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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Associações entre nível, oferta de atividade física no trabalho e atividade física de lazer /

Papini, Camila Bosquiero. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Eduardo Kokubun / Banca: Alex Antonio Florindo / Banca: Sandra Lia do Amaral / Resumo: O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar associações entre nível, oferta de Atividade Física (AF) no trabalho e AF de lazer. Foi realizado um estudo transversal de base populacional. Participaram do estudo 864 trabalhadores com idade média e desviopadrão de 41 (± 13,4) anos, sendo 451 homens e 413 mulheres e eles responderam o Questionário Internacional de AF (versão longa- classificados em ativos e sedentários de acordo com o nível de AF de lazer), o Questionário baseado no modelo Transteorético (Estágios de Prontidão - classificados em fase de adoção e fase antecedentes), o Questionário sobre convênios e instalações para a prática de AF pela empresa e o Questionário sócio-demográfico. Para verificar as associações foi realizada a Regressão de Poisson no programa STATASE.10, obtendo a Razão de Prevalência (RP) com Intervalo de Confiança (IC - 95%). Como variáveis dependentes utilizamos o sedentarismo (nível de AF de lazer) e fase antecedentes (participação em AF de lazer). Para as variáveis independentes utilizamos: sexo, idade, índice de massa corporal (IMC), escolaridade, nível sócio-econômico, nível de AF no trabalho, oferta de ginástica laboral, participação na ginástica laboral e oferta de programas de condicionamento físico (PCF) através de convênios e instalações no local de trabalho. Os resultados indicam que os trabalhadores do sexo masculino são menos sedentários quando comparados com as trabalhadoras do sexo feminino. Para o sexo masculino, menor nível sócio-econômico está associado ao sedentarismo e a oferta de PCF oferecidos através de convênios está associada a níveis mais elevadosl de AF de lazer. Para o sexo feminino, maior IMC e menor nível sócio-econômico foram associados ao sedentarismo. Com relação a participação em AF de lazer o sexo feminino tem menos chances de estarem na fase de adoção... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate the associations between Physical Activity's (PA) level and PA's offer at worksite and Leisure time PA. The Population-based cross-sectional study was realized with 864 workers with average age and standard deviation 41 (± 13,4) years old, being 451 men and 413 women. They answered the International PA Questionnaire (long version - classified in activity and sedentary according to leisure time PA's level), the Questionnaire based on Transteorethic Model (Stages of change - classified in adoption and antecedents phases), the Questionnaire about facilities and installations PA's practice in the worksite and the demographic-status Questionnaire. The Poisson Regression in the STATASE.10 program, getting the Prevalence Ratio (PR) with Confident Interval (CI - 95%) was conducted to verify the associations between the variables. The dependents variables were the sedentarism (leisure time PA's level) and antecedents phase (leisure time PA's participation). For the independents variables were used: sex, age, body mass index (BMI), schooling level, social status, PA's level in work, stretchbreak's offer, stretch-break's participation and fitness program's (FP) through facilities and installations PA's practice in the worksite. The results indicated that the male workers are less sedentary than female. For men the lower social status was associated with sedentarism and the FP facilities was associated with bigger leisure time PA's level. For female, bigger IMC and lower social status were associates with sedentarism. About leisure time PA's participation, the female has less chance to be in the adoption phase than male. The variables associated to leisure time PA's participation for male are: bigger schooling and social status... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Perfil sociodemográfico, nível de atividade física, dor e auto percepção de saúde de idosos em unidades de saúde de referência em município de médio porte da região centro oeste / Sociodemographic profile, physical activity, pain and self perception of health in seniors in reference health units in a medium-sized city of midwest.

Vilela, Daisy de Araújo 02 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-12-10T11:29:11Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Daisy de Araújo Vilela - 2015.pdf: 1464364 bytes, checksum: 69d0dc5d97d6582c69d6b0b128ff11ba (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-12-10T11:32:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Daisy de Araújo Vilela - 2015.pdf: 1464364 bytes, checksum: 69d0dc5d97d6582c69d6b0b128ff11ba (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-10T11:32:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Daisy de Araújo Vilela - 2015.pdf: 1464364 bytes, checksum: 69d0dc5d97d6582c69d6b0b128ff11ba (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-02 / To adequately serve the elderly in health services is essential to know the socio-demographic, economic, lifestyle, people's grievances, health markers and understand differences related to gender and age groups. Objective: To describe, according to sex and age group, the demographic and socioeconomic profile; the level of physical activity; the frequency, severity, intensity and treatment of pain and self-rated health of elderly assisted in referral health facilities of a medium-sized city in the central region and western Brazil; test the relationship between physical activity level, pain and self-perception of health in the elderly. Method: This is a descriptive transversal study with a quantitative approach, with calculated sample of 300 elderly, non-randomized. Data collection was conducted from September 2013 to January 2014. The approach was uneventful in health facilities indicated as reference for treatment of the elderly. Checked the eligibility criteria, the elderly were recruited for study participation. They used four instruments to collect data: sociodemographic questionnaire, IPAC (short), BPI and health perception. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical procedures, chi square test, Fisher's exact test, Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney-U, with p ≤ 0.05.Results: The predominant among the elderly assisted in the units is referred females (81.0%), mean age 67.1 years ( 5.6 years; median 66.0). The idodos showed moderate level of physical activity (74.0%). The pain had significant occurrence among participants (49.3%), with similar distribution between genders and age range. The treatment used for pain was the use of analgesics (71.0%). The elderly reported self perception of good health (23.6%) or very good (65.6%). No relationship was found between the pain and the level of physical activity and the perception of health of the elderly seen in reference health units. Conclusion: Seniors who attend referral units have characteristics that should be taken into account in the planning of care for this population activities: are predominantly young elderly, female, with a moderate level of physical activity, with mild pain, which does not interfere in daily activities, mood, sleep is controlled with painkillers; They have self-perception of good or very good health, and not show relationship between the level of physical activity, pain and health perception. / Para atender adequadamente os idosos nos serviços de saúde é fundamental conhecer as características sociodemográficas, econômicas, estilo de vida, agravos da população, marcadores de saúde e compreender diferenças relacionadas ao genero e faixas etárias. Objetivo: Descrever, segundo o sexo e a faixa etária, o perfil demográfico e socioeconômico; o nível de atividade física; a frequência, severidade, intensidade e tratamento da dor e autopercepção de saúde de idosos atendidos em unidades de saúde de referência de uma cidade de médio porte da região centro oeste do Brasil e; testar a relação entre nível de atividade física, dor e auto percepção de saúde em idosos. Método: Realizou-se estudo descritivo, transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, com amostra calculada de 300 idosos, não randomizada. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de setembro de 2013 a janeiro de 2014. A abordagem transcorreu nas unidades de saúde indicadas como de referência para atendimento de idosos. Verificados os critérios de elegibilidade, os idosos foram recrutados para participarem do estudo. Utilizaram-se quatro instrumentos para coleta de dados: questionário sociodemográfico, IPAC (curto), BPI e percepção de saúde. Os dados foram analisados mediante procedimentos de estatística descritiva, teste qui quadrado, exato de Fisher, Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney-U, com p ≤ 0,05. Resultados: Predominou entre os idosos atendidos nas unidades se referência o sexo feminino (81,0%), idade média de 67,1 anos ( 5,6 anos; mediana de 66,0). Os idodos apresentaram nível de atividade física moderado (74,0 %). A dor teve ocorrência expressiva entre os participantes (49,3 %), com distribuição semelhante entre os sexos e faixa etárias. O tratamento utilizado para dor foi a utilização de analgésicos (71,0 %). Os idosos relataram auto percepção da saúde boa (23,6 %) ou muito boa (65,6 %). Não foi encontrada relação entre a dor e o nível de atividade física e a percepção de saúde dos idosos atendidos nas unidades de saúde de referência. Conclusão: Idosos que frequentam unidades de referência apresentam características que devem ser levadas em consideração no planejamento de atividades de atendimento a essa população: são predominantemente idosos jovens, do sexo feminino, com nível moderado de atividade física, com dor leve, que não interefere nas atividades diária, humor, sono, é controlada com uso de analgésicos; apresentam autopercepção da saúde boa ou muito boa, e não evidenciam relação entre o nível de atividade física, dor e autopercepção de saúde.

En studie gällande samband mellan hälsorelaterad livskvalitet och fysisk aktivitet vid narkolepsi / A study regarding the correlation between health-related quality of life and physical activity in narcolepsy

Winberg, Maria, Bahrman, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Narkolepsi är en kronisk neurologisk sjukdom som påverkar hjärnans förmåga att reglera hormonet hypokretin, vars uppgift är att reglera aptit, sömn och vakenhet. Narkolepsi delas in i två typer, Typ 1 och Typ 2. Fysisk inaktivitet har påvisat öka besvären med överväldigande dagtrötthet och personer med narkolepsi är mindre fysiskt aktiva än friska personer.  Syfte: Undersöka och kartlägga hälsorelaterad livskvalitet och fysisk aktivitet hos en grupp individer med narkolepsi, jämföra åldersskillnader samt undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan dessa variabler.  Metod: Tvärsnittsstudie med icke-experimentell design. Individer från 16 år inkluderades i undersökningsgruppen (n=70). Deltagarna rekryterades via Narkolepsiföreningen genom en sluten Facebook-grupp och ett mejlutskick från deras kansli.  Resultat: Lägre dimensionspoäng inom samtliga dimensioner från RAND-36 kunde påvisas för deltagarna jämfört med normalpopulationen samt att majoriteten av deltagarna uppnår rekommendationerna för fysisk aktivitet per vecka. Signifikant skillnad mellan åldersgrupperna kunde enbart påvisas inom dimensionerna Rollfunktion (emotionell) och Psykiskt välbefinnande. Det fanns en signifikant positiv låg korrelation mellan rapporterade aktivitetsminuter och dimensionen Fysisk funktion.  Konklusion: Resultatet i undersökningen visar på trots att majoriteten av deltagarna uppnår rekommendationerna för fysisk aktivitet skattade de lågt för dimensioner kopplade till psykologiska och sociala aspekter. Det behövs således vidare forskning för att undersöka olika fysiska interventioners effekt på den hälsorelaterade livskvaliteten hos individer med narkolepsi. Resultatet visar även på att det finns ett behov av multimodalt bemötande med fokus på bio-psyko-sociala aspekterna. / Background: Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological illness that effects the brain’s capacity to produce the hypocretin hormone, whose function is to regulate appetite, sleep and alertness. Narcolepsy is divided into two groups, Type 1 and Type 2. Physical inactivity has shown to increase the symptoms of excessive daytime sleepiness and individuals with narcolepsy is less physically active than healthy individuals.  Purpose: To study and chart health-related quality of life and physical activity level in a group of individuals with narcolepsy, to compare age-differences and also to explore whether there is a correlation between these variables.  Method: Cross-sectional study with a non-experimental design. Participants from 16 years old were included in the sample group (n=70). The participants were recruited by Narkolepsiföreningen through a closed Facebook-group and through e-mail from their chancellery.  Results: A lower score within all dimensions could be shown for the participants and that the majority of the participants reach the recommendation for physical activity each week. A significantly difference between the age-groups was disclosed within the dimensions Social functioning and Mental health. There was a significant positive low correlation between reported physical activity levels and the dimension Physical function.  Conclusion: The results in this study show that even though the majority of the participants reach the recommendations for physical activity, the dimensions that were related to psychological and social aspects were low. Thus, further research is needed to study the effect of different physical interventions on the health-related quality of life in individuals with narcolepsy. The results also show that there is a need for a multimodal approach with focus on the biological, psychological and social aspects.

Hur skattar överviktiga barn och tonåringar sin aktivitetsnivå? : En jämförelse mellan aktivitetsdagbok och accelerometer

Hemlin, Karolina, Henriksson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p><p>Objective:</p><p>This study aimed to investigate the correlation between physical activity level (PAL), measured with activity diary and accelerometer, among overweight and obese children and adolescents. The aim was also to study differences in PAL between girls and boys.</p><p>Design:</p><p>55 children and adolescents, whom been subjected to a physical activity registration with a physical activity diary and accelerometer during three or four days, were included in this study. From the data received from the children’s journal records PAL was calculated and compiled for statistic analysis.</p><p>Results:</p><p>The results of the study showed that the children underestimated their physical activity level when measured with activity diary, in comparison with the physical activity level measured with accelerometer. Differences between girl and boys PAL values were not statistically significant, although the girls PAL values from the accelerometer, but not from the activity diary, reached a moderate activity level according to Nordic nutrition recommendation. No correlation between the activity diary and accelerometer was found.</p><p>Conclusions:</p><p>The Activity diary can not be used as solitary instrument to mesure physical activity in obese or overweight children.</p><p>There is no validated way to measure physical activity in overweight or obese children.</p><p>Before studies can be conducted with reliable results, physical activity level scales and calculated BMR must be designed for overweight and obese children.</p></p>

Health Promoting Behaviors And Exercise Stages Of Change Levels Of University Students At Transition To University

Ebem, Zeynep 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The purposes of this study were to examine (a) health promoting behaviors, (b) physical activity levels, (c) exercise stages of change levels, and (d) exercise preferences of students who had just entered the university by gender and residence. Participants were 438 students from Middle East Technical University (METU) English Preparatory school. Adolescent Health Promotion Scale (AHPS), International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), Physical Activity Stages of Change Questionnaire (PASCQ), and Physical Activity Preferences Check-list were used for the data collection. Descriptive statistics, nonparametric statistical methods (Mann Whitney U test, Pearson chi-square test), and a one-way MANOVA were used for the data analysis. According to AHPS results, female students&amp / #8217 / health promoting behaviors were better than those of male students except exercise behavior. Students living at home had higher scores on nutrition behavior and students living in dormitory had higher scores on stress management behavior (p &lt / .05). According to the IPAQ results, male students were more physically active than female counterparts. Students who were living in dormitory had higher physical activity levels than students living at home (p &lt / .05). PASCQ findings indicated no significant differences on the exercise stages of change levels by gender and residence (p &gt / .05). In general, students were at pre-contemplation 9.2%, contemplation 39.3%, preparation 27.8%, action 14.5%, and maintenance 9.2% stages. Swimming, walking, and table tennis were the three most frequently preferred physical activities. In conclusion, female students had better health promoting behaviors than those of male students except exercise behavior. Female students and students living at home were more at risk of inactivity. Approximately 80% of the METU English Preparatory school students&amp / #8217 / physical activity levels were not satisfactory for a healthy life. University physical activity facilities, extracurricular programs and the courses should be reconsidered to support the health promoting behaviors of these students.

The Effectiveness Of Participant

Altun, Ozkan 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purposes of this study were to test the effect of four-week PACE&copy / program in increasing participants&rsquo / physical activity level and stages of change and examine the relationship between physical activity level and stages of change. A controlled trial, experimental design was applied. Physical activity level and stages of change were recorded at baseline and at study conclusion. For the data collection What is Your PACE Score Questionnaire, FADA Questionnaire and Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR&ndash / Q) were used. Descriptive statistics, one way repeated measures of ANOVA and simple linear correlation were used to analyze data. Participants were 182 women Middle East Technical University personnel from different units. Study participants were randomized into intervention and control groups. 87 women received the PACE&copy / program were compared 95 women in the control group who did not receive PACE&copy / program. The intervention group received PACE&copy / program with respect to their stages and a booster phone call or e-mail two weeks later after counseling. After 4 weeks, all participants were reassessed for stages of change and physical activity level. There was a significant difference in measurement of physical activity level and stages of change between intervention and control group before and after intervention. The intervention group&rsquo / physical activity level (p &lt / .05) and stages of change (p &lt / .10) increased but the control group decreased. Besides, changes in physical activity level were moderately and positively correlated with stages of change.

The Relationship Between Physical Activity Levels And Time Management Skills Among Selected University Students

Dincay, Hulya 01 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the physical activity levels and the time management practices of selected university students, and to identify the differences between physical activity levels and time management practices in terms of gender. The subjects of this study were 128 male (55,9%) and 101 female (44,1%) university students from six universities in istanbul, Turkey which were selected on a volunteer basis. The Physical Activity Assessment Questionnaire (PAAQ) and the Time Management Questionnaire (TMQ) were used to gather data. The data were analyzed by employing a Statistical Package for Social Statistics. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The level .05 of significance was selected. There was significant correlation between total hours spend in a week and time planning, and negative correlation between time wasters. There was significant correlation between total MET spend in an hour and time attitudes, between total MET intensities and time attitudes. According to Chi-squared analysis gender difference is dependent of the PA levels in terms of &ldquo / sport MET&rdquo / and &ldquo / total MET&rdquo / intensities. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated a significant main effect. Subsequent unvaried analysis indicated differences in Time Management in terms of gender.

Effects Of A Social-ecological Intervention On Physical Activity Knowledge Level And Behaviors Of Students In Rural Settings

Cengiz, Cevdet 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This study examined the effects of social-ecological intervention on physical activity (PA) knowledge level and behaviors of rural middle school students. A pre-test post-test control group design was constructed. In addition, qualitative data was collected by focus group discussions after the post-test in experimental group. Two schools from similar rural settings were identified as experimental and control schools. In total 62 students from 6, 7, 8 grades of these schools participated in this study. Experimental school PA environment was changed based on the social-ecological model (SEM) with a focus on intrapersonal, interpersonal, community level, organizational factors, and public policies related with PA. Turkish version of health related fitness (HRF) knowledge test, v pedometer, exercise stages of change, PA self-efficacy, social support, and PA enjoyment questionnaires were used to gather information for the dependent variables for the present study. A focus group discussion was implemented in experimental school. Repeated Measures ANOVA was used for the numerical data analysis. Focus group transcriptions were analyzed by content analysis method. According to HRF knowledge and PA analysis, experimental school students significantly improved their HRF knowledge scores, PA levels, social support compared to the control group students (p&lt / 0.05). Focus groups results supported the quantitative findings. In conclusion, this study indicated the value of SEM in improving the health related fitness knowledge, PA level and social support of students in rural context. Improving the rural school context for PA promotion by SEM is strongly recommended.

Hur skattar överviktiga barn och tonåringar sin aktivitetsnivå? : En jämförelse mellan aktivitetsdagbok och accelerometer

Hemlin, Karolina, Henriksson, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the correlation between physical activity level (PAL), measured with activity diary and accelerometer, among overweight and obese children and adolescents. The aim was also to study differences in PAL between girls and boys. Design: 55 children and adolescents, whom been subjected to a physical activity registration with a physical activity diary and accelerometer during three or four days, were included in this study. From the data received from the children’s journal records PAL was calculated and compiled for statistic analysis. Results: The results of the study showed that the children underestimated their physical activity level when measured with activity diary, in comparison with the physical activity level measured with accelerometer. Differences between girl and boys PAL values were not statistically significant, although the girls PAL values from the accelerometer, but not from the activity diary, reached a moderate activity level according to Nordic nutrition recommendation. No correlation between the activity diary and accelerometer was found. Conclusions: The Activity diary can not be used as solitary instrument to mesure physical activity in obese or overweight children. There is no validated way to measure physical activity in overweight or obese children. Before studies can be conducted with reliable results, physical activity level scales and calculated BMR must be designed for overweight and obese children.

Parkinsons Sjukdom ur ett biopsykosocialt perspektiv : Sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitetsnivå, depressiva symtom och funktionshinder. En tvärsnittsstudie. / Parkinson’s disease through a biopsychosocial perspective : The correlation between physical activity level, depressive symptoms and health &amp; function. A cross-sectional study

Strand, Lucas, Lindström, Vincent January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitetsnivå, depressiva symtom och funktionshinder hos personer med Parkinsons sjukdom. Därtill kartlägga fysisk aktivitetsnivå, depressiva symtom samt funktionshinder bland personer med Parkinsons. Bakgrund: Parkinsons sjukdom är en av de mest förekommande neurodegenerativa sjukdomarna. Sjukdomen är kopplad till både motoriska och icke-motoriska symtom såsom depressiva symtom. Metod: 30 personer inkluderades i denna studie. I denna studie användes IPAQ-SF för att mäta fysisk aktivitetsnivå, MADRS-S för att mäta depressiva symtom samt WHODAS 2.0 för att skatta funktionshinder. Formulären sammanställdes i en webbenkät som publicerades via länk på Facebooksidor ägnade åt Parkinsons sjukdom. Resultat: Utav inkluderade i studien hade 4 (13.3%) låg fysisk aktivitetsnivå, 13 (43.3%) måttlig samt 13 (43.3%) hög. 16 (53.3%) klassades som väsentligen obesvärad, 11 (36.7%) som mild depression, 3 (10.0%) som måttlig samt ingen som svår depression. Bland de inkluderade var medianen för WHODAS 2.0 enligt följande: förstå och kommunicera 3.5 (2.0-5.0), förflyttning 4.5 (2.5-6.5), personlig vård 2.0 (2.0-3.5), relationer 4.0 (3.0-5.5), dagliga aktiviteter 4.5 (3.0-6.5) samt delaktighet i samhället 4.0 (3.0-6.0). Sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitetsnivå och depressiva symtom gav r=0.31 p=0.10. Sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitetsnivå och funktionshinder visade r=0.45 p=0.02. Sambandet mellan depressiva symtom och funktionshinder visade r=0.74 p=0.01. Slutsatser: En måttlig till hög fysisk aktivitetsnivå var vanligt. Likaså var förekomsten av depression omfattande. Förekomsten av funktionshinder var därutöver relativt låg. Korrelationen mellan samtliga variabler anses vara låg frånsett den mellan depressiva symtom och funktionshinder, vilken var måttlig. / Aim: The aim of this study is to explore the correlation between physical activity level, depressive symptoms and health and function in persons with Parkinson’s disease. In addition, this study aims to examine and map physical activity level, depressive symptoms and health and function among persons with Parkinson’s disease. Background: Parkinson’s disease is one the most widespread neurodegenerative diseases. The disease can present itself in either motor or non-motor symptoms, such as depressive symptoms. Method: 30 participants were included in this study. IPAQ-SF was used to measure physical activity level, MADRS-S to measure depressive symptoms and WHODAS 2.0 to measure health and function. The questionnaires were compiled in a web survey which was then posted on various Facebook pages aimed at Parkinson’s disease. Results: Among participants included 4 (13.3%) had low physical activity level, 13 (43.3%) moderate and 13 (43.3%) high. 16 (53.3%) were classed as having no depression, 11 (36.7%) as mild depression, 3 (10.0%) as moderate and none as severe depression. The median for the respective domain of were as follows: cognition 3.5 (2.0-5.0), mobility 4.5 (2.5-6.5), self care 2.0 (2.0-3.5), getting along with people 4.0 (3.0-5.5), life activities 4.5 (3.0-6.5), participation 4.0 (3.0-6.0). The correlation between physical activity level and depressive symptoms provided r=0.31 p=0.10, physical activity level and health and function r=0.45 p= 0.02 and depressive symptoms and health and function r=0.74 p=0.01. Conclusions: This study demonstrated a prominent occurance of high and moderate levels of physical activity. Likewise, the prevalence of depression was extensive. In addition, the incidence of disability was apparently low. The correlation between all variables is considered to be low apart from that between depressive symptoms and disability, which was moderate.

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