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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zásada superficies solo cedit / Principle of superficies solo cedit

Vrána, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the superficies solo cedit principle which was already known in Roman law and which expresses the rule that the surface yields to the ground. As a result of this rule, everything that is built on the land and that grows up naturally there belongs to the owner of the land. The aim of the thesis is to describe origin and historical development of the superficies solo cedit principle, subsequently to present its current expression in the legal order of the Czech Republic and to identify its problems, and, finally, to point out the effects of the restoration of the superficies solo cedit on the Czech legal system. The thesis is divided into seven separate chapters. Chapter One describes the expression and development of the superficies solo cedit principle in the Roman law. Chapter Two particularly deals with the ABGB Code from 1811 which was valid in the area of today's Czech Republic until 1950 and which significantly influenced the current Czech Civil Code. This chapter also includes analysis of provisions dealing with superficies solo principle and other relating terms, some of which were an inspiration for current Czech legislation. Third chapter explains the reasons for abandoning of superficies solo cedit principle in Civil Code No. 141/1950 Coll. and its consequences....

Superficiální zásada / Superficies síolo cedit principle

Sita, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the "superficies solo cedit" principle, known since the times of the Ancient Rome and further adopted in civil law codexes, and according to which buildings are considered a part of the land on which they are built. The "superficies solo cedit" now becomes - after more than sixty years - a part of Czech law again thanks to the Section 506 of the NCC. This thesis divided into two main sections. The first section deals with historical aspects of the above principle through a timeline. In this section the Author explores the causes of the above principle in the Roman-law, investigates the regulation contained in the in the Austrian ABGB and looks at the efforts to implement the above principle into Czech private law in the period following the First World War. This section also covers the era following the Second World War when the efforts to implement the above principle came to a halt thank to Communist's successful rise to power and subsequent ideological changes resulting in complete abandonment of the above principle in Czech law. The Civil Code from 1964 for example completely lacked the above principle. This has been changed by the adoption of the New Civil Code 2014 ("NCC") which expressly references itself to the tradition of the Austrian ABGB from 1811. The Second...

Zásada superficies solo cedit / Principle of superficies solo cedit

Janíčková, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the principle of superficies solo cedit, whose roots go back to Roman law. The principle, which can be translated as "the surface gives way to the ground", expresses the rule according to which the land includes everything that arises on it, whether in a natural or artificial way. In the history of the Czech lands, the principle was applied under the General Civil Code from 1811 until the adoption of the Civil Code of 1950. On the contrary, this Code applied the opposite principle and thus introduced separate ownership of land and buildings. The principle returned to our legal system with the adoption of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code. The aim of this thesis is to present the principle in a historical context, to give an explanation of its current form and to specify the problems that arose with the adoption of the principle of superficies. The diploma thesis is divided into four main chapters. The introductory part deals with the historical development of the principle. First, it provides an interpretation of Roman law, in which some important sources of Roman law are discussed. Within the interpretation of the legal history of the Czech lands, attention is focused mainly on the General Civil Code of 1811, which was the first to introduce the application of the...

Zásada superficies solo cedit a její význam v pozemkovém právu / Principle of superficies solo cedit and its importance in land law

Štěpánková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to describe the concept of the superficial principle in the valid legal regulation and its influence on land law relations. As a result of the reintroduction of the superficial principle into the legal order of the Czech Republic by Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code, all that is associated with the earth's surface becomes part of the given land. The thesis is divided into five structured chapters. The first chapter is devoted to land law as an interdisciplinary law system. The aim of second chapter is to explain the key importance of the superficial principle within the context of land law. The third chapter deals with the historical background of the development of legal relations to immovables in the territory of the Czech lands, also including the introduction of the Roman settlement as the basis of the superficial principle. The next part of the thesis contains the interpretation of the most important legal institutes related to the superficial principle in the context of the valid law. The chapter further describes exceptions to the principle. The fifth part of the thesis is focused on the analysis of selected land law relations influenced by the superficial principle.

Žemėtvarkos formavimo ir pertvarkymo projektų teisinio reglamentavimo analizė / Legal regulatory analysis of land management formation and reformation project

Tamošaitienė, Liudmila 16 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktai, reglamentuojantys žemės sklypų formavimo ir pertvarkymo projektų rengimą ir įgyvendinimą. Tyrimo tikslas – atlikti žemės sklypų formavimo ir pertvarkymo projektų teisinio reglamentavimo analizę. Tyrimui pasiekti iškelti uždaviniai: 1. Atrinkti ir išnagrinėti Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktus, reglamentuojančius žemės sklypų formavimo ir pertvarkymo projektų rengimą. 2. Atlikti jų istorinę pakeitimų apžvalgą. 3. Anketinės apklausos pagalba pateikti asmenų, susijusių su žemės sklypų formavimo ir pertvarkymo projektų teisiniu reglamentavimu, nuomonę. Tyrimo metodika. Atliekant tyrimus, išnagrinėti Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktai, įtakojantys žemės sklypų pertvarkymą Lietuvos Respublikoje. Atlikta literatūros šaltinių analizė ir apklausa, kurioje pateikiamos specialistų, turinčių teorinės ir (arba) praktinės patirties šioje srityje, nuomonė. Išanalizuoti Kauno rajono teritorijoje pradėti rengti ir parengti žemės sklypų formavimo ir pertvarkymo projektai bei jų tikslai. Panaudoti duomenų sintezės ir kiti metodai. Tyrimo rezultatai: - atsižvelgiant į galiojusius ir galiojančius šalyje teisės aktus atlikta žemės sklypų formavimo ir pertvarkymo projektų parengiamųjų, rengimo ir baigiamųjų darbų etapų istorinė apžvalga; - išanalizuoti Kauno rajono teritorijoje planuojamų rengti ir patvirtintų žemės sklypų formavimo ir pertvarkymo projektų rengimo tikslai, išanalizuota duomenų statistika. Pagrindinės išvados: 1) padalijimo bei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the research – Lithuanian legal acts affecting land formation and reformation project preparation and implementation. Aim of the research – perform land formation and reformation projects of legal regulation analysis. Objectives of the research: 1. select and analyze the Lithuanian legislation affecting the land formation and reformation project development; 2. make review of the changes in their history; 3. to perform a questionnaire – based on survey to assess opinions affecting the land formation and reformation project development Research methods. The research examined the Lithuanian legislation affecting land reorganization in Lithuania. Analysis of the literature source and survey, which includes point of view of of professionals with theoretical and (or) the practical experience. The proposed and prepared projects and their objectives in Kaunas district are analzed. Data synthesis and other methods were used as well. Research results: - according to applicable laws and the valid land formation and reformation project preparatory, production and final stages of the work a historical overview is performed; - approved land formation and conversion of project development objectives in the district of Kaunas were analysed, as well as data statistics; The main conclusions: 1) in the division way the formed land areas are up to 2 hectares; 2) the main reason for land holding projects is a siutable plot of area for the construction; 3) by 2013 permits issued, 5... [to full text]

Riktvärdet på tomtmark : En jämförelse mellan lantbruk och småhus som visar värdeskillnader över tid

Hellner, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
Riktvärdet på tomtmark har visat sig skilja mellan småhus på lantbruk och småhus på landsbygd. Detta uppmärksammades första gången av Lantmäteriet vid en jämförelse av taxeringen för lantbruk 2017 och småhus 2018. De har efter detta lyft problemet i arbetsgruppen som arbetar med förberedelsearbetet inför taxering. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om och i så fall hur skillnaderna i riktvärdet på tomtmark ser ut för småhus- respektive lantbruksenheter mellan taxeringarna 2017–2018 och 2020–2021. Studien går ut på att undersöka om det finns ett tydligt mönster eller om skillnaderna varierar mellan dessa olika taxeringsår. Studien avgränsades till Stockholms län och fokuserar på de värdeområden som 2017–2018 visade att tomtmarken hade fått ett högre riktvärde på lantbruksenheter än på småhusenheter, där skillnaden var minst 20 %. Studien omfattar även de värdeområden som 2020–2021 visade skillnaden på minst 20 % men som 2017–2018 hade en skillnad som var mindre än 20 %.Resultatet visade en relativt stor variation där några värdeområden fortfarande hade en skillnad på minst 20 %, några värdeområden hade denna gång inte någon skillnad alls och inågra andra värdeområden hade riktvärdena istället blivit högre på småhusenheter än på lantbruksenheter. Studien tar även upp hur förberedelsearbetet går till inför fastighetstaxering vad gäller småhus respektive lantbruk. Denna information är svår att läsa sig till på internet och i litteratur vilket gjort att den har tagits del av genom tre intervjuer med anställda på Skatteverket, Lantmäteriet och värderingsföretaget Svefa. / The guide value of plots of land have been shown to vary between small houses on farms and small houses in rural areas. This was first noticed by Lantmäteriet (the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority) when comparing the assessment of value for agriculture land in 2017 and single-family houses in 2018. The problem has been highlighted in the working group focusing on the preparation for assessment values. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether, and if so, what the differences in the guide value of plots of land look like for single-family and agricultural units between the assessments 2017–2018 and 2020–2021. The study is focused on whether there is a clear pattern or whether the differences vary between these different assessment years. The geographical area was chosen in the Stockholm County and focuses on the value areas that in 2017–2018 showed that the plot land had received a higher guide value of agricultural units than on single-family houses, where the difference was at least 20 %. The study also covers the value areas that in 2020-2021 showed differences of at least 20 % but which in 2017-2018 had a difference of less than 20 %.The result showed a fairly large variation where some value areas still had a difference of at least 20 %, some value areas had this time no difference at all, and some value areas had instead become higher for single-family units than for agricultural units. The study also addresses how the preparation work is done for property assessment in terms of single-family house and agricultural. This information is difficult to find on the internet and in literature, which has meant that it has been accessed through three interviews with employees at Skatteverket (the Swedish Tax Agency), Lantmäteriet and the valuation company Svefa.

Riktvärdet på tomtmark : En jämförelse mellan lantbruk och småhus som visar orsaker till värdeskillnaden / The guide value of plots of land : A comparison between farms and houses showing causes of the difference in value

Nilsson Sparf, Anna, Karlsson, Josefin January 2021 (has links)
I Sverige taxeras alla fastigheter vart tredje år (förutom industri och elproduktion som görs vart sjätte år) med antingen en allmän eller förenklad fastighetstaxering. En arbetsgrupp bestående av personer från Skatteverket, Lantmäteriet och ett värderingsföretag arbetar tillsammans med förberedelsearbetet inför en taxering. Där massvärderas alla fastigheter och olika tabeller, riktvärden och värdefaktorer upprättas. Det framkom i en jämförelse av taxeringsvärden för lantbruk 2017 och småhus 2018 att det fanns värdeskillnader i riktvärdet på tomtmark för lantbruk jämfört med tomtmark för småhus på landsbygd. Riktvärdet för lantbruken var högre inom många värdeområden i Sverige, vilket det ibland ska vara på grund av olika bakomliggande orsaker. När sådana orsaker saknas vill Lantmäteriet ha en förklaring till varför dessa skillnader i riktvärdet uppstått. Syftet är att undersöka bakomliggande orsaker till, att riktvärdena på tomtmark kan skiljas åt så mycket som de gör på många platser i Sverige. Målet är att klargöra om det geografiska läget på värdeområdena har någon påverkan. Vidare är en förhoppning att resultatet ska kunna bidra till en mer likvärdig värdering i framtiden, och därmed minska de geografiska skillnaderna. Studien har avgränsats till att jämföra länen som hade flest värdeområden med värdeskillnader. Det var Västra Götalands-, Stockholms- och Skånes län. Ytterligare avgränsning har gjorts genom att bara ta med värdeområden som har en skillnad på minst 20%. Metoderna som använts är en kombination av arkivstudie, intervjuer och kartläggning. Många möjliga orsaker till skillnader i riktvärdet grundar sig på, hur taxeringssystemet är uppbyggt, hur värderingen genomförs av de olika fastighetstyperna samt hur det geografiska läget påverkar värdeskillnaderna. Det är orsaker såsom hur så kallade “hästgårdar” taxeras, litet ortsprismaterial för lantbruken, tillförlitligheten på taxeringsuppgifterna, brist på lokalkännedom, de olika metoderna som används, hjälptabellernas inverkan och värderingsteknikernas olika utbildning och specialisering. Även läget i Sverige, nära tätort eller strandnära lägen samt lantbrukens ofta högt belägna lägen, spelar roll i värderingarna,och kan vara en orsak till värdeskillnader för riktvärdet på tomtmarken. / In Sweden, all properties are assessed every three years (except industrial and electricity production properties that has every six years) with either a general or simplified property assessment. A team consisting of persons from Skatteverket, Lantmäteriet and a valuation company works together with the preparation work for a tax assessment where all properties are mass valued and different tables, benchmarks and value factors are established. A comparison of farm rateable values in 2017 and single-family houses in 2018 showed that there were differences in the benchmark of plots of land of farms compared to land for detached houses in rural areas. The benchmark for farms was higher in many value areas in Sweden, which they should sometimes be due to different underlying reasons, but when such reasons are missing, Lantmäteriet wants an explanation for why these differences in the benchmark have arisen. The aim is to investigate the underlying reasons why the guide values on plots of land can separated as much as they do in many places in Sweden. The aim is to clarify whether the geographical location of the value areas has any impact and connection with each other. Furthermore, it is hoped that the result will contribute to a more equal valuation in the future and reduce geographical differences. The study has been limited to comparing the counties with the most value areas with value differences, which was the counties of Västra Götaland, Stockholm and Skåne. Further delimitation has been made by only include value ranges that have a difference of 20% or more. The methods used are a combination of archival study, interviews and mapping. Many possible reasons for differences in the benchmark are based on how the assessment system is structured, how the valuation is carried out by the different property types and how the geographical situation affects the differences in value. These are reasons such as the assessment of so-called 'horse farms', the small local price material for farms, the reliability of the assessment data, a lack of local knowledge, the different methods used, the impact of aid tables and the different training and specialisation of valuation techniques. The location in Sweden, close to urban- or beachfront locations and the often high locations of farms also play a role in the valuations and can be a cause of differences in the value of the benchmark on the plot of land.

Bytový dům, Holešov / Block of flats, Holešov

Sedláček, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The thesis project is a residential building. The proposed building is located in the urban area in Holešov on plain plot suitable for the construction of a residential building. The building is designed as a four-storey basement building, which is roofed with a flat roof. There is designed a total of 14 flats of all categories. The building is designed from the concrete into the permanent formwork Velox, is founded on the foundation strips, roofing is designed as a flat roof of leaning wedges.

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