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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gilles Deleuze y la inversión del platonismo

Martínez Mellado, Asunción 23 October 1987 (has links)
With this study we analyse and expound the leitmotif that underlies G. Deleuze's philosophy. M. Foucault stated: "The XXI century will be Deleuzian". We will centre on G. Deleuze's first period works, above all on Différence y répétition, Logique du sens, L'Anti-Oedipe and Mille plateaux. In this works Deleuze establishes the foundations of all his further thought. It is a question of showing the way Deleuze carries out the Nietzschean proposal of reversing Platonism. Reversing Platonism is for Deleuze Thinking about the future. This Deleuzian attempt to make a real and positive philosophy of what is to become will be the subject of the first part of "The adventure of difference".The Adventure of Difference has two main moments: a) the construction of a transcendental empiricism, underlain by an aesthetics or ontology of intensity and b) the drawing up of a metaphysics of eventuation and ghost.In the second part, we tackle the reducing to practice of that philosophy in "the sqizoanalysis: a theoretical proposal, a war machine".Deleuze and F. Guattari state that squizoanalysis aims at: the capitalist machinery, its rational pathology and the irrational ground it builds upon. As well as the revolutionary mechanisms or war machine used to fight against repression powers that sap and undermine from the inside desire and the social.This task, that is by no means outside the reversal of Platonism, gets updated in two phases, the one named "Adventures and misfortunes of desire" (true history is the history of desire, Deleuze said); and the one called "The machine-like unconscious: a thousand plains do not make a mountain".In the first part, Deleuze y Guattari suggest a machine-like conception of the unconscious and of desire. L'Antioedipe develops this conception. In the second part Deleuze carries out what we might call the building, the own creation of the said unconscious, worked out in Mille Plateaux. Several approaches, several plateaux, make up the new system: rhizomatic, process of stratification, pragmatics, micropolitics, nomadology, will become now the figures of squizoanalisys. In Mille plateaux, squizoanalysis is presented as a map, a network, a diagram of lines of power that cross reality. Finally it should not be forgotten that squizoanalysis has a political and revolutionary side, or even better, it intends to be a revolutionary practice of political-wishing liberation and of free experimenting. "Thinking is experimenting, creating!" ¡What better reversal of Platonism!Terms: abstract machine, agencyment, body without organs, consistency plane, countenancing, war machine, reversal of Platonism, squizoanalysis, difference, repetition, micropolitics, nomadology. / .El objetivo de este estudio es analizar y exponer el motivo que recorre toda la filosofía de G. Deleuze.Su amigo M. Foucault, anunció: "El siglo XXI será deleuziano". Nos centraremos en las obras de la primera etapa, sobre todo en "Différence y répétition", "Logique du sens", "L'Anti-Oedipe " y "Mille plateaux" En ellos Deleuze sienta los fundamentos de todo su pensamiento posterior. Se trata de exponer cómo Deleuze realiza en la práctica la propuesta nietzscheana de llevar a cabo la inversión del platonismo. Invertir el platonismo es para Deleuze pensar el devenir.La tentativa deleuziana de hacer una verdadera y positiva filosofía del devenir será el tema de la primera parte "La aventura de la diferencia".La aventura de la diferencia consta de dos momentos principales: a) la construcción de un empirismo trascendental al que subyace una estética u ontología de las intensidades y b) la elaboración de una metafísica del acontecimiento y del fantasma. En la segunda parte, abordamos el momento de la puesta en práctica de dicha filosofía en "El esquizonálisis: una propuesta teórico práctica, una máquina de guerra".Deleuze y F. Guattari afirmar que el esquizoanálisis tiene por objetivo: la máquina capitalista, su patología racional y la irracionalidad sobre la que se levanta; así como los mecanismos revolucionarios o máquina de guerra con la que luchar contra los poderes de la represión que socavan y minan desde dentro el deseo y lo social. Esta tarea, que en absoluto es ajena a la inversión del platonismo, se actualiza en dos etapas, la titulada "Las aventuras y desventuras del deseo" (La verdadera historia es la historia del deseo, dirá Deleuze); y la titulada "El inconsciente maquínico: Mil planicies no hacen una montaña"En la primera parte, Deleuze y Guattari proponen una concepción maquínica del inconsciente y del deseo. Ésta es desarrollada en L'Antioedipe. En la segunda Deleuze lleva a cabo lo que podríamos llamar la construcción, la creación misma de dicho inconsciente, elaborada en Mille Plateaux. Diversas aproximaciones, diversos plateaux, forman el nuevo sistema: rizomática, estratoanálisis, pragmática, micropolítica y nomadología, serán ahora las figuras del esquizoanálisis. En Mille plateaux, el esquizoanálisis se nos presenta como una cartografía, diagrama o mapa de las líneas de fuerza que atraviesan lo real. Finalmente no hay que olvidar que el esquizoanális tiene una vertiente política y revolucionaria, o mejor, pretende ser un ejercicio revolucionario de liberación político-deseante y de libre experimentación. ¡Pensar es experimentar, crear! ¡Qué mayor inversión del platonismo!

Sob o signo de Eros: o amor na poesia de Pessoa

Somenci, Fábio Alessandro 26 November 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:59:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabio Alessandro Somenci.pdf: 479433 bytes, checksum: 0b8a547c86dc3f04a242505e47c8876d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-11-26 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This dissertation has as initial aim to develop a study about the loving poetry of Fernando Pessoa himself, of the heteronimous Alberto Caeiro, Ricardo Reis and Álvaro de Campos, as well as to evidence the place occupied by the love theme in his work, despite of being little studied by the majority of researches of pessoa s poetic aventure. Initiating with the exposition of the significant aspects of the poetic production of the author himself and of the heteronimous, and passing, posteriously, to the presentation of a synthetic reflection of the theories about love (Eros) and the eroticism, developed by Plato and Georges Bataille, respectivily; the present study culminates with the analysis of representative poems for the comprehension of the theme. Having as a central hub the work with the language accomplished by Fernando Pessoa, this research aims to demonstrate the importance of the loving theme in his poetry, as well as its indissociability with the entirety of the work or heteronimic context that it belongs to. Considering the fact that the love is a strenght that joins the individuals by corporeal means leading them to the reproduction of bodies or animicus, leading them to the reproduction of ideas, but being, in both cases, an experience that leads to the improvement of the being, this study attempts to verify its form of presentation in the poetry of Pessoa and its relation with other poetic themes. Based on the analysis of the work through the perspective of the love theme, this research also desires to demonstrate how the eroticism is strictly connected with the poetry, through its corporeality, meanings and sensations that evokes, by means of sound, ceremony, representation or imagination. Besides, there is an intimate relation of the poetry with the words and of the eroticism with the bodies; the first interrupts the simple communication and the second, the reproduction / Esta dissertação tem como proposta inicial desenvolver um estudo sobre a poesia amorosa de Fernando Pessoa ele-mesmo, dos heterônimos Alberto Caeiro, Ricardo Reis e Álvaro de Campos, bem como evidenciar o lugar ocupado pelo tema do amor em sua obra, apesar de pouco estudado pela grande maioria dos estudiosos da aventura poética pessoana. Iniciando com a exposição de traços marcantes da produção poética do autor ele-mesmo e dos heterônimos, passa, posteriormente, a dedicar-se à apresentação de uma reflexão sintética das teorias sobre o amor (Eros) e o erotismo, desenvolvidas por Platão e Georges Bataille, respectivamente; o presente estudo culmina com a análise de poemas representativos para a compreensão do tema. Tendo como eixo central o trabalho realizado com a linguagem por Fernando Pessoa, esta pesquisa visa demonstrar a relevância do tema amoroso em sua poesia, bem como sua indissociabilidade com o conjunto da obra ou contexto heteronímico a que pertence. Considerando-se o fato de o amor ser uma força que une os indivíduos pela via corporal - levando-os à reprodução dos corpos ou anímica, levando-os à reprodução de idéias, mas sendo, em ambos os casos, uma experiência que leva ao aperfeiçoamento do ser, procura-se verificar sua forma de apresentação na poesia pessoana e sua relação com outros temas poéticos. A partir da análise da obra sob o ângulo do tema do Amor, o presente trabalho visa também, demonstrar como o erotismo está estreitamente ligado à poesia, através de sua corporalidade, dos sentidos e das sensações que evoca, seja por meio do som, cerimônia, representação ou imaginação. Além disso, existe uma íntima relação da poesia com as palavras e do erotismo com os corpos; a primeira interrompe a mera comunicação e a segunda, a reprodução


BIANCHI, ANDREA 16 April 2020 (has links)
L’elaborato analizza la ricezione del pensiero di Origene di Alessandria (c. 184-c.253) nell’opera del teologo arminiano Jean Le Clerc (1657-1736), soffermandosi in particolare sulla concezione origeniana della libertà e sulle questioni che vi sono annesse. Tale analisi consente anche di chiarire alcune pratiche argomentative e dinamiche intellettuali, soprattutto riguardanti i dibattiti religiosi ed interconfessionali, nella seconda metà del XVII secolo. L’elaborato è diviso in tre sezioni. La prima, di carattere introduttivo, mira ad indagare le premesse epistemologiche di Le Clerc, nonché la sua relazione con le auctoritates religiose ed intellettuali del passato. La seconda sezione prende in esame le citazioni dirette di Origene presenti nella vasta produzione di Le Clerc, come pure i suoi rimandi all’opera dell’Alessandrino e al suo pensiero, consentendo in questo modo di delineare un quadro preciso dell’Origene letto e reinterpretato da Le Clerc. La terza sezione restringe infine il campo d’indagine allo sguardo che Le Clerc porta sulla dimensione più propriamente teologica di Origene ed in particolar modo su quel nodo di concetti che ruota attorno al tema della libertà umana (peccato originale, grazia e predestinazione, il problema del male). Questo studio mostra come, malgrado l’indubbia, e talvolta malcelata, simpatia per Origene, Le Clerc non possa essere definito tout court un ‘origenista’, dal momento che la sua visione epistemologica, scritturale e teologica lo distanzia da una acritica e piena adesione al pensiero dell’Alessandrino. / The present thesis analyses the reception of the thought of Origen of Alexandria (c. 184-c. 253) in Jean Le Clerc (1657-1736). Its particular focus is on Origen's conception of freedom and the theological doctrines related to it. The goal of this thesis is to uncover, through Le Clerc's use of Origen, some of the argumentative practices and the intellectual dynamics of the time, in particular in religious, especially inter-confessional, debates. This thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part has mainly an introductory character and looks at the epistemological assumptions of Le Clerc and his relationship with intellectual and religious authorities of the past. The second part reviews the various ways in which Le Clerc quoted, referred to or otherwise made use of the thought or the name of Origen in his vast production. This part provides a first result in that it frames, in general, Le Clerc's reception of Origen. This step is, at the same time, also preparatory for the material contained in part three. In the third part, only the material is considered which is strictly related to Origen's idea of freedom and the related theological doctrines of original sin, grace/predestination, and the problem of evil. The result of this analysis, as it appears form the examination of argumentative practices in the previous sections, is that Le Clerc was no simple "Origenist" but neither was he was fully uncommitted to the Origenian cause. A full commitment to Origen, despite this strong sympathy, was still hindered by Le Clerc's epistemological, scriptural and theological outlook.

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