Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aperson perspective"" "subject:"akerson perspective""
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Att leva med maligna tumörsår : en icke-systematiskt litteraturöversikt / To live with malignant fungating wounds : a non-systematic literature reviewHoang, Isminni, Larefalk, Nathalie January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund Malignt tumörsår utvecklas hos 5–10 procent av personer med avancerad cancer och är en direkt konsekvens av sjukdomen, vilket leder till ytterligare komplikationer och obehag. Den fysiska smärtan och odör vid maligna tumörsår kräver vanligtvis en kombination av behandlingar, inklusive lokal och avancerad sårvård. Dessa två symtom genererade konsekvenser ur många perspektiv, vilket undersöks ur de fysiska, psykiska, sociala och existentiella dimensionerna utifrån teorin total pain. Syfte Syftet med denna uppsats var att belysa personers erfarenhet av att leva med maligna tumörsår. Metod Uppsatsen var en icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt som baserades på artiklar med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar valdes ut och hämtades från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Varje artikel kvalitetsgranskades noggrant enligt bedömningskriterierna för vetenskaplig klassificering och kvalitet via Sophiahemmet Högskola. En integrerad analysmetod tillämpades för sammanställning och bearbetning av resultaten från de olika studierna. Resultat Maligna tumörsår orsakade betydande fysiska och psykologiska utmaningar för de drabbade, deras närstående och vårdpersonal. Smärtan var intensiv och svårbehandlad. Odören beskrevs som påträngande och svår kontrollerad. De psykologiska utmaningarna inkluderade skam och ångest, medan social isolering förstärktes av sårens odör och synlighet. Existentiella utmaningarna uppstod av att hantera en obotlig sjukdom och önskan om en fridfull död. Slutsats Uppsatsen belyste att personer med maligna tumörsår hade erfarenheter av lidande ur flera dimensioner. Enligt Saunders' teori krävdes en omfattande förståelse av smärtans alla aspekter för att förbättra välbefinnandet hos dessa personer. Effektiv hantering och identifiering av symtom relaterade till maligna tumörsår krävde utökad kunskap inom vården. Dessutom var det viktigt att öka allmänhetens medvetenhet för att minska stigma och skam kring tillståndet maligna tumörsår. / Background Malignant fungating wounds, occurring in 5-10 percent of individuals with advanced cancer, directly result from the disease and lead to significant complications and discomfort. Managing physical pain and odor often involves a combination of treatments, including local medications and advanced wound care. These two symptoms generated consequences from different perspectives, which is examined from the physical, psychological, social, and existential dimensions based on the theory of total pain. Aim The purpose of this study was to highlight the experiences of people living with malignant fungating wounds. Method The study was a non-systematic literature review based on articles with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Ten scientific articles were selected and retrieved from the PubMed and CINAHL databases. Each article was meticulously quality assessed according to the criteria for scientific classification and quality via Sophiahemmet University College. An integrated analysis method was applied to compile and process the results from the numerous studies. Results Malignant fungating wounds caused significant physical and psychological challenges for those affected, their relatives, and healthcare providers. The pain was intense and difficult to treat. The odor was described as intrusive and hard to control. Psychological challenges included shame and anxiety, while social isolation was exacerbated by the odor and visibility of the wounds. Existential challenges arose from dealing with an incurable disease and the desire for a peaceful death. Conclusions The study highlighted those persons with malignant fungating wounds experienced suffering from multiple dimensions. According to Saunders' theory, a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of pain was required to improve the well-being of these individuals. Effective management and identification of symptoms related to malignant wounds required expanded knowledge within healthcare. Additionally, it was important to increase public awareness to reduce the stigma and shame associated with the condition of malignant fungating wounds.
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Barriers To Entry For New PlayersIn First-Person Games : The issues that new players encounter and possible ways to solve themW Andersson, Joakim, Hassis, Pontus January 2017 (has links)
This paper studies how new players approach first-person games using a controller. By observingthe behaviour of five mostly inexperienced individuals as they play through the first few levelsof the game Portal 2 , the following patterns for barriers to entry can be observed:The game presumes common knowledge of its player that new players lack.Uninitiated have a hard time using buttons and sticks simultaneously for complicatedmaneuvers.New players primarily use the buttons that they can see with a casual glance, causingsome buttons to be less used.Misunderstanding due to not clearly have been shown possibilities in the gameworld.New players are unaware of the Options menu.Players find navigation and orientation difficult when lacking all the senses of a physicalbody.The fear of not being good enough causes distress.Players find it a waste of time to redo previously conquered challenges or not makingprogress fast enough.The paper then discusses possible solutions to these problems. / Denna rapport studerar hur nya spelare närmar sig förstapersonsspel som kontrolleras medhandkontroll. Genom att observera beteendet hos fem till mestadels oerfarna individer medan despelar igenom några av de första få banorna i spelet Portal 2 kan följande mönster som hindrardem från att börja spela urskiljas:Spelet förutsätter att dess spelare har en gemensam allmän kunskap. Kunskap som nyaspelare saknar.Oinvigda har svårt att använda både knappar och spakar simultant för att utförakomplicerade manövrar.Nya spelare använder primärt knapparna som de kan se vid en flyktig blick, vilketorsakar att vissa knappar blir mindre frekvent använda än andra.Missförstånd på grund av att icke klart och tydligt blivit meddelade spelvärldenmöjligheter.Nya spelare är omedvetna om Options-menyn.Spelare finner att röra sig i spelvärlden är svårt när de inte har tillgång till alla sinnen enfysisk kropp har.Rädslan för att inte vara bra nog orsakar oro.Spelare finner att det är slöseri med tid att göra om tidigare erövrade utmaningar eller attinte göra framsteg i tillräckligt hög fart.Denna rapport diskuterar möjliga lösningar på dessa problem.
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Reflections on One’s Own Body : An Approach to the Potential of Self-Image in HCI / Reflektioner över den Egna Kroppen : Ett Förhållningssätt till Självbildens Potential i HCIBlanco Cardozo, Rebeca January 2023 (has links)
Self-image and the way we present ourselves to the world are highly relevant in today’s society, fostered to some extent by the ubiquitous use of technology. For example, the idealized body image that is disseminated in the media and on social networks can affect the relationship we have with ourselves. Beyond the idyllic images promoted by external agents, there is a personal aspect that also defines who we are and how we relate to our environment; that is self-fashioning, a constant self-driven, ameliorative change in accordance to the ideals promoted by somaesthetics. In line with this approach, our bodies could be understood as spaces for self-design to increase somaesthetic appreciation, both of ourselves and the world. This thesis discusses some early considerations for the development of self-fashioning technologies and the exploration of the design space. By conducting a soma-oriented workshop and a subsequent first-person exploration, I introduce a set of design features that might be addressed when devising embodied artifacts. They highlight the importance of "constant becoming," a situated ongoing process that shapes us, arguing that technologies for self-fashioning should support it. / Självbilden och hur vi presenterar oss för världen är högst relevanta i dagens samhälle, delvis underblåst av den allestädes närvarande användningen av teknik. Till exempel kan den idealiserade kroppsbild som sprids i medierna och på sociala nätverk påverka relationen vi har till oss själva. Utöver de idylliska bilder som främjas av externa agenter finns det en personlig aspekt som också definierar vilka vi är och hur vi förhåller oss till vår miljö; det vill säga self-fashioning, en konstant självdriven och förbättrande förändring i enlighet med de ideal som främjas av somaestetiken. I linje med detta synsätt kan våra kroppar förstås som utrymmen för självutformning för att öka somaestetisk uppskattning, både av oss själva och av världen. Denna uppsats diskuterar några tidiga överväganden för utformningen av self-fashioning teknologier och utforskningen av designutrymmet. Genom en soma-orienterad workshop och en efterföljande förstapersonsutforskning presenterar jag en uppsättning designfunktioner som kan hanteras när man designar inbäddade artefakter. De betonar vikten av "constantly becoming", en situerad pågående process som formar oss, och argumenterar för att teknologier för self-fashioning bör stödja det.
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H.P. Lovecraft's Literary "Supernatural Horror" in Visual CultureWallace, Nathaniel R. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Living in Two Worlds: Intentional Personal Development of Autistic IndividualsVuletic, Ljiljana 17 February 2011 (has links)
Despite an increased interest in autism over the last decades, little research exists about life outcomes of autistic adults. The earliest follow-up studies of autistic individuals suggested that self- understanding and conscious efforts to change could be crucial factors in successfully reaching good life outcomes. However, these initial suggestions have not been further investigated. Therefore, this exploratory qualitative study examined the lives of eight highfunctioning autistic adults aged 25 to 63, from their own perspectives, through in-depth, semistructured interviews, to consider the relation of self-understanding and conscious efforts to change—in this study referred to as intentional personal development—to their life outcomes.
All participants demonstrated a level of self-understanding beyond what would be predicted by current theoretical models of autism. Their self-understanding was assessed through participants’ self-definitions, meaning-making of life experiences, and understanding of emotions. In their self-definitions, the participants emphasized their abilities and personality characteristics, rather than their disabilities. For their self-defining memories, as indicators of their meaning making of life experiences, most participants chose positive experiences related to their personal development. Their autobiographical accounts revealed that most participants possess a large iii
repertoire of emotion words, supporting an understanding of emotions. When a good life
outcome is defined traditionally—as being employed, living independently, and having social relationships—this study, contrary to expectations, did not provide overwhelming evidence for the significant role of intentional personal development in achieving this. However, when a good life outcome is defined in terms of achieving personal excellence, then the study did provide confirmation of intentionality as important to attaining good life outcomes. This study therefore suggests that traditional life outcome measures are inadequate for assessing the life outcomes of
autistic individuals because such measures do not take into account the individuals’ own sense of satisfaction with themselves and with their lives.
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Living in Two Worlds: Intentional Personal Development of Autistic IndividualsVuletic, Ljiljana 17 February 2011 (has links)
Despite an increased interest in autism over the last decades, little research exists about life outcomes of autistic adults. The earliest follow-up studies of autistic individuals suggested that self- understanding and conscious efforts to change could be crucial factors in successfully reaching good life outcomes. However, these initial suggestions have not been further investigated. Therefore, this exploratory qualitative study examined the lives of eight highfunctioning autistic adults aged 25 to 63, from their own perspectives, through in-depth, semistructured interviews, to consider the relation of self-understanding and conscious efforts to change—in this study referred to as intentional personal development—to their life outcomes.
All participants demonstrated a level of self-understanding beyond what would be predicted by current theoretical models of autism. Their self-understanding was assessed through participants’ self-definitions, meaning-making of life experiences, and understanding of emotions. In their self-definitions, the participants emphasized their abilities and personality characteristics, rather than their disabilities. For their self-defining memories, as indicators of their meaning making of life experiences, most participants chose positive experiences related to their personal development. Their autobiographical accounts revealed that most participants possess a large iii
repertoire of emotion words, supporting an understanding of emotions. When a good life
outcome is defined traditionally—as being employed, living independently, and having social relationships—this study, contrary to expectations, did not provide overwhelming evidence for the significant role of intentional personal development in achieving this. However, when a good life outcome is defined in terms of achieving personal excellence, then the study did provide confirmation of intentionality as important to attaining good life outcomes. This study therefore suggests that traditional life outcome measures are inadequate for assessing the life outcomes of
autistic individuals because such measures do not take into account the individuals’ own sense of satisfaction with themselves and with their lives.
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Auditory immersion and the believability of a first-person perspective in computer games : Do players have a preference between mono and stereo foley, and is one perceived as more believable?Wennerberg, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Based on previous research on spatial attributes in foley and the concept that auditory immersion in first-person perspective computer games is enhanced by believable sound effects, this study explores if there is a connection between stereo foley and the believability of the first-person perspective, and regardless, if there is a preference to either mono or stereo foley. An interactive listening test was created in unreal engine 4, where 20 subjects, all considered gamers, played three levels that differed visually and in auditory content. In these levels, subjects auditioned two versions of avatar-related foley sounds. One version was mono, the other stereo. The test prompted the subjects to complete two tasks for each level, whereupon the foley version changed upon completion of the first task. The subjects then answered questions in between each level, regarding the foley version. They were asked to rate believability and choose a preference, as well as provide motivations for their choices. The quantitative data showed next no evidence that either mono or stereo was generally perceived as more believable or preferred. However, the qualitative data indicates that the majority of players tend to prefer and rate stereo foley as more believable in certain game environments. Furthermore, the data indicates that some subjects prefer a sensory replication of reality in foley. It is also shown that preference for stereo width vary between subjects and therefore argued that there cannot be a perfect standardized setting for stereo foley.
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