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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lång hållbarhet : Vilken betydelse har den fysiska förmågan får poliser som arbetar i yttre tjänst

Österman, Ann January 2023 (has links)
Police officers with patrolling duties are exposed to physically demanding situations on a regular basis, which puts a high demand on their physical abilities and condition. Police officers are regularly forced to make quick decisions in complex tactical situations which in some cases mean physical confrontation. Throughout the procedure to become a Swedish Police Officer, there are tests that measure the physical condition of future police officers from the day they are recruited, until they leave the school. Then, however, the testing stops. Therefore, the majority of the physical training throughout the career of a police officer is carried out on their own initiative, and in their spare time. But what do the individual officers think about their physical condition and resilience in relation to everyday work? Studies have shown that police officers who often think about the risk of being injured during interventions, or the dangers associated with their work, experience more stress than other police officers. The knowledge on how to increase the safety and security for police officers in situations where violence may occur, which should contribute to greater room for action in situations is scarce. The aim of the present investigation is to increase our understanding and fill a knowledge gap for the police officers resilience in with regards to physical confrontation on duty within the Swedish Police conflict management training program (POLKON). The studie is based on a qualitative method using semi-structured interviews among Swedish police officers. The respondents have answered questions regarding their view on physical sustainability in relation to their work. Thematic analysis has been conducted and a number of themes have been generated which will be presented.

Úroveň základní motorické výkonnosti a tělesné zdatnosti dětí mladšího školního věku / Basic motor performance and physical ability level of primary school age children

Brázdová, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is to find out a level of a basic motor performance and a physical ability of the children attending the fifth grade of primary school. Part of this thesis is a survey made on the basis of the Unifittest and somatic measurements. Gained results - that proved below-average level of the physical ability of primary school age children - were compared with results of the Unifittest made in 2002. From motor and somatic testing results the physical ability of children was compared on the basis of place of residence. In connection with the discovered below-average physical ability of children we recommend introduction of the third compulsory P.E. lesson at primary schools.

Aktiv anpassning till förändrade villkor : Fem kvinnors erfarenheter av kroniskt nedsatt funktionsförmåga och återskapande av ett meningsfullt liv

Prack, Berit January 2017 (has links)
Studiens övergripande syfte var att utveckla kunskap om kvinnors erfarenheter av att i vuxen ålder drabbas av och leva med kroniskt nedsatt fysisk funktionsförmåga. Utöver studiens beskrivande och kunskapsgenererande syfte och frågeställningar hade denna även en ambition att bidra till utvecklingen av forskningsområdet ”hälsa och livsstil”. Studien baserades på aktiva intervjuer med fem kvinnor som i vuxen ålder drabbats av nedsatt funktionsförmåga, på grund av kronisk sjukdom eller skada. Analysen skedde i flera steg som successivt gav en breddad och fördjupad förståelse av kvinnornas berättelser. I ett första steg genomfördes en tematisk analys av innehållet i kvinnornas berättelser. Den tematiska analysen sammanfattades av hur kvinnorna själva genom olika retoriska stilgrepp betonade särskilt viktiga delar av sina berättelser. Det andra steget av analysen belyste berättelserna utifrån tidigare forskning och den symboliska interaktionismens perspektiv. Att studiens resultat relaterades till tidigare forskning och ett teoretiskt sammanhang ökade dess överförbarhet ytterligare. Studiens resultat låg i linje med tidigare forskning, det bekräftade bl.a. tidens betydelse under omställningen till ett liv med nedsatt funktionsförmåga, där kontrollen över livet återskapades genom planering av tillvaron så att krafterna räckte till det som upplevdes som mest angeläget, eller genom att krympa tiden till ett här och nu, och ta en dag i sänder och avskärma sig från osäkerheten inför framtiden. Det fanns även fynd som gick utöver vad tidigare forskning rapporterat. De kvinnor som ingick i studien rekonstruerade ur tidigare erfarenheter en ny identitet, med en livsstil i balans mellan omgivningen och den faktiska funktionsförmågan. Förhållanden som bidrog till en hälsosam livsstil var organiseringen i stödjande nätverk, och engagemang i ideella organisationer i vilka kvinnorna kunde uppleva den medkänsla som de stundtals sade sig sakna i mötet med vårdgivare och myndigheter. De kvinnor som medverkade i studien framstod som mer aktiva och kreativa än som var vanligt bland kvinnor med nedsatt funktionsförmåga i tidigare studier. Kvinnorna i studien berättade hur de tog initiativ till, planerade och genomförde längre livsprojekt, som satsningar på studier och eget företagande, vilket inte rapporterats vara vanligt i tidigare studier. Några kvinnor visade sin självständighet genom att inte villkorslöst acceptera vårdapparatens och myndigheternas beslut, utan motsatte sig sådant som motverkade deras strävan att förverkliga personliga mål. Kvinnorna stärkte självkänslan och utvecklade alternativa livsstilar och identiteter genom att ta vara på tidigare erfarenheter och ur dem konstruera nya livsstilar, präglade av relativ hälsa och välmående. Det skedde t.ex. genom att utveckla ett idrottsintresse i gemenskap med andra inom handikappidrotten, eller genom att vårda ett fräscht och ungdomligt utseende och bekräftas genom att medverka som modell vid modevisningar. Studiens resultat har betydelse för att stärka unga kvinnor, som drabbats av nedsatt funktionsförmåga i vuxenålder, men även för yrkesverksamma som möter kvinnor i samma situation och deras anhöriga. / The overall objective of the study is to develop an understanding oft he women’s experiences of suffering from and living with chronically reduced physical ability in adulthood. In addition to the study’s descriptive and knowledge-building objective, it also aims at helping towards developing research in the field of “health and lifestyle”. The study is based on active interviews with five women who have suffered from reduced physical abilities in adulthood, due to chronic disease or injury. The analyses were conducted over two stages that gradually provided a more in-depth understanding of the women’s stories. The first stage was to thematically analyse the content of the women’s stories. The thematic analyses was summarised by how the women personally, through various methods, emphasised specifically important parts of their stories. The second stage of the analyses used previous research and symbolic interaction perspectives. The study’s compatibility increased via the results of previous research and theoretical context. The results of the study were compatible with previous research, confirming such things as the significance of time while adapting to a life of reduced physical ability, where control over one’s life was restored either through planning day-to-day life, giving the individual enough energy for the essentials in life, or by compressing time to the here and now, taking one day at a time and shying away from the uncertainties of the future. There were also findings that exceeded what previous research had reported on. The women who took part in the study mapped out their social rights, and reconstructed an identity from previous experiences, with a lifestyle in balance between the world around them and their own expectations of their reduced physical abilities. Circumstances that contributed to a healthy lifestyle were women’s organising in social network and engaging in non-profit organisations, were they could experience the compassion that they sometimes felt was lacking when interacting with caregivers or governmental authorities. The women that took part in the study appeared more active and creative than was usual among women with reduced physical abilities from other studies. The women in the study explained how they took the initiative, planned and carried out extensive life projects, like study initiatives and starting businesses, which was not as common in previous studies. Some women displayed their independence by not unconditionally accepting healthcare and government authorities’ decisions, but opposed such things that were counter intuitive to their desire to realise personal objectives. The women bolstered their selfesteem and developed alternative lifestyles and identities by using previous experience, from which they could form new lifestyles, characterised by relative good health and wellbeing. This happened either by developing an interest for team sports with other athletes with disabilities, or by maintaining a fresh and youthful appearance, confirmed by modelling for a fashion show. The results of the study are important for strengthening women with impaired functional ability in adulthood, but also for professionals who meet women in the same situation and their relatives.

Perceived Physical Ability and Self-Perception of Adequacy and Enjoyment for Physical Activity in Elementary Students

Daugherty, Abigail D., Eveland-Sayers, Brandi M., Chroust, Alyson J., Boynewicz, Kara L., Dotterweich, Andy R., Steffey, Brianna R. 15 February 2019 (has links)
How children perceive their physical ability is important in understanding their reported adequacy, preferences, and predilection of physical activity. This relationship is useful in identifying lifelong physical activity behaviors. Purpose: The relationship between perceived physical ability and classroom engagement was investigated in elementary school children. Methods: Students (n = 120) in grades K5 completed the Perceived Physical Ability Scale (PPAS) and the Children’s Self-Perceptions of Adequacy and Predilection for Physical Activity (CSAPPA). Results: A statistically strong significant positive correlation (r = .49, P < .01) was found between the PPAS and CSAPPA indicating that students with higher perceived physical ability also reported higher scores on the CSAPPA. The high CSAPPA scores are indicative of students having a higher likelihood of choosing physical activity over a non-active option. No significant differences were noted between males and females or across grade levels. Conclusions: Based on these results students who have a greater perception of their physical ability also report being more likely to select a physically active option when given the choice. The findings of this study are noteworthy as previous studies have shown that differences between male and female students may exist with similar measures. These results may be indicative of the environment that has been created at the study site. The study site promotes a culture centered on respect, care, and a growth mindset within its student body. Future research comparing student to teacher ratio, cohesive student groups, and school schedules should be conducted to compare students’ PPAS and CSAPPA results. Programs designed to enhance perceived physical ability and enjoyment of physical activity are needed to promote lifetime physical activity habits.

Elevers kroppsliga förutsättningar vid mål och bedömning inom idrott och hälsa : En kvalitativ studie om lärarens perspektiv på mål och bedömning / Students’ physical conditions for goals and assessment in PEGoals and assessment

Bertilsson, David January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to make teachers' perspective visible on the concept of physical ability in the subject PE, especially linked to assessment. Fair assessment and teachers' interpretation of the governing documents are central in my study, they have highlighted how everyone's individual opinion affects their grading, etc. A theoretical starting point is Liu and Chen's (2021) study where they describe what Physical literacy is and why it could be developed into an asset for the Swedish system as well.Several other studies point to how the teachers find it difficult to interpret the concepts and that teaching that takes place at the same school between physical education teachers looks different, that the teachers do not assess in the same way and that the assessment is not fair for the students. The results from my qualitative study showed that all teachers have different views when it comes to defining concepts such as physical ability, but that they all have similar connections between them. Also, how some of the teachers highlight how the curriculum is too open to interpretation and that it affects the fair assessment. Furthermore, the results strengthened how the teachers are affected by their professional time, that the experience creates a sense of security and sometimes safety when grading. The result shows that too high demands are placed on the teachers and that they need more direct directives and clearer explanations of concepts to strive for a fairer assessment, with which you can analyze my result with.

Porovnání pohybových schopností u dívek a chlapců sportovní a nesportovní třídy 6.ročníku ZŠ / Comparison of physical abilities in girls and boys of sports and non-sports class of the 6th year of elementary school

Pilousková, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find out the level of physical abilities of girls and boys of sports and non-sport class in the 6th year of the Chodovická Elementary School, their matching and comparison. We will examine the level of physical abilities of individuals in selected disciplines. The results will be compared between pupils of the same and opposite sex and with standardized norms of physical tests for the common population. Key words: Physical ability, comparison, a girl, a boy, sports class, elementary school, older school age, motor skills

BMI, Perceived Physical Ability, and School Engagement in Elementary School Children

Daugherty, Abigail D., Steffey, Brianna R., Eveland-Sayers, Brandi M., Chroust, Alyson J., Boynewicz, K. L., Dotterweich, Andy R. 29 March 2019 (has links)
Students, grades 3-5, completed instruments assessing perceived physical ability and school engagement. No significant relationships were found or differences noted for categories of BMI. The culture and focus of the school may explain this.

Health, physical ability, falls and morale in very old people: the Umeå 85+ Study

von Heideken Wågert, Petra January 2006 (has links)
The very old, aged 80 years and over, is the fastest growing age group today, and the demands for healthcare and services will be even higher in the future. It is, therefore, of great importance to advance our knowledge about this group. The main purpose of this thesis was to describe living conditions and health, with a special focus on physical ability, falls and morale, in women and men in three different age groups of very old people in northern Sweden. Half the population aged 85, and the total population aged 90 and ≥95 (-103) in the municipality of Umeå were selected for participation (n=348) in this population-based cross-sectional study, entitled the Umeå 85+ Study. Structured interviews and assessments were performed with the participants in their homes, and data were also collected from next-of-kins, caregivers and medical charts. Cognition was screened for using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), depressive symptoms using the Geriatric Depression Scale-15 (GDS-15), and nutritional status using the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA). Activities of Daily Living (ADL) were assessed using the Staircase of ADL (including the Katz Index of ADL) and morale using the Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale (PGCMS). Participants also rated their own health and answered a questionnaire about symptoms. Physical ability was assessed using a gait speed test over 2.4 meters (8 feet), three consecutive chair stands, and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS). A follow-up study for falls was performed during a period of six months with fall calendars and telephone calls. The very old people in this northern population have more depression, hypertension and hip fractures, as well as a higher consumption of drugs than comparable, more southern populations. In general, younger participants had lower rates of diagnoses and prescribed drugs, were less dependent in ADL and other functional variables than older participants, and men had lower rates of diagnoses and reported symptoms than women. However, there were no age or sex differences in self-rated health or morale, which were both rated as good by the majority of the participants. There was a wide range of physical ability among these very old people, especially in women, where an age-related decline was seen. The results also demonstrate that men had greater physical ability than women. The BBS had no floor or ceiling effects in the present sample. In contrast, a large proportion was unable to perform the gait speed and chair stands test, resulting in a floor effect for the timed performances, especially in women. Falling is a major public health problem in very old people. From the results of the present study, it could be predicted that every seventh participant and every third of the people who did fall would suffer a fracture over a period of one year. The independent explanatory risk factors for time to first fall in this sample of very old people were dependency in personal (P-) ADL but not bedridden, thyroid disorders, treatment with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and occurrence of fall/s in the preceding year. These factors should all be considered in fall prevention programmes. The morale of very old people was found in this study to be rather high, with similar scores among age groups and sexes. The most important factors for high morale were the absence of depressive symptoms, living in ordinary housing, having previously had a stroke and yet still living in ordinary housing, not feeling lonely and having few symptoms. The PGCMS seems applicable in the evaluation of morale in very old people. In conclusion, there were wide variations in health status and physical ability in this northern population of very old people. Women had poorer health and physical ability than men. Falls and fractures were common and serious health problems. Morale seemed to be high, despite the fact that a large proportion of the participants suffered from many diseases and functional decline.

BMI, Perceived Physical Ability, and School Engagement in Elementary School Children

Daugherty, Abigail D., Steffey, Brianna R., Eveland-Sayers, Brandi M., Chroust, Alyson J., Boynewicz, Kara L., Dotterweich, Andy R. 01 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Relationen mellan motion och global självkänsla bland motionärer

Davoud, Nor, Haxhiu, Elda January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera relationen mellan motionoch global självkänslaoch undersöka om relationen medierasav fysisk förmåga och fysiskt självvärde.Frågeställningen som skapades var följande:Visar relationen mellan motion och global självkänsla på indirekta effekter genom fysisk förmåga och fysiskt självvärde?Frågeställningenundersöktes genomentillämpning av detteoretiska ramverketThe Exercise and Self-esteem model(EXSEM). De två primära mediatorerna i genomförandet av testet var fysisk förmåga (M1)och fysiskt självvärde (M2). Syftet i detta varatt få inblickom mediatorernavisarpåindirekta effekter i relationenmellan motion och global självkänsla bland individer som motionerar.Genom att använda EXSEM som teoretiskt ramverk skapades en medieringsmodell(figur2).I studien deltog 104 individerdär antalet kvinnor var46och antalet män var58.Deltagarna var bosatta i Sverige, där50 styckenav deltagarnarekryterades på tre olika motionsinstitut varav tvåbelägna i Göteborg och ett i Borås. Resterande deltagarerekryterades online viatvå Facebook-grupper. Data för undersökningen samlades invia enkäter därdeltagarna fick skatta sig självaisinrelation till deras motionsutövande. Varje individs motionsutövandemättes genom ett frågeformulär som strukturerades i enlighet med Godin Leisure-Time exercise questionnaire. Global självkänsla mättes genom självrapporteringsinstrumentet Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. Slutligen mättes fysiskt självvärde och fysisk förmåga genomsjälvbegrepps-instrumentet Physical Self-Perception Profile.Resultatetvisadeattmotion hade enpositiv statistisksignifikant indirekt effekt på global självkänsla genom mediatorerna fysisk förmåga tillsammans med fysiskt självvärde. / The purpose of the study wastoinvestigate the relation between exercise and global self-esteemand examine whether the relationship is mediated by physical ability and physical self-worth.The hypothesis that was created was the following: Does the relationship between exercise and global self-esteem show indirect effects through physical ability and physical self-worth?.This was implemented bytestingthe Exercise and Self-esteem model (EXSEM). The implementation of the test was to examine the following mediators: Physical ability (M1) and Physical self-esteem (M2), with the aim of finding if the mediators show indirect effects in the relationship between exercise and global self-esteem among individuals who exercise. Using EXSEM as a theoretical framework, a mediation model was created (Figure 2). The study involved 104 individuals where the number of women consisted of 46 and the number of men consisted of 58where all the participants lived in Sweden.There were 50 participants recruited at three different gyms, two of which were located in Gothenburg and one in Borås. The remaining participants were recruited online via two Facebookgroups. The data ofthe survey were collected via questionnaires that the participants had to rate themselves in their relation to their exercise.Each individual's exercise was measured through a questionnaire that was structured in accordance with the Godin Leisure-Time exercise questionnaire. Global self-esteem was measured through the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. Finally, physical self-valueand physical ability were measured through the self-concept instrument Physical Self-Perception Profile. The results showed that exercise had a positive statistic significantindirect effect on global self-esteem through the mediators physical abilityalong with physical self-value.

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