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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flying is Dangerous - That is why it is so safe : Miscommunication in aviation

Thörnqvist, Christer January 2020 (has links)
In this essay one has been investigating some of the reasons why aviation incidents take place and also examine what strategies there are to minimize the risks - primarily regarding miscommunication which often seems to be a contributing element or a direct cause in aviation mishaps. The aim of this study is to highlight and raise awareness about this field of study from a communicative point of view.The study has been performed using qualitative interviews with pilots, Air Traffic Controllers and other professionals within the aviation industry. The research has been somewhat hampered by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic but not to an extent that would have corrupted the findings.The key results have indicated that miscommunication still is a problem in the aviation industry, but less so on the local national stage than in a global perspective. Two particular occurrences that have been given extra attention are runway incursions and the use of Controller Pilot Data-Link Communications.One has established that there are technical systems available on the market to improve communication performance and that runway incursion is a problem that grows with the complexity of the airport environment. One has also been made aware of the fact that human factors can only be mitigated so far with technology. The principal question has been: How can Miscommunication in Aviation be reduced? / I denna uppsats har vi tittat på några av de bakomliggande orsakerna till att incidenter fortfarande sker inom trafikflyget samt undersökt vilka strategier som föreligger för att minimera dessa risker - primärt pga felkommunikation vilken ofta tenderar att vara en bakomliggande eller direkt utlösande faktor i flygolyckor. Syftet med denna studie är att uppmärksamma och öka medvetenheten om dessa fenomen från en kommunikativ synvinkel.Studien har genomförts medelst en kvalitativ intervjumetod med piloter, flygledare och andra initierade yrkesgrupper inom flygindustrin. Forskningen har hämmats något pga utbrottet av COVID-19 pandemin men inte i en sådan omfattning att resultatet har förvanskats.De huvudsakliga resultaten har indikerat att felkommunikation fortfarande är ett problem inom flygbranschen, men i en långt mindre omfattning på lokal nationell nivå än i ett globalt perspektiv. Två specifika företeelser som har getts extra uppmärksamhet är rullbaneintrång samt användandet av CPDLC (datalänk).Vi har konstaterat att det finns tekniska system på marknaden för att förbättra prestandan på kommunikationen samt att rullbaneintrång är ett problem som växer med flygplatsens storlek och komplexitetsgrad. Vi har också uppmärksammats på att den mänskliga faktorn endast delvis kan undanröjas med hjälp av teknologi. Den huvudsakliga fågeställningen har varit: Hur kan felkommunikation inom flyget reduceras

Fastläggning av arsenik med nollvärt järn i mikrostorlek : Uppföljning av ett pilotskaleförsök / Remediation of arsenic using zero valent iron microparticles : Follow-up of a pilot study

Aronsson, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Land contaminated with arsenic is a major problem as arsenic is toxic and poses a major health risk to both humans and animals. There are several remediation methods, both in-situ and ex-situ, to prevent and deal with pollution problems in different ways. In Hjältevad, Eksjö municipality, a leak occurred in an impregnation tank in 1968, in a facility belonging to atelephone company. As a result, the groundwater was contaminated with chromium, copper andarsenic and despite several major remediation measures, arsenic concentrations are still highand new measures are required, of which this study is a part.Previous laboratory tests with soil samples from Hjätevad, both batch and then column tests,showed that zero-valent iron particles (ZVI) in nano and micro-scale proved to be most effectiveunder given conditions to immobilize arsenic. In the present study results from a pilot scaleexperiment with micro-scale ZVI (mZVI) are presented. Before the pilot scale experiment,dynamic groundwater sampling was carried out in Hjältevad, to characterize the aquifer. Also,initial distribution tests with mZVI were conducted. Trial injections were carried out with a slurryof water, mZVI and guar. The latter was added to increased viscosity. The distribution of mZVIwas followed up with measurements of e.g., conductivity and imaging with OPI-VIS. The spreadof mZVI ranged between 0.5–1.5 meters.In the pilot scale experiment, five injection points were used 2 meters apart from each other andsix new groundwater wells were installed after the injection to monitor the effect of mZVI ongroundwater chemistry. Injections were made at 11 different depths in 0.5-meter intervals. Forfour months, measurements of different groundwater parameters were conducted. Smallreductions in arsenic levels were found in two groundwater wells downstream from the injectionpoints, but no reduction in the remaining wells.One reason for the small effect on arsenic concentration could be slow kinetics of the reactionbetween mZVI and water, due to low groundwater temperatures (7–8 °C). Another reason couldbe that the mZVI was not dispersed well enough in the soil due to either the aggregation ofmZVI particles or the heterogeneity of the soil. / Arsenikförorenad mark är ett stort problem då arsenik är toxisk och utgör en stor hälsorisk förbåde människor och djur och bör därför saneras. Det finns flertalet saneringsmetoder både in-situoch ex-situ för att på olika sätt både förebygga och ta itu med en föroreningsproblematik. IHjältevad, Eksjö kommun, skedde ett läckage i en impregneringstank år 1968, i dåvarandeTeleverkets anläggning. Detta förorenade grundvattnet med krom, koppar och arsenik och trotsflera stora saneringsåtgärder var arsenikkoncentrationerna höga och nya åtgärder undersöktes,vilket denna studie är en del av.I ett tidigare arbete genomfördes laborationsförsök med jordprover från Hjätevad, först skak- ochsedan kolonnförsök med lovande resultat där ickesulfiderat mikrojärn visade sig mest verksamtunder givna förutsättningar. I detta examensarbete undersöktes möjligheten att fastlägga arsenik igrundvattenzonen genom att injektera nollvärt järn i mikroskala (mZVI) i ett pilotskaleförsök.Innan pilotskaleförsöket genomfördes även på plats i Hjältevad både dynamiskgrundvattenprovtagning för att få en djupprofil på grundvattenkemin. I ett inledandedistrubitionstest genomfördes provinjektioner av en slurry med mZVI blandad med guar för attge ökad viskositet, vars spridning följdes upp med mätningar av bl.a. konduktivitet och bildermed OPI-VIS. Spridnigen blev mellan 0,5-1,5 meter.I pilotskaleförsöket användes fem injekeringspunkter och sex nya grundvattenrör installeradesefter injekteringen för att följa upp effekten i grundvattnet. Injekteringarna gjordes på 11 olikadjup med ett intervall på 0,5 meter. Effekterna i grundvattnet följdes upp under fyra månadergenom mätningar av pH, EH, As(III), total As och Fe. Små minskningar av arsenikhalterna kundekonstateras i de två provbrunnarna på störst avstånd nedströms från injekteringarna, men ingenminskning i övriga provbrunnar. En orskak att minskningen av arsenikkoncentrationen inte blevstörre kan vara långsam kinetik i reaktionen mellan vatten och mZVI, vilken potentiellt ärtemperaturberoende. När mZVI reagerar med vatten bildas olika järn(hydr)oxider, vilka kanbinda löst arsenik. En annan är orsak kan vara att mZVI inte har spridits tillräckligt bra i markenpå grund av antingen att mZVI-partiklarna klumpat ihop sig eller heterogeniteten i marken.

Thermophilic anaerobic digestion of municipal wastewater sludges: A pilot scale evaluation with model assistance / Termofil rötning av kommunala avloppsslam: En utvärdering i pilotskala med modellstöd

Lundwall, Ted January 2021 (has links)
I takt med att städerna växer ökar belastningen på de kommunala avloppsreningsverken. Käppalaförbundet förutspår att antalet anslutna personekvivalenter till Käppalaverket kommer att öka med över 160 % under de kommande tre decennierna. En ökad belastning leder till en större mängd slam som måste behandlas. Detta görs idag med stabilisering genom mesofil rötning samt efterföljande avvattning och hygienisering. Samtidigt finns ett behov av hållbara energikällor i samhället, dit avloppsreningsverken bidrar genom tillhandahålla energirik biogas som biprodukt från rötningen.  Utrötningsgraden är beroende av slammets uppehållstid i rötkammaren och uppehållstiden kommer att bli kortare i takt med att belastningen ökar. Termofil rötning har identifierats som ett möjligt alternativ till inköp av ytterligare rötkammarvolym då metoden har rapporterats ge en snabbare stabilisering och därmed ett likvärdig resultat med kortare uppehållstid. Dessutom finns indikationer för att termofil rötning kan producera en större mängd biogas per enhet organiskt material i jämförelse med mesofil rötning. För att utreda huruvida Käppalaförbundet kan åtnjuta dessa fördelar har ett termofilt rötningsförsök bedrivits i pilotskala.  Pilotanläggningen bestod av en 5 m³ rötkammare som matades semikontinuerligt med 65 mass% primärslam och 35 mass% överskottsslam. Försöket inleddes med en temperaturövergång från en mesofil ymp till termofila betingelser, följt av att processen tilläts acklimatisera. Processen drevs därefter under tre uppehållstider med en längd på 18 dygn vardera. Samtliga driftparametrar härleddes i den mån det var möjligt från fullskalig slambehandling på Käppalaverket. De experimentella resultaten jämfördes med simuleringsresultat baserade på den matematiska modellen Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1. Temperaturövergången och acklimatiseringen utfördes med framgång. Vid referensbelastningen var utrötningsgraden 54.4 % och den specifika metanproduktionen var 0.221 Nm3 CH4/kgVS, vilket var otillräckligt för att överträffa den mesofila, fullskaliga processen. Försöket indikerade att proteiner bryts ned lättare i en termofil process. Vidare observerades avtagande processtabilitet och försämrade avvattningsegenskaper hos rötresten. / As cities grow, the load on the municipal wastewater treatment plants increases. The Käppala Association predicts that the number of population equivalents connected to the Käppala Wastewater Treatment Plant will increase by over 160 % in the coming three decades. An increased load leads to a larger amount of sludge that must be treated. This is done today with stabilization through mesophilic anaerobic digestion and subsequent dewatering and hygienization. At the same time, there is a need for sustainable energy sources in society, to which wastewater treatment plants contribute by providing energy-rich biogas as a by-product from the anaerobic digestion. The degree of digestion is dependent on the retention time of the sludge in the digester and the retention time will become shorter as the load increases. Thermophilic anaerobic digestion has been identified as a possible alternative to the investment of additional digester volume as the method has been reported to provide a faster stabilization and thus an equivalent result with a shorter retention time. In addition, there are indications that thermophilic anaerobic digestion is able to produce a larger amount of biogas per unit of organic material in comparison with mesophilic anaerobic digestion. To evaluate whether the Käppala Association can enjoy these benefits, a thermophilic anaerobic digestion experiment has been conducted on a pilot scale. The pilot plant included a 5 m³ digester which was fed semi-continuously with 65 mass% primary sludge and 35 mass% waste activated sludge. The experiment began with a temperature transition from a mesophilic inoculum to thermophilic conditions, followed by allowing the process to acclimatize. The process was operated thereafter for three retention times with a length of 18 days each. All process parameters were derived as far as possible from the full-scale sludge treatment at Käppala Wastewater Treatment Plant. The experimental results were compared with simulation results based on the mathematical model Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1. The temperature transition and acclimatization was performed successfully. At reference load, the degree of digestion was 54.4 % and specific methane production was 0.221 Nm3 CH4/kgVS, which was not enough to overcome the mesophilic full-scale process. Indications pointed towards proteins being more easily digested in a thermophilic process. Furthermore, deteriorating process stability and dewaterability of the digestate was observed.

Perspectives of Jamming, Mitigation and Pattern Adaptation of OFDM Pilot Signals for the Evolution of Wireless Networks

Rao, Raghunandan M. 28 September 2016 (has links)
Wireless communication networks have evolved continuously over the last four decades in order to meet the traffic and security requirements due to the ever-increasing amount of traffic. However this increase is projected to be massive for the fifth generation of wireless networks (5G), with a targeted capacity enhancement of 1000× w.r.t. 4G networks. This enhanced capacity is possible by a combination of major approaches (a) overhaul of some parts and (b) elimination of overhead and redundancies of the current 4G. In this work we focus on OFDM reference signal or pilot tones, which are used for channel estimation, link adaptation and other crucial functions in Long-Term Evolution (LTE). We investigate two aspects of pilot signals pertaining to its evolution - (a) impact of targeted interference on pilots and its mitigation and (b) adaptation of pilot patterns to match the channel conditions of the user. We develop theoretical models that accurately quantify the performance degradation at the user’s receiver in the presence of a multi-tone pilot jammer. We develop and evaluate mitigation algorithms to mitigate power constrained multi-tone pilot jammers in SISO- and full rank spatial multiplexing MIMO-OFDM systems. Our results show that the channel estimation performance can be restored even in the presence of a strong pilot jammer. We also show that full rank spatial multiplexing in the presence of a synchronized pilot jammer (transmitting on pilot locations only) is possible when the channel is flat between two pilot locations in either time or frequency. We also present experimental results of multi-tone broadcast pilot jamming (Jamming of Cell Specific Reference Signal) in the LTE downlink. Our results show that full-band jamming of pilots needs 5 dB less power than jamming the entire downlink signal, in order to cause Denial of Service (DoS) to the users. In addition to this, we have identified and demonstrated a previously unreported issue with LTE termed ‘Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) Spoofing’. In this scenario, the attacker tricks the user terminal into thinking that the channel quality is good, by transmitting interference transmission only on the data locations, while deliberately avoiding the pilots. This jamming strategy leverages the dependence of the adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) schemes on the CQI estimate in LTE. Lastly, we investigate the idea of pilot pattern adaptation for SISO- and spatial multiplexing MIMO-OFDM systems. We present a generic heuristic algorithm to predict the optimal pilot spacing and power in a nonstationary doubly selective channel (channel fading in both time and frequency). The algorithm fits estimated channel statistics to stored codebook channel profiles and uses it to maximize the upper bound on the constrained capacity. We demonstrate up to a 30% improvement in ergodic capacity using our algorithm and describe ways to minimize feedback requirements while adapting pilot patterns in multi-band carrier aggregation systems. We conclude this work by identifying scenarios where pilot adaptation can be implemented in current wireless networks and provide some guidelines to adapt pilots for 5G. / Master of Science

Incorporation of Causal Factors Affecting Pilot Motivation for Improvement of Airport Runway and Exit Design Modeling

Olamai, Afshin 18 October 2022 (has links)
This research aims to improve the design and placement of runway exits at airports through analysis and modeling of the effects that exogenous causal factors have on pilots' landing behavior and exit selections. Incorporating these factors into modeling software will strengthen the software's utility by providing project teams the ability to specify which pilot motivational causal factors apply to a new or existing runway. The main findings suggest pilots' exit selections are deterministic but dependent on the presence (or absence) of six (6) causal factors. A model and two (2) case studies are presented and compared against predictions generated by existing modeling software. The results support a finding that the causal factor model improves motivation-based predictions over current modeling techniques, which are drawn from stochastic distributions. The accuracy of this model enables designers to optimize runway exit placement and geometry to maximize runway capacity. / Master of Science / Airport design engineers currently plan the locations and geometric characteristics of runway exits by balancing the expected fleet mix of aircraft on that runway with the capacity and delay effects that the number and placement of these exits might cause. This technique originated from research beginning in the early 1970s, which found that pilots' exit motivations primarily resulted from the capabilities and limitations of their aircraft. Since pilots tend to "fly by the numbers" (i.e., exhibit predictable approach airspeeds, power levels, wing flaps, touchdown locations, landing speeds, and braking efforts), engineers thus employed design principles in which the numbers, locations and geometries of exits were primarily functions of the physical and performance-based characteristics of the specific types of aircraft expected to utilize the runway. However, in studying more than 4 million landings by a single aircraft type (the Boeing 737-800) at 42 U.S. airports, the evidence in this thesis shows that pilots' exit selections are behaviorally motivated by more than the physics of motion. This thesis aims to refine previous research and engineering methods by showing evidence that pilots' exit selections have as much to do with the presence (or absence) of certain environmental factors within the landing system. These factors (described in detailed within) are unique to each airport's overall physical network of interconnected runways, exits, taxiways, terminals and other features. Within this network, a pilot's landing behavior and exit selection depends on the locational and relational interactions that each exit choice will have on the time and distance to their apron (gate) assignment. These "interactions" are referred to as causal factors – defined as physical features within a landing environment that pilots have little-to-no control over – but which nevertheless influence their specific exit selections. Two (2) runway case studies provided in this thesis evidence a finding that a causal factor model reliably predicts pilots' exit selections better than current modeling techniques, which are drawn from probability-based statistical distributions. The stability and accuracy of the new model enables engineering design and project teams to optimize runway exit placement and geometry to maximize runway capacity, and can be adopted for use in both existing and future runways.

En jämförande studie av sjöolyckor inom hamnområden för fartyg med och utan lotsplikt

Vävargård, Oliver, Lindberg, Simon January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie genomfördes med syftet att undersöka yrkessjöfartens grundstötningar och kollisioner inom svenska hamnområden. Studien genomfördes som en kvantitativt inriktad systematisk litteraturstudie. I denna studies metod delades inträffade olyckor in i tre kategorier: fartyg med lots, fartyg med lotsdispens och fartyg utan lotsplikt. Rapporter om olyckor som inträffat mellan 2003 och 2013 inom svenska hamnområden utgjorde studiens underlag av data. Resultaten visar att fartyg utan lotsplikt är involverade i fler grundstötningar och kollisioner inom svenska hamnområden än fartyg med lotsplikt. Resultaten visar även att fartyg utan lotsplikt kolliderar med andra fartyg i högre utsträckning än vad fartyg med lotsplikt gör och att fartyg som navigerar med lotsdispens är något mer riskbenägna under sämre vind- och siktförhållanden. / The following study was conducted with the intent of reviewing groundings and collisions within Swedish port facilities involving commercially operated vessels. The method used was a quantitative systematic literature review. The study compared accidents involving vessels with pilot onboard and vessels which were exempted pilotage. Reports of accidents occurring between 2003 and 2013 were the study’s basis of data. The results show that the vast majority of accidents involved vessels exempted from pilotage due to ships’ particulars. The most common type of accidents involving the aforementioned vessels were collisions with other vessels, which stands in clear contrast to the other two vessel categories which both mostly tended to collide with fixed objects. In summary, this study clearly demonstrates that vessels whose particulars make them exempted from pilotage are at greatly increased risk of being involved in groundings and collision within port facilities.

A Virtual pilot algorithm for synthetic HUMS data generation

Fowler, Lee Everett 07 January 2016 (has links)
Regime recognition is an important tool used in creation of usage spectra and fatigue loads analysis. While a variety of regime recognition algorithms have been developed and deployed to date, verification and validation (V&V) of such algorithms is still a labor intensive process that is largely subjective. The current V&V process for regime recognition codes involves a comparison of scripted flight test data to regime recognition algorithm outputs. This is problematic because scripted flight test data is expensive to obtain, may not accurately match the maneuver script, and is often used to train the regime recognition algorithms and thus is not appropriate for V&V purposes. In this paper, a simulation-based virtual pilot algorithm is proposed as an alternative to physical testing for generating V&V flight test data. A “virtual pilot” is an algorithm that replicates a human’s piloting and guidance role in simulation by translating high level maneuver instructions into parameterized control laws. Each maneuver regime is associated with a feedback control law, and a control architecture is defined which provides for seamless transitions between maneuvers and allows for execution of an arbitrary maneuver script in simulation. The proposed algorithm does not require training data, iterative learning, or optimization, but rather utilizes a tuned model and feedback control laws defined for each maneuver. As a result, synthetic HUMS data may be generated and used in a highly automated regime recognition V&V process. In this thesis, the virtual pilot algorithm is formulated and the component feedback control laws and maneuver transition schemes are defined. Example synthetic HUMS data is generated using a simulation model of the SH-60B, and virtual pilot fidelity is demonstrated through both conformance to the ADS-33 standards for selected Mission Task Elements and comparison to actual HUMS data.

The predictive validity of a psychological test battery for the selection of cadet pilots in a commercial airline

Mnguni, Vusumuzi Quirion 03 1900 (has links)
Commercial airlines need to employ well qualified pilots to run their core business. The current supply from privately and military qualified pilots is proving to be inadequate. A further challenge facing the airline is having to attempt to reflect the diversity of the country in its workforce. The present study investigated the predictive validity of a psychological test battery for cadet pilots. The predictors that were included in the research are: biographical data, ABET levels in terms of English and Matric results, as well as results from psychological tests, namely: English literacy skills assessment (ELSA), Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RMP), Blox test, subtests of the Intermediate Battery (B/77) viz: Arithmetic 1 and 2, and Reading Comprehension, and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). The objective of the research was to determine the predictive validity of the selection battery utilizing the final flying school results as the criteria. The results of the research were inconclusive. Only some of the tests showed positive correlations with the modules of the flying school results. The Ravens Progressive Matrices, Blox, Matriculation English symbol, ABET levels and Reading Comprehension, were found to have predictive power with some of the modules of the flying school results based on the regression analysis. It is recommended that a revised profile for a commercial airline pilot should be developed, as well as that the critical skills and competencies should be identified to enable the airlines to utilize appropriate and relevant assessment tools to select prospective candidates, particularly among the previously disadvantaged communities. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

En jämförande studie av sjöolyckor inom hamnområden för fartyg med och utan lotsplikt

Vävargård, Oliver, Lindberg, Simon January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie genomfördes med syftet att undersöka yrkessjöfartens grundstötningar och kollisioner inom svenska hamnområden. Studien genomfördes som en kvantitativt inriktad systematisk litteraturstudie. I denna studies metod delades inträffade olyckor in i tre kategorier: fartyg med lots, fartyg med lotsdispens och fartyg utan lotsplikt. Rapporter om olyckor som inträffat mellan 2003 och 2013 inom svenska hamnområden utgjorde studiens underlag av data. Resultaten visar att fartyg utan lotsplikt är involverade i fler grundstötningar och kollisioner inom svenska hamnområden än fartyg med lotsplikt. Resultaten visar även att fartyg utan lotsplikt kolliderar med andra fartyg i högre utsträckning än vad fartyg med lotsplikt gör och att fartyg som navigerar med lotsdispens är något mer riskbenägna under sämre vind- och siktförhållanden. / The following study was conducted with the intent of reviewing groundings and collisions within Swedish port facilities involving commercially operated vessels. The method used was a quantitative systematic literature review. The study compared accidents involving vessels with pilot onboard and vessels which were exempted pilotage. Reports of accidents occurring between 2003 and 2013 were the study’s basis of data. The results show that the vast majority of accidents involved vessels exempted from pilotage due to ships’ particulars. The most common type of accidents involving the aforementioned vessels were collisions with other vessels, which stands in clear contrast to the other two vessel categories which both mostly tended to collide with fixed objects. In summary, this study clearly demonstrates that vessels whose particulars make them exempted from pilotage are at greatly increased risk of being involved in groundings and collision within port facilities.Keywords:Pilotage, Pilot,

Investigating the surfacing and diving behaviour and availability of long-finned pilot whales and quantifying the effects of anthropogenic sound on density and strandings of cetaceans in the northeast Atlantic

Jewell, Rebecca January 2014 (has links)
The size and trend of a population is fundamental to the assessment of its conservation status, yet cetacean abundance data are often biased and lack statistical power to detect trends. As a result, the conservation status of many species is unknown and the population-level effects of conservation pressures such as anthropogenic sound cannot be quantified. Failing to account for cetaceans that are unavailable for detection at the surface during abundance surveys will negatively bias estimates of abundance. Analysis of time-depth data revealed that pilot whale dive and surface interval durations, and availability for detection, varied with time of day, but this bias was accurately estimated using the mean dive and surface interval durations. A global analysis of cetacean density estimates compiled from multiple line-transect surveys incorporated covariates describing availability bias, and other sources of variability, to facilitate the detection of underlying temporal trends. Decadal global trends in cetacean density were detected for four species, while significant yearly ocean-scale trends were detected for six families. Exploratory analysis of data compiled from line-transect surveys found some evidence that trends in the density of minke whales and sperm whales in the northeast Atlantic varied between areas with and without seismic survey effort. However, there were insufficient data to clearly identify chronic exposure to anthropogenic sound from seismic surveys as a driver of population change. Analysis of strandings data from the UK and Ireland identified some evidence that harbour porpoise and sperm whale stranding rates were related to seismic survey effort and wind farm construction, but the results were not conclusive. Large-scale cetacean surveys provide valuable information on the density and spatial and temporal distribution of cetaceans that is vital for monitoring populations, but these surveys cannot replace dedicated studies of the population-level effects of sound on cetaceans.

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