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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Northern Pike of North America: population genomics and sex determination

Johnson, Hollie 04 November 2019 (has links)
Northern Pike (Esox lucius) is an economically and ecologically valuable species with a circumpolar distribution across the Northern Hemisphere. Northern Pike have been shown to have low levels of genetic variation despite their great capacity to colonize new environments. Here, high-resolution resequencing data from 47 Northern Pike from across North America was used for SNP discovery and population analysis. Our analysis reveals an extraordinary lack of genetic variation among Northern Pike with observed heterozygosity (Ho) of just 0.0835. Our analyses suggest that two major groups of Northern Pike exist in North America that are separated by the North American Continental Divide. Genetic variation associated with the stratification of these two groups resides across the genome particularly in gene regions with multiple copy number variants and functions related to immunity, tissue permeability, and development. Northern Pike from Alaska and the Yukon River harbour about two times more heterozygosity than Northern Pike east of the Continental Divide with an average of one heterozygous SNP every 6,250 bases. Populations east of the Continental Divide possess a remarkable level of genetic homogenization with an average of just one heterozygous SNP every 16,500 bases. For comparison, an average of one heterozygous SNP per 309 bases was reported in herring (Martinez Barrio et al., 2016), one per 500 in Atlantic cod (Star et al., 2011), and one per 750 bases in Coho and chinook salmon (Koop, 2018). This is at least 5 – 10 fold less variation than is seen in humans (the 1000 Genomes Project Consortium, 2015). We observed a recently described master sex-determining gene, amhby, in three western North American populations but not in populations east of the Continental Divide. We could not resolve any signals indicating a genetic sex determination system was present in populations from southern Manitoba or the St. Lawrence River. This may indicate that environmental sex determination is at play in these populations. We found evidence of a possible female-heterozygous, male homozygous ZW-ZZ genetic sex-determination system in New Jersey Northern Pike. With the highest average of 181,268 heterozygous SNPs genome wide and the greatest Ho (0.3228) of all populations, as well as the presence of the sex-determining gene amhby indicate that Northern Pike from our Alaskan population are the oldest in North America. Fewer numbers of heterozygous SNPs (61,073), low Ho (0.0922), and the absence of amhby in Northern Pike east of the Continental Divide suggests that these are relatively young populations and are descended from a small founding population. These results imply that Northern Pike first came to North America through Beringia and colonized its North American range from there, possibly via pro-glacial lake formation and drainage. However, from the data herein it was not possible to trace how re-colonization occurred after the final retreat of glaciers at the end of the last ice age. This thesis provides a genetically high-resolution snapshot of Northern Pike population structure in North America. It demonstrates that organisms with largely homogenous genomes can be incredibly successful and resilient. Finally, it adds to the complex subject of sex determination in fish and provides insight into a sex determination system in transition. / Graduate / 2020-10-15

Hydrological and water quality modeling of agricultural fields in Quebec

Gollamudi, Apurva. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Gäddfisketuristerna : En kartering och marknadssegmentering av de Europeiska marknaderna för gäddfiskande turister i Sverige / Recreational Pike Angling Tourists : Mapping and Market Segmentation of the European Market for Recreational Pike Angling Tourists in Sweden

Karlsson, Christian, Aili, Tobias January 2014 (has links)
This investigation indicates that there are regions within Europe that seems to have similar preferences and priorities regarding pike angling travels to Sweden. Swedish pike angling facilities process in first hand markets with favourable economic circumstances and a cultural interest for pike angling. There was a big differences in features between the Northern, Western, Eastern and Southern regions of Europe. They also seems to be tied to specific regions within some of the nations. The regions have diverse requirements and distinguish in terms of consumption and preferences regarding different aspects of pike angling. From there it is possible to divide pike angling tourists into segments. Sometimes the identified regions have economic or cultural linkage, consequently parallels can be drawn to research in the field of international marketing. The North European market for pike angling tourism in Sweden is varying where the English and Baltic states is more frequently processed than the domestic market. Markets outside of the Nordic countries were the most important among the pike angling facilities, standing for approximately 90 % of the businesses. In this Investigation two segments were observed in countries with in general weaker economic circumstances. Usually these countries had a budget concentrated consumption but also elements of a more luxurious consumption pattern. These countries were located in Eastern Europe. Angling tourists from Western Europe have in general more purchase power and constitute the most important markets for the Swedish pike angling facilities. Tourists from Western Europe are by tradition the most frequent visitors. The economic situation in the Southern Europe together with lack of cultural interest for pike angling seems to be an explanation for the low activity in processing of these markets. The only exception is the Italian market which on a regional level is more frequently processed among the Swedish pike angling facilities. In this investigation, markets from 17 Swedish pike angling facilities were mapped by the frequency of process through phone surveys. Characteristics of the companies were either profiled businesses towards pike angling or had a strong dependence on resource of pike in their business. Tour operators from 11 countries who offers packaged travels to the facilities were also interviewed through phone surveys. The facilities together with the tour operators identified some economic preferences and cultural differences between some nations and regions. For better background data about the interest for pike in Europe 6 angling associations answered an e-mail survey. The investigation also includes an interview with one of the pioneers and former vice president for one of the most successful pike angling facilities in Sweden. Selection of facilities, concepts and parameters is inspired by the authorities’ publications in the field of angling tourism. Also advices from the national angling project (SwedenFishing) have inspired parts of this thesis. / Utredningen indikerar att det finns regioner i Europa som har liknande preferenser och prioriteringar när de reser för att fiska gädda i Sverige. De svenska gäddfiskeanläggningarna bearbetar framför allt marknader som har gynnsamma förhållanden i ekonomiska förutsättningar och kulturellt intresse för gäddfiske. Det fanns stora skillnader i egenskaper av regionerna som kan delas in i Nord-, Väst-, Öst- och Sydeuropa. Dessa visade sig även vara bundet till vissa regioner inom nationerna. De olika regionerna har olika behov och utmärker sig olika i sin konsumtion och preferenser när det gäller aspekter av gäddfiske. Därefter går det att dela in gäddfisketurismen i olika segment. Regionerna har ibland ekonomiska och kulturella samband vilket paralleller kan dras till forskning inom internationell marknadsföring. Den Nordeuropeiska marknaden för gäddfisketurism får anses vara varierande där England samt de baltiska staterna bearbetades mer frekvent än den svenska marknaden. De utomnordiska marknaderna var de klart mest betydelsefulla bland anläggningarna med en ungefärlig andel på 90 % av verksamheten. I utredningen uppmärksammades två segment i länder med generellt svagare ekonomiska förutsättningar, de hade mestadels en budgetinriktad konsumtion med inslag av lyxkonsumtion, dessa var framförallt länder i Östeuropa. Generellt är turisterna från Västeuropa mer köpkraftiga och utgör de viktigaste marknaderna för de svenska gäddfiskeanläggningarna, de är också av tradition de mest frekvent besökande. Den ekonomiska situationen i Sydeuropa tillsammans med avsaknad av kulturellt intresse för gäddfiske verkar vara förklaringen till den låga aktiviteten i bearbetningen av dessa marknader. Det enda undantaget är den Italienska marknaden där den lokalt bearbetas i större utsträckning av svenska gäddfiskeanläggningar.   I utredningen kartlades marknaderna som 17 svenska gäddfiskeanläggningarna bearbetar genom en telefonenkät. De var oftast profilerade eller var starkt beroende av gäddresursen i sin verksamhet. Även reseoperatörer från 11 olika länder som säljer paketerade resor till dessa anläggningar intervjuades genom en telefonenkät. För att få en bättre bakgrundsdata om intresset för gäddfiske besvarades även en mailenkät av 6 lobbyorganisationer för sportfiske. Utredningen omfattar även en intervju med en av pionjärerna och tidigare VD för en av de framgångsrikaste gäddfiskeanläggningarna. Urval, begrepp samt parametrar är inspirerade av myndigheternas publikationer i ämnet. Även råd från det nationella fiskeprojektet i Sverige (SwedenFishing) har gett inspiration till delar av uppsatsen.

Täthetsberoende överlevnad och tillväxt hos gäddyngel (Esox lucius) : Ett fältexperiment i ett naturligt rekryteringsområde / Density dependent survival and growth of pike fry (Esox lucius) : A field experiment in a natural recruitment area

Hjemdahl, Nikolas January 2019 (has links)
Gäddan (Esox lucius) är en toppredator och nyckelart som är beroende av grunda och vegetationsrika rekryteringsmiljöer. Dessa miljöer hyser risk att minska i sjöar med mänsklig påverkan, vilket i sin tur skulle kunna leda till lägre överlevnad hos gäddlarver och yngel till följd av intraspecifik konkurrens av föda. Under två veckors tid undersöktes överlevnaden hos gäddyngel (< 30 mm, medellängd = 20 mm) i relation till täthet, för tätheter mellan 2-20 individer/m2, fördelat i 10 burar placerade i en naturlig uppväxtmiljö. Jag fann ett signifikant negativt samband mellan täthet och överlevnad i burarna, där en ökad täthet miskade överlevnaden av gäddyngel. Täthetsberoende tillväxt kunde inte konstateras hos gäddynglen, men de två längsta individerna och individerna med högst individuell tillväxt återfanns vid högst- respektive näst högst initial täthet. Mina resultat stöder hypotesen att överlevnaden är täthetsberoende för gäddlarver i en naturlig rekryteringsmiljö, och bidrar med kunskap att ta hänsyn till vid förvaltning av gäddpopulationer. / Pike (Esox lucius) is a top predator keystone species dependent on shallow, vegetated areas for recruitment. These types of habitats stand at risk of reduction in human impacted lakes, which in turn could lead to lower survival of pike fry and -larvae due to intraspecific competition for food. During a time period of two weeks, the survival of pike fry (< 30 mm, mean length = 20 mm) was studied in relation to fry densities between 2-20 pike/m2, in 10 enclosures placed in a natural nursery habitat. I found that survival of pike-fry within the enclosures was significantly negatively correlated to initial stocking density, where an increase in density led to lower survival of pike fry. No evidence of density dependence was found for growth of pike fry, although the two longest fry and fry with the highest individual length increase were found at the highest- and second highest initial densities. The results support my hypothesis that the survival of pike fry is density dependent in a natural nursery habitat, and provides further knowledge for consideration in population management of pike.

Assessment of the sensitivity of North American fish species to endocrine disrupting chemicals in vitro

2015 January 1900 (has links)
There is concern regarding exposure of aquatic organisms to chemicals that interfere with the endocrine system. Disruption of the endocrine system can lead to impacts on sexual development, altered hormone levels, intersex, and ultimately reproductive failure. While effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on standard laboratory species have been subject of intense study, to this day there is a large gap in knowledge and a high degree of uncertainty regarding the sensitivity of wild fish species to these compounds. One of the main concerns with current toxicity testing approaches is that they require the use of a large number of live animals, particularly when working with native species. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop in vitro tissue explant assays that would enable the assessment of the sensitivity of different wild fish species native to North America to the exposure with EDCs. Specifically, two in vitro assays were developed: 1) A liver explant assay to assess effects of EDCs that can interact with the estrogen receptor (environmental estrogens), and 2) a gonadal explant assay to assess effects of EDCs on sex-steroid production. The test species selected were northern pike (Esox lucius), walleye (Sander vitreus), and white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) that were sampled from Lake Diefenbaker, Saskatchewan, Canada, and white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) that were randomly selected from an in house stock reared from eggs. Liver tissue was excised from male fishes and exposed for 24 h to a synthetic estrogen, 17α- ethinylestradiol (EE2). Transcript abundance of vitellogenin (VTG), estrogen receptor (ER) α and β in liver tissue were quantified using qPCR. Gonad tissue from both male and female were excised and exposed for 24 h to a model inducer (forskolin) and inhibitor (prochloraz) of steroidogenesis. 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) and estradiol (E2) were quantified in media by use of ELISA. Exposure to EE2 resulted in a concentration dependent increase in VTG in all species, and an increase in ERα in northern pike. Walleye males showed the greatest sensitivity to EE2. Gonad tissues exposed to forskolin showed a concentration dependent increase in 11-KT and E2. Exposure to prochloraz resulted in a decrease of 11-KTand E2. Male and female white sucker showed greatest sensitivity to forskolin, while male and female walleye showed greatest sensitivity to prochloraz. The seasonal time point during which gonad explants were excised and exposed had an impact on the potency and magnitude of response, resulting in a seasonal effect on sensitivity. Also, gonad explants from these species were found to have greater sensitivity than responses previously reported for in vitro explants of other fish species such as the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), and stable cell lines currently used as screening applications to detect chemicals that might disrupt the endocrine system. Therefore, current approaches that use stable cell lines or tissue explants from standardized small bodied laboratory species might not be protective of some wild fish species. These tissue explants represent a promising approach to help understand species sensitivity to EDCs, and if appropriately validated, could be a powerful tool for chemical screening.

Effets des variations du niveau d'eau du Lac Saint-Jean (P.Q.) sur la migration saisonnière de quelques espèces de poissons, en particulier de la perchaude (Perca flavescens) dans le petit marais de Saint-Gédéon /

Tremblay, Harold. January 1992 (has links)
Mémoire (M.P.Aquat.) -- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1992. / Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU

Detecting whitefish divergence using remains of Cladocerans in lake sediment : Tracking shifts in the predation regime on Bosmina by measuring defense structures

Swärd, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Predation by northern pike is believed to have initiated a divergence in whitefish into several different morphs, differing in size, habitat use and growth rate.  The development of a small pelagic zooplankton feeding morph is expected to have large impacts on the zooplankton community. In this study the effect of a changing predation regime on Bosmina, before and after introduction of pike in Valsjön, was investigated.  By looking at the change in carapace length (and indication of the level of predation pressure from fish) and mucro index (an indication of the level of invertebrate predation) of Bosmina remains in lake sediment the changing predation pressure from invertebrates and fish could be investigated. These features proved to be good proxys for the level of defense against fish and invertebrate predation.  However, other species than whitefish, and unknown interactions seems to have affected the zooplankton community. This makes it hard to tell which effect is due to diversification in whitefish and which is not. Also it is not clear that it is pike that has induced the divergence in the whitefish population. Other species like brown trout might also have been involved.

Optimalizace umělé inkubace jiker a embryí u štiky obecné (\kur{Esox lucius L.}) v kontrolovaných podmínkách / Optimalization of artificial incubation of eggs and embryos in northern pike (\kur{Esox lucius L.}) under controlled conditions

HAMPL, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Within my diploma thesis I have been trying to resolve the possibilities of optimization of artificial incubation of eggs and embryos in northern pike (Esox Lucius L.) under controlled conditions during three different experiments. In the first experiment was investigated the effect of three different semination solutions to the success of incubation of eggs and embryos in northern pike. I watched the survival of eggs and embryos, larvae hatching abnormalities and biometrics of larvae. It was found that the best overall results were achieved with semination solution composed of 15 ml of chemical crystalic urea per 1 liter of water, with an appropriate amount of abnormalities and highest larvae survival. In the second experiment were performed manipulation with developing eggs at given time intervals after fertilization of eggs. I watched the survival of eggs and embryos, abnormality and biometrics of hatched larvae. It was found that the lowest survival, abnormalities, and smallest TL and W were reached during manipulations within 24 hours after fertilization. In the third experiment was investigated the effect of water temperature on the length of the incubation of eggs and embryos in northern pike. With regard to the overall survival, larvae hatching, abnormalities and size of larvae achieved the best results temperatures 6 and 10 ° C. Conversely, it is entirely unsuitable for incubation temperature of 3 ° C (lowest survival, large amounts deformities). Different incubation temperatures have also confirmed the effect of water temperature on biometrics of hatched larvae.

Kinematics and mechanics of fast-starts of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and northern pike Esox lucius

Harper, David Gordon January 1990 (has links)
Film is commonly used to estimate the fast-start performance of fish. An analysis of hypothetical, film-derived, and accelerometer-measured acceleration-time data of fish fast-starts indicates that the total error in film studies is the sum of the sampling frequency error (i.e., the error due to over-smoothing at low film speeds) and measurement error. The error in film based studies on the acceleration performance of fish is estimated to be about 33 to 100% of the maximum acceleration, suggesting that other methods of estimating acceleration should be employed. The escape performance of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and northern pike Esox lucius (mean lengths 0.32 m and 0.38 m, respectively) were measured here with subcutaneously implanted accelerometers. Acceleration-time plots reveal two types of escape fast-starts for trout and three for pike. Simultaneous high-speed ciné films demonstrate a kinematic basis for these differences. Trout performing C-shaped fast-starts produce a unimodal acceleration-time plot (type I), while during S-shaped fast-starts a bimodal acceleration-time plot (type II) results. Pike also exhibit similar type I and II fast-starts, but also execute a second S-shaped fast-start that does not involve a net change of direction. This is characterized by a trimodal acceleration-time plot (type III). Intraspecific and interspecific comparisons of displacement, time, mean and maximum velocity, and mean and maximum acceleration rate indicate that fast-start performance is significantly higher for pike than for trout, for all performance parameters. This indicates that performance is related to body form. Overall mean maximum acceleration rates for pike were 120.2 ± 20 m s⁻² (x ± 2S.E.) and 59.7 ± 8.3 m s⁻² for trout. Performance values directly measured from the accelerometers exceed those previously reported. Maximum acceleration rates for single events reach 97.8 m s⁻² and 244.9 m s⁻² for trout and pike, respectively. Maximum final velocities of 7.06 m s⁻¹ (18.95 L s⁻¹, where L is body length) were observed for pike and 4.19 m s⁻¹ (13.09 L s⁻¹) for trout; overall mean maximum velocities were 2.77 m s⁻¹ for trout and 3.97 m s⁻¹ for pike. The fast-start performance of pike during prey capture was also measured with subcutaneously implanted accelerometers. Acceleration-time plots and simultaneous high-speed cin6 films reveal four behaviours with characteristic kinematics and mechanics. As for the escape data, fast-start types are identified by the number of large peaks that appear in the acceleration-time and velocity-time data. Comparisons of mean performance were made between each type of feeding fast-start. Type I fast-starts were of significantly (i.e., p < 0.05) shorter duration (0.084 s) and displacement (0.132 m) than type III (0.148 s and 0.235 m) and type IV (0.189 s and 0.307 m) behaviours, and higher mean and maximum acceleration (38.6 and 130.3 m s⁻², respectively) than the type II (26.6 and 95.8 m s⁻²), type III (22.0 and 91.2 m s⁻²), and type IV (18.0 and 66.6 m s⁻²) behaviours. The type II behaviours were also of shorter duration and displacement, and of higher mean acceleration than type IV fast-starts, and were of significantly shorter duration than the type LU behaviours. Prey capture performance was compared to escapes by the same individuals. When data are combined, regardless of mechanical type, mean acceleration (37.6 versus 25.5 m s⁻²), maximum acceleration (120.2 versus 95.9 m s⁻²), mean velocity (1.90 versus 1.57 m s⁻¹), and maximum velocity (3.97 versus 3.09 m s⁻¹) were larger, and duration shorter (0.108 versus 0.133 s) during escapes than during prey capture. No differences were found through independent comparisons of the performance of feeding and escape types II and III, but type I escapes had significantly higher mean velocity (2.27 versus 1.58 m s⁻¹), maximum velocity (4.70 versus 3.12 m s⁻¹), and mean acceleration (54.7 versus 38.6 m s⁻²) than the type I feeding behaviours. Prey capture performance was also related to prey size, apparent prey size (defined as the angular size of the prey on the pike's retina), and strike distance (the distance from the pike to the prey at the onset of the fast-start). Mean and maximum acceleration increased with apparent size and decreased with strike distance, while the duration of the event increased with strike distance and decreased with apparent size. No relation was found between the actual prey size and any performance parameter. Strike distance ranged from 0.087 to 0.439 m, and decreased as the apparent size increased from 2.6 to 9.9° (r² = 0.75). The type I behaviour was usually employed when the strike distance was small and the prey appeared large. As strike distance increased and apparent size decreased, there was a progressive selection of type II, then III, then IV behaviours. / Science, Faculty of / Zoology, Department of / Graduate

Effekter av miljöförändringar och förekomst av gös på storlek hos juvenil abborre i sjön Mjörn / Effects of environmental changes and the occurrence of pikeperch on the size of juvenile perch in Lake Mjörn

Åberg, Joakim January 2022 (has links)
Fish populations vary naturally but are also affected by anthropogenic factors such as changes in land use, climate, acidification, invasive species and eutrophication. An overall picture is important for understanding the changes that are taking place and their effects. In this study, I have linked several environmental factors, such as turbidity and chlorophyll-a, with the presence of pikeperch and perch in Lake Mjörn. I have also investigated how the size of the perch has changed between the years 2000 and 2018 for the entire population, and specifically within the size class 80 - 120 mm. Gill net surveys from 2000, 2007 and 2018 shows that the median length of pikeperch decreased from 2007 to 2018 by 39.6% and increased in average per net effort by 630% between 2000 and 2018, a clear shift in the population from few and older to more, and a larger proportion of, younger individuals. The turbidity has had a clear downward trend with a decrease of 3.9 cm per year since 1985, with a Secchi depth of less than 4 meters in the last 10 years, which is probably an important factor contributing to the increase of the pikeperch population. At the same time, the chlorophyll-a concentration has shown an upward trend of 0.174 μg/l per year. An observed decrease in macrophytes around the lake over the past 20 years may have caused some increased wind-driven mixing and a greater amount of suspended solute particles. An increased amount of nutrients from the sediment could have explained the increasing amount of phytoplankton, but sampling carried out at the inlet to and the outlet of Lake Mjörn shows that the concentrations of nutrients in the lake have decreased. The median length of perch has decreased by 52.3% from the year 2000 to 2018, and the median length of 2 summer old perch shows a decrease of 17.5% during the same period. The difference in median length between the entire perch population and the 2 summer old individuals was 47% in 2000 but only 8.3% in 2018, which indicates that the population in 2018 largely consisted of 2 - 3 year old individuals.

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