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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les perceptions de justice en situation de changement dans l'armée de l'air française : comprendre les enjeux de la notation annuelle pour agir de façon juste / Justice perceptions in changing situations in the French air force : Understanding the annual assessment stakes in order to behave fairly

Delaporte, Cyprien 25 March 2016 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont pour but de mettre en lumière certains enjeux de justice organisationnelle qui émergent dans le cadre des évaluations annuelles du personnel de l’Armée de l’air. A travers plusieurs approches méthodologiques qualitatives et quantitatives, nous montrons dans un premier temps comment la justice distributive prédomine lorsqu’il s’agit pour les militaires de rendre compte de leur sentiment de justice globale lors des notations. Nous élargissons ensuite ces considérations à une série de variables en lien avec le travail, l’organisation et le leadership. Nos résultats montrent que c’est essentiellement autour du chef et de son commandement que se jouent les principales problématiques de justice. Enfin, nous avons reconduit les mêmes investigations après que le système de notation dans l’Armée de l’air ait changé. Nous montrons que l’incertitude autour du nouvel outil d’évaluation a tendance à revaloriser l’importance du sentiment de justice procédurale, tandis que la focalisation sur le chef comme objet du sentiment de justice des militaires a tendance à s’atténuer. / The studies conducted in this thesis aim to highlight certain issues of organizational justice which emerge in the annual evaluations conducted on French Air Force personnel. Based on several quantitative and qualitative methodological perspectives, we first demonstrated how distributive justice prevails when it comes to military personnel reporting their perception of overall justice during evaluation periods. We then expanded these considerations to a series of variables related to the work, the organization and the leadership of this personnel. Results show that the major justice issues revolve essentially around the authority figure and leadership.Finally we conducted the same investigations after the air force’s personnel evaluation system changed. We demonstrated that the uncertainty surrounding the new evaluation tool tends to strengthen the role of perceptions of procedural justice, while mitigating focus on the authority as an object of justice.

Employee performance evaluation in agile work environment

Saeed, Farrakh, Sundararaman, Vaideeswaran January 2018 (has links)
Agile software development is gaining popularity, with many organizations across several industries migrating to agile methodologies. Employees are the assets of any organization and it is of utmost importance for the organization’s success to make the best use of available human resources. For this, measuring job performance through performance evaluation becomes crucial. This study aims at investigating the limitations of annual performance appraisal when applied to agile work set-up. When the shortcomings in the current appraisal process are identified, corrective measures for eliminating such gaps are listed out as an outcome of this research study with the aim of making the appraisal system more effective. Survey and interviews are primarily used for data collection. Several important observations are noted as a result of our study. The research findings briefly highlight the good aspects of current appraisal system in the agile work set-up. However, the main focus is to illustrate the limitations in annual performance appraisal with evidence. Consequently, proposals for a better appraisal system in agile work set-up are suggested. Some of them include: need for team performance evaluation, informal and less time-consuming appraisal process, timely and anonymous feedback from all stakeholders.

Sustentabilidade e Gestão de Recursos Humanos: um estudo sobre o processo de avaliação de desempenho / Sustainability and Human Resources Management: a study about the process of performance appraisal

Delton Lehr Unglaub 06 July 2015 (has links)
O estudo da sustentabilidade e da gestão de recursos humanos é um tema atual e importante para o desenvolvimento das organizações em um ambiente corporativo globalizado. A integração de sistemas de avaliação de desempenho e a sustentabilidade se faz necessária para as empresas que tem como objetivo se adequar aos parâmetros de índices e certificados sustentáveis. Estes, são importantes para o crescimento nos mercados em que se inserem. Assim, a pesquisa mostra a possibilidade de integrar as dimensões da sustentabilidade junto às dimensões do sistema de avaliação de desempenho utilizado pela organização. Neste contexto, o problema de pesquisa deste trabalho formulou-se da seguinte forma: como a avaliação de desempenho pode estruturar os objetivos sustentáveis e estratégicos da Gestão de Recursos Humanos? O presente trabalho visa, então, verificar se os processos de avaliação de desempenho dos colaboradores estão incorporando aos objetivos estratégicos de sustentabilidade das organizações. O trabalho foi realizado por meio de pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando a técnica do grupo focal. Na qual contribuiu para a elucidação de fatores que envolvem a Gestão de Recursos Humanos e do desenvolvimento sustentável em empresas do interior de São Paulo. Os momentos de discussão e reflexão culminaram em algumas considerações relevantes sobre o entendimento da estrutura das avaliações de desempenho e dos processo de sustentabilidade nas organizações. A principal conclusão deste trabalho está contida na necessidade da criação da gestão de desempenho sustentável. E, esta será possível quando as organizações delegarem responsabilidades sociais/ambientais aos colaboradores; estabelecerem metas para a performance sustentável; e, estabelecerem políticas para o uso de produtos insustentáveis, energia renovável e para redução de elementos tóxicos. Este trabalho é relevante, pois ratifica a necessidade da elaboração de ferramentas de mensuração da sustentabilidade dentro da organização e a estruturação do processo de avaliação de desempenho sustentável. / The study of sustainability and human resource management is a current topic and important for the development of organizations in a globalized business environment. The integration of performance appraisal systems and sustainability is necessary for companies that aim to fit the parameters of sustainable indexes. These are important for market growth in which they operate. Thus, the research shows the possibility of integrating the dimensions of sustainability along the dimensions of performance evaluation system. In this context, the work of this research problem was formulated as follows: how the performance evaluation can structure sustainable and strategic objectives of Human Resource Management? The present work addresses the topic of whether the employees\' performance evaluation process is incorporating the organizations\' sustainability strategic objectives. The study was conducted through qualitative research, using the focus group technique. In which, it contributed to the elucidation of factors involving Human Resources Management and sustainable development in São Paulo state companies. The moments of discussion and reflection culminated in some relevant considerations on the understanding of of performance assessments structure and sustainability process in organizations. The main conclusion of this work is the need to create sustainable performance management. And this will be possible when organizations delegate social/environmental responsibilities to employees; set goals for sustainable performance; and establish policies for the use of unsustainable products, renewable energy and for toxic elements reduction. This work is important because it confirms the need to prepare for sustainability measurement tools within the organization and the structuring of sustainable performance assessment process.

Como as organizações brasileiras identificam pessoas aptas a assumir atribuições e responsabilidades no contexto do processo sucessório: um estudo de caso / How Brazilian organizations identify people ready to take on more complex assignments and responsibilities in the context of the succession process: a case study.

Celi Hiromi Ohtsuki 29 October 2013 (has links)
O tema da sucessão é relevante porque a sobrevivência das empresas depende de dispor de pessoas em todos os níveis organizacionais preparadas para assumir posições críticas abertas pelo crescimento do negócio ou saída de seus atuais ocupantes. Nota-se tendência de as organizações buscarem o desenvolvimento dos talentos internos como parte de seu sistema de gestão sucessória. Entretanto, essa estratégia requer que a organização disponha de mecanismos que permitam identificar quando/quanto os indivíduos estão prontos para assumir posições de maior complexidade. Falha nessa identificação implica na perda dos investimentos no desenvolvimento das pessoas e nas consequências indesejáveis inerentes ao fracasso de líderes. O presente estudo teve como objetivo aprofundar a compreensão sobre como as organizações brasileiras identificam, no contexto do processo sucessório, pessoas aptas a assumir atribuições e responsabilidades de maior complexidade. Para tanto, optou-se pelo método do estudo de caso único. Com base no referencial teórico, desenvolveram-se cinco proposições que serviram para orientar a busca e análise dos dados. A primeira afirmava que organizações com práticas diferenciadas de gestão de pessoas têm um sistema de gestão sucessória que inclui a avaliação sistemática do desempenho e do potencial das pessoas. A segunda propunha que as organizações diferenciam as posições conforme o nível de complexidade das atribuições e responsabilidades. Ambas foram confirmadas pelos resultados do caso. A terceira era que as organizações determinam os requisitos das posições conforme o nível de complexidade das atribuições e responsabilidades, o papel de gestão e liderança e a orientação estratégica do negócio. Esta proposição foi parcialmente confirmada. Verificou-se que apenas requisitos de natureza técnica são diferenciados por nível de complexidade e que a determinação dos requisitos considera o papel de gestão e a orientação estratégica da organização. A quarta afirmava que as organizações adotam os requisitos da posição atual como critério para avaliar desempenho na dimensão de desenvolvimento e da posição de maior complexidade, para avaliar potencial, o que não foi confirmado. A quinta e última afirmava que as organizações utilizam o resultado das avaliações de desempenho nas dimensões de objetivos e metas, comportamentos e desenvolvimento, assim como da avaliação de potencial para identificar aquelas aptas a assumir posições de liderança de maior complexidade. Esta proposição foi confirmada. Não foi identificado um processo linear ou objetivo para a identificação de pessoas aptas a assumir posições de liderança de maior complexidade. Observou-se um processo fluido, flexível e subjetivo que considera um conjunto de informações geradas pelos processos de gestão de pessoas e de negócios. As avaliações de desempenho e de potencial fornecem informações que permitem identificar indivíduos com potencial de crescimento e desempenho acima do esperado para a posição que ocupam. Observou-se que estas são pré-condições para assumir atribuições e responsabilidades de maior complexidade. Além dos processos de avaliação de pessoas presentes na proposição, a organização estudada revelou outros processos que também são considerados na identificação de pessoas aptas a assumir posições de liderança de maior complexidade, como gestão de competências, mentoração e assessment, além de alguns processos de gestão de negócios como reuniões gerenciais e operacionais. / The theme of succession is relevant because companies\' survival depends on disposing of people at all organizational levels ready to take on the critical positions generated by business growth or departure of the incumbent. There is a trend whereby organizations are seeking to develop internal talent as part of their succession management system. However, this strategy requires mechanisms that allow the organization to identify when/whether individuals are ready to take on more complex assignments and responsibilities. Failure to do so implies losses in the investments made in development as well as the undesirable consequences of leader failure. The present study aims at enhancing the understanding of how Brazilian companies identify, in the context of the succession process, people ready to take on more complex assignments and responsibilities. In order to achieve this goal, the case study method was chosen. Based on theory review, five propositions were developed. These propositions served to guide data collection and analysis. The first stated that organizations with differentiated human resources management practices have a succession management system that includes the systematic appraisal of employee performance and potential. The second proposed that organizations differentiate work positions according to the level of complexity of the assignments and responsibilities. Both propositions were confirmed by case results. The third stated that organizations determine position requirements according to the complexity of the assignments and responsibilities, the management and leadership role, and the business strategic orientation. This proposition was partially confirmed. It was verified that only technical requirements are differentiated according to the complexity of the assignments and responsibilities and that the determination of the requirements considered the management role and the business strategic orientation. The fourth stated that organizations adopt current position requirements as criteria for performance appraisal in the dimension of development and the requirements of the next, more complex position, for potential appraisal. This statement was not confirmed. The fifth stated that organizations utilize the results of the performance appraisals in the dimensions of objectives and goals, behaviors and development, as well as those of the potential appraisal, to identify people that are ready to take on more complex leadership positions. This proposition was confirmed. The identification process that this study revealed was neither linear nor objective, but rather, fluid, flexible and subjective, considering a set of data generated in the various business and people management processes. The performance and potential appraisal processes supply information that support the identification of individuals that show superior performance in the current position and potential to grow to more complex positions. It was observed that these are pre-requisite conditions to take on more complex assignments and responsibilities. In addition to the appraisal processes stated in the propositions, the case studied revealed other processes that are also important in the referred identification such as competency management, mentoring and assessment, as well as business management processes such as management and operational meetings.

Medarbetarsamtal ur konsultens perspektiv : En studie om utvärderingens påverkan på arbetsmotivation

Fredricsson, Erika, Sjödin, Emelie January 2017 (has links)
Den här studien syftar till att bidra med ökad kunskap om arbetsmotivation kopplat till utvärdering i form av medarbetarsamtal. Branschen som valts är konsultbolag inom IT, och detta för att bidra med kunskap inom ett område som är högaktuellt i dagens samhälle men där det också saknas forskning. Inom tidigare forskning på det bredare området utvärdering- prestation kan urskiljas två läger – vissa forskare hävdar att utvärdering påverkar arbetsmotivationen positivt och andra forskare har hävdat motsatsen. Vi ämnade därmed bidra med mer kunskap till denna diskussion. Studiens huvudfråga, “Vilka faktorer i utvärderingsinstrumentet medarbetarsamtal påverkar enligt medarbetarna arbetsmotivationen”? besvarades genom följande underfrågor “Vilka samtalsämnen och faktorer i medarbetarsamtalet upplever konsulterna höjer motivationen för arbetsprestation?” samt “Vilka samtalsämnen och faktorer i medarbetarsamtalet upplever konsulterna inte är motiverande?” Studien var baserad på en kvalitativ metod. Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer låg till grund för studiens analys, och materialet analyserades utifrån Herzbergs motivations- och hygienfaktorteori. Resultatet visade att utvärdering i form av medarbetarsamtal är motiverande beroende på vilka samtalsämnen och faktorer som diskuteras, samt att vad som påverkar arbetsmotivationen skiljer sig mellan individer. Det största resultatet av studien visade att personliga och karriärmässiga utvecklingsmöjligheter i stor utsträckning upplevs som en väldigt motiverande aspekt av medarbetarsamtalet. Därför har en teoriutveckling gjorts där författarna benämner utvecklingsmöjligheter som en motivationsfaktor inom ramen för utvärdering. / This study aims to contribute and increase knowledge about performance appraisal and its effect on work motivation. The industry chosen is consultant companies within IT, to contribute with knowledge within a current area of todays’ society, but also to the lack of research. The previous research of evaluation and performance in general is divided into to separate sides. Some researchers claim that evaluation affects work motivation in a positive way, and some researchers claim the opposite. Therefore, we wanted to add a contribution with knowledge to this discussion. The key question of this study, ”What factors in the evaluation instrument performance appraisal effects, according to the employees, their work motivation?” was answered by the following sub questions; ”What conversation subjects and factors in the performance appraisal are experienced as motivating for the consultants work motivation?” and ”What conversation subjects and factors in the performance appraisal are experienced as not motivating for the consultants work motivation?” The study was based on a qualitative research method. Eight semi structured interviews were conducted and used for the analysis of the study, and the material was analyzed in the perspective of Herzbergs motivation and hygiene theory. The result showed that evaluation in the shape of performance appraisal is motivating depending on what conversation subjects and factors discussed, and that what effects the work motivation differs between individuals. The major result of the study indicated that personal and career possibilities were experienced as very motivating parts of the performance appraisal. Therefore, the theory has been developed by the writers of this study, by claiming development possibilities as a motivation factor within the area of evaluation.

Vliv vybraných faktorů na výkonnost pracovníků / Influence of selected Factors on the Performance of Workers

Nekutová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with impact of the chosen factors on the performance of employees. It describes performance itself, productivity and difference between them. It examines factors which can have impact on the performance. There are analyzed different ways of evaluation of working performance and productivity and examined possible ways of performance management. There is analyzed which factors have impact on performance in chosen organization where research was made, using logistic regression. There are presented results of research and analyzed impact in practice. Finally it suggests possible solution and recommendation for management of the organization.

Odměňování hráčů v NHL / NHL Players Reward Management and Practice

Calta, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
The thesis investigates the rewarding system of professional ice-hockey players in the National Hockey League. The opening part describes theoretical foundation of collective bargaining and human resources management activities -- reward management and performance appraisal, while it also reviews related bases of sports economics. The empirical chapters describe the framework of reward practices as a result of collective bargaining between representatives of the National Hockey League club owners and the National Hockey League Players'Association and investigate effects of the Salary Cap and related instruments of cooperation between the clubs on the player labour market and certain activities of human resources management of the clubs. The thesis discovers a large impact of collective bargaining on economic system of the NHL, low flexibility of rewarding system as a result of Salary Cap related restrictions, a significant impact of these restrictions on the mobility of players within the market and an increase in importance of the club rewarding system rationalization. The thesis also aims for alternative application of the findings on HRM in organizations of more traditional sectors of economy.

Řízení kariéry v manažerské struktuře IT společnosti / Career management in managerial structure of IT company

Durajová, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The Master's Thesis deals with an examination of the career management within an organization, especially in the managerial structure, and the related themes, such as performance and potential appraisal, and talent management. The aim of the work is to determine the current trends in this field of human resources management based on a survey of Czech and foreign literature and to analyze the performance of these activities at Unicorn Systems company. The theoretical part describes the basic assumptions and theoretical approaches necessary for understanding the relevant themes. In the practical part, the practice at Unicorn Systems together with an analysis of Czech and foreign literature on best practices in this area are analyzed. The outcomes of the work should help the company to take such measures which would contribute to improving the business operation.

Performance appraisal impact on employee career development and performance: A longitudinal study.

Bhagwat, Tanya A. 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of an internally created performance appraisal system as well as the subjects' overall satisfaction with the implementation. The system was implemented at a major technology consulting firm in the US. The subjects of this study were three levels of employees of the firm. An employee survey conducted annually at the firm included questions relating to the implementation of the performance appraisal system. Eight years of employees' responses to three key questions were analyzed. Employees' perceptions of the appraisal feedback aiding increased performance, their belief about the implementation assisting with their career management, satisfaction with the initiative, and their understanding of the requirements for promotion were captured by this survey. Trend analysis indicates that employees at the firm perceived their career path knowledge unimproved, their understanding of promotion criteria unimproved as a result of the implementation. Employees did not indicate overall satisfaction with the implementation and the employee's belief about their skills and abilities utilization did not improve post implementation.

Utvecklingssamtalets dolda funktioner : En kvalitativ studie om hur medarbetare upplever att utvecklingssamtalet formar det psykologiska kontraktet / Hidden functions of the performance appraisal

Felfle, Robin, Nordquist, Moa January 2021 (has links)
Föreliggande studie undersöker utvecklingssamtalets roll i att forma det psykologiska kontraktet. Den hermeneutiska spiralen har legat till grund för studiens struktur, och empiri har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Tidigare forskning kring psykologiska kontrakt har främst fokuserat på effekterna av kontraktsbrott eller att finna samband till motivation, välmående, effektivitet och lönsamhet. Det har visat sig att uppfyllnad av det psykologiska kontraktet kan bidra med positiva effekter till alla ovan nämnda delar om utformningen av kontraktet går i linje med företagets strategi. Forskningen kring hur kontrakten utformas är dock begränsad. Därmed har denna studie undersökt hur psykologiska kontrakt formas genom utvecklingssamtal samt andra informationskällor. Resultatet i föreliggande studie visar på att utvecklingssamtalets roll varierar från individ till individ, och att andra informationskällor kan ha en mer inflytelserik roll. Studien visar på att det är ett flertal delar av kontraktet som utvecklingssamtalet inte brukar ha något inflytande över, exempelvis vilka regler som finns för klädsel och beteende. De delar av det psykologiska kontraktet som utvecklingssamtalet tenderar att vara mer inflytelserikt över, är de delar som traditionellt diskuteras på ett utvecklingssamtal, vilket är utbildning, prestationer samt lön. Utöver detta stärker föreliggande studie övrig litteratur kring hur viktig närmsta chef är för att forma det psykologiska kontraktet. Studien visar även på att litteratur kring psykologiska kontrakt och utvecklingssamtal från andra länder är överförbar till den svenska kontexten gällande utformningen av psykologiska kontrakt. / This study aims to explore how the performance appraisal plays a part in shaping the psychological contract. The study is based on the hermeneutic spiral, and semi structured interviews were used to collect information. Previous studies regarding psychological contracts have mainly focused on the effects of breaches of contract and finding connections to motivation, wellbeing, effectiveness and profitability. They have shown that fulfillment of the psychological contract can contribute to positive effects to all of those fronts if the contract fits with the company’s overall strategy. However, studies regarding how the psychological contract is shaped is limited, which is why this study aims to explore how the contract is shaped, specifically by performance appraisals. The results show that the role of the performance appraisal in shaping the psychological contract varies from individual to individual, and that other sources of information take a more influential role in the psychological contract. The study shows that there are multiple parts of the psychological contract where the performance appraisal tends to play a part, for example rules regarding how to dress and behave. The parts of the psychological contract in which the performance appraisal tends to play an influential role, are the parts that traditionally speaking gets discussed in a performance appraisal, things such as education, performance and salary. In addition, this study reinforces previous claims that the closest manager plays an important role in shaping the psychological contract. It also shows that the American and British psychological contract and performance appraisal literature is applicable in a Swedish context.

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