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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elaboration par voie sol-gel de supports macroporeux à base de verre bioactif pour l'ingénierie tissulaire. Caractérisation par micro-PIXE de leurs réactivités in vitro et in vivo / Sol-gel synthesis of macroporous scaffolds based on bioactive glasses for bone tissue engineering. Micro-PIXE characterization of their in vitro and in vivo reactivity.

Lacroix, Joséphine 16 July 2013 (has links)
Les verres bioactifs sont des matériaux particulièrement intéressants en régénération osseuse du fait de leur capacité à stimuler les cellules responsables de la croissance osseuse par les espèces qu’ils relarguent lors de leur dissolution et pour leur capacité à se lier à l’os. Au-delà de leur rôle comme matériau de comblement de défauts osseux, ils pourraient servir de support à la croissance en laboratoire de véritables greffons osseux cultivés à l’aide de seulement quelques cellules d’un patient. Afin d’être efficace, ce support doit posséder une architecture macroporeuse interconnectée pour permettre l’invasion cellulaire ainsi que la vascularisation, nécessaire à la survie des cellules. Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif la réalisation d’un tel support par l’ajout d’une étape de moussage au procédé sol-gel. Ce procédé a été utilisé pour la synthèse de matériaux aux porosités différentes permettant de déterminer une porosité plus prometteuse pour des essais in vivo qui ont montré l’invasion possible de cette mousse par des cellules osseuses. Ce procédé a de plus été rendu plus sûr par la mise au point d’une voie de synthèse alternative dans laquelle l’acide nécessaire au procédé de moussage, mais toxique, a été remplacé avec succès. Cette voie alternative a de plus permis l’organisation de la mésoporosité de la mousse. L’incorporation d’un élément d’intérêt biologique, le strontium, a été réalisé et son influence sur les propriétés et la réactivité du verre a été étudiée. Enfin, une voie de synthèse de nouveaux matériaux composites a été proposée : la grande bioactivité des verres bioactifs est conservée tout en ayant des propriétés mécaniques supérieures grâce à l’utilisation de la gélatine comme phase organique. / Bioactive glasses are very interesting materials for bone regeneration because of their ability to stimulate cells responsible for bone growth with ionic products released during dissolution and for their bone bonding ability. Beyond their role as bone filling materials, they can be used as support for growth of laboratory-made bone grafts cultivated from just a few cells of a patient. This support, named scaffold, has to be an interconnected macroporous architecture in order to allow cell invasion and vascularization which is essential to cell survival. The aim of this thesis work is the realization of such a scaffold using the sol-gel foaming process. This process has been used for the synthesis of materials with different properties that were compared for determination of the most promising for in vivo implantation and was indeed able to allow cell invasion. Moreover, this process was improved to be safer by replacement of hazardous catalyst. This new process also allowed the structuration of the mesoporosity inside the foams. Incorporation of a biologically active element (strontium) was realized and its influence on the glass properties and reactivity was evaluated. Finally, the synthesis of new composite materials has been proposed: the high bioactivity of bioactive glasses is preserved while better mechanical properties are obtained thank to the use of gelatin as organic phase.

Développement de la méthode PIXE à haute énergie auprès du cyclotron ARRONAX / Development of the PIXE analysis technique at high energy with the ARRONAX Cyclotron

El Hajjar Ragheb, Diana 24 June 2014 (has links)
PIXE, Particle Induced X-ray Emission, est une méthode d’analyse multiélémentaire, rapide, non destructive, basée sur la détection des rayons X caractéristiques émis suite à l’interaction de particules chargées avec la matière. Cette méthode est usuellement utilisée avec des protons accélérés à une énergie de l’ordre de quelques MeV dans des domaines d’applications variés, atteignant une limite de détection de l’ordre de quelques μg/g (ppm). Cependant, la profondeur d’analyse est relativement limitée. Grâce au cyclotron ARRONAX, nous pouvons utiliser des protons ou des particules alpha jusqu’à une énergie de 70 MeV pour mettre en œuvre la technique PIXE à haute énergie. Avec de telles énergies, nous excitons préférentiellement les raies X K, plus énergétiques que les raies L utilisées dans la PIXE classique pour l’analyse des éléments lourds. L’analyse d’échantillons épais, en profondeur, est ainsi accessible. Pour l’analyse des éléments légers, nous pouvons utiliser la détection de rayons gamma émis pas les noyaux excités en combinant les méthodes PIGE et PIXE. Nous allons tout d’abord présenter les caractéristiques et les principes d’analyse de la méthode PIXE à haute énergie que nous avons développée à ARRONAX. Nous détaillerons ensuite les performances atteintes, notamment en termes de limite de détection dans différentes conditions expérimentales. Enfin, nous présenterons les résultats obtenus pour l’analyse d’échantillons multicouches et la quantification d’éléments traces dans des échantillons épais. / Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) is a fast, nondestructive, multi-elemental analysis technique. It is based on the detection of characteristic X-rays due to the interaction of accelerated charged particles with matter. This method is successfully used in various application fields using low energy protons (energies around few MeV), reaching a limit of detection of the order the μg/g (ppm). At this low energy, the depth of analysis is limited. At the ARRONAX cyclotron, protons and alpha particles are delivered with energy up to 70 MeV, allowing the development of the High Energy PIXE technique. Thanks to these beams, we mainly produce KX-rays, more energetic than the LX-rays used with standard PIXE for the heavy elements analysis. Thus, in depth analysis in thick materials is achievable. For light element analysis, the PIGE technique, based on the detection of gamma rays emitted by excited nuclei, may be used in combination with PIXE. First of all, we will introduce the characteristics and principles of high energy PIXE analysis that we have developed at ARRONAX. Then we will detail the performance achieved, particularly in terms of detection limit in various experimental conditions. Finally, we present the results obtained for the analysis of multilayer samples and quantification of trace elements in thick samples.

Indicadores ecológicos e biomarcadores de contaminação ambiental na ictiofauna da baía de Santos e do canal de Bertioga, São Paulo, Brasil / Ecological indicators and biomarkers of environmental contamination of Ichthyofauna at Santos bay and Bertioga channel, São Paulo, Brazil

Rocha, Maria Luiza Chiste Flaquer da 09 November 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar três métodos de avaliação de contaminação ambiental, sendo dois aplicados em um modelo biológico, a espécie Achirus lineatus (Achiridae, Pleuronectiformes) e o terceiro na ictiofauna da baía de Santos e do canal de Bertioga. As amostras foram coletadas mensalmente no ano de 2005 utilizando-se uma rede de arrasto de fundo com um esforço de pesca de 10 minutos. Foram capturados cerca de 40.000 espécimes, dentre eles 260 do modelo biológico. O estudo da dinâmica populacional e reprodutiva indicou que A. lineatus passa todo seu ciclo de vida na região de estudo, com evidências de movimentação entre baía Santos e canal de Bertioga para áreas mais internas do estuário. O índice de lesão do fígado indicou que a estação oceanográfica localizada no canal de Bertioga refletiu o maior grau de contaminação; não houve indícios de intersexo nas gônadas como evidência da presença de disruptores endócrinos no ambiente. A análise elemental PIXE para detecção de metais em tecido muscular revelou um alto grau de contaminação por diversos metais tanto na baía de Santos como no canal de Bertioga, alguns dos quais não detectados por análises químicas. Os indicadores ecológicos analisados, índices de diversidade e o índice ABC, não forneceram um diagnóstico quanto à higidez dos peixes, entretanto, refletiram o esperado para a região de estudo. / The goal of this work was to analyze three evaluation methods of environmental contamination, two of them being applied in a biological model, the species Achirus lineatus (Achiridae, Pleuronectiformes), and the third in the Santos bay and Bertioga channel ichthyofauna. Samples were collected monthly during the year of 2005, using an otter trawl within a 10-minute catch effort. The study of population and reproductive dynamics showed that A. lineatus spends all of its life cycle in the region studied, with evident displacement between Santos bay and the Bertioga channel to inner areas of the estuary. The rate of liver injury showed the station in the Bertioga channel with the greatest degree of contamination; there were no trace of intersex in the gonads as evidence of endocrine disrupter chemical presence in the environment. The PIXE elemental analysis for metal detection in muscular tissue showed high degree of contamination caused by several metals in Santos bay and in Bertioga channel, some of these elements were not detected by chemical analysis. The ecological indicators analyzed, diversity index and ABC index had not supplied one good diagnosis about the fishs health, but they had reflected what was expected to the studied region.

Estudo e caracterização de pátinas em cobre e bronze com técnicas PIXE e ED-XRF / Patina Study and Characterization on Copper and Bronze with PIXE and ED-XRF Techniques.

Campos, Pedro Herzilio Ottoni Viviani de 09 April 2010 (has links)
No acervo que compõem o patrimônio cultural, há muitos utensílios, obras de arte, monumentos, etc., que são feitos de metais. Mas dentre os diversos metais existentes, o cobre possui uma posição de destaque na história, pois este foi o primeiro utilizado pela humanidade. Os metais quando expostos à atmosfera podem sofrer processos de corrosão, o que pode comprometer um artefato histórico. No cobre e suas ligas, o produto dos processos de corrosão é denominado pátina. O estudo das pátinas e das ligas que compõe a matriz, no qual a pátina se forma, é de fundamental importância para a compreensão dos processos de corrosão. Com esta informação, puderam-se determinar as melhores técnicas de conservação e restauração que devem ser aplicadas. No presente estudo utilizou-se pátinas artificiais, que já são amplamente conhecidas, e possibilitam a simulação de pátinas naturais, além de ser possível utilizá-las na recolocação de pátinas que fora removidas e/ou perdidas de peças metálicas. Em um estudo anterior foram produzidas pátinas artificiais a partir de três soluções utilizando dois procedimentos de preparação e a análise foi realizada através das técnicas: EIS (Espectroscopia por Impedância Eletroquímica), MEV (Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura), e XRD (Difração de Raio X), que são consideradas técnicas micro-destrutivas. No presente estudo, destas mesmas pátinas, utilizou-se para análise as técnicas de PIXE (Emissão de Raio X Induzido por Partícula) e ED-XRF (Fluorescência de Raio X por Dispersão de Energia), ambas não destrutivas e, no caso de ED-XRF, mais frequentemente, possível ser utilizada in situ. Estas técnicas permitem a analise de obras de arte em atmosfera, em um arranjo externo, o que contribui para a análise de peças de diferentes formas e tamanhos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o PIXE possui uma melhor caracterização de elementos leve, enquanto que o ED-XRF é melhor para elemento pesados. Na comparação entre PIXE interno e externo, observou-se que a montagem externa é suficiente na análise desse tipo de material. As medidas de padrões de aço validaram a técnica PIXE para análise de alvos grossos e permitiram quantificar os elementos presentes nas amostras. Tanto PIXE, quanto ED-XRF, mostraram nas análises das amostras os elementos que estão presentes nas soluções aplicadas. Além disso, houve um aumento do enxofre em algumas amostras e pátinas, e isto pode indicar que este elemento foi agregado com o tempo nas amostras, devido à exposição à atmosfera. Em comparação ao estudo anterior, que caracterizou a composição das camadas de pátinas em amostras semelhantes, foi possível mostrar que se pode determinar e quantificar com PIXE eED-XRF os elementos presentes sem que seja necessária a retirada do material a ser analisado, principalmente se aplicadas para a análise de peças com valor histórico e cultural. O estudo utilizando as técnicas PIXE e/ou ED-XRF, juntamente com técnicas EIS, SEM e XRD, torna as respostas mais completas, mas nem sempre isso é possível em se tratando de bens do patrimônio histórico, cultural e artístico. / The collection that composes the cultural patrimony has many utensils (vessels, pottery, adornment), works of art, monuments, etc., that are made of metals. However amongst the diverse existing metals, copper possesses a position of historical prominence, since this metal was the first one to be used by humanity. Metals when displayed in the atmosphere, can suffer processes corrosion which can destroy partially or completely the historical object. In copper and its alloys, the product of the corrosion processes is called patina. Analyses of the patina and the matrix alloy material are necessary to understand the corrosion processes and its development. The analyses are also needed to study the alterations imposed on an artifact in order to develop an adequate conservation and restoration treatment techniques. In the present work well known artificial patinas were used and can simulate the natural ones besides permitting to use them in the replacement of lost patinas that have been removed and/or lost in metalic parts. A previous study was realized with artificial patinas produced from three solutions and two different procedures of application. These patinas were analyzed by different techniques such as: EIS (Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), and XRD (X-ray Diffraction), which are micro-destructive methods. In the present study, the same samples were analyzed by PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission) and ED-XRF (Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence) techniques, both not destructive, and in the case of ED-XRF, more frequently, it can be used in situ. These methods allow the analyses of works of art of different forms and sizes in the atmosphere, in an external arrangement. The results have shown that PIXE has a better characterization of light elements, whereas the ED-XRF is better for heavy elements. The comparison of internal and external PIXE measurements showed that the PIXE external setup is enough for the analysis of this type of material. The PIXE results of steel standards had validated the technique PIXE for analysis of thick targets and had allowed the quantification of the elements presents in the samples. PIXE and ED-XRF analyses had shown the principal elements present in the samples and in the solutions. Moreover, it was possible detect an increase of sulphur in some samples and patinas, indicating that this element is being absorbed by the samples due to the exposition to the atmosphere. This work also shows that it is possible to determine and quantify with PIXE and ED-XRF the elements present in the samples, without any extraction of material and it is important mainly if applied to the analysis of historical and cultural objects. A study using suitable combination of techniques, as used in the previous study (EIS, SEM e XRD) coupled to PIXE and/or ED-XRF techniques can give a complete characterization of the corrosion compounds, but sometimes the complete combination of techniques is impossible if dealing with artistic and cultural historic objects.

Identificação de Fontes da Matéria Particulada do Aerossol Atmosférico De São Paulo / Identification of Particulate Matter Sources in Atmospheric Aerosol of the São Paulo

Andrade, Maria de Fatima 05 August 1993 (has links)
Neste trabalho aplicamos três modelos: receptor, de equilíbrio químico e de dispersão, para a identificação de fontes da Matéria Particulada Inalável do aerossol atmosférico de São Paulo. Utilizamos dados de dois experimentos realizados no campus da USP em São Paulo. ° experimento realizado em 1986 teve como local de amostragem o Instituto de Física, enquanto o experimento de 1989 foi realizado no Instituto de Química como parte do SPACEX (São Paulo Atmosphere Characterization Experiment). As amostras de Matéria Particulada Fina (MPF) e Matéria Particulada Grossa (MPG) foram submetidas à análise gravimétrica e à análise PIXE (Particle Induced X-Ray Emission). Esta última foi realizada no Laboratório de Pesquisas Nucleares de Gent, Bélgica. ° modelo receptor utilizado foi a Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP) que identificou 5 perfis de fontes (5 componentes principais) para a MPF e quatro para a MPG. Para a MPF, entretanto, somente 3 fontes poluidoras puderam ser claramente identificadas: poeira do solo (ressuspensão), processos industriais e queima de óleo combustível (caldeiras). Para a MPG foram identificadas quatro fontes: poeira do solo, processos industriais, queima de óleo combustível e emissões de spray marinho. As fontes identificadas como queima de óleo combustível juntamente com as emissões industriais foram responsáveis por aproximadamente 53% da massa de MPF. Enquanto que a poeira do solo ficou responsável por 60% da massa de MPG. Verificamos com o MARS (Modelo para um Sistema Aerossol Reativo), que para concentrações molares de NH3 maiores que de S04\' o aerossol de sulfato, nitrato e amônio consiste, principalmente, de uma mistura de (NH4)2S04 e NH4N03, que podem estar dissociados ou não, dependendo da umidade relativa. Calculamos, também, as taxas de oxidação do S02 e encontramos que as taxas mais elevadas são obtidas na reação com o 02 catalisada por Mn e Fe. Com o objetivo de determinarmos a origem do S02 encontrado durante o SPACEX, estudamos a dispersão do S02 através da aplicação do modelo tipo pluma gaussiana ISC (Industrial Source Complex) da EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Consideramos como fonte o trecho da marginal do Rio Pinheiros entre as pontes do Jaguaré e Eusébio Matoso. As estimativas obtidas com o modelo para a concentração de S02 durante o SPACEX, foram muito mais baixas que os valores medidos, indicando que existem outras fontes de grande porte contribuindo para a concentração desse poluente. A combinação desses modelos apresentou-se como uma metodologia que pode fornecer mais subsídios para a identificação das fontes e dos processos de geração da Matéria Particulada. / Receptor, Chemical Equilibrium and Dispersion Models were applied to identify the inhalable particles sources of the São Paulo Atmospheric Aerosols. The data were collected during two experiments in the São Paulo University Campus, in 1986 and 1989. The 1986 experiment was performed in the Physics Institute, and the 1989 experiment was part of the SPACEX (São Paulo Atmosphere Characterization Experiment). The fine and coarse particles (FP and CP, respectively) of the SFU samples were analyzed by PIXE and by gravimetry. The PIXE analysis were performed at the University of Gent, Selgium. Absolute Principal Component Analysis (APCA) identified five sources profiles to the FP and four to the CP. Sut, only three sources could be surely identified to the FP: resuspended soi! dust, industrial emissions and oi! burning. The sources profiles related to the CP were: resuspended soi! dust, industrial emissions, oil burning and sea-salt aerosol. The oil burning and industrial emissions were responsible for, approximately, 53% of FP, meanwhile, the soi! dust was responsible for 60% of CP. In order to predict the equilibrium concentrations of sulfate, nitrate and ammonium aerosols we applied the MARS (Model for an Aerosol Reacting System) to our data. In our case, having NH3 higher than 504 concentrations, the predicted was the following composition: (NH4)2504 and NH4N03 , that can be present dissociate or not, related to the relative humidity. The higher oxidation rates were found to the reaction of S02 with 02 catalyzed by Mn and Fe. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Industrial Source Complex Model (lSC) was applied to describe the S02 dispersion from the \"Rio Pinheiros Marginal\" to the University of São Paulo Campus. The estimated values were lower than the measured ones. The combination of these models seemed to be very useful in the source profile identification of complex regions as São Paulo Metropolitan Area.

Identificação de Fontes da Matéria Particulada do Aerossol Atmosférico De São Paulo / Identification of Particulate Matter Sources in Atmospheric Aerosol of the São Paulo

Maria de Fatima Andrade 05 August 1993 (has links)
Neste trabalho aplicamos três modelos: receptor, de equilíbrio químico e de dispersão, para a identificação de fontes da Matéria Particulada Inalável do aerossol atmosférico de São Paulo. Utilizamos dados de dois experimentos realizados no campus da USP em São Paulo. ° experimento realizado em 1986 teve como local de amostragem o Instituto de Física, enquanto o experimento de 1989 foi realizado no Instituto de Química como parte do SPACEX (São Paulo Atmosphere Characterization Experiment). As amostras de Matéria Particulada Fina (MPF) e Matéria Particulada Grossa (MPG) foram submetidas à análise gravimétrica e à análise PIXE (Particle Induced X-Ray Emission). Esta última foi realizada no Laboratório de Pesquisas Nucleares de Gent, Bélgica. ° modelo receptor utilizado foi a Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP) que identificou 5 perfis de fontes (5 componentes principais) para a MPF e quatro para a MPG. Para a MPF, entretanto, somente 3 fontes poluidoras puderam ser claramente identificadas: poeira do solo (ressuspensão), processos industriais e queima de óleo combustível (caldeiras). Para a MPG foram identificadas quatro fontes: poeira do solo, processos industriais, queima de óleo combustível e emissões de spray marinho. As fontes identificadas como queima de óleo combustível juntamente com as emissões industriais foram responsáveis por aproximadamente 53% da massa de MPF. Enquanto que a poeira do solo ficou responsável por 60% da massa de MPG. Verificamos com o MARS (Modelo para um Sistema Aerossol Reativo), que para concentrações molares de NH3 maiores que de S04\' o aerossol de sulfato, nitrato e amônio consiste, principalmente, de uma mistura de (NH4)2S04 e NH4N03, que podem estar dissociados ou não, dependendo da umidade relativa. Calculamos, também, as taxas de oxidação do S02 e encontramos que as taxas mais elevadas são obtidas na reação com o 02 catalisada por Mn e Fe. Com o objetivo de determinarmos a origem do S02 encontrado durante o SPACEX, estudamos a dispersão do S02 através da aplicação do modelo tipo pluma gaussiana ISC (Industrial Source Complex) da EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Consideramos como fonte o trecho da marginal do Rio Pinheiros entre as pontes do Jaguaré e Eusébio Matoso. As estimativas obtidas com o modelo para a concentração de S02 durante o SPACEX, foram muito mais baixas que os valores medidos, indicando que existem outras fontes de grande porte contribuindo para a concentração desse poluente. A combinação desses modelos apresentou-se como uma metodologia que pode fornecer mais subsídios para a identificação das fontes e dos processos de geração da Matéria Particulada. / Receptor, Chemical Equilibrium and Dispersion Models were applied to identify the inhalable particles sources of the São Paulo Atmospheric Aerosols. The data were collected during two experiments in the São Paulo University Campus, in 1986 and 1989. The 1986 experiment was performed in the Physics Institute, and the 1989 experiment was part of the SPACEX (São Paulo Atmosphere Characterization Experiment). The fine and coarse particles (FP and CP, respectively) of the SFU samples were analyzed by PIXE and by gravimetry. The PIXE analysis were performed at the University of Gent, Selgium. Absolute Principal Component Analysis (APCA) identified five sources profiles to the FP and four to the CP. Sut, only three sources could be surely identified to the FP: resuspended soi! dust, industrial emissions and oi! burning. The sources profiles related to the CP were: resuspended soi! dust, industrial emissions, oil burning and sea-salt aerosol. The oil burning and industrial emissions were responsible for, approximately, 53% of FP, meanwhile, the soi! dust was responsible for 60% of CP. In order to predict the equilibrium concentrations of sulfate, nitrate and ammonium aerosols we applied the MARS (Model for an Aerosol Reacting System) to our data. In our case, having NH3 higher than 504 concentrations, the predicted was the following composition: (NH4)2504 and NH4N03 , that can be present dissociate or not, related to the relative humidity. The higher oxidation rates were found to the reaction of S02 with 02 catalyzed by Mn and Fe. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Industrial Source Complex Model (lSC) was applied to describe the S02 dispersion from the \"Rio Pinheiros Marginal\" to the University of São Paulo Campus. The estimated values were lower than the measured ones. The combination of these models seemed to be very useful in the source profile identification of complex regions as São Paulo Metropolitan Area.

Indicadores ecológicos e biomarcadores de contaminação ambiental na ictiofauna da baía de Santos e do canal de Bertioga, São Paulo, Brasil / Ecological indicators and biomarkers of environmental contamination of Ichthyofauna at Santos bay and Bertioga channel, São Paulo, Brazil

Maria Luiza Chiste Flaquer da Rocha 09 November 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar três métodos de avaliação de contaminação ambiental, sendo dois aplicados em um modelo biológico, a espécie Achirus lineatus (Achiridae, Pleuronectiformes) e o terceiro na ictiofauna da baía de Santos e do canal de Bertioga. As amostras foram coletadas mensalmente no ano de 2005 utilizando-se uma rede de arrasto de fundo com um esforço de pesca de 10 minutos. Foram capturados cerca de 40.000 espécimes, dentre eles 260 do modelo biológico. O estudo da dinâmica populacional e reprodutiva indicou que A. lineatus passa todo seu ciclo de vida na região de estudo, com evidências de movimentação entre baía Santos e canal de Bertioga para áreas mais internas do estuário. O índice de lesão do fígado indicou que a estação oceanográfica localizada no canal de Bertioga refletiu o maior grau de contaminação; não houve indícios de intersexo nas gônadas como evidência da presença de disruptores endócrinos no ambiente. A análise elemental PIXE para detecção de metais em tecido muscular revelou um alto grau de contaminação por diversos metais tanto na baía de Santos como no canal de Bertioga, alguns dos quais não detectados por análises químicas. Os indicadores ecológicos analisados, índices de diversidade e o índice ABC, não forneceram um diagnóstico quanto à higidez dos peixes, entretanto, refletiram o esperado para a região de estudo. / The goal of this work was to analyze three evaluation methods of environmental contamination, two of them being applied in a biological model, the species Achirus lineatus (Achiridae, Pleuronectiformes), and the third in the Santos bay and Bertioga channel ichthyofauna. Samples were collected monthly during the year of 2005, using an otter trawl within a 10-minute catch effort. The study of population and reproductive dynamics showed that A. lineatus spends all of its life cycle in the region studied, with evident displacement between Santos bay and the Bertioga channel to inner areas of the estuary. The rate of liver injury showed the station in the Bertioga channel with the greatest degree of contamination; there were no trace of intersex in the gonads as evidence of endocrine disrupter chemical presence in the environment. The PIXE elemental analysis for metal detection in muscular tissue showed high degree of contamination caused by several metals in Santos bay and in Bertioga channel, some of these elements were not detected by chemical analysis. The ecological indicators analyzed, diversity index and ABC index had not supplied one good diagnosis about the fishs health, but they had reflected what was expected to the studied region.

Étude des aimants quantiques et supraconducteurs non conventionnels

Prévost, Bobby 12 1900 (has links)
Une première partie de ce mémoire portera sur l’analyse des états fondamentaux ma- gnétiques de deux composés isolants et magnétiquement frustrés SrDy2O4 et SrHo2O4. Une étude de la chaleur spécifique à basse température sous l’effet de champs magné- tiques de ces échantillons a été menée afin de détecter la présence de transitions de phases. L’utilisation d’un composé isotructurel non magnétique, le SrLu2O4, a permis l’isolement de la composante magnétique à la chaleur spécifique. Les comportements observés sont non conformes avec les transitions magnétiques conventionnelles. De plus, le calcul de l’entropie magnétique ne montre qu’un recouvrement partiel de l’entropie associée à un système d’ions magnétiques. En second lieu, une analyse des oscillations quantiques de Haas-van Alphen a été effectuée dans le LuCoIn5, composé apparenté au supraconducteur à fermions lourds CeCoIn5. Les résultats obtenus montrent une topologie de la surface de Fermi très différente comparativement aux CeCoIn5 et LaCoIn5, ayant un comportement beaucoup plus tridimensionnel sans les cylindres caractéristiques présents chez les autres membres de cette famille. Finalement, le montage d’un système de détection PIXE a permis l’analyse nucléaire d’échantillons afin de déterminer la concentration de chacun des éléments les constituant. L’analyse a été effectuée sur une série d’échantillons YbxCe1−xCoIn5 dont le changement de concentration a des effets importants sur les propriétés du système. / The first part of this thesis consist of the analysis the magnetic ground states of two magnetically frustrated insulator compounds SrDy2O4 and SrHo2O4. A study of the low temperature specific heat in magnetic fields has been carried on in order to detect phase transitions. The magnetic contribution to the specific heat has been determined using the isostructural but non magnetic compound SrLu2O4. The observed behaviour does not conform with conventional magnetic phase transitions. Also, the calculated magnetic entropy shows only a partial recovery of the entropy normally associated with magnetic ions in the systems. In the second study, I measured and analyzed de Haas-van Alphen quantum oscil- lations in LuCoIn5, a compound related to the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn5. The obtained results show a Fermi surface topology greatly differing from the CeCoIn5 and LaCoIn5, having a much more tridimensional behaviour, compared to the characteristics cylinder exhibited by the other members of this family. In the last part of my thesis, I’m am describing the set up of a PIXE detection system used for the nuclear analysis of thick samples in order to calculate the concentra- tion of each element present. The analysis has been carried on a series of samples of YbxCe1−xCoIn5, where the variation of concentration has major repercussions on the electronic and magnetic properties of the system.


JEAN MICHEL DA SILVA PEREIRA 19 January 2016 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa em meteoritos é de extrema importância para o entendimento de certos processos astrofísicos, pois estes objetos trazem em sua estrutura informações fundamentais para a compreensão da evolução do Sistema Solar. Neste trabalho, são estudadas amostras dos meteoritos Isna, Allende e Zagami. As técnicas analíticas utilizadas foram: espectrometria de massa (252Cf-PDMS-TOF), espectroscopia vibracional (FTIR-MIR e Raman) e espectroscopias de raios X (XRF, XRD e PIXE). Além dessas análises, o meteorito Isna foi submetido a um processamento térmico com o objetivo de separar os constituintes refratários dos voláteis; as frações separadas foram analisadas por FTIR, Raman e PDMS. A composição elementar das amostras foi determinada por XRF e PIXE e comparadas. A informação dada pela técnica FTIR restringe-se praticamente à vibração da ligação Si-O. A técnica XRD fornece a composição mineralógica majoritária das fases cristalinas dos meteoritos Isna e Allende mostrando que ambos possuem olivina (forsterita - Mg2SiO4) e troilita (FeS). Os espectros Raman dos condritos carbonáceos Isna e Allende confirmam a ocorrência de olivina e revelam o grau de desordem da matéria orgânica contida em suas matrizes: o Allende tem maior grau de maturidade térmica, possivelmente por ter sido exposto a maiores temperaturas. O espectro Raman do não condrito Zagami mostra a existência de diopsídio (MgCaSi2O6). Os resultados obtidos por PDMS, para íons secundários positivos e negativos, permitem a identificação de isótopos e de estruturas silicáticas. / [en] The research on meteorites is particularly relevant for the study of several astrophysics processes since these cosmic objects carry in their structure basic information useful for the understanding of the solar system evolution. In this work, samples of the Isna, Allende e Zagami meteorites are studied. The employed analytical techniques were: mass spectrometry (252Cf-PDMS-TOF), vibrational spectroscopy (FTIR-MIR and Raman) and X-ray spectroscopies (XRF, XRD and PIXE). In another series of measurements, the Isna meteorite was thermally processed aiming to separate the material into two samples: one, having residuals with refractory minerals, and another containing the sublimated and re-condensed constituents; the two fractions were analyzed by FTIR, Raman and PDMS. The elemental compositions of the samples were determined by XRF and PIXE. FTIR results are practically limited to the Si-O link absorption. The XRD analyses of Isna and Allende meteorites inform that the majoritarian mineralogical compositions of their crystalline phases are due to olivine (forsterite - Mg2SiO4) and to troilite (FeS). The Raman spectra the carbonaceous chondrites Isna and Allende confirm the occurrence of olivine and yields the disorder degree of the organic material in their matrixes: the Allende one has a higher thermal maturity degree, suggesting that it was exposed to higher temperatures in outer space. The Raman spectrum of the achondrite Zagami sample shows the occurrence of diopside (MgCaSi2O6). The PDMS results, obtained for positive and negative secondary ions, allow the identification of isotopes and of silicate structures.

Synthèse par voie sol-gel et réactivité in vitro de verres bioactifs dopés, mésostructurés et macrostructurés. Caractérisation par micro-faisceaux d'ions / Sol-gel synthesis and in vitro reactivity of doped, mesostructured and macrostructured bioactive glasses. Micro-ion beam characterization

Soulié, Jérémy 27 September 2010 (has links)
Lorsque les verres bioactifs entrent en contact avec des tissus vivants, une série de réactions physico-chimiques (dissolution, précipitation...) ont lieu à l’interface matériau / os, et conduisent à la formation d’une couche phosphocalcique, dont la composition est proche de la phase minérale de l’os (hydroxyapatite). La couche d’apatite sert de site de minéralisation pour les cellules osseuses, ce qui permet in fine un lien intime entre le verre bioactif et les tissus osseux. Ce lien est caractéristique de la bioactivité, qui peut être modulée via plusieurs paramètres du verre comme la composition en éléments majeurs et traces ou les propriétés texturales (surface spécifique, porosité).Dans ce contexte, nous avons élaboré des verres bioactifs dans des systèmes binaires (SiO2-CaO) et ternaires (SiO2-CaO-P2O5). Ces verres ont été dopés en ions zinc et magnésium via la voie sol-gel. Grâce à l'emploi de tensioactifs, nous avons obtenu des verres mésostructurés. Enfin, en utilisant des méthodes dites « d’opale inverse », des verres à macroporosité organisée ont été synthétisés. L'influence de ces paramètres sur la réactivité des verres au contact d’un milieu biologique (DMEM) a principalement été étudiée par des techniques utilisant des microfaisceaux d'ions. L'émission X induite par particules chargées (PIXE) combinée à la spectrométrie de rétrodiffusion Rutherford (RBS) a en effet démontré des effets évidents sur la cinétique, l'amplitude et la distribution spatiale des réactions physico-chimiques. / When bioactive glasses are in contact with living tissues, several physico-chemical reactions (dissolution, precipitation…) take place at the material / bone interface, and lead to the formation of a phosphocalcic layer, whose composition is close to the mineral phase of the bone (hydroxyapatite). The apatite layer is used as a mineralization site for bone cells and finally allows an intimate bond between the bioactive glass and osseous tissues. This bond is typical of bioactivity, which can be modulated through several parameters of the glass, like composition in major and trace elements or textural properties (specific surface, porosity).In this context, we elaborated bioactive glasses in binary (SiO2-CaO) and ternary (SiO2-CaO-P2O5) systems. Glasses have been doped with zinc and magnesium ions through the sol-gel route. Thanks to the use of surfactants, we obtained mesostructured glasses. Finally, by using inverse opal method, organized macroporous glasses have been synthesized. The influence of these parameters on the reactivity of glasses in contact with a biological medium (DMEM) has been mainly studied by techniques using micro-ion beams. The X-ray emission induced by charged particles (PIXE) combined with Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) has indeed demonstrated clear effects on the kinetics, the amplitude, and the spatial distribution of the physico-chemical reactions.

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