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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigarion of Activated Phosphaidylinositol 3’ Kinase Signaling in Stem Cell Self-renewal and Tumorigenesis

Ling, Ling 31 August 2012 (has links)
The phosphatidylinositol 3' kinase (PI3K) pathway is involved in many cellular processes including cell proliferation, survival, and glucose transport, and is implicated in various disease states such as cancer and diabetes. Though there have been numerous studies dissecting the role of PI3K signaling in different cell types and disease models, the mechanism by which PI3K signaling regulates embryonic stem (ES) cell fate remains unclear. It is believed that in addition to proliferation and tumorigenicity, PI3K activity might also be important for self-renewal of ES cells. Paling et al. (2004) reported that the inhibition of PI3K led to a reduction in the ability of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) to maintain self-renewal causing cells to differentiate. Studies in our lab have revealed that ES cells completely lacking GSK-3 remain undifferentiated compared to wildtype ES cells. GSK-3 is negatively regulated by PI3K suggesting that PI3K may play a vital role in maintaining pluripotency in ES cells through GSK-3. By using a modified Flp recombinase system, we expressed activated alleles of PDK-1 and PKB to create stable, isogenic ES cell lines to further study the role of the PI3K signaling pathway in stem cell fate determination. In vitro characterization of the transgenic cell lines revealed a strong tendency towards maintenance of pluripotency, and this phenotype was found to be independent of canonical Wnt signal transduction. To assess growth and differentiation capacity in vivo, the ES cell lines were grown as subcutaneous teratomas. The constitutively active PDK-1 and PKB ES cell lines were able to form all three germ layers when grown in this manner – in contrast to ES cells engineered to lack GSK-3. The resulting PI3K pathway activated cells exhibited a higher growth rate which resulted in large teratomas. In summary, PI3K signaling is sufficient to maintain self-renewal and survival of stem cells. Since this pathway is frequently mutationally activated in cancers, its effect on suppressing differentiation may contribute to its oncogenicity.

Stage-specific germ cell marker genes function in establishment and germ cell lineage commitment of pluripotent stem cells / Stadien-spezifische Keimzellmarker-Gene wirken in der Etablierung von pluripotenten Stammzellen und leisten einen Beitrag zu deren Herkunft

Xu, Xingbo 19 October 2012 (has links)
No description available.

A Proposal to Test the Effects of Factor ECAT1 on Pluripotency, from Reprogramming to Differentiation of Human Somatic Cells

Goel, Vritti R. 01 January 2012 (has links)
The field of stem cell research has been growing more because of the interest in using stem cells to cure diseases and heal injuries. Human embryonic stem cells, because of the controversy surrounding them—and subsequently the difficulties in acquiring samples of the existing aging cell lines—can only be used in limited capacities. While the development of induced pluripotent stem cells in the last decade has allowed the field to progress closer to medical treatments, the low efficiency of reprogramming a somatic cell to a pluripotent state, and the vast molecular and genomic differences between human embryonic stem cells and human induced pluripotent stem cells is still an issue. Therefore, the goal is to discover methods, chemicals, and factors that can reduce these differences and increase the efficiency of inducing pluripotency. This proposal aims to look at the effects of the protein ECAT1 in inducing pluripotency in human somatic cells. Little is known about ECAT1, otherwise known as Embryonic Stem Cell-Associated Transcript 1, beyond its presence in human embryonic stem cells and oocytes and its absence in differentiated cells. While originally considered by scientists during the development of the reprogramming technique, ECAT1's effects have not been tested in humans. Therefore, a series of experiments will be performed in which ECAT1 will be used in conjunction with OSKM to induce pluripotency in adult human dermal fibroblasts, which will then be differentiated into spinal motor neurons. The three stages of this proposal--inducing pluripotency, comparing pluripotencies in the reprogrammed cells and embryonic stem cells, and differentiating the stem cells--should answer questions about ECAT1 and the reprogramming process. It is predicted that ECAT1 should reduce the genomic and molecular differences between embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells. ECAT1's presence should also increase the efficiency of reprogramming as well as successful differentiation to other cell types.

Roles of <em>Wnt4/5a</em> in germ cell differentiation and gonad development &amp; <em>ErbB4</em> in polarity of kidney epithelium

Naillat, F. (Florence) 25 October 2011 (has links)
Abstract The embryonic urogenital system generates the metanephric kidneys, the gonads and the adrenal glands, and its development is based on sequential and reciprocal cell and tissue interactions. The mechanisms which regulate urogenital ontogeny are still poorly understood. In this thesis, the roles of Wnt-4 and ErbB4 functions in gonad and kidney development were analysed by using in vivo functional genomic technologies. Wnt-4 is crucial in female development since its absence leads to a partial female to male sex reversal. We found that Wnt-4 mediated the interactions between the somatic and the germ cells and played a role in meiosis which is regulated in part by the secreted signal retinoic acid (RA). Expression of certain meiosis-controlling genes (Stra8, Spo11) was inhibited in the Wnt-4 deficient germ cells, while certain pluripotency genes (Oct4, Fgf9, Sox2 and Dnmt3l) were activated similarly as in the wild-type male gonad. In addition to this, we noted that a gene encoding for a Cyp26b1 enzyme, which degrades RA in the embryonic testis, was ectopically expressed in the Wnt-4 deficient ovary. Microarray analysis was used to identify candidate Wnt-4 target genes by using the Wnt-4 knock-out mouse. Of these genes, Runx-1 may represent a novel signalling target to mediate Wnt-4 activity in the control female development The role of receptor-tyrosine kinase ErbB4 in kidney development was studied by using both in vivo gain and loss of function approaches. In the gain-of-function situation, we found that certain markers for the epithelial tubules and collecting ducts lost their polarized expression pattern. At the same time, the orientation of the cells in the kidney tubules was deregulated and an increase in cell proliferation was noticed. We suggest that the observed defects gave rise to an increase in the tubule diameter and to cyst formation in the kidney cortex. In the loss-of-function mouse, the lack of ErbB4 expression led to a similar phenotype as with the gain of function, and the renal functions of the mutant adult kidneys were compromised. In conclusion, the results point to specific roles for Wnt-4 and ErbB4 in the control of urogenital development. Wnt-4 appears to be crucial in sustaining proper female somatic cell and germ cell differentiation, and maintenance of gonad development during and after the sex determination event, while ErbB4 activity is critical for the regulation of tubular growth in embryonic kidney development. / Tiivistelmä Sekä nisäkkään jälkimunuainen, lisämunuainen että sukurauhanen kehittyvät alkion urogenitaalialueen järjestelmästä ja solu- ja kudosvuorovaikutukset ohjaavat elinkehitysprosessia. Tapahtuman molekyylitason mekanismit ovat kuitenkin huonosti tunnettuja. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin Wnt-4 signaalin tehtäviä sukurauhasen ja ErbB4- proteiinin munuaisen kehityksessä. Wnt-4 signaali on keskeinen naisen sukupuolisuuden kehityksessä, koska signaalin puutos aiheuttaa alkion sukupuolen osittaisen kääntymisen naaraasta koiraaksi. Tarkastelimme aluksi sitä, välittääkö Wnt-4 itusolujen ja sukurauhasen somaattisten solujen vuorovaikutuksia ohjaten itusolujen meioosia, jota mm. A-vitamiini säätelee. Havaitsimme, että Wnt-4 geeni puuttuessa tietyt meioosia säätelevät geenit kuten Stra8 ja Spo11 olivat heikentyneet, kun taas solujen monikykyisyyteen liittyvät geenit kuten Oct4, Fgf9, Sox2 ja Dnmt3l aktivoituivat vastaavalla tavalla kuin havaitaan normaalisti koirasalkion kivesaiheessa. Tämän lisäksi havaitsimme, että Cyp26b1-geeni, joka johtaa A-vitamiinin hajoamiseen alkiossa ja estää normaalisti meioosin koirasalkion kivesaiheessa oli aktivoitunut munuaisrauhasaiheessa, jolta puuttuu Wnt-4 aktiivisuus. Tuloksemme osoittavat, että Wnt-4 säätelee osaltaan naarasalkion itusolujen meioosia. Tarkastelimme myös mikrosirututkimusten avulla niitä geenejä, joita Wnt-4 säätelee sukuelinaiheessa. Identifioimme useissa Wnt ja β-catenin signaalireittiin liittyvissä geeneissa muutoksia. Muuntuneet geenit voivat olla Wnt-4 signaalireitin kohdegeenejä. Näistä Runx-1 saattaa olla keskeinen Wnt signaalitien kohdegeeni, joka säätelee merkittävällä tavalla naaraan munarauhasen kehitystä. Väitöskirjan toisessa osassa tarkastelimme ErbB4-reseptorityrosiinikinaasin tehtäviä munuaisen kehityksen säätelyssä. ErbB4-geenin tehtäviä tutkittiin käyttäen hyväksi siirtogeenisiä malliorganismeja, joissa ErbB4-geenin määrä oli joko koholla tai ajastetusti inaktivoitu. ErbB4- geenin kokeellinen yliaktiivisuus muutti spesifisti tekijöitä, jotka säätelevät osaltaan jälkimunuaisen epiteeliputkien solujen orientaatiota ja solun jakautumista. Solujen orientaatiomuutoksen yhteydessä myös solujen jakautuminen häiriintyi. Oletuksemme on, että nämä epiteelikudoksessa tapahtuneet muutokset ovat syy, miksi kohotettu ErbB4-aktiviteetti muuttaa epiteeliputkien paksuutta ja pituutta erityisesti munuaisen pintakerroksissa. Havaitsimme myös, että ErbB4-geenin ajastettu poistaminen munuaisen epiteelikudoksessa johti hyvin samankaltaisiin, mutta vastakkaisiin muutoksiin kuin ErbB4-aktiviteetin kohottaminen. Muutokset johtivat myös muutoksiin munuaisen toiminnassa. Yhteenvetona toteamme, että näillä Wnt-4 ja ErbB4 solusignallointiin liittyvillä molekyyleillä on keskeinen tehtävä alkion munarauhasen ja munuaisen aiheen kehityksen säätelyssä. Wnt-4 ohjaa sekä itusolujen että somaattisten solujen erilaistumista ja samalla sukupuolen määräytymistä ja jatkokehitystä, kun taas ErbB4-signallointireseptorin tehtävä on avainasemassa munuaisen epiteeliputken kasvun säätelyssä.

A Model-Based Analysis of Culture-Dependent Phenotypes of mESCs

Herberg, Maria, Kalkan, Tüzer, Glauche, Ingmar, Smith, Austin, Roeder, Ingo 11 July 2014 (has links)
Mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) can be maintained in a proliferative and undifferentiated state over many passages (self-renewal) while retaining the potential to give rise to every cell type of the organism (pluripotency). Autocrine FGF4/Erk signalling has been identified as a major stimulus for fate decisions and lineage commitment in these cells. Recent findings on serum-free culture conditions with specific inhibitors (known as 2i) demonstrate that the inhibition of this pathway reduces transcription factor heterogeneity and is vital to maintain ground state pluripotency of mESCs. We suggest a novel mathematical model to explicitly integrate FGF4/Erk signalling into an interaction network of key pluripotency factors (namely Oct4, Sox2, Nanog and Rex1). The envisaged model allows to explore whether and how proposed mechanisms and feedback regulations can account for different expression patterns in mESC cultures. We demonstrate that an FGF4/Erk-mediated negative feedback is sufficient to induce molecular heterogeneity with respect to Nanog and Rex1 expression and thus critically regulates the propensity for differentiation and the loss of pluripotency. Furthermore, we compare simulation results on the transcription factor dynamics in different self-renewing states and during differentiation with experimental data on a Rex1GFPd2 reporter cell line using flow cytometry and qRT-PCR measurements. Concluding from our results we argue that interaction between FGF4/Erk signalling and Nanog expression qualifies as a key mechanism to manipulate mESC pluripotency. In particular, we infer that ground state pluripotency under 2i is achieved by shifting stable expression pattern of Nanog from a bistable into a monostable regulation impeding stochastic state transitions. Furthermore, we derive testable predictions on altering the degree of Nanog heterogeneity and on the frequency of state transitions in LIF/serum conditions to challenge our model assumptions.

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