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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Einfluss des Ausnehmens auf die sensorische und hygienische Beschaffenheit von eisgelagerten Zandern (Sander lucioperca) und Regenbogenforellen (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Sipos, Gyopar 24 April 2003 (has links)
Die Bedingungen für die Vermarktung von Fischereierzeugnissen sind streng geregelt. Die Deutsche Fisch-Hygiene-Verordnung (VO) schreibt in den §§ 4 (1) und 6 vor, dass alle Fische unverzüglich nach dem Fang und der Tötung ausgenommen werden müssen. In diesem Punkt ist die deutsche VO strenger als das europäische Gemeinschaftsrecht (RL 91/493/EWG). Sowohl durch die in einzelnen Bundesländern unterschiedliche Auslegung des Begriffes "unverzüglich" als auch durch die in anderen EU-Ländern erlassenen Vorschriften ergibt sich eine gewisse Rechtsunsicherheit bei der Vermarktung von Ganzfischen. Im Gegensatz zu Seefischen gibt es bei Süßwasserfischen nur wenige Untersuchungen zum Vergleich der sensorischen und hygienischen Parameter von ausgenommen und unausgenommen gelagerten Fischen. Ziel der Untersuchungen war es daher, an den zwei Modellfischarten Regenbogenforelle (Oncorhynchus mykiss) und Ostsee-Zander (Sander lucioperca) gesundheitlich-hygienische als auch qualitative Gründe für bzw. gegen das Ausnehmen von Süßwasserfischen zu ermitteln. Zum einen wurde während der Lagerung bis zum Verderb wiederholt der Keimstatus der Fische bestimmt, wobei sowohl die Verderbsorganismen als auch potentiell humanpathogene Keime (Vibrio spp., Aeromonas spp., Clostridium spp., Salmonella spp., Listeria spp.) im Fischgewebe erfasst wurden. Zum anderen wurden fischartspezifische Frischegrad- und Kochprobenschemata entwickelt, die den Verderbsprozessen der beiden Süßwasserfischarten während der Lagerung angepasst sind und für eine Bestimmung der sensorischen Eigenschaften angewendet werden können. Darüber hinaus erfolgte bei den Zandern eine Untersuchung der Muskulatur und der Eingeweide auf einen Befall mit humapathogenen Nematoden und eine Bestimmung von flüchtigen Basenstickstoff (TVB-N) in der Filetmuskulatur. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse lassen den Schluss zu, dass unausgenommene Fische, sofern eine optimale Lagerung gewährleistet ist, hygienisch unbedenklich sind und für einen Zeitraum von einigen Tagen qualitativ gleichwertig mit ausgenommenen Fischen bleiben, bevor autolytische Bauchhöhlenprozesse die Qualität des Ganzfisches beeinträchtigen. Dabei hängt der Zeitraum unter anderem von der Fischart und dem Nüchterungsgrad ab. Mikrobiologische Gründe sprechen eher gegen ein frühzeitiges Ausnehmen, da die bakterielle Belastung der Bauchhöhle durch die Schlachtung höher ausfällt als bei unausgenommen gelagerten Fischen. Demnach kann durch ein spätes Ausnehmen zwar ein schnellerer Qualitätsverlust bei Ganzfischen auftreten, aber aus hygienischer Sicht, auch im Zusammenhang mit humanpathogenen Keimen, ist eine erhöhte Gesundheitsgefährdung des Verbrauchers nicht zu erwarten. / Conditions for the marketing of fishery products are strictly regulated. In Germany, the fish hygiene regulations (§§ 4(1) and 6) demand the gutting of all fishes immediately after the catch. This regulation is more restrictive than the corresponding EU-legislation (RL 91/493/EWG). But several German counties interprete the term "immediately" differently, and most other EU-countries have more permitting regulations, thus creating legal ambiguities in the marketing of whole fishes. Unlike the situation in seafish there are only few surveys in fresh water fish comparing possible sensoric and hygienic effects of gutted and ungutted storage. The aim of this study therefore was to examine health and hygiene related as well as qualitative reasons for or against an immediate gutting of freshwater fish, using aquaculture rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and pike-perch (Sander lucioperca) from the Baltic Sea as model fish species. The bacterial load in several tissues of gutted and ungutted fish, spoilage organisms as well as potentially pathogenic bacteria (Vibrio spp., Aeromonas spp., Clostridium spp., Salmonella spp., Listeria spp), were determined repeatedly throughout the storage period and statistically compared. Furthermore, species-specific grading schemes for the whole fish as well as for steamed fillets were developed that allowed the assessment of spoilage and of the sensoric characteristics of gutted and ungutted fishes. In pike-perch, muscle tissue and guts were examined for pathogenic nematode larvae and the fillet content of total volatile basic nitrogen was determined. The results of this study lead to the conclusion that ungutted fish, as long as optimal storage conditions are guaranteed, bear no special hygienic risks and keep a quality comparable to gutted fish for at least some days before autolytic processes in the body cavity compromise the quality of the whole fish. The length of this storage period depends mainly on the fish species and the filling of the digestive tract. From a microbiological point of view early gutting is not advisable because the gutting process itself results in a higher bacterial contamination of the body cavity than that found in fish stored ungutted. Therefore, a later gutting may lead to a faster loss of quality in whole fish but a higher hygienic risk for the consumer, even in connection with bacteria pathogenic for humans, can not be stated.

Tvorba biogenních aminů v mase vybraných druhů ryb / The formation of biogenic amines in flesh of selected fish species

MATĚJKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the use and effectiveness of some less common methods of conservation of fish meat. The formation of biogenic amines in meat is observed in connection with the non-traditional preservative methods. Amines can serve as indicators of protein degradation. The quality of fish was considered in connection with the increasing content of selected biogenic amines (putrescine, cadaverine, spermidine, spermine, 2-fenylathylamine, histamine, tyramine and tryptamine). Ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) was used as the method for determination of biogenic amines. Amines were derivatized by dansylchloride before their UPLC separation. The fish flesh was vacuum-packed. Samples were stored for several weeks in a thermostat at the selected storage temperature after the application of selected preservative technique. Beta-irradiation and high hydrostatic pressure were used for the preservation of fish flesh. Control samples were not exposed to the â-irradiation and high pressure. The organoleptic properties were studied for all samples (smell/odor, insight and shape). Beta-irradiation was applied to fish meat of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Both these species of freshwater fish are economically significant. Carp and trout are the species being mostly consumed in the Czech Republic. Fish meat is considered to be provided the flesh is fresh. A testing series of samples was created with common carp to determine the appropriate dose of â-irradiation. The maximum permissible dose of irradiation for fish meat is 3 kGy. Fish samples were exposed this dose in the first experiment. The dose of irradiation was reduced in following experiments based on the experience from the initial experiment. The doses of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 and 2.0 kGy were applied to rainbow trout. The value of 0.75 kGy of â-irradiation or higher (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 kGy) prolonged the shelf life of fish meat, which was stored for three months (98 days). Prolonging of the shelf life of fish meat to approximately 98 days at 3.5 °C is redundant from technical point of view. For that reason lower doses 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75 kGy were tested in more detail in the repeated experiment with carp meat. Lower doses of â-irradiation are considered to be more acceptable and-at the same time-sufficiently effective for delaying the beginning of degradation processes. 6 High hydrostatic pressure was applied to meat of common carp (Cyprinus carpio), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and pike (Exos lucius). Pike is another very popular kind of freshwater fish. Pike flesh is very tasty, but in spite of this, pike is not so much popular among consumers compared to carp and trout. The cause is its high price. Samples of pike were stored at standard temperature 3.5 °C and also at higher temperature 12 °C (unlike experiments with â-irradiation). Lower temperature of storage (3.5 °C) followed the conditions of storing of fish meat in industrial refrigeration facilities and households. The high pressure might not be sufficient for preservation at higher storage temperatures. This assumption was based on available information. Samples were treated by high pressure and stored at both 3.5 °C and 12 °C to verify this assumption. Higher temperature simulated either failure of refrigeration equipment or unsuitable store temperature of meat. In all species selected freshwater fish two levels of high pressure were applied ? 300 and 500 MPa. Both levels had significantly reduced the formation of biogenic amines, especially in samples stored at 3.5 °C. At this temperature, the effect of 300 and 500 MPa delayed start of degradation processes in fish meat by 3?4 weeks. At 12 °C and 500 MPa, high pressure extended the sustainability of meat by no more than one week. 500 MPa is effective treatment at the lower temperature of 3.5 °C. High pressure is not reliable preservative techniques at higher temperature.

Automatic identification of northern pike (Exos Lucius) with convolutional neural networks

Lavenius, Axel January 2020 (has links)
The population of northern pike in the Baltic sea has seen a drasticdecrease in numbers in the last couple of decades. The reasons for this are believed to be many, but the majority of them are most likely anthropogenic. Today, many measures are being taken to prevent further decline of pike populations, ranging from nutrient runoff control to habitat restoration. This inevitably gives rise to the problem addressed in this project, namely: how can we best monitor pike populations so that it is possible to accurately assess and verify the effects of these measures over the coming decades? Pike is currently monitored in Sweden by employing expensive and ineffective manual methods of individual marking of pike by a handful of experts. This project provides evidence that such methods could be replaced by a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), an automatic artificial intelligence system, which can be taught how to identify pike individuals based on their unique patterns. A neural net simulates the functions of neurons in the human brain, which allows it to perform a range of tasks, while a CNN is a neural net specialized for this type of visual recognition task. The results show that the CNN trained in this project can identify pike individuals in the provided data set with upwards of 90% accuracy, with much potential for improvement.

An ecological study of the migration, food composition and relative abundance of three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in a shallow area in Kalmar Sound.

Söderling, Peter January 2013 (has links)
The populations of three–spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) in the Baltic Sea have increased tenfold over the last decade. A large increase in abundance can alter the offshore and coastal food webs. Despite of these facts, there are large gaps in the knowledge about the stickleback ecology in the Baltic and the possible effect they might have on their environment. Earlier investigations state that stickleback mainly occupy the deeper areas offshore, and only migrate to the shallow areas during May–July to spawn. Observations by recreational fishermen indicate that this may be incorrect, and that some adult sticklebacks are present in the shallow areas even during the winter. One aim of this study was to investigate the timing of stickleback migration to a shallow coastal area in Kalmar Sound. The study also aimed to examine the relative abundance in two adjacent shallow areas in the archipelago south of Kalmar, where one of the areas is a pike spawning ground. A one month long test fishing with fyke nets was started on the first day after ice break. Results show that the sticklebacks are present in the bays immediately after the ice break, and that high abundances coincide with the pike spawning period. Stomach analyses showed that sticklebacks consumed a large proportion of crustaceans, but also fish eggs were found. These results shed new light on the management actions for many of the coastal spring spawning fish species that have shown decreasing abundances during the last decades. / Bestånden av storspigg (Gasterosteus aculeatus) i Östersjön har ökat markant, data visar på en tiofaldig ökning under det senaste decenniet. Ökningen kan medföra att bl.a. näringsväven, till havs och längs kusterna förändras. Trots vetskapen om detta finns det kunskapsluckor kring spiggens ekologi och dess möjliga påverkan på sin omgivning. Litteratur säger att spiggen till största del bara befinner sig inne längs kusterna under maj-juli. Observationer från sportfiskare tyder på att detta inte stämmer, och att vuxen storspigg befinner sig inne längs kusten och i skärgårdsvikar året om. Ett syfte med studien var att undersöka när spiggen kom in till de grunda vikarna i Kalmarsund. Studien jämförde även spiggtätheterna mellan två närliggande områden där den största skillnaden var födan. Ett månadslångt provfiske inleddes den första isfria dagen i två skyddade vikar söder om Kalmar, där en av lokalerna var en dokumenterad leklokal för gäddor. Resultaten visade att spiggen fanns i vikarna direkt efter islossningen, och vid fisket sammanföll de största spiggfångsterna med gäddleken. Maganalyser visade att en stor andel av födan bestod av olika kräftdjur, men även romkorn hittades. Resultaten tyder på andra förutsättningar för många av de hårt ansatta vårlekande fiskarterna än vad som tidigare är dokumenterat.

Odběr spermatu pomocí katetru a jeho využití při výtěru štiky obecné (Esox lucius L.)

PLAŇANSKÝ, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to compare quality of northern pike sperm collected by different methods. First method is collection of stripped sperm by abdominal massage of the belly. Second method is collection of stripped sperm with special catheter to eliminate sperm contamination by urine. The last method is collection of testicular sperm. Differently collected sperm was evaluated and compared its quality. The main observed parameters were sperm volume, spermatozoa concentration, spermatozoa motility and velocity and osmolality of seminal fluid. Sperm samples were used for eggs fertilization. In fertilized eggs, the fertility of eggs and larvae hatching rate were observed.

Zur Rekonstruktion historischer Biodiversität aus archivalischen Quellen: Das Beispiel des Oderbruchs (Brandenburg) im 18. Jahrhundert / The reconstruction of historical biodiversity by archival sources: the example of the Oderbruch floodplain (Brandenburg) in the 18th century

Jakupi, Antje 05 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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