Spelling suggestions: "subject:"plethysmography"" "subject:"phlethysmography""
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Identification des indices comportementaux reliés à la présence d'intérêts sexuels déviants chez les agresseurs sexuels d’enfantsMongeau, Valérie 01 1900 (has links)
Lors de l’élaboration du diagnostic de trouble pédophilique (DSM-5; APA, 2013), un critère basé sur un minimum de victimes avait été proposé pour poser le diagnostic lorsque les agresseurs sexuels d’enfants ne se reconnaissent pas d’attirance sexuelle déviante, et qu’une évaluation pléthysmographique de leurs intérêts sexuels n’est pas disponible ou invalide. Il avait aussi été proposé de créer des sous-types selon le groupe d’âge préféré sexuellement ou l’âge des victimes : pédophilique (victimes prépubères, 10 ans et moins), hébéphilique (victimes en début de puberté, 11-14 ans) ou pédohébéphilique (les deux). Ces propositions ont soulevé la controverse parmi les chercheurs et cliniciens et n’ont pas été acceptées en raison du manque de soutien empirique les appuyant.
Cette thèse tente de répondre aux principaux questionnements soulevés : 1) Quels indices comportementaux devraient être utilisés pour évaluer la déviance sexuelle chez les agresseurs sexuels d’enfants intrafamiliaux et extrafamiliaux respectivement? 2) Le nombre d’interactions sexuelles avec un même enfant et la durée de la période des agressions sont-ils reliés à la déviance sexuelle? 3) Les agresseurs sexuels d’enfants en début de puberté présentent-ils des intérêts sexuels déviants?
Le premier article est un commentaire sur le DSM-5 présentant les grandes lignes de la thèse et les résultats préliminaires des deux articles suivants. Le deuxième article vise à répondre aux deux premières questions. Des agresseurs sexuels d'enfants intrafamiliaux (n = 76) et extrafamiliaux (n = 93) sont comparés quant au nombre, l’âge et le sexe de leurs victimes, le nombre d’interactions sexuelles avec une même victime et la durée de la période des agressions, et leurs intérêts sexuels autorapportés ou évalués avec la pléthysmographie pénienne. Les relations entre ces indices comportementaux et la présence d'intérêts sexuels déviants sont évaluées pour les deux groupes. Les résultats suggèrent que : 1) différents indices comportementaux devraient être utilisés lors de l’évaluation des intérêts sexuels selon les groupes d’agresseurs; 2) des agressions répétées et de longues durées sur une même victime suggèrent la déviance sexuelle chez les agresseurs intrafamiliaux, alors qu’aucune relation n’est observée entre ces variables chez les agresseurs extrafamiliaux. Cette recherche
constitue une première étape vers l’utilisation du nombre et de la durée des agressions sexuelles avec un même enfant lors de l’évaluation des intérêts sexuels des agresseurs sexuels d’enfants.
Le troisième article vise à répondre à la dernière question énoncée. Des agresseurs sexuels d'enfants regroupés selon l’âge de leurs victimes, pédophilique (n = 75), hébéphilique (n = 44), pédohébéphilique (n = 49), sont comparés quant à différentes variables : nombre et sexe des victimes, historique criminel, et intérêts sexuels autorapportés ou mesurés avec la pléthysmographie. Les résultats montrent la présence d’intérêts sexuels déviants dans les mêmes proportions pour les trois groupes. Quant aux autres variables, les groupes « pédophilique » et « hébéphilique » se distinguent peu, mais ils diffèrent du groupe « pédohébéphilique ». Ces résultats appuient le chevauchement entre l’attirance sexuelle envers les enfants prépubères et l’attirance envers ceux en début de puberté, et soutiennent leur regroupement dans le diagnostic de trouble pédophilique. / Revisions proposed for the pedophilic disorder (DSM-5; APA, 2013) included a criterion based on a minimum victim count to diagnose pedophilia when child molesters do not acknowledge having sexual attraction towards children, and phallometric evaluation of their sexual interests is not available or invalid. It was also proposed to divide the diagnostic with subtypes based on the preferred age category or the victims’ age: pedophilic (10 year-olds and younger), hebephilic (11-14 year-olds), or pedohebephilic (both). These revisions generated controversies among researchers and clinicians, and they were not adopted due to the paucity of empirical evidence supporting these propositions.
This doctoral thesis aims to answer the main questions that were raised: 1) What indicators should be used when assessing deviant sexual interests among intrafamilial and extrafamilial child molesters respectively?; 2) Are the number of sexual interactions and the period duration of the offenses on the same victim associated with sexual deviance? 3) Do early pubescent child molesters have deviant sexual interests?
The first article is a commentary on the DSM-5 outlining the thesis and presenting the preliminary results of the two following articles. The second article aims to answer the first two questions. Intrafamilial child molesters (n = 76) and extrafamilial child molesters (n = 93) are compared on their victim count, victims’ age and gender, the number of sexual interactions and the period duration of the offenses on the same victim, and their sexual interests acknowledged or measured with penile plethysmography. Associations between these indicators and deviant sexual interests are assessed for both groups. The results suggest that: 1) different indicators of deviant sexual interests should be used according to the offenders’ group; 2) repeated sexual interactions on a long period on the same victim suggest sexual deviance among intrafamilial offenders, while there is no association between these variables among extrafamilial offenders. This research is a first step towards using the number of sexual interactions and the period duration of the offenses on the same victim when assessing sexual deviance among child molesters.
The third article aims to answer the last question. Child molesters grouped according to their victims' age category, pedophilic (n = 75), hebephilic (n = 44), and pedohebephilic (n = 49), were compared on different variables: victim count, victims' gender, criminal history, and sexual interests measured with penile plethysmography and acknowledged. The results show deviant sexual interests in the same proportions among the three groups. As for the other variables, the pedophilic and hebephilic groups do not differ much, but they both differ from the pedohebephilic group. The results highlight the overlap between sexual attraction to prepubescent and attraction to early pubescent children, and support their inclusion in the same diagnostic.
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Comparação da assincronia toracoabdominal ao repouso e ao exercício em pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica utilizando diferentes metodologias / Comparison of thoracoabdominal asynchrony at rest and during exercise in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients by applying different methodologiesPorras, Desiderio Cano 23 July 2014 (has links)
Pacientes portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) podem apresentar assincronia toracoabdominal (ATA). Existem diversos métodos de estimativa da ATA, porém, não há um consenso sobre qual é o mais adequado. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar dois métodos de estimativa da assincronia toracoabdominal e avaliar a ineficiência ventilatória em pacientes DPOC no repouso e durante o exercício. Foram avaliados 22 pacientes com DPOC (VEF1 40,2±10,5% predito) e 13 indivíduos controle (GC) pareados por idade, gênero e índice de massa corpórea. A cinemática toracoabdominal foi avaliada utilizando pletismografia optoeletrônica no repouso e durante o exercício leve e moderado (70% da carga máxima) no ciclo ergômetro. A ATA foi calculada entre a caixa torácica superior (CTS) e inferior (CTI) e o abdome (ABD) utilizando os métodos de ângulo de fase (AF) e relação de fase (RF). A ineficiência ventilatória foi calculada em cada compartimento como a diferença entre o volume máximo (VM) e o volume calculado (VC) de acordo com o ciclo respiratório (determinado pela soma de volume dos três compartimentos) dividida pelo volume máximo (VM-VC)/VM. Os pacientes com DPOC foram classificados como assíncronos (grupo AT) ou não assíncronos (grupo NA) utilizando como referência os valores do GC. Foi utilizado o teste qui-quadrado ou de Fisher para avaliar a discriminação de pacientes entre os métodos e o ANOVA de dois fatores para comparações entre os grupos. O nível de significância foi ajustado para 5%. O método AF determinou maior número de pacientes com ATA quando comparado com RF no repouso (respectivamente, 15 vs. 7) e no exercício leve (11 vs. 3) e moderado (14 vs. 8). Os valores de assincronia no grupo AT entre CTS-CTI e CTI-ABD foram maiores no repouso (AF: 35,7±45,4° e -42,2±42,5° e RF: 61,8±29,1° e -66,9±27,4°, respectivamente) e no exercício leve (AF: 53,3±35,6° e -55,8±40,4°; RF: 106,1±40,3° e - 124,8±17,2°) e moderado (AF: 61,6±55,1° e -75,9±44,8°; RF: 85,9±23,6° e -81,8±42,2°) quando comparados com os grupos NA (p < 0,05) e GC (p < 0,05). Na análise entre CTSABD não houve diferença entre os grupos. Observou-se que o grupo AT apresentou menor contribuição e maior ineficiência ventilatória da CTI em todos os momentos de avaliação e, durante o exercício moderado, menor volume corrente quando comparado com os grupos NA e GC. Os nossos resultados sugerem que o ângulo de fase apresenta maior detecção de ATA nos pacientes com DPOC. A presença de assincronia parece ocorrer principalmente na caixa torácica inferior e associada com menor contribuição e maior ineficiência ventilatória deste compartimento / Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients can present thoracoabdominal asynchrony (TAA). There are several TAA estimation techniques, however, there is no consensus about which is the most appropriate. The aim of this study was to compare two thoracoabdominal asynchrony quantification techniques and to assess chest wall ventilatory inefficiency in COPD patients at rest and during exercise. We evaluated 22 COPD patients (FEV1 40,2±10,5% predicted) and 13 healthy controls (CG) matched by age, gender and body mass index. Thoracoabdominal kinematics was assessed via optoelectronic plethysmography at rest and during mild and moderate exercise (70 % maximum workload) in a cycle ergometer. TAA was calculated among upper (URC) and lower ribcage (LRC) and abdomen (ABD) by using the phase angle (PA) and phase relation (PR) approaches. Ventilatory Inefficiency was estimated in each compartment as the difference between the maximal volume (VM) and the volume (VC) calculated according to respiratory timing (sum of volume in the 3 compartments) divided by the maximal volume (VM-VC)/VM. COPD patients were classified as asynchronous (AT group) or not (NA group) by using as reference the values on the controls. Chi-square or Fisher\'s exact test was used for assessing the patients differentiation between the two TAA quantification approaches and two-way ANOVA was used to compare respiratory parameters among groups (CG, AT and NA). Statistical significance was set at 5% level. PA approach determined more patients as asynchronous when compared to RF at rest (respectively, 15 vs. 7) and during mild (11 vs. 3) and moderate (14 vs. 8) exercise. Asynchrony values in AT group among URC-LRC and LRC-ABD were greater at rest (respectively, 35.7±45.4° and -42.2±42.5° with PA and 61.8±29.1° and -66.9±27.4° with PR) and during mild (PA: 53.3±35.6° and -55.8±40.4°; PR: 106.1±40.3° and -124.8±17.2°) and moderate exercise (PA: 61.6±55.1° and - 75.9±44.8°; PR: 85.9±23.6° and -81.8±42.2°) when compared to NA (p < 0.05) and CG (p < 0.05). Analysis among URC-ABD presented no difference between groups. It was observed that AT group presented a smaller LRC contribution and greater ventilatory inefficiency during all assessing moments and, during moderate exercise, had a lower tidal volume when compared to NA and CG. Our results suggest that phase angle approach presents larger TAA detection in COPD patients. This asynchrony seems to occur mainly in the lower ribcage and be associated with decreased contribution and increased ventilatory inefficiency of this compartment
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"Estudo comparativo do padrão respiratório, movimentação toracoabdominal e ventilação em pacientes portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica de graus moderado, grave e indivíduos sadios" / A comparative study of respiratory pattern, thoracoabdominal motion and ventilation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease modarate, severe and healthy subjectesFernandes, Marcelo 27 August 2004 (has links)
Avaliamos as mudanças no padrão respiratório, movimento toracoabdominal e ventilação em portadores de DPOC e indivíduos sadios. Estudou-se 45 indivíduos entre 45 e 75 anos conforme o VEF1. Utilizou-se sistemas de pletismografia respiratória por indutância, análise metabólica de gases em posição semi-sentada ao repouso e radiografia de tórax para a mobilidade diafragmática. Os grupos DPOC apresentaram redução do TI, TTOT, aumento do VC/TI, f, VE, das relações VEM/VC, VE/VO2, VE/VCO2 e diminuição da SpO2. Redução da mobilidade do diafragma e aumento da VEM/VC associaram-se à ineficiência da ventilação e a alterações no modelo ventilatório utilizado, sem alterações no movimento toracoabdominal. / We assessed changes in breathing patterns, thoracoabdominal movement and ventilation in COPD sufferers and healthy individuals. Forty-five individuals between 45 and 75 were grouped by FEV1. Inductive plethysmographic equipment, respiratory metabolism measuring (with subject at rest in semi-recumbent position), and radiographic measurement of diaphragm mobility were used. The COPD groups presented reduction in TI and TTOT and increased VT/TI, f, VE, and VD/VT, VE/VO2, VE/VCO2 and decreased SpO2. Reduction in diaphragm mobility and increase of VEM/VC were associated with ventilatory inefficiency and alterations in the ventilatory model used. No alterations in thoracoabdominal movement
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Lung function by plethysmography : a new method in Vietnam for asthma diagnosis / La pléthysmographic : une nouvelle méthode d’exploration fonctionnelle au Vietnam pour le diagnostic de l’asthmeLê Tuan, Thành 22 September 2015 (has links)
La fréquence de l’asthme augmente au Vietnam, mais les moyens de diagnostic et d’évaluation fonctionnelle sont limités. Une étude précédente utilisant la technique des oscillations forcées a montré une différence de résistance des voies aériennes entre enfants français et vietnamiens à l’âge de 10 ans mais pas à 6 ans. Si l’hypothèse d’une différence ethnique significative est correcte, alors des différences semblables devraient aussi exister à l’âge adulte. Pour tester l’hypothèse, une étude par pléthysmographie a été mise en place pour mesurer la résistance des voies aériennes et la résistance spécifique des voies aériennes chez de jeunes adultes sains en France et au Vietnam. Nous avons profité de l’étude pour établir des valeurs de référence pour les volumes pulmonaires dans ces populations. La résistance des voies aériennes est significativement plus grande chez les sujets vietnamiens que chez les caucasiens, mais il n’y a aucune différence de résistance spécifique des voies aériennes. Au final, l’étude ne montre pas de différence de calibre des voies aériennes normalisé pour le volume pulmonaire liée l’ethnie, à l’âge adulte. La taille debout est le facteur prédictif le plus important pour la capacité pulmonaire totale, tandis que l’ethnicité est un facteur important pour la capacité vitale et le rapport du volume résiduel à la capacité pulmonaire totale. Cette étude est la première qui fournit des valeurs de référence pour la résistance des voies aériennes, la résistance spécifique des voies aériennes et les volumes pulmonaires par pléthysmographie chez l’adulte vietnamien. La pléthysmographie a été validée à Hanoi et l’étude a permis la formation d’un nouveau groupe de travail sur le diagnostic et la prise en charge de l’asthme au Vietnam / Despite the increasing prevalence of asthma in Viet Nam, the country has limited means for respiratory function testing. A previous study using the forced oscillation technique suggested lower respiratory resistance between French and Vietnamese children at 10 years but not 6 years of age. If the hypothesis of a significant ethnic difference in airway caliber is correct, then similar differences should exist at adult age. To test the hypothesis, a plethysmographic study was set up to measure airway resistance and specific airway resistance in healthy young adults in France and Viet Nam. We took advantage of the study to provide reference values for lung volume in these populations. Airway resistance is significantly larger in Vietnamese than in Caucasians but there is no difference in specific airway resistance. Altogether the study does not support the consequence of a putative ethnic difference in childhood airway caliber on airway resistance normalized for lung volume at adult age. The standing height is the best predictor of the total lung capacity, while ethnicity is an important predictor of vital capacity and of the residual volume to total lung capacity ratio. This is the first study which provides reference values for airway resistance, specific airway resistance and lung volumes by plethysmography in healthy young Vietnamese adults. Plethysmography was validated in the north of Viet Nam, and the study allowed initiating a young working group on asthma diagnosis in Vietnam
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Les apports de la réalité virtuelle et de la vidéo-oculographie à l’évaluation des intérêts sexuelsTrottier, Dominique 09 1900 (has links)
La pléthysmographie pénienne est reconnue comme la méthode la plus rigoureuse pour l’évaluation des intérêts sexuels. Cet instrument pourrait cependant bénéficier d’amélioration au niveau de sa validité écologique et de sa vulnérabilité aux tentatives de falsification. Cet outil est également confronté aux contraintes éthiques et légales liées à la présentation de stimuli produits à partir de modèle humain pour susciter l’excitation sexuelle. La présente thèse doctorale propose de pallier aux lacunes de la procédure pléthysmographique en la combinant à des stimuli générés par ordinateur présentés en immersion virtuelle et à la vidéo-oculographie. Dans le cadre d’une première étude empirique, il s’agit de déterminer si l’usage de stimuli générés par ordinateur présentés en immersion virtuelle est préférable à la modalité auditive actuellement utilisée. Les réponses érectiles d’agresseurs sexuels d’enfants et d’hommes sans paraphilie connue sont enregistrées et la capacité des deux modalités à produire des profils d’excitation sexuels et des indices de déviance propres aux intérêts sexuels est comparée. Dans le cadre d’une seconde étude expérimentale, les mouvements oculaires sont analysés afin de détecter les tentatives de contrôle volontaire de la réponse érectile lors d’une procédure d’évaluation pléthysmographique. Les réponses érectiles et les mouvements oculaires d’hommes sans dossier judiciaire sont enregistrés lors du visionnement de stimuli sous trois différentes conditions, dont une tâche de suppression de la réponse érectile. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats démontrent que les stimuli générés par ordinateur présentés en immersion virtuelle génèrent des profils d’excitation sexuelle ainsi que des indices de déviance ayant une précision de classification et de discrimination significativement supérieure à la modalité auditive. D’autre part, les résultats soulignent la capacité des mouvements oculaires à identifier une signature oculaire propre à l’utilisation d’une stratégie cognitive d’inhibition de la réponse érectile qui se caractérise notamment par la mise à l’écart du contenu sexuel et le ralentissement global du processus d’exploration visuel. Ce projet de recherche souligne les avantages inhérents à la présentation en immersion virtuelle de stimuli générés par ordinateur ainsi qu’à l’étude des mouvements oculaires lors de l’évaluation pléthysmographique et vient appuyer l’implantation progressive de cette modalité dans les milieux d’évaluations cliniques. / Penile plethysmography is considered to be the most rigorous method for sexual interest assessment. The instrument could however benefit from improvements in terms of its ecological validity and vulnerability to faking attempts. This tool also faces ethical and legal constraints related to the presentation of stimuli depicting human subjects to entice sexual arousal. This doctoral thesis seeks to address penile plethysmography’s shortcomings by combining it with computer-generated stimuli presented in virtual immersion as well as eye-tracking devices. A first empirical study was conducted to determine whether the presentation of computer-generated stimuli in virtual immersion is preferable to the auditory modality currently being used. Erectile responses from child molesters and men without sexual deviances were recorded and the ability of both modalities to generate sexual arousal profiles and deviance differentials indicative of sexual interests were compared. In a second experimental study, eye-movements were explored in an attempt to identify the presence of cognitive strategies responsible for erectile inhibition during the plethysmographic procedure. Erectile responses and eye-movements of men without criminal records were recorded when viewing stimuli under three different conditions, including an erectile inhibition task. Overall, results show that the presentation of computer-generated stimuli in virtual immersion generates sexual arousal profiles and deviance differentials, which allow significantly higher classification accuracy and discriminant performance than the auditory modality. Results also highlight the possibility, through eye-movement analyses, to identify an ocular signature specific to the use of cognitive strategies for erectile inhibition, which is characterized by a partial avoidance of the sexual content and a general deceleration of the visual exploration process. This project exposes the benefits inherent to the presentation of computer-generated stimuli in virtual immersion and the use of eye-tracking devices for penile plethysmography assessments and supports the progressive implementation of this modality in clinical settings.
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Impacts de l’ego depletion sur l’autorégulation de la réponse sexuelle des hommesNolet, Kevin 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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"Estudo comparativo do padrão respiratório, movimentação toracoabdominal e ventilação em pacientes portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica de graus moderado, grave e indivíduos sadios" / A comparative study of respiratory pattern, thoracoabdominal motion and ventilation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease modarate, severe and healthy subjectesMarcelo Fernandes 27 August 2004 (has links)
Avaliamos as mudanças no padrão respiratório, movimento toracoabdominal e ventilação em portadores de DPOC e indivíduos sadios. Estudou-se 45 indivíduos entre 45 e 75 anos conforme o VEF1. Utilizou-se sistemas de pletismografia respiratória por indutância, análise metabólica de gases em posição semi-sentada ao repouso e radiografia de tórax para a mobilidade diafragmática. Os grupos DPOC apresentaram redução do TI, TTOT, aumento do VC/TI, f, VE, das relações VEM/VC, VE/VO2, VE/VCO2 e diminuição da SpO2. Redução da mobilidade do diafragma e aumento da VEM/VC associaram-se à ineficiência da ventilação e a alterações no modelo ventilatório utilizado, sem alterações no movimento toracoabdominal. / We assessed changes in breathing patterns, thoracoabdominal movement and ventilation in COPD sufferers and healthy individuals. Forty-five individuals between 45 and 75 were grouped by FEV1. Inductive plethysmographic equipment, respiratory metabolism measuring (with subject at rest in semi-recumbent position), and radiographic measurement of diaphragm mobility were used. The COPD groups presented reduction in TI and TTOT and increased VT/TI, f, VE, and VD/VT, VE/VO2, VE/VCO2 and decreased SpO2. Reduction in diaphragm mobility and increase of VEM/VC were associated with ventilatory inefficiency and alterations in the ventilatory model used. No alterations in thoracoabdominal movement
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Comparação da assincronia toracoabdominal ao repouso e ao exercício em pacientes com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica utilizando diferentes metodologias / Comparison of thoracoabdominal asynchrony at rest and during exercise in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients by applying different methodologiesDesiderio Cano Porras 23 July 2014 (has links)
Pacientes portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) podem apresentar assincronia toracoabdominal (ATA). Existem diversos métodos de estimativa da ATA, porém, não há um consenso sobre qual é o mais adequado. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar dois métodos de estimativa da assincronia toracoabdominal e avaliar a ineficiência ventilatória em pacientes DPOC no repouso e durante o exercício. Foram avaliados 22 pacientes com DPOC (VEF1 40,2±10,5% predito) e 13 indivíduos controle (GC) pareados por idade, gênero e índice de massa corpórea. A cinemática toracoabdominal foi avaliada utilizando pletismografia optoeletrônica no repouso e durante o exercício leve e moderado (70% da carga máxima) no ciclo ergômetro. A ATA foi calculada entre a caixa torácica superior (CTS) e inferior (CTI) e o abdome (ABD) utilizando os métodos de ângulo de fase (AF) e relação de fase (RF). A ineficiência ventilatória foi calculada em cada compartimento como a diferença entre o volume máximo (VM) e o volume calculado (VC) de acordo com o ciclo respiratório (determinado pela soma de volume dos três compartimentos) dividida pelo volume máximo (VM-VC)/VM. Os pacientes com DPOC foram classificados como assíncronos (grupo AT) ou não assíncronos (grupo NA) utilizando como referência os valores do GC. Foi utilizado o teste qui-quadrado ou de Fisher para avaliar a discriminação de pacientes entre os métodos e o ANOVA de dois fatores para comparações entre os grupos. O nível de significância foi ajustado para 5%. O método AF determinou maior número de pacientes com ATA quando comparado com RF no repouso (respectivamente, 15 vs. 7) e no exercício leve (11 vs. 3) e moderado (14 vs. 8). Os valores de assincronia no grupo AT entre CTS-CTI e CTI-ABD foram maiores no repouso (AF: 35,7±45,4° e -42,2±42,5° e RF: 61,8±29,1° e -66,9±27,4°, respectivamente) e no exercício leve (AF: 53,3±35,6° e -55,8±40,4°; RF: 106,1±40,3° e - 124,8±17,2°) e moderado (AF: 61,6±55,1° e -75,9±44,8°; RF: 85,9±23,6° e -81,8±42,2°) quando comparados com os grupos NA (p < 0,05) e GC (p < 0,05). Na análise entre CTSABD não houve diferença entre os grupos. Observou-se que o grupo AT apresentou menor contribuição e maior ineficiência ventilatória da CTI em todos os momentos de avaliação e, durante o exercício moderado, menor volume corrente quando comparado com os grupos NA e GC. Os nossos resultados sugerem que o ângulo de fase apresenta maior detecção de ATA nos pacientes com DPOC. A presença de assincronia parece ocorrer principalmente na caixa torácica inferior e associada com menor contribuição e maior ineficiência ventilatória deste compartimento / Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients can present thoracoabdominal asynchrony (TAA). There are several TAA estimation techniques, however, there is no consensus about which is the most appropriate. The aim of this study was to compare two thoracoabdominal asynchrony quantification techniques and to assess chest wall ventilatory inefficiency in COPD patients at rest and during exercise. We evaluated 22 COPD patients (FEV1 40,2±10,5% predicted) and 13 healthy controls (CG) matched by age, gender and body mass index. Thoracoabdominal kinematics was assessed via optoelectronic plethysmography at rest and during mild and moderate exercise (70 % maximum workload) in a cycle ergometer. TAA was calculated among upper (URC) and lower ribcage (LRC) and abdomen (ABD) by using the phase angle (PA) and phase relation (PR) approaches. Ventilatory Inefficiency was estimated in each compartment as the difference between the maximal volume (VM) and the volume (VC) calculated according to respiratory timing (sum of volume in the 3 compartments) divided by the maximal volume (VM-VC)/VM. COPD patients were classified as asynchronous (AT group) or not (NA group) by using as reference the values on the controls. Chi-square or Fisher\'s exact test was used for assessing the patients differentiation between the two TAA quantification approaches and two-way ANOVA was used to compare respiratory parameters among groups (CG, AT and NA). Statistical significance was set at 5% level. PA approach determined more patients as asynchronous when compared to RF at rest (respectively, 15 vs. 7) and during mild (11 vs. 3) and moderate (14 vs. 8) exercise. Asynchrony values in AT group among URC-LRC and LRC-ABD were greater at rest (respectively, 35.7±45.4° and -42.2±42.5° with PA and 61.8±29.1° and -66.9±27.4° with PR) and during mild (PA: 53.3±35.6° and -55.8±40.4°; PR: 106.1±40.3° and -124.8±17.2°) and moderate exercise (PA: 61.6±55.1° and - 75.9±44.8°; PR: 85.9±23.6° and -81.8±42.2°) when compared to NA (p < 0.05) and CG (p < 0.05). Analysis among URC-ABD presented no difference between groups. It was observed that AT group presented a smaller LRC contribution and greater ventilatory inefficiency during all assessing moments and, during moderate exercise, had a lower tidal volume when compared to NA and CG. Our results suggest that phase angle approach presents larger TAA detection in COPD patients. This asynchrony seems to occur mainly in the lower ribcage and be associated with decreased contribution and increased ventilatory inefficiency of this compartment
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As the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases continues to exponentially grow in populations across the globe, the necessity of determining underlying factors, effective methods of diagnoses, and universally available preventive measures also grows. Early detection of endothelial dysfunction, a proven precursor of cardiovascular diseases, can be extremely impactful in encouraging preventative measures and early intervention before medical conditions become chronic. In recent years, ice plunging, a form of cryotherapy involving full body immersion in cold water, has gained popularity within circles of fitness and health practitioners, gaining the interest of people of all backgrounds. Certain parallels observed between the human physiological response to cold exposure and endothelial function encourage further study of the effects of ice plunging on cardiovascular health. Calibrated cuff plethysmography is a promising method of reflecting on endothelial function by measuring arterial compliance of select blood vessels. In this study, a calibrated cuff plethysmography device was built and tested for efficiency as it was used to measure compliance and cross-sectional area of the brachial artery of 14 participants 30 minutes before, immediately after, and 30 minutes after a 5-minute cold plunge in a temperature of 10°C - 15°C. Results found some significant differences between baseline measurements recorded immediately after the ice plunge and measurements recorded during reactive hyperemia conditions at normal body temperature but did not conclude that 5-minute cold-water immersion intervention had a significant impact on arterial compliance or area overall since this was a short term experiment with only acute intervention methods. The device used was concluded to effectively measure arterial compliance and area.
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Vyhodnocení rychlosti šíření tlakové vlny v lidském těle / Evaluation of pulse wave velocity in the human bodyMezuláníková, Radka January 2013 (has links)
This Mater's thesis deals with the evaluation of pulse wave velocity using multi-channel whole-body impedance cardiography. Data were taken from the group of healthy volunteers whose impedance changes were measured during rest, respiratory maneuvers, tilt and stress exercise. The result of this measurement are values of peaks of pulse wave time shifts towards R-wave. The velocity values towards the thorax electrodes were recalculated on the basis of knowledge about the pulse wave time shifts and the distances from the heart to the scanned locations, which were measured using the arterial segment's lengths.
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