Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1938projekt"" "subject:"deprojekt""
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Planeringsprocessen vid ROT-projekt : En jämförelse av två projektUlvdell, August January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Jämförelse av projekteringsrelaterade avvikelser i ROT-projekt mellan entreprenadformer / Comparison of design-related deviations in Restoration, Reconstruction and Extension projects between contractformsBlock, Maria, Sundell, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Generellt i byggbranschen avslutas sällan ett projekt utan att ha stött på hinder. För Region Uppsala har ROT-projekt, som står för renovering, ombyggnad och tillbyggnad, ofta slutat dyrare än förväntat. Det är vanligt att beskylla projekteringen men en kartläggning av anledning till uppkomst av kostnadsdrivande avvikelser finns inte i dagsläget, eller om entreprenadform har någon påverkan. Detta är ett examensarbete inom byggteknik vid Uppsala Universitet på 15 hp och är utfört tillsammans med Region Uppsalas förvaltning Fastighet och Service som ansvarar för Regionens fastighetsbestånd. Deras uppgifter består av uthyrning, ombyggnad, nybyggnad och skötsel för drift av fastigheterna. Projektavdelningen är den avdelning på förvaltningen som driver de större bygg- och installationsprojekten. Deras största beställare är Akademiska sjukhuset. Syftet med arbetet är att kartlägga de kostnadsdrivande avvikelser som uppkommer i ROT-projekt för respektive entreprenadform, och målet är att undvika återkommande avvikelser i Fastighet och Service framtida ROTprojekt. Arbetet består dels av en litteraturstudie för att ge en fördjupning inom ämnet och förståelse för dagens problematik. Vidare har sju ROT-projekt tillhandahållna av Fastighet och Service analyserats i fallstudier. Projekten var begränsade till 15 miljoner i entreprenadpris för att fler projekt skulle kunna analyseras och bestod av både total- och utförandeentreprenader. En jämförelse gjordes mellan dessa. Utöver detta utfördes intervjuer med projektledare hos Fastighet och Service om deras erfarenheter och tankar kring ämnet. I detta arbete har en kartläggning över upprättade avvikelser gjorts och statistiken presenteras för varje projekt samt sammanlagt för entreprenadformerna. Resultatet visar att projekteringsprocessen består av flera skeden och det kan vara svårt att påvisa i vilket projekteringsmissarna grundar sig i. Sammanlagt bestod dessa av en tredjedel av de upprättade avvikelserna men det fanns andra orsaker som bidrog till större kostnader. Utifrån intervjuerna framkom det att upprättade avvikelser inte ligger till grund för val av entreprenadform utan andra parametrar var mer väsentliga. I slutsatsen presenteras för- och nackdelar för båda entreprenadformerna.
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BIM inom ROT-projektDahl, Erik January 2012 (has links)
Användingen av virtuellt byggande och byggnadsinformationsmodeller inom byggbranschen ökar ständigt och är ett område som varit föremål för flera studier under de senaste åren. I flertalet av dessa har dock fokus legat på nyproduktion. Men i och med ett ökande renoveringsbehov i stora delar av det svenska bostadsbeståndet ökar även intresset av att använda BIM inom ROT-projekt. Dessutom har ny teknik inom området inmätning, då främst laserscanning, gjort att det idag finns lämpliga verktyg för att skapa byggnadsinformationsmodeller av befintliga byggnader. Målet med denna studie har följaktligen varit att undersöka hur en BIM av en befintlig byggnad kan tas fram och hur denna kan användas inom ett ROT-projekt. Resultaten som redovisas i denna studie bygger dels på en kartläggning av olika metoder för inmätning och dels på en sammanställning av erfarenheter från olika personer som arbetat med antingen inmätning eller arbetat i ROT-projekt där digitala 3D-modeller använts på ett eller annat sätt. Kartläggningen av de olika inmätningsmetoderna genomfördes främst genom en litteraturstudie medan insamlingen av erfarenheter genomfördes i form av en intervjustudie. De slutsatser som har kunnat dras utifrån resultaten visar att det finns en rad olika nyttor med att använda sig av BIM även inom ROT-projekt. Framför allt nyttor rörande kommunikation mellan olika aktörer inom projektet och aktörer som på olika sätt berörs av projektet. Dessa aktörer kan exempelvis vara beställare eller hyresgäster av en fastighet och saknar många gånger kunskap och erfarenhet av att läsa traditionella bygghandlingar i 2D. Användandet av digitala 3D-modeller skulle göra det lättare att kommunicera med dessa aktörer. Dessutom redovisar studien ett förslag på arbetsgång som kan användas då en BIM av en befintlig byggnad ska tas fram. Denna arbetsgång består av åtta steg och går igenom vad en beställare av en 3D-modell bör tänka på för att undvika de fallgropar som denna studie kunnat identifiera. / The usage of Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) and Building Information Models (BIM) in the building industry is steadily increasing and has been the subject of several studies during the last couples of years. The majority of these have focused on the new production of buildings. However, with an increasing need for renovation in large parts of the Swedish housing stock there has been an increasing interest in using VDC and BIM in retrofit projects. In addition to that, new advances in the field of surveying, mainly through laser scanning, have provided new adequate tools to create building information models of existing buildings. The objective of this study has therefore been to investigate how a BIM of an existing building can be developed and how it can be used in a retrofit project. The results reported in this study are partly based on a survey consisting of various survey methods and partly on a compilation of experiences from individuals who worked as either a surveyor or in retrofit projects where digital 3D models where used in one way or another. The survey consisting of different survey methods was carried out mainly through a literature study, whereas the collection of experiences was carried out in the form of an interview study. The conclusions that could be drawn from these results show that there are a variety of benefits associated with the use of BIM in retrofit projects. The most pronounced benefits relate to the communication between different participants within the project and participants that are affected by the project in various ways. These participants may include the tenants or the users of the property who often lack the knowledge and the experience of reading traditional blueprints in 2D. The implementation of digital 3D models would facilitate communication with these participants. Further to this the study presents a proposal for a method that can be used when creating a BIM for a retrofit project. This method consists of eight steps, carefully explaining what a client interested in a 3D model should consider in order to avoid the pitfalls that this study has been able to identify.
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Optimering av ombyggnationsprocessen : Med fokus på Standardisering och Eliminering av slöserierMikari, Jaber January 2022 (has links)
ROT-projekt allmänt är ganska återkommande i Sverige och utomlands. Till exempel spenderas drygt 38% av alla investeringar inom bostadsmarknaden på antingen renovering eller ombyggnation. Dessa projekt brukar ha många svårigheter och risker, bland annat oförutsägbarhet, bristfälliga handlingar/ritningar, många intressenter, hantering av kvarsittande hyresgäster samt grannar, brist på erfarenhet hos de olika parterna, mm… Tyvärr har dessa svårigheter varit en stor utmaning för byggentreprenörer under en lång period och väldigt få forskningar har försökt lösa dessa problem och optimera ombyggnationsprocessen. Det här examensarbetet kommer att försöka optimera ROT-projekt med hjälp av Lean och med fokus på standardisering. Författaren av detta examensarbete skulle nästan våga påstå att den här studien är väldigt unikt i sitt slag och kan räknas som ett pilotprojekt för tillämpning av standardisering inom ROT-projekt. För det här syftet har författaren samarbetat med en traditionell byggentreprenör där han fick vara med i ett ROT-projekt (fasadrenovering, byte av fönster, byte av värmestamm, mm…). Vissa arbetsmoment inom det ROT-projektet var repetitiva och då har kunnat metodstandarder tillämpas och resultatet av tillämpningen studerats och analyserats i denna rapport. Författaren har även intervjuat verksamma personer från byggentreprenörsidan samt beställarsidan och även en hyresgäst för att kunna jämföra resultaten från de äldre studierna om Lean och standardisering med hur tillämpas standardisering inom ROT-projekt. Resultatet från detta examensarbete visade att standardiseringen bidrar till att minska oförutsägbarheten inom ROT-projekt och hjälper byggentreprenören att ta fram en träffsäker tidplan samt budget. Det bidrar även till att uppnå den önskade kvalitén på det utförda arbetet samt minimera slöserierna inom byggbranschen som uppskattas till 30% av den totala produktionskostnaden. Resultaten visade också att det finns en stor brist på kunskap på hur kan Lean, särskilt standardisering tillämpas inom ROT-projekt. Resultaten har även visat att standardiseringen och det kontinuerliga förbättringsarbetet av standarderna inte leder till en bestående förbättring som fallet är när man sysslar med nyproduktion. Utan att de nya överraskningarna som drabbar produktionen leder till en viss försämring av resultatet, vilket gör att förbättringen inte blir bestående. Detta var säkert ett bevis på att det är dags att börja forska om tillämpningen av Lean och standardisering inom ROT-projekt, för de nuvarande studierna är baserade på nyproduktion och resultaten från dessa studier går inte att använda när man sysslar med ROT-projekt. Slutligen vill författaren gärna att forskarna börjar titta mer på det området och hoppas att det här examensarbetet blir som ögonöppnare för de. Författaren hoppas även att universitet och högskolor börjar undervisa separata ämnen som handlar om ROT-projekt och dess utmaningar och möjligheter. ROT-projekt är återkommande projekt som inte påverkas av konjunkturläget och branschen behöver säkert nyexaminerade ingenjörer som är kompetenta för att driva dessa projekt. / Renovation and remodeling projects in general are quite recurring in Sweden and abroad. For example, just over 38% of all investments in the housing market are spent on either renovation or remodeling. These projects usually have many difficulties and risks, including unpredictability, deficient documents / drawings, many stakeholders, managing of remaining tenants and neighbors, lack of experience on the part of the various parties, etc.… Unfortunately, these difficulties have been a major challenge for construction contractors for a long period and very little research has attempted to solve these problems and optimize the remodeling process. This thesis will try to optimize renovation and remodeling projects with the help of Lean and with a focus on standardization. The author of this thesis would almost dare to say that this study is unique in its kind and can be counted as a pilot project for the application of standardization in renovation and remodeling projects. For this purpose, the author has collaborated with a traditional building contractor where he was involved in a renovation and remodeling project (facade renovation, replacement of windows, replacement of heating installation, etc.…). Some work within the remodeling project were repetitive and then it was possible to apply method standards and the results of the application were studied and analyzed in this report. The author has also interviewed active people from the construction contractor side as well as the client side and a tenant to be able to compare the results from the older studies on Lean and standardization with how standardization is applied within renovation and remodeling projects. The results from this thesis showed that the standardization helps to reduce the unpredictability within renovation and remodeling projects and helps the construction contractor to develop an accurate schedule and budget. It also contributes to achieving the desired quality of the work performed and minimizing the waste in the construction industry, which is estimated at 30% of the total production cost. The results also showed that there is a great lack of knowledge on how Lean can be applied, especially standardization within renovation and remodeling projects. The results have also shown that the standardization and the continuous improvement of the standards do not lead to a permanent improvement, as is the case when dealing with new production. The new surprises that affect production leading to a certain deterioration of the result, which means that the improvement will not be consisting. This certainly proof that it is time to start researching the application of Lean and standardization in renovation and remodeling projects, because the current studies are based on new production and the results from these studies cannot be used when working with renovation and remodeling projects. Finally, the author would like the researchers to start looking more at that area and hope that this thesis will be an eye opener for them. The author also hopes that universities and colleges will start teaching separate subjects about renovation and remodeling projects, their challenges and opportunities. renovation and remodeling projects are recurring projects that are not affected by the economic situation and the industry certainly needs newly graduated engineers who are competent to run these projects.
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Artificiell intelligens som beslutsfattande medel vid ROT-arbeten : En kvalitativ intervjustudie för kartläggning av beslutfattningsprocessen / Artificial Intelligence as a Decision-Making Tool in Renovation Projects : A Qualitative Interview Study for Mapping the Decision-Making ProcessAhmadi, Mostafa, Chamoun, Afram January 2021 (has links)
The construction industry stands for a third of the total carbon dioxide emissions globally , this includes the building process as well as the usage of the buildings. This in combination with the need for renovating older buildings in Sweden can lead to additional stress on the environment. This project aims to map out the decision-making process for property owners and consultants when working with renovation projects. The purpose of the study is to identify problematic areas that hinder efficient decision-making and sustainability efforts. With the problem areas mapped out, different solutions containing artificial intelligence will be explored and discussed. Ethical implications with the implementation of artificial intelligence will also be discussed in this study. In this qualitative study, a set of steps were taken to answer the research questions. Firstly, a literature review was conducted to explore existing research. Secondly, semi-structured interviews were held to gather empirical data. Lastly, the interviews were transcribed and analyzed with thematic analysis, to identify problematic areas in the renovation projects. The research strategy applied for this study is abductive. Due to the existing pandemic, the usage of software such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams have been used to conduct the interviews. The results show that the factors hindering the decision-making process were regulations & laws, economy & sustainability, lack of recycling, and lack of documentation. These were areas that both the consultants and property owners described as bottlenecks in the decision- making process. Artificial intelligence solutions were discussed for the problem areas regulations & laws and economy & sustainability because there is statistical data that could be used for training an artificial intelligence, unlike the other two problem areas that have to be dealt with manually due to the neglect of workers. The artificial intelligence solutions presented in this study can be considered ethical due to their assisting purpose. Although this research provides ideas for the implementation of artificial intelligence they are very brief and theoretical, further development and exploration are needed to implement the solutions.
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Planeringsprocessen av ROT-projekt : En studie angående ekologiskt hållbara ROT-projekt i miljonprogrammen / The planning process of ROT-projects : A study regarding ecologically sustainable ROT-projects in the million programmeHamzaoui, Sami, Goro, Alex January 2021 (has links)
Between year 1961 and 1975 were about one million homes produced, which today is called the million programme. These homes are now in a great need of renovation as they contain hazardous substances in the materials, unnecessarily high energy use and they are in critical technical condition. Purpose: of the degree project is to identify how we can become increasingly sustainable in ROT-projects within the million programme areas. The degree projects studies among other things how a renovation will be sustainable, materials and waste impact, about the million programme rebuilding needs and rebuilding needs of low-energy houses in the million programme. The method: The degree project is based on a literature study, a questionnaire study and an interview study. The literature study has been carried out to gain an increased knowledge of how a ROT-project works and facts about the million programme. The survey consisted of questions about what the environmental work looks like in various ROT-projects. Entrepreneurs working on ROT-projects, landlords who manage housing in the million programme and tenants who live in the million programmehave participated in the survey. An interview study has been conducted with various ROT-entrepreneurs and landlords to get an overview of how the work of the million programmehas looked environmentally. The result: The million programme leak large amounts of energy and heat. Older have shown that greenhouse gas emissions and energy use have increased, so the need for renovation is becoming more apparent. Sustainable renovation is needed to reduce the negative environmental impact of greenhouse gas emissions and energy gas. In a construction process does material production have a major impact on the environment. When it comes to material selection and waste management is an important aspect for the environment within a ROT-project. In order to be able to work in an environmentally friendly way, it is necessary to plan in detail about various factors when handling the use of materials. The various factors are inventory, waste sorting, ordering materials in the right dimension, choosing materials with regard to the environment and handling the materials well during the construction process. Conclusion: The million programme homes are energyintesive and require among other things trunk replacement, ventilation replacement, replacement of electrical installations, windows, balconies and facades. In order to renovate the million programme homes good knowledge is required about ay hazardous substances in the materials and what measures are required to make the homes more energy efficient.
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Hur återbruk kan främjas inom Skolfastigheter AB / Reuse of construction materials within Skolfastigheter ABSadjak, Oliver, Johansson, Pontus January 2023 (has links)
The United Nations aims to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, while Sweden has seta target to reach net-zero emissions in the construction industry by 2045. In 2020, constructionaccounted for approximately 21% of Sweden's domestic CO2 emissions. To meet these goals, a roadmap has been developed, targeting net-zero emissions by 2045. Skolfastigheter AB, among others, are compelled to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and one wayto align with the climate objectives is to promote reuse. However, the company currently lacksan established approach for reuse. This report focuses on reducing the environmental impact of renovation projects within Skolfastigheter AB through reuse. The objective is to identify reuse prerequisites and developstrategies for promoting reuse in renovation projects. The theoretical background covers the circular economy, waste hierarchy, material reusepotential, requirements, specifications, sales, and BIM in relation to reuse. Two schools under Skolfastigheter AB:s management are observed, and interviews are conducted with nine actors in the construction industry. The results reveal a similar material structure in the observed schools. Furthermore, it reveals challenges such a lack of documentation of materials, reoccurring vandalism and that reuse has been absent withing the management. The interviews provide nine categories to promote reuse in renovation projects: a systematic working model, inventory, quality, BIM tools, competence, design choices, hazardous substances, collaboration, and EPDs. Conclusions highlight the prioritization of installations and porcelain for reuse, emphasizing the importance of the working model, inventory, and quality as key factors for promoting reuse.
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Kalkylanalys av stambyten : En jämförelse av stambytesprojekt för att belysa viktiga parametrar vid initial kalkylering / Calculation analysis of pipe replacement projects : A comparison of pipe replacment projects to illustrate important parameters of initial calculationLainio, Nellie, Östanbäck, Christian January 2018 (has links)
Sweden’s real estate portfolio has a major renovation requirement. A large part of the renovations that need to be carried out are pipe replacement projects. These are major projects and not all housing associations are aware of the extent financial consequences it brings. Therefore, planning in the economy throughout the project are important. This thesis aims at seeing what affects a production estimate to differ from the actual final cost.ÅF infrastructure division thought that their calculations of the estimated cost for production too often differs to the actual final cost. At a first meeting with ÅF, it appeared that there has been discussion and thought for solutions to the problem for some time. The thesis is based on 3 issues that will provide answers on how to make a better production estimate.In order to answer the questions, project managers have been interviewed and literature has been studied. The assigned reference objects have been analyzed and compared in tables. This thesis has resulted in the insight of that the project managers at ÅF are relatively good at estimating the original cost of what the contractor produces for the pipe replacement projects. After the analysis, recommendations have been presented that can be developed and implemented in the ÅF approach to calculate their estimated cost of production even better. By calculating the costs that are not included in the original cost for the contractors in a more methodical manner, based on experience, the production cost can be optimized.The work has been going on for a limited time with delimitations and a selection of projects. The results presented in the report should be applied with caution and awareness about the differences in the projects.
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