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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Criminalidade violenta: an?lise espa?o-temporal dos homic?dios no munic?pio de Cruz das Almas/ BA (2010 a 2015).

Sant?ana, Rosana Maria Santos 30 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jadson Francisco de Jesus SILVA (jadson@uefs.br) on 2018-02-26T21:28:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o__Rosana_Maria_Santos_Sant_Ana.pdf: 4008078 bytes, checksum: c2e9bbdede5be698abf6f8aaea3b3588 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-26T21:28:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o__Rosana_Maria_Santos_Sant_Ana.pdf: 4008078 bytes, checksum: c2e9bbdede5be698abf6f8aaea3b3588 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-30 / The present work deals with the issue of violence in the state of Bahia, specifically in the municipality of Cruz das Almas-BA. This study has as main objective the spatiotemporal analysis of the occurrences of Intentional Lethal Violent Crimes (CVLI), in the municipality of Cruz das Almas-BA, registered between the years of 2010 and 2015, through geoprocessing techniques, identifying the most criticism in the municipality. The qualitative and quantitative research methodology consisted in the development of the work in three stages: theoretical-conceptual approach related to definitions, manifestations, possible determinants of violence and the use of geotechnologies in criminal mapping; presentation of the main National Plans of Public Security implanted in Brazil from the first FHC government and the role of municipalities and municipal guard, from the Federal Constitution of 1988, in facing the problems in the area of public security; collection of official data of the population in the IBGE, technical visits in institutions located in the municipality of Cruz das Almas, as Territorial Delegation and Planning Secretariat, and data collection in the portal of the Secretariat of Public Security of the state of Bahia and the Brazilian Forum of Security Of murder, robbery and bodily injury followed by death. The main results are the lack of an effective National Public Safety Plan that puts into practice the reduction of crime in the country, the absence of the State and the lack of joint participation with municipalities in the performance of public safety. It is noted that some municipalities create their own strategies through punctual actions in controlling crime. In Cruz das Almas, the increase in violent crimes is seen as another municipality in the interior that has high rates. Several actions are being carried out in the area of public safety by the police with collaboration of the municipality and there is a reduction in the CVLI indexes in the following years (2016-2017) to the studied period. / O presente trabalho tem como tem?tica a quest?o da viol?ncia no estado da Bahia, especificamente no munic?pio de Cruz das Almas-BA. Esse estudo tem como principal objetivo a an?lise espa?o-temporal das ocorr?ncias dos Crimes Violentos Letais Intencionais (CVLI), no munic?pio de Cruz das Almas-BA, registrados entre os anos de 2010 e 2015, atrav?s de t?cnicas de geoprocessamento, identificando as ?reas mais cr?ticas no munic?pio. A metodologia da pesquisa, de car?ter qualitativo e quantitativo, consistiu no desenvolvimento do trabalho em tr?s etapas: abordagem te?rico-conceitual relacionada as defini??es, manifesta??es, poss?veis determinantes da viol?ncia e a utiliza??o das geotecnologias no mapeamento criminal; apresenta??o dos principais Planos Nacionais de Seguran?a P?blica implantados no Brasil a partir do primeiro governo FHC e o papel dos munic?pios e da guarda municipal, a partir da Constitui??o Federal de 1988, no enfrentamento dos problemas na ?rea de seguran?a p?blica; coleta de dados oficiais da popula??o no IBGE, visitas t?cnicas em institui??es localizadas no munic?pio de Cruz das Almas, como Delegacia Territorial e Secretaria de Planejamento, e coleta de dados no portal da Secretaria de Seguran?a P?blica do estado da Bahia e do F?rum Brasileiro de Seguran?a P?blica dos homic?dios dolosos, latroc?nio e les?o corporal seguida de morte. Como principais resultados, constata-se a falta de um Plano Nacional de Seguran?a P?blica eficaz que coloque em pr?tica a redu??o da criminalidade no pa?s, a aus?ncia do Estado e a falta de participa??o conjunta com os munic?pios na atua??o da seguran?a p?blica. Nota-se que alguns munic?pios criam suas pr?prias estrat?gias atrav?s de a??es pontuais no controle ? criminalidade. Em Cruz das Almas, o aumento dos crimes violentos ? constatado como mais um munic?pio do interior que possui ?ndices elevados. V?rias a??es est?o sendo realizadas na ?rea da seguran?a p?blica por parte da pol?cia com colabora??o do munic?pio e constata-se redu??o nos ?ndices de CVLI nos anos seguintes (2016-2017) ao per?odo estudado.

Territ?rios de identidade e pol?ticas p?blicas na Bahia: g?nese, resultados, reflex?es e desafios

Dias, Wilson Jos? Vasconcelos 01 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Isabel Cristina Santana (icns@uefs.br) on 2018-03-20T21:45:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Wilson Dias completo.pdf: 7277900 bytes, checksum: 514c21957f27f2b8c48d8d5c1f870b15 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-20T21:45:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Wilson Dias completo.pdf: 7277900 bytes, checksum: 514c21957f27f2b8c48d8d5c1f870b15 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-01 / This paper aims to record the constitution and consolidation process of the 27 Identity Territories in the state of Bahia, with its 417 municipalities in the period from 2003 to 2016, as well as listing and analyzing the main results in the implementation of sectoral public policies that consider these territories as units of planning and implementation of government actions. It also aims to confront what happened in Bahia in this period with the literature that covers the subject of territories, territorialities and related subjects, such as social management of development and rurality. At the end, points challenges through propositions to keep using methodological tools that consolidate the territorial approach as the most adequate to promote changes and social transformation, from the local, with effective participation of the population in the elaboration and operationalization of inclusive public policies that favor the creation and / or increment of income and improvement of people's quality of life. / Este trabalho tem como objetivo registrar o processo de constitui??o e consolida??o dos 27 Territ?rios de Identidade no estado da Bahia, agregando os seus 417 munic?pios, no per?odo de 2003 a 2016, assim como elencar e analisar os principais resultados na execu??o de pol?ticas p?blicas setoriais que consideraram esses Territ?rios como unidades de planejamento e implanta??o de a??es governamentais. Visa, ainda, confrontar o que ocorreu na Bahia nesse per?odo com a literatura que cerca o assunto dos territ?rios, das territorialidades e dos temas ao entorno, como gest?o social do desenvolvimento e ruralidade. Ao final, relaciona desafios traduzidos em proposi??es para seguir com instrumentos e ferramentas metodol?gicas que firmam a abordagem territorial como a mais adequada para promover mudan?a e transforma??o social, a partir do local, com efetiva participa??o da popula??o na elabora??o e operacionaliza??o de pol?ticas p?blicas inclusivas que favorecem a gera??o e ou incremento de renda e a amplia??o da qualidade de vida das pessoas.

Saresp e Enem: Efeitos no curr?culo do ensino m?dio integral em escolas p?blicas estaduais do munic?pio de Campinas na percep??o de gestores e professores / Saresp and Enem: Effects on the curriculum of integral high school in state public schools of the city of Campinas in the perception of managers and teachers

Greve, Larissa Franciane 14 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-02-22T17:10:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LARISSA FRANCIANE GREVE.pdf: 2899939 bytes, checksum: eeae6af3739bd13248ecf187b01a9f9c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-22T17:10:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LARISSA FRANCIANE GREVE.pdf: 2899939 bytes, checksum: eeae6af3739bd13248ecf187b01a9f9c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Evaluations have the potential to trigger actions that contribute to improving teaching and learning processes and to rethinking the curriculum. Regarding high school, the external evaluations applied to the students stand out the tests of the System of Evaluation of the School Performance of the State of S?o Paulo (Saresp) and the National Examination of the Secondary School (Enem). The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Saresp and Enem in the high school curriculum, in the perception of managers and teachers of the public state network in the city of Campinas (SP), having as a locus two high schools, identified by E1 And E2. The methodological option was the qualitative approach without neglecting quantifiable data, the documentary analysis of the management documents of the schools surveyed, semi-structured interviews with a manager of each school and focus groups with 10 teachers, which six were from school E1 and four from school E2. The analysis considered the diversity of techniques and instruments of production of empirical material in an effort of triangulation and dialogue with the refereed authors. It was evidenced that Saresp and Enem, which integrate public evaluation policies, although they have the potential to trigger reflections and actions to improve the quality of high school education, have been constituted as tests focused on the product of learning, consonants with the model of technical rationality, and that sometimes disregard the discussion and problematization of their results along with the conditions that imply learning, favoring mechanisms of selection and exclusion of students, as well as their cultural deprivation. In addition, it is verified that Saresp has been evidenced within the state schools by virtue of the bonus policy tied to the results of this evaluation. Regarding the Enem, voluntary enrollment of students has intensified after 2009, when the results of the exam are now used for academic continuity in a higher level of education, in federal public universities or private universities by granting scholarships. The managers and teachers of the schools surveyed emphasized that the Integral Education Program (PEI) is a program aimed at improving educational outcomes in external evaluations, which implies an intensification of teacher accountability due to the merit bonus policy linked to the results of the Saresp. The participants also pointed out the effect of Saresp in the polarization of the curriculum in function of better results; The modification of the school dynamics according to the external evaluation; The conformation of the evaluations of the learning to the achievement of goals and, consequent conformation of the teaching work; And, the intensification of training for the tests. As for the effects that the Enem has produced in the high school curriculum, managers and teachers of both schools, emphasized the curricular polarization in function of the students' Life Project; The guide of learning assessments; The induction of teaching work in function of the students' Life Project; And the concern with the development of skills evaluated by the Exam. Based on the research carried out, it is considered necessary that public evaluation policies, which focus on the curriculum of high school, be redefined so as not to polarize the curriculum and contribute to the effective improvement of teaching and learning processes. / As avalia??es t?m potencial para desencadear a??es que contribuam para a melhoria dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem e para repensar o curr?culo. No que se refere ao ensino m?dio, entre as avalia??es externas aplicadas aos alunos, destacam-se as provas do Sistema de Avalia??o do Rendimento Escolar do Estado de S?o Paulo (Saresp) e o Exame Nacional do Ensino M?dio (Enem). Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos do Saresp e do Enem no curr?culo do ensino m?dio, na percep??o de gestores e professores da rede p?blica estadual do munic?pio de Campinas (SP), tendo como l?cus duas escolas de ensino m?dio integral, identificadas por E1 e E2. A op??o metodol?gica foi pela abordagem qualitativa sem desprezar dados quantific?veis, utilizando-se para a produ??o de material emp?rico a an?lise documental dos documentos de gest?o das escolas pesquisadas, entrevistas semiestruturadas com um gestor de cada escola e grupos focais com 10 professores, sendo seis da escola E1 e quatro da escola E2. A an?lise considerou a diversidade de t?cnicas e instrumentos de produ??o de material emp?rico em um esfor?o de triangula??o e di?logo com os autores referenciados. Evidenciou-se que o Saresp e o Enem, que integram as pol?ticas p?blicas de avalia??o, ainda que tenham potencial para desencadear reflex?es e a??es em prol da melhoria da qualidade do ensino m?dio, t?m se constitu?do como provas focadas no produto das aprendizagens, consonantes com o modelo da racionalidade t?cnica, e que, por vezes, desconsideram a discuss?o e problematiza??o de seus resultados junto aos condicionantes que implicam a aprendizagem, favorecendo mecanismos de sele??o e exclus?o dos estudantes, bem como sua priva??o cultural. Al?m disso, constata-se que o Saresp tem se evidenciado no interior das escolas estaduais em virtude da pol?tica de bonifica??o atrelada aos resultados dessa avalia??o. No que se refere ao Enem, a ades?o volunt?ria dos estudantes tem se intensificado ap?s 2009, quando os resultados do Exame passaram a ser utilizados para continuidade acad?mica em n?vel superior em universidades p?blicas federais ou em universidades particulares mediante a concess?o de bolsas de estudos. Os gestores e professores das escolas pesquisadas destacaram que o Programa de Ensino Integral (PEI) ? uma pol?tica p?blica voltada para a melhoria de resultados educacionais nas avalia??es externas, que implica uma intensifica??o da responsabiliza??o docente que se manifesta na pol?tica de bonifica??o por m?rito atrelada aos resultados do Saresp. Os participantes apontaram como efeito do Saresp, ainda, a polariza??o do curr?culo para se obterem melhores resultados; a modifica??o da din?mica escolar servindo ? avalia??o externa; a conforma??o das avalia??es da aprendizagem para a obten??o de metas, com a consequente conforma??o do trabalho docente; e a intensifica??o de treinamento para as provas. Quanto aos efeitos que o Enem tem produzido no curr?culo do ensino m?dio, gestores e professores das duas escolas enfatizaram a polariza??o curricular em fun??o do Projeto de Vida dos alunos; o norteamento das avalia??es de aprendizagem; a indu??o do trabalho docente em conformidade com o Projeto de Vida dos alunos; e a preocupa??o com o desenvolvimento de habilidades avaliadas pelo Exame. Com base na pesquisa realizada, considera-se necess?rio que as pol?ticas p?blicas de avalia??o, que incidem no curr?culo do ensino m?dio integral, sejam redefinidas de modo a n?o polarizar o curr?culo e contribuir para a efetiva melhoria dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem.

As representa??es do negro na hist?ria pelos ?int?rpretes do brasil? e seus (poss?veis) efeitos na produ??o acad?mica sobre a lei 10.639/03 na ?rea de educa??o. / Representations of Black People in history by ?Interpreters of Brazil? and their (possible) effects on the academic production on Act No. 10.639/03 in the area of education.

Silva, Camilla de Oliveira Rodrigues da 24 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-07-30T17:47:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CAMILLA DE OLIVEIRA RODRIGUES DA SILVA.pdf: 1168655 bytes, checksum: 741808155b12e5b52f336bf3b896019e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-30T17:47:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CAMILLA DE OLIVEIRA RODRIGUES DA SILVA.pdf: 1168655 bytes, checksum: 741808155b12e5b52f336bf3b896019e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-05-24 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This bibliographic and historiographic investigation aims to: (i) identify the representations of the image of Black people in works by Gilberto Freyre, S?rgio Buarque de Holanda and Fernando de Azevedo, (ii) present the Black movement against the "racial democracy" myth and the main affirmative action policies of the State and (iii) acknowledge the influence of the representations of Black people on Act No. 10.639/ 03 and its applicability in the educational institutions, by means of scientific research. These three objectives delimited each chapter of this dissertation: The first chapter was based on "Casa Grande & Senzala" (The Masters and the Slaves) by Gilberto Freyre, "Ra?zes do Brasil" (Roots of Brazil) by S?rgio Buarque de Holanda and "A Cultura Brasileira" (Brazilian Culture: Introduction to the Study of Culture in Brazil) by Fernando de Azevedo; These works were analyzed with a documental analysis approach seeking to identify and describe the representations of the Black people contained in these authors' discourses. The second chapter presents the fight of the Black movements, from the 1960s, to overcome the "racial democracy" myth discourses, it also presents the UNESCO's research on racism and the emergence of affirmative actions that attempt to combat racial prejudice in Brazil; The ?Lei de Cotas? (Quota Law), ProUni and Law 10.639 / 03 have also been presented in this chapter. The third and last chapter, based on academic research, looks to the applicability of Law No. 10,639 / 03 in educational institutions, since it is mandatory to teach Afro-Brazilian and African history and culture in Basic Education. By the end of this research it was possible to recognize that sometimes, even though indirectly, the speeches of Gilberto Freyre, S?rgio Buarque de Holanda and Fernando de Azevedo have influenced for years the representations of the Black people and all their history of affirmation and recognition. The overcoming of these discourses is sometimes due to the fight of the Black movement that seeks means to combat the conditions of racism, but, unfortunately, does not reach a complete overcoming, since it is still necessary to implement laws and public policies of affirmative actions so that the fight for the recognition of the participation of the Black people in Brazil?s formation is legitimized, which on several occasions is still criticized and weakly applied compared to its importance. / Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho bibliogr?fico e historiogr?fico que teve como objetivos: (i) identificar e descrever as representa??es dos negros apresentadas por Gilberto Freyre, S?rgio Buarque de Holanda e Fernando de Azevedo; (ii) apresentar a luta do movimento negro contra o mito da ?democracia racial? e as principais pol?ticas de a??es afirmativas do Estado; (iii) reconhecer a influ?ncia das representa??es do negro sobre a lei n? 10.639/03 e sua aplicabilidade nas institui??es escolares, a partir de pesquisas cient?ficas. Estes tr?s objetivos delimitaram cada cap?tulo dessa disserta??o: Para o primeiro cap?tulo foram utilizadas as obras ?Casa Grande & Senzala? de Gilberto Freyre, ?Ra?zes do Brasil? de S?rgio Buarque de Holanda e ?A Cultura Brasileira? de Fernando de Azevedo e com estas obras realizou-se uma an?lise documental, na qual buscou-se identificar e descrever as representa??es do negro contida nos discursos dos autores. No segundo cap?tulo apresenta-se a luta do movimento negro, a partir da d?cada de 60 do s?culo passado, para a supera??o dos discursos do mito da ?democracia racial?, al?m disso apresenta-se a pesquisa da UNESCO sobre racismo e o surgimento de a??es afirmativas que buscam combater o preconceito racial no Brasil, foram apresentados neste cap?tulo a Lei de Cotas, ProUni e a Lei n? 10.639/03. No terceiro e ?ltimo cap?tulo, a partir de pesquisas acad?micas, apresenta-se a aplicabilidade da Lei n? 10.639/03 nas institui??es de ensino, visto que torna-se obrigat?rio o ensino da hist?ria e da cultura afro-brasileira e africana na Educa??o B?sica. Ao final desta pesquisa foi poss?vel reconhecer, que por vezes indiretamente, os discursos de Gilberto Freyre, S?rgio Buarque de Holanda e Fernando de Azevedo tem influenciado durante anos as representa??es do negro e toda sua hist?ria de afirma??o e reconhecimento. A supera??o destes discursos se d?, por vezes, pela luta do movimento negro que busca meios para combater as condi??es de racismos, mas, que infelizmente, n?o atinge uma supera??o completa, pois ainda se faz necess?rio a implementa??o de leis e pol?ticas p?blicas de a??es afirmativas para que a luta do reconhecimento da participa??o do negro na forma??o do Brasil seja legitimada e, por diversas vezes, ainda s?o criticadas e com pouca aplicabilidade comparada a sua import?ncia.

A distribui??o das oportunidades educacionais no ?mbito municipal referenciados no ?ndice de oportunidades da educa??o brasileira (IOEB): mapeamento e tend?ncias da regi?o metropolitana de Campinas

Oliveira, Leandro Barbosa 30 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-12-12T12:13:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Leandro Barbosa Oliveira.pdf: 5340488 bytes, checksum: 437a7af203c18863fae17bde694677cd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-12T12:13:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leandro Barbosa Oliveira.pdf: 5340488 bytes, checksum: 437a7af203c18863fae17bde694677cd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-30 / This dissertation addresses the issue of educational opportunities in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (RMC), located in the interior of the State of S?o Paulo, involving 19 municipalities with great heterogeneity in socioeconomic terms. Considering the dissemination of the Brazilian Educational Opportunities Index (IOEB) and its proposed objectives to carry out territorial analyzes on the distribution of educational opportunities, this dissertation addresses the following research problems: what are the trends in educational opportunities in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas? Is the data also an evidence of the center-periphery relationship, within the territorial scope, in the provision of educational opportunities for educational success? The general objective of this dissertation was to study the distribution of educational opportunities in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas (MRC) in the light of IOEB. There were three specific objectives: a) to understand theoretically the meaning of educational opportunities and their operationalization in the scope of public policies to guarantee the right to education; b) characterize the metropolitan region of Campinas, evolution, residential segregation, areas of social vulnerability, and socioeconomic and educational indicators; c) identify and analyze trends in educational opportunities in the municipalities that make up the MRC from IOEB. In order to achieve these objectives, in addition to the accurate bibliographic research on the theoretical references of the educational opportunities, secondary data were used such as the components of IOEB and other sources, IBGE data and the Paulista Social Vulnerability Index, which allowed construction graphs, comparative tables, and thematic maps using Geoprocessing techniques. As it is recurrent in the literature, the research shows that the best educational opportunities were found in municipalities in which consolidated infrastructure is favored by its high level of economic and social development. However, the research revealed some exceptionalities and insights: a) Hortol?ndia-SP (which has the highest social vulnerability rate of the MRC) maintains an average that, according to IOEB, is higher than the average of neighboring municipalities with high socioeconomic development; b) analyzes of how the variables that make up the index are articulated reveal that municipalities, even though they are located in areas of social vulnerability, have guaranteed access for students to stay in school units, especially in the initial years, and this guarantee of access brings with it good performances in external evaluations; c) smaller municipalities and that have municipal education networks in basic and basic education are also the municipalities that reach the highest levels of educational opportunities according to IOEB; d) evidences are realities in which the results in external evaluations are not necessarily related to the greater experience of the managers, there is evidence that municipalities with managers with less professional trajectory achieve better performance in the IDEB. / Esta disserta??o aborda a quest?o das oportunidades educacionais na regi?o metropolitana de Campinas, localizada no interior do Estado de S?o Paulo, envolvendo 19 munic?pios com grande heterogeneidade em termos socioecon?micos. Considerando a divulga??o do ?ndice de Oportunidades da Educa??o Brasileira (IOEB) e seus objetivos propostos para realizar an?lises territoriais sobre a distribui??o de oportunidades educacionais, esta disserta??o se norteia pelos seguintes problemas de pesquisa: quais s?o as tend?ncias em termos de oportunidades educacionais na Regi?o Metropolitana de Campinas? Ser? que os dados evidenciam tamb?m a rela??o centro-periferia, no ?mbito territorial, na oferta de oportunidades educacionais para o sucesso educacional? O objetivo geral desta disserta??o foi estudar a distribui??o das oportunidades educacionais na Regi?o Metropolitana de Campinas (RMC) ? luz do IOEB. Tr?s foram os objetivos espec?ficos: a) compreender teoricamente o significado das oportunidades educacionais e sua operacionaliza??o no ?mbito das pol?ticas p?blicas para a garantia do direito ? educa??o; b) caracterizar a regi?o metropolitana de campinas, evolu??o, segrega??o residencial, ?reas de vulnerabilidade social, e indicadores socioecon?micos e educacionais; c) identificar e analisar as tend?ncias em termos de oportunidades educacionais nos munic?pios que comp?e a RMC a partir do IOEB. Para atingir esses objetivos, al?m de apurada pesquisa bibliogr?fica sobre referenciais te?ricos da tem?tica das oportunidades educacionais, foram utilizados dados secund?rios que comp?e o IOEB e outras fontes, como os dados do IBGE e o ?ndice Paulista de Vulnerabilidade Social, os quais permitiram que a constru??o de gr?ficos, tabelas comparativas, e mapas tem?ticos utilizando t?cnicas de Geoprocessamento. Como ? recorrente na literatura, a pesquisa evidencia que as melhores oportunidades educacionais encontram-se em munic?pios nos quais existem infraestrutura consolidada favorecidas pelo seu alto n?vel de desenvolvimento econ?mico e social. Contudo, a pesquisa revelou algumas excepcionalidades e realidades instigantes: a) Hortol?ndia-SP (que possui a taxa de vulnerabilidade social mais alta da RMC) mant?m uma m?dia que de acordo com o IOEB ? superior ? m?dia de munic?pios vizinhos com alto desenvolvimento socioecon?mico; b) as an?lises de como se articulam as vari?veis que comp?e o ?ndice revelam que munic?pios mesmo estando situados em ?reas de vulnerabilidade social v?m garantindo o acesso de perman?ncia dos alunos nas unidades escolares, principalmente nos anos iniciais e esta garantia de acesso traz consigo bons desempenhos nas avalia??es externas; c) munic?pios menores e que possuem redes de ensino municipalizadas no ensino b?sico e fundamental s?o tamb?m os munic?pios que atingem os n?veis mais elevados de oportunidades educacionais segundo o IOEB; d) evidenciam-se realidades em que os resultados em avalia??es externas n?o est?o necessariamente relacionados com a maior experi?ncia dos gestores, h? evidencias que munic?pios com gestores com menor trajet?ria profissional conseguem melhor desempenho no IDEB.

A institucionaliza??o dos conselhos gestores de pol?ticas p?blicas: a atua??o do COMDEMA na defini??o pol?tica urbana e ambiental de Campinas / The institutionalization of public policy management councils: the role of COMDEMA in the definition of urban and environmental policy in Campinas

Souza, Adriana Cristina de 26 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:21:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Adriana Cristina de Souza.pdf: 1556215 bytes, checksum: 46e8343563bc851fe28bca2bc4629530 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-26 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / The present research analyses the constitution of the institutionalizes spaces of popular participation that had been praised in the Constitution of 1988. It conceptually retakes the notion of civil society and popular participation in the decades of 80 and 90. The objective is to critically deepen the reading of the sprouting and evolution of the managing advice. In such a way it analyzes the performance of the City Council of Environment of Campinas (Comdema), as a case study, in the definition of the urban and environmental politics of the city in the period of 2006 to 2008. Through the reading and critical interpretation of documents produced for the Council (acts, deliberations, motions, to seem) that verifies the performance of the Council, the existing conflicts in the interior of this space, the limits and possibilities of interference in the municipal public politics. While Council manager the Comdema points out in the core of tension between the public power and the civilian society and seeking to assert themselves as independent and inter space in the executive, but having a structure weakened and susceptible to changes. / A presente pesquisa busca analisar a constitui??o dos espa?os de participa??o popular institucionalizados, que foram preconizados na Constitui??o de 1988. Retoma conceitualmente a no??o de sociedade civil e participa??o popular nas d?cadas de 80 e 90. O objetivo ? aprofundar criticamente a leitura do surgimento e evolu??o dos conselhos gestores. Para tanto analisa a atua??o do Conselho Municipal de Meio Ambiente de Campinas (Comdema), como estudo de caso, na defini??o da pol?tica urbana e ambiental da cidade no per?odo de 2006 a 2008, atrav?s da leitura e interpreta??o cr?tica dos documentos produzidos pelo conselho (atas, delibera??es, mo??es, pareceres) verificando assim a atua??o do conselho, os conflitos existentes no interior desse espa?o, os limites e possibilidades de interfer?ncia nas pol?ticas p?blicas municipais, uma vez que, enquanto conselho gestor o Comdema situa-se no n?cleo de tens?o entre o poder p?blico e a sociedade civil e busca se afirmar como espa?o interinstitucional e aut?nomo em rela??o ao poder executivo, tendo contudo uma estrutura fragilizada e pass?vel de mudan?as.

Participa??o popular no Munic?pio de Campinas: avalia??o do processo de elabora??o do Plano Local da Macrozona 05 / Popular participation in Campinas: evaluation of the process of preparing the Local Plan of Macro-area 05

Silva, Maitti Gadioli Monteiro da 25 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:21:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maitti Gadioli Monteiro da Silva.pdf: 25524234 bytes, checksum: 9256b56586c25254c3ce0d91beaa0e13 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-25 / This research aims to analyze the question of popular participation in the development of urban policies in Brazil since the adoption of the Statute of the City. It aims to evaluate, from the investigation process of preparing a Local Plan in Campinas (SP), how this requirement foreseen in the Statute was integrated in the construction of a democratic management of the city. It focuses on the role of institutionalized popular participation space Management Councils based upon the 88 Federal Constitution, its limits, contradictions and possibilities of interference in municipal policy, and observes how the various social strata and interests interacted in decision taking and in the search for territory solutions. The presented reflections refer to the city of Campinas and two management councils, the Municipal Urban Development (CMDU) and City Council (ConCidades), which were involved in the process of municipal urban planning and of great importance during the elaboration process of the 2006 Participatory Master Plan and Local Macro-area 05, the analysis object of the research. / A presente disserta??o tem como objetivo geral analisar a quest?o da participa??o popular na elabora??o de pol?ticas urbanas no Brasil desde a aprova??o do Estatuto da Cidade. Busca avaliar, a partir da investiga??o do processo de elabora??o de um Plano Local no munic?pio de Campinas (SP), como este requisito previsto no Estatuto se integrou ? constru??o de uma gest?o democr?tica da cidade. Enfoca o papel dos espa?os de participa??o popular institucionalizados os Conselhos Gestores - constitu?dos a partir da Constitui??o Federal de 88, seus limites, contradi??es e possibilidades de interfer?ncia nas pol?ticas p?blicas municipais, assim como procurou observar como as diversas camadas e interesses sociais interagiram na tomada de decis?es e na busca de solu??es para o territ?rio. As reflex?es aqui tra?adas t?m como refer?ncia o munic?pio de Campinas e dois conselhos gestores, o Conselho Municipal de Desenvolvimento Urbano (CMDU) e o Conselho da Cidade (CONCIDADE), atuantes no processo de planejamento urbano municipal e que foram de grande import?ncia durante os processos de elabora??o do Plano Diretor Participativo de 2006 e do Plano Local da Macrozona 05, objeto de an?lise da pesquisa realizada.

A imposi??o do consenso: limites e possibilidades na experi?ncia participativa do Conselho de Meio Ambiente em Jundia? / The imposition of consensus: limits and possibilities at the participatory experience of the Council of Environment in Jundia?

Pupo, Samuel Cusin 23 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:21:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SAMUEL CUSIN PUPO.pdf: 7533186 bytes, checksum: 5d1c8f3028d469d348664bd4270c5bc7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-23 / In view of the environmental conflicts arising from the capitalist development in urban areas, this research goal is to analyze the institutional innovations of civil society participation and question analytically the political representation practiced by the Boards of Public Policies Management, from the perspective of the traditional political representation. For that, the research presents a case-study of public policy management of rainwater, from the program Saneamento para todos (from the Federal Government) in Jundia?, S?o Paulo State and the existing conflicts between the Municipal Public Power, the real state market and the structure of the municipal councils at urban and environmental management area. It also analyses critically the new dilemmas that emerged after twenty years of institution institutionalization of the model of the management councils of public policies, and under in a comprehensive view, the process of democratic reform and improvement of urban management itself. The method used is a case-study with a participant observation, bibliographic, documentary research and semi-structured interviews with representatives of COMDEMA, Management Board of the Serra do Japi, Committee on the Master Plan and the Movement in defense of rivers and streams from Jundiai and region. / A presente pesquisa, tendo em vista os conflitos ambientais decorrentes do desenvolvimento capitalista no espa?o urbano, tem por finalidade analisar as inova??es institucionais de participa??o da sociedade civil e problematizar analiticamente a representa??o pol?tica exercida pelos Conselhos Gestores de Pol?ticas P?blicas, sob a ?tica da representa??o pol?tica tradicional. Para tanto, realiza um estudo de caso sobre a pol?tica p?blica de manejo de ?guas pluviais, do programa Saneamento Para Todos do Governo Federal, no munic?pio de Jundia?, estado de S?o Paulo e os conflitos existentes entre o poder p?blico municipal, o mercado imobili?rio e a estrutura dos Conselhos Municipais na ?rea da gest?o urbana e ambiental. Tamb?m analisa criticamente os novos dilemas surgidos ap?s vinte anos de institucionaliza??o do modelo de Conselhos Gestores de Pol?ticas P?blicas, e sob um aspecto mais geral, o pr?prio processo de reforma democr?tica e aprimoramento da gest?o urbana. O m?todo utilizado ? o estudo de caso com a realiza??o de observa??o participante, levantamento bibliogr?fico, pesquisa documental e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com representantes do COMDEMA, Conselho de Gest?o da Serra do Japi, Comiss?o do Plano Diretor Municipal e Movimento em Defesa dos Rios e C?rregos de Jundia? e Regi?o.

Cuidar e educar: um olhar da psicologia ?s produ??es de pesquisas e pol?ticas p?blicas sobre educa??o infantil

Bremberger, Maria Eufr?sia de Faria 27 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:27:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Eufrasia de Faria Bremberger.pdf: 1255453 bytes, checksum: 8af5b6af20428726caf548a8c87245af (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-27 / This bibliographical research aims to investigate the concept of care and educate ( educare ) in the education of children and its relation with the psychological health dissertations and thesis of post graduation programs for psychology from the public and private universities in Brazil. The objects of analysis are the productions of the Post Graduation Programs in Psychology in the period from 1999 to 2006 registered on the data base of CAPES. Our objective is to analyze the researches developed in this Programs which handle the matter of educare in the education of children in the period short after the RCNEI (Referencial Curricular Nacional para a Educa??o Infantil) was published, so as to discuss the implications of the ideas that sustain the concept of educare and the psychological health from the children also the public policies for this segment and the quality of the education for small children. The utilized method, bibliographical qualitative-quantitative characteristics is related with studies type state of art compounded by a research of studies about this matter in a determinated period. The categories for analysis where constructed by the researcher after studying the selected productions. In relation to the theoretical concepts we have started with Henri Wallon in relation to the human development and Gonzalez Rey in relation to the psychological health in order to reflect about the public policies of children education and analyze the principal focuses of the investigated productions. At the end of the research we have found out that psychology has very low interest in relation to children education, principally when we consider educare. We rose up the hypothesis that the absence of the scholar psychology in the field of children education, mostly in day nursery, could be one of the reasons for no production of this matter. On other hand, the education are leading the scientific production in this matter, propitiating significant theoretical and practical concepts in context to the children education. The area of health, represented by the nurses, also has an important presence in these productions, with contributions that have affected public policies. Most of the analyzed researches condition the promotion of psychological health of children, in those contexts, with better skilled teachers, giving too much responsibility to those professionals, not considering the complexity that characterize the spaces to attend the small children. / Esta pesquisa de natureza bibliogr?fica investiga o conceito de cuidar e de educar na educa??o infantil e sua rela??o com a sa?de psicol?gica, em disserta??es e teses dos programas de p?s-gradua??o em psicologia das universidades p?blicas e privadas do Brasil. Constituem-se como objetos de an?lise as produ??es dos Programas de P?s-gradua??o em Psicologia do per?odo de 1999 a 2006, constantes do banco de dados da CAPES. Nosso objetivo ? analisar as pesquisas desenvolvidas nesses Programas que tratam da quest?o do cuidar-educar na educa??o infantil, no per?odo p?s-divulga??o do RCNEI (Referencial Curricular Nacional para a Educa??o Infantil), bem como discutir as implica??es das id?ias que sustentam a concep??o de cuidar e educar da sa?de psicol?gica da crian?a, al?m de abordar as pol?ticas p?blicas para a ?rea, dentre elas, o oferecimento de vagas para o segmento e a qualidade da educa??o das crian?as pequenas. O m?todo utilizado de cunho bibliogr?fico com caracter?stica qualitativo-quantitativa circunscreve-se em estudos do tipo estado da arte , composto de um levantamento das produ??es sobre o tema dentro do per?odo demarcado. As categorias de an?lise foram constru?das a partir da rela??o da pesquisadora com as produ??es acessadas. Em rela??o ao enfoque te?rico, partimos dos conceitos de Henri Wallon sobre o desenvolvimento humano e de Gonzalez Rey sobre sa?de psicol?gica para refletir sobre as pol?ticas p?blicas de educa??o infantil e para analisar os principais enfoques das produ??es investigadas. Constatamos, ao final da pesquisa, que a psicologia tem se interessado pouco pelas tem?ticas da educa??o infantil, sobretudo o cuidar e educar, e levantamos a hip?tese de que a aus?ncia da psicologia escolar no campo da educa??o infantil, principalmente nas creches, poderia ser uma das raz?es da escassez de produ??o da ?rea sobre o tema. Em contrapartida, a ?rea da educa??o lidera a produ??o em pesquisas sobre essa tem?tica, propiciando avan?os te?rico-conceituais e pr?ticos significativos para o contexto educacional infantil. A ?rea da sa?de, representada pela enfermagem, cujas contribui??es t?m afetado as pol?ticas p?blicas, tamb?m tem tido presen?a marcante nessa produ??o. A maioria das pesquisas analisadas condiciona a promo??o da sa?de psicol?gica das crian?as, nesses contextos, a uma melhor forma??o dos professores, o que lhes confere excessiva responsabilidade e desconsidera a complexidade que caracteriza os espa?os de atendimento ? crian?a pequena.

Pr?ticas emancipat?rias na forma??o das profissionais docentes de educa??o infantil: desenhando caminhos poss?veis

Laureano, Renata Esmi 22 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:32:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LAUREANO, Renata Esmi.pdf: 5495201 bytes, checksum: 783ba90422b4e8850da7dada9aefa9f6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-22 / The present study discusses the formation of professionals of education of pre-school children based on the theoretical reference that conceives children as active beings in their growth and development process, which is translated into the construction of a pedagogy of education of pre-school children. Our objective in the study is an experience with the formation of nursery school monitors that occurred in a course given during the period of 2003 to 2006 in a city of the State of S?o Paulo. The aim of our work is to reflect on the emancipative practices developed during this course from the perspective of the formation of nursery school professionals. After the theoretical explanation about the theme, we selected two axes that are fundamental for the work of pre-school child education: caring-educating and playing that in this study constitute the categories of analysis of the proposed theme. The methodology utilized was centered on documental references, the notebook of the registry of personal observations and the declarations of the monitors that were collected in different moments of the course. As a result we verified that emancipative practices point to innovative possibilities in the sphere of practices in the formation of pre-school child education professionals and indicate the need of implanting public policies that contemplate the demand for formation of this category that represents the educators of children from 0 to 6 years of age. / A presente pesquisa discute a forma??o de profissionais para a educa??o infantil com base em referencial te?rico que concebe a crian?a como ser ativo no seu processo de crescimento e desenvolvimento, que se traduz na constru??o de uma pedagogia da educa??o infantil. Nosso objeto de estudo ? uma experi?ncia com forma??o de monitoras de creche, que ocorreu em um curso realizado no per?odo de 2003 a 2006, em uma prefeitura do interior do Estado de S?o Paulo. O objetivo de nosso trabalho ? refletir sobre as pr?ticas emancipat?rias desenvolvidas no decorrer desse curso na perspectiva da forma??o de profissionais da educa??o infantil. Ap?s a explana??o te?rica sobre o tema, elegemos dois eixos que fundamentam o trabalho na educa??o infantil: o cuidar-educar e o brincar, que constituem, nesta pesquisa, as categorias de an?lise do tema proposto. A metodologia utilizada esteve centrada em refer?ncias documentais, no caderno de registro de observa??es pessoais e nos depoimentos das monitoras, coletados nos diferentes momentos do curso. Como resultado, constatamos que as pr?ticas emancipat?rias apontam para as possibilidades inovadoras na esfera de pr?ticas de forma??o de profissionais para a educa??o infantil e indicam a necessidade de implanta??o de pol?ticas p?blicas que contemplem a demanda de forma??o desta categoria, que s?o as educadoras de crian?as de 0 a 6 anos.

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