Spelling suggestions: "subject:"plantations."" "subject:"palantations.""
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Locality and empire : networks of forestry in Australia, India, and South Africa, 1843-1948 / Networks of forestry in Australia, India, and South Africa, 1843-1948Bennett, Brett Michael 13 November 2012 (has links)
This dissertation draws from national and regional archives to argue that many important aspects of forestry science, education, and culture in colonial Australia, India, and South Africa developed according to unique local environmental, political, social, and cultural influences. Local environmental constraints, combined with unique cultures of experimentation, encouraged the innovation of new scientific methods for forming timber plantations that differed from existing European and British methods. Debates over how to create forestry schools to train foresters in each region emphasized local problems and contexts rather than focusing primarily on continental European precedents or methods. The culture of foresters in each region corresponded to local cultures and social conditions as much as to a larger imperial ethos inculcated by training in continental European or British forestry schools. / text
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Chinese coolies in Cuba and Peru : race, labor, and immigration, 1839-1886Narvaez, Benjamin Nicolas 09 December 2010 (has links)
This dissertation examines the experience of the tens of thousands of Chinese indentured laborers (colonos asiáticos or “coolies”) who went to Cuba and Peru as replacements for African slaves during the middle of the nineteenth century. Despite major sociopolitical differences (i.e., colonial slave society vs. independent republic without slavery), this comparative project reveals the common nature in the transition from slavery to free labor. Specifically, the indenture system, how the Chinese reacted to their situation, and how they influenced labor relations mirrored each other in the two societies. I contend that colonos asiáticos, while neither slaves nor free laborers, created a foundation for a shift from slavery to free labor. Elites in both places tried to fit the Chinese into competing projects of liberal “progress” and conservative efforts to stem this change, causing them to imagine these immigrant laborers in contradictory ways (i.e., free vs. slave, white vs. non-white, hard-working vs. lazy, cultured vs. morally corrupt). This ambiguity excused treating Asian laborers as if they were slaves, but it also justified treating them as free people. Moreover, Chinese acts of resistance slowly helped undermine this labor regime. Eventually, international pressure, which never would have reached such heights if the Chinese had remained passive, forced an end to the “coolie” trade and left these two societies with little option but to move even closer to free labor.
That said, this work also considers the ways in which the differing socio-political contexts altered the Chinese experience. In particular, in contrast to Peru, Cuba’s status as a colonial slave society made it easier for the island’s elites to justify exploiting these workers and to protect themselves from mass rebellion. My dissertation places the histories of Cuba and Peru into a global perspective. It focuses on the transnational migration of the Chinese, on their social integration into their new Latin American host societies, as well as on the international reaction to the situation of immigrant laborers in Latin America. / text
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Assessing the importance of rainforests and their associated fauna in providing ecosystem services to oil-palm plantationsCockerill, Timothy David January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Paprastojo uosio genetinė variacija jauname amžiuje / Genetic variation of common ash in juvenile ageBalkus, Tomas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama eksperimentiniuose želdiniuose įveistų paprastojo uosio adaptacinių požymių genetinė variacija.
Darbo objektas - paprastojo uosio populiacijų pusiausibų palikuonių eksperimentiniai želdiniai.
Darbo tikslas - ištirti paprastojo uosio adaptacinių požymių genetinę variaciją ir jos pasiskirstymą bei priklausomybę nuo ekologinių sąlygų juvenaliniame amžiuje.
Darbo metodai – Trijuose specialaus dizaino palikuonių genetinio testavimo eksperimentiniuose želdiniuose įvertinta paprastojo uosio iš 140 palikuonių šeimų iš 10 Lietuvos populiacijų ir 180 šeimų iš 14 vakarų Europos populiacijų (27000 medelių) fenologija pagal pumpurų sprogimą ir medelių būklę balais nuo 1 iki 5. Surinkti duomenys apdoroti SAS statistinio paketo programomis ir ����vertinti svarbiausi genetiniai parametrai – genetinių veiksnių (populiacijų ir šeimų) įtaka, genetinė variacija, paveldėjimas, genotipo ir aplinkos sąveika, ekovalentingumas, ir kt.
Darbo rezultatai. Atlikus tyrimus buvo nustatyti patikimi ir stipriai išreikšti tarppopuliaciniai genetiniai skirtumai pagal palikuonių adaptacinius požymius. Adaptacinių požymių adityvinės genetinės variacijos koeficientas buvo labai aukštas - skirtinguose želdiniuose siekė 30,3-36,8 %, kas rodo, kad genetiniai skirtumai tarp šeimų labai stipriai išreikšti. Didžiausia adaptacinio požymio - pumpurų sprogimo fenologijos adityvine genetine variacija, ir todėl – genetinės adaptacijos galimybėmis, pasižymėjo Šakių, Telšių, Pakruojo ir Kupiškio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This study aimed at evaluation of genetic variation of adaptive traits of common ash at juvenile age, its distribution and dependence upon ecological conditions. The study was performed in three progeny plantations on 140 open pollination families from 10 Lithuanian populations and 180 families from 14 West European populations. Data on bud flushing phenology, health condition and height growth was collected on 27000 trees and analyzed with Statistical procedures of SAS software, estimating main genetic parameters: influence of genetic factors (populations and families), additive genetic variation, heritability, genotype by environment interaction, ecovalency, etc.
Statistical analysis revealed significant genetic differences among populations in adaptive traits of its progeny. Additive genetic variation of traits studied was very high, in different experimental plantations it reached from 30,3 to 36,8 %, thus indicating strongly expressed genetic differences among families. The highest genetic variation of most important adaptive trait, bud flushing phenology, and thus the highest adaptive capacity had progeny from Šakiai, Telsiai, Pakruojis and Kupiškis populations. The levels of genetic variation were not the same in different experimental progeny test plantations established in different environmental conditions.
The genotype by environment interaction (G x E) was weak, thus indicating that changes of traits of populations’ progenies are rather small: three Lithuanian... [to full text]
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Dekoratyvinių augalų, naudojamų energetiniams tikslams, augimas ir vystymasis / GROWING AND DEVELOPMENT OF ORNAMENTAL PLANS USED FOR ENERGETIC PURPOSESKarpinskaitė, Inga 02 September 2010 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – Lietuvos žemdirbystės instituto, energetinėje plantacijoje augantys augalai: sida (Sida hermaphrodita), drambliažolė (Miscanthus x gigantus), sachalininės ir japoninės rūgtys (Reynoutria sachalinensis FR., Reynoutria japonica Houtt.), geltonžiedis legėstas (Silphium perfoliatum L.) bei topinambai (Helianthus tuberosus L.).
Tyrimo tikslas – pateikti dekoratyvinių augalų, naudojamų energetiniams tikslams, augimo ir vystymosi rodiklius.
1. Nustatyti augalų vegetacijos bei intensyvaus augimo pradžias.
2. Nustatyti azoto trąšų įtaką augalų augimui.
3. Įvertinti pasėlių būklę, vystymąsi ir nustatyti metinį biomasės derlių spalio mėnesį.
4. Įvertinti dekoratyvinių augalų auginimo energetiniams tikslams tinkamumą ir galimybes.
Darbo metodai: augalai buvo vertinami pagal augalo aukštį (augalas matuojamas nuo žemės paviršiaus iki aukščiausiojo jo taško), stiebų skaičių (stiebų skaičius skaičiuojamas viename augalo kere) ir skersmenį (augalas matuojamas nuo žemės paviršiaus 15 cm). Skirtinga augalų rūšis matuojama pasirenkant iš kiekvieno laukelio po 5 augalus. Iš gautų duomenų vedamas vidurkis. Augalų žalia masė nustatoma nupjovus derlių ir jį pasvėrus. Augalų sausa masė nustatoma pasvėrus išdžiovintą žalią masę.
Išanalizavus tyrimo duomenis paaiškėjo, jog iš visų tirtų augalų energetiniams tikslams tikslinga auginti sidas ir topinambus, kadangi sausos biomasės duomenimis konkurencingumo skalėje pirmumą tenka pripažinti būtent šiems augalams... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the research comprises the plants growing in energetic plantation in Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, namely Sida hermaphrodita, Miscanthus x gigantus, sachalin and Japanese species (Reynoutria sachalinensis FR., Reynoutria japonica Houtt.), Silphium perfoliatum L. and Helianthus tuberosus L.).
Aim of the research is to provide the indicators related to growing and development of the plants used for energetic purposes.
1. To establish the beginning of vegetation and intensive growing of the plants.
2. To establish the impact of nitrogen over the plant-growing.
3. To estimate the condition of crop, development as well as to establish annual yield in October.
4. To assess suitability and opportunities related to growing of decorative plants for energetic purposes.
Work methods: the plants were assessed according to their height (a plant is measured from the soil surface up to the highest point), number of stems (number of stems calculated on one patula of the plant) and diameter (a plant is measured from the soil surface 15 cm). Different species of the plants were measured when selecting 5 plants from every field. An average was calculated referring to the data obtained. Green mass of the plants was established after having cut and having weighted the yield. Dry mass of the plants was established having weighted the dried green mass.
Upon the analysis of the research data is was ascertained that out of all plants it is purposeful to grow Sida... [to full text]
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Dygliuotasis šaltalankis (HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES) želdynams IR plantacijoms / Sea buckthorn (HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES) for growing greenery and plantationsMažulytė, Kristina 02 August 2011 (has links)
Dygliuotasis šaltalankis – žilakrūmių šeimos augalas, kuris dėl maistinių ir vaistinių savybių paplitęs beveik visame pasaulyje, ir pradėtas auginti plantacijose Lietuvoje. Be to šis krūmas pasižymi dekoratyvumu. Taip pat turi aktyvių invazinių savybių. Todėl šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti dygliuotojo šaltalankio tinkamumą želdynuose ir plantacijose.
Darbo objektas – dygliuotojo šaltalankio (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) dekoratyvumas, jo tinkamumas želdynams ir paplitimas Lietuvos plantacijose.
Įvertinus dygliuotojo šaltalankio dekoratyvines savybes dviejuose Lietuvos botanikos soduose nustatyta, kad VDU Kauno botanikos sode šaltalankiai pasižymėjo, rečiau šiai rūšiai būdinga, medžio gyvenimo forma, o VU botanikos sode išsiskyrė geresne bendra augalo būkle. Vertinant dygliuotojo šaltalankio kaip dekoratyviojo augalo tinkamumą želdynuose svarbu pažymėti tai, kad jo panaudojimą dekoratyviniame apželdinime riboja gausus vegetatyvinių atžalų prieaugis bei tirtoje imtyje išryškėjusi tokia tendencija, kad kuo dygliuotasis šaltalankis senesnis, tuo moteriškų individų derėjimas silpnesnis ir bendra abiejų lyčių augalo būklė blogesnė.
Telefoninės apklausos metodu, pasirenkant netikimybinę proginę imtį, apklausta 11 šaltalankių plantacijos savininkų. Tyrimo metu, nustatyta, kad imtyje vidutiniškai vienas asmuo turi įveisęs 43,8 ha ploto šaltalankių plantaciją. Tirtuose ūkiuose dažniausiai auginamos dygliuotojo šaltalankio veislės yra ‘Botaničeskaja’, ‘Masličnaja’ ir ‘Avgustinka’. Dviejose... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) is a plant belonging to the Elaeagnaceae family, which is found almost everywhere in the world for food and medicine properties and it is started to grow in plantacions of Lithuania. In addition, this shurb has decorativeness. Also, it has active invasive properties. So, the aim of this work is to assess the suitability sea buckthorn plantings and landscape analysis experience growing plantations.
Object – sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) decorativeness, its relevance and prevalence of Lithuania plantations.
The evaluation of sea buckthorn decorative features two Lithuanian botanical gardens established that VDU Kaunas Botanical Garden of mulberry marked, sometimes this species is characterized by the tree of life form, and the VU Botanical garden, stood a better overall plant health. Assessment of sea buckthorn plant suitability as an ornament green plantations it is important to note that the use of plantation design decorativeness limit excessive vegetative growth and vegetative propagation in the investigated sample of such a trend became apparent that the sea buckthorn older, the women's individual and overall coherence of the weaker of the two sexes of the plant condition worse.
Telephone survey method, the choice of commemorative sample of 11 interviewed buckthorn plantation owners. The study showed that the sample average, one person has planted 43,8 hectares of sea buckthorn plantation. Studied most widely grown on farms... [to full text]
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Astro (Aster) genties įvairovė, paplitimas ir panaudojimas Šiaulių miesto gėlynuose / Diversity, distribution and use of aster (Aster) species in ornamental plantations of the city of ŠiauliaiKoncienė, Jurgita 23 January 2013 (has links)
Astro (Aster L.) gentis priklauso astrinių (Asteraceae) šeimai. Astro gentyje yra 250–300 rūšių. Lietuvoje savaime auga 1 astro rūšis, plačiau auginamos 6–8 introdukuotos rūšys. Astro genčiai priklauso daugiamečiai šakniastiebiniai augalai, užaugantus 15–150 cm aukščio. Žiedai susitelkę graižais, tuščiaviduriai ir pilnaviduriai, įvairių spalvų. Graižai įvairaus dydžio, pavieniai arba susitelkę į sudėtinius žiedynus. Lapai pražanginiai, lygiakraščiai, dantyti arba rinčiuoti. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti astro (Aster) genties įvairovę Šiaulių miesto gėlynuose ir išnagrinėti jų panaudojimo galimybes. Darbo tikslui pasiekti iškelti šie darbo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti astro (Aster) genties augalų įvairovę Šiaulių miesto želdynuose; 2. Nustatyti astro (Aster) genties rūšių gausumą ir dažnumą želdynuose; 3. Įvertinti astrų gausumą skirtingų tipų želdynuose; 4. Įvertinti astrų panaudojimo galimybes želdynuose. Tyrimai atlikti 2011 m. liepos–rugsėjo mėnesiais. Pasirinktuose tyrimų vietose tirti visi želdyne (gėlynus ar kapavietėje) esantys žoliniai augalai. Tirta augalų sudėtis, nustatyta, kokią dalį gėlyne sudaro astro genties augalai. Tyrimų metu vertintas kiekvienos astrų rūšies gausumas, dekoratyvumas, registruojamas žydėjimo laikas ir trukmė, augalų aukštis. Astro genties augalai daugiausia auginami kapinėse. Viešosiose erdvėse esančiuose gėlynuose ir prie daugiabučių namų astrai naudojami negausiai. Jie sodinami nedidelėmis grupelėsmis, pavieniui ir eilutėse... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The genus aster (Aster L.), belonging to the Asteraceae family, includes from 250 to 300 species. In Lithuania one species of this genus is native and 6–8 introduced species are widely cultivated in ornamental plantations. Plants of the Aster genus are rootstock perennials, growing from 15 cm to 150 cm tall. Capitulae of the Aster genus have one to many whorls of ligular florets. Ligular florets are of various colours. Capituale of various sizes, single or clustered into compound inflorescences. Leaves are arranged alternately, simple, usually with serrated leaf-edge. The aim of this research was to evaluate diversity of the Aster genus in ornamental plantations of Šiauliai city and to estimate possibilities of their use for ornamental purposes. Following tasks were formulated: (1) to investigate diversity of the Aster genus in ornamental plantations of Šiauliai city; (2) to reveal frequency and abundance of Aster species in ornamental plantations of Šiauliai city; (3) to estimate abundance of Aster species in different types of ornamental plantations; (4) to evaluate possibilities of Aster use for ornamental purposes. The research was carried out during July–September, 2011. All herbaceous plants were registered in the selected areas (ornamental plantations and graves). Abundance of each aster species was estimated in an individual ornamental plantation as well as their height, ornamental value, time and duration of flowering were evaluated. Plants of... [to full text]
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Plantation and peasant farm : a vertical theme in the historical geography of Barbados, 1627-1960Innes, Frank Cecil January 1967 (has links)
No description available.
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The establishment of intensively managed woody energy crops on reclaimed surface mine lands provides an opportunity to diversify domestic biomass sources, while increasing the productivity and economic value of underutilized land. Our objective is to test the effect of fertilization and irrigation on the growth, survival, biomass accumulation, biomass allocation, leaf area, and nutrient dynamics of American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) and black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) planted on a reclaimed surface mine. In 2008, replicated plantings of sycamore and black locust were established on the Big Elk mine in eastern Kentucky. Treatments tested include annual granular fertilizer applications of 37 kg N, 30 kg P, and 16 kg K ha-1, irrigation, irrigation + fertilization, and control. Following two growing seasons, American sycamore exhibited significantly (p < 0.05) greater height, diameter, leaf area, and stem biomass in fertilizer treatment compared to all other species and treatment combinations. Treatments had no affect on survival, but American sycamore exhibited significantly higher survival than black locust. Poor locust survival and growth were likely attributed to excessive ungulate browsing. Our findings indicate that fertilizer applications at young plantations on reclaimed mines in Appalachia increases tree height, diameter, and biomass accumulation.
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A comparative study of the flora and fauna of exotic pine plantations and adjacent, indigenous eucalypt forests in Gippsland, VictoriaFriend, Gordon Ray Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
The introduction and establishment of a new and markedly different environment within a long established natural system provides an excellent opportunity to study the principles of adaptation and colonisation by native species. In Australia, an example is furnished by the conversion of large areas of native eucalypt forests to mono-cultured plantations of Monterey Pine (Pinus radiata). The principal aim of this study was to assess which species of native mammals, birds and higher plants are able to utilise or occupy such plantations. Successional aspects of community structure, and colonisation in pine forest systems, were investigated by considering stands of different ages. A variety of adjacent native eucalypt forests provided controls and indicated the range of potential colonisers. Various habitats in both forest types were studied with regard to potential nest sites and availability of food, in order to determine those habitats most favourable for mammals and birds. The effect, on wildlife, of clearing eucalypt forests, but leaving forest remnants along gullies, was also assessed.
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