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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da contribuição do inflamassoma na patogênese da esclerose múltipla / Analysis of the contribution of inflammasome in multiple sclerosis

Jaine Soares Lima da Silva 30 November 2018 (has links)
A esclerose múltipla (EM), doença neurodegenerativa do sistema nervoso central (SNC) com característica auto-imune e inflamatória, com eventos iniciais, bem como a evolução da EM. É uma doença heterogênea (três principais formas clínicas) e multifatoriais. A imunidade inata demonstrou recentemente ser um fator importante na EM e as variantes genéticas dos componentes do inflamassoma têm sido associadas a doenças autoimunes e neurodegenerativas, com isso hipotetizamos que o inflamassoma e suas citocinas IL-1Beta e IL-18, podem representar importantes contribuintes na patogênese da EM e eventualmente explicar, pelo menos em parte, a heterogeneidade observada em pacientes com EM. Fizemos uma análise multivariada que foi realizada com base na forma clínica (recorrente remitente/RR, primária progressivo /PP ou secundário progressiva /SP, índice de gravidade (EDSS) e índice de progressão (IP). Os monócitos do sangue periférico (PBMC) dos pacientes foram examinados para ativação do inflamassoma (Produção de IL-1Beta e IL-18, clivagem de caspase-1). Com os objetivos de avaliar a contribuição do inflamassoma na EM, em termos de (a) efeito genético sobre o desenvolvimento, gravidade e / ou prognóstico, e (b) ativação complexa de células de sangue periférico como uma forma de avaliar a inflamação sistêmica. Para isso, utilizamos variantes genéticas funcionais em componentes do inflamassoma, que foram analisadas em uma coorte de pacientes com EM, pelo uso de ensaios específicos de alelos e qPCR. A analise multivariada resultou em associação com a variante -511C / T IL1B ganho de função, sendo essa mais frequente em formas progressivas (especialmente SP) do que em RR. A variante de ganho de função NLRP3 Q705K resultou mais frequente em pacientes com EDSS > 3 do que em pacientes com EDSS < 3 e, consequentemente, esse SNP está associado a um IP mais elevado. A análise de PBMC mostrou que as células de indivíduos EM, são mais propensas a responder a um estímulo NLRP3 clássico (isto é, LPS) do que as dos doadores saudáveis. Em conjunto, esses achados indicaram que os pacientes com EM apresentam uma desregulação no inflamassoma NLRP3, podendo ser avaliada no sangue periférico facilitando um prognóstico, e que esse perfil pode ser secundário a um mecanismo genético pró-inflamassoma / The multiple sclerosis (MS), neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system (CNS) with autoimmune and inflammatory characteristics, with initial events, as well as the evolution of MS, are heterogeneous (three main clinical forms) and multifactorial. Innate immunity has recently been shown to be an important factor in MS and the genetic variants of the components of inflammassoma have been associated with autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases, thereby hypothesizing that the inflammassoma and its IL-1Beta and IL-18 cytokines may represent important contributors in the pathogenesis of MS and possibly explain, at least in part, the heterogeneity observed in MS patients. We performed a multivariate analysis that was performed based on clinical form (recurrent recurrent / RR, progressive primary / PP or progressive secondary / SP, EDSS and progression index.) Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of patients were examined for inflammatory activation (IL-1Beta and IL-18 production, caspase-1 cleavage). With the objectives of evaluating the contribution of inflammassoma in MS in terms of (a) genetic effect on development, severity and / or prognosis, and (b) complex activation of peripheral blood cells as a way of assessing systemic inflammation. For this, we used functional genetic variants in components of the inflammassoma, which were analyzed in a cohort of MS patients, through the use of specific allele and qPCR assays. For this, we used functional genetic variants in components of the inflammassoma, which were analyzed in a cohort of MS patients, through the use of specific allele and qPCR assays. Multivariate analysis resulted in association with the -511C / T IL1B function gain, which is more frequent in progressive forms (especially SP) than in RR. The gain variant of NLRP3 Q705K function was more frequent in patients with EDSS > 3 than in patients with EDSS < 3 and, consequently, this SNP is associated with a higher PI. PBMC analysis showed that cells from MS individuals are more likely to respond to a classical NLRP3 (ie LPS) stimulus than healthy donors. Taken together, these findings indicated that patients with MS have a dysregulation in the NLRP3 inflammassoma and can be evaluated in the peripheral blood facilitating a prognosis and that this profile may be secondary to a pro-inflammatory genetic mechanism

Optimisation des thérapeutiques immunosuppressives par méthode pharmacologique. / Optimization of immunosuppressive therapy using pharmacological method

Lemaitre, Florian 30 September 2014 (has links)
Les immunosuppresseurs sont des médicaments ayant démontré leur efficacité dans la prévention du rejet de transplantation d’organe solide. Néanmoins, ces médicaments présentent une importante variabilité de la réponse pharmacologique notamment liée à une variation de leur pharmacocinétique. Cette variabilité peut être à l’origine d’un défaut d’efficacité du traitement ou de sur-expositions entrainant une toxicité. Le suivi thérapeutique pharmacologique (STP) des concentrations sanguines d’immunosuppresseur permet de limiter ces risques de sur ou de sous-exposition en facilitant l’adaptation de posologie de ces traitements. En dépit de l'utilisation intensive du STP des concentrations d'immunosuppresseurs chez le transplanté d'organe, la fréquence du rejet aigu a peu diminué au cours de ces dernières années et reste élevée. Le rejet aigu cellulaire peut, en outre, survenir chez le patient alors même que ses concentrations sanguines sont en zone thérapeutique. C'est pourquoi la recherche d'améliorations de ce suivi thérapeutique ainsi que la recherche de nouveaux moyens de monitoring sont des axes pertinents d'investigation en pharmacologie des immunosuppresseurs. L’objectif de ce travail de doctorat a été de développer de nouveaux outils pharmacologiques de monitoring de l’effet de deux immunosuppresseurs, l’évérolimus et le tacrolimus, dans le but de participer à la maitrise de la variabilité pharmacologique de l’effet immunosuppresseur. Pour la première fois, la pharmacocinétique de l'évérolimus chez le transplanté cardiaque a été modélisée par une approche de population. La modélisation pharmacologique est un des axes actuels d’amélioration du STP des immunosuppresseurs permettant d’évaluer l’impact de covariables démographiques, biologiques et/ou génétiques sur la pharmacocinétique de ces médicaments. L’élaboration de ce modèle doit permettre une individualisation des posologies conduisant à la limitation de la variabilité pharmacocinétique lors d’un traitement par cette molécule.Au cours de ce travail, deux méthodes analytiques ont également été développées par LC-MS/MS pour le dosage intracellulaire de l’évérolimus et du tacrolimus. La mesure des concentrations des immunosuppresseurs à l’intérieur même de la cellule, c’est à dire au niveau de son site d’action, apparait comme une mesure plus pertinente que la simple mesure des concentrations dans le sang. Ces méthodes ont ensuite été évaluées sur des petites cohortes de patients transplantés cardiaques. La faisabilité de tels dosages a été démontrée et a permis la réalisation de la dernière partie présentée au cours de ce travail. En effet, une étude clinique a été réalisée chez le patient transplanté hépatique de novo en vue de rapprocher les concentrations sanguines et intracellulaires de tacrolimus et l'effet sur la protéine cible, la calcineurine. Pour la première fois des pharmacocinétiques intracellulaires complètes ont pu être obtenues permettant la description de la cinétique intracellulaire du tacrolimus. Cette étude a également permis de mettre en évidence et de décrire la relation dose - concentration sanguine - concentration intracellulaire - effet sur la protéine cible du tacrolimus chez le transplanté hépatique. Ces travaux ont permis de jeter les bases nécessaires à la réalisation d'essais cliniques permettant d'évaluer la pertinence d'un suivi longitudinal des concentrations intracellulaires et/ou de l'activité de la calcineurine dans la prévention de rejet de transplantation. Les outils développés au cours de ce travail de doctorat visent, d’une part, à mieux appréhender la variabilité de la réponse pharmacologique au cours d’un traitement immunosuppresseur et, d’autre part, à être des outils de compréhension des mécanismes pharmacocinétiques et cellulaires de ces traitements. L'utilisation de ces outils doit concourir à la diminution de la fréquence du rejet de greffe et à l'amélioration globale de la prise en charge du patient transplanté d'organe. / Immunosuppressive drugs have proven efficacy in the prevention of acute rejection of solid organ transplantation. However, these drugs exhibit substantial variability in pharmacological response due to such a variation in their pharmacokinetics. This variability may be the cause of underexposure with a lack of efficacy or over-exposure causing toxicity. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of immunosuppressant blood levels can limit the risk of over or underexposure facilitating dosage adjustment of these treatments. Despite the extensive use of TDM, the incidence of acute rejection has declined somewhat in recent years and remains high (in the order of 8-15%). Acute cellular rejection can further occur in patients even though blood levels are within the therapeutic range. That is why improvements in the therapeutic monitoring and new ways of monitoring are relevant lines of investigation in pharmacology.The objective of this phD work was to develop new pharmacological tools for monitoring the effect of two immunosuppressive drugs, everolimus and tacrolimus in order to control the pharmacological variability of the immunosuppressive effect .For the first time, the pharmacokinetics of everolimus in heart transplant was modeled by a population approach. Pharmacological modeling is one of the current areas of improvement of immunosuppressants TDM which allows evaluating the impact of demographic, biological and / or genetic on the pharmacokinetics of these drugs covariates. The development of this model must allow individualization of dosages leading to limit pharmacokinetic variability during treatment with this drug.During this work, two analytical methods were also developed by LC-MS/MS for assaying intracellular tacrolimus and everolimus concentrations. Measuring intracellular concentrations of immunosuppressive drugs, i.e. at its site of action, appears as a more relevant than measuring blood concentrations. These methods were then evaluated on small cohorts of heart transplant patients. The feasibility of such assays has been demonstrated and led to the completion of the last part presented in this work.Indeed, a clinical study was performed in de novo liver transplant patients to evaluate blood and intracellular concentrations of tacrolimus and their effect on the target protein, calcineurin. For the first time complete intracellular pharmacokinetics have been obtained for the description of the profile of the intracellular kinetics of tacrolimus. This study also highlights and describes the relationship dose - blood concentration - intracellular concentration - effect on the target protein of tacrolimus in liver transplant patients. This work might help conducting clinical trials to assess the relevance of a longitudinal follow-up of intracellular concentrations and / or activity of calcineurin in the prevention of transplant rejection.The tools developed in this PhD work aimed, firstly, to better understand the variability of the pharmacological response in immunosuppressive therapy and, secondly, to be tools for understanding the drug mechanisms inside of the cell. The use of these tools should contribute to the decrease in the frequency of graft rejection and the overall improvement in the management of organ transplant patients.

Análise de populações leucocitárias em doadores de plaquetas e em câmara de leucorredução. / Analysis of leukocyte populations, in platelet donor, and in Leukoretuction System Chamber.

Andressa de Oliveira Dias Borges 05 December 2014 (has links)
A doação de plaquetas por aférese é um procedimento automatizado que permite a obtenção deste hemocomponente em grande quantidade e com ato grau de pureza; deste processo obtém-se um subproduto chamado Câmara de Leucorredução (CLR) que é descartado ao final da doação. São permitidas até 24 doações/ano; porém as possíveis consequências de doações frequentes para esses doadores são pouco investigadas. Assim, foram identificados e quantificados os leucócitos de doadores de plaquetas frequentes e de 1ª vez. Também foi avaliada a viabilidade do uso das células mononucleares da CLR para pesquisas. Observou-se mais células na CLR que no sangue e que a frequência das populações é similar. O estado de ativação e a capacidade funcional (proliferação e produção de citocinas) foram similares entre CLR e sangue, assim como a taxa de apoptose espontânea. Entre doadores frequentes e de primeira vez não houve diferença no número de leucócitos, sugerindo que doações recorrentes não alteraram as populações leucocitárias. / Plateletpheresis is an automatized procedure to obtain high purity platelet for transfusions. From this procedure its possible to obtain a byproduct: The Leukoreduction system chamber (LRSC), which is discarded at the end of donation process. This type of donation allows 24 donation/year, but the consequences of frequent donations are poorly investigated. Therefore, we identified and quantified leukocytes of frequent and first time platelet donor. Also, was evaluated the viability, for research, of mononuclear cells recovery from LRSC. The total number of mononuclear cells was higher in LRSC than in peripheral blood samples, but the frequencies were similar in all the samples. Activation state and functional capacity (measured by cell proliferation and cytokine production) were similar in both, blood and LRSC mononuclear cells, as well as spontaneous apoptosis. Among frequent (6 or more donations in 1 year) and first time donor, there was no difference in the leukocyte total number, suggesting that frequent donation do not modify these cells.

Assessment of High Purity Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Derived Extracellular Vesicles Presenting NRP1 Show Functional Suppression of Activated Immune Cells

Gobin, Jonathan 04 January 2022 (has links)
Background: The focus of this study was to investigate how producing human bone marrow (hBM) derived mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) extracellular vehicles (EVs) in a high purity isolation system would affect their established characterization criteria and address the validity of these methods of EV production. Additionally, we set out to functionally characterize the hBM-MSC-EVs for their identified immunomodulatory ability while also assessing the presence of novel MSC-EV marker NRP1 identified by our group to further affirm its validity as a functional MSC-EV identity marker. Methods: Each hBM-MSC-EV donor was cultured in a hollow-fiber bioreactor system in non-stimulating serum/xeno-free conditions for 25 days to produce EVs persistently under quiescent conditions to characterize the hBM-MSC-EVs in their native form. EVs were isolated by traditional PEG-based precipitation for preliminary characterization to monitor bioreactor production wherein they were characterized using multimodal tangential flow filtration coupled with fast protein liquid chromatograph (FPLC) size exclusion/high-affinity purifications to obtain the final highly purified EV sample. Additionally, functional analysis of their immunomodulatory ability, EVs and MSCs were incubated with activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) as an in-vitro model to evaluate their potency. Results: The hBM-MSC-EVs produced from the bioreactor system showed consistent characterization in accordance with the MISEV2018 establish criteria. We were also able to demonstrate their functional ability by observing statistically significantly immunomodulatory ability of activated PBMCs equivalent to native MSC ability. We were also able to validate the present of NRP1 on all hBM-MSC-EV samples produced confirming its validity as a MSC-EV marker. Conclusion: The significance of the results obtained from this study confirms the production of MSC-EV using a bioreactor and high purity isolation for obtaining consistent MSC-EVs for downstream investigation. Additionally, we were able to demonstrate the significance of MSC-EVs on MSC signaling for immunomodulation by showing equivalent functional potency when tested in-vitro. These results contribute to further understanding the biological attributes of MSC-EVs and contribute to the validation of currently established characterization guidelines.

Untersuchungen zum differenzierten Wirkungsprofil von Glucocorticoiden in humanen mononukleären Zellen des peripheren Blutes

Naumann, Lydia 16 February 2005 (has links)
Qualitativ unterschiedliche genomische und nichtgenomische Mechanismen vermitteln die starken anti-inflammatorischen und immunmdulatorischen Eigenschaften der Glucocorticoide (GC). Der genomisch vermittelte Mechanismus ist bereits gut untersucht und dokumentiert, während der nichtgenomisch vermittelte Mechanismen noch einen Gegenstand vielseitiger Untersuchungen darstellt. Wir haben uns daher die Frage gestellt, ob Beclometason und Clobetasol besonders geeignet für die topische Applikation sind, weil sie sich in ihrem Wirkungsspektrum von systemisch zu applizierenden GC wie Dexamethason unterscheiden. Wir verglichen dazu die Effekte auf den Sauerstoffverbrauch mittels der Clark-Elektrode (nichtspezifisch nichtgenomischer Mechanismus), auf die IL-6-Synthese mittels ELISA (genomischer Mechanismus) und auf die Apoptose mittels Durchflusszytometrie (nichtgenomischer und genomischer Mechanismus) in ruhenden und stimulierten humanen PBMC. Dabei zeigten Beclometason und Clobetasol in sehr niedrigen Konzentrationen (10-10, 10-8 M) einen stärkeren Effekt auf den Sauerstoffverbrauch, waren aber in hohen Konzentrationen (10-5, 10-4 M) weniger potent im Vergleich zu Dexamethason. Auch hinsichtlich ihrer genomischen Potenz waren die topischen GC in einer Konzentration von 10-10 M und 10-8 M effektiver als Dexamethason, in höheren Konzentrationen unterschieden sie sich aber nicht. Alle drei GC induzierten Apoptose konzentrationsabhängig und unterschieden sich nicht in Konzentrationen zwischen 10-8 M und 10-5 M. In einer Konzentration von 10-4 M war die Induktion von Apoptose durch die topischen GC in PBMC und Jurkat-T-Zellen aber signifikant stärker im Vergleich zu Dexamethason. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich topische und systemische GC in ihrer genomischen und nichtgenomischen Potenz signifikant unterscheiden. Es ist daher davon auszugehen, dass nichtgenomische Effekte eine deutlichere klinische Relevanz besitzen als bisher angenommen. / Several different genomic and non-genomic mechanisms mediate the important anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of glucocorticoids (GCs). The genomic effects are the most important while the clinical relevance of non-genomic actions is still a matter of debate. We therefore investigated whether beclomethasone and clobetasol are particularly suitable for topical application because they differ in their spectrum of activity from systemically administered GCs such as dexamethasone. We compared effects on oxygen consumption as measured with a Clark electrode (nonspecific non-genomic glucocorticoid effects), on interleukin-6 synthesis by means of ELISA (genomic effects) and on apoptosis using flow cytometry (non-genomic and genomic effects) in quiescent and mitogen-stimulated PBMCs. Beclomethasone and clobetasol had stronger effects on the oxygen consumption of quiescent and stimulated cells at lower concentrations (10-10, 10-8 M) but were less potent at higher concentrations (10-5, 10-4 M) in comparison with dexamethasone. Also in terms of genomic potency, topical GCs were more effective than dexamethasone at 10-10 M and 10-8 M but gave similar results at higher concentrations. The ability of all three GCs to induce apoptosis was found to be concentration-dependent and similar at concentrations between 10-8 and 10-5 M but, compared with 10-4 M dexamethasone, 10-4 M beclomethasone or clobetasol was significantly more effective at inducing apoptosis in both PBMCs and Jurkat T cells. These results show that systemic and topical GCs differ significantly in their ability to induce genomic and non-genomic effects. This suggests that non-genomic effects are more therapeutically relevant in certain clinical conditions than currently assumed.

Η συσχέτιση των τελικών προϊόντων προχωρημένης γλυκοζυλίωσης (AGEs), του υποδοχέα τους (RAGE) και του διαλυτού τμήματός του (sRAGE) σε παιδιά, εφήβους και νεαρούς ενήλικες με σακχαρώδη διαβήτη τύπου 1 (ΣΔ1) / Association between advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs), their receptor (RAGE) and its soluble isoform (sRAGE) in children, adolescents and young adults with diabetes mellitus type 1

Δεττοράκη, Αθηνά 30 May 2012 (has links)
Τα τελικά προϊόντα προχωρημένης γλυκοζυλίωσης (AGEs: Advanced Glycation Endproducts) παίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στην παθογένεια των διαβητικών αγγειακών επιπλοκών. Το καλύτερα χαρακτηριζόμενο είναι η N-καρβοξυμεθυλ-λυσίνη (CML). Τα AGEs προκαλούν σημαντικές επιδράσεις στα αγγεία με την πρόσδεσή τους σε ειδικούς υποδοχείς της κυτταρικής επιφάνειας, όπως τον RAGE (Receptor for Advanced Glycation Endproducts). Διαλυτές μορφές του RAGE (sRAGE) εμφανίζονται στο ανθρώπινο αίμα και δρουν ως παγίδα αιχμαλωτίζοντας τους φλεγμονώδεις προσδέτες του RAGE εξωκυττάρια, προστατεύοντας με αυτό τον τρόπο τα κύτταρα από τη βλάβη που προάγεται από τα AGEs. Σκοπός αυτής της εργασίας ήταν να μελετηθούν τα επίπεδα του sRAGE, η πρωτεϊνική έκφραση του RAGE, καθώς και τα επίπεδα CML σε σχέση με διάφορες κλινικές και βιοχημικές παραμέτρους σε παιδιά, εφήβους και νεαρούς ενήλικες με ΣΔ1. Τα επίπεδα sRAGE και CML προσδιορίστηκαν με ELISA και η πρωτεϊνική έκφραση του RAGE στα μονοπύρηνα του περιφερικού αίματος με ανοσοαποτύπωση κατά Western σε 74 παιδιά, εφήβους και νεαρούς ενήλικες με ΣΔ1 (13± 4 χρονών) και 43 μάρτυρες αντίστοιχης ηλικίας, φύλου και σταδίου Tanner. Σ’ αυτή την εργασία τα αυξημένα επίπεδα sRAGE στα παιδιά με ΣΔ1 και πιο ειδικά, σ’ αυτά ηλικίας κάτω από 13 ετών και με διάρκεια διαβήτη κάτω από 5 έτη, μπορεί να είναι ένα προσωρινό προστατευτικό μέτρο ενάντια στην κυτταρική βλάβη και πιθανόν να είναι επαρκές για να εξουδετερώσει επαρκώς τα κυκλοφορούντα CML, εμποδίζοντας έτσι τις διαβητικές αγγειακές επιπλοκές. Επίσης, μια ήπια αύξηση της LDL θα μπορούσε να είναι ένα ερέθισμα για την αύξηση του sRAGE, οδηγώντας στη δέσμευση του CML και τελικά τη μείωση των επιπέδων CML στην κυκλοφορία. Τα μειωμένα επίπεδα της πρωτεϊνικής έκφρασης του RAGE 55 kd (υποδοχέα πλήρους μήκους) μπορεί να αντανακλούν την αυξημένη έκφραση του sRAGE στους ασθενείς με ΣΔ1 συνολικά λόγω της αποκοπής του RAGE με μεταλλοπρωτεϊνάσες. Με την παρουσία κάποιου παράγοντα κινδύνου, όπως αύξηση ηλικίας, περιμέτρου κοιλίας, BMI, συστολικής ή διαστολικής αρτηριακής πίεσης ή επιδείνωση λιπιδαιμικού προφίλ αυξάνεται η πρωτεϊνική έκφραση της ισομορφής αυτής, ενώ φαίνεται αντίστοιχα να μειώνονται τα επίπεδα του sRAGE. Φαίνεται τελικά ότι συνολικά στα παιδιά, τους εφήβους και τους νεαρούς ενήλικες με ΣΔ1 υπάρχει μια υποκλινική διαταραχή του άξονα sRAGE-RAGE-CML, η οποία δύναται να μετατραπεί σε κλινικά εμφανείς αγγειακές βλάβες, αν προστεθούν περαιτέρω επιβαρυντικοί παράγοντες. / The binding of Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs) to their receptor (RAGE) plays a major role in the development of diabetic vascular complications. This work is based on the relation between circulating soluble RAGE (sRAGE) levels in children, adolescents and young adults with IDDM and RAGE protein expression in association with N-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML), a major antigenic AGEs component. Circulating sRAGE and CML levels were determined by ELISA and RAGE protein expression was evaluated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells by western immunoblotting in 74 children, adolescents and young adults with IDDM (134 years old) and 43 age, sex and Tanner stage-matched controls. Serum sRAGE levels were significantly higher in IDDM than in controls, inversely correlated to diabetes duration and directly correlated to LDL levels. Furthermore, circulating CML levels were not significantly different between IDDM and controls. Also, the protein expression of the RAGE isoforms 55 kd (full-length), 64 kd and 100 kd, measured by western immunoblotting, was significantly lower in IDDM than in controls, whereas RAGE 37 kd levels were not significantly different between IDDM and controls. Finally, when there was a risk factor, such as increased age, poor lipid profile, increased BMI or waist circumference or increased systolic or diastolic pressure, then it seemed that isoforms RAGE 55, 64 and 100 kd were increased. Isoform RAGE 64 kd could be RAGE-v5, a splice variant which resulted in a change of amino acid sequence in the extracellular ligand-binding domain of RAGE. Isoform RAGE 37 kd seemed to be Δ8-RAGE, a soluble splice variant with probably protective function, which had been found increased in patients with increased HDL. Finally, isoform RAGE 100 kd seemed to be some other splice variant in peripheral mononuclear cells. In conclusion, increased serum levels of sRAGE seen in IDDM children may be a temporary protective measure against cell damage and may be sufficient to efficiently eliminate excessive circulating CML. Moreover, the lower protein expression of the full-length RAGE in IDDM may also reflect the increased sRAGE expression in patients due to RAGE cleavage by metalloproteases. Consequently, in IDDM children, adolescents and young adults there may be a subclinical perturbation of the sRAGE-RAGE-CML axis, which could lead to future clinical vascular damage if additional risk factors are added over time.

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