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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Field Measurements of Surface Displacements from Pipe Bursting

McLeod, Heather 15 January 2009 (has links)
Two field studies of surface displacements during pipe bursting were conducted. The first field study consisted of a controlled experiment in clay soil. Three vitrified clay pipelines, each at a different burial depth, were up-sized to high density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes using static pipe bursting techniques. Surface displacements during the pipe bursting process were monitored using digital imaging techniques as well as surveying. It was found that ground displacements were largest in the vertical direction, such that the maximum vertical displacements measured during pipe bursting ranged from 71.8 ± 7.5 mm at a depth of cover of 0.6 m and 11.2 ± 1.2 mm at a depth of cover of 1.5 m. Transverse displacements generated during pipe bursting were found to correspond to tension cracking of the ground surface above the pipe. The second field study examined pipe bursting installations which took place at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police College campus in Ottawa, Ontario. During this study, five pipe bursting installations were monitored. Each installation varied in terms of the surface and subsurface conditions, host pipe size and material, replacement pipe size, and depth of cover. The pattern of displacements distributed in all three directions was consistent with the results from the controlled study. However, greater variability in results was found during the Ottawa project. Vertical displacements were found to range from 0.6 ± 0.1 mm to 11.3 ± 0.2 mm for pipe bursts carried out to the same up-size dimension, at approximately the same depth of cover, surrounded by similar surface and subsurface conditions. In general, pipe bursting in clayey soils with an unpaved surface resulted in larger displacements having a narrower distribution over the ground surface than the paved installations. Additionally, increased variability in results occurred under real construction conditions due to inherent variability in subsurface and host pipe conditions. / Thesis (Master, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2008-12-23 12:52:08.301

Life cycle assessment comparison of CIPP lining and traditional pipe replacement / En jämförande livscykelanalys av CIPP-lining och traditionellt stambyte

Berglund, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
During the so-called “Miljonprogrammet”, over a million homes were built in Stockholm. As the buildings mature, parts of the buildings reach their technical life times and it is time to renovate them. At a time when the environmental impact of humans is a hot topic, it is appropriate to take the environment into account when deciding upon which restoration method to use. The sewage pipes are one of the important building parts in need of repair. This can be achieved by for example traditional pipe replacement or Cure-In-Place-Pipes (CIPP-lining).The goal of this study is to investigate and compare the environmental impact of traditional pipe replacement versus the use of the relining method CIPP lining by conducting a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA). The methods differ in the way that traditional pipe replacement demolishes the outer layers of the bathrooms and remove the old pipes to replace with new and restore the surface layers while CIPP-lining renovates the pipes from the inside with the use of a flexible liner.The purpose of the study has been to clarify the differences in environmental impacts of the different methods in a clear and easily understood way and thereby also simplify the decision-making process of property owners in need of renovation.With aid of the guidelines in ISO standards 14040 and 14044 a correct methodology has been used to ensure that the level of this work will be as high as possible. In combination with the software SimaPro specifically developed to handle the creation of various forms of life cycle assessments and the ISO standards a complex system been analyzed in detail.The results of the study show that CIPP-lining generally cause less environmental impacts than the traditional pipe replacement method. The analysis of 14 selected impact categories show that CIPP lining is preferable in 13 categories and that the traditional pipe replacement is preferable in 1 category. The sensitivity analysis show that the results change drastically depending on how much of the materials and energy used to demolish and reconstruct the outer layers of the bathroom one chooses to allocate to the new sewer pipes.The results show that the CIPP-lining results are dependent on the consumables and the liner assembly processes while the energy usage of the production process does not have a large impact on the results. For the traditional pipe replacement the results show that the consumable process is clearly the biggest impact while the piping production inflicts the least impact on the result.

Stambyte eller relining -en studie om ekonomisk och social hållbarhet vid renovering av fastigheter / Traditional pipe replacement or relining - a study on economic and social sustainability, in the renovation of property

Persson, Göran January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Minimizing disturbances in pipe replacement projects / Minimera störningar i stambytesprojekt

Bajramivic, Armin, Kahraman, Berwar January 2018 (has links)
The market for maintenance of dwellings in the construction industry is only getting more significant due to the time factor. Dwellings are only getting older, and demands for refurbishment are getting more obligatory for tenant-owned cooperatives.  This study examines the project manager’s approach when dealing with tenant-owned cooperatives and the management of pipe replacement. What risks and factors that are important to identify to achieve a possible decrease in disturbances in pipe replacement projects. To answer the purpose and the research questions asked, eight interviews were conducted.  The interviews were project managers with different experience level in the field of pipe replacement. The questions asked were based on the theoretical aspect of this study to examine further strategies that could help to achieve a successful project. The result from the interviewees was then analyzed and compressed to understand main factors and identify strategies to decrease disturbance during a pipe replacement project. The result from this master thesis indicates that a well-functioned communication prevents unpredictable risks together with a comprehensive pre-study. When dealing with a non-professional client, the right approach and educational level have to be established in the first interaction. When asked to rank the critical success factors, the most important ones were; Human-related factors, Project procedures, and Project-related factors. This consequently, implies which areas that are important for a project manager. As for the result of using risk management in pipe replacement projects, it could be regarded as either the most important or one very important tool to generate a successful project. / Marknaden för underhåll av bostadsrättföreningars bostäder i byggbranschen blir bara allt större på grund av tidsfaktorn. Bostäder blir bara äldre och krav på renovering blir mer obligatorisk för bostadsrättsföreningarna.   Denna studie undersöker projektledarens synsätt om hur man hanterar bostadsrättföreningar och projektledningen av stambyte. Vilka risker och faktorer som är viktiga att identifiera för att uppnå så nära som möjligt ett störningsfritt projekt. För att svara på syftet och frågeställningar har åtta intervjuer genomförts. Intervjuerna var med projektledare med olika erfarenhetsnivåer inom stambyte. Frågorna var baserad på den teoretiska aspekten av denna studie för att undersöka strategier som skulle kunna bidra till att uppnå ett framgångsrikt projekt. Resultatet från intervjuerna analyserades och undersöktes för att sedan förstå huvudfaktorerna och därmed identifieringsstrategier för att minska störningarna under ett stambytesprojekt. Resultatet av detta examensarbete visar att en väl fungerande kommunikation hindrar oförutsägbara risker med en djup förstudie. När projekt ledarna arbetar med en icke-professionell beställare måste man redan från början etablera rätt inställning. När de som intervjuades frågades om att rangordna vilka av de kritiska framgångsfaktorerna som var de viktigaste, var följande resultat; Mänskliga faktorer, upphandlingsprocesser och Projektrelaterade faktorer. Följaktligen, innebär vilket område som är viktigt för en projektledare. När det gäller resultatet av att använda riskhantering i rörbytesprojekt, kan det betraktas som antingen det viktigaste eller ett mycket viktigt verktyg för att skapa ett framgångsrikt projekt.

Utmaningar med hyressättning efter renovering : En analys av lagstiftningen kring hyreshöjningar vid renoveringar inom miljonprogrammet / The challenges of the rent setting system during renovation : Analysis of Legislation on Rent Increases During Renovations Within the Million Programme

Mikho, Maria January 2024 (has links)
Bostadshusen från miljonprogrammet är i behov av genomgripande renoveringar. Samtidigt riskerar detta att medföra omfattande hyreshöjningar för hyresgästerna som utgör en socioekonomiskt utsatt grupp i samhället. De hyreshöjningar som hyresgästerna står inför, och som har stöd i rådande lagstiftning, kan resultera i en renovräkning som innebär att ett flertal hyresgäster behöver lämna sina hem.  Syftet med detta arbete är att erhålla en djupare förståelse för hur hyressättningssystemet i samband med renovering fungerar för att undersöka dels rimligheten i de hyreshöjningar som sker, dels om rådande lagstiftning skyddar hyresgästen i samband med detta. Främst fokus har riktats mot hyreslägenheterna som tillhör miljonprogrammet. Tre centrala frågeställningar har väglett arbetet: Vilka lagar och regler styr hyreshöjningar vid renoveringar av lägenheter inom miljonprogrammet? Hur bedöms rimligheten i en hyreshöjning efter renoveringar ur ett juridiskt perspektiv? Skyddar dagens lagstiftning hyresgäster från markanta hyreshöjningar? För att besvara samtliga frågeställningar har en rättsdogmatisk ansats tillämpats, där utgångspunkten har tagits i lagstiftning, rättspraxis, lagförarbeten, viss rättshistoria och doktrin. Vidare har tillhörande litteratur samt rättsfall studerats för att undersöka hur hyressättningssystemet kring renoveringar ter sig i praktiken.  Arbetet konstaterar att hyreshöjningar följt av renoveringar kan få betydande konsekvenser för hyresgästerna, speciellt i områden som tillhör miljonprogrammet, som präglas av socioekonomisk utsatthet. Rådande regelsystem möjliggör betydande hyreshöjningar där hyresgäster har ett begränsat inflytande trots de skyddsregler som idag finns för att tillgodose ett skydd för dem. Dagens lagstiftning står därmed inför stora utmaningar, inte minst när det gäller att tillgodose behovet av en rimlig bostadsstandard samtidigt som hyresgästens ekonomiska situation ska beaktas. / The residential buildings from the Million program are in need of extensive renovation. This can lead to substantial rent increases for the tenants, who represent a socio-economically vulnerable group in society. The rent increases, which are supported by current legislation, may result in renovation eviction, where several tenants are forced to leave their homes due to rent increase. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how the rent setting system during renovation works, in order to examine both the reasonableness of the rent increases and whether current legislation protects the tenant in such cases. The focus has been on rental apartments from the Million program. Three central questions have guided this work: What laws and regulations govern rent increases when renovating apartments from the Million program? How is the reasonableness of a rent increase after renovations assessed from a legal perspective? Does current legislation protect tenants from significant rent increases? To answer the questions presented, different methods, including a legal-dogmatic approach, have been applied, where the current legislation, case law, selective legislative history and doctrine have been studied. Other literature on the subject have also been studied, in order to obtain an insight of the rent setting system during renovation, both from a theoretical and practical perspective.  This work finds that rent increases followed by renovation can have significant consequences for tenants, especially in areas belonging to the Million program with high socio-economic vulnerability. The current legislation allows for extensive rent increases where tenants have limited influence despite the current influence that is supported by law to provide protection for them. Today's legislation thus faces major challenges, not least when it comes to meeting the need for a reasonable standard of housing while taking into account the tenant's financial situation.

Kalkylanalys av stambyten : En jämförelse av stambytesprojekt för att belysa viktiga parametrar vid initial kalkylering / Calculation analysis of pipe replacement projects : A comparison of pipe replacment projects to illustrate important parameters of initial calculation

Lainio, Nellie, Östanbäck, Christian January 2018 (has links)
Sweden’s real estate portfolio has a major renovation requirement. A large part of the renovations that need to be carried out are pipe replacement projects. These are major projects and not all housing associations are aware of the extent financial consequences it brings. Therefore, planning in the economy throughout the project are important. This thesis aims at seeing what affects a production estimate to differ from the actual final cost.ÅF infrastructure division thought that their calculations of the estimated cost for production too often differs to the actual final cost. At a first meeting with ÅF, it appeared that there has been discussion and thought for solutions to the problem for some time. The thesis is based on 3 issues that will provide answers on how to make a better production estimate.In order to answer the questions, project managers have been interviewed and literature has been studied. The assigned reference objects have been analyzed and compared in tables. This thesis has resulted in the insight of that the project managers at ÅF are relatively good at estimating the original cost of what the contractor produces for the pipe replacement projects. After the analysis, recommendations have been presented that can be developed and implemented in the ÅF approach to calculate their estimated cost of production even better. By calculating the costs that are not included in the original cost for the contractors in a more methodical manner, based on experience, the production cost can be optimized.The work has been going on for a limited time with delimitations and a selection of projects. The results presented in the report should be applied with caution and awareness about the differences in the projects.

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