Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bperformance evaluation"" "subject:"deperformance evaluation""
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Hodnocení výkonnosti společnosti SRP s.r.o. podle modelu START a návrhy na její zlepšení / Company Performance Assessment of SRP Ltd. According to Model START and Suggestions for its ImprovementZelinová, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
This master`s thesis is focused on performance evaluation of SRP Ltd. company while Model START was applied. The first part of the thesis contains theory of the evaluation of business performance using of Model START based on the EFQM Excellence Model. The next part deals with the evaluation of current situation of the company and the evaluation of questionnaire. Suggestions for performance improvement are provided at the end of the thesis.
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Hodnocení výkonnosti podniku pomocí metody benchmarking / Evaluation of Business Performance by Using Benchmarking MethodHrdličková, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is divided into two main parts. The first part is focusing to theoretical bases of work, it is a brief introduction to business performance and utilization of modern indicators to measure it with an emphasis on benchmarking. In second part, we deal with the practical application of information acquired and that a specific enterprise. It is an analysis of the current situation with companies in the same field of business. With the help of financial analysis, SWOT matrix identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company. The most important part is devoted to benchmarking based on publicly available data from the financial statements. For these purposes, I especially enjoyed the information from the available statement. Based on the information they are designed adequate opportunities in improving and recommendations for evaluating enterprise.
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Implantação do sistema eletrônico de avaliação de desempenho dos servidores da área médica no Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto: desafios e potencialidades / Implementation of the electronic evaluation system of the servers of the medical area in the Hospital das Clínicas of Ribeirão Preto: challenges and potentialitiesFerezin, Andrea Carla Schiavoni 19 December 2017 (has links)
Investir na capacidade de identificação dos diferentes níveis de desempenho dos servidores de uma Instituição é uma das mais importantes práticas da gestão de recursos humanos na atualidade. O empregador busca caracterizar os diferentes níveis de desempenho e utiliza esta informação da maneira construtiva visando à melhoria de processos e resultados para a Instituição. A avaliação regular de desempenho é uma das formas de identificar e valorizar as boas práticas que se alinham com a missão e valores da Instituição, e prover devolutiva para corrigir rumos e fazer ajustes necessários. Existem várias formas de se fazer avaliação de desempenho dos membros de uma equipe de trabalho, entretanto a tendência tem sido a utilização de sistemas informatizados que aumentam a capacidade de gerenciamento dos dados coletados, controle e feedback das avaliações aos servidores. Recentemente implantou-se o Sistema Eletrônico de Avaliação de Desempenho (SEAD) para os servidores da área médica, no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMRP-USP), com o intuito de atender a Lei Complementar 1193/2013, que exige a avaliação de desempenho dos médicos do Estado de São Paulo para fins de pagamento do Prêmio de Produtividade Médica (PPM). O objetivo é descrever e caracterizar o SEAD, além de avaliar os resultados dos primeiros anos de sua implementação. Caracteriza-se como um estudo descritivo na parte inicial, onde foram apresentadas todas as etapas de planejamento e implementação do SEAD para avaliação dos médicos do HCFMRP-USP, inclusive com as principais diferenças entre o novo sistema e o sistema manual que havia previamente. Na etapa seguinte, de implementação, caracteriza-se por um estudo do tipo \"pesquisaação\" com duração de três anos em que diversos ajustes foram feitos a partir do que foi aprendido nas avaliações iniciais do próprio sistema. Na etapa final foram feitas entrevistas com os docentes avaliadores dos serviços com o maior número de médicos do HCRP. Este estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética do HCRP. Dentre os resultados do estudo apresentaremos uma descrição detalhada do SEAD aplicado na área médica e as diferenças observadas em relação aos sistemas de avaliação anteriormente utilizados pelo HCRP. Diversas informações e indicadores foram obtidos em tempo real e disponibilidados para gestores médicos e a adminstração de recursos humanos do HCFMRP, tais como: o número de servidores avaliados, os avaliadores que realizaram as avaliações ou os avaliadores que não realizaram as avaliações, a quantidade de servidores avaliados por cada avaliador, quem foi avaliado, a nota obtida e o percentual de recebimento do PPM que cada médico do hospital recebeu. Os resultados dos primeiros anos de utilização e as melhorias que foram feitas no SEAD também estão descritas nos resultados deste estudo. A percepção dos avaliadores e usuários do sistema é de que o SEAD representou ganhos em termos de armazenamento de dados, acesso à informação para a tomada de decisões e principalmente por propiciar o direcionamento das políticas de incentivo aos médicos do HCRP alinhada com os interesses da própria instituição. De um modo geral os avaliadores que participaram voluntariamente do estudo avaliaram o SEAD de maneira bastante positiva. A avaliação de pessoal para fins de promoção ou premiação é sempre um desafio do ponto de vista pessoal e a disponibilidade de recursos que aumentam a transparência e promovem equidade com agilidade e simplicidade são extremamente importantes, especialmente para as organizações públicas. / Investing in the ability to identify the different levels of performance of an institution\'s servers is one of the most important human resources management practices today. The employer seeks to characterize the different levels of performance and uses this information in a constructive way aiming at improving processes and results for the Institution. Regular performance evaluation is one way to identify and value good practices that align with the Institution\'s mission and values, and to provide feedback to correct directions and make necessary adjustments. There are several ways to evaluate the performance of members of a work team. However, the tendency has been to use computerized systems that increase the capacity to manage the data collected, control and feedback of the evaluations to the servers. Recently the Electronic Performance Evaluation System (SEAD) was implanted for the medical staff, at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Medical School of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo (HCFMRP-USP), in order to comply with the Law Complementary Act 1193/2013, which requires the performance evaluation of physicians of the State of São Paulo for the purpose of payment of the Medical Productivity Award (PPM). The objective is to describe and characterize the SEAD, besides evaluating the results of the first years of its implementation. It is characterized as a descriptive study in the initial part, where all the SEAD planning and implementation steps for the evaluation of HCFMRP-USP physicians were presented, including the main differences between the new system and the manual system that had previously been presented. In the next stage of implementation, it is characterized by a three-year \"action-research\" study in which several adjustments were made based on what was learned in the initial evaluations of the system itself. In the final stage interviews were made with the teachers evaluating the services with the largest number of HCRP physicians. This study was approved by the HCRP Ethics Committee. Among the results of the study we will present a detailed description of the SEAD applied in the medical area and the differences observed in relation to the evaluation systems previously used by the HCRP. Various information and indicators were obtained in real time and available to HCFMRP medical managers and human resources management, such as: the number of evaluated servers, the evaluators who carried out the evaluations or the evaluators who did not carry out the evaluations, the amount of servers evaluated by each evaluator, who was evaluated, the grade obtained and the percentage of receipt of PPM that each hospital doctor received. The results of the first years of use and the improvements that have been made in SEAD are also described in the results of this study. The perception of the evaluators and users of the system is that the SEAD represented gains in terms of data storage, access to information for decision-making and, above all, to foster the orientation of policies to encourage HCRP physicians in line with the interests of the system itself institution. In general, evaluators who voluntarily participated in the study evaluated SEAD in a very positive way. Evaluating staff for promotion or reward is always a challenge from a personal standpoint, and the availability of resources that increase transparency and promote equity with agility and simplicity are extremely important, especially for public organizations.
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Detection of Marine Vehicles in Images and Video of Open SeaFefilatyev, Sergiy 24 June 2008 (has links)
This work presents a new technique for automatic detection of marine vehicles in images and video of open sea. Users of such system include border guards, military, port safety, flow management, and sanctuary protection personnel. The source of images and video is a digital camera or a camcorder which is placed on a buoy or stationary mounted in a harbor facility. The system is intended to work autonomously, taking images of the surrounding ocean surface and analyzing them for the presence of marine vehicles. The goal of the system is to detect an approximate window around the ship. The proposed computer vision-based algorithm combines a horizon detection method with edge detection and postprocessing. Several datasets of still images are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed technique. For video sequences the original algorithm is further enhanced with a tracking algorithm that uses Kalman filter. A separate dataset of 30 video sequences 10 seconds each is used to test its performance. Promising results of the detection of ships are discussed and necessary improvements for achieving better performance are suggested.
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Integrated Reliability and Availability Aanalysis of Networks With Software Failures and Hardware FailuresHou, Wei 17 May 2003 (has links)
This dissertation research attempts to explore efficient algorithms and engineering methodologies of analyzing the overall reliability and availability of networks integrated with software failures and hardware failures. Node failures, link failures, and software failures are concurrently and dynamically considered in networks with complex topologies. MORIN (MOdeling Reliability for Integrated Networks) method is proposed and discussed as an approach for analyzing reliability of integrated networks. A Simplified Availability Modeling Tool (SAMOT) is developed and introduced to evaluate and analyze the availability of networks consisting of software and hardware component systems with architectural redundancy. In this dissertation, relevant research efforts in analyzing network reliability and availability are reviewed and discussed, experimental data results of proposed MORIN methodology and SAMOT application are provided, and recommendations for future researches in the network reliability study are summarized as well.
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[pt] Atualmente, há uma demanda crescente por serviços que
exploram a
integração entre as tradicionais redes de pacotes (como a
Internet) e as redes
celulares de última geração. Além das aplicações que visam
ao transporte de
dados em si, há linhas de pesquisa no sentido de oferecer
serviços de voz sobre
IP em redes celulares, ou seja, explorando o paradigma da
transmissão de voz
em pacotes. Uma destas aplicações é o Push to Talk over
Cellular, ou PoC,
serviço no qual, durante uma sessão, apenas um usuário por
vez pode falar em
modo half duplex. No PoC, assim como em toda aplicação
baseada em voz
sobre IP, o atraso fim-a-fim, a variação do atraso
(jitter) e as taxas de perdas
(além de outros fatores) influenciam a qualidade da
recepção da voz nos
extremos finais da comunicação. Os resultados aqui
apresentados estão focados
no requisito de atraso fim-a-fim dos pacotes de voz, cujos
valores variam
dependendo do tamanho destes pacotes, do número de
usuários por canal e,
principalmente, das condições do meio (razão C/I). Também
são apresentados
resultados referentes às simulações que validaram o modelo
da rede EGPRS,
mais especificamente, referentes às características da
interface aérea baseada
no EDGE. Durante as simulações, considerou-se que os
canais eram dedicados
às sessões PoC, isto é, sem nenhuma espécie de tráfego
concorrente. / [en] Nowadays, there is a increasing demand for services that
join traditional
packet data networks (like Internet) and last generation
cellular systems. Besides
applications based on data only, there are researches
about offer services of
voice calls in cellular networks based on packet switched
transmission mode.
One of that is Push to Talk over Cellular, or PoC, that is
a real-time service based
on delivery of voice traffic in packets between two or
more parties in a half duplex
way. Like traditional VoIP services, the end-to-end delay,
the jitter and the lost
rates can affect the transmission and reception of the
voice between the
extremes of the communication. The results are focused on
end-to-end delay of
the voice packets in a PoC session, whose values can
change drasticly
depending on the size of the packets, the number of users
sharing a channel
and, mainly, the conditions of the medium (C/I rates). The
model used for the
EGPRS network, in special, the EDGE air interface, is
studied by simulations and
the results are presented and analysed too. This work
presents a mean of
estimating the capacity of EGPRS/EDGE channels of
supporting PoC sessions
without considering any other type of traffic.
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我國公務人員考績制度:理論觀點的反省 / The performance evaluation of the ROC government employee - a theoretical review江汶珠, Ho-Chiang, Wen-Chu Unknown Date (has links)
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Contributions to the Methodologies and Technologies for the Intelligent Control-Maintenance-technical Management Systems (ICMMS) in Hydropower PlantsLIU, Yongqian 18 April 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux présentés contribuent à un des enjeux majeurs de l'Entreprise Etendue liée au domaine de la production d'énergie électrique. L'objectif est de maintenir en dynamique la qualité des services rendus par les processus de production. Ces travaux ont ainsi pour objet, en se référant au cadre de modélisation d'Entreprise GERAM, de proposer une méthodologie réutilisable pour l'automatisation intégrée des centrales hydroélectriques. Ces dernières étant structurellement des systèmes stables, cette méthodologie est basée sur une approche orientée processus et aboutit au développement de modèles pérennes et réutilisables. Le point central de cette méthodologie consiste en la définition d'un modèle de référence ICMMS (Intelligent Control-Maintenance-technical Management Systems) formalisant la connaissance générique, de niveau terrain, applicable à l'automatisation de toute centrale hydroélectrique. La mise en œuvre de ce modèle de référence conduit à la proposition d'une architecture HSAS (Hybrid Smart Automation System) qui intègre en un tout cohérent sur les points de vue Contrôle, Maintenance et Gestion Technique, les différents composants d'automatisation distribués, supportés par des actionneurs, capteurs, ou contrôleurs conventionnels de niveau terrain. Par rapport à cette architecture, les concepts innovants de "Surveillance Conditionnelle" pour l'îlot Maintenance et d' "Atténuation de Perturbations" pour l'îlot Contrôle sont définis et étudiés afin d'être intégrés au système ICMMS. De plus, nous proposons, pour la Gestion Technique, des concepts, critères et outils pour l'évaluation de performances des HGUs (Hydroelectric Generating Units). Cette contribution est basée sur la définition d'un système d'évaluation des performances économiques utilisant des descripteurs quantitatifs mesurant l'état d'efficacité, le niveau de gestion de l'exploitation et l'état de maintenance de ces unités. Une nouvelle stratégie en lien avec la maintenance, intitulée EBM (Economic performance Based Maintenance), est ainsi formalisée. L'ensemble de nos propositions est validée sur une étude de cas.
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A Study of Scalability and Performance of Solaris ZonesXu, Yuan January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents a quantitative evaluation of an operating system virtualization technology known as Solaris Containers or Solaris Zones, with a special emphasis on measuring the influence of a security technology known as Solaris Trusted Extensions. Solaris Zones is an operating system-level (OS-level) virtualization technology embedded in the Solaris OS that primarily provides containment of processes within the abstraction of a complete operating system environment. Solaris Trusted Extensions presents a specific configuration of the Solaris operating system that is designed to offer multi-level security functionality.</p><p>Firstly, we examine the scalability of the OS with respect to an increasing number of zones. Secondly, we evaluate the performance of zones in three scenarios. In the first scenario we measure - as a baseline - the performance of Solaris Zones on a 2-CPU core machine in the standard configuration that is distributed as part of the Solaris OS. In the second scenario we investigate the influence of the number of CPU cores. In the third scenario we evaluate the performance in the presence of a security configuration known as Solaris Trusted Extensions. To evaluate performance, we calculate a number of metrics using the AIM benchmark. We calculate these benchmarks for the global zone, a non-global zone, and increasing numbers of concurrently running non-global zones. We aggregate the results of the latter to compare aggregate system performance against single zone performance.</p><p>The results of this study demonstrate the scalability and performance impact of Solaris Zones in the Solaris OS. On our chosen hardware platform, Solaris Zones scales to about 110 zones within a short creation time (i.e., less than 13 minutes per zone for installation, configuration, and boot.) As the number of zones increases, the measured overhead of virtualization shows less than 2% of performance decrease for most measured benchmarks, with one exception: the benchmarks for memory and process management show that performance decreases of 5-12% (depending on the sub-benchmark) are typical. When evaluating the Trusted Extensions-based security configuration, additional small performance penalties were measured in the areas of Disk/Filesystem I/O and Inter Process Communication. Most benchmarks show that aggregate system performance is higher when distributing system load across multiple zones compared to running the same load in a single zone.</p>
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Performance Evaluation Of Routing Protocols In Wireless Ad Hoc Networks With Service DifferentiationYilmaz, Semra 01 January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
An ad hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically forming a
temporary network without the use of any fixed network infrastructure or centralized
administration. Due to the limitations in the wireless environment, it may be
necessary for one mobile host to enlist the aid of other hosts in forwarding a packet
to its destination. In order to enable communication within the network, a routing
protocol is needed to discover routes between nodes. The primary goal of ad hoc
network routing protocols is to establish routes between node pairs so that messages
may be delivered reliably and in a timely manner.
The basic access method in IEEE 802.11 ad hoc networks is the Distributed
Coordination Function (DCF), which provides a fair medium access. Enhanced
Distributed Coordination Function (EDCF) has been developed to provide service
differentiation among different traffic flows. In this thesis, we investigate the performance of the EDCF with routing protocols / Direct Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) by
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