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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Description and study of a Phoma sp., a new fungal pathogen of lupines (Lupinus albus L.), in Québec

Phaneuf, Edith. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Producción y utilización Biotecnológica de nuevas proteínas antifúngicas de hongos filamentosos

Garrigues Cubells, Sandra María 26 November 2018 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Los péptidos antimicrobianos (AMP) son una alternativa prometedora para el desarrollo de nuevos antifúngicos que puedan sustituir a los fungicidas usados en agricultura. Sin embargo, el alto coste de la síntesis química y la dificultad para su producción a gran escala han limitado su aplicación. Las proteínas antifúngicas (AFP) son AMP naturales, pequeñas, catiónicas, secretadas y ricas en cisteína con gran potencial para el control de hongos fitopatógenos. Las AFPs se encuentran en hongos filamentosos, son estables y pueden producirse en grandes cantidades. Sin embargo, el papel biológico en su hongo productor no se conoce en profundidad. En esta tesis, se estudió la diversidad de AFPs en genomas de hongos ascomicetos y se propuso una nueva clasificación en tres clases (A, B y C). Penicillium digitatum es el principal patógeno postcosecha de cítricos y codifica solo una AFP en su genoma de clase B (AfpB), mientras que Penicillium expansum, el principal patógeno postcosecha de manzana, codifica una AFP de cada clase (AfpA, AfpB y AfpC). En este trabajo describimos la producción biotecnológica y la caracterización de estas cuatro AFPs. Se ha caracterizado el papel biológico del gen afpB en P. digitatum mediante estudios de expresión génica y generación de mutantes nulos y de expresión constitutiva. Los resultados indicaron que afpB es prescindible para la biología y el ciclo vital del hongo, aunque la expresión del gen afpB bajo el promotor constitutivo gpdA de Aspergillus nidulans es perjudicial para su crecimiento y virulencia. Sorprendentemente, ni la cepa parental ni las cepas constitutivas produjeron cantidades detectables de AfpB a pesar de la alta expresión del gen codificante. El modelado molecular y el diseño racional permitieron predecir la estructura terciaria de AfpB y diseñar péptidos sintéticos para mapear motivos antifúngicos en su secuencia primaria. Confirmamos que los bucles catiónicos L2 y L3 mostraron actividad antifúngica moderada y que pueden actuar sinergísticamente. Con el objetivo de producir AfpB mediante biotecnología, usamos un casete de expresión de AFPs basado en las regiones promotora y terminadora del gen paf de Penicillium chrysogenum, hongo que produce naturalmente grandes cantidades de su propia proteína PAF. Este casete funcionó en P. digitatum y permitió la producción homóloga de AfpB. Los datos también mostraron que las secuencias del péptido señal (SP) y el pro-péptido de la SP-Pro-AfpB no determinan la producción de proteína. También demostramos la estabilidad térmica y la resistencia a la proteólisis de AfpB, y aportamos datos que sugieren que la estructura terciaria no es necesaria para la actividad antifúngica. Similar a lo descrito en P. digitatum, ninguna de las tres AFPs se detectó en los sobrenadantes de cultivo en medio rico de P. expansum. Sin embargo, AfpA se produjo en grandes cantidades en cultivos de medio mínimo de P. expansum. Para completar el repertorio de AFPs, produjimos las tres AFPs de P. expansum (AfpA, AfpB y AfpC) en P. chrysogenum con el casete paf. Las tres proteínas de P. expansum se produjeron, purificaron y caracterizaron con éxito. Ninguna de las AFPs producidas en este trabajo fue citotóxica frente a eritrocitos de mamíferos. AfpA de P. expansum seguida de AfpB de P. digitatum fueron las AFPs más activas contra hongos filamentosos, incluyendo patógenos de plantas y humanos, productores de micotoxinas y sus propios hongos productores, una característica previamente no descrita en las AFPs. Además, la AfpA de P. expansum y la AfpB de P. digitatum protegieron frente a la infección causada por el hongo Botrytis cinerea en plantas de tomate, y AfpA de P. expansum protegió frente a P. digitatum en frutos de naranja. Estos resultados confirman nuestra hipótesis de que las AFPs son buenas candidatas para el desarrollo de nuevos antifúngicos en protección vegetal y conservación postcosecha, pero ta / [CA] Els pèptids antimicrobians (AMP) són una alternativa prometedora per al desenvolupament de nous antifúngics que puguen substituir als fungicides utilitzats en agricultura. No obstant això, l'alt cost de la síntesi química i la dificultat per a la producció biotecnològica a gran escala han limitat la seua aplicació. Les proteïnes antifúngiques (AFP) són AMPs naturals, xicotetes, catiòniques, secretades i riques en cisteína que oferixen un gran potencial per al control de fongs fitopatogens. Les AFPs estan presents de en fongs filamentosos, són molt estables i poden produir-se en grans quantitats. No obstant això, el paper biològic d'estes AFPs en el seu fong productor encara no està clar. En esta tesi es va estudiar la diversitat d'AFPs en genomes de fongs ascomicets i es va proposar una nova classificació en tres clases (A, B i C). Penicillium digitatum, el principal patogen postcollita de cítrics, codifica només una AFP en el seu genoma de classe B (AfpB). Penicillium expansum, el principal patogen postcollita de poma, codifica una AFP de cada classe (AfpA, AfpB i AfpC). En este treball presentem la producció biotecnològica i la caracterització d'estes quatre AFPs. Hem caracteritzat el paper biològic del gen afpB en P. digitatum mitjançant estudis d'expressió gènica i la generació de mutants nuls i d'expressió constitutiva. Els resultats van indicar que afpB és prescindible per a la biologia i el cicle de vida d'este fong, encara que l'expressió del gen afpB davall el promotor constitutiu gpdA d'Aspergillus nidulans és perjudicial per al seu creixement i virulència sobre fruits cítrics. Sorprenentment, ni el cep parental ni els ceps constitutius van produir quantitats detectables d'AfpB malgrat l'alta expressió del gen afpB. El modelatge molecular i el disseny racional van permetre predir l'estructura terciària d'AfpB i dissenyar pèptids sintètics per a identificar motius antifúngics dins de la seqüència primària. Confirmarem que les estructures catiòniques L2 i L3 mostren activitat antifúngica i que poden actuar de forma sinèrgica. Amb l'objectiu de la producció biotecnològica d'AfpB, utilitzarem un casset d'expressió d'AFPs basat en les regions promotora i terminadora del gen paf de Penicillium chrysogenum, el qual produïx naturalment grans quantitats de la seua pròpia proteïna PAF. Este casset va funcionar en P. digitatum i va permetre la producció homòloga d'AfpB. Les dades també van mostrar que les seqüències del pèptid señal (SP) i el propèptid de la SP-Pro-AfpB no determinaren la producció de proteïna. També demostrarem l'extrema estabilitat tèrmica i la resistència proteolítica d'AfpB, i proporcionem dades que suggerixen que l'estructura terciària no és necessària per a l'activitat antifúngica. Semblant a P. digitatum, cap de les tres AFPs es van detectar en els sobrenadants de medi de cultiu ric de P. expansum. Al contrari, AfpA es va produir en grans quantitats en cultius de P. expansum en medi mínim. Per a completar el repertori d'AFPs, vam produir les tres AFPs de P. expansum (AfpA, AfpB i AfpC) en P. chrysogenum mitjançant l'ús del casset paf. Així, les tres proteïnes de P. expansum es van produir, purificar i caracteritzar amb èxit. Cap de les AFPs produïdes en este treball va ser citotóxica front eritròcits de mamífer. AfpA de P. expansum seguida d'AfpB de P. digitatum van ser les AFPs més actives contra fongs filamentosos, incloent patògens de plantes i humans, productors de micotoxines i els seus propis productors, una característica prèviament no descrita per a les AFPs. A més, AfpA de P. expansum i AfpB de P. digitatum van protegir front la infecció causada pel fong Botrytis cinerea en plantes de tomaca, i l'AfpA de P. expansum va protegir front P. digitatum en fruits de taronja. Estos resultats confirmen la nostra hipòtesi anterior de que les AFPs són bones candidates per al desenvolupament d'antifúngics en protecció / [EN] Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are promising antifungal alternatives to the fungicides used in agriculture. However, the high cost of chemical synthesis and the difficulties of large-scale production have limited their application. Antifungal proteins (AFPs) are a group of natural, small, cationic, secreted, cysteine-rich AMPs that offer a great potential to develop new biomolecules for the control of phytopathogenic fungi. AFPs are naturally present in filamentous fungi, are very stable, and can be produced in large amounts. However, the biological role of these AFPs in their producer fungus is still unclear. In this thesis, we first studied the diversity of AFPs in ascomycetous genomes and proposed a new classification in three different classes (A, B and C). Penicillium digitatum is the main citrus postharvest pathogen and encodes only one AFP from class B in its genome (AfpB), while Penicillium expansum is the main pome postharvest pathogen and encodes one AFP from each class (AfpA, AfpB and AfpC). In this work, we report the identification, efficient biotechnological production and characterization of these four AFPs. We characterized the biological role of the afpB gene in P. digitatum by the study of its gene expression pattern and the generation of null and constitutive expression mutants. Results indicated that afpB is dispensable for the biology and life cycle of this fungus, although expression of the afpB gene under the constitutive Aspergillus nidulans gpdA promoter is detrimental to growth and virulence to citrus. Surprisingly, neither the wild type nor the constitutive strains produced detectable amounts of AfpB in spite of the high afpB gene expression. Molecular modeling and rational design allowed us to predict the AfpB tertiary structure and design synthetic peptides to map antifungal motifs within the AfpB primary sequence. We confirmed that the cationic exposed loops L2 and L3 showed moderate antifungal activity and that they can act synergistically. With the objective of the biotechnological production of AfpB, we used an AFP expression cassette based on the promoter and terminator regions of the well-studied paf gene from Penicillium chrysogenum, which naturally produces high amounts of its own protein PAF. This paf cassette worked efficiently in P. digitatum and allowed the homologous production of AfpB. Data also showed that the signal peptide (SP) and pro-peptide sequences of the translated SP-Pro-AfpB do not determine protein production. We also demonstrated the thermal stability and resistance to proteolytic cleavage of the P. digitatum AfpB, and provided data that suggest that tertiary structure is not required for antifungal activity. Similar to P. digitatum, none of the three AFPs were detected in supernatants of cultures of P. expansum in rich medium. By contrast, AfpA was produced with very high yields in P. expansum cultures in minimal medium. To complete the repertoire of AFPs from P. expansum we produced the three AFPs from P. expansum (AfpA, AfpB and AfpC) in P. chrysogenum with the use of the paf cassette. With this combined approach, the three P. expansum proteins were successfully produced, purified and characterized. None of the four AFPs produced in this work were cytotoxic against mammal erythrocytes. The P. expansum AfpA followed by the P. digitatum AfpB were the most active AFPs against filamentous fungi, including plant and human pathogens, mycotoxin-producer fungi, and their own producers, a feature that had not been previously described for AFPs. Moreover, AfpA from P. expansum and AfpB from P. digitatum protected against fungal infection caused by Botrytis cinerea in tomato plants, and additionally the P. expansum AfpA protected against P. digitatum in orange fruits. These results confirm our previous hypothesis that AFPs are good candidates for the development of antifungals in plant protection and postharvest conservation, but also in clinic or food preservation. / Garrigues Cubells, SM. (2018). Producción y utilización Biotecnológica de nuevas proteínas antifúngicas de hongos filamentosos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/113162 / Compendio

The association and transmission of Leptographium procerum (Kendr.) wing., by root feeding insects in Christmas tree plantations

Nevill, Ralph John Leslie 12 October 2005 (has links)
Procerum root disease (PRD), caused by Leptographium procerum (Kendr.) Wingf., is the most serious problem facing Christmas tree growers of eastern white pine, (Pinus strobus L.). Limited studies have shown an association between PRD affected trees and insect infestations, and L. procerum has been recovered from field collected insects. The objectives of this study were to demonstrate the association of L. procerum with the life cycle of potential insect vectors and determine if the insect associates could transmit the fungus to healthy trees. To study the association of PRD with potential insect vectors, PRD symptomatic trees from 4 Christmas tree plantations were excavated and examined monthly, June - September in 1988 and 1989, and April - September 1990. Potential insect vectors were collected weekly in baited pit-fall traps placed in: 1) paired plots placed in asymptomatic and symptomatic areas of PRD symptomatic plantations, 2) plots in plantations where PRD was absent, 3) plots in the headlands of plantations, 4) plots in forested areas and 5) one plot in an urban setting. Trees in the plots were also inspected for evidence of weevil feeding and for development of PRD. Larvae of two weevil species, Hylobius pales (Herbst.) and Pissodes nemorensis Germ., were recovered from 52, 42, and 43% of PRD symptomatic eastern white pine in 1988, 1989, and 1990, respectively. Hylobius pales and P. nemorensis contaminated with L. procerum were recovered from all plots. The proportion of H. pales contaminated with L. procerum was 73.0% in 1988, 86.5% in 1989 and 72.9% in 1990 while the proportion of P. nemorensis contaminated with the fungus was 17.8, 21.2 and 14.2% in 1988, 1989 and 1990, respectively. Over the three year period of the study, the proportion of PRD infected trees in the symptomatic paired plots rose from 3.6 to 29%. None of the trees in the asymptomatic plots became symptomatic. Transmission of L. procerum was determined by caging field collected and artificially infested H. pales and P. nemorensis on eastern white pine seedlings for 24 hours. To determine if transmission of the fungus during oviposition leads to contamination of the brood,field collected H. pales adults were allowed to feed and oviposit on fresh white pineee bolts. Feeding by artificially infested H. pales adults resulted in transmission of L. procerum 90 and 98% of eastern white pine seedlings in 1989 and 1990, respectively. Field collected H. pales adults transmitted the fungus to 58 and 68% of seedlings in 1989 and 1990, respectively. Artificially infested and field collected P. nemorensis adults transmitted L. procerum to 100 and 28% of the seedlings respectively. All bolts oviposited on by field collected H. pales became colonized by L. procerum and 100% of the weevils that emerged from them were contaminated with the fungus. The results from this study confirms the rules for insect transmission of a plant pathogen. / Ph. D.

Etiologic studies of Verticicladiella procera Kendr. in pine Christmas trees

Horner, W. Elliott January 1985 (has links)
Colonization of Pine Christmas trees by Verticicladiella procera Kendr. causes Procera root disease. Little is presently known regarding the pattern and effects of fungal development within colonized trees. The present studies were undertaken to elucidate the developmental pattern of the fungus in colonized trees, to gather information on possible mechanisms and physiological effects of disease development, and to explore the relationship between V. procera and other, well documented bluestain fungi. The presence of cellulose was demonstrated in the cell walls of X. procera, indicating the probable genetic relatedness of this fungus with Ophiostoma (Ceratocystis) bluestain fungi. Inoculation studies revealed that the fungus could penetrate wounded sapwood, and that colonized seedlings had lower water potentials than uncolonized seedlings. In addition, it was found that the fungus could persist in resinous stem lesions for 22 months without foliar symptoms, and resinous stem lesions with the fungus were significantly longer and deeper than wound lesions. An intensive isolation study revealed that the initial point of colonization in a tree is apparently at the root collar, progressing acropetally in both directions. Analysis of radial growth from increment cores showed that colonized trees had grown more slowly for the preceding three years than uncolonized trees. The sapwood moisture content of these cores was also significantly reduced in the colonized trees, indicating that the stem was drying out as symptoms developed. Histological examination of colonized sapwood showed that U fungal colonization of tissues progressed along rays and resin ducts, in a fashion similar to that of bluestain fungi. Permeability measurements demonstrated that symptomatic sapwood, either resin-soaked or black-stained, had significantly reduced water movement relative to asymptomatic sapwood. / Ph. D.

Overexpression and evaluation of an antimicrobial peptide from Heuchera sanguinea (Hs-AFP1) for inhibition of fungal pathogens in transgenic tabacco

De Beer, Abre 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Seed germination is the most vulnerable time in a plant's life cycle, since the thick protective seed coat ruptures and the moist and humid soil environment not only favours seed germination, but also the growth and development of plant pathogens. Infection of plant seeds during germination, however, is the exception rather than the rule. Plant seeds have - - -developed a--cemplex preformed defense mechanism that includes anttfungal agents thatdiffuse into the surrounding environment to form a protective layer around the seed. This protective layer prevents fungal and bacterial pathogens from infecting the young seedling. Over the last decade, scientists have studied the defense mechanisms of different seeds in an effort to understand and ultimately to introduce and/or manipulate these mechanisms in plants as part of the plant's endogenous disease resistance to pathogens. Various chemical compounds, peptides and proteins that showed strong in vitro activities against various fungi were isolated in these efforts. The mere demonstration of in vitro activity alone, however, is not sufficient to assign a defense role to these antifungal agents. Typically, mutant plants that have lost the ability to produce the antifungal agent, or mutants that are overproducing the agent, have been used to correlate the mutant phenotype to either a decline or increase in disease resistance respectively. Genetic transformation and the subsequent development of transgenic plants have made an unprecedented impact in this regard, specifically in understanding the role of specific defense-related proteins and their interaction with plant pathogens. In this study, the antifungal peptide, Hs-AFP1, from Heuchera sanguinea, a plant defensin, was evaluated in a heterologous in planta environment as a defense protein with potential for engineering disease resistant crops. The in vitro assays performed with Hs-AFP1 against Botrytis cinerea showed antifungal activities of 88% growth inhibition at a concentration of 8 J,lg/ml of the purified peptide, while inducing a characteristic hyperbranching effect on the Botrytis hyphae. Tobacco was subsequently transformed with a construct, pFAJ3068, expressing Hs-AFP1 under the strong constitutive 35S promoter. The peptide was targeted to the apoplastic region with the signal peptide from Mj-AMP2, an antimicrobial peptide from Mirabilis jalapa. Due to reports of peptide instability in transgenic plant systems, two additional constructs were prepared and transformed into tobacco to anticipate possible Hs-AFP1 instability in the heterologous tobacco environment. A putative peptide stabilization construct, pHs-EXG1, consisted of a fusion between Hs-AFP1 and the antifungal exo-glucanase (encoded by EXG1) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A control construct, pMj-EXG1, expressing EXG1 targeted to the apoplastic region with the Mj-AMP2 signal peptide, was also prepared and transformed into tobacco to normalize the background antifungal activity as a result of the exoglucanase in the fusion construct lines. Tobacco was successfully transformed with pFAJ3068, pHs-EXG1 and pMj-EXG1, resulting in transgenic tobacco lines designated THs, THE and TME respectively. Transgene expression was confirmed for the THs and THE transgenic lines. The translation of these transcripts into proteins was also confirmed with Western blot analysis. Moreover, the heterologous production of Hs-AFP1 in tobacco led to an increase in disease resistance to B. cinerea in the THs lines in comparison with the untransformed tobacco controls. An increase of up to 42% in disease resistance was observed in an in planta detached leaf assay. Crude protein extracts from the THs lines were also analyzed in an in vitro quantitative fungal growth assay. This assay confirmed the results obtained with the disease resistance assay, with crude protein extracts exhibiting up to 40% fungal growth inhibition. The incubation of B. cinerea in the presence of crude protein extracts from THs lines resulted in hyperbranching of the fungal hyphae, which is characteristic of Hs-AFP1 activity. From these analyses it was clear that the heterologously expressed Hs-AFP1 was quite stable in the transgenic environment. The fusion between Hs-AFP1 and EXG1 did not increase the stability of Hs-AFP1, but rather led to a loss of the Hs-AFP1 activity. All the analyses performed showed the THE lines to be reduced in their ability to inhibit fungal infection in comparison to the THs line. Also, microscopic analysis of the effects of the crude THE extracts on B. cinerea growth showed no hyperbranching activity, again confirming the loss of peptide activity due to the fusion to EXG1. This is in agreement with previous work, in which sarcotoxin 1A was fused to a reporter gene and also lost activity. Although integration of the Mj-EXG1 expression cassette was confirmed, no mRNA levels could be detected with Northern blot or RT-PCR analysis of the TME lines. These lines also did not show any in vitro antifungal activities, probably indicating post-transcriptional gene silencing. This silencing was overcome in the fusion constructs that were expressed in the THE plant lines. These lines also showed EXG1 protein activity, as measured by ~-glucosidase assays. Although the THE lines did not serve the functions originally envisaged, they fortuitously showed that a fusion strategy might stabilize glucanase expression in a transgenic environment. A variety of glucanases have been shown to be prone to gene silencing when overexpressed in a plant environment and the yeast glucanase can now be added to that list if it is not present as a fusion protein. Overall, this study confirmed that Hs-AFP1 is involved in plant defense systems and provided valuable information on the stability of small peptides in a heterologous environment. The positive results obtained with overexpressed Hs-AFP1 on fungal inhibition in this study merits further investigations into the use of this peptide in the engineering of disease-resistant crops. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Saadontkieming is die mees vatbare tyd vir siekteontwikkeling gedurende 'n plant se lewenssiklus. Die saadhuid bars en die vogtige grondkondisies bevoordeel nie net saadontkieming nie, maar ook die groei en ontwikkeling van plantpatogene. Infeksie van plantsade tydens ontkieming is egter die uitsondering eerder as die reël. Plantsade besit komplekse -veraeaigingsfueganfsmes-reen moontlike - patoqeeninteksies. Die meqanismes sluit die produksie van antifungiese agense, wat tydens saadontkieming na die omliggende omgewing diffundeer om 'n beskermende sone om die ontkiemende saad te vorm, in. Die gevolglike antifungiese sone beskerm die saad teen infeksie deur bakterieë en swamme. Gedurende die laaste dekade het navorsers baie aandag aan die bestudering van plantsaadverdedigingsmeganismes gegee. Dié kennis word gebruik om die verdedigingsmeganismes beter te verstaan, asook om dié meganismes te manipuleer en/of oor te dra aan plantspesies met inherente swak weerstandsmeganismes wat gereeld aan plantpatogeeninfeksies onderhewig is. Navorsing op plantsade het tot die isolasie van verskeie chemiese agense, peptiede en proteïene, wat sterk in vitro aktiwiteite teen 'n wye reeks swampatogene vertoon, gelei. Die vermoë van dié agense om swamme in 'n in vitro omgewing te inhibeer, is alleen egter nie 'n bewys dat hulle 'n rol in plantverdeging speel nie. Studies waar mutante gebruik word, is gewens om addisionele bewys te lewer dat die substanse 'n rol in plantverdediging vervul. Sodanige mutante sluit plantlyne, waarin die geen van belang gemuteer is of ooruitgedruk word om so die rol van die geen in 'n in planta omgewing te bepaal in. In hierdie toepassings het genetiese transformasie en die daarstelling van transgeniese plante 'n ongeëwenaarde bydrae gelewer. In dié studie is die antifungiese peptied, Hs-AFP1, wat aan die peptiedgroep van plant- "defensins" behoort en van Heuchera sanguine a afkomstig is, in 'n heteroloë in planta omgewing geëvalueer as 'n verdedigingspeptied met die potensiaal om in die generering van transgeniese siektebestande gewasse gebruik te word. Die antifungiese aktiwiteit van Hs-AFP1 is teen Botrytis cinerea in 'n in vitro reaksie geëvalueer, waar die toediening van 8 ,",g/mlgesuiwerde Hs-AFP1 peptied aanleiding gegee het tot 'n 88% afname in hifegroei van B. cinerea. Hipervertakkings van swamhifes, 'n kenmerkende eienskap van Hs-AFP1 aktiwiteit, kon duidelik waargeneem word. Tabakplante is voorts getransformeer met 'n konstruk, pFAJ3068, wat die koderende geen van Hs-AFP1 onder die sterk konstitutiewe CaMV 35S promotor bevat het. Die peptied is met behulp van die seinpeptied wat afkomstig is van die Mirabilis jalapa antimikrobiese peptied, Mj-AMP2, na die apoplastiese omgewing geteiken. Voorheen is gerapporteer dat transgeniese peptiede in die heteroloë omgewing soms onstabiel is. Dit het gelei tot die generering van twee addisionele konstrukte om die moontlikheid van peptiedonstabiliteit te ondervang. 'n Stabiliseringskonstruk, pHs-EXG1, bestaande uit In versmelting tussen Hs-AFP1 en In antifungiese eksoglukanase van Saccharomyces cerevisiae, gekodeer deur EXG1, is in tabakplante getransformeer. In Kontrolekonstruk, pMj-EXG1, met die EXG1-geen saam met die Mj-AMP2-seinpeptied, is ook voorberei en in tabakplante getransformeer. Dit is gebruik om die antifungiese aktiwiteit van die eksoglukanase in die antifungiese aktiwiteitstoetse van die stabiliseringskonstruk te kwantifiseer en te normaliseer. Tabak is suksesvol met pFAJ3068, pHs-EXG1 en pMj-EXG1 getransformeer, wat onderskeidelik gelei het tot die sogenaamde THs, THE en TME transgeniese tabaklyne. Transgeentranskripsie en -translasie in die THs en THE tabaklyne is onderskeidelik deur Noordelike- en Westelike-kladanalises bevestig. Die aktiewe uitdrukking van Hs-AFP1 het die vermoë van tabakplante om B. cinerea infeksies te weerstaan, met tot 42% verhoog in vergelyking met ongetransformeerde kontrole tabakplante tydens 'n in planta siekteweerstandstoets. Totale proteïenekstrakte van THs tabaklyne is voorts ook in In in vitro inhibisietoets geëvalueer, wat gelei het tot resultate wat goed met dié van die in planta toetse ooreenstem. Die totale proteïenekstrakte het swamgroei met 40% geïnhibeer en die kenmerkende hipervertakking van Hs-AFP1-aktiwiteit is ook mikroskopies waargeneem. Resultate wat verkry is vanaf al die analises wat op die transgeniese THs tabaklyne uitgevoer is, het aangedui dat Hs-AFP1 baie stabiel in die heteroloë tabakomgewing is en peptiedstabiliteit was dus nie In probleem, soos verwag is nie. Die fusie tussen Hs-AFP1 en EXG1 het dus nie die stabiliteit van die reeds stabiele Hs-AFP1 peptied verder verbeter nie, maar het wel tot die verlies van Hs-AFP1 aktiwiteit gelei. Die antifungiese analises van die THE tabaklyne het verder bevestig dat dié lyne selfs swakker inhibisie van B. cinereainfeksies tot gevolg gehad het, as ongetransformeerde tabakplante. Mikroskopiese analises van totale THE proteïenekstrakte het voorts ook geen kenmerkende hipervertakkings in die swamhifes vertoon nie, wat alles daarop dui dat die Hs-AFP1-deel van die fusieproteïen as gevolg van die fusie met EXG1 geïnaktiveer is. Dié resultaat is in lyn met vorige navorsing, wat getoon het dat In ander peptied, sarcotoxin 1A, sy antifungiese aktiwiteit verloor indien dit met In verklikkergeen versmelt word. Alhoewel integrasie van die pMj-EXG1-konstruk in die TME-tabaklyne bevestig is, kon geen mRNA met Noordelike-klad- of trutranskriptase-PKR (RT-PKR)-analises waargeneem word nie. Die TME plant het ook geen antifungiese aktiwiteit in in vitro toetse getoon nie en dit het geblyk dat die pMj-EXG1-konstruk aan geenafskakeling in die heteroloë tabakomgewing onderworpe was. Dié afskakelingseffek is egter in die THE plante oorkom, aangesien laasgenoemde sterk EXG1 proteïenaktiwiteit met J3-glukosidase aktiwiteitstoetse vertoon het. Alhoewel die THE plante nie die stabiliteit van Hs-AFP1 verbeter het nie, het dit onwerwags tot die stabilisering van EXG1 in In heteroloë omgewing gelei. Versmeltingstegnologie kan dus moontlik gebruik word as 'n strategie om ander glukanases, wat bekend is vir geenafskakeling in transgeniese omgewings, heteroloog uit te druk. In die geheel gesien, het dié studie getoon dat Hs-AFP1 'n onbetwiste rol in plantverdedigingsmeganismes speel en daar is voorts ook meer kennis oor die stabiliteit van peptiede in 'n heteraloë plantomgewing ingewin. Die positiewe resultate t.o.v. die verhoogde siekteweerstand in die transgeniese THs plantlyne regverdig ook die verdere bestudering van dié peptied om transgeniese siekteweerstand in gewasse te bewerkstellig.

Characterization and pathogenicity of South African isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis

Schreuder, Wouter 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Agric))--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to characterize the race and vegetative compatibility of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis (FOM) isolates collected in the major melon producing areas, to report on their geographical distribution, and their possible relatedness to isolates from other countries. Seventy two FOM isolates obtained from 30 fields in 17 melon producing regions were race-typed using the differential cultivars Topmark (susceptible to all races), Doublon (Fomi), CM 17187 (Fom2) and Perlita (Fom3) and grouped by means of vegetative compatibility. All isolates belonged to vegetative compatibility group 0134, indicating a high degree of genetic homogeneity among the South African FOM population. Fifty four isolates were identified as race 0, eight as race 1, and 10 as race 2. Race 0 occurred in 15 of the regions whereas race 1 was sporadically recovered. Race 2, on the other hand, was obtained only from four fields located in one geographical region. Perlita plants (carrying the gene Fom3) inoculated with local isolates ofrace 0 and race 2 and reference isolates of race 0 became stunted, their leaves turned yellow, and became thickened and brittle. These results suggested that Fom3 in Perlita confers a tolerant reaction compared to the resistant reaction of gene FornI in Doublon. The disease reaction of cultivar Perlita to FOM was therefore reinvestigated. Twenty isolates, including the four FOM races (0, 1, 2, and 1,2) obtained from different countries, were used. The differential cultivars were included to verify virulence of the isolates. Perlita plants inoculated with three isolates of race 2 remained asymptomatic. The remaining race 2 and 0 isolates, induced severe stunting of Perlita plants, but mean percentage stunting values did not differ significantly (P = 0.05) and ranged between 25.1 and 50.0. Leaves of stunted plants were chlorotic, thickened and brittle. Disease reaction of Perlita was verified at a lower inoculum concentration with two race 2 (pipette method) and two race 0 isolates (root dip method). Results proved that Fom3 does not confer similar resistance towards race 0 and some race 2 isolates as FornI in Doublon. Cultivars possessing Fom3, should therefore be considered tolerant to FOM races 0 and 2. The ability of a nit mutant isolate, generated from FOM race 0 which belongs to VCG 0134, to change its virulence during infection of melon plants, was investigated under quarantine. Seedlings of melon cultivars Imperial 45 and Early Sweet (no resistance genes), Amber (Fom2) and Fiata (FomI, Fom2) were consecutively grown in two cement troughs in a gauzehouse. Each planting was terminated when plants had advanced Fusarium wilt or after the fruit were harvested. In the first planting, Imperial 45 seedlings were transplanted and artificially inoculated with the nil mutant isolate. In the consecutive plantings, seeds were sown in the infested soil to enable natural infection. For each crop, representative plants showing Fusarium wilt were selected for isolation. All F. oxysporum isolates recovered were single-spored and their nit mutant and VCG status verified. Virulence of the labelled isolates was determined using differential cultivars. In trough A, all plants of the susceptible cultivars Imperial 45 and Early Sweet crops showed Fusarium wilt. The labelled isolates recovered from the selected plants were all designated race O. In the first crop (planting No.5) of the resistant cultivar Amber, 6.7% of the plants developed Fusarium wilt. In the second Amber crop the disease incidence increased to 56.6%, and to 81.8% in the final crop. Contrary to the susceptible cultivars, only race 2 isolates were obtained from the symptomatic Amber plants. Similar data were found with the susceptible cultivar Imperial 45 and the resistant cultivar Amber in trough B. Planting of Fiata caused a dramatic reduction in Fusarium wilt incidence in trough B. However, 1.2% of plants were affected by Fusarium wilt in the first Fiata crop (planting No.6), whereas 4% of the plants were symptomatic in the final planting. From these symptomatic Fiata plants only race 1,2 isolates were obtained. These findings, and the fact that the symptomatic plants represented a substantial proportion of the first Amber (approximately 7-15%) and Fiata (approximately 2%) crops, provedthat changes in the race structure of this fungal pathogen occurred rapidly when confronted with a resistant cultivar. The potential of RAPD analysis to differentiate between the isolates displaying virulence changes was evaluated. Four F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum isolates were included as an outgroup. A histopathological study was conducted to verify whether these isolates retain their ability to behave as true vascular pathogens. The three primers used clearly distinguished the 12 FOM isolates from the four F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum isolates. However, the primers showed a highly conserved and characteristic banding pattern for the FOM isolates which represented three physiological races (race 0, race 2, race 1,2), indicating that RAPD analysis cannot detect race-specific groupings in FOM. Disease reactions on the three differential cultivars confirmed the virulence of FOM isolates. The histopathological data furthermore proved that the two FOM races (race 2, race 1,2), which derived from the race 0 parent isolate, retained their ability to behave as true vascular pathogens. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DIE KARAKTERISERING EN PATOGENESITEIT VAN SUID-AFRIKAANSE ISOLATE VAN FUSARIUMOXYSPORUMF. SP.MELONIS Die doel van die studie was om Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis (FOM) isolate wat in die hoof spanspekproduserende gebiede versamel is, volgens ras en vegetatiewe verenigbaarheid te karakteriseer, en hul geografiese verspreiding en verwantskap met isolate van ander lande aan te dui. Twee en sewentig FOM isolate afkomstig vanaf 30 landerye wat 17 spanspekproduserende areas verteenwoordig, is gebruik. Die differensiële kultivars Topmark (vatbaar vir alle rasse), Doublon (Forni), CM 17187 (Fom2) en Perlita (Fond) is gebruik om die rasbepalings te doen asook om die vegetatiewe verenigbare groepe (VVG) te bepaal. Al die isolate is as VVG 0134 geklassifiseer, wat 'n hoë mate van genetiese homogenesiteit binne die Suid-Afrikaanse populasie aandui. Vier en vyftig isolate is as ras 0, agt as ras 1 en 10 as ras 2 geklassifiseer. Ras 0 is vanaf 15 gebiede afkomstig, terwyl ras 1 sporadies voorgekom het. Ras 2 is vanuit vier landerye binne dieselfde geografiese gebied verkry. Plante van die kultivar Perlita wat met plaaslike isolate van ras 0 en 2, asook verwysings-isolate van ras 0 geïnokuleer is, het verdwerg voorgekom. Die blare van die plante het vergeel, verdik en bros voorgekom. Hierdie siekte reaksie het aangedui dat Fond in Perlita toleransie bewerkstellig in teenstelling met die weerstandbiedende reaksie van geen Fomi in Doublon. Die siekte reaksie van Perlita teenoor FOM is dus verder ondesoek. Hiervoor is 20 isolate wat al vier FOM rasse insluit (0, 1, 2, en 1,2), en van verskillende wêrelddele afkomstig is, gebruik. Die virulensie van die isolate is met die differensiële kultivars bevestig. Drie van die ras 2 isolate het geen siektesimptome op Perlita veroorsaak nie. Die ander ras 2 isolate, en al die ras 0 isolate, het egter die Perlita plante aansienlik verdwerg en die blare vergeel en verdik. Laasgenoemde groep isolate het 'n gemiddelde verdwergingsindeks van tussen 25.1% en 50.0% veroorsaak. Die siekte reaksie by Perlita is verder bevestig deur plante teen 'n laer inokulumdigtheid van twee ras 2 (pipet metode), en twee ras 0 (wortel-doop metode) isolate, te inokuleer. Uit die resultate was dit duidelik dat die weerstand wat Fom3 teenoor ras 0 en sommige ras 2 isolate verskaf, van FornI verskil. Kultivars wat oor die weerstandsgeen Fom3 beskik moet dus as tolerant beskou word. 'n Ondersoek is geloods na die vermoë van 'n nil mutant isolaat, genereer vanaf die wilde ras 0 isolaat van FOM (VVG 0134), om onder kwarantyn sy virulensie gedurende infeksie van spanspekplante te verander. Saailinge van die spanspekkultivars Early Sweet (geen weerstandsgene), Amber (Fom2) en Fiata (FornI, Fom2) is opeenvolgens in twee sement trêe in 'n gaashuis verbou. Die afsonderlike aanplantings is beëindig sodra gevorderde Fusarium-verwelksimptome verkry is, of nadat vrugte ge-oes is. Vir die eerste aanplanting is oorgeplante Imperial 45 saailinge kunsmatig met die nil mutant isolaat geïnokuleer. Tydens die opeenvolgende aanplantings is saad direk in die besmette grond gesaai ten einde natuurlike infeksie te verkry. Met elke aanplanting is isolasies gedoen vanaf verteenwoordigende plante wat Fusarium-verwelksimptome getoon het. Alle F. oxysporum isolate wat verkry is, is ge-enkelspoor en hul nit mutant status en VVG is bevestig. Virulensie van die gemerkte isolate is bepaal deur inokulasie van die differensiële kultivars. Alle plante van die vatbare Imperial 45 en Early Sweet kultivars wat in trog A geplant is, het Fusarium-verwelksimptome getoon. Die gemerkte isolate wat vanaf die verteenwoordigende plante verkry is, is almal as ras 0 geklassifiseer. Tydens die eerste aanplanting van die weerstandbiedende kultivar, Amber (aanplanting No.5), het 6.7% van die plante Fusarium-verwe1ksimptome ontwikkel. Tydens die tweede en derde aanplanting van Amber het die frekwensie van siektevoorkoms verhoog na 56.6% en 81.8 %, onderskeidelik. In teenstelling met die vatbare kultivars, is slegs ras 2 vanuit die Amber plante met siektesimptome verkry. Soortgelyke resultate is met Imperial 45 en Amber in trog B verkry. Aanplanting van kultivar Fiata het egter 'n dramatiese verlaging in die voorkoms van Fusarium-verwelk bewerkstellig. Tydens die eerste Fiata aanplanting (aanplanting No.6) het 1.2% plante Fusarium-verwelksimptome ontwikkel, en 4% tydens die laaste aanplanting. Vanaf hierdie plante is slegs ras 1,2 isolate verkry. Hierdie bevindings, en die feit dat 'n aansienlike hoeveelheid van die Amber (ongeveer 7-15%) en Fiata plante (ongeveer 2%) siektesimptome getoon het, bewys dat FOM vinnig van virulensie verander wanneer die patogeen 'n weerstanbiedende kultivar infekteer. Die vermoë van RAPD analise om tussen isolate wat in virulensie verander het, te onderskei, is ondersoek. Vier isolate van F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum is as 'n buite-groep ingesluit. Om te bevestig dat die isolate wat van ras verander het wel egte vaskulêre patogene is, is 'n histopatologiese ondersoek gedoen. Die drie inleiers wat gebruik is, het die 12 FOM isolate duidelik van die vier F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum isolate onderskei. Die 12 FOM isolate wat drie fiosologiese rasse (ras 0, ras 2, ras 1,2) verteenwoordig het, is egter saam gegroepeer, wat aandui dat hierdie metode nie tussen rasse van FOM kan onderskei nie. Inokulasiestudies met die differensiële kultivars het die virulensie van die isolate bevestig. Die histopatologiese ondersoek het verder bewys dat beide FOM rasse (ras 2, ras 1,2) wat vanaf die wilde tipe ras ° isolaat ontstaan het, hul vermoë behou het om as egte vaskulêre patogene op te tree.

Ação de fungicidas e indutores de resistência no controle da requeima e pinta preta na cultura da batata / Fungicides and resistance inductors action in the control of late and early blight in potato crops

Tofoli, Jesus Guerino 08 April 2011 (has links)
A requeima, causada pelo oomiceto Phytophthora infestans e a pinta preta, causada pelo fungo Alternaria solani, estão entre as doenças mais importantes e destrutivas da cultura da batata no Brasil e no mundo. Considerando a importância do controle químico em sistemas integrados e a necessidade de se conhecer detalhadamente o desempenho de fungicidas e indutores de resistência visando à sustentabilidade da produção, o presente estudo objetivou caracterizar e comparar a ação preventiva, residual, curativa, anti-esporulante e resistência à chuva de fungicidas em condições controladas, bem como, avaliar em campo o potencial de controle de fungicidas e indutores de resistência e seus reflexos sobre a produtividade total e comercial de tubérculos. Todos os fungicidas promoveram elevada ação preventiva contra a requeima e a pinta preta. Os fungicidas sistêmicos ou com alta tenacidade proporcionaram controle das duas doenças até os 12 DAP, enquanto que os fungicidas translaminares até os 9 DAP. Quanto à ação curativa e anti-esporulante destacaram-se principalmente os fungicidas sistêmicos aplicados até as 24 horas após a inoculação (HAI). Os fungicidas translaminares foram capazes de inibir a requeima quando aplicados até 12 HAI e os de contato destacaram-se apenas para ação preventiva. Semelhantemente, os fungicidas sistêmicos, translaminares ou com alta tenacidade foram os menos afetados pela chuva simulada. O aumento do tempo de secagem promoveu uma maior retenção ou absorção dos produtos reduzindo o impacto negativo da precipitação. Os melhores níveis de controle, produtividade e qualidade de tubérculos foram obtidos com os fungicidas mandipropamida+clorotalonil, fluopicolida+propamocarbe, dimetomorfe+ametoctradina, mandipropamida, fenamidona+propamocarbe, bentiavalicarbe+ fluazinam, seguidos de dimetomorfe+clorotalonil mefenoxam+clorotalonil e famoxadona+ cimoxanil+mancozebe para requeima e azoxistrobina+difenoconazol, picoxistrobina, piraclostrobina+metconazol, trifloxistrobina+tebuconazol, azoxistrobina, boscalida+ piraclostrobina, iprodiona+pirimetanil e ciprodinil para pinta preta. Acibenzolar-s-metílico (ASM) reduziu a severidade da requeima e da pinta preta, porém, promoveu aumento da produtividade, apenas no campo de requeima. O fosfito de potássio (FP) também reduziu a severidade da requeima, no entanto, não influenciou na produtividade. Com exceção de mandipropamida, a adição de ASM à mefenoxam+mancozebe, cimoxanil+mancozebe e mancozebe promoveu aumento do controle da requeima, no entanto, apenas quando em mistura com mancozebe proporcionou aumento na produtividade. A adição de FP à mandipropamida, mefenoxam+mancozebe, cimoxanil+mancozebe, mancozebe e de ASM à azoxistrobina e difenoconazol não refletiu no controle da requeima, da pinta preta e na produtividade, respectivamente. Mancozebe e ASM não diferiram quanto severidade, progresso da pinta preta e produtividade, porém mancozebe+ASM foi superior ao ASM. A adição de ASM a programas de aplicação reduziu a requeima e a pinta preta e incrementou a produtividade apenas quando adicionados a programas onde prevaleceram fungicidas translaminares e de contato. O FP não influenciou nenhum dos programas testados para requeima. / Late blight, caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans and early blight, caused by the fungus Alternaria solani, are among the most destructive diseases of potato crops in Brazil and worldwide. Considering the importance of the chemical control on integrated systems and the need for detailed knowledge of the performance of resistance inducers and fungicides targeting the sustainability of production, the present study aimed to:1- characterize and compare the preemptive, residual, curative, antisporulative action and rain resistance of fungicides under controlled conditions; 2-: evaluate, under field conditions, the control potential of fungicides and resistance inductors and their effects on the total and commercial yield of potato tubers. All fungicides tested provided a high pre-emptive action against late and early blight. The systemic fungicides or high tenacity ones provided control of both diseases until 12 days after application, while translaminar ones until 9 days after application. As for the curative and anti-sporulative action, the systemic fungicides stand out when applied until 24 hours postinoculation, while the translaminar ones inhibited late blight when applied until 12 hours postinoculation. The contact fungicides stand out concerning pre-emptive action only. Similarly, systemic, translaminar and high tenacity fungicides were less affected by the simulated rain. An increase in drying time promoted higher retention and absorption of the products, so decreasing the negative precipitation impact. The better levels of control, yield and tubers quality were reached with the use of the following fungicides in the control of late blight: mandipropamid+chlorothalonil, fluopicolide+propamocarb, dimetomorph+ametoctradin, mandipropamid, fenamidone+ propamocarb, bentiavalicarb+fluazinam, followed by dimetomorph+chlorothalonil, mefenoxam+ chlorothalonil and famoxadone+cymoxanil+mancozeb. In the control of early blight the most efficient were: azoxystrobin+difenoconazole, pycoxystrobin, pyraclostrobin+metconazole, trifloxystrobin+tebuconazole, azoxystrobin, boscalid+pyraclostrobin, iprodione+pyrimethanil and cyprodinil. Acibenzolar-s-methyl (ASM) reduced the severity of late and early blight, but promoted an increase in the tuber yield only in late blight affected field. Potassium phosphite (Pp) also reduced the severity of late blight, although it did not have influenced the yield. Except for mandipropamid, the addition of ASM to mefenoxam+mancozebe, cymoxanil+mancozeb or mancozeb led to a better control of late blight, but only when mixed with mancozeb it promoted increase in the yield. Addition of Pp to mandipropamid, mefenoxam+mancozeb, cymoxanil+mancozeb, mancozeb and ASM to azoxystrobin, difenoconazole did not result either in the control of late and early blight or in an increase of yield. Mancozeb and ASM did not differ as for severity, progress of late blight and increasing yield, but however, mancozeb+ASM had a superior efficiency than ASM. Addition of ASM to application programs reduced late and early blight and increased yield only when added to programs in which prevailed translaminar and contact fungicides. Pp did not influenced any of the tested programs against late blight.

Actinobactérias da rizosfera de Araucaria angustifolia com potencial biotecnológico / Rhizosphere Actinobacteria from Araucaria angustifolia with biotechnological potential

Vasconcellos, Rafael Leandro de Figueiredo 31 October 2008 (has links)
A espécie Araucaria angustifolia, pertencente ao fragilizado Bioma Mata Atlântica, foi, durante décadas, uma das maiores fontes de madeira no Brasil. Essa espécie é de grande importância sendo fonte de alimento e matéria prima para a produção de móveis, polpa de celulose e vernizes. Devido à grande importância econômica e ambiental da araucária, estudos voltados à preservação e manejo da espécie se tornaram necessários. Este trabalho teve como finalidade isolar actinobactérias, presentes na rizosfera de araucária, antagônicos aos fungos Fusarium sp .e Armillaria sp. Estes patógenos são responsáveis por danos às raízes e sementes causando podridão e perda de mudas. Além disso, verificou-se também o efeito das actinobactérias sobre a germinação de esporos de Gigaspora rosea. Após a seleção dos melhores inibidores, identificação morfológica e seqüenciamento do gene 16S rRNA, verificou-se o efeito destes sobre o crescimento de Pinus taeda, na presença e na ausência do fungo ectomicorrízico (Suillus brevipes). Os isolados ainda foram avaliados quanto à produção de enzimas como quitinase, lipase, fosfatase, celulase, amilase e protease. Para o isolamento foram coletadas raízes de 15 árvores adultas presentes na mata nativa. Dez gramas de raízes frescas com resíduos de solo aderidos firmemente foram agitados por 30 minutos em solução salina 0,85 % padronizando como solo rizosférico aquele que soltou das raízes. Neste isolamento foram utilizadas duas metodologias: por plaqueamento e por separação física pela utilização de membrana de 0,45 micrômetros. Foram obtidos 33 possíveis actinobactérias. Os isolados foram testados quanto à capacidade antagônica pelo método de contato direto, inoculando-os a 30 mm de distância do fungo fitopatogênico Fusarium sp., em placas de petri contendo meio ISP2. Os halos de inibição foram medidos após 3, 5, 7 e 10 dias. De todos os isolados testados 6 mantiveram a inibição por 10 dias com manutenção de halos de inibição de até 4 mm contra um Fusarium sp. isolado de sementes de milho e 2 foram eficientes na inibição de Fusarium sp, patógeno de Pinus sp. A análise de inibição do fungo Armillaria sp, foi feito em meio líquido medindo o crescimento em mg/dia após 30 dias na presença de extratos de actinobactérias e também pela contagem de rizomorfas em placa de petri após 20 dias de incubação em contato direto com as actinobactérias. Verificou-se que de 28 isolados testados 24 foram capazes de inibir a produção de rizomorfas, destacando-se o isolado A43 que foi capaz de inibir ambos os fungos, Fusarium e Armillaria. Os esporos de Gigaspora rosea tiveram a taxa de germinação avaliada na presença de actinobactérias a partir da técnica de dupla camada. Todos os seis isolados testados foram capazes de estimular a germinação dos esporos desse fungo micorrizico. Nenhum dos seis isolados (A43, A43b, PNA, A64, A75 e A93) foi capaz de produzir fosfatases e lipases. Porém os isolados A93, A75, A64 e PNA produziram protease, quitinase e amilase. Em casa de vegetação, foi testado o efeito de seis isolados, na presença e não ausência de ectomicorriza (Suillus brevipes), sobre plântulas de Pinus taeda. Analisou-se o diâmetro, a altura, a massa seca da raiz e da parte aérea e também o fósforo da parte aérea. Destaca-se o isolado A43 que, quando na ausência de ectomicorriza, estimulou o desenvolvimento da planta em relação ao controletambém sem ectomicorriza, provocando aumento de 100 % para massa seca da parte aérea e da raiz. Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho poderão levar ao desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias, visando à identificação de novos metabólitos e novas técnicas de manejo, voltados ao controle de doenças de plantas, especialmente as espécies arbóreas. / The tree Araucaria angustifolia, belonging to the endangered Atlantic Forest biome, for many decades was the source of Brazilian wood. This species is also very important in providing food and feed, as well as raw material for joinery, cellulose pulp and varnish. Due to the economic and environmental importance of A. angustifolia, research projects involving the preservation and management of this species are becoming more urgent and necessary. The aim of this work was to isolate Araucaria rhizosphere actinobacteria with antagonic effects against the plant pathogens Fusarium sp. and Armillaria sp. These fungi cause root rot and seed damage, with the consequent loss of seedlings. Moreover, the effect of these actinobacteria on Gigaspora rosea spore germination was studied. After the selection of the best pathogen inhibitors, we also tested the effect of these microorganisms on Pinus taeda growth, in the presence or absence of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus brevipes. The production of protease, chitinase, lipase, phosphatase, cellulase and amylase of these bacteria in culture media was also investigated. For the isolation of rhizosphere bacteria, we collected roots of 15 adult trees in a native forest. Ten grams of fresh roots with soil residues adhered to the surface were shaken in 0,85 % salt solution for 30 minutes. Two techniques were used, the dilution plate method and the coverage of the medium, utilizing a 0,45 µm membrane to separate these filamentous bacteria. About 33 actinobacteria were isolated. After isolation the actinobacteria were tested against the plant pathogenic fungi Fusarium spp., utilizing dual culture techniques and ISP2 medium. The inhibition halo was measured after 3, 5, 7 and 10 days. Six of our isolates maintained an inhibition zone measuring at least 4 mm against Fusarium sp. isolated from corn seed and 2 mm against the Fusarium, which causes root root of Pine trees. For the inhibition test of Armillaria, in liquid medium with the addition of culture extracts of actinobacteria, the growth in mg/day was measured after thirty days growth, and the number of rizomorphs produced in culture dishes after twenty days in dual culture with the actinobacteria was counted. Six bacteria proved to be antagonistic (A43, A43b, A64, PNA, A93 e A75), and only one had no effect. Possibly the elevation of the pH value played also a role in this situation. About 24 of 28 isolates inhibited the rizomorph production, especially the isolate A43 that showed a double antagonism against Fusarium and Armillaria. The dual layer test was used to investigate the reaction of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora rosea spore germination to the presence of actinobacteria. All the six actinobacteria stimulated the germination, but the germ tube did not grow straight forward as in the control. This result may indicate a negative effect against this arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. None of the six isolates tested (A43, A43b, PNA, A64, A75 and A93) produced phosphatases and lipases, but A93, A75, A64 and PNA produced protease, amylase and chitinase. Isolates A43 and A43b did not produce any of the enzymes tested. This fact suggests that there is production of an antibiotic acting against the pathogenic fungi. Pinus taeda seedlings were grown under green-house conditions. After three months the stem diameter, shoot height, root and shoot dry weight and shoot phosphorus content were evaluated. Plants with ectomycorrhiza presented a significant growth promotion in comparison with the nonmycorrhizal ones. Among the actinobacteria in the absence of mycorrhiza only the isolate A43 produced a 100% growth enhancement in comparison with the control plant without ectomycorrhiza. The results presented in this dissertation could lead to the development of new technologies and new management techniques, with regard to the control of plant diseases, especially in tree species.

Identificação de genes envolvidos na defesa contra patógenos no banco de dados do CitEST e em macroarranjos da interação Citrus sinensis-Guignardia citricarpa / Identification of genes involved in defense against pathogens in the CitEST databank and in macroarrays of Citrus sinensis-Guignardia citricarpa interaction

Guidetti-Gonzalez, Simone 07 May 2009 (has links)
A citricultura brasileira concentra-se principalmente no Estado de São Paulo que contribui com 80,4 % da produção nacional, sendo o Brasil um dos maiores produtores mundiais de citros. Um dos problemas enfrentados pela citricultura é a sua vulnerabilidade a pragas e doenças, devido principalmente a baixa diversidade genética nas variedades comerciais utilizadas, associada ao sistema de plantio em áreas extensas. Uma das doenças que vem causando crescentes prejuízos para a citricultura brasileira é a pinta preta ou mancha preta dos citros causada pelo fungo Guignardia citricarpa Kiely. O uso de conhecimentos de biologia molecular e métodos biotecnológicos devem ser considerados como importante alternativa para a produção de plantas geneticamente modificadas expressando genes de resistência. Para se obter plantas de citros resistentes a doenças, se faz necessário identificar genes que estejam relacionados com os mecanismos de defesa da planta. Na tentativa de identificar estes genes, o objetivo geral deste trabalho foi a identificação de genes in silico no banco de dados do Projeto Millenium CitEST e a análise de expressão diferencial de genes envolvidos na defesa. Mais de 7600 sequencias foram identificadas nas buscas no CitEST com similaridade aos genes R e genes envolvidos na HR e defesa, MAPKs e SNF1. Destes, foram selecionados 273 sequencias para experimentos de macroarranjo para análise da interação Citrus sinensis-Guignardia citricarpa. A análise estatística revelou que 171 genes (62,63%) apresentaram expressão diferencial significativa ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Destes, 80 apresentaram expressão diferencial significativa maior do que duas vezes, dos quais 38 genes foram induzidos e 42 foram reprimidos no tecido infectado. Entre os genes induzidos estão MAPKs, genes de resistência (R), genes envolvidos na resposta de hipersensibilidade (HR) e na defesa da planta. Entre os transcritos reprimidos, há quatro similares a peroxidases e cinco similares a catalases, o que era esperado já que catalases e algumas peroxidases são capazes de remover H2O2, e assim a planta produz espécies reativa de oxigênio capaz de desencadear a ativação de genes de defesa. Os dados do macroarranjo foram validados via transcrição reversa seguida de PCR quantitativo em tempo real (RT-PCRq) de 9 genes. As análises confirmaram a expressão diferencial de 8 deles sendo que somente um apresentou resultado contrastante ao macroarranjo, o que demonstra a eficiência da metodologia de macroarranjos para estudo de muitos genes simultaneamente. Os genes diferencialmente expressos identificados na interação C. sinensis-G. citricarpa são de grande importância, pois são fortes candidatos para serem utilizados na transformação genética de plantas com o objetivo de obter novas variedades de plantas com resistência a patógenos. / The Brazilian citrus industry is concentrated mainly in the State of Sao Paulo which contributes with 80.4% of national production, with Brazil being a leading world producer of citrus. One of the problems facing the citrus industry is its vulnerability to pests and diseases, mainly due to low genetic diversity of the commercial varieties used, linked to the system of planting in extensive areas. A disease that is causing increasing damage to the brazilian citrus industry is the black spot of citrus caused by the fungus Guignardia citricarpa Kiely. The use of knowledge of molecular biology and biotechnological methods should be considered as an important alternative for the production of genetically modified plants expressing genes for resistance. In order to obtain citrus plants resistant to diseases it is necessary to identify genes that are related to the defense mechanisms of the plant. In an attempt to identify these genes, the general aim of this study was to identify genes in silico in the database of the Millennium CitEST Project and to perform differential expression analysis of genes involved in the defense mechanisms. More than 7600 reads were identified in the CitEST search with similarity to R genes, genes involved in HR and defense, MAPKs and SNF1. It was selected 273 reads for macroarray experiments to analysis of Citrus sinensis-Guignardia citricarpa interaction. Statistical analysis revealed that 171 genes (62.63%) showed significant differential expression at the level of 5% probability. From these, 80 showed significant differential expression higher than two fold, in which 38 genes were induced and 42 were repressed in infected tissue. Among the induced genes are MAPKs, resistance (R) genes, genes involved in hypersensitivity response (HR) and plant defense. Among the suppressed transcripts, there are four similar to peroxidases and five similar to catalases, which is expected because catalases and some peroxidases are able to remove H2O2, and so the plant produces reactive oxygen species capable of triggering the activation of defense genes. The macroarray data were validated by reverse transcription followed by quantitative real-time PCR (RT-PCRq) of 9 genes. The analysis confirmed the differential expression of 8 of them, and only one presented different result of macroarray which demonstrate the efficiency of the macroarray methodology to analyze several genes simultaneously. The genes differentially expressed in the interaction of C. sinensis x Guignardia citricarpa identified are of great importance because they are strong candidates for use in genetic transformation of plants with the objective of obtaining new varieties of plants resistant to pathogens.

Avaliação da variabilidade de biotipos de Moniliophthora perniciosa / Evaluation of Moniliophthora perniciosa biotypes variability

Garcia, Lia Matelli 04 February 2010 (has links)
O basidiomiceto Moniliophthora perniciosa é conhecido por causar a doença vassoura-debruxa no cacau (Theobroma cacao), responsável por grandes perdas de produção nessa cultura. A população de M. perniciosa apresenta variabilidade devido à sua capacidade de colonização de outras espécies de plantas, o que permite a identificação de biótipos e conseqüente agrupamento de isolados com base no hospedeiro. A caracterização de biotipos do fungo contribui para melhor conhecimento da estrutura populacional e sua dispersão, o que é importante para utilização em programas de melhoramento. Com esse objetivo foi avaliada a variabilidade genética e fisiológica de isolados do fungo correspondentes a três biotipos considerando a análise de taxas de crescimento pelo desenvolvimento micelial em diferentes meios e ambientes de cultivo in vitro, como a incorporação de cisteína, metionina e lisina e das fontes de nitrogênio tartarato de amônio e nitrato de potássio, iluminação, suscetibilidade a fungicidas, compatibilidade somática (SCG Grupo de Compatibilidade Somática), análise de perfis protéicos por SDS-PAGE e seqüenciamento parcial do 28S rDNA. A história evolutiva do patógeno não está registrada em seqüências de genes ribossomais e proteínas totais. Além disso, crescimento e produção de pigmentos são características compartilhadas pelos biótipos, não sendo fatores primários para adaptação do patógeno, porém com provável papel na colonização do hospedeiro. / The Basidiomycete Moniliophthora perniciosa is known as the pathogen for witches\' broom disease in cocoa (Theobroma cacao), responsible for large yield losts. Population of M. perniciosa presents variability due to its ability to colonize other plant species, which allows biotype identification and strains grouping, based upon the host specie. Fungi biotype characterization contributes to the knowledge of population and its dispersion and epidemiological methods, important for breeding programs. To aim the genetic and physiological variability of three strains, characteristics as growing rates, measured by the mycelia spreading at different culture media and different culture conditions in vitro, cysteine, methionine, lysine, nitrogen sources ammonium tartrate and potassium nitrate incorporation, light, fungicide susceptibility, somatic compatibility (SCG), protein patterns by SDS-PAGE and partial sequencing of rRNA 28S region were done. The evolutional history of it is pathogen is not printed into ribosomal genes sequences and total proteins. Besides that, growing and dye production are characteristics shared by the biotypes and can not be a primary adaptation factor but it can play a role in the host colonization process.

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