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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma estratégia de comunicação sobre planejamento reprodutivo na atenção pós-natal do PRENACEL / Development and evaluation of a communication strategy about family planning of the PRENACEL postnatal care

Jazmin Andrea Cifuentes Sanchez 28 March 2017 (has links)
Introdução: A mortalidade materna é aquela resultante de complicações diretas e indiretas da gravidez, parto ou puerpério, e um indicador de saúde da mulher bem como do desempenho dos sistemas de atenção à saúde. O Planejamento Familiar é considerado fundamental na diminuição das taxas de mortalidade materna. A implantação de estratégias efetivas de planejamento familiar no pós-parto (PFPP) poderia contribuir na diminuição das taxas de morbidade e mortalidade materna e infantil, bem como do número de gestações não planejadas e abortos inseguros. O uso de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) em uma intervenção educativa em saúde de PFPP poderia ser considerado uma ferramenta complementar útil na atenção pós-natal. Objetivo: Determinar se o envio de mensagens de texto via Short Message Service (SMS) sobre PFPP, é um complemento útil para o acompanhamento pós-natal, incentivando o uso de anticoncepcional no pós-parto e o retorno à consulta de puerpério. Métodos: Ensaio clínico aleatorizado controlado por grupo . Realizado entre fevereiro de 2015 e junho de 2016 em Ribeirão Preto. Com 420 mulheres, 326 mulheres do grupo de controle e 94 mulheres do grupo com intervenção, cada grupo estava composto por 10 Unidades Básicas e Distritais de Saúde. Mulheres do grupo com intervenção, com idade igual ou superior a 18 anos e com idade gestacional inferior a 20 semanas, foram convidadas a cadastrar-se no programa, após o aceite de participação, foi enviado o primeiro grupo de mensagens com informações referentes ao parto e gravidez, este envio terminava após o parto. Dentro das primeiras 48 horas pós-parto a mulher era entrevistada na maternidade, sendo coletados dados sociodemográficos, e do histórico sexual e reprodutivo, quatro dias após o parto as mulheres do grupo com intervenção que aceitaram receber as mensagens após o parto, receberam o segundo grupo de mensagens durante oito semanas com informações sobre contracepção no pós-parto. No terceiro mês após o parto foram entrevistadas as 420 no domicílio, o uso de anticoncepcional no pós-parto e assistência à consulta puerperal foram avaliados como desfechos principais. Todas as mulheres assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Resultados: A taxa total de uso de anticoncepcional foi de 92% no terceiro mês após o parto, 89% foram anticoncepcionais hormonais. Em relação á consulta puerperal, 76% das mulheres compareceram à consulta. 7 Conclusões: Não houve diferencia estatisticamente significante entre os grupos, talvez o impacto deste tipo de intervenção educativa pode ser diferente em outros contextos e regiões brasileiras onde a informação em saúde é mais defasada e as mulheres têm mais dificuldades no acesso ao serviço de saúde. Este foi o primeiro estudo da literatura que avaliou o impacto de mensagens educativas via SMS sobre uso de contraceptivos após três meses do parto. Além de promover informação através de SMS, numa linguagem de fácil entendimento para as mulheres sobre saúde reprodutiva, a proposta deste estudo possibilitou a participação ativa dessas mulheres, por possuir um sistema de mensagem de texto bidirecional. / Introduction: Maternal mortality is the result of direct and indirect complications of pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium, and an indicator of women\'s health as well as the performance of health care systems. Family Planning is considered to be crucial in reducing maternal mortality rates. The implementation of effective family planning strategies in the postpartum period (FPPP) could contribute to the reduction of rates of maternal and infant morbidity and mortality, as well as the number of unplanned pregnancies and unsafe abortions. The use of Information and Communication Technologies (CIT) in a FPPP health education intervention could be considered a useful complementary tool in postnatal care. Objective: To determine if the sending of text messages via Short Message Service (SMS) on FPPP is a useful complement to postnatal follow-up, encouraging postpartum contraceptive use and the return to puerperal consultation. Methods: Conglomerate-controlled randomized clinical trial. Held between February 2015 and June 2016 in Ribeirão Preto. With 420 women, 326 women from the conglomerate control and 94 women from the conglomerate with intervention, each conglomerate was composed of 10 Basic and District Health Units. Women of the conglomerate with intervention, aged 18 years or above and with gestational age less than 20 weeks, were invited to join the program, after accepting participation, was sent the first group of messages with information regarding delivery and pregnancy, this shipment ended after delivery. Within the first 48 hours postpartum, the woman was interviewed in the maternity ward, and socio-demographic data and sexual and reproductive history were collected. Four days after delivery, women from the conglomerate with intervention who accepted to receive postpartum messages received the second group of messages for eight weeks with information on postpartum contraception. In the third month after delivery, the 420 women were interviewed at home, postpartum contraceptive use and puerperal consultation were evaluated as the main outcomes. All the women signed the Free and Informed Consent Form. Results: The total contraceptive use rate was 92% in the third month after delivery, 89% were hormonal contraceptives. Regarding the puerperal consultation, 76% of the women attended the consultation. Conclusions: There was no statistically significant 9 difference between groups, perhaps the impact of this type of educational intervention may be different in other Brazilian contexts and regions where health information is more lagged and women have more difficulties in accessing the health service. This was the first study in the literature that evaluated the impact of educational messages via SMS on contraceptive use after three months of childbirth. In addition to promoting information through SMS, in a language that women can easily understand about reproductive health, the proposal of this study made possible the active participation of these women, because it has a two-way text message system.

Mobiltelefonen som hjälpmedel för vuxna med ADHD / The Mobile Phone as Assistive Technology for Adults with ADHD

Hallberg, Pernilla January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra till att öka kunskapen om hur tekniska hjälpmedel kan användas för att underlätta vardagen för vuxna människor med ADHD.  För att åstadkomma detta görs en genomgång av vilka problem som kan föreligga vid ADHD och vilka strukturer och aktörer som finns i samhället för att erbjuda hjälp och stöd som vuxna med ADHD kan ha behov av. Därefter betraktas vilka strategier och metoder som kan vara användbara för att kompensera för de problem ADHD kan innebära och hur teknik, såväl specialtillverkade hjälpmedel som vanliga produkter, kan användas för att kompensera. En översikt görs av hur teknik kan utformas för att bli användbar, såväl generellt som mer specifikt rörande utformning av hjälpmedel. Detta åskådliggörs genom exempel från några svenska hjälpmedelsprojekt följt av en probleminventering där ett antal studiebesök och intervjuer har tjänat som en bakgrund för förståelse av den stora mängd strukturer, aktörer och hjälpmedel som är möjliga men emellanåt svårtillgängliga vägar till hjälp för vuxna med ADHD.</p><p> </p><p>De som i slutänden kan avgöra vilken nytta ett hjälpmedel innebär är brukarna själva. Deras upplevelser och erfarenheter är en ovärderlig källa till kunskap. Under arbetets gång har frågeställningen preciserats till att lyda: <em>"Hur kan vanliga mobiltelefoner användas som hjälpmedel för att underlätta vardagen för vuxna med ADHD?"</em>.<em> </em>För att besvara denna fråga har semistrukturerade riktade intervjuer genomförts med fyra kvinnor med ADHD som använder mobiltelefonen som hjälpmedel i sin vardag. Intervjuerna har transkriberats och kategoriserats för att identifiera hur mobiltelefoner används, vad som fungerar bra och mindre bra och vad kan göra att mobiltelefonen upplevs som ett fungerande hjälpmedel.</p><p> </p><p>Resultaten från bearbetning och analys av intervjuerna sammanställs i kapitlet sammanfattande analys i avsnitt med användbara funktioner, användbara egenskaper och perspektiv på stödbehov och hjälparroll. I diskussionskapitlet föreslås sedan vidare användning av resultaten i avsnitten teoretiska implikationer och praktiska implikationer. Min förhoppning är att dessa avsnitt tillsammans med de listor och tumregler som presenterats i den teoretiska referensramen skall kunna vara användbara för att identifiera behov och möjliga lösningar som kan vara värdefulla att pröva i det enskilda fallet.</p><p> </p><p>En person kan behöva stöd för att ta till vara de möjligheter mobiltelefonen erbjuder som hjälpmedel. Hjälpen kan behövas i något eller alla steg från problemidentifiering och införskaffande till införande, fortlöpande uppföljning och utvärdering av hjälpmedelsanvändningen. Stödet kan behöva vara av så väl strukturell och habiliterande art som av teknisk natur för att hjälpmedelsanvändningen skall bli så framgångsrik som är möjligt. Siktet bör vara mot vad som kan innebära kvalitet, mervärde och avlastning för individen i dennes liv, inte vad som är ADHD-symptom och hur dessa skall kompenseras.</p><p> </p><p>Vuxna med ADHD är en mycket heterogen grupp och de resultat som presenteras i uppsatsen är att betrakta som en utgångspunkt för vidare funderingar och prövning snarare än som färdiga lösningar som passar alla med ADHD.</p><p> </p>

On-the-go text entry: evaluating and improving mobile text input on mini-qwerty keyboards

Clawson, James 13 November 2012 (has links)
To date, hundreds of millions of mini-QWERTY keyboard equipped devices (miniaturized versions of a full desktop keyboard) have been sold. Accordingly, a large percentage of text messages originate from fixed-key, mini-QWERTY keyboard enabled mobile phones. Over a series of three longitudinal studies I quantify how quickly and accurately individuals can input text on mini-QWERTY keyboards. I evaluate performance in ideal laboratory conditions as well as in a variety of mobile contexts. My first study establishes baseline performance measures; my second study investigates the impact of limited visibility on text input performance; and my third study investigates the impact of mobility (sitting, standing, and walking) on text input performance. After approximately five hours of practice, participants achieved expertise typing almost 60 words per minute at almost 95% accuracy. Upon completion of these studies, I examine the types of errors that people make when typing on mini-QWERTY keyboards. Having discovered a common pattern in errors, I develop and refine an algorithm to automatically detect and correct errors in mini-QWERTY keyboard enabled text input. I both validate the algorithm through the analysis of pre-recorded typing data and then empirically evaluate the impacts of automatic error correction on live mini-QWERTY keyboard text input. Validating the algorithm over various datasets, I demonstrate the potential to correct approximately 25% of the total errors and correct up to 3% of the total keystrokes. Evaluating automatic error detection and correction on live typing results in successfully correcting 61% of the targeted errors committed by participants while increasing typing rates by almost two words per minute without introducing noticeable distraction.

Printed Multiband Antennas for Slim Mobile Communication Devices

Lee, Cheng-Tse 26 April 2010 (has links)
In this dissertation, a series of printed multiband antennas for slim mobile communication devices are presented. The study mainly focuses on how to effectively enhance the impedance bandwidth. With the equivalent LC matching circuit integrated in the antennas, wide impedance bandwidth can be obtained without increasing the size of the antennas. Note that the equivalent matching circuit can be formed by the coupling strip and the shorting strip to generate capacitance and inductance, respectively. In addition, the effects on the user's hand, head and whole body will be analyized. Also, the issue of the hearing aid compatibility will be discussed in this dissertation.

Internal Antennas for Folder-Type Mobile Phone Applications

Tu, Shu-Yang 03 June 2008 (has links)
There are large groundplane variations for the folder-type mobile phone in the talk and idle conditions, which makes its embedded antennas not easy to maintain good radiation characteristics in the two states. The radiation efficiencies in the idle condition are often less than 15%. To solve this problem, two novel antennas for the folder-type mobile phone are proposed. The first antenna is the coplanar coupled-fed planar inverted-F antenna. The antenna can cover GSM850/900/DCS/PCS operation in the talk condition, and the radiation efficiencies over the desired operating bands in the idle condition is larger than 32%, which is acceptable for practical applications for the folder-type mobile phone. The second antenna is the ultra-wideband coupled-fed loop antenna. The antenna can cover GSM850/900/DCS/PCS/UMTS penta-band operation in the talk condition. In the idle condition, good performances over the five operating bands can still be obtained, and the radiation efficiencies are better than 53%. The effects of the housing and the user's hand and head on the antenna are also studied. From the obtained results, it is seen that the effects of the housing on the radiation efficiencies are small. However, since the user's hand and head are high-loss materials, large decrease in the radiation efficiencies is usually observed.

Multiband Coupled-Fed Loop Antennas for Mobile Communication

Li, Wei-yu 20 May 2009 (has links)
In this dissertation, a variety of novel mutiband WWAN loop antennas are presented. By designing proper coupled-fed mechanisms for the proposed loop antennas, the impedance bandwidth of the loop antenna can be greatly enhanced to achieve two wide operating bandwidths at antenna¡¦s lower and upper bands to easily cover GSM850/900/1800/1900/UMTS operation. With two wider operating bandwidths obtained, the tolerance of frequency detuning and the capability of bandwidth tuning of the loop antennas can be improved for practical applications. In addition, in order to find methods to meet the SAR and HAC criterions, the proposed small-size chip loop antenna studied in this dissertation which is suitable for both bar-type and folder-type mobile phone applications are simulated and analyzed for SAR and HAC issues.

Audience participation using mobile phones as musical instruments

Lee, Sang Won 21 May 2012 (has links)
This research aims at a music piece for audience participation using mobile phones as musical instruments in a music concert setting. Inspired by the ubiquity of smart phones, I attempted to accomplish audience engagement in a music performance by crafting an accessible musical instrument with which audience can be a part of the performance. The research begins by reviewing the related works in two areas, mobile music and audience participation at music performances, builds a charted map of the areas and its intersection to seek an innovation, and defines requisites for a successful audience participation where audience can participate in music making as musicians with their mobile phones. To make accessible audience participation, the concept of a networked multi-user instrument is applied for the system. With the lessons learnt, I developed echobo, a mobile musical instrument application for iOS devices (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch). With this system, audience can download the app at the concert, play the instrument instantly, interact with other audience members, and contribute to the music by sound generated from their mobile phones. A music piece for echobo and a clarinet was presented in a series of performances and the application was found to work reliably and accomplish audience engagement. The post-survey results indicate that the system was accessible, and helped the audience to connect to the music and other musicians.

Mobiltelefonen som hjälpmedel för vuxna med ADHD / The Mobile Phone as Assistive Technology for Adults with ADHD

Hallberg, Pernilla January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra till att öka kunskapen om hur tekniska hjälpmedel kan användas för att underlätta vardagen för vuxna människor med ADHD.  För att åstadkomma detta görs en genomgång av vilka problem som kan föreligga vid ADHD och vilka strukturer och aktörer som finns i samhället för att erbjuda hjälp och stöd som vuxna med ADHD kan ha behov av. Därefter betraktas vilka strategier och metoder som kan vara användbara för att kompensera för de problem ADHD kan innebära och hur teknik, såväl specialtillverkade hjälpmedel som vanliga produkter, kan användas för att kompensera. En översikt görs av hur teknik kan utformas för att bli användbar, såväl generellt som mer specifikt rörande utformning av hjälpmedel. Detta åskådliggörs genom exempel från några svenska hjälpmedelsprojekt följt av en probleminventering där ett antal studiebesök och intervjuer har tjänat som en bakgrund för förståelse av den stora mängd strukturer, aktörer och hjälpmedel som är möjliga men emellanåt svårtillgängliga vägar till hjälp för vuxna med ADHD.   De som i slutänden kan avgöra vilken nytta ett hjälpmedel innebär är brukarna själva. Deras upplevelser och erfarenheter är en ovärderlig källa till kunskap. Under arbetets gång har frågeställningen preciserats till att lyda: "Hur kan vanliga mobiltelefoner användas som hjälpmedel för att underlätta vardagen för vuxna med ADHD?". För att besvara denna fråga har semistrukturerade riktade intervjuer genomförts med fyra kvinnor med ADHD som använder mobiltelefonen som hjälpmedel i sin vardag. Intervjuerna har transkriberats och kategoriserats för att identifiera hur mobiltelefoner används, vad som fungerar bra och mindre bra och vad kan göra att mobiltelefonen upplevs som ett fungerande hjälpmedel.   Resultaten från bearbetning och analys av intervjuerna sammanställs i kapitlet sammanfattande analys i avsnitt med användbara funktioner, användbara egenskaper och perspektiv på stödbehov och hjälparroll. I diskussionskapitlet föreslås sedan vidare användning av resultaten i avsnitten teoretiska implikationer och praktiska implikationer. Min förhoppning är att dessa avsnitt tillsammans med de listor och tumregler som presenterats i den teoretiska referensramen skall kunna vara användbara för att identifiera behov och möjliga lösningar som kan vara värdefulla att pröva i det enskilda fallet.   En person kan behöva stöd för att ta till vara de möjligheter mobiltelefonen erbjuder som hjälpmedel. Hjälpen kan behövas i något eller alla steg från problemidentifiering och införskaffande till införande, fortlöpande uppföljning och utvärdering av hjälpmedelsanvändningen. Stödet kan behöva vara av så väl strukturell och habiliterande art som av teknisk natur för att hjälpmedelsanvändningen skall bli så framgångsrik som är möjligt. Siktet bör vara mot vad som kan innebära kvalitet, mervärde och avlastning för individen i dennes liv, inte vad som är ADHD-symptom och hur dessa skall kompenseras.   Vuxna med ADHD är en mycket heterogen grupp och de resultat som presenteras i uppsatsen är att betrakta som en utgångspunkt för vidare funderingar och prövning snarare än som färdiga lösningar som passar alla med ADHD.

Multiplattformtjänster på mobila enheter

Ulén, Johannes January 2015 (has links)
Mobila enheter så som mobiltelefoner och surfplattor är idag väldigt vanliga i arbetslivet, där de inte bara används för kommunikation utan även för att utföra arbetsuppgifter. Alla verktyg finns dock inte alltid tillgängliga för sådana enheter eller i alla fall inte i en form som gör det praktiskt att använda dem. Systemet Semko Instrument Register (SIR), utvecklat av Triona, är ett sådant verktyg i form av en ej mobilanpassad hemsida, som bland annat används för att hämta kalibreringscertifikat för mätinstrument. Målet med detta projekt är att komma fram till ett sätt att tillgängliggöra systemet på så många olika typer av mobila enheter som möjligt, på ett så enkelt sätt som möjligt. Olika metoder (mobilanpassade webbsidor, plattformsspecifika applikationer och plattformsoberoende applikationer) jämförs och analyseras, med fokus på möjligheter till att använda samma kod på flera plattformar samtidigt och huruvida de kan uppfylla kraven som är ställda på applikationen eller ej. Designförslaget tar upp ett sådant sätt, som sedan utvärderas med hjälp av olika aspekter, exempelvis mängd kod som kan återanvändas på flera plattformar. Slutsatsen är att det bästa sättet att tillgängliggöra en tjänst på så många plattformar som möjligt är genom mobilanpassade webbsidor, men på grund av de krav som ställts på projektet användes istället Ionic, ett webbteknologi-baserat verktyg för plattformsoberoende applikationsutveckling, då moderna webbläsare ej ännu har den funktionalitet som krävdes. / Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are very common at companies nowadays, where they’re not just used for communication but also for doing work. Not all tools are available for such devices though, or at least not in a suitable form that makes it practical to use them. Semko Instrument Register (SIR) is a such a system, developed by Triona, in the form of a website that is not adapted for mobile devices, which is used for downloading calibration certificates for measuring instruments among other things. The goal of this project is to come up with a method of making the system available to as many mobile devices as possible in the simplest way possible. Different methods (websites adapted for mobile devices, native applications and cross-platform applications) are compared and analysed with a focus on possibilities for sharing code on multiple platforms and whether they’re able to fulfill what is required of the application. The design chapter presents such a method which is then evaluated on different aspects, such as the amount of code that can be shared between platforms. The conclusion is that the best way of making a system available on multiple platforms is through websites adapted for mobile devices, but because of this particular system’s requirements a cross-platform solution called Ionic was used instead, as modern mobile browsers are not yet able to fulfill what was required of the application.

An investigation into the challenges faced by a mobile service provider in meeting customer needs

Govender, Omashan Vaughn January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Technology: Business Administration, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2017. / The term “wireless network” pertains to a very comprehensive field and at different points in history, meant different things. For example, in 1901 it would have meant Marconi’s first transatlantic communication and later, to the walkie-talkie in the Second World War. Since the late 1940’s, large companies and emergency services have used wide area private networks which could also be catergorised as wireless networks. However, public consciousness of wireless networks only arose in the 1980’s through the commercial distribution of cellular mobile radio. The telecommunications industry is experiencing a phenomenal revolution in which; the driving factors are innovative technologies, deregulation and globalization. Innovative technologies introduce dynamic changes in the way that telecommunication business is conducted. Deregulation is the liberalization of telecommunications which significantly increases the telecommunications market, while also allowing for strong competition amongst mobile service providers. Globalisation is the breakdown of legacy barriers which forces monopolistic service providers to compete in the international arena. With service delivery being identified as one of the key components for a successful telecommunications service provider, along with the Quality of Service of their network, both components are evaluated to determine how efficient the organisation is within the mobile telecommunications industry. Telecommunications service delivery is a way of ensuring the Quality of Service delivered for outsourced and retained services. The responsibilities of the mobile operator include monitoring, analyzing and reporting on service delivery performance in order, to ensure that customer satisfaction is met or even exceeded by the mobile operator. The South African mobile telecommunication industry is experiencing phenomenal growth, just like the rest of the world. Over the last two decades, the South African mobile telecommunications industry has experienced dramatic changes. Fixed line service providers have expanded into the mobile arena. Mobile operators are trying to form mergers and purchase fixed line companies. This study investigates the challenges faced by a mobile service provider in meeting internal customer needs. The Quality of Service (QoS) of the mobile network was evaluated and the various elements which contribute to challenges experienced by the service provider were identified. A mixed methods data collection method was employed for this study. To obtain the qualitative data, semi-structured interviews were conducted with management staff. Quantitative data was obtained through the use of questionnaires and an existing discourse analysis was conducted to identify characteristics on existing reports which were generated from within the organisation, for data collection. The results showed that the mobile operators had to be innovative and competitive simultaneously. Mobile operators face various challenges. The increased level of competition amongst service providers ensured improved QoS and service delivery to consumers. The mobile operator’s network foot print has to increase to provide its own network availability to clients. In order to avoid or reduce network sharing or roaming of network services as this comprises the client network coverage on the network. The mobile service provider should actively analyse network traffic to avoid potential disruptions and, to ensure that customers have a seamless connection. This study concludes that the changing environment of communications forces organizations to consistently re-evaluate their strategies and necessary re-align their strategies to the business needs of the organisation. The initial planning entails making technology choices to meet the overall business goals. However, technology is changing at an exponential rapid rate; therefore the organization should reach the completion of the product life cycle to ensure that this product is still required in the market. The main finding of this study reinforced the contention that planning is the most critical part of mobile network strategy. The organisation’s strategy may change to accommodate environmental changes. However, these changes should not affect the life cycle of the blueprint design. / M

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