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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding Phonological Memory Deficits In Boys With Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder (adhd): Dissociation Of Short-term Storage And Articulatory Rehearsal Processes

Bolden, Jennifer 01 January 2012 (has links)
The current study dissociated and examined the two primary components of the phonological working memory subsystem – the short-term store and articulatory rehearsal mechanism – in boys with ADHD (n = 18) relative to typically developing boys (n = 15). Word lists of increasing length (2, 4, and 6 words per trial) were presented to and recalled by children following a brief (3 s) interval to assess their phonological short-term storage capacity. Children’s ability to utilize the articulatory rehearsal mechanism to actively maintain information in the phonological short-term store was assessed using word lists at their established memory span but with extended rehearsal times (12 s and 21 s delays). Results indicate that both phonological short-term storage capacity and articulatory rehearsal are impaired or underdeveloped to a significant extent in boys with ADHD relative to typically developing boys, even after controlling for age, SES, IQ, reading ability, and reading speed. Larger magnitude deficits, however, were apparent in short-term storage capacity (ES = 1.15 to 1.98) relative to articulatory rehearsal (ES = 0.47 to 1.02). These findings are consistent with previous reports of deficient phonological short-term memory in boys with ADHD, and suggest that future attempts to develop remedial cognitive interventions for children with ADHD will need to include active components that require children to hold increasingly more information over longer time intervals

Neural bases of phonological working memory

Scott, Terri L. 29 May 2020 (has links)
Phonological working memory (PWM) is the mind's capacity for maintaining and manipulating representations of the sounds important for speech when they are not actively being perceived. It is believed to be a critical component supporting typical language acquisition and vocabulary development, as well as second-language learning. Despite the success of the theoretical framework traditionally used to conceptualize PWM, consensus on its instantiation in the brain remains elusive. In this thesis, I will describe a series of studies designed to interrogate the functionality of the brain regions supporting PWM. In Chapter 1, we compare activation patterns from a canonical PWM task, nonword repetition, to nonword discrimination, a matched task designed to engage core PWM functions, but for the purpose of comparing stimuli, not repeating them. We replicate the findings that PWM during nonword repetition engages speech cortices and show that these cortical regions are also reliably engaged in nonword discrimination, in individual subjects. In Chapter 2, we directly assess the extent to which conjunctive activation between language and working memory paradigms can be interpreted as shared functionality. We find that despite the ability to localize regions in which the majority of subjects show conjunction of significant activation between tasks, the pattern similarity between tasks within those regions vary. We find no pattern similarity between language and spatial working memory, and marginal similarities between language and verbal working memory. Verbal working memory and spatial working memory conjunctions localize a similar network to the multiple demand network and find highly similar patterns of activation in these regions across working memory tasks. Finally, in Chapter 3, we investigate the functional properties of brain areas supporting PWM by comparing activation between nonword repetition, language, verbal working memory, and spatial working memory tasks. We find that PWM shares support with areas involved in spoken language perception, as well as regions engaged by working memory tasks that lie outside of the core language network. Taken together, these studies give a detailed account of the neural bases of PWM, through the lens of shared functionality between this capacity, language, and other domains of working memory.

Phonologisches Arbeitsgedächtnis bei dysgrammatisch-sprachgestörten Kindern / Phonological working memory of specific language impaired children

Werner, Ines 15 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die Rolle des Arbeitsgedächtnisses für die Sprachentwicklung, insbesondere die Wortschatzentwicklung ist mittlerweile überzeugend nachgewiesen (z.B. Hasselhorn & Werner, 2000). Daran anknüpfend beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Studie mit der Wortschatzentwicklung bei dysgrammatisch bzw. spezifisch sprachgestörten Grundschulkindern und mit dem Einfluss des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses auf diesen Entwicklungsprozess. Besonders die Arbeitsgruppe um Gathercole und Baddeley konnten in einer Vielzahl von Arbeiten (z.B. Gathercole & Baddeley, 1990 a, b, 1993) stabile Zusammenhänge zwischen Arbeitsgedächtnis und Wortschatz bzw. Sprache bei normalentwickelten Kindern und spezifisch sprachgestörten Kindern nachweisen. Sie differenzieren 2 Komponenten des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses: den phonetischen Speicher, in dem akustische Informationen 1,5 bis 2 s erhalten bleibt und dann zerfällt, wenn diese Information nicht durch den Rehearsalprozess, eine Art inneres Sprechen wiederholt und damit aufgefrischt und erhalten wird. Das Arbeitsgedächtnis wurde dabei bevorzugt über das Nachsprechen von Kunstwörtern erfasst. Bezüglich dieses Vorgehen gaben z.B. Snowling, Chiat und Hulme (1991) und Bowey (1996, 2001) zu bedenken, dass durch die Komplexität des Kunstwörternachsprechens und die Redundanz zu anderen Aspekten der sprachlichen Verarbeitung der Einfluss des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses überschätzt werden könnte. Sie schlagen daher vor, eher allgemein von phonologischer Verarbeitung zu sprechen und das phonologische Arbeitsgedächtnis nicht davon zu differenzieren, zumindest müsse die Unabhängigkeit des Einflusses des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses von der phonologischen Bewusstheit nachgewiesen werden. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses hängt von den Qualitätsmerkmalen seiner beiden Komponenten ab. Nach Hasselhorn, Grube und Mähler (2000) lassen sich für beide Komponenten jeweils zwei Merkmale identifizieren: Die Qualität des phonetischen Speichers hängt von dessen zeitlich dimensionierter Größe und von der Präzision ab, mit der er akustische Information ablegt und wiedergibt. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des subvokalen Rehearsalprozesses wird von seiner (automatischen) Aktivierbarkeit und seiner Geschwindigkeit bestimmt. Längsschnittlich zeigten Gathercole, Willis, Emslie, & Baddeley (1992) Zusammenhänge zwischen früherem Arbeitsgedächtnis und späterem Wortschatz im Alter bis zu sechs Jahren, im Grundschulalter kehrte sich der Zusammenhang um. Diese Beiträge motivierten die vorliegende Arbeit, in der die Fragen gestellt wurden, ob sich das phonologische Gedächtnis von der phonologischen Verarbeitung im allgemeinen differenzieren lässt, welche Qualitätsmerkmale des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses bei sprachgestörten Kindern defizitär sind und wie sich die Entwicklungsdynamiken zwischen phonologischem Arbeitsgedächtnis und Wortschatz bei sprachgestörten und sprachlich unauffälligen Kindern gestalten. Um dies zu klären, wurde eine Längsschnittstudie realisiert, bei der 64 normalentwickelte und 33 sprachgestörte Kinder im Laufe des ersten und zweiten Grundschuljahres dreimal untersucht wurden; der zweite und dritte Meßzeitpunkt bildeten im wesentlichen die Grundlage der vorliegenden Arbeit. Es fanden sich starke empirische Argumente für die Position, dass Störungen im phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnis eine Hauptursache für die Sprachauffälligkeiten dysgrammatisch-sprachgestörter Kinder sind. Abweichend von den Ergebnissen bei sprachlich unauffälligen Kindern, zeigten die sprachgestörten Kinder geringere Leistungen in allen Bereichen, weniger und niedrigere Korrelationen, das phonologische Arbeitsgedächtnis ließ sich faktorenanalytisch von der phonologischen Bewusstheit und dem phonologischen Langzeitwissen klar trennen. Bei der Betrachtung der vier Merkmale des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses (Hasselhorn, Grube & Mähler, 2000) zeigte sich kein Einsatz der Rehearsalstrategie und eine geringere Geschwindigkeit (letzteres vielleicht auch der Ausdruck eingeschränkter Sprechmotorik, siehe Gathercole, Service et al., 1999). Es gab einen Gruppenunterschied bei der Variablen für die Qualität des phonetischen Speichers. Auch die zeitliche Dimension schien reduziert, die sprachgestörten Kinder zeigten bei langen Kunstwörtern einen größeren Leistungsabfall. Bei verrauscht dargebotenen Kunstwörtern ließ sich nach Ausschluss des Einflusses von Alter und Intelligenz kein Gruppenunterschied mehr nachweisen, der bei unverrauscht dargebotenen Kunstwörtern vorhanden war, so dass die Qualität des phonetischen Speichers eine wesentliche Rolle für die Sprachentwicklung zu spielen scheint. Bei den dysgrammatischen Kindern ließ sich weiterhin eine kausale Asymmerie zwischen phonologischem Arbeitsgedächtnis und Wortschatz finden, dergestalt, dass das frühere phonologische Arbeitsgedächtnis einen größeren Einfluss auf den späteren Wortschatz hatte, als umgekehrt. Diese wurde wegen des Entwicklungsrückstands der sprachgestörten Kinder in dieser Form erwartet, bei den sprachlich-unauffälligen Kindern ließ sich kein Zusammenhang zeigen. Die phonologische Bewusstheit zeigte keinen entwicklungsrelevanten Einfluss auf den Wortschatz. Zusammenfassend ist zu sagen, dass die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie die Hypothese stützen, dass die Ursache für kindliche Störungen des Spracherwerbs im phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnis und speziell in der Qualität des phonetischen Speichers zu suchen sind. Literatur Bowey, J. A. (1996). On the association between phonological memory and receptive vocabulary in five-year-olds. Journal of Experimantel Child Psychology, 63(1), 44-78. Bowey, J. A. (2001). Nonword repetition and young children`s receptive vocabulary: a longitudinal study. Applied Psycholinguistics, 22, 441-469. Gathercole, S. E. & Baddeley, A. D. (1990a). Phonological memory deficits in language disordered children: Is there a cusal connection? Journal of Educational Psychology, 29, 336-360. Gathercole, S. E. & Baddeley, A. D. (1990b). The role of phonological memory in vocabulary acquisition: A study of young children learning new names. British Journal of Psychology, 81, 439-454. Gathercole, S. E. & Baddeley, A. D. (1993). Working memory and language. Hove, UK: Erlbaum. Gathercole, S. E., Service, E., Hitch, G.J., Adams, A.-M. & Martin, A. J. (1999). Phonological short-term memory and vocabulary development: Furter evidence on the nature of relationship. Applied cognitive psychology, 13, 65-77. Gathercole, S. E., Willis, C., Emslie, H., & Baddeley, A. D. (1992). Phonological memory and vocabulary development during the early school years: a longitudinal study. Developmental Psychology, 28, 887-898. Hasselhorn, M., Grube, D. & Mähler, C. (2000). Theoretisches Rahmenmodell für ein Diagnostikum zur differentiellen Funktionsanalyse des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses. In M. Hasselhorn, W. Schneider & H. Marx, Diagnostik von Lese-Rechtschreib-Schwierigkeiten, Tests und Trends, Bd. 1 (S.167-182). Hogrefe: Göttingen. Hasselhorn, M. & Werner, I. (2000). Zur Bedeutung des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses für die Sprachentwicklung. In H. Grimm (Hrsg.), Sprachentwicklung (Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, Themenbereich C: Theorie und Forschung, Serie III Sprache, Bd. 3) (S. 363-378). Göttingen: Hogrefe. Snowling, M., Chiat, S., & Hulme. C. (1991). Words, non-words, and phonological processes: Some comments on Gathercole, Willis, Emslie, and Baddeley. Applied Psycholinguistics, 12(3), 369-373.

Φωνολογική εργαζόμενη μνήμη σε παιδιά με χαμηλές αναγνωστικές και ορθογραφικές ικανότητες

Παπακώστα, Δέσποινα 11 January 2010 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας έρευνας ήταν ο έλεγχος της υπόθεσης, σύμφωνα με την οποία τα παιδιά με μαθησιακές δυσκολίες χρησιμοποιούν λιγότερο τη φωνολογική κωδικοποίηση και την επανάληψη. Στο πλαίσιο που είχαν εργαστεί νωρίτερα οι Steinbrink και Klatte, η έρευνα μελέτησε τις επιδόσεις 14 μαθητών της Β’ δημοτικού με χαμηλές αναγνωστικές και ορθογραφικές ικανότητες και 14 μαθητών ίδιας τάξης με υψηλές αντίστοιχες ικανότητες, σε έργα σειριακής ανάκλησης ερεθισμάτων. Τα ερεθίσματα ποίκιλαν ως προς τη φωνολογική ομοιότητα και το μέγεθος της λέξης. Η παρουσίαση τους έγινε οπτικά και ακουστικά και συνδυάστηκε με οπτική και προφορική ανάκληση, προκειμένου να ελεγχθούν οι στρατηγικές που επιλέγουν τα παιδιά με μαθησιακές δυσκολίες, ανάλογα με τις απαιτήσεις του έργου. Oι επιδόσεις των παιδιών με αναγνωστικές και ορθογραφικές αδυναμίες ήταν χαμηλότερες σε όλες τις συνθήκες, με εξαίρεση τη συνθήκη οπτικής παρουσίασης - οπτικής ανάκλησης. Ωστόσο, οι επιδράσεις της φωνολογικής ομοιότητας και του μεγέθους της λέξης δε διέφεραν ανάμεσα στις ομάδες. Επομένως, όλοι οι συμμετέχοντες έκαναν ίση χρήση της φωνολογικής κωδικοποίησης και της επανάληψης. Ακόμη, στις συνθήκες που ευνοούσαν τη χρήση οπτικών στρατηγικών, όλοι οι συμμετέχοντες προέβησαν σε ένα συνδυασμό φωνολογικών και οπτικών στρατηγικών. Τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας οδηγούν στο συμπέρασμα ότι τα παιδιά με αναγνωστικές και ορθογραφικές αδυναμίες χρησιμοποιούν μεν το φωνολογικό κύκλωμα, αλλά με λιγότερο αποτελεσματικό τρόπο. / Τhe purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that children with learning disabilities make less use of phonological coding and rehearsal. In the framework of Steinbrink and Klatte’s previous research, this study examined the performance of second-grade children with poor versus good reading and spelling abilities in serial recall tasks. The stimuli used, varied in phonological similarity and word length. Their presentation was visual and auditory and it was combined with visual and verbal recall, so that to investigate the strategies that children with learning disabilities use, depending on the task’s demands. The performance of children with reading and spelling difficulties was lower in all conditions, except the condition of visual presentation - visual recall. However, phonological similarity and word length effects did not differ between groups. Consequently, all participants made equal use of phonological coding and rehearsal. Furthermore, in conditions where visual strategies could be used, all participants used a combination of phonological and visual strategies. The results suggest that children with reading and spelling impairments use the phonological loop, but in a less efficient way.

Phonologisches Arbeitsgedächtnis bei dysgrammatisch-sprachgestörten Kindern: Phonologisches Arbeitsgedächtnis bei dysgrammatisch-sprachgestörten Kindern

Werner, Ines 29 September 2009 (has links)
Die Rolle des Arbeitsgedächtnisses für die Sprachentwicklung, insbesondere die Wortschatzentwicklung ist mittlerweile überzeugend nachgewiesen (z.B. Hasselhorn & Werner, 2000). Daran anknüpfend beschäftigt sich die vorliegende Studie mit der Wortschatzentwicklung bei dysgrammatisch bzw. spezifisch sprachgestörten Grundschulkindern und mit dem Einfluss des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses auf diesen Entwicklungsprozess. Besonders die Arbeitsgruppe um Gathercole und Baddeley konnten in einer Vielzahl von Arbeiten (z.B. Gathercole & Baddeley, 1990 a, b, 1993) stabile Zusammenhänge zwischen Arbeitsgedächtnis und Wortschatz bzw. Sprache bei normalentwickelten Kindern und spezifisch sprachgestörten Kindern nachweisen. Sie differenzieren 2 Komponenten des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses: den phonetischen Speicher, in dem akustische Informationen 1,5 bis 2 s erhalten bleibt und dann zerfällt, wenn diese Information nicht durch den Rehearsalprozess, eine Art inneres Sprechen wiederholt und damit aufgefrischt und erhalten wird. Das Arbeitsgedächtnis wurde dabei bevorzugt über das Nachsprechen von Kunstwörtern erfasst. Bezüglich dieses Vorgehen gaben z.B. Snowling, Chiat und Hulme (1991) und Bowey (1996, 2001) zu bedenken, dass durch die Komplexität des Kunstwörternachsprechens und die Redundanz zu anderen Aspekten der sprachlichen Verarbeitung der Einfluss des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses überschätzt werden könnte. Sie schlagen daher vor, eher allgemein von phonologischer Verarbeitung zu sprechen und das phonologische Arbeitsgedächtnis nicht davon zu differenzieren, zumindest müsse die Unabhängigkeit des Einflusses des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses von der phonologischen Bewusstheit nachgewiesen werden. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses hängt von den Qualitätsmerkmalen seiner beiden Komponenten ab. Nach Hasselhorn, Grube und Mähler (2000) lassen sich für beide Komponenten jeweils zwei Merkmale identifizieren: Die Qualität des phonetischen Speichers hängt von dessen zeitlich dimensionierter Größe und von der Präzision ab, mit der er akustische Information ablegt und wiedergibt. Die Leistungsfähigkeit des subvokalen Rehearsalprozesses wird von seiner (automatischen) Aktivierbarkeit und seiner Geschwindigkeit bestimmt. Längsschnittlich zeigten Gathercole, Willis, Emslie, & Baddeley (1992) Zusammenhänge zwischen früherem Arbeitsgedächtnis und späterem Wortschatz im Alter bis zu sechs Jahren, im Grundschulalter kehrte sich der Zusammenhang um. Diese Beiträge motivierten die vorliegende Arbeit, in der die Fragen gestellt wurden, ob sich das phonologische Gedächtnis von der phonologischen Verarbeitung im allgemeinen differenzieren lässt, welche Qualitätsmerkmale des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses bei sprachgestörten Kindern defizitär sind und wie sich die Entwicklungsdynamiken zwischen phonologischem Arbeitsgedächtnis und Wortschatz bei sprachgestörten und sprachlich unauffälligen Kindern gestalten. Um dies zu klären, wurde eine Längsschnittstudie realisiert, bei der 64 normalentwickelte und 33 sprachgestörte Kinder im Laufe des ersten und zweiten Grundschuljahres dreimal untersucht wurden; der zweite und dritte Meßzeitpunkt bildeten im wesentlichen die Grundlage der vorliegenden Arbeit. Es fanden sich starke empirische Argumente für die Position, dass Störungen im phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnis eine Hauptursache für die Sprachauffälligkeiten dysgrammatisch-sprachgestörter Kinder sind. Abweichend von den Ergebnissen bei sprachlich unauffälligen Kindern, zeigten die sprachgestörten Kinder geringere Leistungen in allen Bereichen, weniger und niedrigere Korrelationen, das phonologische Arbeitsgedächtnis ließ sich faktorenanalytisch von der phonologischen Bewusstheit und dem phonologischen Langzeitwissen klar trennen. Bei der Betrachtung der vier Merkmale des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses (Hasselhorn, Grube & Mähler, 2000) zeigte sich kein Einsatz der Rehearsalstrategie und eine geringere Geschwindigkeit (letzteres vielleicht auch der Ausdruck eingeschränkter Sprechmotorik, siehe Gathercole, Service et al., 1999). Es gab einen Gruppenunterschied bei der Variablen für die Qualität des phonetischen Speichers. Auch die zeitliche Dimension schien reduziert, die sprachgestörten Kinder zeigten bei langen Kunstwörtern einen größeren Leistungsabfall. Bei verrauscht dargebotenen Kunstwörtern ließ sich nach Ausschluss des Einflusses von Alter und Intelligenz kein Gruppenunterschied mehr nachweisen, der bei unverrauscht dargebotenen Kunstwörtern vorhanden war, so dass die Qualität des phonetischen Speichers eine wesentliche Rolle für die Sprachentwicklung zu spielen scheint. Bei den dysgrammatischen Kindern ließ sich weiterhin eine kausale Asymmerie zwischen phonologischem Arbeitsgedächtnis und Wortschatz finden, dergestalt, dass das frühere phonologische Arbeitsgedächtnis einen größeren Einfluss auf den späteren Wortschatz hatte, als umgekehrt. Diese wurde wegen des Entwicklungsrückstands der sprachgestörten Kinder in dieser Form erwartet, bei den sprachlich-unauffälligen Kindern ließ sich kein Zusammenhang zeigen. Die phonologische Bewusstheit zeigte keinen entwicklungsrelevanten Einfluss auf den Wortschatz. Zusammenfassend ist zu sagen, dass die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie die Hypothese stützen, dass die Ursache für kindliche Störungen des Spracherwerbs im phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnis und speziell in der Qualität des phonetischen Speichers zu suchen sind. Literatur Bowey, J. A. (1996). On the association between phonological memory and receptive vocabulary in five-year-olds. Journal of Experimantel Child Psychology, 63(1), 44-78. Bowey, J. A. (2001). Nonword repetition and young children`s receptive vocabulary: a longitudinal study. Applied Psycholinguistics, 22, 441-469. Gathercole, S. E. & Baddeley, A. D. (1990a). Phonological memory deficits in language disordered children: Is there a cusal connection? Journal of Educational Psychology, 29, 336-360. Gathercole, S. E. & Baddeley, A. D. (1990b). The role of phonological memory in vocabulary acquisition: A study of young children learning new names. British Journal of Psychology, 81, 439-454. Gathercole, S. E. & Baddeley, A. D. (1993). Working memory and language. Hove, UK: Erlbaum. Gathercole, S. E., Service, E., Hitch, G.J., Adams, A.-M. & Martin, A. J. (1999). Phonological short-term memory and vocabulary development: Furter evidence on the nature of relationship. Applied cognitive psychology, 13, 65-77. Gathercole, S. E., Willis, C., Emslie, H., & Baddeley, A. D. (1992). Phonological memory and vocabulary development during the early school years: a longitudinal study. Developmental Psychology, 28, 887-898. Hasselhorn, M., Grube, D. & Mähler, C. (2000). Theoretisches Rahmenmodell für ein Diagnostikum zur differentiellen Funktionsanalyse des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses. In M. Hasselhorn, W. Schneider & H. Marx, Diagnostik von Lese-Rechtschreib-Schwierigkeiten, Tests und Trends, Bd. 1 (S.167-182). Hogrefe: Göttingen. Hasselhorn, M. & Werner, I. (2000). Zur Bedeutung des phonologischen Arbeitsgedächtnisses für die Sprachentwicklung. In H. Grimm (Hrsg.), Sprachentwicklung (Enzyklopädie der Psychologie, Themenbereich C: Theorie und Forschung, Serie III Sprache, Bd. 3) (S. 363-378). Göttingen: Hogrefe. Snowling, M., Chiat, S., & Hulme. C. (1991). Words, non-words, and phonological processes: Some comments on Gathercole, Willis, Emslie, and Baddeley. Applied Psycholinguistics, 12(3), 369-373.

Processamento fonológico e habilidades de leitura e de escrita em crianças em processo de alfabetização / Phonological processing and reading and writing skills in children into literacy process.

Gabriela Guarnieri Mendes 14 December 2015 (has links)
Embora o papel da consciência fonológica na aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita em línguas alfabéticas já esteja bem estabelecido por uma grande quantidade de estudos, as relações entre as demais habilidades envolvidas no processamento fonológico (memória de trabalho fonológica e nomeação automatizada rápida) e o desempenho em leitura e escrita têm sido menos estudadas, havendo controvérsias sobre a contribuição específica e independente da memória de trabalho fonológica para o desempenho em leitura e escrita. Por outro lado, apesar de o desempenho em tarefas de nomeação automatizada rápida ter se mostrado relacionado às habilidades de leitura e escrita, encontram-se na literatura dúvidas sobre se essa relação estaria baseada no processamento de estímulos fonológicos ou no processamento de padrões visuais. Dessa maneira, o presente trabalho investigou a contribuição das habilidades de consciência fonológica, memória de trabalho fonológica, nomeação automatizada rápida e processamento visual para o desempenho em leitura e escrita de crianças em processo de alfabetização, analisando ainda a possível interação entre essas habilidades. Participaram desta pesquisa 50 crianças, de ambos os sexos, alunos de três classes de 3º Ano (2ª série) do Ensino Fundamental, de uma escola da rede pública de educação, localizada no interior do estado de São Paulo. Foram utilizados instrumentos padronizados para a avaliação das habilidades de leitura, escrita, consciência fonológica, memória de trabalho fonológica, nomeação automatizada rápida e processamento visual. Os dados foram analisados através de técnicas correlacionais e de análise de regressão, visando identificar a relação entre as variáveis estudadas e a contribuição das variáveis consideradas preditoras (consciência fonológica, memória de trabalho fonológica, nomeação automatizada rápida e processamento visual) sobre as habilidades de leitura e escrita da amostra estudada. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que, dentre as habilidades avaliadas, a consciência fonológica e a memória de trabalho fonológica são as que mais contribuem para o desempenho inicial em leitura e em escrita. Por outro lado, dentre as habilidades de nomeação automatizada rápida, apenas a nomeação de letras demonstrou correlação significativa com a leitura e a escrita. Por fim, não houve correlação das habilidades de leitura e escrita com o processamento visual. Resultados de uma análise fatorial exploratória sugerem ainda o agrupamento das variáveis preditoras em três fatores, relativamente independentes, sendo o primeiro formado pelas habilidades de memória fonológica e consciência fonológica, o segundo pelas habilidades de nomeação automatizada rápida e o terceiro pelo processamento visual, corroborando assim com os resultados de pesquisas que consideram a nomeação automatizada rápida como uma habilidade relativamente independente do processamento fonológico. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para a compreensão dos processos psicológicos envolvidos na aprendizagem da leitura e escrita, podendo oferecer subsídios para a elaboração de metodologias de alfabetização mais eficientes, tanto no que se refere ao âmbito do ensino, quanto à prevenção e remediação das dificuldades de aprendizagem. Suscitam também a necessidade de novas pesquisas para esclarecer melhor as relações entre os processos psicológicos envolvidos na nomeação seriada rápida e no processamento visual e as habilidades iniciais de leitura e escrita. / Although the role of phonological awareness in reading and writing learning in alphabetic languages is already well established by a lot of studies, the relationship among the other skills involved in phonological processing (phonological working memory and rapid automatized naming) and reading and writing performance have been less studied. There are controversies about the specific and independent contribution of phonological working memory for reading and writing performance. Moreover, although the performance in rapid naming tasks have been shown to be related to reading and writing skills, there are in the literature doubts about if this type of processing is mainly based on phonological stimuli processing or visual patterns processing. Thus, this study intended to investigate the contribution of phonological awareness, phonological working memory, rapid automatized naming and visual processing to the performance in reading and writing of children in the literacy process, still analyzing the possible interaction between those skills. Participated in this study 50 children of both sexes, students from three classes of 3rd Year (2nd series) of a public elementary school, located in the state of São Paulo. Standardized instruments were used for the assessment of reading, writing, phonological awareness, phonological working memory, rapid automatized naming and visual processing skills. Data were analyzed quantitatively through correlational techniques and regression analysis, to identify the relationship between the studied variables and the contribution of the variables considered predictors (phonological awareness, phonological working memory, rapid automatized naming and visual processing) on reading and writing skills of the sample. The results suggest that among the evaluated skills, phonological awareness and phonological working memory are those that contribute most to the initial performance in reading and writing. On the other hand, among the skills of rapid automatized naming, only the naming of letters showed significant correlation with reading and writing. Finally, there wasn´t correlation between reading or writing skills and visual processing. Results of an exploratory factor analysis also suggest the grouping of predictor variables on three factors, relatively independent, the first being formed by phonological working memory and phonological awareness skills, the second by rapid automatized naming skills and the third by the visual processing, supporting well the results of surveys that consider the rapid automatized naming as a relatively independent ability of phonological processing. The results contribute to the understanding of the psychological processes involved in reading and writing learning and can offer subsidies for the development of more efficient literacy methodologies, both with regard to teaching, as well the prevention and remediation of learning disabilities. They also raise the need of further research to clarify the relationship between the psychological processes involved in the rapid automatized naming and in the visual processing with regard to the initial skills of reading and writing.

A contribuição da consciência fonológica, memória de trabalho e velocidade de nomeação na habilidade inicial de leitura / The contribution of phonological awareness, working memory and rapid naming of initial skill of reading

Puliezi, Sandra 26 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:56:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sandra Puliezi.pdf: 2083109 bytes, checksum: 7554325d5167a5c7ef372db6b8373f0f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09-26 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The research aimed to evaluate how three phonological processing skills (phonological awareness, phonological working memory and rapid naming) are related to the initial reading ability in a group of children in a first grade of the elementary school. Another objective was to assess whether variations in reading ability (good and poor readers) are related to changes in phonological processing skills. The participants were 28 students in a private school in Guarulhos city. The average age group was 6 years and 7 months. The procedure consisted of individual application tasks: word reading, rhyme and initial phonemes identifying, segmenting words into syllables, digits repetition, pseudo-word repetition and rapid naming of pictures. Data were expressed as points and subjected to statistical tests. The t-Test results, comparing good and poor readers, led us to conclude that good readers read faster than poor readers, and have better results in phonological awareness. In phonological working memory can be said that the difference between good and poor readers was not significant. In rapid naming, there is a significant difference between the groups in favor of good readers. The results of Pearson correlations allow us to conclude that performance in the initial reading is associated with the reading time. We can also say that the initial reading is associated with the three processing skills assessed: phonological awareness, phonological working memory and rapid naming / O objetivo da pesquisa foi avaliar como três habilidades de processamento fonológico (consciência fonológica, memória de trabalho fonológica e velocidade de nomeação) se relacionam com a habilidade inicial de leitura em um grupo de crianças do 1º ano do ensino fundamental. Também foi objetivo verificar se variações na habilidade de leitura (bons e maus leitores) estão relacionadas a variações nas habilidades de processamento fonológico. Participaram do estudo 28 alunos da rede particular de ensino do município de Guarulhos. A idade média no grupo era de 6 anos e 7 meses. O procedimento consistiu na aplicação individual de tarefas de: leitura de palavras, identificação de rima e fonema inicial, segmentação de palavras em sílabas, repetição de dígitos, repetição de pseudo-palavras e nomeação rápida de figuras. Os dados foram expressos em pontos e submetidos a testes estatísticos. Os resultados do Teste-t, comparando os grupos de bons e maus leitores, nos levou a concluir que os bons leitores leem mais rápido que os maus leitores, assim como possuem melhores resultados em consciência fonológica. Na memória de trabalho fonológica podemos dizer que a diferença entre os bons e maus leitores não foi significativa. Na velocidade de nomeação há uma diferença significatica entre os grupos a favor dos bons leitores. Os resultados das correlações de Pearson nos permitem concluir que o desempenho na leitura inicial está associado com o tempo de leitura. Também podemos dizer que a leitura inicial está associada com as três habilidades de processamento avaliadas: consciência fonológica, memória de trabalho fonológica e velocidade de nomeação

Processamento fonológico e habilidades de leitura e de escrita em crianças em processo de alfabetização / Phonological processing and reading and writing skills in children into literacy process.

Mendes, Gabriela Guarnieri 14 December 2015 (has links)
Embora o papel da consciência fonológica na aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita em línguas alfabéticas já esteja bem estabelecido por uma grande quantidade de estudos, as relações entre as demais habilidades envolvidas no processamento fonológico (memória de trabalho fonológica e nomeação automatizada rápida) e o desempenho em leitura e escrita têm sido menos estudadas, havendo controvérsias sobre a contribuição específica e independente da memória de trabalho fonológica para o desempenho em leitura e escrita. Por outro lado, apesar de o desempenho em tarefas de nomeação automatizada rápida ter se mostrado relacionado às habilidades de leitura e escrita, encontram-se na literatura dúvidas sobre se essa relação estaria baseada no processamento de estímulos fonológicos ou no processamento de padrões visuais. Dessa maneira, o presente trabalho investigou a contribuição das habilidades de consciência fonológica, memória de trabalho fonológica, nomeação automatizada rápida e processamento visual para o desempenho em leitura e escrita de crianças em processo de alfabetização, analisando ainda a possível interação entre essas habilidades. Participaram desta pesquisa 50 crianças, de ambos os sexos, alunos de três classes de 3º Ano (2ª série) do Ensino Fundamental, de uma escola da rede pública de educação, localizada no interior do estado de São Paulo. Foram utilizados instrumentos padronizados para a avaliação das habilidades de leitura, escrita, consciência fonológica, memória de trabalho fonológica, nomeação automatizada rápida e processamento visual. Os dados foram analisados através de técnicas correlacionais e de análise de regressão, visando identificar a relação entre as variáveis estudadas e a contribuição das variáveis consideradas preditoras (consciência fonológica, memória de trabalho fonológica, nomeação automatizada rápida e processamento visual) sobre as habilidades de leitura e escrita da amostra estudada. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que, dentre as habilidades avaliadas, a consciência fonológica e a memória de trabalho fonológica são as que mais contribuem para o desempenho inicial em leitura e em escrita. Por outro lado, dentre as habilidades de nomeação automatizada rápida, apenas a nomeação de letras demonstrou correlação significativa com a leitura e a escrita. Por fim, não houve correlação das habilidades de leitura e escrita com o processamento visual. Resultados de uma análise fatorial exploratória sugerem ainda o agrupamento das variáveis preditoras em três fatores, relativamente independentes, sendo o primeiro formado pelas habilidades de memória fonológica e consciência fonológica, o segundo pelas habilidades de nomeação automatizada rápida e o terceiro pelo processamento visual, corroborando assim com os resultados de pesquisas que consideram a nomeação automatizada rápida como uma habilidade relativamente independente do processamento fonológico. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para a compreensão dos processos psicológicos envolvidos na aprendizagem da leitura e escrita, podendo oferecer subsídios para a elaboração de metodologias de alfabetização mais eficientes, tanto no que se refere ao âmbito do ensino, quanto à prevenção e remediação das dificuldades de aprendizagem. Suscitam também a necessidade de novas pesquisas para esclarecer melhor as relações entre os processos psicológicos envolvidos na nomeação seriada rápida e no processamento visual e as habilidades iniciais de leitura e escrita. / Although the role of phonological awareness in reading and writing learning in alphabetic languages is already well established by a lot of studies, the relationship among the other skills involved in phonological processing (phonological working memory and rapid automatized naming) and reading and writing performance have been less studied. There are controversies about the specific and independent contribution of phonological working memory for reading and writing performance. Moreover, although the performance in rapid naming tasks have been shown to be related to reading and writing skills, there are in the literature doubts about if this type of processing is mainly based on phonological stimuli processing or visual patterns processing. Thus, this study intended to investigate the contribution of phonological awareness, phonological working memory, rapid automatized naming and visual processing to the performance in reading and writing of children in the literacy process, still analyzing the possible interaction between those skills. Participated in this study 50 children of both sexes, students from three classes of 3rd Year (2nd series) of a public elementary school, located in the state of São Paulo. Standardized instruments were used for the assessment of reading, writing, phonological awareness, phonological working memory, rapid automatized naming and visual processing skills. Data were analyzed quantitatively through correlational techniques and regression analysis, to identify the relationship between the studied variables and the contribution of the variables considered predictors (phonological awareness, phonological working memory, rapid automatized naming and visual processing) on reading and writing skills of the sample. The results suggest that among the evaluated skills, phonological awareness and phonological working memory are those that contribute most to the initial performance in reading and writing. On the other hand, among the skills of rapid automatized naming, only the naming of letters showed significant correlation with reading and writing. Finally, there wasn´t correlation between reading or writing skills and visual processing. Results of an exploratory factor analysis also suggest the grouping of predictor variables on three factors, relatively independent, the first being formed by phonological working memory and phonological awareness skills, the second by rapid automatized naming skills and the third by the visual processing, supporting well the results of surveys that consider the rapid automatized naming as a relatively independent ability of phonological processing. The results contribute to the understanding of the psychological processes involved in reading and writing learning and can offer subsidies for the development of more efficient literacy methodologies, both with regard to teaching, as well the prevention and remediation of learning disabilities. They also raise the need of further research to clarify the relationship between the psychological processes involved in the rapid automatized naming and in the visual processing with regard to the initial skills of reading and writing.

Prosodisk förmåga och fonologiskt arbetsminne hos svenska förskolebarn med cochleaimplantat / Prosodic Abilities and Phonological Working Memory in Swedish Preschool Children with Cochlear Implants

Elm, Lovisa, Heedman, Linda January 2009 (has links)
<p>Cochleaimplantat (CI) är ett hörselhjälpmedel som kan ge barn med grav hörselnedsättning eller dövhet möjlighet att höra och utveckla talat språk. Svenska grundskolebarn med CI har tidigare visats ha en något nedsatt prosodisk förmåga och fonologiskt arbetsminne även om stora individuella variationer förekommer.</p><p>Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka prosodisk förmåga och fonologiskt arbetsminne hos svenska förskolebarn med CI. Vidare undersöktes samband mellan prosodisk förmåga och fonologiskt arbetsminne. I studien deltog sex förskolebarn med CI och totalt 18 normalhörande kontroller, varav sex var ålders-, köns- och dialektmatchade med barnen med CI.</p><p>Barnen med CI i föreliggande studie uppvisade som grupp signifikant lägre resultat än de normalhörande barnen på test avseende prosodisk produktion på ord-, fras- och diskursnivå samt på test som undersöker fonologiskt arbetsminne. Gällande receptiv prosodisk förmåga förekom inga signifikanta skillnader. Vid jämförelse med svenska grundskolebarn med CI framkom att både yngre och äldre barn med CI har svårigheter med prosodi på samtliga nivåer. Vidare jämförelser indikerar att en utveckling av receptiv prosodisk förmåga sker under förskole- och skolåren. Korrelationsberäkningarna tyder på att det föreligger ett samband mellan prosodisk förmåga och fonologiskt arbetsminne.</p><p>Barnen med CI i föreliggande studie är en heterogen grupp och några barn uppvisade på vissa deltest likvärdiga resultat som sina matchade kontroller, vilket visar att CI ger goda förutsättningar att utveckla prosodiska förmågor och talad kommunikation.</p> / <p>Cochlear Implant (CI) is a hearing device that can enable deaf children or children with severe hearing impairment to hear and to develop spoken language. Research has shown that Swedish school aged children with CI have poor prosodic abilities to some extent, as well as poor phonological working memory. However, there are large individual differences.</p><p>The aim of the present study was to investigate prosodic abilities and phonological working memory in Swedish preschool children with CI. Moreover, the relation between prosodic abilities and phonological working memory was examined. Six preschool children with CI participated in the study. The control group consisted of 18 children with normal hearing, out of which six children were matched for age, sex and regional dialect to the children with CI.</p><p>In the present study the children with CI as a group demonstrated significantly lower results compared to the children with normal hearing on tests concerning prosodic production abilities at word, phrase and discourse level and tests concerning phonological working memory. No significant differences emerged regarding receptive prosodic abilities. In comparison to Swedish school aged children with CI it was shown that both younger and older children with CI have difficulties at all prosodic levels. Furthermore, the comparisons indicate that receptive prosodic skills develop during preschool and school years. Results also indicate a connection between prosodic abilities and phonological working memory.</p><p>The children with CI in the present study is a heterogeneous group and a few children demonstrated equivalent results as their matched controls on some parts of the tests, which show that CI provides a good foundation for developing prosodic abilities and spoken communication.</p>

Prosodisk förmåga och fonologiskt arbetsminne hos svenska förskolebarn med cochleaimplantat / Prosodic Abilities and Phonological Working Memory in Swedish Preschool Children with Cochlear Implants

Elm, Lovisa, Heedman, Linda January 2009 (has links)
Cochleaimplantat (CI) är ett hörselhjälpmedel som kan ge barn med grav hörselnedsättning eller dövhet möjlighet att höra och utveckla talat språk. Svenska grundskolebarn med CI har tidigare visats ha en något nedsatt prosodisk förmåga och fonologiskt arbetsminne även om stora individuella variationer förekommer. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka prosodisk förmåga och fonologiskt arbetsminne hos svenska förskolebarn med CI. Vidare undersöktes samband mellan prosodisk förmåga och fonologiskt arbetsminne. I studien deltog sex förskolebarn med CI och totalt 18 normalhörande kontroller, varav sex var ålders-, köns- och dialektmatchade med barnen med CI. Barnen med CI i föreliggande studie uppvisade som grupp signifikant lägre resultat än de normalhörande barnen på test avseende prosodisk produktion på ord-, fras- och diskursnivå samt på test som undersöker fonologiskt arbetsminne. Gällande receptiv prosodisk förmåga förekom inga signifikanta skillnader. Vid jämförelse med svenska grundskolebarn med CI framkom att både yngre och äldre barn med CI har svårigheter med prosodi på samtliga nivåer. Vidare jämförelser indikerar att en utveckling av receptiv prosodisk förmåga sker under förskole- och skolåren. Korrelationsberäkningarna tyder på att det föreligger ett samband mellan prosodisk förmåga och fonologiskt arbetsminne. Barnen med CI i föreliggande studie är en heterogen grupp och några barn uppvisade på vissa deltest likvärdiga resultat som sina matchade kontroller, vilket visar att CI ger goda förutsättningar att utveckla prosodiska förmågor och talad kommunikation. / Cochlear Implant (CI) is a hearing device that can enable deaf children or children with severe hearing impairment to hear and to develop spoken language. Research has shown that Swedish school aged children with CI have poor prosodic abilities to some extent, as well as poor phonological working memory. However, there are large individual differences. The aim of the present study was to investigate prosodic abilities and phonological working memory in Swedish preschool children with CI. Moreover, the relation between prosodic abilities and phonological working memory was examined. Six preschool children with CI participated in the study. The control group consisted of 18 children with normal hearing, out of which six children were matched for age, sex and regional dialect to the children with CI. In the present study the children with CI as a group demonstrated significantly lower results compared to the children with normal hearing on tests concerning prosodic production abilities at word, phrase and discourse level and tests concerning phonological working memory. No significant differences emerged regarding receptive prosodic abilities. In comparison to Swedish school aged children with CI it was shown that both younger and older children with CI have difficulties at all prosodic levels. Furthermore, the comparisons indicate that receptive prosodic skills develop during preschool and school years. Results also indicate a connection between prosodic abilities and phonological working memory. The children with CI in the present study is a heterogeneous group and a few children demonstrated equivalent results as their matched controls on some parts of the tests, which show that CI provides a good foundation for developing prosodic abilities and spoken communication.

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