Spelling suggestions: "subject:"phage"" "subject:"chage""
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Purificação e caracterização do fragmento Fab anti-digoxina obtido pela técnica de phage display. / Purification and characterization of anti-digoxin Fab fragments obtained by phage display technology.André Luís Inocencio 23 March 2016 (has links)
A digoxina é um dos medicamentos indicados para o tratamento de falência cardíaca. Possui janela terapêutica estreita, sendo responsável por casos de intoxicação. O único antídoto disponível para a desintoxicação é o anticorpo policlonal DigiFab®, no formato Fab. O seu uso é eficaz, porém de custo elevado. Clones bacterianos produtores de fragmento Fab monoclonal anti-digoxina foram obtidos previamente pelo nosso grupo, pela técnica de phage display. Neste trabalho as variantes Fab dos 4 clones foram expressas em E.coli para estabelecer o método para a purificação. Com a obtenção dos fragmentos Fab purificados, foi caracterizada a sua afinidade ao antígeno e especificidade, em ensaios de inibição por digoxina, digitoxina, digoxigenina e ouabaina. Os parâmetros cinéticos da ligação dos fragmentos Fab dos 4 clones e do DigiFab® foram avaliados por SPR. Nas condições experimentais, não foram verificadas diferenças significativas entre os produtos dos 4 clones e o comercial, demonstrando o potencial dos fragmentos Fab monoclonais obtidos como antídoto à digoxina. / Digoxin is a medication indicated for heart failure treatment. Its therapeutic window is narrow, being responsible for intoxication cases. The only antidote available for the detoxification is a polyclonal antibody - DigiFab® in Fab format. Its use is effective, but costly. Bacterial clones producing anti-digoxin monoclonal Fab fragments were previously obtained by our group using phage display technology. In this work the Fab variants of the 4 clones were expressed in E.coli to establish the purification method. The purified fragments were characterized regarding the affinity to the antigen and the specificity through inhibition assays with digoxin, digitoxin, digoxigenin and ouabain. The binding kinetic parameters of Fab fragments of the 4 clones and the commercial product to Dig-BSA conjugate were assessed by SPR. Under the experimental conditions no significant differences were observed among the 4 clones and the commercial product, demonstrating the potential of monoclonal Fab fragments as an antidote to digoxin.
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A combinatorial approach to query the PknG interactome of Mycobacterium tuberculosisZegarra León, Zegarra León 18 July 2019 (has links)
La capacidad de Mycobacterium tuberculosis para sobrevivir dentro del macrófago contribuye grandemente a su patogenicidad, latencia y persistencia durante la infección. Este bacilo induce alteraciones en el ambiente intrafagosomal e inhibe la maduración del fagosoma, favoreciendo su supervivencia intracelular. M. tuberculosis PknG secuestra al macrófago precisamente al evitar la fusión fagosoma-lisosoma. En este sentido, PknG representa una familia de dianas novedosas para enfrentar la necesidad de nuevos antimicrobianos para la tuberculosis latente. Aquí, apuntamos a: (i) elucidar la base estructural-molecular del ATP y Mg2+ como cofactores de PknG; (ii) caracterizar los parámetros cinéticos que gobiernan la formación del complejo PknG:ATP; e, (iii) identificar péptidos capaces de unirse a PknG para investigar experimentalmente su interactoma usando enfoques combinatorios como “Phage Display”. Nuestros resultados confirman que PknG se une exclusivamente al ATP con una constante de disociación (KD) de 108.8 22.9 µM. El Mg2+ estabiliza térmicamente a PknG de forma ATP-dependiente. Análisis de estado pre-estacionario muestran que la unión y disociación del ATP es rápida en el complejo PknG:ATP. Usando PknGN-Ext, TPR resolvimos la estructura cristalina en el estado unido al ADP mientras que demostramos que el ATP imposibilita la cristalización. Los análisis bioinformáticos de las librerías enriquecidas por Phage Display identificaron 57 potenciales peptidos que interactuarían con PknG. Una comparación cercana con el proteoma de M. tuberculosis proporcionó un subconjunto de 20 proteínas que podrían interactuar con PknG. Nuestros resultados confirmaron cinco proteínas asociadas a PknG previamente reportadas: PknG, DnaK chaperona, transportador ABC Rv1747, Proteína Ribosomal L23 y Factor de Elongación Tu, resaltando la validez de nuestra plataforma para descubrir el interactoma de PknG. Así, nuestros resultados revelan interacciones proteína-proteína putativas que podrían participar en la supervivencia micobacteriana, mientras que también proporcionan bases sólidas para desarrollar drogas antituberculosas al interrumpir estas interacciones o explotar estos peptidos tipo compuesto líder. / The ability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to survive inside the macrophage greatly contributes to its pathogenicity, latency and persistence during infection. This bacillus induces alterations in the intraphagosomal environment and inhibits phagosome maturation, thus promoting mycobacterial survival. M. tuberculosis PknG hijacks the macrophage precisely by avoiding phagosome-lysosome fusion. In this sense, PknG represents a family of novel targets to cope with the need for new antimicrobials for latent tuberculosis. Here, we aimed to: (i) elucidate the structural-molecular basis of ATP and Mg2+ as PknG cofactors; (ii) characterize the kinetic parameters governing PknG:ATP complex formation; and, (iii) identify PknG-binding peptides to experimentally query PknG’s interactome using combinatorial approach such as Phage Display. Our results confirm that PknG exclusively binds to ATP with a dissociation constant (KD) of 108.8 22.9 µM. Mg2+ thermally stabilizes PknG in an ATP-dependent manner. Pre-steady-state analyses show that ATP binding and dissociation are rapid in the PknG:ATP complex. Using PknGN-Ext, TPR we solved the ADP-state crystal structure while showing that ATP precludes crystallization. Phage Display and bioinformatic analyses identified 57 potential PknG binders. A close comparison to the M. tuberculosis proteome provided a subset of 20 proteins that may interact with PknG. Our results confirmed five previously reported PknG-associated proteins: PknG, DnaK chaperone, ABC transporter Rv1747, Ribosomal Protein L23 and Elongation Factor Tu, highlighting our platform’s validity to uncover the PknG interactome. Altogether, our results reveal putative protein-protein interactions that may play a role in mycobacterial survival, while also providing solid bases for the development of anti-tuberculosis drugs by disrupting these interactions or exploiting these lead-like peptide molecules. / Tesis
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Izolace a stanovení struktur proteinů: hexamerin potemníka Tribolium Castaneum a TmpH fága phi812 / Isolation and determination of the structure of hexamerin of Tribolium castaneum and TmpH protein of phi812 phage.Valentová, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá strukturní studií dvou proteinů: proteinu Tail morphogenetic protein H (TmpH) bakteriofága 812, který napadá Zlatého stafylokoka (Staphylococcus aureus) a hexamerinu z potemníka (Tribolium castaneum). S. aureus je jedním z nejvíce rezistentních patogenů způsobující onemocnění s vysokou morbiditou a mortalitou. Bakteriofág 812 je schopen infikovat a lyzovat 95 % kmenů S. aureus a má potenciální využití ve fágové terapii. Protein TmpH je součástí virionu tohoto fága. V rámci této práce bylo připraveno několik plazmidů nesoucích gen TmpH, které byly použity pro rekombinantní expresi proteinu v buňkách E. coli BL21(DE3). Protein byl vyčištěn afinitní a gelovou chromatografií. Pro čistý protein byly optimalizovány krystalizační podmínky. Hexamerin je nejhojnějším proteinem larev a kukel hmyzu s dokonalou proměnou. V průběhu metamorfózy hexamerin slouží jako zdroj aminokyselin. V rámci této práce byl hexamerin izolován z kukel potemníka T. castaneum. Pro stanovení struktury hexamerinu byly použity dvě metody: rentgenová krystalografie a kryo-elektronová mikroskopie. Byly optimalizovány podmínky pro růst krystalů a vypěstovány krystaly vhodné pro sběr difrakčních dat. Nicméně struktura hexamerinu byla rychleji vyřešena kryo-elektronovou mikroskopií s rozlišením 3.2 . Znalost struktury hexamerinu umožní pochopení jeho funkce v regulaci vývoje hmyzu s dokonalou proměnou.
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Towards next-generation sequencing-based identification of norovirus recognition elements and microfluidic array using phage display technologyPahlke, Claudia 07 November 2017 (has links)
Noroviruses are the major cause of acute viral gastroenteritis worldwide. Thus, rapid and reliable pathogen detection and control are crucial to avoid epidemic outbreaks. Peptides which bind to these viruses with high specificity and affinity could serve as small and stable recognition elements in biosensing applications for a point-of-care diagnostic of noroviruses. They can be identified by screening large phage display libraries using the biopanning technique.
In the present study, this method was applied to identify norovirus-binding peptide motifs. For this purpose, a biopanning based on column chromatography was established, and three rounds of selections were performed. After the second round, the cosmix-plexing recombination technique was implemented to enhance the chance of obtaining peptides with very high affinity. Biopanning data evaluation was based on next-generation sequencing (NGS), to show that this innovative method can enable a detailed analysis of the complete sequence spectrum obtained during and after biopanning. Highly enriched motifs could be characterized by their large proportion of the amino acids W, K, R, N, and F. Neighbourhood analysis was exemplarily performed for selected motifs, showing that the motifs FAT, RWN, and KWF possessed the fingerprints with the largest differences relative to the original library. This thesis thus presents next-generation sequencing-based analysis tools, which could now be transferred to any other biopanning project. The identified peptide motifs represent promising candidates for a future examination of their norovirus-specific binding.
A new option for testing such phage-target interactions in the context of biopanning selections was studied in the second part of the thesis. For this purpose, a phage-based microarray was developed as a miniaturized binding assay. As a prerequisite, the different immobilization behaviour of phages on positively and negatively charged surfaces was studied, and a non-contact printing technique for bacteriophages was developed. Subsequently, the interaction of phages and antibodies directed against phage coat proteins was characterized in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, and the protocol was successfully transferred to the non-contact printed phage spots. At the proof-of-concept level, the phage array could finally be integrated into a microfluidic setup, showing a higher signal-to-background ratio relative to the static phage array. These results point the way towards a microfluidic phage array, allowing online monitoring, automation, and parallelisation of the phage array analysis. / Noroviren gelten als Hauptursache akuter viraler Magen-Darm-Erkrankungen. Nur eine zeitnahe und verlässliche Detektion und Kontrolle dieser Pathogene kann epidemische Ausbrüche vermeiden. Um dies zu ermöglichen, könnten Peptide, die an diese Viren mit hoher Spezifität und Affinität binden, als kleine und stabile Erkennungselemente in biosensorischen Anwendungen eingesetzt werden. Solche Peptide können mithilfe der Biopanning-Technik identifiziert werden, die auf dem Screening großer Phagen-Display-Bibliotheken beruht.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde diese Methode genutzt, um Norovirus-bindende Peptidmotive zu identifizieren. Dazu wurde ein auf Säulenchromatographie basierendes Biopanning entwickelt und drei Selektionsrunden durchgeführt. Die Cosmix-Plexing-Rekombinationstechnik wurde nach der zweiten Runde eingesetzt, um die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Gewinnung hochaffiner Binder zu erhöhen. Die Auswertung der Biopanningdaten erfolgte mittels Hochdurchsatzsequenzierung (Next-Generation Sequencing). Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese innovative Methode die detailierte Analyse des kompletten Sequenzspektrums während und nach dem Biopanning ermöglicht. Stark angereicherte Motive konnten durch ihren hohen Anteil an den Aminosäuren W, K, R, N und F charakterisiert werden. Eine Nachbarschaftsanalyse wurde exemplarisch für ausgewählte Motive durchgeführt. Dabei wurden die stärksten Unterschiede im Fingerprint im Vergleich zur Ausgangsbibliothek bei den Motiven FAT, RWN und KWF gefunden. Diese Dissertation stellt damit auf Next-Generation Sequencing basierende Analysetechniken vor, die für weitere Biopanningprojekte übernommen werden können. Die identifizierten Peptidmotive könnten als vielversprechende Kandidaten zukünftig auf ihre Norovirus-spezifische Bindung hin getestet werden.
Eine neue Möglichkeit, solche Phagen-Analyt-Interaktionen zu untersuchen, wurde im zweiten Teil der Dissertation untersucht. Dafür wurde als miniaturisierter Bindungsassay ein Phagen-basiertes Mikroarray entwickelt. Als Voraussetzung wurde zunächst das unterschiedliche Immobilisierungsverhalten von Bakteriophagen auf positiv und negativ geladenen Oberflächen untersucht und eine kontaktfreie Drucktechnik für Bakteriophagen etabliert. Anschließend wurde die Interaktion von Phagen und gegen sie gerichteten Antikörpern in Enzym-gekoppelten Immunadsorptionstests charakterisiert und das Protokoll erfolgreich auf die kontaktfrei gedruckten Phagenspots übertragen. Schließlich wurde erstmals die grundsätzliche Möglichkeit gezeigt, das Array in ein mikrofluidisches Setup zu integrieren, was zu einem höheren Signal-zu-Hintergrund-Verhältnis im Vergleich zum statischen Array führte. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen damit den Weg zu einem mikrofluidischen Phagen-Array auf, das sowohl die Möglichkeit des Online-Monitorings als auch der Automatisierung und Parallelisierung der Phagen-Array-Analyse bietet.
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Evolution and Selection: From Suppression of Metabolic Deficiencies to Bacteriophage Host Range and ResistanceArens, Daniel Kurt 14 April 2021 (has links)
The evolution and adaptation of microorganisms is so rapid it can be seen in the time frame of days. The root cause for their evolution comes from selective environmental pressures that see organisms with beneficial mutations survive otherwise deadly encounters or outperform members of its population who fail to adapt. This does not always result in strict improvement of the individual as in the case of antibiotic resistant bacteria who often display fitness tradeoffs to avoid death (see Reviews [1-3]). For example, when an ampicillin resistance gene (ampC) containing plasmid that is occasionally found in the wild was transformed into S. typhimurium the bacteria had slower growth and impaired invasiveness [4]. In another example, capreomycin use with mycobacteria resulted in lower binding of the drug to the ribosome through mutations in rRNA methylase TlyA 16S rRNA, which decreases the overall fitness of the mycobacteria [5]. The evolutionary interactomes between bacteria and antibiotics do not end there, as antibiotic resistant bacteria often accumulate compensatory mechanisms to regain fitness. These range in effect with some altering individual cellular pathways and others having systemic affects [1]. My work has focused on the intersection of diabetes and related antibiotic resistant bacterial infections. Diabetes is one of the leading health issues in the United States, with over 10% of the adult population and over 26% of the elderly diagnosed (American Diabetes Association) [6]. Herein I further characterize the molecular pathways involved in diabetes, through the study of PAS kinase (PASK) function. PAS kinase is a serine-threonine protein kinase which regulates the pathways disrupted in diabetes, namely triglyceride accumulation, metabolic rate (respiration), adiposity and insulin production and sensitivity [7-9]. In this study I specifically focus on the effects of PAS kinase and its substrate, USF1/Cbf1p, and how their altered metabolic deficiencies can be suppressed using yeast cells. Through this study I further characterized the molecular function of USF1/Cbf1p through the identification of putative co-transcriptional regulators, identify novel genes involved in the regulation of respiration, and uncover a function or a previous uncharacterized protein, Pal1p. Part of the diabetes healthcare challenge results from the wide range of diseases that are associated with diabetes, including obesity [10, 11], renal failure [12, 13], neuropathies and neurodegeneration [14, 15], endocrine dysfunctions [16, 17], and cancers [18]. In addition, diabetes is a leading cause of lower limb amputations, due to poor circulation and the prevalence of ulcers [19-21], many of which are antibiotic resistant [22-25]. Phage therapy, based on the administration of bacterial viruses, is a viable option for the treatment of these diseases, with our lab recently isolating bacteriophages for several clinical cases. In the second half of my thesis, I present the study of the adaptation of bacteriophages to their hosts as well as report contributions of local ecology to their evolution.
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Isolation and Characterization of Broad Host Range Phage that infect P. aeruginosa PathogensWilburn, Kaylee Marie 12 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Engineering strategies for ABD-derived affinity proteins for therapeutic and diagnostic applicationsÅstrand, Mikael January 2016 (has links)
Small stable protein domains are attractive scaffolds for engineering affinity proteins due to their high tolerance to mutagenesis without loosing structural integrity. The albuminbinding domain is a 5 kDa three-helix bundle derived from the bacterial receptor Protein G with low-nanomolar affinity to albumin. In this thesis, the albumin-binding domain is explored as a scaffold for engineering novel affinity proteins with the possible benefit of combining a prolonged serum half-life with specific targeting in a single small scaffold protein. Previously, a library was created by randomizing surface-exposed residues in order to engineer affinity to a new target antigen in addition to the inherent albumin affinity. Here, phage display selections were separately performed against the tumor antigens ERBB2 and ERBB3. The ERBB3 selection resulted in a panel of candidates that were found to have varying affinities to ERBB3 in the nanomolar range, while still retaining a high affinity to albumin. Further characterization concluded that the clones also competed for binding to ERBB3 with the natural activating ligand Heregulin. The selections against ERBB2 resulted in sub-nanomolar affinities to ERBB2 where the binding site was found to overlap with the antibody Trastuzumab. The binding sites on ABD to albumin and either target were found in both selections to be mutually exclusive, as increased concentrations of albumin reduced the level of binding to ERBB2 or ERBB3. An affinity-matured ERBB2 binder, denoted ADAPT6, which lacked affinity to albumin was evaluated as a radionuclide-labeled imaging tracer for diagnosing ERBB2-positive tumors. Biodistribution studies in mice showed a high renal uptake consistent with affinity proteins in the same size range and the injected ADAPT quickly localized to the implanted tumor. High contrast images could be generated and ERBB2-expressing tissue could be distinguished from normal tissue with high contrast, demonstrating the feasibility of the scaffold for use as diagnostic tool. In a fourth study, affinity maturation strategies using staphylococcal cell-surface display were evaluated by comparing two replicate selections and varying the stringency. A sub-nanomolar target concentration was concluded to be inappropriate for equilibrium selection as the resulting output was highly variable between replicates. In contrast, equilibrium sorting at higher concentrations followed by kinetic-focused off-rate selection resulted in high output overlap between attempts and a clear correlation between affinity and enrichment. / <p>QC 20160510</p>
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Developments in social evolution and virulence in parasitesLeggett, Helen Catherine January 2014 (has links)
The study of social evolution and virulence in parasites is concerned with fitness consequences of trade-offs between parasite life history traits and interactions between parasite species and/or genotypes with their hosts. I develop our understanding of social evolution and virulence in parasites in several ways. (1) I review empirical evidence for the fundamental predictions of virulence-transmission trade-off theory and demonstrate that the fit between theory and data is primarily qualitative rather than quantitative; that parasites differ in their degree of host generalism, and this is likely to impact virulence in four ways. (2) I take a comparative approach to examine the underlying causes of an observed statistical variation in the size of parasite infectious doses across taxa, revealing that mechanisms used by parasites to infect hosts are able to explain variation in both infectious dose and virulence. (3) I formally compare data on human pathogens to explain variation in virulence across taxa, revealing that immune subversion and not growth rate, explains variation in virulence. This allows me to predict that immune subverters and not fast growing parasites are likely to cause the most virulent clinical infections. (4) Using bacteria and their naturally infecting viruses (bacteriophage), I take an experimental approach to investigate the consequences of coinfection for parasite life history traits, and find that viruses cultured under a mix of single infections and coinfections evolved plasticity; they killed hosts more rapidly when coinfecting, and this resulted in high fitness under both single infection and coinfection conditions. (5) I experimentally investigate how selection within and between hosts and patches of hosts affects the fitness and virulence of populations of these viruses. I find that limited host availability favours virulent, faster killing parasites with reduced transmission; suggesting high, rather than low, virulence may be common in spatially structured host-parasite communities.
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Rational and combinatorial protein engineering for vaccine delivery and drug targetingWikman, Maria January 2005 (has links)
<p>This thesis describes recombinant proteins that have been generated by rational and combinatorial protein engineering strategies for use in subunit vaccine delivery and tumor targeting.</p><p>In a first series of studies, recombinant methods for incorporating immunogens into an adjuvant formulation, e.g. immunostimulating complexes (iscoms), were evaluated. Protein immunogens, which are not typically immunogenic in themselves, are normally administered with an adjuvant to improve their immunogenicity. To accomplish iscom incorporation of a <i>Toxoplasma gondii</i> surface antigen through hydrophobic interaction, lipids were added either <i>in vivo</i> via <i>E. coli</i> expression, or <i>in vitro</i> via interaction of an introduced hexahistidyl (His6) peptide and a chelating lipid. The possibility of exploiting the strong interaction between biotin and streptavidin was also explored, in order to couple a<i> Neospora caninum</i> surface antigen to iscom matrix, i.e. iscom particles without any antigen. Subsequent analyses confirmed that the immunogens were successfully incorporated into iscoms by the investigated strategies. In addition, immunization of mice with the recombinant Neospora antigen NcSRS2, associated with iscoms through the biotin-streptavidin interaction, induced specific antibodies to native NcSRS2 and reduced clinical symptoms following challenge infection. The systems described in this thesis might offer convenient and efficient methods for incorporating recombinant immunogens into adjuvant formulations that might be considered for the generation of future recombinant subunit vaccines.</p><p>In a second series of studies, Affibody® (affibody) ligands directed to the extracellular domain of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2/neu), which is known to be overexpressed in ∼ 20-30% of breast cancers, were isolated by phage display <i>in vitro</i> selection from a combinatorial protein library based on the 58 amino acid residue staphylococcal protein A-derived Z domain. Biosensor analyses demonstrated that one of the variants from the phage selection, denoted His<sub>6</sub>-Z<sub>HER2/neu:4</sub>, selectively bound with nanomolar affinity (KD ≈ 50 nM) to the extracellular domain of HER2/neu (HER2-ECD) at a different site than the monoclonal antibody trastuzumab. In order to exploit avidity effects, a bivalent affibody ligand was constructed by head-to-tail dimerization, resulting in a 15.6 kDa affibody ligand, termed His<sub>6</sub>-(Z<sub>HER2/neu:4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>, that was shown to have an improved apparent affinity to HER2-ECD (KD ≈ 3 nM) compared to the monovalent affibody. Moreover, radiolabeled monovalent and bivalent affibody ligands showed specific binding in vitro to native HER2/neu molecules expressed in human cancer cells. Biodistribution studies in mice carrying SKOV-3 xenografted tumors revealed that significant amounts of radioactivity were specifically targeted to the tumors <i>in vivo</i>, and the tumors could easily be visualized with a gamma camera. These results suggest that affibody ligands would be interesting candidates for specific tumor targeting in clinical applications, such as <i>in vivo</i> imaging and radiotherapy.</p>
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Cleavage Specificity of Mast Cell ChymasesAndersson, Mattias K. January 2008 (has links)
<p>Mast cells (MC) are potent inflammatory cells that are known primarily for their prominent role in IgE mediated allergies. However, they also provide beneficial functions to the host, e.g. in bacterial and parasitic defence. MCs react rapidly upon stimulation by releasing potent granule-stored mediators, and serine proteases of the chymase or tryptase families are such major granule constituents. </p><p>As a first step towards a better understanding of the biological function of these proteases, we have determined the extended cleavage specificities of four mammalian mast cell chymases, by utilizing a substrate phage display approach. The specificities of these enzymes have then been used to compare their functional characteristics.</p><p>The major mucosal MC chymase in mice, mMCP-1, was found to possess a strict preference in four amino acid positions of the peptide substrate. Using this sequence to search the mouse proteome for potential <i>in vivo</i> substrates led to the identification of several very interesting potential novel substrates. Some of them may explain the increased epithelial permeability provided by this enzyme.</p><p>Human MCs, express only one single α-chymase, and the rodent α-chymases have secondarily gained elastase-like primary cleavage specificity. However, rodents express additional chymases, the β-chymases, and rodent β-chymases may have adopted the function of the α-chymases. The cleavage specificities of the human chymase and two rodent β-chymases were therefore determined (rat rMCP-1 and mouse mMCP-4). N-terminal of the cleaved bond the three chymases showed similar preferences, but C-terminal the human chymase and mMCP-4 shared a high preference for acidic amino acids in the P2´ position and therefore seem to be functional homologues. The molecular interactions mediating the preference for acidic amino acids in position P2´ were further investigated. By site-directed mutagenesis of the human chymase, amino acids Arg143 and Lys192 were concluded to synergistically mediate this preference.</p><p>Our data show that chymases, of different MC subpopulations, display quite different extended cleavage specificities. However mouse do possess a MC chymase with almost identical cleavage specificity as the human MC chymase indicating a strong evolutionary pressure to maintain this enzyme specificity.</p>
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