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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Så vittna du om min mandom!” : Wilhelm Peterson-Bergers konstfilosofi och könsuppfattning, med särskild hänsyn till åren 1896-1913 / "Thus bear witness to my manhood!" : Wilhelm Peterson-Berger's philosophy of art and perception of gender, with particular emphasis on the years 1896-1913

Evertsson, Maria January 2015 (has links)
The overall purpose of this study is to elucidate Wilhelm Peterson-Berger’s perception of gender and how it is manifested in his philosophy of art. His perception of gender also incorporates conceptions of history, music and nationality. The research question is analysed primarily by reviewing Peterson-Berger’s writings from 1896 to 1913. The research is intended to shed new light on a previously overlooked area of research, using gender theory and discourse analysis. Peterson-Berger and his work have not been examined previously from a gender theory perspective.  The research shows that Peterson-Berger was influenced in large measure by the prevailing ideals of his time, although he was in some ways more innovative than many of his contemporaries. Around the turn of the 20th century there was a great deal of focus on biology, with  a clear distinction drawn between femininity and masculinity[1] . Masculinity was held up as an ideal, in contrast to femininity and effeminacy. Peterson-Berger advocated this distinction, and emphasized the biological  distinction between [2] masculinity and femininity. However, a man need not always have all the characteristics that were considered typically masculine for his time, nor was it necessary for a woman to possess all the feminine characteristics typical of the female gender. According to Peterson-Berger, a woman could have a masculine soul, and vice versa. And although he often took a negative view of women, he granted musical recognition to singers who realized music in what was, to him, a masculine way. Moreover, the majority of Peterson-Berger’s close friends were women, and he dedicated many of his works to women. Theories of race and human evolution were circulating at the turn of the century, and clearly influenced Peterson-Berger. This study has shown that he pursued the writings of [3]  Chamberlain[4]  and Nietzsche. Incorporating elements of old Gothicist theories with ideas from the two aforementioned thinkers, Peterson-Berger constructed his own racial theory. He asserted that all peoples originated from the Nordic region, which he believed to be the birthplace of the entire human race. According to his theory, southern peoples were inferior[5] , with one exception, the Greeks, towards whom he was very positively disposed. This had to do with the ancient music drama, which Peterson-Berger believed had been created by inhabitants from the north who had migrated to Greece. Peterson-Berger’s notions about peoples from the north versus peoples from the south were interwoven with theories of sexuality. He believed that Germanic peoples were more sexually abstemious than southern Europeans, and that peoples who lived in the south were sexually dissolute. To indulge one’s sexuality was, in his view, a character flaw. Conversely, Peterson-Berger viewed asexuality as a masculine ideal, and believed it to be more common in the north.  A number of contradictions have emerged in his perceptions of race and sexuality. A number of his perceptions with respect to gender roles, sexuality, nationalism and philosophy[6]  are portrayed in his opera Arnljot, as are the contradictions inherent in them. For instance, the character Arnljot has many of the typical masculine characteristics held up as ideal, but nevertheless exhibits both weaknesses and deficiencies. This is reflected in both the music and the opera libretto. / Wilhelm Peterson-Berger var en av de mest framstående tonsättarna kring sekelskiftet 1900. Han var inte bara kompositör utan även aktiv skribent i daglighetspressen. Många av hans uppfattningar om kön, nationalitet, filosofi och konst återspelglas i hans skriftställeri men kan även tydas i de musikaliska verken. Peterson-Berger var till stor del påverkad av dåtidens rådande ideal, men på vissa sätt var han mer nydanande än många andra i sin samtid. Omkring sekelskiftet sattes mycket fokus på biologi och en tydlig uppdelning gjordes mellan kvinnligt och manligt. Manlighet ställdes upp som ett ideal i kontrast till kvinnlighet och omanlighet. Peterson-Berger förespråkar en sådan uppdelning och gör skillnad mellan biologisk manlighet och kvinnlighet. Dock behöver inte alltid en man förfoga över egenskaper som ansågs tidstypiskt manliga eller en kvinna inneha endast de tidstypiska kvinnliga egenskaperna. Enligt honom kunde en kvinna vara innehavare av en manlig själ och vice versa. Peterson-Berger tangerade således en modern syn på kön som pekar fram mot dagens genus teorier. I Peterson-Bergers opera Arnljot konkretiseras flera av hans uppfattningar av både könsroller, sexualitet och filosofi – liksom de motsägelser som fanns. Karaktären Arnljot förfogar exempelvis över flera av de idealtypiska manliga egenskaperna men uppvisar trots det både svagheter och brister. Det återspeglas såväl i text som i musik. Peterson-Bergers egen sexualitet har upprepade gånger varit omdiskuterad. Knyter vi an till hans musikaliska verk och skriftställeri kommer vi närmare ett svar på hur det kan ha förhållit sig.

Srovnání algoritmů dekódování Reed-Solomonova kódu / Comparison of decoding algorithms of Reed-Solomon code

Šicner, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The work deals with the encoding and decoding of Reed-Solomon codes. There is generally described algebraic decoding of Reed-Solomon codes, and then described four methods of decoding, namely Massey-Berlekamp algorithm, Euclidean algoritus, Peterson-Gorenstein-Zierler algorithm and the direct method. These methods are then compared, and some of them are implemented in Matlab.

Assessing estimators of feral goat (Capra hircus) abundance

Tracey, John Paul, n/a January 2004 (has links)
(1) Reliable measures of population abundance are essential for managing wildlife effectively. Aerial surveys provide a rapid and efficient means of surveying large mammals and many techniques have been developed to adjust for the inability to count all animals within transects. The probability of detection varies according to a range of factors which are important to consider when estimating density. Standardised survey methods developed in flat country are not readily transferable to steep terrain due to safety, access and difficulties delineating transect widths. Other methods have logistic constraints and must adhere to various other assumptions. (2) Density estimators are seldom examined using actual population size, hence their ability to correct for true bias is unknown. Studies that compare techniques are difficult to interpret because of the uncertainty of adherence to their respective assumptions. Factors influencing detection probability, estimators that correct for bias, the validity of their assumptions and how these relate to true density are important considerations for selecting suitable methods. The aim of this study was to obtain accurate and reliable methods for estimating the density of feral goats by improving predictions of detection probability, investigating the assumptions of aerial surveys, and examining the accuracy of 15 density estimators by comparing with total counts of feral goats. (3) Group size, vegetation and observer were the most important factors influencing the probability of observing a group of goats during aerial surveys. However, different approaches to analysing these data influenced the significance of variables and the predicted probabilities. Goat colour, type of helicopter, site and rear observer experience in hours were also found to be significant (P<0.05) when using likelihood equations based on all animals in the population rather than only those in the sample. The slope of the terrain was also shown to significantly (P=0.014) affect the probability of detection. (4) Indices are commonly used in wildlife management for their simplicity and practicality, but their validity has been questioned because of variable probability of detection. Results of this study suggest aerial survey indices are useful in monitoring a range of medium-sized mammal species across space and time if differences in detection probability between species, group size, vegetation and observer are considered and their effects are standardised. (5) An assumption of most sampling regimes that is fundamental but rarely examined is that animals are not counted more than once. In this study the behavioural responses of feral goats to helicopters were investigated as a basis for estimating the probability that goats were recounted. No long-term consequences were evident in feral goat behaviour of responses to helicopters. However, helicopter surveys were found to alter the structure of 42% of groups observed, with 28% of groups merging with others and 14% splitting into separate groups. Therefore, group size estimated from the air should not be considered as biologically important, and when estimating density, researchers should also avoid using group sizes determined from independent ground observations to correct group sizes determined from aerial surveys. Goats were also more likely to flush further when helicopters were within 150 m, which is close to or within standard helicopter strip widths. Substantial movement occurred between transects and 21% of goats were estimated to be available for recounting in adjacent transects. (6) Different detection probabilities between groups of goats may be particularly relevant when using double-counting, where multiple observers are �capturing� and �recapturing� animals in the same instant. Many analyses test and adjust for this �unequal catchability� assumption in different ways, with the approaches of Huggins and Alho allowing prediction of unique probability values for a range of co-variates. The approach of Chao attempts to correct for skewed distributions in small samples. The Horvitz-Thompson approach provides a useful basis for estimating abundance (or density) when detection probability can be estimated and is known to vary between observations according to a range of independent variables, and also avoids errors associated with averaging group size. (7) After correcting for recounting, the Alho estimator applied to helicopter surveys was the most accurate (Bias = 0.02) and reliable of all techniques, which suggests that estimates were improved by taking into account unconditional detection probability and correcting individual observations according to their characteristics. The positive bias evident in the Chao (Bias = 0.28) and Petersen (Bias = 0.15) aerial survey estimators may have been a result of averaging detection probability across all observations. The inconsistency and inaccuracy of the ground-based area-count technique emphasises the importance of other assumptions in density estimation, such as representative sampling and availability bias. The accuracy of index-manipulation-index techniques was dependent on the indices used. Capture-recapture estimates using mustering showed slight negative bias (Bias = -0.08), which was likely a result of increased probability of re-capture (i.e. trap happy). Ground-based capture-resight estimates were labour intensive and positively biased (Bias = 0.13), likely due to underestimating the area sampled, or overestimating the number of unmarked individuals with each sample. (8) Helicopter survey using double-counting is recommended for estimating the density of feral goats in steep terrain. However, consideration of recounting under intensive sampling regimes and adjustments for the factors that influence unconditional detection probability is required.

Préparation d'androst-5-ènes modifiés en position 11 via l'étude de la réactivité de cétones énolisables et d'alcools tertiaires en série encombrée.

Lecomte, Vincent 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail présente une voie de synthèse courte d'androst-5-ènes modifiés au niveau de la position 11, peu réactive. Elle consiste premièrement en une addition de dérivés organométalliques (lithiens, magnésiens) à la cétone encombrée et énolisable libre de l'adrénostérone commerciale protégée. Cette addition se produit de préférence dans un solvant apolaire et ce résultat a été étendu à d'autres cétones encombrées et énolisables. Deuxièmement, des alcools tertiaires encombrés, découlant de cette première étape, ont été déoxygénés par voie radicalaire. Cette méthode ouvre la voie, pour la première fois et avec des rendements raisonnables, à des 11a et 11b-allyl-testostérones notamment. Cette séquence addition/déoxygénation est applicable au cas de dérivés aryles, alkyles, allyles et éthynyles. Finalement, la 11b-hydroxyméthyl-testostérone a été préparée par hydroboration-oxydation d'un dérivé 11-méthylidèn-androst-5-ène. Ce précurseur a été obtenu avec un excellent rendement par la réaction de Peterson. La voie de synthèse choisie a été ainsi menée à terme avec la préparation d'une première série de testostérones modifiées en 11 utilisables pour l'étude de leurs relations structure/activité. Ce travail a aussi été étendu à la chimie bioorganométallique.

Sur l'action des coopérations homologiques sur l'homologie de Brown-Peterson de l'espace classifiant d'un p-groupe abélien élémentaire

Rairat, Sylvain 06 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Soient p un nombre premier, n un entier, V un p-groupe abélien élémentaire de rang n et E un spectre en anneau commutatif muni d'une orientation complexe Landweber exact. Le but de ce travail est d'étudier la structure de comodule de la E-homologie de BV sur l'algébroïde de Hopf (E_*,E_*E). Pour cela, nous étudions les foncteurs de localisation sur les catégories de comodules, ainsi que la notion de produit semi-direct d'algébroïdes de Hopf. Dans le cas particulier où E est le spectre de Brown-Peterson BP, Johnson et Wilson ont déterminé une filtration de la BP-homologie de BZ/p^n dans la catégorie des BP_*-modules. Nous démontrons un résultat analogue dans la catégorie des BP_*BP-comodules; les quotients de cette filtration dépendent de la p-série universelle. Afin de mener des calculs explicites, nous introduisons un algébroïde de Hopf (S,S\Lambda) qui représente le groupoïde associé à l'action par conjugaison des séries formelles strictes sur l'ensemble des séries formelles.

T-Surfaces in the Affine Grassmannian

Cheng, Valerie 11 1900 (has links)
In this thesis we examine singularities of surfaces and affine Schubert varieties in the affine Grassmannian $mathcal{G}/mathcal{P}$ of type $A^{(1)}$, by considering the action of a particular torus $widehat{T}$ on $mathcal{G}/mathcal{P}$. Let $Sigma$ be an irreducible $widehat{T}$-stable surface in $mathcal{G}/mathcal{P}$ and let $u$ be an attractive $widehat{T}$-fixed point with $widehat{T}$-stable affine neighborhood $Sigma_u$. We give a description of the $widehat{T}$-weights of the tangent space $T_u(Sigma)$ of $Sigma$ at $u$, give some conditions under which $Sigma$ is nonsingular at $u$, and provide some explicit criteria for $Sigma_u$ to be normal in terms of the weights of $T_u(Sigma)$. We will also prove a conjecture regarding the singular locus of an affine Schubert variety in $mathcal{G}/mathcal{P}$. / Mathematics

The work week of the senior pastor in mid-sized churches of the EFCA

Bacon, Bradley Brehman. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Trinity International University, 2001. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 238-254).

T-Surfaces in the Affine Grassmannian

Cheng, Valerie Unknown Date
No description available.

The work week of the senior pastor in mid-sized churches of the EFCA

Bacon, Bradley Brehman. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Trinity International University, 2001. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 238-254).

The work week of the senior pastor in mid-sized churches of the EFCA

Bacon, Bradley Brehman. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Trinity International University, 2001. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 238-254).

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