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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samhällskunskapens och geografins roll i utbildning för miljömässig hållbarhet - i svenska gymnasieskolor / The Role of Civics and Geography in Education for Environmental Sustainability -  in Swedish upper secondary schools

Andersson, Emma, Husain, Arzo January 2024 (has links)
Det har konstaterats både i globala och nationella styrdokument att skolan har en viktig roll i att undervisa för hållbar utveckling. Förenta Nationernas (FN) globala hållbarhetsmål, delmål 4.7 handlar exempelvis om att säkerställa att alla elever förvärvar kunskaper och färdigheter för att främja hållbar utveckling. Komplexiteten som hållbar utveckling innefattar kan däremot leda till att lärare finner det svårt att närma sig ämnet praktiskt i undervisningen. Även styrdokuments oprecisa karaktär utgör en risk att hållbar utveckling inte undervisas på ett sätt som optimerar elevers lärande om ämnet, vilket i sin tur kan minska deras möjligheter att ta hållbara beslut. Nuvarande forskning visar hur olika ämneslärare förstår och undervisar om hållbarhet i helhet men få studier har inriktat sig på ett specifikt skolämne och undersökt hur varje enskild dimension av hållbar utveckling får plats. Därför har denna studien fokuserat på hur miljömässig hållbarhet inkluderas i geografi och samhällskunskap. Syftet med studien var att få förståelse för hur den miljömässiga dimensionen av hållbar utveckling behandlas inom samhällsorienterade ämnen på gymnasiet samt hur undervisningssätt hos lärare inom samhällsorienterade ämnen resonerar med principer inom lärande för hållbar utveckling (LHU). Studien baserades på en kvalitativ metod, där åtta gymnasielärare intervjuades i Skåne, Sverige. En induktiv tematisk analys användes för att analysera intervjuerna. Resultatet av studien visade att samhällskunskap och geografi har olika ämnesinnehåll och undervisningsmetoder kopplade till miljömässig hållbarhet och LHU. Miljömässig hållbarhet hade en mer primär roll i geografiämnet, jämfört med i samhällskunskapen där det inkluderades ur ett mer sekundärt perspektiv. Resultatet visade även hur kompetensutveckling inom LHU är en utvecklingsmöjlighet för att lärare ska få större förståelse och genom det större intresse att använda LHU men också inkludera miljömässig hållbarhet i deras undervisning. Dessa utvecklingsmöjligheter måste dock ske från en högre nivå än lärarna själva men lärarna har också en roll i att kommunicera dessa behov. / Schools have been identified in both global and national policy documents as having an important role in educating about sustainable development. For example, the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4.7 aims to ensure that all students acquire the knowledge and skills to promote sustainable development. However, the complexity of sustainable development can lead teachers to find it difficult to approach the subject in their teaching. The imprecise nature of policy documents also poses a risk that sustainable development is not taught in a way that optimizes students' learning about the topic, which in turn may reduce their ability to make sustainable decisions. Current research shows how different subject teachers understand and teach sustainability as a whole, but few studies have focused on a specific school subject and examined how each individual dimension of sustainable development is addressed. Therefore this study focused on how environmental sustainability is included in geography and civics. The aim of the study was to gain an understanding of how the environmental dimension of sustainable development is treated in social studies at upper secondary school and how the teaching methods of social studies teachers resonate with the principles of education for sustainable development (ESD). The study was based on a qualitative method, where eight upper secondary school teachers were interviewed in Skåne, Sweden. An inductive thematic analysis was used to analyze the interviews. The results of the study showed that civics and geography have different subject content and teaching methods related to environmental sustainability and ESD. Environmental sustainability had a more primary role in the geography subject, compared to civics where it was included more indirectly. The results also showed how professional development in ESD is a development opportunity for teachers to gain greater understanding and through that greater interest in using ESD but also including environmental sustainability in their teaching. However, these development opportunities must come from a higher level than the teachers themselves, but the teachers also have a role in communicating these needs.

Multikulturele onderwys in die VSA, Afrika en die RSA : 'n histories-vergelykende ondersoek en evaluering

Meier, Corinne 03 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Multikulturele onderwys is die uitkoms van demokratiseringstendense wereldwyd. Die Verenigde State van Amerika, Zimbabwe en die Republiek van Suid-Afrika is as eksemplare geselekteer om die wordingsgang van multikulturele onderwys te ondersoek. Die wordingsgang toon duidelike ooreenkomste met die wordingsgang van gesegregeerde, monokulturele onderwysstelsels. Weerstand teen die eksklusiewe aard van monokulturele onderwys het uitgeloop op die ontwikkeling en implementering van multikulturele onderwys. In die Verenigde State van Amerika word die implementering van multikulturele onderwys wetlik afgedwing. Multikulturele onderwys in Zimbabwe word nie s6 intensiefverreken nie. In die onderwys van Zimbabwe val die klem oorwegend op Afrikanisering en lewensvoorbereiding en daarna op die optimale hantering van kultuurdiversiteit. Onderwys in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika is steeds gesegregeer en hoofsaaklik monokultureel. Dit blyk uit die beleidsdokumente van onderwysbelanghebbendes dat 'n toekomstige onderwysbedeling dieselfde weg as die in Zimbabwe gaan volg. Die onderrig van samelewingsvaardighede word as prioriteit gestel. / Multicultural education is the consequence of universal trends towards democratisation. The United States of America, Zimbabwe and the Republic of South Africa were selected as exemplars to investigate the emergence of multicultural education. There are distinct similarities between this process and that of the development of segregated monocultural education systems. Opposition to the exclusive nature of monocultural education resulted in the establishment and implementation of multicultural education. In the United States of America multicultural education is enforced by legislation. Multicultural education in Zimbabwe is not applied as stringently. Zimbabwe's educational model emphasises Africanisation and the preparation for life, also proficiency in dealing with cultural diversity. Education in the Republic of South Africa remains segregated and predominately monocultural. From the policy documents of those parties interested in education it seems that any future educational dispensation will follow a course similar to that of Zimbabwe. The teaching of societal skills enjoys precedence. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Historical Education)

Multikulturele onderwys in die VSA, Afrika en die RSA : 'n histories-vergelykende ondersoek en evaluering

Meier, Corinne 03 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Multikulturele onderwys is die uitkoms van demokratiseringstendense wereldwyd. Die Verenigde State van Amerika, Zimbabwe en die Republiek van Suid-Afrika is as eksemplare geselekteer om die wordingsgang van multikulturele onderwys te ondersoek. Die wordingsgang toon duidelike ooreenkomste met die wordingsgang van gesegregeerde, monokulturele onderwysstelsels. Weerstand teen die eksklusiewe aard van monokulturele onderwys het uitgeloop op die ontwikkeling en implementering van multikulturele onderwys. In die Verenigde State van Amerika word die implementering van multikulturele onderwys wetlik afgedwing. Multikulturele onderwys in Zimbabwe word nie s6 intensiefverreken nie. In die onderwys van Zimbabwe val die klem oorwegend op Afrikanisering en lewensvoorbereiding en daarna op die optimale hantering van kultuurdiversiteit. Onderwys in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika is steeds gesegregeer en hoofsaaklik monokultureel. Dit blyk uit die beleidsdokumente van onderwysbelanghebbendes dat 'n toekomstige onderwysbedeling dieselfde weg as die in Zimbabwe gaan volg. Die onderrig van samelewingsvaardighede word as prioriteit gestel. / Multicultural education is the consequence of universal trends towards democratisation. The United States of America, Zimbabwe and the Republic of South Africa were selected as exemplars to investigate the emergence of multicultural education. There are distinct similarities between this process and that of the development of segregated monocultural education systems. Opposition to the exclusive nature of monocultural education resulted in the establishment and implementation of multicultural education. In the United States of America multicultural education is enforced by legislation. Multicultural education in Zimbabwe is not applied as stringently. Zimbabwe's educational model emphasises Africanisation and the preparation for life, also proficiency in dealing with cultural diversity. Education in the Republic of South Africa remains segregated and predominately monocultural. From the policy documents of those parties interested in education it seems that any future educational dispensation will follow a course similar to that of Zimbabwe. The teaching of societal skills enjoys precedence. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Historical Education)

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