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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The petrogenesis of the older ( > 3.0 Ga) potassic granitoids of eastern Mpumalanga (South Africa) and Swaziland : an investigation of crustal formation processes in the early Earth / La pétrogenèse des granitoïdes potassiques plus anciens ( > 3,0 Ga) du Mpumalanga oriental (Afrique du Sud) et du Swaziland : une étude des processus de formation de la croûte terrestre au début du siècle dernier

Sanchez-Garrido, Cynthia 28 June 2012 (has links)
La croûte de granitoïdes de la Terre Primitive la plus ancienne qui ait été préservée remonte au Paleoarchéen et se compose principalement de granitoïdes sodiques tonalite-trondhjémite-granodiorite (TTG) qui se sont formés par fusion partielle de métabasaltes hydratés. En revanche, les granites (stricto sensu) sont en général postérieurs aux TTG et apparaissent tardivement dans les cratons anciens.Cependant, l’existence de zircons Hadéens préservant des suites d’inclusions minérales qui sont compatibles avec la cristallisation à partir d’un magma granitique peralumineux, indique que les roches granitiques faisaient aussi partie de la croûte felsique de la Terre Primitive; même si nous n’avons pas de preuves directes et que cette dernière n’ait pas conservée. Dans cette thèse, je présente une variété inhabituelle de granites et rhyolites peralumineux qui sont marqués par un forte teneur en K2O et une faible teneur en CaO et qui possèdent du rutile. Ces roches sont situées dans le conglomérat basal du Groupe du Moodies (Afrique du Sud). Elles défient la vision commune que l’on a de l’évolution des cratons Archéens puisqu’elles ont été produites en même temps que des magmas TTG, pendant trois cycles magmatiques qui ont affectés la ceinture de roches vertes de Barberton (CRVB). Ces roches ont été par la suite mises en place, comme galets, dans un conglomérat plus jeune.L’étude des inclusions minérales localisées dans des zircons présents dans les granites et les rhyolites qui font le sujet de cette étude, montre que les inclusions de feldspaths alcalins sont plus abondantes que les inclusions de plagioclases et démontre que les principales caractéristiques de ces granites, c’est à dire qu’ils sont riches en K et pauvres en Ca, ont une signature magmatique. La signature isotopique de l’oxygène de ces zircons révèle que ceux-ci ont conservé la valeur du δ18O du magma à partir duquel les granites se sont formés. De plus ceci montre que la valeur du δ18O de la source des granites etait proche de celle de TTG contemporains. La poursuite de l’étude des zircons montre que leur système isotopique Lu-Hf reflète la signature crustale du magma dans lequel ils ont cru. L’étude Sm-Nd des granites et rhyolites indique que l’âge minimum du protolithe de leur source est de près de 3,9 milliards d’années, ce qui est en accord avec la signature Lu-Hf des zircons. De plus, je montre dans cette thèse que le caractère peralumineux des granites et des rhyolites, avec leur forte teneur en Sr et basse teneur en Ca associés à leurs Eu / Eu * ~ 1, est une conséquence de la fusion partielle de phengite dans une source métagrauwacke à des pressions supérieures a celle de la stabilité du plagioclase. Mon travail montre donc que des granites peralumineux riches en K et pauvres en Ca ont été générés durant le Paléo et Méso-Archéen, aux côtés des TTG sodiques, par la fusion partielle de sédiments, à haute pression. Non seulement ce processus a démontré la capacité de la Terre Primitive à recycler du matériel relativement jeune et ce, dès 3,9 milliards d’années; mais il a également contribué à chaque épisode de croissance crustale à travers le Paleo- et Méso-Archéen dans la CRVB, malgré l’absence de pluton mis en place à des profondeurs identiques à celles des TTG. / Earth’s oldest preserved granitoid crust dates back to the Paleoarchean and consists predominantly of sodic tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) granitoids that arose through the partial melting of hydrated metabasalts. In contrast, granites (sensu stricto) typically postdate the TTG and appear late in the plutonic record of the old cratons. However, the existence of Hadean zircons with mineral inclusion suites that are consistent with crystallization from peraluminous granitic magmas indicates that granitic rocks formed part of the earliest felsic crust; although we have direct evidence, this earliest felsic crust is not preserved. In this PhD I present an unusual variety of markedly CaO-poor, K2O-rich, rutile-bearing, peraluminous granite and rhyolite that are located in the basal conglomerate of the Moodies Group (South Africa). These rocks challenge the common view of the Archean craton evolution as they were produced concurrently with TTG magmas during three magmatic cycles in the Barberton Greenstone Belt (BGB) and were later emplaced, as clasts, in a younger conglomerate. The study of mineral inclusions located in the zircons present within the granites and rhyolites, shows that alkali feldspar inclusions are abundant relative to plagioclase inclusions and demonstrates that the main characteristics of these granites, i.e. they are K-rich and Ca-poor, are a magmatic signature. The oxygen isotope signature of these zircon grains reveals that the zircons have preserved the δ18O value of the magma from which the granites originated and that the source of the granites had a magmatic oxygen isotope value close to the one of the regional coeval TTG. Further study of the zircons shows that their Lu-Hf isotopic system reflects the crustal signature of the magma into which they grew. Sm-Nd study of the granites and rhyolites whole rock indicates that the minimum age of the source’s protolith of the granites and rhyolites is close to 3.9 billion years, which is in agreement with the zircons’ Lu-Hf signature. Additionally I show in this thesis that the peraluminous character of the granites and rhyolites, along with their high Sr and low Ca content associated to their Eu/ Eu* ~ 1 is a consequence of phengite melting in a metagreywacke source at pressures in excess of plagioclase stability. My work therefore illustrates that K-rich, Ca-poor peraluminous granites were generated in the Paleo and Meso Archean, alongside with the sodic TTG, through partial melting of sediments at high pressures. Not only has this process demonstrated the ability of the early Earth to recycle relatively young material since 3.9 billions years ago, but it has also contributed to each episode of continental crustal growth through the Paleoarchean to Mesoarchean in the BGB, despite leaving no plutonic record at the typical mid-crustal level of exposure that the TTG plutons around the belt represent.

Etude structurale et propriétés des verres peralumineux de conditionnement des produits de fission et actinides mineurs" / Structural study and properties of peraluminous formulations for the fission products and minor actinides confinement

Gasnier, Estelle 18 October 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre de la recherche de nouvelles formulations verrières pour le conditionnement des produits de fission et actinides mineurs (PFA). Il s’agit d’étudier une composition de verre dans le domaine peralumineux (défaut de compensateurs de charge en alcalins et alcalino-terreux par rapport à l’aluminium) présentant un taux de charge au moins équivalent à celui du verre R7T7 (18,5 % mass. PFA) et de statuer sur la potentialité de ces matrices vitreuses comme matrice de conditionnement. La première partie de cette étude évalue les propriétés physico-chimiques de verres peralumineux complexes en fonction de la teneur en PFA (de 18,5 à 32 % mass.) afin de vérifier leur adéquation avec le cahier des charges prédéfini. La très faible tendance à la cristallisation de ces matrices pour des teneurs en PFA allant jusqu’à 22,5 % massiques ainsi que l’excellente durabilité chimique observée jusqu’à présent sont des atouts indéniables. La seconde partie de l’étude apporte des informations sur l’incorporation des terres rares dans des verres de composition simplifiée du système SiO2-B2O3-Al2O3-Na2O-CaO-TR2O3 (TR=Nd ou La). L’homogénéité et la tendance à la dévitrification des verres sont étudiés à l’échelle micrométrique (DRX, MEB) et nanométrique (MET) et la spectroscopie RMN (MAS, MQMAS, REDOR, HMQC, DHMQC), combinée à la spectroscopie d’absorption optique du néodyme, se révèle un outil puissant pour mettre en évidence le rôle structural de la terre rare vis-à-vis de l’aluminium et décrire de façon précise l’organisation du réseau vitreux peralumineux. L’homogénéité des matrices sur une large gamme de composition et des données structurales inédites sur l’organisation du réseau vitreux à fortes teneurs en terres ont ainsi pu être mis en évidence. / In this work, peraluminous glasses (lack of alkaline and alkaline earth ions regarding aluminum) are under study to assess the potentiality of these matrices to confine fission products and minor actinides (FPA) at higher rate than current R7T7 glass (18,5 wt % FPA). The first part of this work aims at studying the physical and chemical properties of complex peraluminous glasses containing increasing FPA rate (18.5 to 32 wt %) to compare them with the specifications. The very low crystallization tendency of complex glasses containing up to 22.5 wt % as well as the very good chemical durability observed are major assets. The other part focuses on the lanthanides incorporation in simplified glass compositions in the SiO2-B2O3-Al2O3-Na2OCaO- Ln2O3 system (Ln = Nd or La). The glass homogeneity and devitrification tendency are investigated at different scales by XRD, SEM, TEM and structural techniques such as NMR (MAS, MQMAS, REDOR, HMQC, DHMQC) and neodymium optical spectroscopy that appear very powerful to determine the lanthanides structural role regarding aluminum and describe more precisely the structural organization of peraluminous network, as still unknown in such systems. The glass homogeneity was demonstrated in a large composition domain and new structural data were put in evidence at high lanthanides content.

Garnetites of the Cardigan Pluton - Evidence for Restite and Implications for Source Rock Compositions.

Pett, Teresa K. 17 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The Cardigan pluton, located in the southern half of New Hampshire, is a strongly peraluminous, S-type granite which is granodioritic in composition. It is inferred to have been emplaced rapidly, thrust up along west-verging nappes during the Acadian orogeny. Distinctive pods, consisting of 50 to 70 percent modal garnet, are found throughout the pluton in assemblages of garnet + sillimanite + biotite + plagioclase + quartz. These garnetite rocks present an intriguing case for restite. Textural features of the garnetite rocks, such as fibrolitic sillimanite mats and flat, unzoned major and trace-element garnet grain profiles, provide evidence for biotite dehydration melting with single-stage garnet growth from the reaction: bio + plag + qtz + kspar = gar + sill + liq. Temperatures calculated using garnet-biotite (GB) thermometry and garnet-aluminum silicate-quartz-plagioclase (GASP) barometry yield estimates between 662-714ºC and 3.8 kbars. These low calculated temperatures are most likely the result of biotite compositions which have been altered by retrograde exchange reactions. The dominant source rock for the Cardigan magmas was likely calc-pelitic to greywacke in composition. Major element modeling suggests that ~70% melting of a calc-pelitic metasediment from the Central Maine trough could have generated a granodioritic melt similar to the average granodiorite of the Cardigan pluton. However, most of the Cardigan garnetite rocks appear to have been derived from pelites, as they are too poor in CaO and Na2O. Hence, though the majority of garnetite rocks cannot represent the dominant restite of the source rocks that produced the Cardigan pluton, they do appear to be the melt-depleted residue of an unidentified pelitic source. Comparison of Nd and Sr isotopic data from garnetite and Central Maine trough metasediments permit an interpretation that the Lower Rangeley Formation, from the Central Maine trough, could be the source rock of the Cardigan magmas. However, one feldspar Pb isotopic analysis in the literature (Moench and Allienikoff, 2002) and rare monazite chemical ages near 600 Ma suggest that the Cardigan pluton does not have a Laurentian source (i.e. Lower Rangeley Formation or other Central Maine trough metasediments), whereas an inferred peri-Gondwanan basement source is permissible.

Magmatic-petrogenetic & structural relationships of the Peninsula Granite of the Cape Granite Suite (CGS) with the Malmesbury Group, Sea Point contact, Saldania Belt, South Africa

Mhlanga, Musa January 2020 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The Sea Point contact, Cape Town, South Africa, exposes the contact between the Neoproterozoic Malmesbury Group metasedimentary rocks of the Pan-African Saldania belt and the intrusive S-type Peninsula Granite of the Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic Cape Granite Suite (CGS). The exposure outcrops over an area of approximately 170 m × 60 m with the northern end of the exposure being characterized by the country rock–microgranite intrusive contact. Heading further south, the outcrop transitions to the main contact zone, which is a predominantly gradational zone marked by sheets of compositionally variable granitic injections (collectively referred to as hybrid granite phases) concordant to the country rock structure, before reaching the main pluton area comprising the voluminous coarse-grained porphyritic granite. Using a combined study incorporating field, structural, geochemical, isotopic and U-Pb geochronological data, the intrusive contact is investigated to determine the construction history of the pluton and delineate possible emplacement mechanisms. The granitic phases, which vary from fine-grained leucocratic, medium-grained porphyritic to coarse-grained porphyritic, are peraluminous, magnesian to ferroan, and alkali-calcic. Based on the linear trends between the whole-rock major and trace element content of the granites vs. maficity (molar Fe + Mg), their initial Sr ratios and εNd(t) values, the granites of the study area are consistent with the currently proposed petrogenetic model for the CGS (e.g. Stevens et al., 2007; Villaros et al., 2009a; Harris & Vogeli, 2010); i.e., they are crustally derived and their chemical variability is controlled primarily by peritectic assemblage entrainment. The fractional crystallization of K-feldspar is identified as the primary mechanism for the local geochemical variability of the granites. The fractionation of K-feldspar as a mechanism of variability was evaluated using binary log-log diagrams of Ba, Sr and Eu and is interpreted to have taken place at levels close to the emplacement site after source entrainment processes. Although there is outcrop evidence, particularly in the main contact zone, to suggest that local assimilation and filter pressing took place, this was not reflected by the whole-rock and isotope geochemistry of the granites. This suggests that these processes are very localized and will need further rigorous testing to ascertain the extent to which they caused variability. Outcrop evidence for assimilation includes gradational country rock-granite contacts and the ductile behaviour of the country rock, whereas the occurrence of K-feldspar megacrysts embedded in the country rock at the main contact zone suggests melt accumulation and escape consistent with the filter pressing mechanism. In the case of the latter, the melt fraction of the granite was easily mobilized and driven out compared to the crystal fraction (K-feldspars) during the emplacement of the granites. Field relationships and the structural interpretation of the Malmesbury Group country rocks and the granites reveal that: (1) the various granites are late syn-tectonic and (2) were emplaced as incrementally assembled, repeated pulses of inclined granitic sheets more or less normal (i.e. at high angles) to the regional NE-SW shortening (D1) of the Malmesbury forearc during the Saldanian orogeny. Given the lack of a controlling shear zone in facilitating granite emplacement in the study area, the pre-existing planar anisotropies (bedding planes and foliations) in the country rock provided preferential pathways for magma emplacement and propagation during deformation. This implies that the tensile strength normal and parallel to the bedding and foliation anisotropy of the country rock was larger than the regional differential stress (σ1 – σ3, with σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ3), allowing for magma emplacement relative to shortening. Sheet propagation is interpreted to have occurred through the balance of the following conditions: (1) density contrasts between host rocks and magmas, (2) the pressure differential along the subvertical fractures/sheets, and (3) the melt pressure equalling the lithostatic pressure to keep the magma pathways open and being sufficiently high such that it exceeds the sum of σ1 and the tensile strength of the rock parallel to σ1. The crystallization ages of the dated granite samples are identical within error and vary between 538.7 ± 3.6 Ma and 542.7 ± 2.9 Ma. They, therefore, cannot prove which granite phase intruded first and which one proceeded and so forth. Field relationships, however, suggests that the microgranites were first to intrude given their fine-grained nature and the localized chilled contacts they show with the country rock. The various coarser-grained and porphyritic phases were next to intrude, with their coarse grain-sizes and lack of chilled margins with the country rock suggesting that the time interval between their successive emplacements was not too long; this prevented the country rock from completely cooling down between each magma batch. Magma stoping and the ductile flow of the host material (owing to highly viscous magma flow) to accommodate granite emplacement are interpreted to be secondary emplacement processes.

Petrologia e Mineralogia de rochas graníticas e gabrodioríticas dos plutons Palermo e Rio Negro, região do Alto Rio Negro, PR-SC, Província Graciosa

Crisma, Pedro Rabello 22 March 2013 (has links)
Os Plutons Palermo (ca. 250 km2) e Rio Negro (ca. 130 km2) afloram na região Alto Rio Negro (PR) e fazem parte da Província Graciosa, uma província Neoproterozóica (ca. 580 Ma) constituída por granitos e sienitos na região S-SE do Brasil. Em ambos os plutons afloram variedades de rochas graníticas, predominantes, e gabro-dioríticas, bem como rochas híbridas, principalmente granodioritos. Estes plutons apresentam zonamento em geral bem marcado, que é tipicamente inverso caso do Pluton Rio Negro. As rochas graníticas principais correspondem a sieno- e monzogranitos predominantes e álcali-feldspato granitos e quartzo monzonitos subordinados de natureza metaluminosa a levemente peraluminosa. São rochas com estruturas maciças e texturas variadas que apresentam como associação mineral máfica típica hb + bi ± all + zr + ap ± ti + mt + ilm); as rochas gabro-dioríticas incluem gabro-dioritos e quartzo monzogabro-dioritos metaluminosos com estruturas maciças e granulações fina a média, caracterizadas pela associação cpx ± opx + hb + bt ± ti ± ap ± zr. A composição dos plagioclásios nestas rochas varia no intervalo de labradorita a andesina. As rochas híbridas são principalmente granodioritos que se caracterizam por uma variedade de estruturas e texturas indicativas de desequilíbrio, compatíveis com processos de coexistência e mistura parcial entre líquidos ácidos e básico-intermediários que formaram os granitos principais e os gabro-dioritos. Estas rochas são mais comuns no Pluton Rio Negro. A associação mineral máfica é similar, mas com abundâncias distintas de fases, à observada para os granitos principais. Nas rochas graníticas os anfibólios são Fe-hornblenda e Fe-edenita, com valores 0,65 < fe# < 0,95, os valores mais elevados ocorrendo nos álcali-feldspato granitos, as biotitas apresentam 0,71 < fe# < 0,99, observando-se que o componente annítico é também maior nestas últimas rochas. No caso das rochas gabro-dioríticas, os valores fe# variam entre 0,48 e 0,59, 0,41 e 0,56, 0,47 e 0,53 e 0,54 a 0,57 para ortopiroxênio, clinopiroxênio, anfibólio e biotita, respectivamente. As composições médias de orto- e clinopiroxênio coexistentes são \'Wo IND.46\'\' En IND.30\'\' Fe IND.24\' e \'Wo IND.3\'\' En IND.42\'\'Fe IND.55\' e a sugerem uma possível afinidade toleítica, ou cálcio-alcalina, para magma original. Os padrões de elementos terras raras revelam fatores de enriquecimento entre 1-10, 50-70, 100-300 em relação à composição condrítica para ortopiroxênio, clinopiroxênio e anfibólio nas rochas estudadas, com fracionamento bem marcado dos elementos leves em relação aos pesados no ortopiroxênio, não observado no caso de clinopiroxênio e anfibólio. Todos os padrões são caracterizados por anomalia negativa bem marcada de Eu. As pressões de cristalização dos magmas foram estimadas entre 1-3,5 kbar, mas os valores acima de ca. 2 kbar possivelmente não tenham significado real, dadas as composições mais ferroanas dos anfibólios. Temperaturas de saturação de zircão e/ou apatita e de equilíbrio entre orto- e clinopiroxênio, anfibólio-plagioclásio indicam intervalos de cristalização entre ca. 1000 e 750° C para as rochas gabro-dioríticas e entre ca. 900 e 670° C para os granitos principais. As paragêneses minerais e os valores obtidos para o número fe# em biotita em equilíbrio com feldspato alcalino e magnetita apontam para condições de cristalização relativamente oxidantes para as rochas félsicas, exceto os álcali-feldspato granitos, e máfico-intermediárias, superiores ao tampão QFM. / The Palermo (ca. 250 km2) and Rio Negro (ca. 130 km2) Plutons crop out in the so called Alto Rio Negro region , Parana state, making part of the Graciosa Province, a NeoProterozoic province (ca. 580 Ma) constituted by granites and syenites in S-SE Brazil. The plutons are made predominant granitic rocks, gabbro-diorites, as well as hybrid rocks constituted mainly by granodiorites. Both plutons show compositional a zoning pattern, which is inversed in the case of the Rio Negro Pluton. The main granitid rocks are mainly metaluminous to slightly peraluminous syeno- and monzogranites with subordinate quartz monzonites and alkcali-feldspar granites. They show a massive structure and a variety of textures, with hb + bi ± all + zr + ap ± ti + mt + ilm as the typical mafic mineral association. Gabbro-dioritic rocks include fine- to medium-grained metaluminous gabro-diorites and quartz monzogabrros and diorites with massive strucure characterized by the mafic mineral associations with cpx ± opx + hb + bt ± ti ± ap ± zr. In these rocks, the plagioclase compositions vary between labradorite and andesine. Hybrid rocks are mainly granodiorites characterized by several strucures and textures indicative of desiquilibrium and mingling/partial mixing between the silicic and basic-intermediate melts that formed the mainn granites and the gabbro-diorites. Such rocks are more abundant in the Rio Negro Pluton. The mafic mineral association is similar, but in contrasted relative abundance, to the ones found in the main granites. In the main granites the amphiboles are Fe-horblende and Fe-edenite, with 0.65 < fe# < 0.95, the higher among these values appearing in the alkali-feldspar granites. Biotite present 0.70 < fe# < 0.99 and the annitic component are also higher in the later rocks. In the case of the gabbro-dioritic rocks, the fe# numbers range between 0.48 and 0.59, 0.41 and 0.56, 0.47 and 0.53 and 0.54 and 0.57 in ortopyroxene, clinopyroxene, amphibole and biotite, respectively. The averaged compositions of coexisting orto- and clinopyroxene are \'Wo IND.46\'\'En IND.30\'\'Fe IND.24\' and \'Wo IND.3\'\'En IND.42\'\'Fe IND.55\' and suggest a tholeiitic or calk-alkaline nature of the original melts. Rare earth element patterns reveal enrichment factors up to 1-10, 50-70, 100-300 relative to the chondritic composition in ortopyroxene, clinopyroxene and amphibole, respectively, with a well marked fractionation of the heavy over the light rare earths in the case of the ortopyroxene, a feature not observed in clinopyroxene and amphibole. All patterns show a notable Eu negative anomaly. Melts crystallization pressures were estimated to be between 1 and 3.5 kbar; however values higher than ca. 2 kbar seems to be unrealistic given the ferroan compositions of some amphiboles. Zircon and apatite saturation temperatures coupled with ortopyroxene-clinopyroxene and amphibole-plagioclase equilibrium temperatures suggest crystallization intervals between ca. 1000 - 750° C in the case of the gabbro-diorites and ca. 900 - 670° C in the case of the main granites. Mineral paragenesis and fe# values in biotite in equilibrium with alkali-feldspar and magnetite suggests relative oxidizing crystallization conditions for the acid and basic-intermediate melts, higher than the QFM buffer, the alkali-feldspat granites being a possible exeption.

Batólito Serra das Araras: um exemplo de magmatismo granítico peraluminoso sintectônico do Ediacarano, região sudoeste do estado do Rio de Janeiro / not available

Iuri Bomtempo Retamal 29 September 2016 (has links)
Magmas graníticos peraluminosos são gerados por meio da anatexia de rochas crustais em cinturões orogênicos continentais. Os granitos do Cinturão Ribeira Central são relacionados a processos orogênicos de convergência de blocos litosféricos, durante o Neoproterozoico. O Batólito Serra das Araras é um corpo granítico, tabular e peraluminoso localizado no Domínio Paraíba do Sul, região sudoeste no estado do Rio de Janeiro - Brasil. O corpo é alongado na direção NE-SW e sua deformação foi gerada pela atividade de zonas de cisalhamento dúcteis de movimentação preferencial destral, que também controlaram o alojamento do magma granítico. O presente trabalho visa a caracterizar o Batólito Serra das Araras com base em dados de petrografia, de geoquímica de rocha total, de química mineral (EPMA) e de geocronologia U-Pb e LuHf (LA-ICP-MS) em grãos de zircão. Três amostras representativas foram analizadas para obtenção das idades U-Pb de cristalização e de metamorfismo. Essas amostras são compostas de granitos com matriz protomilonítica com muscovita, biotita e granada, um dique sienogranítico com 15-30 cm de espessura e um enclade de quartzo diorito. O plagioclásio possui composição entre oligoclásio (An16) e andesina (An38) e possui núcleos mais enriquecidos em anortita. Todas as amostras apresentam fases ricas em almandina com bordas levemente enriquecidas em manganês, produto do metamorfismo de médio a baixo grau. Os dados isotópicos U-Pb em grãos de zircão revelaram que o magmatismo granítico cristalizou-se ca. 595 Ma e foi gerado no mesmo evento tectono-termal Ediacarano que gerou granitos tipo-I e tipo-S de caráter pós-colisional no Domínio Embu/Paraíba do Sul. Os dados isotópicos de Lu-Hf indicam a reciclagem de crosta juvenil do Riaciano-Orosiriano e de crosta continental do Orosiriano como fontes do protólito metassedimentar do Batólito Serra das Araras. A composição contrastante do enclave de quartzo diorito (amostra SA-06), de caráter metaluminoso e com valores menos degativos de \'\'épsilon\'Hf IND.t\' (entre -5,7 and -8,1), sugere o envolvimento marginal de fontes orto-derivadas da crosta inferior. As idades de cristalização e a composição do batólito indicam que seu magmatismo é correlacionável com granitos peraluminosos do Domínio Embu e do Orógeno Araçuaí. / Peraluminous granitic magmas are produced by anatexis of crustal rocks in continental orogenic belts. Orogenic granites of Central Ribeira Belt are correlated with the collision of lithospheric blocks during Neoproterozoic. The Serra das Araras Batholith is a tabular granitic body of peraluminous composition located at Paraíba do Sul Domain, southwestwards of Rio de Janeiro state - Brazil. The body is elongated at NE-SW direction and its deformation was produced by ductile shear zones with dextral movement component, which has also controlled magma emplacement. The aim of this study is to characterize the Serra das Araras Batholith and to provide petrography, whole-rock geochemistry (major and trace elements), mineral chemistry (EPMA) and combined LA-ICP-MS U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic analyses in zircon grains. Three representative samples were analyzed for isotopic determination in order to obtain crystallization and metamorphic U-Pb ages. These samples are composed of monzogranite with protomylonitic texture; a 15-30 cm thick syenogranite dyke and a biotite-hornblende quartz diorite enclave. Plagioclase is Andesine and Oligoclase (An16-38). Anorthite contents display a progressive zoning with rims having lower contents than cores. All samples exhibit almandine-rich phases, with slightly Mg-rich cores and Mn-rich rims, produced by metamorphism of medium to low grade. Zircon U-Pb isotopic data reveal that the batholith was emplaced ca. 595 Ma and was generated at the same middle-Ediacaran tectono-thermal event that generated voluminous I-type and S-type granitoids of post-collisional character at Embu/Paraíba do Sul Domain. Lu-Hf isotopic data suggest that late-Rhyacian to Orosian juvenile and continental crust have been sources of metasedimentary protoliths of Serra das Araras Batholith. The contrasting composition of the quartzdiorite enclave (sample SA-06), of metaluminous character and less negative \'\'épsilon\'Hf IND.t\' values (between - 5.7 and -8.1), suggests a marginal involvement of ortho-derived igneous rocks of the lower crust. The crystallization ages of the granites are coeval with peraluminous granites of Embu Domain and of Araçuaí Belt.

Anisotropia de Susceptibilidade Magnética (ASM) aplicada ao modelo de posicionamento do Granito Butiá: um granito sintectônico peraluminoso do sul do Brasil

Lyra, Diego da Silveira January 2018 (has links)
O período pós-colisional do Ciclo Brasiliano/Pan-africano é marcado no sul do Brasil pela ocorrência de granitos metaluminosos e peraluminosos, controlados por um sistema transcorrente de zonas de cisalhamento (ZC). No Rio Grande do Sul (RS), a Zona de Cisalhamento Transcorrente Dorsal de Canguçu (ZCTDC), de cinemática sinistral e direção NE, é a principal estrutura que condicionou o posicionamento desses granitos (ca. 634 – 610 Ma). Entretanto, o Granito Butiá (GB – 629 Ma), localizado a noroeste da ZCTDC, ocorre como um corpo alongado de direção NNW que intrude rochas de alto grau metamórfico do Complexo Várzea do Capivarita (ca. 650 Ma). O GB possui trama planar bem desenvolvida (S>L), cuja foliação mergulha com alto ângulo para NNW; apesar de raramente apresentar lineação, seu posicionamento é interpretado como sintectônico a uma ZC transcorrente de cinemática destral. Dessa forma, um estudo de anisotropia de susceptibilidade magnética (ASM) foi realizado no GB, com o objetivo de melhor delimitar os mecanismos de seu posicionamento e relacioná-los com o sistema regional de zonas de cisalhamento. No total, 492 espécimes (180 cilindros) foram coletadas em 16 sítios, distribuídos no corpo principal do GB. A mineralogia magnética foi investigada através de curvas termomagnéticas, curvas de histereses e de aquisição de magnetização remanente isotermal, e detalhada com microscopia eletrônica de varredura em amostras representativas. Essas análises demonstram o domínio de fases paramagnéticas e uma pequena contribuição de minerais de baixa coercividade (e.g., magnetita, titanomagnetita) e alta coercividade (e.g., hematita). Apesar disso, a trama magnética é controlada exclusivamente por cristais paramagnéticos de biotita. A susceptibilidade magnética total é baixa e varia entre 0,1 e 8x10-5 SI. O parâmetro de forma (T) varia de 0,272 a 0,908 e o grau de anisotropia (P) varia de 1,073 a 1,266, aumentando do centro em direção as margens do GB. A presença de par S-C destral de origem magmática e microestruturas de deformação em alta temperatura (~650°C) confirmam que a deformação atuava durante o processo de cristalização. Esses elementos, junto à análise da trama magnética, sugerem que a ascensão e o posicionamento do magma foram controlados por uma ZC transcorrente de direção NNW e cinemática destral. Próximo as rochas encaixantes, os elipsoides magnéticos são fortemente oblatos, a foliação mergulha com alto ângulo para W ou E, e a lineação têm alto a moderado caimento, sugerindo significante achatamento e domínio de uma componente de cisalhamento puro de deformação. Longe das margens, a lineação tem baixos caimentos, paralelos a direção da foliação (NW-NNW), sugerindo um transporte horizontal e domínio de uma componente de cisalhamento simples de deformação, que promoveu o estiramento. No nordeste do corpo, a presença de roof pendants e menores ângulos de mergulho da foliação sugerem proximidade com a cúpula. A combinanção de bouyoancy forces e da partição da deformação regional, em cisalhamento puro e simples durante o posicionamento do GB, está de acordo com um regime transpressivo. Esses resultados também sugerem uma relação no tempo-espaço entre a ZC que controlou o posicionamento do GB e a ZCTDC. Possivelmente, elas formavam um par conjugado do mesmo sistema transcorrente durante o estágio pós-colisional do Ciclo Brasiliano/Pan-africano no sul do Brasil. / The post-collisional stage of the Brasiliano/Pan-African Orogenic Cycle in Southern Brazil is marked by metaluminous and peraluminous granites controlled by a transcurrent shear zone system. In the Rio Grande do Sul State, southernmost Brazil, the sinistral, NE-trending Dorsal de Canguçu Transcurrent Shear Zone (DCTSZ) is the best known structure that conditioned these peraluminous granites (ca. 634 – 610 Ma). However, the NNW-elongate Butiá Granite (BG – 629 Ma) is emplaced to the northwest of the DCTSZ, intrusive in the high-grade Várzea do Capivarita Complex (ca. 650 Ma). The BG has a S>L fabric, which foliation steeply dips towards NNW. Despite its poorly-developed linear fabric, BG emplacement is interpreted to have been controlled by a dextral transcurrent shear zone. Thus, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) study was performed in the BG aiming to constrain its emplacement mechanism and the relation of the granite with the regional shear zone system. A total of 492 specimens (180 drill cores) were obtained through 16 sites distributed along the BG main body. Magnetic mineralogy was investigated by hysteresis loops, thermomagnetic and IRM acquisition curves, and a complementary SEM analysis in representative samples. These experiments show a dominant contribution of paramagnetic phases and a small content of low-coercivity (e.g., magnetite and titanomagnetite) and highcoercivity (e.g., hematite) remanence-carrying minerals. In spite of the presence of minor ferromagnetic grains, the BG magnetic anisotropy fabric is interpreted as dominantly controlled by paramagnetic biotite crystals. The bulk magnetic susceptibility ranges between 0.1 and 8.0×10−5 SI. Shape parameter (T) ranges from 0.272 to 0.908, and anisotropy degree (P) ranges from 1.073 to 1.266, increasing from the inner portion of the pluton to its margins. The presence of dextral S-C magmatic fabric and high temperature (ca. 650 °C), solid-state deformation at the margins confirms that the pluton was deformed during its cooling process. Such features, together the magnetic fabric analysis, suggest that magma ascent and emplacement were controlled by a NNW-trending dextral transcurrent shear zone. Close to the host-rocks, magnetic foliation dips steeply towards W or E, and magnetic lineation plunges steeply to moderate, displaying strongly-oblate ellipsoids. This is interpreted as a result of shortening and the significantly pure-shear component of deformation operating close to the host-rocks. Shallow-plunging lineation parallel to the NWto NNW-striking foliation is found away from the pluton margins, which is related to the horizontal displacement, where the simple-shear component of deformation was more effective, resulting stretching. Foliation becomes less steep towards the BG northeastern portion and the presence of roof pendants in this area suggests the proximity to the roof zone. The combination of buoyancy forces and the partitioning of regional strain into simple and pure shear are in accordance with a transpressive regime. These results also suggest a time-space relationship between the NNW-dextral shear zone that controlled the emplacement of the Butiá Granite and the sinistral, NE-trending DCTSZ, responsible for the emplacement of peraluminous granites. Possibly, these zones formed a conjugate pair during the transcurrent deformation of the early post-collisional stage of the Brasiliano/PanAfrican Cycle in southernmost Brazil.

Batólito Serra das Araras: um exemplo de magmatismo granítico peraluminoso sintectônico do Ediacarano, região sudoeste do estado do Rio de Janeiro / not available

Retamal, Iuri Bomtempo 29 September 2016 (has links)
Magmas graníticos peraluminosos são gerados por meio da anatexia de rochas crustais em cinturões orogênicos continentais. Os granitos do Cinturão Ribeira Central são relacionados a processos orogênicos de convergência de blocos litosféricos, durante o Neoproterozoico. O Batólito Serra das Araras é um corpo granítico, tabular e peraluminoso localizado no Domínio Paraíba do Sul, região sudoeste no estado do Rio de Janeiro - Brasil. O corpo é alongado na direção NE-SW e sua deformação foi gerada pela atividade de zonas de cisalhamento dúcteis de movimentação preferencial destral, que também controlaram o alojamento do magma granítico. O presente trabalho visa a caracterizar o Batólito Serra das Araras com base em dados de petrografia, de geoquímica de rocha total, de química mineral (EPMA) e de geocronologia U-Pb e LuHf (LA-ICP-MS) em grãos de zircão. Três amostras representativas foram analizadas para obtenção das idades U-Pb de cristalização e de metamorfismo. Essas amostras são compostas de granitos com matriz protomilonítica com muscovita, biotita e granada, um dique sienogranítico com 15-30 cm de espessura e um enclade de quartzo diorito. O plagioclásio possui composição entre oligoclásio (An16) e andesina (An38) e possui núcleos mais enriquecidos em anortita. Todas as amostras apresentam fases ricas em almandina com bordas levemente enriquecidas em manganês, produto do metamorfismo de médio a baixo grau. Os dados isotópicos U-Pb em grãos de zircão revelaram que o magmatismo granítico cristalizou-se ca. 595 Ma e foi gerado no mesmo evento tectono-termal Ediacarano que gerou granitos tipo-I e tipo-S de caráter pós-colisional no Domínio Embu/Paraíba do Sul. Os dados isotópicos de Lu-Hf indicam a reciclagem de crosta juvenil do Riaciano-Orosiriano e de crosta continental do Orosiriano como fontes do protólito metassedimentar do Batólito Serra das Araras. A composição contrastante do enclave de quartzo diorito (amostra SA-06), de caráter metaluminoso e com valores menos degativos de \'\'épsilon\'Hf IND.t\' (entre -5,7 and -8,1), sugere o envolvimento marginal de fontes orto-derivadas da crosta inferior. As idades de cristalização e a composição do batólito indicam que seu magmatismo é correlacionável com granitos peraluminosos do Domínio Embu e do Orógeno Araçuaí. / Peraluminous granitic magmas are produced by anatexis of crustal rocks in continental orogenic belts. Orogenic granites of Central Ribeira Belt are correlated with the collision of lithospheric blocks during Neoproterozoic. The Serra das Araras Batholith is a tabular granitic body of peraluminous composition located at Paraíba do Sul Domain, southwestwards of Rio de Janeiro state - Brazil. The body is elongated at NE-SW direction and its deformation was produced by ductile shear zones with dextral movement component, which has also controlled magma emplacement. The aim of this study is to characterize the Serra das Araras Batholith and to provide petrography, whole-rock geochemistry (major and trace elements), mineral chemistry (EPMA) and combined LA-ICP-MS U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic analyses in zircon grains. Three representative samples were analyzed for isotopic determination in order to obtain crystallization and metamorphic U-Pb ages. These samples are composed of monzogranite with protomylonitic texture; a 15-30 cm thick syenogranite dyke and a biotite-hornblende quartz diorite enclave. Plagioclase is Andesine and Oligoclase (An16-38). Anorthite contents display a progressive zoning with rims having lower contents than cores. All samples exhibit almandine-rich phases, with slightly Mg-rich cores and Mn-rich rims, produced by metamorphism of medium to low grade. Zircon U-Pb isotopic data reveal that the batholith was emplaced ca. 595 Ma and was generated at the same middle-Ediacaran tectono-thermal event that generated voluminous I-type and S-type granitoids of post-collisional character at Embu/Paraíba do Sul Domain. Lu-Hf isotopic data suggest that late-Rhyacian to Orosian juvenile and continental crust have been sources of metasedimentary protoliths of Serra das Araras Batholith. The contrasting composition of the quartzdiorite enclave (sample SA-06), of metaluminous character and less negative \'\'épsilon\'Hf IND.t\' values (between - 5.7 and -8.1), suggests a marginal involvement of ortho-derived igneous rocks of the lower crust. The crystallization ages of the granites are coeval with peraluminous granites of Embu Domain and of Araçuaí Belt.

Anisotropia de Susceptibilidade Magnética (ASM) aplicada ao modelo de posicionamento do Granito Butiá: um granito sintectônico peraluminoso do sul do Brasil

Lyra, Diego da Silveira January 2018 (has links)
O período pós-colisional do Ciclo Brasiliano/Pan-africano é marcado no sul do Brasil pela ocorrência de granitos metaluminosos e peraluminosos, controlados por um sistema transcorrente de zonas de cisalhamento (ZC). No Rio Grande do Sul (RS), a Zona de Cisalhamento Transcorrente Dorsal de Canguçu (ZCTDC), de cinemática sinistral e direção NE, é a principal estrutura que condicionou o posicionamento desses granitos (ca. 634 – 610 Ma). Entretanto, o Granito Butiá (GB – 629 Ma), localizado a noroeste da ZCTDC, ocorre como um corpo alongado de direção NNW que intrude rochas de alto grau metamórfico do Complexo Várzea do Capivarita (ca. 650 Ma). O GB possui trama planar bem desenvolvida (S>L), cuja foliação mergulha com alto ângulo para NNW; apesar de raramente apresentar lineação, seu posicionamento é interpretado como sintectônico a uma ZC transcorrente de cinemática destral. Dessa forma, um estudo de anisotropia de susceptibilidade magnética (ASM) foi realizado no GB, com o objetivo de melhor delimitar os mecanismos de seu posicionamento e relacioná-los com o sistema regional de zonas de cisalhamento. No total, 492 espécimes (180 cilindros) foram coletadas em 16 sítios, distribuídos no corpo principal do GB. A mineralogia magnética foi investigada através de curvas termomagnéticas, curvas de histereses e de aquisição de magnetização remanente isotermal, e detalhada com microscopia eletrônica de varredura em amostras representativas. Essas análises demonstram o domínio de fases paramagnéticas e uma pequena contribuição de minerais de baixa coercividade (e.g., magnetita, titanomagnetita) e alta coercividade (e.g., hematita). Apesar disso, a trama magnética é controlada exclusivamente por cristais paramagnéticos de biotita. A susceptibilidade magnética total é baixa e varia entre 0,1 e 8x10-5 SI. O parâmetro de forma (T) varia de 0,272 a 0,908 e o grau de anisotropia (P) varia de 1,073 a 1,266, aumentando do centro em direção as margens do GB. A presença de par S-C destral de origem magmática e microestruturas de deformação em alta temperatura (~650°C) confirmam que a deformação atuava durante o processo de cristalização. Esses elementos, junto à análise da trama magnética, sugerem que a ascensão e o posicionamento do magma foram controlados por uma ZC transcorrente de direção NNW e cinemática destral. Próximo as rochas encaixantes, os elipsoides magnéticos são fortemente oblatos, a foliação mergulha com alto ângulo para W ou E, e a lineação têm alto a moderado caimento, sugerindo significante achatamento e domínio de uma componente de cisalhamento puro de deformação. Longe das margens, a lineação tem baixos caimentos, paralelos a direção da foliação (NW-NNW), sugerindo um transporte horizontal e domínio de uma componente de cisalhamento simples de deformação, que promoveu o estiramento. No nordeste do corpo, a presença de roof pendants e menores ângulos de mergulho da foliação sugerem proximidade com a cúpula. A combinanção de bouyoancy forces e da partição da deformação regional, em cisalhamento puro e simples durante o posicionamento do GB, está de acordo com um regime transpressivo. Esses resultados também sugerem uma relação no tempo-espaço entre a ZC que controlou o posicionamento do GB e a ZCTDC. Possivelmente, elas formavam um par conjugado do mesmo sistema transcorrente durante o estágio pós-colisional do Ciclo Brasiliano/Pan-africano no sul do Brasil. / The post-collisional stage of the Brasiliano/Pan-African Orogenic Cycle in Southern Brazil is marked by metaluminous and peraluminous granites controlled by a transcurrent shear zone system. In the Rio Grande do Sul State, southernmost Brazil, the sinistral, NE-trending Dorsal de Canguçu Transcurrent Shear Zone (DCTSZ) is the best known structure that conditioned these peraluminous granites (ca. 634 – 610 Ma). However, the NNW-elongate Butiá Granite (BG – 629 Ma) is emplaced to the northwest of the DCTSZ, intrusive in the high-grade Várzea do Capivarita Complex (ca. 650 Ma). The BG has a S>L fabric, which foliation steeply dips towards NNW. Despite its poorly-developed linear fabric, BG emplacement is interpreted to have been controlled by a dextral transcurrent shear zone. Thus, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) study was performed in the BG aiming to constrain its emplacement mechanism and the relation of the granite with the regional shear zone system. A total of 492 specimens (180 drill cores) were obtained through 16 sites distributed along the BG main body. Magnetic mineralogy was investigated by hysteresis loops, thermomagnetic and IRM acquisition curves, and a complementary SEM analysis in representative samples. These experiments show a dominant contribution of paramagnetic phases and a small content of low-coercivity (e.g., magnetite and titanomagnetite) and highcoercivity (e.g., hematite) remanence-carrying minerals. In spite of the presence of minor ferromagnetic grains, the BG magnetic anisotropy fabric is interpreted as dominantly controlled by paramagnetic biotite crystals. The bulk magnetic susceptibility ranges between 0.1 and 8.0×10−5 SI. Shape parameter (T) ranges from 0.272 to 0.908, and anisotropy degree (P) ranges from 1.073 to 1.266, increasing from the inner portion of the pluton to its margins. The presence of dextral S-C magmatic fabric and high temperature (ca. 650 °C), solid-state deformation at the margins confirms that the pluton was deformed during its cooling process. Such features, together the magnetic fabric analysis, suggest that magma ascent and emplacement were controlled by a NNW-trending dextral transcurrent shear zone. Close to the host-rocks, magnetic foliation dips steeply towards W or E, and magnetic lineation plunges steeply to moderate, displaying strongly-oblate ellipsoids. This is interpreted as a result of shortening and the significantly pure-shear component of deformation operating close to the host-rocks. Shallow-plunging lineation parallel to the NWto NNW-striking foliation is found away from the pluton margins, which is related to the horizontal displacement, where the simple-shear component of deformation was more effective, resulting stretching. Foliation becomes less steep towards the BG northeastern portion and the presence of roof pendants in this area suggests the proximity to the roof zone. The combination of buoyancy forces and the partitioning of regional strain into simple and pure shear are in accordance with a transpressive regime. These results also suggest a time-space relationship between the NNW-dextral shear zone that controlled the emplacement of the Butiá Granite and the sinistral, NE-trending DCTSZ, responsible for the emplacement of peraluminous granites. Possibly, these zones formed a conjugate pair during the transcurrent deformation of the early post-collisional stage of the Brasiliano/PanAfrican Cycle in southernmost Brazil.

Anisotropia de Susceptibilidade Magnética (ASM) aplicada ao modelo de posicionamento do Granito Butiá: um granito sintectônico peraluminoso do sul do Brasil

Lyra, Diego da Silveira January 2018 (has links)
O período pós-colisional do Ciclo Brasiliano/Pan-africano é marcado no sul do Brasil pela ocorrência de granitos metaluminosos e peraluminosos, controlados por um sistema transcorrente de zonas de cisalhamento (ZC). No Rio Grande do Sul (RS), a Zona de Cisalhamento Transcorrente Dorsal de Canguçu (ZCTDC), de cinemática sinistral e direção NE, é a principal estrutura que condicionou o posicionamento desses granitos (ca. 634 – 610 Ma). Entretanto, o Granito Butiá (GB – 629 Ma), localizado a noroeste da ZCTDC, ocorre como um corpo alongado de direção NNW que intrude rochas de alto grau metamórfico do Complexo Várzea do Capivarita (ca. 650 Ma). O GB possui trama planar bem desenvolvida (S>L), cuja foliação mergulha com alto ângulo para NNW; apesar de raramente apresentar lineação, seu posicionamento é interpretado como sintectônico a uma ZC transcorrente de cinemática destral. Dessa forma, um estudo de anisotropia de susceptibilidade magnética (ASM) foi realizado no GB, com o objetivo de melhor delimitar os mecanismos de seu posicionamento e relacioná-los com o sistema regional de zonas de cisalhamento. No total, 492 espécimes (180 cilindros) foram coletadas em 16 sítios, distribuídos no corpo principal do GB. A mineralogia magnética foi investigada através de curvas termomagnéticas, curvas de histereses e de aquisição de magnetização remanente isotermal, e detalhada com microscopia eletrônica de varredura em amostras representativas. Essas análises demonstram o domínio de fases paramagnéticas e uma pequena contribuição de minerais de baixa coercividade (e.g., magnetita, titanomagnetita) e alta coercividade (e.g., hematita). Apesar disso, a trama magnética é controlada exclusivamente por cristais paramagnéticos de biotita. A susceptibilidade magnética total é baixa e varia entre 0,1 e 8x10-5 SI. O parâmetro de forma (T) varia de 0,272 a 0,908 e o grau de anisotropia (P) varia de 1,073 a 1,266, aumentando do centro em direção as margens do GB. A presença de par S-C destral de origem magmática e microestruturas de deformação em alta temperatura (~650°C) confirmam que a deformação atuava durante o processo de cristalização. Esses elementos, junto à análise da trama magnética, sugerem que a ascensão e o posicionamento do magma foram controlados por uma ZC transcorrente de direção NNW e cinemática destral. Próximo as rochas encaixantes, os elipsoides magnéticos são fortemente oblatos, a foliação mergulha com alto ângulo para W ou E, e a lineação têm alto a moderado caimento, sugerindo significante achatamento e domínio de uma componente de cisalhamento puro de deformação. Longe das margens, a lineação tem baixos caimentos, paralelos a direção da foliação (NW-NNW), sugerindo um transporte horizontal e domínio de uma componente de cisalhamento simples de deformação, que promoveu o estiramento. No nordeste do corpo, a presença de roof pendants e menores ângulos de mergulho da foliação sugerem proximidade com a cúpula. A combinanção de bouyoancy forces e da partição da deformação regional, em cisalhamento puro e simples durante o posicionamento do GB, está de acordo com um regime transpressivo. Esses resultados também sugerem uma relação no tempo-espaço entre a ZC que controlou o posicionamento do GB e a ZCTDC. Possivelmente, elas formavam um par conjugado do mesmo sistema transcorrente durante o estágio pós-colisional do Ciclo Brasiliano/Pan-africano no sul do Brasil. / The post-collisional stage of the Brasiliano/Pan-African Orogenic Cycle in Southern Brazil is marked by metaluminous and peraluminous granites controlled by a transcurrent shear zone system. In the Rio Grande do Sul State, southernmost Brazil, the sinistral, NE-trending Dorsal de Canguçu Transcurrent Shear Zone (DCTSZ) is the best known structure that conditioned these peraluminous granites (ca. 634 – 610 Ma). However, the NNW-elongate Butiá Granite (BG – 629 Ma) is emplaced to the northwest of the DCTSZ, intrusive in the high-grade Várzea do Capivarita Complex (ca. 650 Ma). The BG has a S>L fabric, which foliation steeply dips towards NNW. Despite its poorly-developed linear fabric, BG emplacement is interpreted to have been controlled by a dextral transcurrent shear zone. Thus, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) study was performed in the BG aiming to constrain its emplacement mechanism and the relation of the granite with the regional shear zone system. A total of 492 specimens (180 drill cores) were obtained through 16 sites distributed along the BG main body. Magnetic mineralogy was investigated by hysteresis loops, thermomagnetic and IRM acquisition curves, and a complementary SEM analysis in representative samples. These experiments show a dominant contribution of paramagnetic phases and a small content of low-coercivity (e.g., magnetite and titanomagnetite) and highcoercivity (e.g., hematite) remanence-carrying minerals. In spite of the presence of minor ferromagnetic grains, the BG magnetic anisotropy fabric is interpreted as dominantly controlled by paramagnetic biotite crystals. The bulk magnetic susceptibility ranges between 0.1 and 8.0×10−5 SI. Shape parameter (T) ranges from 0.272 to 0.908, and anisotropy degree (P) ranges from 1.073 to 1.266, increasing from the inner portion of the pluton to its margins. The presence of dextral S-C magmatic fabric and high temperature (ca. 650 °C), solid-state deformation at the margins confirms that the pluton was deformed during its cooling process. Such features, together the magnetic fabric analysis, suggest that magma ascent and emplacement were controlled by a NNW-trending dextral transcurrent shear zone. Close to the host-rocks, magnetic foliation dips steeply towards W or E, and magnetic lineation plunges steeply to moderate, displaying strongly-oblate ellipsoids. This is interpreted as a result of shortening and the significantly pure-shear component of deformation operating close to the host-rocks. Shallow-plunging lineation parallel to the NWto NNW-striking foliation is found away from the pluton margins, which is related to the horizontal displacement, where the simple-shear component of deformation was more effective, resulting stretching. Foliation becomes less steep towards the BG northeastern portion and the presence of roof pendants in this area suggests the proximity to the roof zone. The combination of buoyancy forces and the partitioning of regional strain into simple and pure shear are in accordance with a transpressive regime. These results also suggest a time-space relationship between the NNW-dextral shear zone that controlled the emplacement of the Butiá Granite and the sinistral, NE-trending DCTSZ, responsible for the emplacement of peraluminous granites. Possibly, these zones formed a conjugate pair during the transcurrent deformation of the early post-collisional stage of the Brasiliano/PanAfrican Cycle in southernmost Brazil.

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