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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In situ and in vitro analysis of germ and stem cell marker-positive cells in the postnatal ovary of the common marmoset monkey (Callithrix jacchus)

Fereydouni, Bentolhoda 22 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Transfer von Pluripotenzfaktoren maligner Stro-1-positiver und Stro-1 negativer Zellen auf tumorfremde somatische Zellen / Study on the transfer of pluripotency factors from malignant STRO-1+ and STRO-1− cells to non-tumorous somatic cells

Walter, Julia 25 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Analýza pluripotentního programu genové exprese v časných embryích a embryonálních kmenových buňkách / Analysis of pluripotent gene expression program in early embryos and embryonic stem cells

Moravec, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Pluripotence je schopnost buňky diferencovat do jakéhokoliv buněčného typu. Formuje se během časného embryonálního vývoje u savců a její vznik je spojen s reprogramací genové exprese na globální úrovni. Proces přirozeného vzniku pluripotence není stále zcela pochopen. Pro získání nového pohledu na události, které vedou ke vzniku pluripotence u savců, studovali jsme změny v genové expresi během oocyt-zygotického přechodu u myši. V tomto modelovém systému, oplodněné vajíčko podstoupí reprogramaci, která vede k vytvoření pluripotentních blastomer. Tyto blastomery zakládají samotné embryo. Cílem mé diplomové práce bylo analyzovat aktivaci transkripce během časného vývoje a vyvinout metodu pro monitorování exprese genů v oocytech, časných embryích a embryonálních kmenových buňkách. Metoda využívá kvantitativní PCR a umožnuje změřit expresi až 48 vybraných genů, které slouží jako markery pro maternální degradaci, aktivaci pluripotentního programu a diferenciaci do zárodečných linií. Dále ukazujeme, že náš systém monitoruje dynamiku transkriptomu během oocyt-zygotického přechodu, a získané výsledky jsou srovnatelné s daty naměřenými pomocí jiných metod. Díky našemu bioinformatickému přístupu jsme navíc identifikovali nové oocyt-specifické a zygotické nekódující RNA. Klíčová slova: pluripotence,...

Rôle de la protéine TRRAP, co-facteur des HATs, dans la régulation de la pluripotence des cellules souches embryonnaires et hématopoiétiques / TRRAP : an essential player in the regulation of stemness in embryonic and hematopoietic stem cells

Sawan-Vaissière, Carla 22 September 2010 (has links)
Les cellules souches embryonnaires et adultes sont strictement contrôlées et régulées par différents mécanismes comme l’auto-renouvellement, la différentiation et l’apoptose. Les enzymes impliquées dans la modification des histones et les différents statuts de la chromatine seraient responsables de la mise en place, du maintien et de la propagation des différents profils d’expression des gènes mais le mécanisme sous-jacent reste néanmoins mal compris. Dans nos études, nous avons identifié le rôle de Trrap, un cofacteur des histones acétyltransférases dans le maintien de l’auto-renouvellement des cellules souches embryonnaires et adultes. La perte de la moelle épinière et une mortalité croissante sont survenues suite à la délétion conditionnelle du gène Trrap chez la souris. Ceci est dû à la perte des cellules hématopoïétiques progénitrices ainsi que des cellules hématopoïétiques souches par un mécanisme cellulaire autonome. L’analyse des cellules progénitrices, purifiées, de la moelle épinière à permis de révéler que ces anomalies sont associées à l’induction de l’apoptose indépendante de p53 ainsi qu’à la dérégulation des facteurs de transcription Myc. De plus, la délétion conditionnelle de Trrap dans les cellules souches embryonnaires induit la différentiation due au rôle important que Trrap joue dans la régulation du couplage de la méthylation de l’histone H3 aux lysines K4 et K27 appelées « domaines bivalents », le maintien du statut hyperdynamique de la chromatine et la régulation des gènes spécifiques à l’auto-renouvellement. Ceci est cohérent avec l’essentiel rôle de Trrap impliqué dans le mécanisme qui restreint l’induction de l’apoptose ou de la différentiation, ceci selon le type de cellules souches, et favorise le maintien de l’auto-renouvellement. Ces études ont permis d’identifier les différents rôles essentiels que Trrap joue dans le mécanisme qui permet le maintien des cellules souches embryonnaires et adultes ce qui soulève la possibilité que Trrap et les modifications des histones qui contrôlent l’auto-renouvellement pourraient être importants pour le développement et le maintien des cellules souches cancéreuses. Une meilleure compréhension du mécanisme commun qui implique Trrap et les modifications des histones contrôlant les éléments essentiels des cellules souches normales et cancéreuses s’avèrerait essentiel et très bénéfique pour les stratégies de thérapies épigénétiques qui ont pour but d’éradiquer les cellules souches cancéreuses / Embryonic and adult stem cells are tightly controlled and regulated by self-renewal, differentiation and apoptosis. Histone modifiers and chromatin states are believed to govern establishment, maintenance, and propagation of distinct patterns of gene expression in stem cells, however the underlying mechanism remains poorly understood. In our studies, we identified a role for the histone acetyltransferase cofactor Trrap in the maintenance of embryonic stem cells and hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. Conditional deletion of the Trrap gene in mice resulted in ablation of bone marrow and increased lethality. This was due to the depletion of early hematopoietic progenitors, including hematopoietic stem cells, via a cell-autonomous mechanism. Analysis of purified bone marrow progenitors revealed that these defects are associated with induction of p53-independent apoptosis and deregulation of Myc transcription factors. Moreover, conditional deletion of Trrap in embryonic stem cells was found to results in unscheduled differentiation. This was due to the essential role of Trrap in coupling of H3K4 and H3K27 methylation ("bivalent-domains"), the maintenance of hyperdynamic chromatin state and regulation of the stemness genes, consistent with the essential function of Trrap in the mechanism that restricts apoptosis or differentiation depending on stem cell type and promotes the maintenance of self-renewal. Together, these studies have identified critical roles for Trrap in the mechanism that maintains embryonic and hematopoietic stem cells and raise the possibility that Trrap and histone modifications controlling self-renewal may be important for the development and maintenance of cancer stem cells. Better understanding of a common molecular mechanism involving HATs and histone modifications that controls key features of normal and cancer stem cells may prove highly beneficial for epigenetics-based therapeutic strategies aiming to eradicate cancer stem cells

Étude de la pluripotence des cellules souches embryonnaires chez le lapin / Study of embryonic stem cell pluripotency in rabbit

Osteil, Pierre 16 December 2013 (has links)
Les cellules souches embryonnaires (ESCs) sont issues de la masse cellulaire interne (ICM) de blastocystes préimplantatoires. Elles sont pluripotentes c'est-à-dire capables de se différencier dans les trois lignages embryonnaires (ectoderme, mésoderme et endoderme) et de s'autorenouveller, c'est-à-dire de se multiplier indéfiniment en culture. Chez la souris, ces cellules (mESCs) sont à la base des techniques de transgénèse permettant des modifications génétiques ciblées. Chez l'Homme ces cellules (hESCs) représentent un grand espoir en médecine régénérative pour traiter des maladies dégénératives comme les maladies de Parkinson ou de Huntington. Le modèle le plus pertinent de l'espèce humaine est le singe. Cependant l'expérimentation sur cette espèce est soumise à une réglementation très stricte. C'est pourquoi il est nécessaire de développer des modèles alternatifs. C'est dans ce cadre que s'inscrit le lapin, qui est phylogénétiquement plus proche de l'Homme que ne l'est la souris. Mon projet de thèse a eu pour but d'étudier la pluripotence dans les ESCs de lapin (rESCs), afin de pouvoir les utiliser en transgénèse et produire des animaux transgéniques, modèles de maladies humaines. La première partie de ces analyses est regroupée au sein de l'article que notre laboratoire a publié en 2013 dans Biology Open (Osteil et al. 2013). D'autres analyses ont abouti à la dérivation de nouvelles lignées stabilisées dans un état plus proche de celui des cellules de l'ICM. L'ensemble des résultats a permis d'établir des bases solides pour la compréhension de la pluripotence et pour la dérivation d'ESCs dites naïves chez un autre mammifère que la souris / Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) result from cultures of inner cell masses (ICMs) isolated at preimplantation blastocyst stage. ESCs are defined by their self-renewal capacity, characterized by robust proliferation while maintaining plutipotent potential, the ability to give rise to cells from all three germ layers mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm. Mouse ESCs (mESCs) allow the production of transgenic models by site-specific mutagenesis. Human ESCs (hESCs) represent major hope for regenerative medicine in order to treat degenerative diseases like Parkinson or Huntington. The more relevant model of Human is monkey. However, working on this specie is subjected to extremely strict regulation. Consequently it is very important to develop alternative animal models. Rabbit appears to be a very good candidate, because he is phylogenetically closer to Human than the mouse. My thesis project aimed to study the pluripotency mechanism of rabbit ESCs (rESCs), in order to use these cells for the production of transgenic animal models for human diseases. First part of theses analyses is synthesized in a publication into Biology Open in 2013 (Osteil et al. 2013). Other analyses produced new rESCs lines stabilized in a closer state compared to ICM state. All these results led to obtain solid knowledge on pluripotency and derivation on so-called naïve ESCs in a non-rodent specie

Um Modelo para Estudos de Modulação da Pluripotência e Diferenciação Celular em Células-Tronco Pluripotentes / A Model for Studying the Modulation of Pluripotency and Cell Differentiation in Pluripotent Stem Cells

Lima, Ildercílio Mota de Souza 07 June 2013 (has links)
Células pluripotentes são aquelas que possuem a capacidade de dar origem às células dos três folhetos embrionários (ectoderma, mesoderma e endoderma), bem como também às células germinativas. As células-tronco embrionárias (CTE) são as células pluripotentes mais conhecidas, as quais apresentam uma elevada capacidade de diferenciação celular e autorenovação. Estas propriedades tornam as CTE potenciais ferramentas para a medicina regenerativa, porém seu uso na prática clínica enfrenta várias barreiras. Neste sentido, o acúmulo de conhecimento a respeito dos mecanismos envolvidos na manutenção da pluripotência, levou ao desenvolvimento de técnicas capazes de induzir a pluripotência em células somáticas adultas. Na maioria das abordagens, isto se dá pela expressão ectópica de fatores de transcrição envolvidos na pluripotência (como Oct4 e Nanog). Com isto em vista, torna-se evidente que estudos que levem a um melhor entendimento destas propriedades biológicas, podem levar ao desenvolvimento desta importante área. Apesar destas inovações, os mecanismos responsáveis pela manutenção ou indução da pluripotência e da autorenovação, continuam largamente inexplorados. Neste sentido, o conjunto de técnicas referidas como High Content Screening (HCS) apresenta características fundamentais que permitiriam a interrogação sistemática e em larga-escala de fatores que possam estar influenciando nestes processos. A técnica de HCS se baseia no uso de microscopia de fluorescência em placas de 96 ou mais poços, permitindo a aquisição e a análise automatizada das imagens, de forma a quantificar alterações fenotípicas nas células. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estabelecer um modelo experimental para a avaliação funcional e em larga escala de fatores que possam influenciar a diferenciação celular. Tendo em vista a facilidade de cultivo e manuseio, a linhagem humana de células pluripotentes de carcinoma embrionário (CCE) NTera-2, foi utilizada. Para a padronização do modelo, o processo de diferenciação foi avaliado ao longo do tempo (em 2, 4 e 8 dias) na presença ou ausência de ácido transretinóico (atRA), utilizado como indutor de diferenciação celular. Para isso, os níveis transcricionais de Oct4, Nanog (marcadores da pluripotência) e de N-Caderina foram avaliados por PCR em tempo real. Finalmente, a expressão e a distribuição celular de Oct4, Nanog e da alfa-actina foi avaliada por meio de microscopia de fluorescência automatizada, com o uso de anticorpos ou faloidina marcada, utilizando um sistema de HCS (Operetta, Perkin Elmer) para a análise dos resultados. A proliferação celular das células submetidas à diferenciação foi avaliada pelo ensaio do XTT. O atRA inibiu a proliferação e induziu a diferenciação; como demonstrado, respectivamente, pelos resultados do ensaio do XTT, decaimento dos níveis de Oct4 e Nanog e, concomitante aumento de N-Caderina, ao longo do tempo. Também foi observada a diferenciação espontânea da linhagem, na ausência de atRA, porém, de forma reduzida. Finalmente, as avaliações de HCS evidenciaram que, durante o processo de diferenciação, a perda da expressão nuclear de Oct4 e Nanog está associada à alteração do fenótipo celular, com a redistribuição da actina cortical e a formação das stress fibers, caracterizando o processo de transição epitélio-mesenquima (EMT), um importante mecanismo envolvido na diferenciação celular. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho demonstram a viabilidade do uso da linhagem NTera-2 como modelo para estudos futuros de HCS visando a identificação de moléculas que atuem na modulação de propriedades fundamentais das células tronco pluripotentes. / Pluripotent stem cells are those that possess the ability to generate cells from the three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm), as well as the germ cells. The embryonic stem cells (ESC) are the best known pluripotent cells that present a high capacity of cell differentiation and self renewal. These properties of the ESC make them potential tools for the regenerative medicine, but their use in clinical practice faces several barriers. In this sense, the accumulation of knowledge about the mechanisms involved in the maintenance of pluripotency led to the development of techniques capable of inducing pluripotency in adult somatic cells. In most approaches, this is achieved by the ectopic expression of transcription factors involved in pluripotency (such as Oct4 and Nanog). With this in mind, it becomes clear that studies that provide a better understanding of these biological properties can lead to the development of this important area. Despite these innovations, the mechanisms responsible for the maintenance or induction of pluripotency and self-renewal remain largely unexplored. In this sense, the set of techniques such as High Content Screening (HCS) has fundamental characteristics that allow systematic and large-scale interrogation of factors that may be influencing these processes. The HCS technique is based on the use of fluorescence microscopy in 96-well or larger plates, allowing the automated acquisition and analysis of images, so as to measure phenotypic changes in the cells. This study aimed to establish an experimental model for functional and large-scale assessment of factors that may influence cellular differentiation. Due its simple cultivation and handling characteristics, a human lineage of pluripotent embryonal carcinoma cell (ECC) NTERA-2 was used. To standardize the model, the process of differentiation was evaluated over time (at 2, 4 and 8 days) in the presence or absence of all-trans retinoic acid (atRA), used as an inducer of cellular differentiation. The transcriptional levels of Oct4, Nanog (pluripotency markers) and Ncadherin were assessed by real time PCR. Finally, the expression and cellular distribution of Oct4, Nanog and alpha-actin was assessed by fluorescence microscopy, using antibodies or labelled phalloidin, using a HCS platform (Operetta, Perkin Elmer) for the analysis of the results. The proliferation of cells undergoing differentiation was assessed by XTT assay. atRA inhibited proliferation and induced differentiation, as shown by the XTT assay results, and the decay of Oct4 and Nanog, and concomitant increase of N-cadherin levels over time, respectively. It was also observed spontaneous differentiation in the absence of atRA although in less extent. Finally, the HCS results showed that during the differentiation process, the loss of nuclear expression of Oct4 and Nanog is associated with alteration of cell phenotype, with redistribution of cortical actin and formation of stress fibers, characterizing the epithelialmesenchymal transition (EMT), an important mechanism involved in cell differentiation. The results of this study therefore demonstrate the feasibility of using the NTERA-2 cell line as a model for future HCS studies aiming identification of molecules that act in the modulation of fundamental properties of pluripotent stem cells.

Sprouty4 regulates the balance between pluripotency and trophectoderm differentiation in mouse embryonic stem cells

Chap, Christna 22 December 2010 (has links)
Unbegrentzte Selbsterneuerungkapazität und Pluripotenz sind charakteristische Merkmale von embryonalen Stammzellen (ES-Zellen). Dennoch sind die molekularen und zellulären Mechanismen, die für das Schicksal der ES-Zellen zuständig sind, noch nicht genau definiert. Um regulierende Faktoren des undifferenzierten Zustands von ES-Zellen zu identifizieren, wurden undifferenzierte ES Zellen, "Embryoid Bodies", spontan differenzierte und mit Retinsäure differenzierte ES Zellen mittels Microarray-Analysen verglichen. Neben bereits etablierten Pluripotenz-Markern, wurde Sprouty4 als eines der am stärksten degerulierten Transkripte unter diesen Bedingungen identifiziert. Sprouty4 ist als Inhibitor des ERK (Extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase)-Signalweges bekannt, aber seine Rolle in ES-Zellen wurde noch nicht definiert. Mittels Genexpression und Western BlotAnalysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass Sprouty4 in undifferenzierten ES-Zellen stark exprimiert ist und im Verlauf der Differenzierung schnell herunterreguliert wird. In vivo war Sprouty4 auf die innere Zellmasse (ICM) der Mausblastozyste beschränkt. Außerdem wurde gezeigt, dass der Sprouty4 Promotor durch direkte Bindung der PluripotenzMarkern Nanog, Klf4 und Stat3 reguliert wird. ES-Zellen, die Sprouty4 konstitutiv exprimieren, waren resistent gegen Differenzierung durch Zugabe von Retinsäure oder Bildung von Embryoid Bodies. Hingegen führte die Expression einer dominant-negativen Mutante von Sprouty4 zu einer erhörten Sensitivierung von ES-Zellen gegenüber der Differenzierung und zur Bildung extraembryonaler Gewebe begleitet von Endoreduplikation. Zusammenfassend konnten unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die enge Regulation des ERK-Signalweges und warscheinlich anderer Signalwege durch Sprouty4 notwendig ist, um die Balance zwichen Pluripotenz und Differenzierung embryonaler Stammzellen zu kontrollieren. / A hallmark feature of embryonic stem (ES) cells is the ability to self-renew indefinitely while maintaining pluripotency. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying ES cell fate are poorly understood. To identify signaling pathway molecules that maintain the uncommitted state of ES cells, a microarray analysis was performed comparing undifferentiated ES cells, mature embryoid bodies, spontaneously differentiated and retinoic acid-induced differentiated ES cells. Among several well-validated pluripotency markers, Sprouty4 was identified as one of the most highly deregulated transcripts under these conditions. Sprouty4 is known as an inhibitor of the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK/MAPK) pathway however its role in ES cells has not yet been defined. Gene expression and western-blot analyses have shown that Sprouty4 is highly expressed in ES cells and strongly downregulated upon differentiation whilst in vivo, Sprouty4 is confined to the founder population of ES cells, the inner cell mass of mouse blastocysts. Moreover, the Sprouty4 promoter was found to be regulated via the direct binding of the intrinsic pluripotency-associated factors Nanog, Klf4 and Stat3. ES cells engineered to constitutively express a wild-type version of Sprouty4 were found to be resistant to differentiation induced by retinoic acid or embryoid bodies formation. Conversely, expression of a dominant negative Sprouty4 mutant activating the ERK/MAPK pathway in a sustained manner sensitized ES cells to differentiation and triggered endoreduplication leading to the formation of extraembryonic tissue. Taken together, these results highlight the essential role of Sprouty4 in the tight regulation of the ERK/MAPK pathway- and probably others- for the balance between pluripotency and lineage commitment in mouse embryonic stem cells.

Identificação de vias moduladas por microRNAs na diferenciação celular e manutenção da pluripotência em células humanas / Identification of microRNA-modulated pathways in cell differentiation and pluripotency maintainance in human cells

Lima, Ildercílio Mota de Souza 28 September 2017 (has links)
Os microRNAs (miRs) desempenham um papel importante na biologia das células-tronco por meio da interação com seus mRNAs alvos, induzindo inibição da tradução e/ou degradação destes transcritos. Durante a diferenciação de células pluripotentes, os miRs podem ser induzidos ou reprimidos, no entanto, suas funções específicas são amplamente inexploradas. Nós investigamos os papéis funcionais de um conjunto selecionado de miRs na pluripotência e diferenciação celular, usando microscopia de fluorescência quantitativa (High Content Analysis). Para isso, foram empregadas a NTera-2 (células de carcinoma embrionário humano, CCE) e a H1 (células-tronco embrionárias humanas, CTEh) como modelos. Essas células foram transfectadas reversamente com trinta moléculas de miRs distintas (individualmente) ou moléculas controles. Após 3-4 dias de cultura, as células foram fixadas, permeabilizadas e coradas com Hoechst / CellMask Blue (núcleo/citoplasma), anti-OCT4, anti-Ciclina B1 e imageadas com um sistema ImageXpress Micro HCA. O CellProfiler foi utilizado para quantificar vários parâmetros morfométricos e medidas de intensidade de OCT4 e Ciclina B1 em compartimentos nucleares e citoplasmáticos. Esses dados foram usados para gerar perfis fenotípicos multiparamétricos específicos de cada miR (usando KNIME) e o agrupamento desses dados levou à identificação de vias e processos envolvidos na indução de características de pluripotência ou diferenciação celular causadas por miRs com efeitos fenotípicos similares. Como exemplo, as vias de PI3K-AKT, WNT, TGF? e DICER foram encontradas como moduladas por alguns clusters fenotípicos e os transcritos de alguns alvos foram avaliados por qPCR para validar os achados. Parte do trabalho foi focada na regulação da via Notch por miRNAs em células pluripotentes, o que levou à observação de que o miR- 363-3p inibe a sinalização de Notch e promove pluripotência nessas células. A transfecção de miR-363-3p não apenas elevou as características de pluripotência em NTera-2 e H1, mas também protegeu as CCE da diferenciação induzida por cocultivo com OP9 expressando DLL1 e causou a diminuição no nível de transcritos de PSEN1. Em conclusão, o ensaio desenvolvido aqui provou ser uma ferramenta robusta na detecção de mecanismos moleculares, baseando-se na combinação de análises fenotípicas funcionais e bioinformáticas. / microRNAs (miRs) play an important role in stem cell\'s biology by binding to target mRNAs transcripts, inducing translation blockage and/or transcripts degradation. Upon differentiation of pluripotent cells, miRNAs can be induced or repressed, however, their specific roles are largely unexplored. We investigated the functional roles of a selected set of miRs in pluripotency and differentiation, using quantitative automated fluorescence microscopy (High Content Analysis). For this, we used NTera-2 (human embryonal carcinoma cells, ECC) and H1 (embryonic stem cells; ESC) as models. These cells were reverse-transfected with thirty distinct miRs mimics (individually) or control molecules. Following 3-4 days of culture, cells were fixed, permeabilized and stained with Hoechst/CellMask Blue (nucleus/cytoplasm), antiOCT4, anti-Cyclin B1 and imaged using an ImageXpress Micro HCA System. CellProfiler was used to quantify several morphometric parameters and intensity measurements of OCT4 and CYCB1 in nuclear and cytoplasmic compartments. Quantified parameters were used to generate miR-specific multiparametric phenotypic profiles (using KNIME) and clustering these data led to identification of pathways and processes involved in the induction of pluripotency or cell diferention features caused by miRs with similar phenotypic effects. As an example, PI3K-AKT, WNT, TGF? and DICER pathways were found to be regulated by some phenotypic clusters and transcripts level of some of miR targets were evaluated by qPCR to validate de findings. Part of the work was focused in the regulation of Notch pathway by miRNAs in pluripotent cells, which led the observation that miR-363-3p inhibits Notch signaling and promotes pluripotency feature, as the transfection with miR-363-3p mimic not only enhanced pluripotent phenotype in NTera-2 and H1, but also protected de ECCs from differentiation induced by coculture with OP9 expressing DLL1 and decreased PSEN1 transcripts level.In conclusion, The assay developed here proved to be a robust tool in the detection of molecular mechanisms based on combined functional phenotypic and bioinformatic analyzes.

Investigating the role and regulation of mRNA capping in pluripotency and differentiation

Suska, Olga January 2017 (has links)
The mRNA cap added to the 5’ end of nascent transcripts is required for the efficient gene expression in eukaryotes. In vertebrates, the guanosine cap is methylated at N7 position by RNMT, which is in complex with its activating subunit RAM. Additionally, the first and second transcribed nucleotides can be methylated at ribose O2 position by CMTR1 and CMTR2 respectively. The mRNA cap protects transcripts from degradation and recruits cap-binding factors to promote pre-mRNA processing, nuclear export and translation initiation. In mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), high levels of RAM maintain expression of pluripotency factors. Differentiation of mESCs to neural progenitors is accompanied by a suppression of RAM, resulting in downregulation of pluripotency factors and efficient formation of neural cells. Here, I demonstrated that the suppression of RAM during neural differentiation is promoted via ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. Concurrently, neural differentiation is associated with an increase in CMTR1 expression, creating a developmental cap methyltransferase switch. Moreover, differentiation into endodermal and mesodermal lineages exhibited distinct changes in the mRNA capping enzymes expression. In mESCs, RAM promotes expression of translation-associated proteins and promotes global loading of mRNA on ribosomes. RAM contributes to the ESC-specific gene expression program, by maintaining optimal expression of pluripotency-associated transcripts and inhibiting expression of neural genes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed that RAM, RNMT and CMTR1 promote binding of RNA polymerase II at gene loci. In RAM-repressed cells, RNA polymerase II binding was reduced at pluripotency-associated genes, but relatively increased at neural genes. Moreover, knock-down of RNMT or CMTR1 induced increased or decreased accumulation of RNA polymerase II at promoter proximal regions respectively. In naïve T cells, Rnmt or Cmtr1 conditional knock-outs caused downregulation of translation-related transcripts and upregulation of cell cycle transcripts. Furthermore, many transcripts were specifically dependent on RNMT or CMTR1 for expression, demonstrating distinct roles of these cap methyltransferases. Thus, the mRNA cap methylation emerges as an important regulator of pluripotency and differentiation, modulating gene expression at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels.

Geração de células pluripotentes através da indução gênica e transferência de núcleo: modelo bovino de aquisição de pluripotência / Generation of pluripotent cells through gene induction and nuclear transfer: a bovine model of pluripotency

Bressan, Fabiana Fernandes 22 March 2013 (has links)
Estratégias como a transferência nuclear e a reprogramação induzida vêm sendo empregadas com o objetivo de induzir células somáticas a um estado pluripotente similar ao embrionário. O processo de reprogramação nuclear e extremamente desejável e possui importantes contribuições tanto no estudo da ciência básica como aplicada, como por exemplo, no aumento da eficiência das biotécnicas de produção animal ou na medicina, com a possibilidade de terapia celular autóloga. Uma série de estudos, porem, ainda são necessários para que tais aplicações sejam viáveis, uma vez que os mecanismos fundamentais das técnicas empregadas ainda não estão totalmente elucidados. Esta proposta teve como objetivo gerar células bovinas pluripotentes através da reprogramação direta e utilizá-las na transferência de núcleo para a produção animal visando o aumento da eficiência da reprogramação celular. Para tal, foi analisada a capacidade de indução e manutenção da pluripotência em células somáticas bovinas comparando-as com células humanas e equinas (células pluripotentes induzidas - iPSC), assim como a capacidade de desenvolvimento de embriões produzidos através da combinação das técnicas em bovinos. As células iPS derivadas neste estudo foram produzidas mediante transdução lentiviral de fatores de transcrição (OSKM) murinos, caracterizadas e utilizadas como doadoras de núcleo na clonagem. Resumidamente, oócitos bovinos obtidos de ovários provenientes de abatedouros foram maturados in vitro por 18h, enucleados e reconstruídos com células iPS (n=203 ou fibroblastos fetais bovinos (bFF, n=153), em cinco repetições. Após reconstrução os embriões foram ativados com ionomicina e 6-DMAP e cultivados in vitro até o estágio de blastocisto. Foram avaliadas as taxas de fusão, clivagem (48h após ativação) e desenvolvimento a blastocisto (192h após ativação) e os resultados foram submetidos ao teste de Qui-quadrado a 5% de significância. Foi possível a produção de embriões a partir de biPS, entretanto, este estudo evidenciou a necessidade de otimização da sincronização do ciclo celular em células iPS. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos quanto à capacidade de produção a blastocisto ou clivagem, porém o grupo reconstruído com células iPS apresentou uma menor taxa de fusão. Com a finalidade de entender a influência de fatores de transcrição específicos na reprogramação nuclear, bFF expressando OCT4 humano (hOCT4) e hSOX2 combinados com as proteínas repórteres fluorescentes vexGFP e mCitrine, respectivamente, foram submetidas à separação celular por citometria de fluxo e utilizados como doadores de núcleo. Foram utilizados bFF expressando OCT4-vexGFP (n=182, quadruplicata), SOX2-mCitrine (n=203, quadruplicata) ou células controle (não transduzidas, n=178 e n=149, em quadruplicata para grupos OCT4 e SOX2, respectivamente). Não foram encontradas diferenças entre os grupos nas características de capacidade de desenvolvimento in vitro estudadas. Em conclusão, este estudo relata a possibilidade de produção de células bovinas reprogramadas, além de também mostrar que a transferência de núcleo utilizando células expressando hSOX2 ou hOCT4, ou já reprogramadas, resulta em taxas similares de produção embrionária quando comparadas à utilização de células controle. O conhecimento da contribuição de cada fator utilizado na reprogramação induzida, aliado a estudos de comparação com a capacidade de desenvolvimento in vitro de organismos derivados de células reprogramadas deverá contribuir para o aumento da eficiência da clonagem e produção animal in vitro como para a medicina regenerativa. / Nuclear transfer and induced reprogramming are technologies usually used for the induction of somatic cells into an embryonic-like pluripotent status. The knowledgment of nuclear reprogramming process is highly desirable, leading to important contributions for both basic and applied sciences; for example, resulting in the increase in the efficiency of several animal biotechnologies, or else enabling autologous cellular therapy for medical purposes. However, basic studies are still needed in order to enable such applications, once the mechanisms controlling in vitro reprogramming are yet to be unraveled. This study aims to generate induced pluripotent bovine stem cells through direct reprogramming and its use in nuclear transfer in order to enhance the cellular reprogramming efficiency, For that, the potential of pluripotency induction and maintenance was analyzed in bovine somatic cells, comparing those with human and equine cells, as well as the potential of embryonic development after combining direct and nuclear reprogramming. iPS cells derived in this study were produced trought lentivirus transduction of mouse transcription factors (OSKM), further characterized and used as nuclei donors for cloning. In summary, bovine oocytes were obtained from slaughterhouse ovaries, in vitro matured for 18h, enucleated and reconstructed with iPS cells (n=203) or fetal fibroblasts (bFF, n=153), in five replicates. Embryos were reconstructed, chemically activated with ionomycin and 6-DMAP and cultured in vitro until blastocyst stage. Fusion, cleavage (48h post activation) and blastocyst developmental rates (192h post activation) were analyzed and result submitted to Chi-square test at 5% significance. biPS enabled embryo production, however further optimization on cell cycle synchronization still needs to be accomplished. No difference was observed between groups regarding cleavage or blastocyst developmental rates, however iPS group presented a reduced fusion rate when compared to control. For a better understanding on how reprogramming associated transcription factors could influence on nuclear reprogramming, bFF expressing human OCT4 (hOCT4) or hSOX2 combined with the fluorescent protein reporters vexGFP and mCitrine, respectively, were submitted to flow citometry cell sorting and used as nuclei donors. bFF expressing OCT4-vexGFP (n=182, quadruplicate), SOX2-mCitrine (n=203, quadruplicate) or control cells (non transduced, n=178 and n=149, in quadruplicate for OCT4 and SOX2, respectively) were used. No difference was observed between groups regarding the in vitro developmental potential rates. In conclusion, the present study reports the generation of reprogrammed bovine cells, and its use the nuclear transfer. Donor cells expressing hOCT4, hSOX2 or reprogrammed cells resulted in similar developmental in vitro rates when compared to controls. The knowledge of each reprogramming factor influence on in vitro reprogramming, together with comparison studies on in vitro developmental potential of organisms derived from reprogrammed cells should help enhancing not only the cloning efficiency and in vitro animal production, but also the regenerative medicine.

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