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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da drenabilidade de calçadas experimentais em concreto permeávelno campus Armando Salles de Oliveira da USP. / Drainage study of experimental sidewalks built with pervious concrete at Armando Salles de Oliveira campus - USP.

Filipe de Oliveira Curvo 08 November 2017 (has links)
A tecnologia de pavimento em concreto permeável surgiu como potencial solução para problemas relacionados à drenagem urbana provenientes da diminuição da área permeável de uma metrópole. Desta forma, sua utilização vem crescendo cada vez mais, inclusive no Brasil. Para avaliar o comportamento hidráulico de uma calçada em concreto permeável, o Laboratório de Mecânica dos Pavimentos da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (LMP-EPUSP) desenvolveu duas misturas para a aplicação em duas calçadas em concreto permeável construídas no Campus da Universidade de São Paulo. A primeira estrutura possui dimensões de 1,00 m x 8,65 m, sem manta permeável, ao passo que a segunda estrutura possui 1,50 m x 84,80 m com sua área dividida em 3 trechos que diferem entre si da seguinte forma: primeiro trecho com manta permeável e infiltração de água no solo; segundo trecho com lona impermeável e sistema de drenagem; e terceiro trecho sem manta e com infiltração de água no solo. Além da análise do comportamento hidráulico da mistura, os métodos construtivos adotados foram avaliados, desde a escolha do local até a cura do concreto. Todas as adequações do método de execução da primeira calçada para a segunda são explícitas e justificadas nesse trabalho, tais como a existência da manta permeável, que na primeira calçada não existia e na segunda surge como uma das soluções para se evitar a colmatação por bombeamento, e detalhes na compactação do revestimento, mantendo uma superfície mais regular. Feita a análise do método construtivo, essa pesquisa também apresenta diversos resultados de taxas de infiltração, em cm/s, in loco obtidos através do ensaio baseado na ASTM C-1701, além de mostrar, através de comparações com diversas referências, o grande potencial hidráulico das misturas desenvolvidas. Esses resultados mostram o comportamento hidráulico das misturas com o tempo. Das informações apresentadas, fica evidente a dependência da escolha do local para um bom comportamento hidráulico a longo prazo, além de explicitar o quão a taxa de infiltração diminui com o tempo em um pavimento construído em ambiente pouco suscetível à colmatação proveniente de árvores e em local muito suscetível. Além disso, o estudo mostra que, apesar de pequenas diferenças nos pavimentos, tais como a infiltração ou não de água no solo, e, no caso contrário, a existência de um sistema de drenagem, o comportamento hidráulico é semelhante. A mesma conclusão é obtida comparando-se os ensaios realizados em bordas e centro do pavimento. Todos os resultados mostrados e conclusões tiradas a partir desses mostram o grande potencial drenante do pavimento de concreto permeável, potencializando com a seleção adequada de materiais, local e método construtivo. / Pervious concrete pavement came as a potential solution to problems related to urban drainage, consequence of the decrease of the permeability area of a metropolis. In this way, its use has been increasing all over the world, including Brazil. In order to evaluate the hydraulic behavior of a permeable concrete sidewalk, the Pavement Mechanics Laboratory of the University of São Paulo developed two mixtures. These mixtures were made for an application on two sidewalks in permeable concrete built in the Campus of the University of São Paulo. The first sidewalk has 1.00 m x 8.65 m, without a geotextile, and the second has 1.50 m x 84.80 m, divided into 3 stretches differing from each other as follows: first section with a geotextile and infiltration of water on soil; Second stretch with waterproof tarpaulin and drainage system; And the third stretch has not a geotextile, but count with the infiltration of water on soil. In addition to the analysis of the hydraulic behavior of the mixture, the constructive methods adopted were evaluated, since the choice of the construction site, until the concrete cure. All adaptations of the method of execution of the first sidewalk to the second one are explicit and justified in this work, such as the existence of the geotextile, that in the first sidewalk did not exist and in the second it appears as one of the solutions to avoid the clogging. Another adaptation was the compaction adopted, which is more regular on the second sidewalk. After the analysis of the constructive method, this research also presents several results of infiltration rates, in cm/s, obtained through the test based on ASTM C-1701, besides showing, through comparisons with several references, the great potential Hydraulic of the mixtures applied. These results show the hydraulic behavior of the mixtures over time. From the information presented, the dependence on the choice of site for a good long-term hydraulic behavior is verified, it is also evidente how much the rate of infiltration decreases with time in a pavement built in a site next to trees and another types of vegetation. In addition, this research shows that the little differences in the methods results in little differences in the infiltration rate, but the hydraulic behavior remains similar. The same conclusion is obtained by comparing the tests performed at the edges and center of the pavement. All presented results and conclusions shows the great potential of the mixtures developed by the LMP-USP, which can be enhanced though the suitable materials selection, construction place and constructive method.

Freeze-Thaw Durability of Pervious Concrete

Demille, Carson B. 15 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Although the use of pervious concrete is expanding, only a limited number of scholarly papers have been published on the resistance of pervious concrete to deterioration under frost action. Based on this need for additional research on the durability of pervious concrete in cold regions, the objective of this research was to evaluate the resistance of pervious concrete to degradation during freeze-thaw cycling under different soil clogging and water saturation conditions. The laboratory research associated with this project involved three primary measures of pervious concrete performance, including freeze-thaw durability, compressive strength, and permeability. Testing associated with freeze-thaw durability involved two levels of soil clogging, two water saturation conditions, and two curing durations in a full-factorial experimental design. Field testing involved measurements of stiffness, permeability, and compressive strength at a single site in Orem, Utah. The factor of water saturation and the interaction between the factors of curing condition and clogging condition played significant roles in testing throughout the entire course of freeze-thaw testing. Regarding the factor of water saturation, specimens that were completely submerged in water during freeze-thaw testing were damaged at a notably faster rate than those specimens that were tested in a moist but unsaturated condition for both curing conditions. Regarding the interaction between the factors of curing condition and clogging condition, the effect of clogging on the number of freeze-thaw cycles to failure depended upon the curing condition. A comparison of in situ modulus values, core modulus values, and core compressive strengths associated with clogged locations and unclogged locations in the field indicated no significant differences in structural properties in the clogged and unclogged locations. Although the results of this research suggest that pervious concrete similar to that evaluated in this study can be successfully used in cold regions under essentially ideal conditions, further laboratory and field research should be performed to more carefully examine the effect of moisture content on the freeze-thaw durability of moist but unsaturated specimens. Also, given that clogging can reduce the freeze-thaw durability of pervious concrete, the efficacy of maintenance procedures available for cleaning partially clogged pervious concrete slabs should be investigated. Long-term monitoring of and supplementary experimentation on the pervious concrete slab tested in this research should be considered for these purposes. More conclusive data about the performance of pervious concrete in cold regions will be derived from such field tests.

Porous Concrete: Proposal of UA Study and Best Practices

Foster, Shiloh January 2016 (has links)
Sustainable Built Environments Senior Capstone Project / Porous concrete pavements have been used in the eastern United States to effectively manage storm water when used as an alternative to impervious surfaces. This paper reviewed a wide body of available literature and research to examine their potential to reduce runoff at the University of Arizona. This study found that their unique structural properties enable them to infiltrate and detain large volumes of water in a stone sub-base below the slab, filtering out many street related contaminants without the need to install additional infrastructure. Porous concrete surfaces may support green development in the southwest where water is both a sensitive and valuable resource. However, long-term structural durability, clogging potential due to dust, and maintenance requirements have yet to be fully understood in this region. This paper then summarizes critical factors that affect the performance of porous concrete and proposes a framework for future study to be conducted by the University of Arizona in a way that would reduce runoff to major campus roads, contribute to a better understanding of sustainable storm water management in the southwest, and demonstrate leadership in environmental stewardship.

Análise do desempenho estrutural e hidráulico de um pavimento permeável com revestimento de blocos de concreto unidirecionalmente articulados. / Hydraulic and structural performance analysis of a permeable pavement with articulated concrete block surface layer.

Ono, Bruno Watanabe 13 March 2018 (has links)
O emprego de pavimentos permeáveis tem se tornado cada vez mais necessário como medida compensatória para amortecer as vazões de pico e atenuar os impactos gerados pelas chuvas torrenciais em áreas altamente urbanizadas. Dentre os materiais convencionalmente adotados como revestimento permeável no contexto nacional destacam-se os blocos de concreto intertravados (BCI) e o asfalto poroso. No entanto, internacionalmente, existem materiais alternativos que podem apresentar permeabilidade igual ou até mesmo superior. Sob esse prisma, convém destacar o uso dos blocos de concreto articulados (BCA), recentemente adotados nos Estados Unidos e na Coréia do Sul, cuja capacidade de infiltração vem mostrando-se bastante promissora. Diferentemente dos blocos intertravados, os BCA foram projetados para trabalhar em conjunto, já que são interconectados por meio do encaixe das articulações unidirecionais de cada peça, sobrepostas umas às outras, dispensando assim o uso de material de rejunte, o que por sua vez aumenta a permeabilidade do revestimento. Contudo, embora o desempenho hidráulico aparente ser eficaz, questiona-se se o pavimento de blocos de concreto articulados (PBCA) comporta-se de forma igualmente satisfatória em termos estruturais. Nesse sentido, visando avaliar o desempenho estrutural e hidráulico de um pavimento permeável de BCA, foi construída uma pista experimental (20 x 5 m) no Campus da USP, adotando-se dois tipos de base, uma de agregado reciclado (RCD) e outra de agregado natural (brita 1). Na análise estrutural utilizaram-se como parâmetros de avaliação as deflexões máximas obtidas via FWD (Falling Weight Deflectometer), a eficiência de transferência de carga (LTE - Load Transfer Efficiency) e por fim, os módulos de resiliência retroanalisados para cada camada. Ademais, a pesquisa ainda avaliou a influência da presença de fissuras ou trincas nos blocos no desempenho estrutural do pavimento, já que acabaram tornando-se recorrentes em ambas as seções avaliadas. Já na avaliação hidráulica, monitorou-se a taxa de infiltração in situ ao longo de quase vinte meses. Complementarmente, foram realizadas ainda avaliações laboratoriais dos materiais empregados e funcionais do pavimento. A análise estrutural indicou que o sentido articulado do BCA obteve respostas estruturais nitidamente melhores que o sentido não articulado em termos de módulo de resiliência, deflexões máximas e LTE, evidenciando que de fato as articulações conferem intertravamento ao pavimento, próximo ao propiciado pela areia de rejunte no BCI. A base de RCD por apresentar uma distribuição granulométrica mais bem distribuída do que a brita 1, também obteve melhores resultados. Já a presença de trincas ou fissuras nos blocos não acarretou comprometimento no desempenho estrutural da pista experimental, devido ao baixo grau de severidade da maioria das patologias encontradas, como atestou o levantamento funcional, cuja classificação indicou um pavimento em boas condições de serventia. No que diz respeito ao desempenho hidráulico, o pavimento apresentou um desempenho adequado em termos de capacidade de infiltração. Apesar da perda progressiva estimada em 20% ao ano, as taxas de infiltração in situ mantiveram-se acima de 10-3 m/s em todos os ensaios realizados, sendo, portanto, superior à maioria dos revestimentos permeáveis tradicionalmente utilizados como os blocos intertravados e a camada porosa de atrito, conforme descritos pela literatura. / Pervious pavements have become increasingly fundamental as a compensatory measure to attenuate peak flows and to mitigate the impacts generated by torrential storm water in highly urbanized areas. Among the usual materials applied in permeable surface layers, it is possible to highlight the interlocking concrete blocks (ICB) and the porous asphalt. However, internationally, there are alternative materials that are able to present a higher permeability. In this sense, the use of articulated concrete blocks (ACB) needs to be stressed. Recently adopted in United States of America and South Korea, ACB has presented promising infiltration rates. Unlike the ICB, the ACB was designed to work as an integrated framework due to the presence of articulated joints in one of the block directions, which allows discarding the jointing sand and as result, increases water infiltration. Nevertheless, although the pavement hydraulic performance seems to be successful, there are some doubts about the structural behavior. Thereby, aiming at evaluating the hydraulic and structural performance of an unidirectionally articulated concrete block pavement, a pavement experimental section (20 x 5 meters) was constructed at the University of São Paulo Campus. Two types of different bases were applied, namely recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) and natural aggregate. The structural assessment took into account the maximum deflection measurements, the load transfer efficiency (LTE) and the backcalculated elastic moduli of each layer. In addition, this work also evaluated the structural influence caused by the presence of damaged pavers, since it became a recurring problem. Regarding the hydraulic evaluation, the surface infiltration rate was monitored over twenty months after the pavement construction. Furthermore, functional and laboratorial analyses were carried out in order to check the structure serviceability level. The structural results indicated clearly that the articulated block side had better performance than the non-articulated block side in terms of elastic moduli, maximum deflections measurements and LTE, confirming the interlocking efficiency generated by the block shape, comparable to that one provided by the jointing sand in ICB. As the recycled aggregate was characterized by a more well graded particle size distribution than the natural aggregate, the RCA base also presented better structural responses. The presence of damaged blocks did not compromise the pavement structural performance, since the degree of severity was low, as verified by the functional evaluation, which showed a pavement in good conditions. Finally, concerning the hydraulic results, the pavement presented a high infiltration capacity. Even though an infiltration loss of about 20% per year has been detected, the infiltration rate remained greater than 10-3 m/s for all tests performed, being considerably higher than those found in pavements built with both interlocking concrete blocks and with porous asphalt, as reported in the literature.

Análise do desempenho estrutural e hidráulico de um pavimento permeável com revestimento de blocos de concreto unidirecionalmente articulados. / Hydraulic and structural performance analysis of a permeable pavement with articulated concrete block surface layer.

Bruno Watanabe Ono 13 March 2018 (has links)
O emprego de pavimentos permeáveis tem se tornado cada vez mais necessário como medida compensatória para amortecer as vazões de pico e atenuar os impactos gerados pelas chuvas torrenciais em áreas altamente urbanizadas. Dentre os materiais convencionalmente adotados como revestimento permeável no contexto nacional destacam-se os blocos de concreto intertravados (BCI) e o asfalto poroso. No entanto, internacionalmente, existem materiais alternativos que podem apresentar permeabilidade igual ou até mesmo superior. Sob esse prisma, convém destacar o uso dos blocos de concreto articulados (BCA), recentemente adotados nos Estados Unidos e na Coréia do Sul, cuja capacidade de infiltração vem mostrando-se bastante promissora. Diferentemente dos blocos intertravados, os BCA foram projetados para trabalhar em conjunto, já que são interconectados por meio do encaixe das articulações unidirecionais de cada peça, sobrepostas umas às outras, dispensando assim o uso de material de rejunte, o que por sua vez aumenta a permeabilidade do revestimento. Contudo, embora o desempenho hidráulico aparente ser eficaz, questiona-se se o pavimento de blocos de concreto articulados (PBCA) comporta-se de forma igualmente satisfatória em termos estruturais. Nesse sentido, visando avaliar o desempenho estrutural e hidráulico de um pavimento permeável de BCA, foi construída uma pista experimental (20 x 5 m) no Campus da USP, adotando-se dois tipos de base, uma de agregado reciclado (RCD) e outra de agregado natural (brita 1). Na análise estrutural utilizaram-se como parâmetros de avaliação as deflexões máximas obtidas via FWD (Falling Weight Deflectometer), a eficiência de transferência de carga (LTE - Load Transfer Efficiency) e por fim, os módulos de resiliência retroanalisados para cada camada. Ademais, a pesquisa ainda avaliou a influência da presença de fissuras ou trincas nos blocos no desempenho estrutural do pavimento, já que acabaram tornando-se recorrentes em ambas as seções avaliadas. Já na avaliação hidráulica, monitorou-se a taxa de infiltração in situ ao longo de quase vinte meses. Complementarmente, foram realizadas ainda avaliações laboratoriais dos materiais empregados e funcionais do pavimento. A análise estrutural indicou que o sentido articulado do BCA obteve respostas estruturais nitidamente melhores que o sentido não articulado em termos de módulo de resiliência, deflexões máximas e LTE, evidenciando que de fato as articulações conferem intertravamento ao pavimento, próximo ao propiciado pela areia de rejunte no BCI. A base de RCD por apresentar uma distribuição granulométrica mais bem distribuída do que a brita 1, também obteve melhores resultados. Já a presença de trincas ou fissuras nos blocos não acarretou comprometimento no desempenho estrutural da pista experimental, devido ao baixo grau de severidade da maioria das patologias encontradas, como atestou o levantamento funcional, cuja classificação indicou um pavimento em boas condições de serventia. No que diz respeito ao desempenho hidráulico, o pavimento apresentou um desempenho adequado em termos de capacidade de infiltração. Apesar da perda progressiva estimada em 20% ao ano, as taxas de infiltração in situ mantiveram-se acima de 10-3 m/s em todos os ensaios realizados, sendo, portanto, superior à maioria dos revestimentos permeáveis tradicionalmente utilizados como os blocos intertravados e a camada porosa de atrito, conforme descritos pela literatura. / Pervious pavements have become increasingly fundamental as a compensatory measure to attenuate peak flows and to mitigate the impacts generated by torrential storm water in highly urbanized areas. Among the usual materials applied in permeable surface layers, it is possible to highlight the interlocking concrete blocks (ICB) and the porous asphalt. However, internationally, there are alternative materials that are able to present a higher permeability. In this sense, the use of articulated concrete blocks (ACB) needs to be stressed. Recently adopted in United States of America and South Korea, ACB has presented promising infiltration rates. Unlike the ICB, the ACB was designed to work as an integrated framework due to the presence of articulated joints in one of the block directions, which allows discarding the jointing sand and as result, increases water infiltration. Nevertheless, although the pavement hydraulic performance seems to be successful, there are some doubts about the structural behavior. Thereby, aiming at evaluating the hydraulic and structural performance of an unidirectionally articulated concrete block pavement, a pavement experimental section (20 x 5 meters) was constructed at the University of São Paulo Campus. Two types of different bases were applied, namely recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) and natural aggregate. The structural assessment took into account the maximum deflection measurements, the load transfer efficiency (LTE) and the backcalculated elastic moduli of each layer. In addition, this work also evaluated the structural influence caused by the presence of damaged pavers, since it became a recurring problem. Regarding the hydraulic evaluation, the surface infiltration rate was monitored over twenty months after the pavement construction. Furthermore, functional and laboratorial analyses were carried out in order to check the structure serviceability level. The structural results indicated clearly that the articulated block side had better performance than the non-articulated block side in terms of elastic moduli, maximum deflections measurements and LTE, confirming the interlocking efficiency generated by the block shape, comparable to that one provided by the jointing sand in ICB. As the recycled aggregate was characterized by a more well graded particle size distribution than the natural aggregate, the RCA base also presented better structural responses. The presence of damaged blocks did not compromise the pavement structural performance, since the degree of severity was low, as verified by the functional evaluation, which showed a pavement in good conditions. Finally, concerning the hydraulic results, the pavement presented a high infiltration capacity. Even though an infiltration loss of about 20% per year has been detected, the infiltration rate remained greater than 10-3 m/s for all tests performed, being considerably higher than those found in pavements built with both interlocking concrete blocks and with porous asphalt, as reported in the literature.

An evaluation of modified pervious pavements for water harvesting for irrigation purposes

Nnadi, E. O. January 2009 (has links)
The pervious pavement system has been identified as an effective source control device capable of removing urban stormwater pollution by trapping pollutants within the system and biodegradation. Recent studies have further demonstrated that the pervious pavement system could be used as a source of renewable energy capable of reducing household energy bill by about 80%. In view of ever increasing demand for water and the continued reduction in available fresh water resources in the world, stormwater has been recognized as a potential valuable source of water which could be harnessed. The overall aim of this multi disciplinary research was to evaluate the suitability of a modified pervious pavement system (PPS) for water harvesting and re-use, particularly focussing on potential third world applications and taking advantage of the latest developments in materials that are available for such applications. The aim was a holistic one in which water re-use was examined in terms of both the potential advantages from an irrigation point of view without ignoring the very important public health concerns that are often of concern when water is stored in circumstances which do not fit the normally used criteria for potable supplies. The results of this study confirmed the pollution control capability of the porous pavement system as earlier determined by previous studies. Also, a novel experimental rig was designed to reproducibly create very high and realistic rainfall events over model pavement structures. Furthermore, the performance of a new geotextile, Inbitex Composite® in the pervious pavement system was determined for the first time. Furthermore, this study also tested for the first time, the performance of a pervious pavement system modified by the incorporation of Inbitex Composite® geotextile with slits and made prescriptions as to how this new geotextile could be best installed in a modified pervious pavement system in order to achieve high infiltration without compromising pollution control. This study tested the practical use of the pervious pavement system for water harvesting and storage for reuse in irrigation. In order to achieve this, the author took what could be considered as a holistic approach to water quality issues and determined the chemical, electrochemical and microbiological quality of water stored in the system as well as investigated the public health concern of the potential of pathogenic organisms in waters stored in unconventional water storage system as the pervious pavement system. It also determined that the pervious pavement system have the capability to recycle water with physical, chemical and microbiological qualities that will meet international standards for irrigation and that the system does not offer a conducive environment for potential pathogenic organisms if contamination incident occurs from adjoining areas. This study also became the first to practically relate Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) to agricultural benefit by demonstrating how a SUDS device (pervious pavement system) could be used in addition to its urban drainage control role, as a source of supply of high quality irrigation water to cultivate crops fit for human and animal consumption despite high application of pollutants. This study determined contrary to the observation of earlier studies that the use of slow-release iv fertilizer could lead to eutrophication problems in cases where the water is channeled to natural water courses. Furthermore, active response of potential pathogenic bacteria to the presence of slow-release fertilizer was observed in this study. This raises a huge question on the need to add fertilizer to the pervious pavement system. Coupe, (2004) had demonstrated that oil degrading microbes would respond positively to food sources in the system and hence, there was no significant need for simulation by nutrient addition, the author concluded in the study presented here that fertilizer addition should only be conducted if the waters are to be used for irrigation where the nutrients would be beneficial to the plants and that even in this case, the microbiological water quality should be constantly monitored and the addition suspended if the risk of contamination from adjoining areas is high.

Estudo de concreto permeável como pavimento /

Silva, Rodrigo Garozi da January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Maria da Consolação Fonseca de Albuquerque / Resumo: Inúmeros problemas sociais e ambientais são causados pela impermeabilização dos solos em decorrência da urbanização descontrolada e sem planejamento. O pavimento em concreto permeável aparece como uma forma de mitigação de enchentes, devido à sua característica de permitir a infiltração total ou parcial de água proveniente de precipitações. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar um traço eficiente e empregá-lo de maneira efetiva em uma calçada, para promover a captação total de eventos pluviométricos ocorridos no local e observar, com o decorrer do tempo, a eficiência de manutenção periódica na superfície do pavimento permeável quanto à colmatação. Foram experimentadas três proporções de misturas: 1:3,5; 1:5 e 1:6,5, sendo que em nenhuma foi utilizado agregado miúdo. Também foi observado o comportamento das misturas com duas granulometrias de agregados graúdos de 9,5/25,0 e 4,75/12,5. Ensaios destrutivos e não destrutivos foram realizados, entre eles: resistência à compressão axial, tração por compressão diametral, tração na flexão e taxa de infiltração. A mistura mais eficiente e escolhida para a construção da calçada foi a de teor 1:5, com a utilização do agregado de faixa granulométrica 4,75/12,5. Testes estatísticos ―t Student” foram utilizados para comparar os resultados obtidos na presente pesquisa com trabalhos semelhantes. A calçada foi dimensionada para ter eficiência de caráter pluviométrico, de acordo com incidência pluviométrica regional e mecânico através de análi... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Uncounted social and environmental problems are caused by the waterproofing of soils as a result of uncontrolled and unplanned urbanization. The pervious concrete pavement appears as a form of flood mitigation due to its characteristic of allowing total or partial infiltration of water from rainfall. The aim of this work was to study an efficient mixture and to use it effectively on a sidewalk, to promote the total retention of rainfall events occurring locally and to observe the efficiency of periodic maintenance on the pervious pavement surface, regarding clogging over time. Three proportions of mixtures were tested: 1:3.5; 1:5 and 1:6.5, in which none fine aggregates was used. Furthermore, the behavior in the mixtures of two coarse aggregates gradations of 9.5/25.0 and 4.75/12.5 was observed. Destructive and non-destructive tests were performed, such as: compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength and infiltration rate. The most efficient and chosen mixture for the construction of the sidewalk was 1:5, with the use of the aggregate size 4.75/12.5. ―Student’s t‖ statistical tests were used to compare the results obtained in the present research with similar works. The sidewalk was dimensioned to have rainfall efficiency, according to regional rainfall incidence, and mechanical efficiency, through analysis in the EverFE computational program, followed by calculation of fatigue life. The permeability rate of the pavement was monitored weekly over time,... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Estudo preliminar de concretos permeáveis como revestimento de pavimentos para áreas de veículos leves. / Preliminary study on pervious concrete as the surface layer for light traffic areas.

Batezini, Rafael 23 November 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve por finalidade estudar concretos permeáveis para uso como camada de revestimento de pavimentos em áreas de veículos leves, por meio da realização de ensaios laboratoriais de caracterização mecânica e hidráulica para três diferentes misturas com variação do diâmetro máximo de agregados graúdos. Além disso, o estudo procurou interpretar o comportamento desse material quando solicitado por cargas de veículos, a partir de análises numéricas utilizando o software EverFE para análise de placas de concreto por elementos finitos. A caracterização mecânica foi realizada com base em ensaios de resistência à tração na flexão, tração indireta por compressão diametral, compressão, módulo de elasticidade estático e módulo de elasticidade dinâmico por equipamento ultrassônico. Para determinação da condutividade hidráulica foi utilizado um permeâmetro de carga constante. As análises mecanicistas envolveram estudos de placas de concreto permeável solicitadas por um eixo simples de rodas duplas com carga de 80 kN e por um eixo simples de roda simples com carga de 22 kN, simulando, nesse caso, um veículo utilitário leve. O material estudado apresentou para um índice de vazios de aproximadamente 0,25, valores de condutividade hidráulica na ordem de 0,14 cm/s, aproximadamente, caracterizando um material com boa drenabilidade. Com relação às características mecânicas, apresentou resistência à tração na flexão de aproximadamente 2,1 MPa e módulo de elasticidade estático na ordem de 15.000 MPa, se aproximando da metade dos valores normalmente observados em concretos convencionais de uso corrente na pavimentação. Por meio da realização das análises mecanicistas, foi possível avaliar que o material estudado apresenta resistência suficiente para ser utilizado como revestimento de pavimentos para áreas de veículos leves. / The main goal of this research was to study the pervious concrete material as the surface layer for light traffic pavement by carrying out a laboratorial analysis in order to better understand the mechanical and hydraulic behavior of three different coarse aggregate gradation mixtures. Besides that, it was applied a Finite Element Analysis in order to identify the pervious concrete behavior when loaded by different vehicle loads by using the EverFE Software The mechanical characterization was developed by evaluating the tests results of flexural strength, split tensile strength, compressive strength, Youngs Modulus and the non-destructive ultrasonic test. The hydraulic conductivity was measured using a constant head permeameter. In order to carry out the mechanistic analysis, it was considered a pervious concrete slab loaded by both an 80 kN dual wheel axle, and, to simulate a light vehicle, a 22 kN single wheel axle. The studied material has shown, considering the void ratio of 0,25, values of hydraulic conductivity around 0,14 cm/s, characterizing a material with good drenability characteristics. Besides that, it presented a flexural strength of 2,1 MPa and Youngs Modulus of 15.000 MPa, reaching the half of the values commonly used in regular concretes for pavements. By using the mechanistic analysis, it was possible to assess that this specific studied pervious concrete has enough strength to be used as the surface layer of pavements loaded by lightweight vehicles.

Análise da eficácia dos dispositivos de vedação e drenagem utilizados em fundações permeáveis de barragens de terra / Analysis of effectiveness of devices for sealing and drainage used on pervious foundations of earth dams

Oliveira, Antonio Gilberto Simões de 07 November 2008 (has links)
A construção de barragens de terra sobre formações geológicas permeáveis constitui um dos mais sérios desafios da engenharia de barragens. Neste tipo de projeto, as principais variáveis que devem ser analisadas são a vazão, o gradiente de saída e a subpressão, todas decorrentes da percolação de água pela fundação. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo acerca da eficácia dos dispositivos de controle da percolação a partir de análises paramétricas realizadas em uma barragem típica utilizando o método dos elementos finitos através do programa SEEP/W. Nestas análises foram variadas as características dos dispositivos e a anisotropia hidráulica do maciço de fundação. Verificou-se que a trincheira de vedação parcial é extremamente ineficaz, que o tapete impermeável à montante apresenta cerca de 60% de eficácia para relações entre o comprimento do tapete e a largura da base da barragem da ordem de 1,70 e que a trincheira de vedação total associada aos dispositivos de drenagem constitui a solução mais eficaz no controle das variáveis vazão, gradiente de saída e subpressão. / The construction of earth dams on pervious geologic formations constitutes one of the most serious problems of the engineering of dams. In this type of project, the main variables that must be analyzed are the discharge, the exit gradient and the uplift pressure, all decurrent ones of the water seepage for the foundation. This work presents a study on the effectiveness of devices of control of the seepage from parametric analyses carried through in a typical dam using the method of the finite elements through program SEEP/W. In these analyses the characteristics of the devices and the hydraulic anisotropy of the foundation mass had been varied. It was verified that the cut-off trench of partial is extremely inefficacious, that the impermeable blanket to the sum presents about 60% of effectiveness for relations between the blanket length and the width of the base of the dam of the order of 1.70 and that the cut-off trench of associated to the drainage devices constitues the solution most effective in the control of the variables discharge, exit gradient and the uplift pressure.

Análise da eficácia dos dispositivos de vedação e drenagem utilizados em fundações permeáveis de barragens de terra / Analysis of effectiveness of devices for sealing and drainage used on pervious foundations of earth dams

Antonio Gilberto Simões de Oliveira 07 November 2008 (has links)
A construção de barragens de terra sobre formações geológicas permeáveis constitui um dos mais sérios desafios da engenharia de barragens. Neste tipo de projeto, as principais variáveis que devem ser analisadas são a vazão, o gradiente de saída e a subpressão, todas decorrentes da percolação de água pela fundação. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo acerca da eficácia dos dispositivos de controle da percolação a partir de análises paramétricas realizadas em uma barragem típica utilizando o método dos elementos finitos através do programa SEEP/W. Nestas análises foram variadas as características dos dispositivos e a anisotropia hidráulica do maciço de fundação. Verificou-se que a trincheira de vedação parcial é extremamente ineficaz, que o tapete impermeável à montante apresenta cerca de 60% de eficácia para relações entre o comprimento do tapete e a largura da base da barragem da ordem de 1,70 e que a trincheira de vedação total associada aos dispositivos de drenagem constitui a solução mais eficaz no controle das variáveis vazão, gradiente de saída e subpressão. / The construction of earth dams on pervious geologic formations constitutes one of the most serious problems of the engineering of dams. In this type of project, the main variables that must be analyzed are the discharge, the exit gradient and the uplift pressure, all decurrent ones of the water seepage for the foundation. This work presents a study on the effectiveness of devices of control of the seepage from parametric analyses carried through in a typical dam using the method of the finite elements through program SEEP/W. In these analyses the characteristics of the devices and the hydraulic anisotropy of the foundation mass had been varied. It was verified that the cut-off trench of partial is extremely inefficacious, that the impermeable blanket to the sum presents about 60% of effectiveness for relations between the blanket length and the width of the base of the dam of the order of 1.70 and that the cut-off trench of associated to the drainage devices constitues the solution most effective in the control of the variables discharge, exit gradient and the uplift pressure.

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