Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1phenol"" "subject:"phenomenol""
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Estudo da remoção biológica de nitrogênio via nitrito utilizando fenol como fonte de carbono operando um reator em bateladas seqüenciais (SBR) em escala piloto. / Study of nitrogen biological removal via nitrite using phenol as carbon source operating a pilot scale sequence batch reactor (SBR).Luciano Matos Queiroz 07 November 2006 (has links)
A presente pesquisa propôs avaliar a remoção biológica do nitrogênio pela via simplificada (nitritação) utilizando fenol como fonte de carbono na etapa anóxica (desnitritação) em um sistema de lodos ativados com biomassa em suspensão. Para tanto operou-se um reator piloto (volume útil de 20 litros) em bateladas seqüenciais alimentado com 5 (cinco) litros de água residuária sintética. A investigação foi caracterizada pela utilização do fenol (1.000 mg C6H5OH/L) e pelo aumento gradual da concentração de nitrogênio amoniacal no despejo líquido sintético (200; 300 e 500 mg N/L) buscando as condições que permitissem a predominância do N-NO2 - ao final da fase aeróbia dos ciclos de tratamento e utilização do fenol pelos microrganismos heterotróficos para redução do nitrogênio oxidado durante a fase anóxica. Para a presente pesquisa as condições para predominância do N-NO2 - na massa líquida do reator ao final da etapa aeróbia foram: pH @ 8,3 associado à extensão do período aeróbio do ciclo de tratamento que garantisse uma concentração mínima de amônia livre (> 0,3 mg NH3/L) no conteúdo do reator piloto. Com estas condições, a relação N NO2 - / (N-NO2 - + N-NO3 -) variou entre 89 e 99%. Mantendo uma concentração de 1,0 mg O2/L no conteúdo do reator durante afase aeróbia e tempo de residência hidráulico de três dias, as eficiências de remoção de N-NH3 variaram entre: 89 e 98% com concentrações no afluente próximas a 200 mg N/L (nove ciclos de tratamento); 95 e 98% para concentrações no afluente da ordem de 300 mg N/L (cinco ciclos de remoção) e 95 e 97% com concentrações no afluente próximas a 500 mg N/L (três ciclos de tratamento). Para temperaturas entre 23,5 e 33°C e concentrações de sólidos em suspensão voláteis entre 3.420 e 2.175 mg SSV/L no conteúdo do reator, a taxa de nitrificação específica variou entre 0,01 e 0,05 kg N-NH3/ kg SSV. dia. Concentrações máximas de amônia livre da ordem de 16 mg NH3/L e de ácido nitroso livre entre 0,001 e 0,009 mg HNO2/L no conteúdo do reator piloto não inibiram a oxidação biológica do nitrogênio. Fenol, em concentrações no afluente próximas a 1.000 mg C6H5OH/L, mostrou-se adequado como única fonte de carbono para remoção de nitrogênio, via nitrito, para concentrações afluentes da ordem de 200 e 300 mg N/L. As eficiências de remoção do nitrogênio oxidado variaram entre 97 e 100%, utilizando taxas de aplicação volumétricas próximas a 0,03 kg fenol /m3.hora.. As taxas de "desnitritação" específicas variaram entre 0,01 e 0,05 kg N-NO2 - / kg SSV .dia; a relação alimento/microrganismo (A/M) esteve compreendida entre 0,06 e 0,13 kg fenol / kg SSV. dia; a relação fenol removido/N-NOx removido variou entre 2,1 e 3,2 g fenol removido / g NNOx removido e as eficiências de remoção do fenol, durante a etapa anóxica estiveram compreendidas entre 37 e 67%. Taxas de aplicação volumétricas da ordem de 0,07 kg fenol /m3.hora inibiram a "desnitritação" biológica. Os três ciclos de tratamento da etapa conduzida com concentração de 500 mg N/L no afluente, foram marcados pela inibição da "desnitritação" e acúmulo de fenol, causados pelas elevadas concentrações de N-NO2 - (@80 a 98 mg N-NO2 -/L) na massa líquida do reator. Ainda durante essa etapa, a coleta de amostra na fase anóxica dos ciclos de remoção para realização de ensaios exploratórios, associando cromatografia gasosa e espectrometria de massa, detectaram a formação de 2 e 4 - nitrofenol no conteúdo do reator piloto. / This research proposes to evaluate an activated sludge system with suspended biomass in a pilot scale aiming to remove nitrogen by a simplified way (nitritation) using phenol as the carbon source of the anoxic phase (denitritation). A pilot reactor of 20-liters volume was operated in sequence batch stages fed with 5-liters of a synthetic wastewater. The investigation was characterized by the use of phenol (1,000 mg C6H5OH/L) and the gradual increase of ammonium nitrogen concentration in the synthetic wastewater (200, 300 and 500 mg N/L) searching the conditions that allowed the prevalence of N-NO2 - in the end of the aerobic phase of the treatment cycles and the use of phenol for the heterotrophic microorganisms to reduce the oxidized nitrogen during the anoxic phase. To the present research, the conditions to N-NO2 - prevalence in the reactor liquid mass in the end of the aerobic phase were: pH @ 8.3 associated to the extension of the aerobic period of the treatment cycle which guarantees a minimum concentration of free ammonia (> 0.3 mg NH3/L) in the pilot reactor content. Considering these conditions, the relation N-NO2 - / (N-NO2 - + NNO3 -) varied between 91 and 99%. Maintaining a concentration of 1.0 mgO2/L in the reactor content and hydraulic residence time of three days, the removal efficiencies of N-NH3 vary between: 89 and 98% to influent concentrations near 200 mg N/L (nine treatment cycles); 95 and 98% to influent concentrations of the order of 300 mg N/L (five removal cycles) and 95 and 97% to influent concentrations near 500 mg N/L (three treatment cycles). To temperature between 23,5 and 33°C and volatile suspended solid concentrations between 3,420 and 2,175 mg SSV/L in the reactor, the specific nitrification rate varied between 0.01 and 0.05 kg N-NH3/ kg SSV.d-1. Maximum concentrations of free ammonia in the pilot reactor of the order of 16 mg NH3/L and nitrous acid between 0.001 and 0.009 mg HNO2/L didn?t inhibit the nitrogen biological oxidation. Influent phenol concentrations near 1,000 mg C6H5OH/L showed to be adequate as single carbonsource to nitrogen removal as nitrite to influent concentrations of the order of 200 and 300 mg N/L. The oxidized nitrogen removal efficiencies vary between 97 and 100%, using volumetric loading rates near 0.03 kg phenol/m3.hour. The specific denitritation rates vary between 0.01 and 0.05 kg N-NO2 - / kg SSV.d-1; the food / microorganism ratio (F/M) was between 0.06 and 0.13 kg phenol / kgSSV.d-1; phenolremoved/N-NOxremoved ratio varied between 2.1 and 3.2 g phenolremoved/ g N-NOxremoved and phenol removal efficiencies during the anoxic phase were between 37 and 67%. Volumetric loading rates of the order of 0.06 kg phenol / m3.hour inhibited the biological denitritation. The three treatment cycles of the phase conducted with influent concentration of 500 mg N/L showed denitritation inhibition and phenol accumulation caused by high concentrations of N-NO2 - (@80 to 98 mg N-NO2 -/L) in the reactor liquid mass. During this phase, the sampling of the anoxic phase of the removal cycles to the initial tests associating gas chromatography and mass spectrophotometer detected the formation of 2 and 4-nitrophenol in the pilot reactor content.
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Estudo da degradação de fenol e seus intermediários pelo processo UV/H2O2. / Study of the degradation of phenol and its intermediates by UV/H2O2 process.Pâmela Coelho Tambani 16 June 2011 (has links)
No processo UV/H2O2, oxidar o substrato a CO2 e água resulta em um elevado consumo de H2O2. Então, esse processo tem sido proposto como um pré-tratamento para reduzir a toxicidade a níveis seguros para o tratamento biológico posterior. Por essa razão, é necessário estudar o progresso da reação, pois a toxicidade de alguns intermediários formados durante a oxidação pode ser mais elevada que a do composto inicial. Neste trabalho, os experimentos foram realizados em um reator tubular fotoquímico, contendo em seu eixo uma lâmpada de vapor de mercúrio de baixa pressão, conectado a um tanque de recirculação. O processo UV/H 2O2 é aplicado no tratamento de água contendo fenol (50500mg C.L-1). Os resultados demonstraram que o principal produto da oxidação primária é o catecol, indicando que a hidroxilação ocorre predominantemente na posição orto. A abertura do anel aromático leva à formação de ácidos orgânicos, o que explica a diminuição do pH durante a reação. Foram identificados os seguintes ácidos: fórmico, oxálico, maleico e malônico. Na etapa seguinte desse trabalho, dois modelos cinéticos foram desenvolvidos. Os modelos foram baseados nas reações químicas e fotoquímicas iniciadas pelos radicais hidroxila gerados pela fotólise do peróxido de hidrogênio. Foram utilizados os valores encontrados na literatura para os parâmetros fotoquímicos e constantes cinéticas das reações fotoquímicas. Os resultados experimentais foram utilizados para estimar as constantes cinéticas das reações que envolvem os compostos aromáticos. No primeiro modelo foram contempladas todas as reações fotoquímicas envolvidas e, no segundo, apenas as consideradas mais significantes. Os resultados das simulações considerando os parâmetros ajustados mostraram uma melhor concordância com os dados experimentais para o primeiro modelo. As constantes cinéticas deste modelo para as reações nas quais o fenol é oxidado a catecol (k14) e hidroquinona (k15) foram 2,60x108L.mol-1.s-1 e 1,03x108L.mol-1.s-1, respectivamente. As constantes cinéticas para a oxidação do catecol (k17) e hidroquinona (k18) encontradas foram 1,41x108L.mol-1.s-1 e 2,02x108L.mol-1.s-1, respectivamente. Também foi observada elevada correlação entre as constantes k14 e k17 e entre k15 e k18. / In the UV/H2O2 process, the oxidation of the substrate to CO2 and water results in high H2O2 consumption. Due to this fact the process has been proposed as a pretreatment to reduce toxicity to safe levels prior to biological treatment. Thus, it is necessary to study the reaction progress because some intermediate compounds may be more toxic than the initial compound. In the present study experiments were carried out in a lab-scale tubular photochemical reactor with a low-pressure mercury vapor lamp placed in its axis, connected to a recirculation tank. The UV/H2O2 process was applied to the degradation of an aqueous solution containing phenol as a model pollutant (concentration range: 50-500mg.L-1). The experimental results indicated that orto-hydroxylation (catechol formation) was predominant. The cleavage of the aromatic ring resulted in the production of organic acids, which caused the pH decrease over the reaction time. The following acids were detected: formic, oxalic, maleic and malonic. The experimental results were used to estimate kinetic rate constants for the reactions involving aromatic compounds according to two kinetic models based on chemical and photochemical reactions, initiated by hydrogen peroxide photolysis to produce hydroxyl radical. Numerical values of chemical reaction rate constants and photochemical parameters were taken from literature. The first model considered all photochemical while the second model considered the most significant ones. The parameter fitting results showed better agreement with experimental values based on the first model. The resulting values for the rate constants according to this model were as follows: 2.60x108L.mol-1.s-1 for phenol oxidation to catechol, and 1.03x108L.mol-1.s-1 for phenol oxidation to hydroquinone by hydrogen peroxide. The reaction rate constants for the oxidation of catechol, and hydroquinone by hydrogen peroxide are 1.41x108L.mol-1.s-1 and 2.01x108L.mol-1.s-1, respectively. A high correlation was observed between constants k14 and k17, and between k15 and k18.
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Desenvolvimento e estudo de um sistema para tratamento de fenol e poluentes orgânicos emergentes (POE) por processos oxidativos avançados (POA) utilizando ozônio, peróxido de hidrogênio e radiação ultravioleta / Development and study of a system for the treatment of phenol and emerging organic pollutants (EOP) by advanced oxidation processes (AOP) using ozone, hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet radiationFelipe Rufine Nolasco 29 April 2014 (has links)
O estudo avaliou a efetividade de um sistema para tratamento de soluções aquosas contendo poluentes orgânicos emergentes (POE), denominados interferentes endócrinos (IE). Baseado nos processos oxidativos avançados (POA), empregando ozônio, radiação UV, peróxido de hidrogênio e variação de pH, o estudo possibilitou determinar a relação ideal oxidante/poluentes e o custo/benefício dos tratamentos com melhores desempenhos, de degradação do padrão contendo hormônios 17?-estradiol (E2) e 17?-etinilestradiol (EE2), e outra contendo atrazina (ATZ). Para os estudos, foi utilizado um planejamento fatorial 23, para identificar as melhores opções de degradação. Os tratamentos iniciaram com soluções em concentrações de 600 ?g L-1 de ATZ, em quadruplicatas, por períodos de até 10 minutos. Posteriormente a avaliação dos melhores tratamentos, foi estudada a cinética de mineralização de soluções a 5 mg L-1 de ATZ, em até 90 min. A concentração de estudo adotada para os hormônios foi de 1 mg L-1. A determinação da ATZ e dos hormônios (E2 e EE2) foi realizada por cromatografia em fase líquida (CLAE), utilizando a extração em fase sólida (EFS) quando necessário. Para o estudo foram construídos dois sistemas de tratamento paralelamente acoplados (S1 - escala laboratorial e S2 - escala piloto), com os respectivos volumes de 0,43 L e 20 L. O S2 possibilitou a avaliação da degradação e/ ou mineralização do fenol em solução a 50 mg L-1, porém em escala 60 vezes superior ao S1. As eficiências das mineralizações da ATZ e do fenol, foram avaliadas pela análise de Carbono Orgânico Total (COT). As condições experimentais pré-estabelecidas foram: (i) UV-C 254 nm, variando entre 0, 16 e 32 W; (ii) H2O2 entre 0, 50 e 100% do total teórico necessário para mineralização dos poluentes; (iii) O3 (4,6 g h-1) e (iv) pH 7; 9 e 11, previamente aplicadas às soluções estoque de ATZ. Após avaliação da melhor combinação para degradação, optou-se por trabalhar, nos demais estudos, apenas com soluções em pH 11,0. Na última etapa deste estudo, foram desenvolvidos dois métodos (direto e indireto) para avaliar a geração do gás ozônio em tempo real, possibilitando também realizar a medição do consumo de O3 durante os estudos. Para avaliar a eficiência dos métodos, os resultados analíticos foram convertidos em % de degradação ou mineralização e os custos dos tratamentos foram estimados. Comprovando a viabilidade desta proposta, resultados envolvendo o tratamento de solução padrão de atrazina (600 ?g L-1) apresentaram, nas melhores condições (pH 11, 30 mg L-1 de H2O2 e 4,6 g L-1 de O3), eficiência igual ou superior a 95% (<LQ) na degradação do herbicida, em apenas 2,5 minutos de tratamento e posteriormente soluções a 5 mg L-1, apresentando até 100% de mineralização em 90 minutos. Quanto aos hormônios foram obtidos poucos resultados acima do LD do equipamento, porém todos ficaram abaixo do LQ (50 ?g L-1). Quanto ao fenol (50 mg L-1), estudado no sistema piloto (S2), atingiu-se até 80% de mineralização em 24 horas e 100% de degradação. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que os sistemas apresentaram excelente eficácia conforme esperado / The study evaluated the effectiveness of a system for treatment of aqueous solutions containing emerging organic pollutants (EOP), called endocrine disruptors (ED). Based on advanced oxidation processes (AOP) using ozone, UV radiation, hydrogen peroxide and pH variation. This study allowed the determination of the ideal oxidant/pollutants ratio and the cost/benefit of treatments with better performance, regarding the degradation of the pattern containing hormones 17?-estradiol (E2) and 17?-ethinylestradiol (EE2), and another containing atrazine (ATZ). A 23 factorial design was used in the study to identify the best options for degradation. The treatments were started with solutions at concentrations of 600 ?g L-1 ATZ, in quadruplicate, for periods up to 10 min. Subsequently to the best treatment evaluation; the degradation of 5 mg L-1 ATZ solutions was evaluated, within 90 min. The adopted study concentration of the hormones was 0,05 mg L- 1 and 1,0 mg L- 1. The determination of the ATZ and hormones (E2 and EE2) was performed by liquid chromatography (HPLC) using solid phase extraction (SPE) when necessary. For this study, two parallel coupled processing systems were constructed (S1 - Laboratory scale and S2 - pilot scale) with the respective volumes of 0.43 L and 20 L. S2 system was developed to enable evaluation of the degradation of an already known substance, 50 mg L-1 phenol solution, but on a scale 60 times greater than S1. The efficiency of ATZ and phenol mineralization was evaluated by Total Organic Carbon (TOC). The pre-established experimental conditions were: (i) 254 nm UV-C, varying among 0, 16 and 32 W, (ii) H2O2 among 0, 50 and 100% of the theoretical value needed to complete mineralization of the pollutant, (iii) O3 (4,6 g h-1) and (iv) pH 7; 9 and 11 previously applied to all stock solutions. After assessing the best combination for degradation, it was chosen to work in the other experiments only solutions with pH 11.0. In the last stage of the study, two methods (an electric and a spectrophotometric) were developed to assess the ozone gas generation in real time and also allowing the measurement of O3 consumption during the studies. To evaluate the efficiency of the methods, analytical results were converted to % degradation or mineralization and treatment costs were estimated. Proving the feasibility of this proposal, preliminary results involving the treatment of atrazine standard solution (600 ?g L-1) had, in the best conditions (pH 11, 30 mg L-1 of H2O2 and 4,6 g L-1 of O3), efficiency equal or superior to 95% (<LQ) in degradation of the herbicide in just 2.5 minutes of treatment and then 5 mg L-1 solutions had 100% mineralization in 90 minutes. To hormones, few results above the DL of the equipment were obtained, but all were below the QL of the equipment (50 mg L-1). When phenol (50 mg L-1) was studied in the pilot system it reached up to 80% of mineralization within 24 hours. The obtained results shown that the systems developed reached high efficiency for treating the pollutants
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Contribuição ao estudo de colunas pulsadas de pratos perfurados: aplicação à remoção de fenol de soluções aquosas. / Contribution to the study of pulsed sieve plate columns: application to the removal of pehnol from aqueous solutions.Mauri Sérgio Alves Palma 01 August 1991 (has links)
Para o estudo usou-se uma coluna de vidro, com 2,75 m de altura e 3,7 cm de diâmetro interno, contendo 29 pratos perfurados (diâmetro dos furos, 0,3 cm e área livre de 35 %), com espaçamento de 9,35 cm. O solvente percorria a coluna no sentido ascendente e a fase contínua, no contrário. A pulsação era fornecida ao sistema líquido por uma biela ligada excentricamente a uma polia, de um lado, e a uma junta de expansão, do outro. A frequência variou de 0 a 2,8 s-1 e a amplitude, de 0,6 a 2,3 cm. Uma primeira série de ensaios foi feita com o sistema binário acetato de n-butila-água, pois, para ele, há dados disponíveis para comparação. Dos resultados obtidos, concluiu-se ser conveniente o desempenho do equipamento. Em seguida, usou-se (a) o sistema metil isobutil cetona-água para levantar curvas de inundação e retenção da fase dispersa para várias condições de operação e (b) o sistema metil isobutil cetona-fenol-água para obter dados de transporte de massa, ou seja, altura equivalente a um estágio de equilíbrio e eficiência da remoção do fenol. Os resultados foram comparados, quando possível, com outros da literatura e com correlações existentes; em alguns casos, obtiveram-se correlações próprias. Os resultados alcançados são reprodutíveis e, para propriedades físicas e geométricas semelhantes, comportam-se de modo compatível com os da literatura. O processo é razoavelmente eficiente na remoção do fenol. / The extraction of phenol from aqueous solutions using a pulsed perforated-plate column was studied. The glass column, 2.75 m high and 3.7 cm internal diameter contains 29 perforated plates (0.3 cm holes and 35% of free area). The solvent flows upwards and the continuous phase, downwards. The pulsation was obtained by the expansion and compression of an expansion joint. Frequency varied from 0 to 2.8 s-1 and amplitude, from 0.6 to 2.3 cm. The initial tests were undertaken with the binary system n-butyl acetate-water because, for this system, there are data for comparison. It was shown that the equipment leads to convenient results. Then, the system methylisobutylketone-water was used to obtain flooding curves and dispersed phase hold-up and the system MIBK-phenol-water to study height equivalent to a theoretical stage and the phenol separation efficiency. The results were compared, whenever possible, with data from the literature and with existing correlations; specific correlations were obtained in certain cases. Results are reproducible and, for similar geometries and physical properties they are compatible with those of literature. The equipment is rather efficient in removing the phenol from the solution.
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Avaliação da técnica de eletroosmose na remoção de contaminante orgânico em meios particulados. / Eletrochemical techniques for particulate system decontamination treatments.Eliandro Rezende da Silva 07 June 2001 (has links)
O tratamento por técnicas eletroquímicas é provavelmente uma das metodologias mais prometedoras na descontaminação de sistemas particulados, sendo capaz da remoção, total ou parcial, de contaminantes como metais pesados, radionuclídeos, orgânicos e inorgânicos. Pelo uso de uma diferença de potencial elétrico em correntes baixas aplicadas através de pares de eletrodos, os contaminantes são movidos sob a ação do campo elétrico. A extração de impurezas pelo método eletrocinético é baseada na suposição que as moléculas estejam ou sejam evoluídos para a fase liquida. O ciclo completo envolve a adsorção, o transporte, a captação, e a remoção do contaminante dos meios porosos. Neste trabalho avaliou-se o emprego da técnica de eletroosmose na remoção de fenol em meios líquidos e porosos. O fenol foi escolhido por ser um composto altamente tóxico, proveniente de refinarias de óleos, industrias de tintas e principalmente pesticidas. Para a validação do processo em escala de laboratório, foi confeccionada uma célula eletroquímica para um volume de 700 cm3, com eletrodos de titânio. A concentração de fenol utilizada para este experimento foi constante de 11 mM. Água destilada, areia, pós de vidro e solo foram classificados, caracterizados e selecionados como meios porosos experimentais. As aplicações das cargas variaram de O a 120-140-240 minutos, sendo que o mapeamento do pH indicou eletromigração de espécies em todos os sistemas. Na eletroosmose temos o arraste das moléculas de fenol em direção ao catodo simultâneo à eletrólise da água, cujas concentrações relativas de contaminante foram avaliadas por espectroscopia de UV-Vis. A montagem dispõe de um reservatório para coleta de produtos de reação em cada eletrodo sendo possível a remoção do íon fenólico migrado. O processo apresentou eficiências variando de 40% a 60% na extração, dependendo das características do meio poroso. De um modo geral a técnica apresentou-se ecologicamente viável e econômica, como procedimento de remediação de solos e sistemas particulados diversos. / The use of electrochemical techniques is probably one of most promising technology for particulate system decontamination treatments. This methodology appears as able to remove heavy metals, radionucletides and organic and inorganic contaminations. By using an electric potential difference with low currents intensities through electrodes, the contaminants in the porous medium are dragged under electric field action. The contaminant removal is base on the supposition that the impurities are in solution or elute to the liquid phase. The whole cycle involves adsorption, transport, collection and removal of contaminants from the medium. In this work it was studied the use of the electroosmosis technique for removal of phenol from porous and aqueous medium. Phenol was chose because of its high toxicity and the regularly use in oil refineries, ink industries and pesticides. To validate the process, in laboratorial scale, an electrochemical cell of 700 cm3 volume, with titanium electrodes was constructed. The phenol concentration was 11 mM. Distillated water, sand, glass powder and sample of soil were classified, characterized and selected to constitute the porous media. The charge application time varied from 120 to 140 to 240 minutes and the pH mapping showed migration effect in ali of the systems. In the electroosmosis process we have the molecules of phenol dragged towards the cathode simultaneously to the water electrolysis. The relative concentrations of phenol were evaluated by UV-Vis spectroscopy. In the experimental setup a reservoir in each electrode was assembled in order to collect the reaction products. The process efficiencies are in a range from 40% to 60%, dependent of the porous medium characteristics. In a broad sense, the technique showed feasible as an economic and ecological procedure for soil and particulate system remediation.
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Validação e aplicação de métodos para análise de amostras de fenol em urina de trabalhadores e no ar do ambiente de trabalho / Methods validation and aplication to quantify phenol in urine and air samples in the workplaceTiago Severo Peixe 04 August 2006 (has links)
O fenol é utilizado na indústria como agente desinfetante, no preparo de resinas fenólicas e pigmentos de tintas. Apresenta-se no estado sólido à temperatura ambiente, com coloração fracamente rósea, odor acre e é higroscópico. Na exposição ocupacional aguda o composto pode levar a lesões eritematosas e sensação de calor, cronicamente, afetar a maturação celular no compartimento medular ósseo devido à formação de 1,4-benzoquinona. Os monitoramentos ambiental e biológico possuem relevância nas situações de exposições ocupacionais. O objetivo do trabalho foi validar e aplicar métodos apropriados na determinação de fenol em amostras de ar do ambiente de trabalho e urinas provenientes de trabalhadores do setor de macharia de uma indústria de peças sanitárias. Amostras de urina e ar foram analisadas, permitindo-se verificar a aplicação dos métodos cromatográficos para determinação de fenol. / Phenol is used as an industrial disinfectant agent, in the preparation of phenolic resins and paint pigments. When in solid state, it shows a light pink color, ocre odor and is hygroscopic. In acute occupational exposure, the compound can produce erythemic injuries and burn sensation and, chronically, affect the cellular maturation of bone marrow due the 1,4-benzoquinone. Environmental and biological monitoring are important in occupational exposure situations. The aim of this work was to validate a method to be applied in the determination of phenol concentration in air samples originated from work environment and urines taken from molding area workers at a sanitary devices foundry. Urine and air samples were analyzed, showing application of chromatography methods in phenol quantification.
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An Investigation of TiO<sub>2</sub>-ZnFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> Nanocomposites for Visible Light PhotocatalysisWade, Jeremy 24 March 2005 (has links)
Environmental pollution on a global scale is expected to be the greatest problem that chemical scientists will face in the 21st century, and an increasing number of these scientists are looking to new photocatalytic systems for the solution. Existing photocatalytic systems are effective for the decomposition of many unwanted organics through the use of efficient semiconductor photocatalysts activated by ultra-violet (UV) irradiation. The demand for visible light activated photocatalytic systems is increasing rapidly. Currently, however, the efficiency and availability of photocatalysts which can be activated effectively by the solar spectrum and especially indoor lighting is severely limited.
The purpose of this project is to investigate the potential of a TiO2-ZnFe2O4 alloyed nanocomposite for use as a visible light activated photocatalyst. An overview of the principles of photocatalysis is first provided. Relevant properties of pure and modified TiO2 are next discussed, and results of studies on structural and photocatalytic properties are presented. Alloyed TiO2-ZnFe2O4 nanocomposites are discussed in detail and their crystal structure, particle size, particle interaction, optical characteristics, and photoactivity are discussed in detail. Measurements characterizing the alloys are carried out using XRD, SEM, EDS, UV-Vis spectroscopy, and photodegradation procedures. The photoactivity of the alloys is carefully studied through phenol degradation experiments, and recommendations are provided to improve the photocatalysts under investigation.
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Characterization And Analysis Of The Antioxidant Capacity Of Functional Phenolics Oxidized By Scytalidium Thermophilum Catalase Phenol Oxidase (catpo)Soyler, Ulviye Betul 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Scytalidium thermophilum is a termophilic fungus that effectively produces the
extracellular enzyme catalase phenol oxidase (CATPO). The enzyme is distinct
among catalases with its bifunctionality of oxidising phenolic compounds in the
absence of H2O2. CATPO is capable of oxidizing catechol, chlorogenic acid,
caffeic acid and catechin which are ortho &ndash / diphenolic compounds. Diphenolic
compounds are known as strong antioxidants. Catalase is one of the important
antioxidant enzymes. Therefore, in this thesis the effect of CATPO on the final
antioxidant capacity of the oxidized products was analysed. Antioxidant capacity
measurements of oxidized and unreacted phenolic compounds were done using
the two widely used methods TEAC and FRAP.
CATPO oxidized catechol showed 2.4 fold increase when compared to its nonoxidized
form, which was highest among others. Catechol was followed by
caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, and catechin. This finding is new to the literature
and may be of importance to the antioxidant mechanism of organisms. Results
have also shown that the most well known phenol oxidases, laccase and
tyrosinase, do not result in such high increases in antioxidant capacity upon
oxidation of the substrates tested. Due to this finding, as a possible means of
applying CATPO to increase the antioxidant capacity of products daily consumed,
tea was selected.
Tea is the second most consumed beverage after water and it is known to
possess high amounts of flavanols. Green tea is rich in catechins whereas black
tea is a rich source of theaflavins and thearubigins. Fermentation is a critical
process for production of good quality tea and is the key step differing between
green and black tea production. During this process phenol oxidases catalyze the
oxidation of polyphenolic compounds present in tea leaves to their
corresponding o-quinones. Utilization of CATPO in tea samples resulted in an
increase in antioxidant capacity and its effect was enhanced by an increase in
brewing time. Interestingly, the addition of sugar decreased antioxidant capacity.
Laccase and tyrosinase were ineffective in increasing the antioxidant capacity of tea samples.
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Bioremediation of industrial VOC air pollutantsNikakhtari, Hossein 03 April 2006
An External Loop Airlift Bioreactor with a small amount (99% porosity) of stainless steel mesh packing inserted in the riser section was used for bioremediation of a phenol polluted air stream. The packing enhanced VOC and oxygen mass transfer rates and provided a large surface area for cell immobilization. Using a pure strain of Pseudomonas putida, fed-batch and continuous runs at three different dilution rates were completed with phenol in the polluted air as the only source of growth substrate. 100% phenol removal was achieved at phenol loading rates up to 33120 mg/h.m3 using only one third of the column, superior to any previously reported biodegradation rates of phenol polluted air with 100% efficiency. A mathematical model has been developed and is shown to accurately predict the transient and steady state data.
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Remediation of high phenol concentration using chemical and biological technologiesKumar, Pardeep 23 December 2010
This thesis presents the potential of integrating chemical and biological treatment technologies for the removal of high concentrations of phenol in a bioremediation medium. High concentrations of phenol in wastewater are difficult to remove by purely biological methods. Chemical oxidation is one way to treat high concentrations of phenol but complete oxidation is not always possible or will make the treatment process uneconomical. An experimental design approach, based on central composite rotatable design (CCRD) was used to evaluate the effects of process parameters on phenol oxidation by Fentons reagent and chlorine dioxide. Performance of the chemical oxidation was evaluated by determining the percentage of phenol oxidized at equilibrium. The reaction mechanism for the oxidation of phenol by Fentons reagent was proposed based on identification of the intermediate compounds.<p>
The effects of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> concentration (2000 to 5000 mg L<sup>-1</sup>) and FeSO<sub>4</sub>.7H<sub>2</sub>O concentration (500 to 2000 mg L<sup>-1</sup>) were investigated on phenol oxidation and optimal concentrations of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> and FeSO<sub>4</sub>.7H<sub>2</sub>O for complete oxidation of 2000 mg L<sup>-1</sup> phenol in medium were found to be 4340 mg L<sup>-1</sup> and 1616 mg L<sup>-1</sup>, respectively, at 25°C and pH 3. The main oxidation products were identified as catechol, hydroquinone and maleic acid.<p>
In the case of phenol oxidation by chlorine dioxide, the effects of chlorine dioxide concentration (500 to 2000 mg L<sup>-1</sup>), temperature (10 to 40°C) and pH (3 to 7) on the oxidation of 2000 mg L<sup>-1</sup> of phenol were determined. The optimal concentration of chlorine dioxide to completely oxidize 2000 mg L<sup>-1</sup> of phenol was 2000 mg L<sup>-1</sup>. The other parameters did not significantly affect the oxidation over the ranges studied. The main oxidation products were identified as 1,4-benzoquinone and 2-chloro-1,4-benzoquinone.<p>
Finally, the biodegradation of 1,4-benzoquinone, the main oxidation product of phenol oxidation by chlorine dioxide, was studied in batch and continuous systems using Pseudomonas putida 17484 in two dose McKinneys medium. The effects of 1,4-benzoquinone concentration and temperature were studied on biodegradation of 1,4-benzoquinone in batch reactors. Under optimal conditions, it was found that 150 mg L<sup>-1</sup> 1,4-benzoquinone could be successfully biodegraded at 15°C. In a continuous reactor operating at 15°C the highest removal rate with 500 mg L<sup>-1</sup> of 1,4-benzoquinone was found to be 246 mg L<sup>-1</sup> h<sup>-1</sup>. The values of µmax, Ks and yield were also determined as 0.74±0.03 h<sup>-1</sup> and 14.17±3.21 mg L<sup>-1</sup> and 2x10<sup>13</sup> cell mg<sup>-1</sup>, respectively.
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