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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pilietinis ugdymas: lyginamasis aspektas / Civic education: comparing aspects

Širvinskaitė, Rūta 08 June 2004 (has links)
SUMMARY Life in world–wide society defies different states and their citizens so that‘s why recently a great attention has been paid to civic education in many countries Lithuania included. Every nation has its own understanding of the concept of homeland. In 1988, the education for democratic citizenship was declared to be one of the most important aims of the reformed Lithuanian school. At the beginning of the educational reform the integrated curriculum of the civic education was created. The standards of civic development summarize the whole democratic education at comprehensive school. The aspects of democratic education have to pierce the whole school life; they are integrated into all subjects. The problem of education for democratic citizenship is very relevant in Lithuania for understanding democracy, democratic citizenship determines the practical activity of young person. It is necessary to help pupils develop their sense of democratic citizenship and to understand its significance for the political life of nation. When citizenship become the deliberate ideal, then it becomes an integral part of their morality and inner disposition as well as a motive of their practical activity. The aim of this work is to compare the efficiency of Lithuanian and other countries models of democratic education. The author seeks to relevant the theoretical background of democratic education, show the signification of the projects methods of democratic education, define the models of... [to full text]

Paauglių pilietiškumo ugdymo modeliai Lietuvoje ir Prancūzijoje / Modeles d'education civique d'adolescents en Lituanie et en France

Žekonytė, Virginija 07 June 2004 (has links)
L'auteur du travail a eu le but d'etudier et de comparer deux modeles d'education civique; le modele lituanien et le modele francais. Le travail comporte deux parties: la partie theorique et la comparaison de modeles. Le travail presente l'analyse et la comparaison de programmes, de lois, de documents lies a l'education civique en Lituanie et en France.

Pilietinis ugdymas švietimo dokumentuose:sociatarinio lygmens analizė / Civic Education in Educational Acts:Analysis of Sociotaric Level

Bigelienė, Lina 08 June 2004 (has links)
This work analyses national and international educational acts which define civic education. In this way the emphasis on aspects of civic education is aimed. First of all, the theoretical conception of civic education is discused. Also, the situation of civic education in neighbouring countries and countries of the EU is surveyed. Analyses of documents defining civic education of various international organizations - a member of which Lithuania is - are included. Besides, the process of the creation of Lithuanian system of civic education is analysed in the context of education reform. During all the period of education reform a conciderable attention was paid to civic education. The system was constantly being improved, new programs were being created and the content and form of upbringing changed. Finally, suggestions about the perfection of implementation of the civic education policy are presented at the end of the work.

Edukacinė ekskursija kaip pilietinio ugdymo metodas / Educational travel as method of civic education

Dobkevičiūtė-Džiovėnienė, Aida Vida 05 July 2006 (has links)
The study presents informal civic education problems and research results of educational travel as effective civic education method. Schools bear great responsibility for the development of civic competency and civic responsibility. Schools fulfill this responsibility through both formal and informal education beginning in the earliest years and continuing through the entire educational process. The main aim of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of educational travel (tour) as civic education method. Major goals of the study are as follows: 1) review and analysis of literature placing emphasis on specifics of educational travel as civic education method; 2) design educational tour model for civic education; 3) present research results of model effectiveness. The research methods used in the study are observation, testing and practical task. The first part of study presents analysis of educational travel as method of active education. Civic dispositions and skills, both intellectual and participatory, are inseparable from civic knowledge and active participation. In order to think critically, act effectively and responsibly, learners must understand the terms of the issue, its origins, the alternative responses to it, and the likely consequences of these responses. Educational travel as active learning method allows teachers to show their students the motherland and the world. During tours text books come to life, real touch with history, culture and nature... [to full text]

Mokyklos bendruomenės vaidmuo ugdant pilietiškumą / Presumptions and possibilities for the formation of a civic community at school

Kirkila, Aurelijus 07 June 2004 (has links)
The idea of the development of civic culture in Lithuania is being established as a priority in the system of education. However, this goal can be achieved by common efforts of both the educated and the teaching staff in the process of civic school community formation. Therefore the problems of civic country should be included into the educational programmes. Moreover, daily existence of schools should be accustomed to the development of civic values and virtues, as well as skills and abilities. The subject of this investigation is to educe the opportunities of school society in education of schoolchildren public spirit. The author analyses theoretical aspects of civil education, reviews the historical evolution of civil education in Lithuania. In this magistrate’s work there are presented analyses and conception of civil education' goals in the conceptual documents of education reform, discussed the peculiarities and opportunities of school society's activity. The author in his paper analyses the results of his research, conducted with a view to determining teachers' and pupils attitude towards the formation of a civic community at school. As it is noted in the work, developing of a personality greatly depends on school's help for everybody to better understand themselves, to realize their identity and uniqueness, as well as determine their goals in life. These goals can be achieved only in successfully functioning school community whose members work in accord with each... [to full text]

Jaunimo mokyklų mokinių pilietiškumas / Civic Achievement of Youth shool students

Petrikienė, Diana 08 June 2005 (has links)
The research done by master degree studies student Diana Petrikiene is based on the main concepts and understandings of National as well as International developments of citizenship education. In the first part of the thesis author presents the short history of Civic Education in Lithuania based on the research work of M. Luksiene (1985) and presented in the articles of I. Zaleskienė (2000). It is shown that Civic education did play a strong role during the historical developments of Lithuanian educational system. The post sovietic educational developments are reflecting on these experiences and on the international ideas coming from democratic states. The first ideas of rebuilding Civic education was developed already in 1988 when the educational reform did start. In the contemporary rapid political transition, civic education is framed within a more progressive forward - looking vision accompanying processes of social and political change. Implementation of citizenship education is foreseen in the national documents (Core-Curriculum and Standards, 2004). Main goals of the citizenship education can be structured and achieved according following areas or the ways on which Citizenship education is organised in Lithuania. 1. Through formal curriculum: a) citizenship education is taught as a cross-curriculum. It means that Civic ideas, concepts, topics are integrated in the new developed curricular, textbooks, teaching and learning materials for whole variety of subjects... [to full text]

Viešojo sektoriaus institucijų ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų veiklos derinimas tobulinant besimokančio jaunimo integraciją į pilietinę visuomenę: Šiaulių miesto ir Joniškio rajono atvejų analizė / Coordination of activities of public sector institutions and ngo‘s in development of student intergration into civil

Onaitienė, Sandra, Pėželytė, Edita, Pėželytė, Edita 04 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe apžvelgiama ir išsamiai išanalizuojama šiuolaikinė miestų ir mažų miestelių bei kamiškų vietovių ekonominė ir sociokultūrinė situacija bei dinamika, aktualios jaunimo problemos, jaunimo pasirengimo integracijai į pilietinę visuomenę ugdymo sistema, viešojo sektoriaus ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų bendradarbiavimo sprendžiant jaunimo problemas prielaidos ir galimybės. Pateikiami Šiaulių miesto ir Joniškio rajono jaunimo nuostatų ir patirčių tyrimo rezultatai, interviu su Šiaulių miesto ir Joniškio rajono nevyriausybinių organizacijų bei savivaldybės institucijų atstovais rezultatai ir analizė. Remiantis gautais rezultatais, pateiktos darbo išvados ir rekomendacijos savivaldybių institucijų ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų bendradarbiavimo efektyvumui tobulinti. Patvirtinama autorių suformuluota mokslinio tyrimo hipotezė, kad viešojo sektoriaus ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų bendradarbiavimas įgyvendinant jaunimo politiką Šiaulių mieste ir Joniškio rajone gali turėti didelę reikšmę jaunimo integracijos į pilietinę visuomenę ir tautinio indentiteto stiprinimo procese. / The bachelor's work contains the overview and detailed analysis of economical and sociocultural situation as well as it's dynamics in modern big and small cities and villages, actual youth problems, the system of upbringing of youth for integration into civil society, the preconditions and possibilities of cooperation of public sector and non-governmental organizations in solving of youth problems. The results of investigation of youth attitude and experiences in Shiauliai city and Yonishkis district as well as the results and analysis of interview with non-govermental organizations and local goverment of Shiauliai city and Yonishkis district representatives are presented. Based on these results are the conlusions and recommendations regarding more effective cooperation between public sector and non-governmental organizations. Author's scientific reseach hypothesis that cooperation of public sector and non-governmental organizations of Shiauliai city and Yonishkis district in realization of youth politics can be of great importance in the process of youth integration into civil society and strengthening of national identity.

Demokratiškumo ugdymo programų taikymas socialinių pedagogų rengime / The application of democracy education programs in social educators' training

Balkutė, Asta 04 July 2006 (has links)
By the analyze the training programs of child welfare professionals (Vilnius Pedagogical University), it was remarked that democracy education is integrated into different study modules. Both in Lithuania and United States of America civic and democracy education is integrated by main documents, data, and texts, which is civic and democracy education theory and practice based on projects for active citizenship. One of the most improved project for democracy education could be Project Citizen, which is accredited as alternative democracy education program by Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science and Education Department of United States of America. According to this program Foundations of Democracy could be both theoretical and practical example for democracy education. It is used in all educational levels in United States of America, and in elementary level in Lithuania. This program is based on active and critical educational methods which stand on four democracy dimensions: Authority, Privacy, Responsibility and Justice. This program is developed in Center for Civic Education in Indiana (USA), as the Project Citizen. The hypothesis of the research - Tyrimo hipotezė – taikant demokratinio ugdymo programą, būsimieji vaiko gerovės profesionalai įgis demokratinio ugdymo teorinės ir praktinės patirties, ir efektyviai taikys dirbdami su ugdymo institucijų bendruomene. The object of the research – programs for democracy education – Foundations of Democracy and Project... [to full text]

Religinio ir pilietinio ugdymo suderinamumas ir papildomumas / Compatibility and Complementability of Religious and Civic Education

Inga, Balčiūnienė 21 November 2008 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektas – religinio ir pilietinio ugdymo ryšys suderinamumo ir papildomumo aspektais. Tyrimu siekta atskleisti religinio ir pilietinio ugdymo ryšio, šių dviejų sričių suderinamumo ir papildomumo teorines ir praktines galimybes. Pilietinio ir religinio ugdymo suderinamumo ir papildomumo analizė remiasi ugdymo turinio bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje prieštaravimų ir studentų pilietinės ir religinės socializacijos ypatumų identifikavimu bei pilietiškumo ugdymo religinėse aplinkose, taikant kooperuotų studijų metodą, realizavimu. Tyrimu siekta atsakyti į šiuos klausimus: Kaip siejasi teoriniai pilietiškumo ir religingumo konceptai? Kaip siejasi religingumo ir pilietiškumo formos? Kaip teoriniu požiūriu gali būti pasiekiama religinio ir pilietinio ugdymo vienovė, suderinamumas ir tarpusavio papildomumas? Kokiais ugdymo tikslų ir ugdymo turinio prieštaravimais pasižymi religinis ir pilietinis ugdymas Lietuvoje? Kokias ir kaip pilietiškumo kompetencijas ugdo religijos (tikybos) vadovėliai? Kaip pasireiškia ir siejasi asmens pilietiškumas ir religingumas? Kaip pilietiškumas ir religingumas gali būti traktuojami kaip asmens socializacijos ir ugdymo rezultatas? Kokios yra pilietinio ugdymo religinio pažinimo kontekste teorinės ir praktinės sąlygos? Kokie ugdymo metodai gali būti taikomi derinant pilietinį ir religinį ugdymą? Kiek veiksmingas, ugdant pilietiškumą, gali būti kooperuotų studijų metodas, realizuojamas religinėse aplinkose? Kokia dinamika pasižymi studentų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The relationship between religious and civic education, on the aspects of the compatibility and complementability is analyzed in the doctoral research. The analysis is based on the identification of the contradictions of the education content in secondary schools; on the identification of the peculiarities of students’ civic and religious socialization, and on the implementation of civic education (with the help of service learning) in religious surroundings. The following questions are developed in the dissertational research: How are theoretical concepts of citizenship and religiosity related? How are the forms of religiosity and citizenship related? How can the compatibility and complementability of religious and civic education be achieved? What are the contradictions between the goals of civic education and the content of religious education in Lithuania? What and how are civic competences developed by religious education textbooks? How are personal religiosity and citizenship related and expressed? How can citizenship and religiosity be approached as the result of socialization and education? What are the theoretical and practical conditions of civic education in the context of religious knowledge? What educational methods can be applied in harmonizing civic and religious education? How effective for the education of civic attitudes and skills can service learning performed in religious environments be? How are students’ civic attitudes and skills changing while... [to full text]

Globos namų auklėtinių pilietiškumas / Civic Achievement of Students in the Childcare Institutions

Jociūtė, Aurelija 08 June 2005 (has links)
In many European countries and countries of the world civic education is given special consideration – in the documents of European Council, United Nations, UNESCO and European Union democratic civic achievement dimension is considered highly significant. An important event for the civic education confirms this: European Council declared 2005 the year of civic achievement. Meanwhile, the changing society of Lithuania under the conditions of the democracy that is building up, still lacks citizens able to evaluate, freely express themselves, pursue independent, substantive decisions and find them – therefore, in our country civic education gets more and more consideration. However, there are just a few researches that analyze civic maturity of the students; and I couldn’t find researches that had been carried out on the civic achievement of the students in the childcare institutions not only in the Lithuanian, but also in the foreign literature. Therefore, I chose the expression of the civic achievement in life of the students in the childcare institutions as the object of my research; and, in order to estimate the civic achievement (i.e. civic attitudes, knowledge, values and participation) of the teenagers in the childcare institutions, I analyzed scientific literature and documents that regulate civic education, and displayed peculiarities of civic education of the teenagers in the childcare institutions. Besides, I carried out a research in order to analyze civic... [to full text]

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