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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Relationship Between Athletic Development Personality Factors and Decision Making

DeGraffe, Herbert 01 January 2017 (has links)
Ineffective leadership that results from personality defects, ineffective core executive functions, and emotional decision making can lead to destructive actions and executive failures that affect organizational effectiveness. The purpose of this correlational study was to determine if athletic development personality factors correlate with decision making at the executive leadership level. The research questions focused on determining if there was a relationship between athletic development personality factors and decision making. Social exchange theory, social representations theory, and leadership theories comprised the theoretical framework. Participants included 124 executive decision-makers from the United States, the United Kingdom, South Africa, India, and Singapore who completed an online survey measuring self-assessed athletic development personality factors. The data analysis strategy using multiple regression showed that, while each variable was a positive significant predictor of personality factors, the regression approach eliminated redundant predictors from the 5 variable model. The resulting 3 variable model was significant; focus, ethicalness, and leadership found decision making scores to be higher for respondents with highest scores for focus personality (β = .43, p = .001) and ethicalness personality (β = .28, p = .001) and leadership personality (β = .21, p = .001) significantly contributed to the model. Organizational leaders might use the findings of this study on these key personality factors to enhance their knowledge and increase the relationship paths for positive social change by informing leadership development programs and executive training through educational strategies and best practices.

Personlighet och objektivitet inom revisionsarbete : Har revisorns personliga egenskaper inverkan på förmågan att stå emot extern manipulation?

Wernerson, Anna, Larsson, Emma January 2015 (has links)
Objectivity is often emphasized as one of the fundamental principles for the auditing profession and is also a requirement for preserving satisfactory professional practice. The multiple company scandals in the first decade of the 21st century have created distrust for auditors’ capability to maintain objectivity. The purpose of this study is to contribute with a new way of thinking when it comes to the factors that affect objectivity. Earlier studies have indicated that personality factors may affect work performance in many different fields and this study is exploring the connection between separate personality factors, and the capability of less experienced auditors to maintain objectivity in the relationship with dominating and demanding clients. Data was collected through a survey that was divided into two separate parts where the first part measured the participant’s score on different personality factors, and the other part measured the participant’s score on perceived objectivity. 133 subjects participated in the study and these subjects were divided into non-authorized or non-approved auditors and recently authorized or approved auditors. The result of the study did not indicate any significant connection between perceived objectivity and the different personality factors. However, there was a statistically significant connection between authorization and perceived objectivity. Non-authorized and non-approved auditors in the study tended to score higher on perceived objectivity than did their authorized counterparts. In order to regain the trust for auditors and to strengthen the role of the profession it is important to increase objectivity. The surprising evidence supplied by this study creates a curiosity and urge to further investigate the factors affecting objectivity, especially in combination with possible psychological aspects. This study is unique because it focuses strictly on individual instead of contextual factors and it thereby contributes to the literature about the influence of individual factors as well as to the study of objectivity among auditors. This is a step towards greater understanding of the factors that actually affect objectivity and, as a consequence, also affect the quality of the audit as a control mechanism. / Objektivitet framhålls ofta som en av de grundläggande principerna för revisorsyrket samt ett krav för att upprätthålla god yrkessed. Det tidiga 2000-talets stora företagsskandaler har dock skapat en misstro till revisorer som yrkesgrupp och har dessutom föranlett ett tvivel gentemot revisorers objektivitet. Avsikten med denna studie är att bidra med nya tankebanor kring vad som skulle kunna påverka objektiviteten. Tidigare studier har indikerat att personlighetsfaktorer kan påverka arbetsprestationen inom vitt skilda branscher och denna studie undersöker sambandet mellan olika personlighetsfaktorer och mindre erfarna revisorers förmåga att bibehålla objektiviteten i relationen med dominerande och krävande klienter. Data till studien samlades in genom en tvådelad enkät där en del mätte personligheten och den andra delen mätte graden av objektivitet. I studien deltog 133 respondenter fördelat på revisorsassistenter, revisorer som varken är auktoriserade eller godkända samt revisorer som har auktoriserats det senaste året. Resultatet av studien påvisar inte några signifikanta samband mellan graden av objektivitet och de studerade personlighetsfaktorerna. Istället påvisades ett signifikant samband mellan auktorisation och graden av objektivitet. Revisorer som varken var godkända eller auktoriserade visade i studien tendenser till högre grad av objektivitet än sina auktoriserade kollegor. I fråga om att vinna tillbaka förtroendet för revisorerna och att stärka deras yrkesroll är det viktigt att öka graden av objektivitet. Informationen som den här studien ger är överraskande och skapar framför allt en nyfikenhet och forskarlust att gräva djupare i objektivitetens påverkansfaktorer, och då i synnerhet i kombination med tänkbara psykologiska aspekter. Denna studie är unik då den i allra högsta grad fokuserar på individfaktorer istället för kontextuella faktorer och därmed bidrar till litteraturen om individfaktorers påverkan såväl som till studiet av objektivitet hos revisorer.  Detta är ett led i förståelsen av vilka faktorer som faktiskt har inverkan på objektivitet och därmed också har inverkan på kvaliteten hos revisionen som kontrollfunktion.

Osobní pohoda a pracovní spokojenost učitelů 2. stupně ZŠ / Subjective well-being and job satisfaction of teachers in secondary schools

MACHOVÁ, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis will define the concept of life and job satisfaction, as well as factors affecting life satisfaction and it´s measurement methods. In relation to life satisfaction, thesis will also investigate issues of personality and the teaching profession. The practical part will be focused on the degree of life and job satisfaction of selected sample of second grade elementary school´s teachers, but not only the overall level of life satisfaction, but also the satisfaction of teachers in various areas of life. Linkage between different areas of life and overall life satisfaction will be also examined in this thesis. The relationship of these two phenomena to demographic data and finally the relationship between life satisfaction and personality factors.

Indicators for sales success of a personal financial advisor in the bancassurance environment

Van der Merwe, Pieter Retief 28 February 2009 (has links)
This study investigated the relationships between personality, ability, biographical and sociographical factors on the one hand and criterion measures of job-relevant behaviour on the other. The aim of the study was to isolate success-predicting factors for a Personal Financial Advisor in a South African Bancassurance operation. The research was done by means of a criterion-related concurrent validation study. The sample consisted of 185 advisors with two years or longer sales tenure in the position. Predictor variables included measurement on a 20-dimension competency model, an ability assessment and 17 biographical and sociographical variables related to the position. Criterion variables included production figures and managerial ratings on advisor performance. Meaningful predictors for the success of financial advisors were found for personality, ability, biographical and sociographical variables, and the results confirmed the hypothesised competency model derived from a job analysis. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

A Study of Relationships Between Selected Personality Factors and Personal Adjustment of Overseas Personnel

Guynes, Delmer R. 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was the assessment of the value of the Tennessee Self Concept Scale, the DF Opinion Survey, and An Inventory of Factors STDCR for use in identifying personality factors significant to overseas adjustment. The following conclusions were drawn: 1. The TSCS and the DFOS lacked validity as predictors of personal adjustment as measured by the MPAS. 2. Freedom from depression tendencies (Factor D) and freedom from fluctuating emotions (Factor C) of the STDCR were significantly related to overseas adjustment. 3. The best combination of factor scores for predicting personal adjustment included D (Depression), CC (Cultural Conformity), and S (Social Introversion-Extraversion). 4. The Candidate Graduate Training Program was not effective in producing change in the psychological factors tested.

The relationship between personality and transformational leadership in the retail industry

Ngewu, Nwabisa Ayanda 01 1900 (has links)
The new economy is characterised by globalisation, increased competition, and rapid changes. In order to remain competitive, organisations need to be proactive and innovative to survive. This is mirrored in the South African retail industry which is developing into a dynamic industry driven by changes in technology, shifts in consumer behaviour, saturating markets, and increased competition as a result of globalisation. In light of these increased demands on organisations to be more flexible, adaptable, and competitive, new demands have subsequently been placed on leaders. The retail industry is highly labour-intensive and requires effective leadership at all levels, and Transformational Leadership (TL) has been shown to be an effective leadership style to improve various organisational outcomes. In recent years, personality has been used as a means to predict TL behaviours in leaders. One model of personality that has proved its utility in identifying leadership characteristics has been the Five Factor Model of Personality. However, not much is known about the relationship between TL and the Big Five personality factors in the retail industry. The current study utilised a quantitative research approach in which 101 leaders in a retail organisation in South Africa were assessed on TL and the Big Five personality factors, using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire and the Fifteen Factor Plus Personality Questionnaire. Correlation analysis was conducted to determine the statistical relationship between TL and the Big Five personality factors. Results indicated that there were no statistically significant relationships between three of the Big Five personality factors, namely extraversion, openness to experience, and conscientiousness, and any of the TL dimensions or the composite TL score. There are two statistically significant relationships between one Big Five personality factor, namely agreeableness, and two TL dimensions, namely inspirational motivation (.196; p < .05), and individualised consideration (.200; p < .05). Only one Big Five personality factor, namely emotional stability, is statistically significantly related to all the TL dimensions as well as the composite TL score, ranging from a low of .539 (p < .01) for idealised behaviour to a high of .556 (p < .01) for the composite TL score. The study concluded that the Big Five personality factors should be used with caution to identify and develop potential TL behaviours in the diverse South African retail context. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Relationship-Contingent Self-Esteem and Inter- and Intrapersonal Outcomes: All in Moderation

Santic, Frane Francis January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Alkoholkonsumtion : Kan det prediceras av personlighetsegenskaper, BIS/BAS, kön och ålder? / Alcohol consumption : Can it be predicted by personality factors, BIS/BAS, gender and age?

Hull, Sebastian, Avdic, Enes January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med aktuell studie var att undersöka om personlighetsegenskaper (från femfaktormodellen), BIS/BAS, kön och ålder kunde predicera studenters alkoholkonsumtion.  Alkoholkonsumtion är ett stort problem i dagens samhälle och bidrar till 3 miljoner dödsfall varje år globalt och leder till funktionshinder och dålig hälsa för miljontals människor. Studien använde sig av en korrelationell design och data samlades in med hjälp av ett självskattningsformulär. Urvalet bestod av 184 universitetsstudenter (77 % kvinnor) från tre olika program på Linnéuniversitetet i Kalmar och Växjö. Korrelationsanalysen visade signifikanta samband mellan alkoholkonsumtion och oberoende variabler där den starkaste effekten var ett medelstarkt positivt samband mellan BAS Fun Seeking och alkoholkonsumtion. Den efterföljande regressionsanalysen (MRA) visade att ålder, kön, BAS Fun Seeking och extraversion kunde predicera alkoholkonsumtion vilket stämde överens med studiens hypoteser och tidigare forskning. Resultatet från nuvarande studie ger en bättre förståelse för vilka variabler som kan predicera alkoholkonsumtion och utökar kunskap inom området vilket kan vara användbart för framtida hälsoprogram. / The aim of this study was to investigate whether personality factors (from the five-factor model), BIS/BAS, gender and age could predict students' alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption is a major problem today, contributing to 3 million deaths each year globally and leading to disability and poor health for millions of people. The study used a correlational design and data were collected using a self-report questionnaire. The sample consisted of 184 university students (77% women) from three different programs at Linnaeus University in Kalmar and Växjö. The correlation analysis showed significant relationships between alcohol consumption and independent variables, with the strongest effect being a moderately strong positive relationship between BAS Fun Seeking and alcohol consumption. The multiple regression analysis (MRA) showed that age, gender, BAS Fun Seeking and extraversion could predict alcohol consumption, which was consistent with the study's hypotheses and previous research. The result from the current study provides a better understanding of which variables can predict alcohol consumption and expands knowledge in the field, which can be useful for future health programs.

The role of certain personality factors in oral examination

Ratz, Wolfgang Edelbert 05 1900 (has links)
The interdependent relationship which exists between personality characteristics of adolescents and their achievements in oral examinations have been investigated. The following related aspects were studied in the literature: * * * The role of oral evaluation in English. Personality characteristics which are meaningful to achievement in oral work. Ways to measure personality with special reference to the High School Personality Questionnaire. An empirical study inter alia revealed the following: {i) Low oral achievers are emotionally less stable than high achievers. (ii) Verbal intelligence, emotional instability, anxiety experience and introvertedness play an influential role in achievement in oral work. (iii) Girls tend to achieve better in oral work in the secondary school than boys. The educational implications of the investigation relate to the adequate becoming-adult of the adolescent. The role of the educand's personality in oral examinations and the need of teachers to possess more information about this matter during evaluation, have been revealed in this study. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Vers une modélisation des facteurs psychologiques de vulnérabilités à risques des jeunes de moins de 25 ans : le cas de la consommation d’alcool et des troubles alimentaires subcliniques / Towards a psychological factors’ model of vulnerability to risk-taking behaviours of young people under 25 years old : alcohol use and subclinical eating disorders

Andrés, Fanny 11 December 2012 (has links)
Les conduites à risques des jeunes sont au centre des politiques de santé publique actuelles. Afin de tenter de prévenir leur occurrence, il semble important d’en comprendre les origines. Dans cette logique, ce travail doctoral s’intéresse aux facteurs psychologiques de vulnérabilité à la consommation d’alcool et aux troubles alimentaires subcliniques chez les jeunes. Plus spécifiquement, il appréhende les influences de l’attachement parental, la personnalité et l’alexithymie sur ces conduites au travers de modèles complexes. Trois études ont été mises en place. La première a permis d’explorer le rôle de l’attachement parental et du concept de soi dans la consommation d’alcool des adolescents (N = 245). La seconde a souligné les effets directs et indirects de l’attachement parental, la personnalité et l’alexithymie sur la consommation d’alcool et les troubles alimentaires subcliniques au sein d’une population d’étudiants sportifs (N = 434). La troisième a mis en évidence l’existence de relations directes et indirectes entre l’attachement parental, les facettes de la personnalité, l’alexithymie et les troubles alimentaires subcliniques des athlètes de haut niveau (N = 275). Les résultats révèlent que les comportements risqués des jeunes sont liés à un attachement parental insécurisé et à des difficultés dans l’identification et la description de leurs émotions. La consommation d’alcool est associée à un faible caractère consciencieux alors que les troubles alimentaires subcliniques sont liés à un névrosisme élevé. Plus précisément, l’attachement parental insécurisé favorise la consommation d’alcool au travers de son influence sur le caractère consciencieux et la régulation des affects. Ce type d’attachement contribue également à l’occurrence des troubles alimentaires des sportifs en induisant un névrosisme élevé, et plus particulièrement une forte impulsivité chez les athlètes de haut niveau. / Risk-taking behaviours of young people are issues that need to be addressed. Understanding their origins could prevent them from wide spreading. Consequently, this thesis focused on the psychological factors of vulnerability to alcohol use and subclinical eating disorders amongst young people. More specifically, we examined the influences of parental attachment, personality characteristics and alexithymia on these risk-taking behaviours through different models. Three studies have been carried out. The first one aimed to assess the role of the parental attachment and self-concept in alcohol use of adolescents (N = 245). The second one identified direct and indirect effects of parental attachment, personality characteristics and alexithymia on alcohol use and subclinical eating disorders amongst a sample of student athletes (N = 434). The third study emphasized the direct and indirect relationships between parental attachment, personality facets, alexithymia and subclinical eating disorders amongst a sample of elite athletes (N = 275). The findings provided evidence that risk-taking behaviours of young people were linked with an insecure parental attachment and difficulties in identifying and describing their feelings. Alcohol use was related to low conscientiousness whereas subclinical eating disorders were related to high neuroticism. Insecure parental attachment influenced alcohol use through its influence on conscientiousness and difficulties in identifying one’s feelings. Finally insecure attachment influenced subclinical eating disorders through high neuroticism, and specifically high impulsivity amongst elite athletes.Key words: alcohol use, subclinical eating disorders, parental attachment, alexithymia, personality factors, adolescents, student athletes, elite athletes.

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