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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza produktů penzijního spoření pod vlivem demografických změn / Analysis of pension insurance products under the influence of demographic change

Rathouská, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
Analysis of pension insurance products under the influence of demographic change Abstract The main objective of this study is to analyze pension insurance products, which are from the long term point of view the basis of the financial preparation for the pension period (the period of economic inactivity). In the first part are presented demographic changes of the Czech population in the period from 1991 till 2011 and their long term subsequences. Demographic changes are essential determinants of the need to secure another source of income in addition to the pension provided by the state. In the second part are discussed selected pension insurance products, namely building savings, pension insurance with state contribution and life insurance. The goal is to show possible amount of money saved by people during the saving period and subsequently possible amount of pension payable from different pension products in the relationship with the demographic changes.

Simulační model vývoje penzijního připojištění / The Simulation Model of the Development of Pension Insurance

Zárubová, Radka January 2011 (has links)
First, this thesis introduces the system of pension insurance with state contribution including its proposed amendment made in 2009. Its aim is to forecast and to analyse expected development in pension insurance with state contribution. The main part of the thesis is focused on the simulation model of this insurance product. Within this model, annual interest on contributions is randomly generated and the amount of money a client of a hypothetical pension fund would receive is calculated. To facilitate this simulation, I programmed and attached (as a part of the thesis) an application in VBA language which enables to run this simulation in the preset number of replications. The thesis gives four examples of simulation experiments -- a simulation of pension insurance, and a simulation of pension saving, both versions both with and without contributions made by client's employer. The comparison of the expected efficiency of the both systems from the point of view of the government and a client is drawn at the end of the thesis.

我國國民年金制度與財務規劃之研究 / The Financial Planning of Public Pension

邱美齊, Chiou, Mei Chyi Unknown Date (has links)
從風險的角度來看,所謂的老年風險主要有二:一是對存活期長短的不確定,一為對近老年時的工作能力狀態的不確定。因此,為針對此一風險之特性,以提供自進入老年時期以致死亡時的基本生活保障,個人可藉各種資源移轉的方式,獲取經濟生活的安全。而資源的移轉可分為三種類型:(一)家庭內的移轉,也就是俗稱的養兒防老;(二)生命週期的移轉,即個人透過儲蓄或投資,將生命中早期或中期的資源移轉至晚期使用;(三)社會移轉,例如透過政府的稅收制度或擬議中的國民年金保險,將資源從青壯年人口移轉給屆齡退休的老年人口。   然隨著晚近臺灣地區生育水準的降低及工業化、都市化的結果,想要藉家庭內資源移轉形式取得老年生活的照顧,已不可期待,促使父母尋求以積蓄或投資理財方法作為退休後生活的保障。但此種透過市場機制的資源移轉行為,也難免發生因通貨膨脹或生活水準提高,而吞蝕個人一生積蓄的風險。因此,使用社會移轉如國民年金保險制度的建立,來彌補或取代家庭資源和私人儲蓄的不足,成為國家介入老年福利資源移轉機制的理由。   年金保險制度既然有其需要性,自需做審慎的計畫與評估,而其中財務面的考量是不可欠缺的一環。唯有充足的財源與健全的財務責任制度,才能使年金保險徹底發揮其保障人民基本生活的功能,並使制度可長可久。故本文即著眼於年金保險的財務流程,探討其財源籌措方式、基金管理與運用策咯以及給付內容的擬訂。希望藉由完善的財務規劃,成為年金保險永續經營的支撐力量。   根據估算結果,開辦國民年金保險制度,將約增加六百四十六億元的國庫負擔。考慮當前政府的財政收支狀況及各種財源籌措方法後,以提高營業稅稅率與開徵所得稅附加捐為最適宜的財源取得管道。除了可支應年金保險的成本外,並能用來挹注財政收入。惟應先獲得民眾加稅的共識,才有利於制度的推行。   就基金管理與運用方面而言,為避免重蹈過去勞保責任準備金之投資,太重視安全性而忽咯收益性致使報酬過低之覆轍,今後年金基金的規劃方向應以收益性原則為主,安全性原則為輔,並兼顧基金所具有之公益性特質。一方面開放投資空間;一方面將民間資金導入國家建設,在獲取高收益的同時,亦能達成「取諸於被保險人,用諸於被保險人」的目的。   而合理給付內容之設計,不僅攸關被保險人權益,亦關係政府的財務負荷能力。由於國民年金係定位在提供「防貧」功能的基礎年金上,故考慮最低生活費及貧窮線後,以平均薪資額的30%為給付標準。另顧及個人因素、勞動市場需要及年金財務壓力,針對提早或延後退休的受雇者而有減額、增額年金之規定。此外,為確保年金給付實值與提昇大眾對年金保險的認同感,可分別採取給付調整措施及租稅優惠的方式,使制度更加合理化與普及化。   總之,一項周詳的計畫,應有縝密的考慮。以完備的財務力量做後盾,制度的目標才能落實,而民眾的福祉也才有所依歸。

Penzijní připojištění - preference pojistníků / Supplementary pension insurance - preferences of policyholders

STRNADOVÁ, Helena January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the supplementary pension insurance. The theoretical part of the work introduces basic principles of supplementary pension insurance such as the significant role in the pension system. The aim of the application part is to present the current state of pension. The largest share of the practical part will be devoted to the analysis of survey conducted by the author of the thesis. The target of questionnaire is to determine the preferences of policyholders and to find connections between different answers. Statistical methods will be used to process data.

Vytváření finančních rezerv do důchodového věku / Funds for the Retirement Age

BERANOVÁ, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
The diploma work deals with an analysis of the contemporary income distribution system in the Czech Republic and a chosen country of the EU. In order to compare the social system of the Czech Republic with another one, as the representative of the EU Slovakia was chosen for both countries have the same roots in the social area and their developement after dividing the CSFR is not so different as it is in comparison with other countries of the EU. The aim of this diploma work is to make a rounded-off view of the social systems of both countries and their comparison. Nowadays, scarcely anybody doubts that necessity for regulations and reforms in the area income distribution system is bigger and bigger. So far the inhabitants have been appealed for not relying just for the pension paid by the state but for ensuring their retirement from their own funds, especially if they are economically active. Among these funds belong different forms of investments and savings, life insurance and pension insurance. These funds are believed to be the most suitable and accessible means of creation of financial reserves used in the retirement and this diploma work deals with them as well. The diploma work should clarify the problems and by means of a scheme of the system existing in the Czech Republic make easier appreciation of steps made in various life situations.

Důchodové pojištění a demografický vývoj v České republice / Pension insurance and demographic development in the Czech Republic

Železná, Ladislava January 2015 (has links)
Pension insurance and demographic development in the Czech Republic Abstract The aim of this thesis is to describe the development of the pension insurance in the Czech Republic and changes in retirement age in relation to the development of life expectancy and changes in the age structure of the population of the Czech Republic. In the first part of the work, there demographic changes of the population are described and in particular, changes in the age structure of the population of the Czech Republic. The second part provides an overview of the historical development of pension insurance in the territory of today's Czech Republic, in particular the development of the most important laws, but also statistical data as well as basic concepts and characteristics of the current pension scheme. In the third part of this thesis are analyzed the changes in the age structure of the population and their relation to raising retirement age in the pension scheme of Czech Republic. Keywords: pension insurance, retirement age, the age structure of the population, life expectancy.

Zaměstnanecké benefity z pohledu českého účetnictví a IFRS / The employee benefits under Czech accounting regulations and IFRS

Béliková, Pavlína January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of employee benefits from accounting and tax point of view. At the beginning of the thesis there are several views on how employee benefits can be broken down and types to improve their efficiency. The thesis further defines how the employee benefits can be charged in the Czech accounting regulations. The content is the analysis of the most frequently provided employee benefits, on the basis of which are described in the next chapter the most frequent types of benefits, their tax regime and accounting capture. Everything is illustrated in practical examples. Another part of the thesis is devoted to IFRS accounting and individual types of employee benefits. At the end of the thesis the comparison of the Czech accounting regulations and the IFRS is made.

Zabezpečení na stáří v kontextu důchodové reformy / Old age security in the context of the pension reform

Doubková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the pension system of the Czech Republic in the context of the pension reform. It responds to the issues of unfavorable demographic developments. The starting point of the thesis is theoretical description of the classification of the pension systems. The attention paids to the characteristics of the pension system in the Czech Republic. The main part of the thesis analyzes individual pillars and highlights the changes caused by the pension reform. The practical part of the thesis focuses on the evaluation of the profitability of the funds of the third pillar, the calculation of the pensions from the first pillar pensions arising from comparing each of the three pillars of the pension reforms and proposals of the pension reforms. The aim is to analyze certain issues and evaluate how the pension reform was successful.

Předčasný důchod a předdůchod, jejich dopad na příjmy v důchodovém věku / Early Retirement and Pre-retairment, their Impact on Retirement Income

Stejskalová, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the part of the pension reform, the issue pre-retairments as alternatives to early retirement. The thesis also includes assessing the impact of these two options to employees and employers.

中國大陸養老保險制度中個人帳戶法制之研究 / Study on individual retirement account of pension insurance system in China

孫一平 Unknown Date (has links)
中國大陸於1997年向全國推廣個人帳戶制和社會統籌制相結合的養老保險制度。該個人帳戶制度缺乏互濟性,運行效果不彰,又復有空帳運轉、基金挪用等問題。本文利用文獻分析法,欲探究中國大陸養老保險個人帳戶法制之形成過程。養老保險個人帳戶制的改革是國有企業改革、市場經濟體制改革、世界銀行、新自由主義思潮和媒體宣傳、學界背書等因素共同作用的結果。累積式個人帳戶制度一定程度達到了減輕國有企業責任和國家財政負擔、處理通貨膨脹和累積資本的目的,卻缺乏共濟性,無法因應通貨膨脹風險,暴露國民於老年經濟風險之中。未來中國大陸養老保險之改革應回復保障老年經濟安全之主要目標,將個人帳戶制從基本養老保險層次分離,健全社會保險法制,方符合社會保險之理念,保障公民社會安全權。 / It’s in 1997 that mainland of China decides to promote the pension insurance system which has been combined between the individual retirement account and PAYG nationwide. There are some problems existing in such an IRA system such as the lacks of the mutuality, the unsatisfying operation effect, and the operation of the empty account as well as fund misappropriation. With the adoption of the literature analysis method, this paper aims to explore the formation process of mainland China IRA legal system of pension insurance. The reform of IRA system of pension insurance serves as the result of the joint action of numerous factors such as state-owned enterprise reform, market economy system reform, World Bank and neo-liberalism and media propaganda as well as academic endorsement. To some extent, the cumulative IRA has reached the goal of alleviating the responsibility of state-owned enterprises and the financial burden of the State, as well as dealing with inflation and accumulating capital. However, its lacks of the mutuality and inability to deal with the inflation risk will expose the citizens to the risk of the old economy. Therefore, in the future, the reform of pension insurance in mainland China should insist the main goal of guaranteeing the old-age economic security so as to not only separate IRA from basic pension insurance, but also perfect the social insurance legal system, and in such way it will conform to the concept of social insurance and guarantee the citizen's right to social security.

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