Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fhilosophy anda children"" "subject:"fhilosophy ando children""
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Fem vuxnas perspektiv på filosofiska samtal i skolanClinton, Jonathan January 2013 (has links)
Previous research on philosophy for children in schools has almost exclusively focused on how it is perceived by students. The aim of this study is to focus on how it is perceived by five teachers and other adults involved in implementing philosophy for children in schools, in total four teachers participated and one adult who worked with implementing took part in the study. The theoretical background is composed of Olga Dysthes view that knowledge is not only constructed but that the object that one intends to gain knowledge of has to be interacted with and how she applies this view dialogues in the classroom. The study was conducted by interviewing the participants. The results found that the teachers saw philosophy for children as something more than a tool to work with questions that were important to students, they were also viewed as a way to work with language and building solidarity within the class. Some of the informants also expressed views that they were certain that the discussions would end in the students aquiring the values that the school represented but that if this was not the case they would have to step in to steer the conversation towards these values. The study also found ambiguity towards the role of teachers as fascilitators of these discussions. There was a concern that the teacher as fascilitator could result in the students either returning to normal classroom behaviour or that they would alter what they said to fit what they were expecting the teacher to hold as the right answer. However the positive sides to having a teacher fascilitator was that these would know the class better and better be able to establish an environment that is suited for a philosophical discussion.
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Σχεδιασμός και εφαρμογή ενός προγράμματος φιλοσοφίας για παιδιά στο νηπιαγωγείοΣταματοπούλου, Μάρθα, Καρέλου, Μαρία- Άννα 04 December 2012 (has links)
Στην εργασία αυτή εξετάσαμε αν και κατά πόσο μπορεί ένα πρόγραμμα Φιλοσοφίας για Παιδιά (ΦγΠ), να εφαρμοστεί στο ελληνικό νηπιαγωγείο. Με άλλα λόγια, προσπαθήσαμε να δούμε εάν τα παραμύθια με τις συγκεκριμένες θεματικές που επιλέχθηκαν, ευαισθητοποίησαν τα παιδιά, για να συζητήσουν φιλοσοφικά θέματα. Για να διερευνήσουμε αυτό, χρησιμοποιήσαμε δύο σχολεία, το ένα ως πειραματική ομάδα και το άλλο ως ομάδα ελέγχου. Εδώ, εξετάσαμε αν, στο χώρο που υλοποιήθηκε η ερευνητική παρέμβαση (πειραματική ομάδα), συμμετείχαν περισσότερα παιδιά, αν συνεργάζονταν καλύτερα, αν υπήρξε μεγαλύτερη δυνατότητα για έρευνα, αλλά και για ανάπτυξη κριτικής και δημιουργικής σκέψης.
Συμπεράναμε πως τα παιδιά, ύστερα από κατάλληλη παρέμβαση, (πειραματική ομάδα) η οποία στηρίχθηκε σε ερωτήματα, που διερευνούσαν το θέμα του εκάστοτε παραμυθιού, συνεργάστηκαν σε μεγάλο βαθμό, ακούγοντας προσεκτικά τους συνομιλητές τους και διαμορφώνοντας αντίστοιχα τη δική τους άποψη. Ταυτόχρονα, διαπιστώσαμε πως, τα παιδιά αυτά, είχαν μεγαλύτερη δυνατότητα για έρευνα, διαχειριζόμενα καλύτερα τις ερωτήσεις που τους θέτονταν και κάνοντας σε δεύτερο επίπεδο τις δικές τους ερωτήσεις. Το πιο σημαντικό όμως είναι πως, ανέπτυξαν, σε μεγάλο βαθμό, την κριτική τους σκέψη, έχοντας τη δυνατότητα να στηρίξουν με λογικά επιχειρήματα την άποψή τους. Το ίδιο συνέβη και με τη δημιουργική σκέψη, όπου απέκτησαν τη δυνατότητα να κάνουν γενικεύσεις και να διερευνούν υποθετικούς συλλογισμούς. / In this study, we examined whether or not a program of Philosophy for Children can be implemented to the Greek kindergarten system. In other words, we tried to see if the stories which were used, made children more sensitive, in order to discuss philosophical issues. We used two schools to investigate this subject, one as the experimental group and the other as the controller. Here we examined, whether implementation of the experimental group included more children, had better cooperation with each other and created more opportunities for research. We also investigated if the children developed critical and creative thinking.
We concluded that children, after appropriate intervention to the experimental group, based on questions that explored the theme of each story, cooperated with each other through listening carefully to the speakers and respectively forming their own opinions. Simultaneously, we found that these children had a greater opportunity for research by answering questions and putting forward their own. The most important thing is that they have developed to a larger extent, critical thinking, having the ability to support logical arguments of their own opinion. At the same time, children, developed creative thinking, to which they developed generalizations and the ability to explore hypothetical reasoning.
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Η συγκρότηση ομάδας διερεύνησης στο πλαίσιο της Φιλοσοφίας για παιδιά μέσα από την εφαρμογή δραστηριοτήτων στο νηπιαγωγείοΠούλου, Τριανταφυλλιά 10 June 2013 (has links)
Στην εργασία αυτή ασχοληθήκαμε με τη θεωρία της φιλοσοφίας για παιδιά και τους θεωρητικούς που ασχολήθηκαν με αυτό το πρόγραμμα. Επίσης παρουσιάζουμε την πρακτική που ακολουθείται σε ένα πρόγραμμα φιλοσοφίας για παιδιά. Τέλος παραθέτουμε την πιλοτική έρευνα που πραγματοποιήσαμε σε δύο νηπιαγωγεία της Πάτρας κατά την οποία εφαρμόσαμε το πρόγραμμα ΦγΠ σε μια ομάδα ελέγχου και σε μια πειραματική ομάδα. / In this project we give a presentation of the theory and practise of Philosophy for Children and those who established this programme. Moreover we present a pilot research that took place in two preschools in Patras,where we put into practice philosophy for children in a trial and a transcript team.
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The Philosophical Classroom:balancing educational purposesVälitalo, R. (Riku) 28 August 2018 (has links)
The practice of teaching links long-standing philosophical questions about the building blocks of a good life to daily judgments in the classroom; in the journey to becoming a person who teaches, we must seek different ways of understanding what “good” means in the context of different social practices and communities. This doctoral thesis examines the educational innovation known as Philosophy for Children (PFC) as a platform for teachers and students to address such questions within a community of philosophical inquiry (CPI).
Advocates of PFC seek to promote radical change in our understanding of growth, teaching and the relationships formed in educational contexts. In addressing these issues, this thesis contributes to the ongoing conversation about the teacher’s role within the PFC movement. The thesis comprises four interrelated studies that examine the possibilities and limits of PFC ideas by considering them in the light of general educational theorising about pedagogical action. In addition to the PFC literature, the study’s main sources are 1) the Continental tradition of European educational discourse, especially in German-speaking regions, and 2) the writings of the contemporary educational thinker Gert Biesta. The former offers an opposing view to the idea of a symmetrical, communal emergent system that seems to inform second-generation understandings of philosophical dialogue in an educational context. Gert Biesta’s ideas, especially in relation to the purpose and aims of education, help in envisioning CPI as a structuring element in teaching as a whole and all aspects of classroom life.
The four studies focus on pedagogical action, the nature and role of authority in CPI and teacher agency. The thesis contends that teaching and, in particular, building a community of classroom inquiry, requires a vision of teaching as a reflective practice, informed by subject-specific and educational judgments as key dimensions of teacher reflection and wisdom. / Tiivistelmä
Opettajan ammatissa filosofiset kysymykset hyvästä elämästä ja sen etsimisestä yhdistyvät opettajan päivittäisiin ratkaisuihin luokkahuoneessa. Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee kasvatuksellisia edellytyksiä ja mahdollisuuksia Filosofiaa lapsille -ohjelmassa, joka on pyrkinyt luomaan alustaa kysymyksille hyvästä elämästä osana lasten kasvua ja kasvatusta. Väitöskirja keskittyy tarkastelemaan tämän ohjelman piirissä käytyä keskustelua kasvusta, opetuksesta ja kouluopetuksessa muodostuvista kasvatussuhteista. Erityisesti väitöskirja tarkastelee edellä mainittuja käsitteitä hahmotellakseen filosofisen pedagogiikan erityispiirteitä kasvatuksellisena käytäntönä. Samalla väitöskirja kiinnittyy myös yleisemmin kasvatuksen ja opetuksen luonnetta ja tavoitteita koskevaan keskusteluun.
Väitöskirja sisältää neljä toisiinsa liittyvää tutkimusta, jotka tarkastelevat pedagogisen filosofian mahdollisuuksia ja ongelmakohtia yleisen kasvatustieteen piirissä tehtyjen teoreettisten hahmottelujen valossa. Filosofiaa lapsille -liikkeen edustajien lisäksi päälähteinä toimivat 1) mannermainen pedagogisen toiminnan teorian traditio (erityisesti saksan kielialueella käyty keskustelu) ja 2) Gert Biestan viimeaikaiset kirjoitukset. Ensimmäinen tarjoaa vastakkaisen näkemyksen symmetriselle, itseään luovalle systeemille, joka vaikuttaa olevan varsinkin liikkeen toisen sukupolven edustajien filosofisen pedagogiikan kehittelyiden ytimessä. Gert Biestan ajatukset, erityisesti hänen ideansa kasvatuksen päämääristä ja tavoitteista, antavat eväitä muodostaa filosofisesta pedagogiikasta opetusta strukturoiva kokonaisuus, joka toimii oppiainerajat ylittävänä, luokan elämää ohjaavana periaatteena.
Väitöskirja keskittyy erityisesti pedagogisen toiminnan, auktoriteetin luonteen ja roolin sekä opettajan toimijuuden käsitteisiin. Väitöstutkimuksen keskeinen tulos on, että filosofisesti orientoituneen kasvatuksellisen käytännön muodostuminen luokkaan vaatii opettajalta moniulotteista omien pedagogisten ratkaisujen reflektointia, ja suuntaa häntä kohti kasvatuksellista viisautta.
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Il metodo Lipman. Una metodologia educativa per il dialogo intergenerazionale / Lipman Method. Educational Methodology for Intergeneration DialogueROSSI, VALERIA 21 February 2008 (has links)
Nel contesto contemporaneo, caratterizzato da una diffusa complessità e da crescente ostilità, un'efficace educazione degli adulti deve connotarsi come un'incessante opportunità di risignificazione esistenziale, sia a livello personale che comunitario. Inoltre, deve sostenere le persone nell'acquisizione di conoscenze e fornire loro nuovi strumenti. Questa ricerca vuole porre in evidenza le potenzialità del metodo creato da Matthew Lipman per l'educazione degli adulti. In particolare vuole mostrare il suo possibile uso per il dialogo intergenerazionale tra adulti e adolescenti. / In the present scenario, characterized by a widespread complexity and an increasing hostility, an efficient adult education should connote itself as a constant opportunity of renewing the existential meaning of life, both on an individual and on a community level. Moreover, it should support people in acquiring knowledge and new technical devices. This research is s aimed at highlighting the potentialities of the method created by Matthew Lipman for adult education. In particular I will explain its use in intergenerational dialogue paths between adults and adolescents.
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Étude des mouvements de pensée collective lors des ateliers philosophiques au primaire et au collège : Extraction de philosophèmes en tant que structures formelles de raisonnement / Study of collective thought movements in philosophical workshops in primary and secondary school : extraction of "philosophèmes" as formal reasoning structuresFiema, Gabriela 12 December 2014 (has links)
Quarante ans après l’apparition des ateliers philosophiques en classe (DVP), se pose toujours la question de la valeur effective et des retombées de ces pratiques sur les apprentissages et la socialisation. Le repérage et la caractérisation des mouvements de pensée réflexive est une question clé lorsqu’on s’intéresse à mesurer l’efficience de ces pratiques. La thèse contribue à étendre et approfondir l’étude des données langagières pour mettre à disposition de la communauté scientifique des résultats inédits concernant ces dialogues d’un genre nouveau. Le travail s’appuie sur une double collecte de données : au primaire et au collège. Les résultats de thèse sont disposés sur un triple niveau. Premièrement, nous avons pu caractériser les phénomènes de réflexivité en décrivant les philosophèmes, en prenant appui sur des marques formelles en langue pour rendre compte du processus dynamique de la pensée collective. Ce travail effectué à l’aide du logiciel de transcription et d’annotation linguistique ELAN a été possible grâce à l’élaboration d’une méthodologie inédite. Deuxièmement, nous avons élaboré des résultats didactiques ou nous avons dégagé quelques facteurs (niveau scolaire, âge, etc.) qui favorisent la réflexivité en classe et son développement chez l’enfant et qui sont particulièrement actifs et/ ou significatifs au sein de ces discussions. Finalement, dans la troisième partie, nous décrivons la mise en ligne du corpus du genre « discussion à visée philosophique » pour qu’ils servent de corpus de référence pour la communauté en sciences humaines, sur une plateforme spécialement conçue à cet effet : Philosophèmes. / Forty years after invention of philosophy for children (P4) by Mathiew Lipman, the question of effects of those workshops on children still remains present. Characterising of reflexive thought’s movements is a key factor while we are interested about measuring the efficiency of P4C on children. This dissertation has a part in extending the study of linguistics data issued from P4C workshops and makes available a quantity of results issued from this analysis. The work is grounded on double set of data issued from primary schools and secondary schools in France. The results are on triple level. Firstly, we characterised the reflexive phenomenon during P4C that we called philosophemes. We leaned on the formal language marks to highlight the dynamic process of collective thinking. This work, conducted with linguistic annotator ELAN, was possible by elaboration of specific and unique methodology. Secondly, we elaborated the results for a possible use by teachers, which concern the factors (pupils’ school level, age, etc.) that influence the thinking during P4C workshops. Finally, in the third part of work, we described the elaboration of internet platform Philosophemes when our results and corpora are available for the scientific and scholar communities.
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Moral education: a critique of stage development theory and the philosophy for children programme as a moral education alternative.Taylor, Rob, n/a January 1995 (has links)
This thesis considers aspects of Piaget's and Kohlberg's
theories of the moral development and education of children.
It takes into consideration an old but valuable study of the
development of character in children. As a possible
alternative model to that provided by Kohlberg we suggest the
inclusion of the Philosophy for Children programme into
schools. Prior to the elaboration of this proposition we
critically analyse certain philosophical concepts put forward
by both Piaget and Kohlberg. Our aim here has been to suggest
that there are underlying philosophical weaknesses which have
a hidden but important impact on the acceptability of aspects
of their work. We express our concern at the acceptance of
Kohlberg's work in schools and point out why this is
unsatisfactory. We put forward what we take to be an
acceptable position in introducing moral education into
schools and we put forward an approach where this can take
place within the context of a broader educational programme
and which includes the Philosophy for Children programme.
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This text is structured into four chapters and it examines the interest of children in philosophy classes. This search: "Communities Investigate - Memories of Educational Subjects on the experiences of Philosophy Classes for Children", shows the experience of philosophical
dialogues with the child public. This is the central theme: the seek for memories of the subject and my philosophical experiences when I was a responsible for the planning, design of projects, choice of experiences and drawing up targets to be worked in the processes of discussion with children. This project occurred at São José, a school that belongs to a Franciscan Congregation in
Erechim, since 2001 to 2005. Thus, I intend to investigate the methodological path through bibliographic aspects ally to the methodology of " História Oral Temática" in witch the author explains his memories about the philosofical process through semi-structured interviews, these
explanations are divided into distinct groups: students (three, children aged eight to fourteen years old), teachers (two rulership teachers), parents (three parents), three representatives administrative group and the managers. So the problem that motivates this study is: what are the memories of education subjects that are involved in the process of philosophical dialogues and
experiences concerning the project of Philosophy for Children that has been developed between the years 2001 to 2005 at São José? Then, this study priotizes educational opportunities and relevances in the program of Philosophy classes for childrens concerning some aspects by
Mattew Lipman. Also I intend to search for ways of working and teaching philosophy with children and methodologies about teaching this according to important authors and the reasons that motivated the inclusion of the project at São José School in order to detect important knowledge about teacher training. In summary through this study was possible to learn about how important the philosophical knowledge is for the practice teaching professionals from all areas of knowledge. The educational opportunities found in these memories and theoretical notions involves the "ludicidade", the use of the method to mediate philosophical dialogues with children; try to understand the childhood as a stage of development where the child expressed a language basically in a symbolic way, and specially about the importance of philosophy as way
of showing experiences and exchanges between children and the importance of teaching and working relations of solidarity and support in a school environment. / Estruturada em quatro capítulos, a partir de observações em torno do interesse das crianças pelas aulas de Filosofia, nesta pesquisa Comunidades de Investigação : Memórias dos Sujeitos Educativos sobre as vivências das aulas de Filosofia para Crianças, apresentam a experiência de diálogos filosóficos com o público infantil. Tendo como temática central o resgate das memórias dos sujeitos educativos e as minhas, em vivências filosóficas, quando atuei como responsável
pelo planejamento, elaboração de projetos, escolha de vivências e elaboração dos objetivos a serem trabalhados nos processos de discussão com crianças. Tal projeto foi realizado na cidade de Erechim, no Colégio São José, pertencente à Congregação Franciscana, no período compreendido entre o ano de 2001 até o ano de 2005. Para tanto, percorri o caminho percorrido o caminho metodológico de cunho bibliográfico aliado à metodologia de História Oral Temática,
evidenciado em entrevistas semi-estruturadas sobre as memórias da pesquisadora do processo filosófico e de quatro grupos distintos: educandos (três, crianças com faixa etária entre oito e quatorze anos), docentes (duas professores regentes), pais (três pais), três representantes do grupo diretivo e administrativo. Nessa direção, a problemática motivadora do estudo: quais são as memórias dos sujeitos educativos, envolvidos no processo de diálogos e vivências filosóficas, a respeito do projeto de Filosofia para Crianças que foi desenvolvido entre o ano de 2001 até 2005, no Colégio São José? Como objetivo geral, priorizei as possibilidades educativas e relevantes sobre o programa de Filosofia para Crianças proposto por Mattew Lipman. Para o uso de idéias que tratam sobre a Filosofia para Crianças, sobre a metodologia lúdica e os motivos da inserção do projeto no Colégio São José, com vistas a detectar saberes acerca da formação docente. Emergiram desse estudo, saberes importante a prática docente para profissionais de
todas as áreas dos conhecimentos. As possibilidades educativas encontrados nessas memórias e nos resgates teóricos, tratam da ludicidade, do uso do método para mediar diálogos filosóficos com crianças; do entendimento da Infância como fase do desenvolvimento onde a criança
expressa uma linguagem basicamente simbólica; da importância da Filosofia como um espaço de vivências e de trocas entre as crianças e a importância do trabalho docente e das relações de apoio e solidariedade que estabelece em ambiente escolar.
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Instrumentální obohacování a Filozofie pro děti - programy pro podporu rozvoje kritického a kreativního myšlení / Instrumental enrichment and Philosophy for children - programs for support of development of a critical and creative thinking.KABELE, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with programmes for critical and creative thinking development. The topic covers primarily the programs of "Instrumental enrichment" and "Philosophy for children". In the theoretical part the author explains and describes the term thinking, particularly a creative and critical thinking, both constituting a fundamental element of this thesis. In another part of the thesis the author introduces two specific programs "the Instrumental enrichment" and "the Philosophy for children". The final part of the thesis concentrates on common features of both programs, focusing on theoretical explanation and description of these attributes.
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Pensamento e Felicidade na Infância / Tthinking and Happiness in ChildhoodReis, Lígia de Almeida Durante Correa [UNESP] 29 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by LIGIA DE ALMEIDA DURANTE CORREA DOS REIS null (lilicalad@yahoo.com) on 2016-09-29T00:56:42Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-07-29 / Violência escolar, depressão infantil e outros estados angustiantes na infância têm sido foco de inúmeras pesquisas do campo educacional, sociológico, médico e psicológico. Possíveis causas, consequências e tratamentos têm sido apontados pelas diversas correntes do pensamento. Esta pesquisa se debruçou sobre o conceito de felicidade como condição para compreender o real estado das coisas. Nela apresentam-se os motivos que justificam a relevância do tema - que é um desdobramento da dissertação de mestrado da autora. A opção teórica para análise, que se fundamenta na concepção de infância a partir da Experiência do Pensar e na Teoria Crítica, principalmente no conceito adorniano de Indústria Cultural. A questão que deu origem ao trabalho aqui apresentado foi: Como a Educação Escolar pode se configurar como experiência de felicidade e pensamento na infância? Para respondê-la foi necessário delimitar o conceito de felicidade a partir de duas concepções que se distinguem na história do pensamento humano – a hedonista e a eudaimoninsta – cujas referências iniciam na Grécia Antiga. Para compreender como essas duas concepções se encontram na contemporaneidade expôs-se como se estabelece o conceito de felicidade na sociedade do consumo a partir do embotamento dos sentidos operado pelas mídias. Por fim, apresenta-se a experiência do pensamento que acontece a partir do encontro entre filosofia, infância e estética como caminho de ruptura à reificação da sensibilidade e superação da semiformação da qual a escola tem sido refém. / School violence, childhood depression and other distressing conditions in childhood have been the goal of several studies in the educational field, sociological, medical and psychological areas. Possible root causes, consequences and treatments have been suggested by several lines of thoughts. This research has focused on the concept of happiness as a condition to understand the real state of things. The following study is an sample to be validated in the doctoral qualification process The theoretical option for analysis , which is based on the conception of childhood from the Think Experience and Critical Theory , especially based on Adorno's concept of industrial Culture . This trigger question for this dissertation was : How School Education can be configured as experience of happiness and thought in childhood?To answer it was necessary to define the concept of happiness from two concepts that are distinguished in the history of Human Thought - the Hedonistic and Eudaimoninsta - whose references start in Ancient Greece. To understand how these two concepts are nowadays exposed himself and how to establish the concept of happiness in the society of consumption from the dulling of the senses operated by the media. Concluding, this research presents itself to Thinking Experience what happens from the meeting between philosophy , childhood and aesthetics As rupture’s path of reification sensitivity and overcoming the incomplete information that schools have been hostage by.
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