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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Blogai besimokančių mokinių asmenybės ir elgesio ypatumai / Peculiarities of miserable student‘ s individual and behavior

Neniškienė, Ina 15 June 2005 (has links)
Neniškienė I. Peculiarities of miserable student‘ s individual and behavior. A supervisor -Barkauskaitė M. There were implemented reforms of education during ten years. These reforms determined progress of education in Lithuania. However, the youth which is studying does not get qualified primary and secondary education, they cannot compete with our society. A school like an institution is not perfect. There are lots of influences ( surroundings’ conditions which form children’ s disfavour for school, reluctance to attend school and diminish wish to study and schoolgirl’ s and schoolboy’ s attitudes, viewpoints and values which are formed in these conditions ) , which determine a reluctance to study directly or indirectly. There are statements which are located. Firstly, the features of miserable students influence miserable school work. Secondly, an incapability to study good postulates negative attitude to studies, estimation of themselves, conflicts between teachers and classmates. Finally, some special social pedagogical reasons govern miserable school work. These reasons lie in family, in individual, at school and in society. There were participate students ( which do not get good marks ) from 5- 10 forms in the investigation. The main purpose of the investigation- to display individual’s and behavior’ s peculiarity of miserable students. The goals of the investigation: to find pedagogical and psychological literature and discuss theoretical aspects of the... [to full text]

Lietuva kaip besimokanti visuomenė / Lithuania as a Learning Society

Tunaitytė, Birutė 04 March 2009 (has links)
Darbas parašytas besimokančios visuomenės sampratą nagrinėjant šiuose kontekstuose: švietimo ir mokslo sistemos, t.y. aukštojo mokslo ir mokymosi visą gyvenimą, besimokančių regionų ir besimokančios ekonomikos kontekste. Taikant analitinį, aprašomąjį bei lyginamąjį metodus, nagrinėjami Lietuvos ypatumai, problemos, stabdantys Lietuvos kaip besimokančios visuomenės plėtojimą. Darbe teigiama, kad didelis aukštojo mokslo siekiančiųjų skaičius nėra Lietuvos kaip besimokančios visuomenės sėkmės rodiklis ir neužtikrina konkurencingumo, o mokymasis visą gyvenimą priklauso ne tik nuo valstybės politikos mokslo atžvilgiu, bet ir nuo gyventojų motyvacijos, darbdavių požiūrio, pilietinės visuomenės stiprumo. Darbe taip pat teigiama, kad besimokančių regionų kūrimasis priklauso nuo socialinio kapitalo faktoriaus: visuomenės socialinių ryšių stiprumo, pasitikėjimo, bendruomeniškumo, o taip pat kad tinklais ir partnerystėmis pagrįsta inovacijų sistema, ypač vertinant žmogiškųjų išteklių veiksnį, gali sąlygoti Lietuvai didesnį konkurencinį pranašumą. / The focus of this paper is the notion of a learning society in Lithuania. Lithuania, as a EU member, is in the process of implementation of a Lisbon strategy, which declared the goal of creation the knowledge society until the year 2010. The main task is to identify the peculiarities and problems that impede the creation and development of a learning society in Lithuania. The different aspects have been analyzed: primarily, the higher education system and the notion of lifelong learning, then the conception of a learning region in Lithuania, and finally the creation of a learning economy with effective innovation systems. It is claimed that Lithuania, being an educated country with high percentage of students enrolment, is not competitive enough, and that lifelong learning depends not only on the policy of a government, but on the motivation of the citizens, the approach of the employers and a strength of a civil society. It is also claimed that the spontaneous creation of learning regions lies in the social capital (trust, social capabilities). An interactive and systemic innovation system based on the partnerships and networks, with a strong value of a human factor, can guarantee a better competitive advantage.

Viešojo sektoriaus institucijų ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų veiklos derinimas tobulinant besimokančio jaunimo integraciją į pilietinę visuomenę: Šiaulių miesto ir Joniškio rajono atvejų analizė / Coordination of activities of public sector institutions and ngo‘s in development of student intergration into civil

Onaitienė, Sandra, Pėželytė, Edita, Pėželytė, Edita 04 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe apžvelgiama ir išsamiai išanalizuojama šiuolaikinė miestų ir mažų miestelių bei kamiškų vietovių ekonominė ir sociokultūrinė situacija bei dinamika, aktualios jaunimo problemos, jaunimo pasirengimo integracijai į pilietinę visuomenę ugdymo sistema, viešojo sektoriaus ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų bendradarbiavimo sprendžiant jaunimo problemas prielaidos ir galimybės. Pateikiami Šiaulių miesto ir Joniškio rajono jaunimo nuostatų ir patirčių tyrimo rezultatai, interviu su Šiaulių miesto ir Joniškio rajono nevyriausybinių organizacijų bei savivaldybės institucijų atstovais rezultatai ir analizė. Remiantis gautais rezultatais, pateiktos darbo išvados ir rekomendacijos savivaldybių institucijų ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų bendradarbiavimo efektyvumui tobulinti. Patvirtinama autorių suformuluota mokslinio tyrimo hipotezė, kad viešojo sektoriaus ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų bendradarbiavimas įgyvendinant jaunimo politiką Šiaulių mieste ir Joniškio rajone gali turėti didelę reikšmę jaunimo integracijos į pilietinę visuomenę ir tautinio indentiteto stiprinimo procese. / The bachelor's work contains the overview and detailed analysis of economical and sociocultural situation as well as it's dynamics in modern big and small cities and villages, actual youth problems, the system of upbringing of youth for integration into civil society, the preconditions and possibilities of cooperation of public sector and non-governmental organizations in solving of youth problems. The results of investigation of youth attitude and experiences in Shiauliai city and Yonishkis district as well as the results and analysis of interview with non-govermental organizations and local goverment of Shiauliai city and Yonishkis district representatives are presented. Based on these results are the conlusions and recommendations regarding more effective cooperation between public sector and non-governmental organizations. Author's scientific reseach hypothesis that cooperation of public sector and non-governmental organizations of Shiauliai city and Yonishkis district in realization of youth politics can be of great importance in the process of youth integration into civil society and strengthening of national identity.

Pedagoginė pagalba nesėkmingai besimokantiems mokiniams / Pedagogical help for ineffective learning pupils

Silickienė, Nijolė 15 June 2005 (has links)
Theme revelance and novelty. Today in global educology pedagogical help for ineffective learning pupils takes more and more important place, there for we must analise and expand this form of enlightment, that helps pupils form there cultural interests, creative powers and skills, acquire theoretical knowledge for professional work and became active citizen of democratic society. Pupil that suffers from constant failures in education loose interest in education, his learning motivation decreases, he skips classes and eventualy drops from school. There for pedagogical help for ineffectively learning pupils analises is important study bar, that have big meaning in all educational sistem, that justify masters work theme is topical and novelty. Work‘s goal. Analise main reasons for failures in learning and forsee pedagogical help for pupils that fail in learning. Works course. In methodical work‘s part necessity for pedagogical help for pupils that fail in education based and form classified attitude for this phenomenon. In work‘s research part done practical research that helps evaluate is theorical concepts is realy applicable in practice. For this research stage questionnaire poll is used and respondents are pupils and teachers. In this reseach 527 respondents took part. 262 teachers and 265 pupils. Based on this research conclusion is made, that not in all schools sociologists and psycologists work and these that work not always give proper and apropos help. Valueing... [to full text]

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