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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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傳統建商邁向平台經營之個案分析 / A Case Study on the Transformations of Traditional Construction Company into Platform

黃偉倫, Huang, Wei Lun Unknown Date (has links)
企業轉型是許多傳統企業必經的過程,往哪個方向去轉型,往往取決於企業經營者的決定,而像此篇研究所探討的A公司,所屬的產業是傳統營造與建築產業,A公司在經營的42年也因為大環境的改變,而歷經了二次轉型,經由不斷的改變商業模式,以維持企業的競爭優勢。在轉型的過程中,從原本的營造業跨足到建設業做產業價值鏈上的整合,A公司在台灣的營造與建設產業上,已站穩自己的腳步。 但面臨了整體大環境不佳的情況之下,營造與建設產業市場開始緩慢的在萎縮,此時不論是向上向下整合,對於A公司無法出現立即性的效益。而也在此時平台議題興起,許多傳統企業紛紛轉向平台經營。 當平台模式的出現,帶給了許多傳統產業價值鏈的破壞,例如:Uber 的出現,徹底的顛覆計程車產業原有的商業模式,但即便是運用平台的概念,與顧客接觸的渠道依然沒有改變,消費者還是跟以往的方式一樣搭程計程車。實體的銷售渠道在某些傳統產業中,還是佔了很重要的角色。這也讓傳統產業在轉型的過程中,比起從無到有的企業,來得更具有優勢。 此研究希望可以了解,傳統產業轉型平台時,是否已擁有特定的核心能耐,並與平台所需擁有的能力具有高度配適度、而這樣子的企業是否更適合去轉型成平台。除此之外,也進一步的研究,當傳統產業轉型時,該以何種方式進入平台,才可確保在新舊業務上有更好的協同效果。 / Enterprise transformation is a process that most traditional companies have to face. The type of transformation is usually decided by the person who operates the company. The traditional industry of Company A as discussed in this article is Building and Construction. Because of the changing environment, Company A has gone through Enterprise transformations 2 times by changing its business model to maintain competitive advantage in its 42 years running of business. During the transformation process, Company A has branched out its business from Building to Construction to integrate the value chain. Company A has a firm status in the Building and Construction industry. However, facing with an unsatisfactory overall business environment and the shrinking market of Building and Construction, Company A couldn’t make instant profit by neither forward nor backward integration. Meanwhile, the rise of the platforms forced enterprises to change the original business model of many traditional businesses. The presence of platform is undoubtedly a shock to traditional value chain. Take Uber for example, it has changed the business model of Taxi. Although Uber is based on the concept of the platform, it has not change the way to serve customers by providing transportation service. In some traditional industries, substantial sale channel still plays an important role and has more advantages than those virtual channels. This study aims to find whether the core competence of the traditional enterprise is correlated to the ability of running a platform, and whether such enterprise is better-off if transform to run through platform. Moreover, this study also seeks to find that by which way an enterprise use the platform when they set out to transform could create synergy in existing and new businesses.

中華郵政邁向電子商務平台之歷程探討 / A Case Study on the Transformations of the E-commerce Platforms of Chunghwa Post company

劉明瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的發展,消費者消費習慣的轉變,目前電子商務在全球市場快速發展,單就亞太地區2014年B2C電商的總營業額就高達5252億美元。反觀台灣電子商務發展雖非全球前10大的電子商務市場,但根據資策會2014年調查台灣2014年B2C市場產值也高達165億美元,佔台灣總零售額13.2%且持續穩定成長中。從以上數據可了解,未來電子商務將成為台灣重要新興產業之一。 本研究所探討之個案中華郵政為台灣百年企業,是台灣民眾所熟知的金融機構之一中華郵政自2000年起就開始接受民間委託代理商之代售商品,代售業務每年貢獻郵局1.5億的郵務收益,中華郵政為擴大業務範疇,看中電子商務發展之趨勢,於2015年將所有線下代售商品全面線上化,商品全交由網購中心代為處理,本來以為全面線上化會正向帶動業績成長,但業務不增反跌,業績相較2014年下降35%,虧損約三百萬左右,這也是代售業務的第一次虧損。 也因此本研究希望去探究,為何中華郵政在擁有這麼多有形與無形資產下,包含:完整物流、金流能力、品牌能力等,但將原有業務轉型平台後,竟然面臨了第一次的銷售虧損。單就企業資源來看,中華郵政應該要發展得比許多電子商務平台更好,但現今的龍頭電子商務廠商,卻並非中華郵政。故此研究,希望深入了解,中華郵政建立電子商務平台之歷程,試圖在分析之中,找到目前中華郵政所遇到的瓶頸,並提出相關建議。 / With the development of technology and change of consumer behavior, the current e-commerce develops rapidly in the global market, the Asia-Pacific region alone B2C market turnover of up to 525.2 billion US dollars in 2014.By contrast, alouthough Taiwan's e-commerce development is not the world's top 10 e-commerce market, but according to the Institute for Information Industry survey in 2014,Taiwan B2C market value of up to 16.5 billion US dollars, accounting for 13.2% of total retail sales in Taiwan and sustained and stable growth. From the above data, we can understand that the future of e-commerce will become one of Taiwan's major emerging industries. Chunghwa Post is one of Taiwan's well-known financial institutions. Chunghwa Post has begun to accept the sale of goods by private commission agents since 2000. The consignment business contributes up to 150 millions of post offices turnover each year. Chunghwa Post aims to expand the scope of business with e-commerce development trend, so they transfered all of offline goods to online. We originally thought that the full online will be positive to performance growth, but the income does not increase, but income decreese by 35% up to three million loss compared to 2014, and this is the first loss of consignment business. Therefore the study wishes to explore the resone why Chunghwa Post which face first time Sales loss after transformation of original platform. While they they have first time so many tangible and intangible assets, including: complete logistics, financial capacity and brand capacity. On the basis of enterprise resources, Chunghwa Post should develop better than other e-commerce platform, But today's leading e-commerce vendor, but is not Chunghwa Post. As the result, I hope to understand how Chunghwa Post set up e-commerce platform, and analyze. Find the reason current China Post why encountered bottlenecks and make recommendations.

台積電平台經營模式之個案分析 / A case study on the platform business model of TSMC

朱韻如, Chu, Yun Ju Unknown Date (has links)
近年來平台商業模式席捲全球,Google、Amazon、Facebook、Airbnb、Line等平台領導者們,改變了人與人之間的互動、翻轉現代的生活,並從平台中取得價值、獲得優勢,進行一場以生態系為主的競爭遊戲。此股炫風吹向經濟體中的不同環節,讓企業與企業、產業與產業之間的互動關係發生變化,同時造成許多無法因應平台經營模式與競爭策略的企業快速衰退。因此,在此股潮流之中,舊有企業如何成功轉向平台經營為本研究之重點。 有別於分析成立之際即以平台模式為主的個案公司,本研究結合了價值鏈經營模式、以及平台經營模式的觀點與相關學術理論,採用縱斷面研究方法探討典範企業—台積電30年來經營模式的轉變歷程,分析其如何一步步重塑半導體產業結構、佈局平台策略並成功轉型,成為半導體產業的巨頭之一,並形成台積大同盟的生態系與兩大IDM對手展開全面競爭。 透過本研究之分析與歸納,發現「價值鏈」與「平台」兩者的商業模式要素內涵與經營思維迥異,前者專注本業、著重內部優化,以低成本或差異化為主要的競爭策略;後者則強調擴張營運範圍、槓桿外部資源,共同創造更多價值獲得雙贏局面。而價值鏈模式之企業可從建立內部平台開始、轉變到供應鏈平台,接著發展至雙邊平台的演化方式進行轉型,但不是所有企業都具備成為雙邊平台領導者的潛力,必須確認自身提供的價值是否為整個技術系統所需、以及能否同時為產業中許多企業解決商業問題。當企業成功轉為雙邊平台之際,即可專注於提高平台的網路效應與轉換成本等策略行動上,追求大者恆大及生態系競爭之目的。 / In recent years, the platform business model sweeps the world. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Airbnb, Line and other platform leaders not only changed the way people lived but also obtained values from the platform’s network. These values are key competitive advantages for platform leaders to win the game of business. However, the new type of business model is threatening pipeline business, and some pipelines even rapidly declined after attacking by platforms. Therefore, how pipelines can survive and turn successfully to platform-based business is the main discussion in this research. This study combined the academic theories of two business model: value chain and platform to explore the transformation of business and strategy of TSMC, which is one of the leading semiconductor companies in the world, in the past 30 years. The case study followed by analyzing how TSMC reshaped the semiconductor’s value chain and then adopt the platform strategy for enterprise transformation. Now, TSMC has its own ecosystem that can beat with other two giant IDM competitors. With the in-depth case study of the changing in TSMC’s business model, we had three conclusions. Firstly, we find out that the business model of “value chain” and “platform” has the different connotation and strategic thinking. The former enterprises focus on its own business, pay attention to internal optimization, and take advantage of differentiation or low cost for competition. However, the later ones emphasize the expansion of operating scope, leverage external resources, and co-create with partners for more values to pursuit the win-win situation. Secondly, enterprises with the value chain business model can develop the platform business model by establishing the internal platform at the initial and then expand to supply chain platform and two-sided market platform. But it's worth noting that not all enterprises have the potential to become a platform leader. It must satisfy two prerequisite conditions: (1) the own value is essential within an industry, and (2) can solve the business problems of different companies at the same time. Thirdly, when enterprises successfully become the platform-based business, enlarging network effect and switching cost are two primary actions to pursue and keep platform leading strategy.

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