminelle des participants à la fraude financière en ligne

Guillot, Mathieu 09 1900 (has links)
Le carding est un phénomène cybercriminel de par lequel des cyberdélinquants (appelés carders) vont compromettre et utiliser frauduleusement des données financières et bancaires. De nombreuses entités privées ou publiques ont mis en évidence l'importance des pertes monétaires occasionnées par ce nouveau type de criminalité. D'un point de vu criminologique, peu de recherches académiques se sont penchées sur l'ampleur de ce phénomène et plus particulièrement sur la réussite criminelle des carders. Pour combler ce manque de connaissances, ce projet de recherche a pour objectif de comprendre la réussite criminelle des carders en observant l'impact de leurs caractéristiques personnelles et sociales sur leurs revenus criminels. Les différentes variables mobilisées relatent entre autres les activités marchandes ou encore les caractéristiques sociodémographiques des carders interrogés. Pour ce faire, un sondage en ligné, hébergé sur Tor, a été mené. Au total, 49 sondages complets ont été collectés pour être analysés. En s'attelant à décrire les caractéristiques personnelles et sociales des carders, ce travail a été en mesure de mettre à jour les connaissances préalablement acquises sur les carders et de répondre à des manques de consensus sur certains pans des activités de ces cyberdélinquants. L'ensemble des résultats révèlent que peu de carders affichent une réussite criminelle élevée et qu'une minorité d'entre eux gagnent de forts revenus. La réussite crimnelle des carders s'explique par le fait de disposer de compétences spécialisées, de bénéficier d'une bonne expérience, d'utiliser des forums de discussion en ligne ou encore d'occuper des rôles centraux sur les lieux de convergence virtuels. Outre le fait d'apporter des réponses quant à ces prédicteurs sur la réussite criminelle des carders, ce projet de recherche permet de constater les apports et les faiblesses de l'utilisation d'un sondage pour collecter des données dans une écosystème cybercriminel. / Carding is a criminal phenomenon which consists of compromising financial data in order to do fraudulent transactions. Several private and public parties highlighted the size of the loss caused by this new form of criminality. From the criminological angle, little research is available in the size and scope of the phenomenon, particularly on the criminal achievement of this kind of online offenders (called carders). To fill this gap, this research project is aimed at understand the criminal achievement of carders by observing the impact of their personal and social characteristics on their criminal income. Theses variables relate among others to their market activities or their sociodemographic. To do so, an online survey, hosted on Tor, was conducted. A total of 49 completed surveys were collected to do our analysis. By describing these personal and social characteristics, this work has been able to update our knowledge about carders and to address gaps about certain part of what we known about carding. Overall, the results shown that few carders can claim a good criminal achievement and that a minority of them can earn large amounts of money. Experience, speciliazed skills, the use of online forums or play the role of broker explained the criminal achievement among carders.Apart from the fact that our study brings some answers about those predictors, this project highlights the strengths and weaknesses of using an online survey to collect data from a criminal ecosystem.

Lifecycle Affordability Decisions

Pourrezajourshari, Saba 08 1900 (has links)
SpaceX as aerospace manufacturer and space transport service technology company work along to make reusable rockets, their long term plan is to make spaceflight affordable routine. Elon Musk, as CEO, is involved in every step of decision making as he has mentioned in interviews. The rocket's engine has undergone a number of improvements, and to increase its efficiency and power, a number of parts has been reduced. The redesigning process involves several decisions, such as in-house or out-source production. This research provides a practical framework for contractors, suppliers, and manufacturers to build a more reliable, affordable, and low cost supply chain. As a result, the objective of my dissertation is to explore how managers can extend the useful life of their assets and reduce their total cost of ownership. The main research focus for this dissertation is lifecycle affordability (LCA) for capital intensive products when post production costs are significantly higher than production costs. Lifecycle cost is often not considered by firms in a product, service or asset when making acquisition decisions. Firm's acquisition are mainly based on the initial cost of the product. Decision making without considering the entire lifecycle cost of a product impacts the firm's profitability, revenue, pricing strategies, and competitiveness. Evaluating the trade-offs between all the costs involved in the product lifecycle can help firms to have an estimation of costs before making any acquisition decisions. To address these challenges, lifecycle affordability (LCA) considerations can enable firms to focus their decisions on their long-term investment process rather than trying to save on initial cost of purchasing a product. This dissertation presents the following research question: how has lifecycle affordability been represented in supply chain research to date? And what are constructs of lifecycle affordability? To address this research question, the dissertation is comprised of three separate essays. The first essay conducts literature review method to provide a framework for lifecycle affordability that reduces the total lifecycle cost while maintaining the reliability and efficiency of the capital equipment, and identify existing research gaps and future LCA research ideas. The second essay is constructed on a survey-based method and investigations how homeowners' lack of understanding lifecycle cost, and long-term affordability affects their dissatisfaction with the home purchase. A regression model is developed to study the factors that explain Homebuyers' lack of understanding cost, and affordability considerations. The third essay developed an agent-based model (ABM) to study small medium businesses (SMB) when the business organization and the community is hit by a disaster. The objective of the study is to investigate the resiliency and lifecycle affordability management of the community and the small medium businesses.

Using Topic Models to Study Journalist-Audience Convergence and Divergence: The Case of Human Trafficking Coverage on British Online Newspapers

Papadouka, Maria Eirini 08 1900 (has links)
Despite the accessibility of online news and availability of sophisticated methods for analyzing news content, no previous study has focused on the simultaneous examination of news coverage on human trafficking and audiences' interpretations of this coverage. In my research, I have examined both journalists' and commenters' topic choices in coverage and discussion of human trafficking from the online platforms of three British newspapers covering the period 2009–2015. I used latent semantic analysis (LSA) to identify emergent topics in my corpus of newspaper articles and readers' comments, and I then quantitatively investigated topic preferences to identify convergence and divergence on the topics discussed by journalists and their readers. I addressed my research questions in two distinctive studies. The first case study implemented topic modelling techniques and further quantitative analyses on article and comment paragraphs from The Guardian. The second extensive study included article and comment paragraphs from the online platforms of three British newspapers: The Guardian, The Times and the Daily Mail. The findings indicate that the theories of "agenda setting" and of "active audience" are not mutually exclusive, and the scope of explanation of each depends partly on the specific topic or subtopic that is analyzed. Taking into account further theoretical concepts related to agenda setting, four more additional research questions were addressed. Topic convergence and divergence was further identified when taking into account the newspapers' political orientation and the articles' and comments' year of publication.

Recidivism among Blended-Sentenced Juvenile Offenders: Analyzing the Effects of Maltreatment Severity

Valdez Gomez, Perla I. 05 1900 (has links)
Each year over half a million children are victims of childhood maltreatment. While a plethora of interdisciplinary research has evaluated the detrimental outcomes of these experiences, few studies have analyzed the effects contextual components of child abuse and neglect can have on the life-course of maltreated youth. Juvenile delinquency has been identified as a prominent outcome of maltreatment, however, a lesser portion of the empirical literature has focused on outcomes among more serious justice-involved juveniles. This study analyzed the effects of childhood maltreatment severity on the recidivism outcomes of 853 blended-sentenced juveniles in a large southern state. Previous studies demonstrated worsened outcomes associated with more severe maltreatment, thus higher recidivism rates were expected for more severely maltreated juveniles. The results indicated only sexual abuse severity impacted recidivism rates, and the direction of the relationship was negative. Implications of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.

The Story of Pathfinders [Family Pathfinders]: Investigating the Impact, Experiences, and Context of Re-Entry Mentoring

Hanich, Kristen Marie 12 1900 (has links)
The United States has the largest population of imprisoned persons in the world. The vast majority of these individuals eventually leave prison and re-enter society, facing a number of challenges in the process. Those who are unable to successfully re-enter society run the risk of recidivating back into the prison system. Mentoring has the potential to promote successful re-entry and help offenders to get their lives back on track. Pathfinders of Tarrant County is a unique organization. Its historical position as one of the foremost "welfare to work" programs gives it unique insight into the economic struggles of at-risk individuals and families, and its existing relationships with mentors and other community organizations gives it a rich pool of resources to draw from. By helping to connect participants with community resources, Pathfinders removes quite a bit of the complexity from seeking help at a time when vulnerable people need it most. This thesis presents an overview of how Pathfinders conducts mentoring and its unique brand of social service advocacy, including the unique and not-so unique challenges that a re-entry population may have to offer.

L’appropriation d’une nouvelle technologie au sein de la police : le cas de la caméra corporelle

Héroux, Antoine 07 1900 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs années, les services de police ont connu des transformations importantes en matière de gouvernance. Ces changements font notamment référence à l’introduction des pratiques de gestion du secteur privé dans le secteur public. Cette introduction a fait en sorte d’inciter les institutions publiques, comme la police, à devenir plus créatives afin d’atteindre leurs différents objectifs établis par le gouvernement. Afin d’y parvenir, plusieurs de ces institutions publiques ont choisi d’adopter de plus en plus de technologie. Ainsi, l’étude des impacts technologiques sur le milieu policier a connu une croissance importante durant les dernières années. Néanmoins, nous n’en savons encore que très peu quant à la manière dont les policiers s’approprient ces technologies. Cette étude s’intéresse alors à mieux comprendre les impacts de l’introduction d’une nouvelle technologie au sein d’un service de police, notamment sur les dimensions sociales, culturelle et politique de l’appropriation de cette technologie par les policiers. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons 20 entretiens d’un projet-pilote sur la caméra corporelle d’un grand service de police municipale. Les résultats suggèrent la présence de plusieurs impacts et enjeux quant au port de la caméra corporelle notamment par la présence de résultats inattendus, que ce soit sur des enjeux ergonomiques, des enjeux liés au travail policier, des enjeux médiatiques ou des enjeux légaux et juridiques. Aussi, les résultats suggèrent également la présence de différents impacts sur la dynamique relationnelle des policiers soit avec les citoyens, leurs collègues et leur hiérarchie. Les résultats suggèrent également que la majorité des policiers interviewés sont d’accord sur le fait que la caméra corporelle apporte plus de désavantages que d’avantages au travail policier. Ainsi, devant ces contraintes perçues des policiers, cette recherche permet de démontrer que les policiers ne sont pas demeurés passifs devant l’introduction de la caméra corporelle et qu’ils se sont approprié la caméra corporelle. / For several years, police services have undergone significant changes in governance. These changes include the introduction of private sector management practices in the public sector. This introduction has encouraged public institutions, such as the police, to become more creative in order to achieve their different goals set by the government. In order to achieve this, many of these public institutions have chosen to adopt more technology. Thus, the study of technological impacts on the police environment has grown significantly in recent years. Nevertheless, we still know very little about how the police appropriate these technologies. This study is interested in understanding the impacts of the introduction of a new technology within a police service, particularly on the social, cultural and political dimensions through the appropriation of this technology by police officers. To do this, we use 20 interviews of a pilot project on the body camera of a large municipal police service. The results suggest the presence of several impacts and challenges regarding the wearing of the body camera, notably by the presence of unexpected results on ergonomic issues, issues related to police work, media issues and legal issues. The results also suggest the presence of different impacts on the relational dynamics of the police either with the citizens, their colleagues and their hierarchy. The results also suggest that the majority of police interviewees agree that the body camera brings more disadvantages than benefits to police work. Thus, in the face of these perceived constraints, this research makes it possible to demonstrate that the police did not remain passive when faced with the introduction of the body camera and that they appropriated the body camera.

Évaluation de l’impact de la légalisation du cannabis sur les vendeurs canadiens actifs sur les cryptomarchés dans les trois mois suivant la légalisation

Fraser, Isabelle 02 1900 (has links)
Le 17 octobre 2018, le gouvernement libéral du Canada a légalisé le cannabis à usage récréatif dans le but d’offrir un accès sécuritaire et contrôlé à un produit de qualité, tout en empêchant les criminels de jouir des bénéfices associés au commerce de la drogue. De telles modifications au cadre légal ont soulevé de nombreuses inquiétudes de la part du public, notamment à l’effet d’une augmentation potentielle de la consommation. Le présent mémoire répond à une autre préoccupation; celle de la prolifération du marché noir. À ce jour, on ignore comment les trafiquants de cannabis réagiront à la légalisation de la drogue qu’ils fournissent. Les quelques recherches existantes, basées sur des données officielles et autorapportées, ne font pas consensus quant à l’effet de la légalisation sur l’offre illicite de cannabis. D’ailleurs, aucune étude n’a été réalisée dans le contexte particulier de la légalisation du cannabis au Canada, alors qu’il s’agit d’une réforme sans précédent en Amérique du Nord. Ce mémoire adopte une approche novatrice en utilisant les « traces numériques » collectées sur le cryptomarché Dream Market, un marché virtuel anonyme consacré à la vente de drogues illicites, pour décrire et comprendre l’impact de la légalisation sur les vendeurs de marijuana canadiens actifs sur ce marché. Des modèles de régression nous ont permis d’estimer l’effet de la légalisation sur la disponibilité du produit, le nombre de vendeurs et les revenus générés par la vente de marijuana. Ces mêmes analyses ont été utilisées pour déceler la présence d’un déplacement tactique, de cible et de substance par les vendeurs. Cette étude montre qu’à court terme, la légalisation a eu un effet sur les activités des vendeurs de marijuana canadiens, mais cet effet n’est pas celui escompté au regard des objectifs de santé et de sécurité publique du gouvernement. Au cours du premier trimestre de la légalisation, l’offre canadienne de marijuana dans le cryptomarché a augmenté de manière significative. De plus, contrairement à ce qui avait été anticipé par le législateur, les revenus des vendeurs de marijuana canadiens n’ont pas subi de baisses significatives après la légalisation. Enfin, les vendeurs semblent avoir anticipé les impacts de la légalisation sur leur chiffre d’affaires à plus long terme et ont choisi de se positionner favorablement dans d’autres types de marchés. Plus spécifiquement, les vendeurs font davantage de publicité dans le marché américain et dans d’autres sous-marchés de drogues, principalement les stimulants, les produits dérivés du cannabis et les psychédéliques. / On October 17, 2018, the Liberal government of Canada legalized recreational cannabis with the goal of providing safe and controlled access to a quality product, while preventing criminals from enjoying the benefits associated with the drug trade. Such changes to the legal framework have raised many concerns from the public, including the effect of increased consumption. This master's thesis addresses another concern: proliferation of the black market. To this day, it is not known how cannabis traffickers will react to the legalization of the drugs they supply. The few existing studies based on official and self-reported data do not agree on the effect of legalization on the illicit supply of cannabis. In fact, no study has been carried in the specific context of the legalization of cannabis in Canada, although this is an unprecedented reform in North America. This thesis takes an innovative approach by using “digital traces” collected on the cryptomarket Dream Market, an anonymous virtual marketplace dedicated to the sale of illicit drugs, to describe and understand the impact of legalization on Canadian marijuana sellers active in this market. Regression models allowed us to estimate the effect of legalization on product availability, number of vendors, and revenue generated from the sale of marijuana. These same analyzes were used to detect the presence of tactical, target and substance displacement by vendors. Overall, this study shows that in the short term, legalization has had an effect on Canadian marijuana vendors’ activities, but this effect is not what would be expected in light of the government's public health and safety objectives. During the first trimester of legalization, the Canadian supply of marijuana in the cryptomarket increased significantly. In addition, contrary to what had been anticipated by the legislator, Canadian marijuana sellers’ incomes did not suffer significant declines after legalization. Finally, sellers seem to have anticipated the impacts of legalization on their longer-term revenue and have chosen to position themselves favorably in other types of markets. More specifically, sellers are advertising more in the US market and in other drug submarkets, primarily stimulants, cannabis products, and psychedelics.

Vliv pohybové aktivity na kvalitu života osob ve výkonu trestu odnětí svobody / The impact of physical activity on the quality of life of persons serving a term of imprisonment

Smutná, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
Title: The impact of physical activity on the quality of life of persons serving a term of imprisonment Aims: The main aim of this thesis is to detect, if the health-oriented fitness and the level of quality of life of persons serving a term of imprisonment increases after ten weeks of a regular exercise. Another aim is to find out, if the results of the observed aspects of persons who did take part in the exercise programme will be much different from those who did not. Methods: This is an empiric-theoretical research thesis. Four ensembles took part in this quantitative research. The ensembles I. (N=5) and II. (N=7) filled out a self- designed questionnaire about quality of life and were tested for health-oriented fitness with the Fitnessgram test battery. The partial motor tests evaluate endurance, muscle strength and flexibility. This measurement was hold before and after a ten weeks long organized exercise program. The ensembles III. (N=15) and IV. (N=15) only filled out the questionnaire of quality of life twice, in the same period as the ensembles I. and II. Results: The results showed a positive impact of regular physical activity on the physical condition of the participants, because most of them improved their health- oriented fitness. Alongside the higher value of the quality of life in...

The Buffering Effects of Religiosity on Adolescent Alcohol Abuse Coping following Victimization

Bryant, Mark R 05 1900 (has links)
This research comprised a secondary study using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health restricted data set to examine the buffering effects of religiosity on adolescent alcohol coping following victimization within the context of Agnew's general stain theory. Its purpose was to determine if religiosity buffered the effects of alcohol abuse coping following victimization for native-born and foreign-born non-Hispanic adolescents, and was designed as a follow-up research study to similarly replicate a prior study limited to native-born and foreign-born Hispanic adolescents. This study's findings were consistent with prior research that higher religiosity was generally predictive of lower levels of alcohol abuse. However, in the presence of violent victimization, religiosity did not buffer later increased alcohol abuse coping for non-Hispanic adolescents. Native-born religiously oriented adolescents were as likely to abuse alcohol following violent victimization as their native-born non-religious peers. Foreign-born religiously oriented versus non-religiously-oriented adolescents did not have statistically significant different outcomes on later alcohol abuse following victimization. Foreign-born non-Hispanic adolescents as a group appeared generally insensitive to victimization strain as measured by alcohol abuse coping. An important outcome of this study was the collateral finding that being Catholic substantially increased the likelihood of later alcohol abuse for both native-born and foreign-born non-Hispanic adolescents; the increase in alcohol abuse for foreign-born adolescents was especially pronounced. The study's findings have particular relevance for adolescent counseling and others working with adolescents, and especially for those working within a religious context. Numerous areas for additional research are identified and discussed.

Sexual Orientation, Gender & Adolescent Involvement in Delinquency

Soto, Danielle A. 09 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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