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Políticas públicas em inovação: um estudo comparativo entre as estratégias empregadas no Programa de Inovação Tecnológica (PIT) e no Programa Primeira Empresa Inovadora (PRIME) / Innovation in Public Policy: A comparative study between the Programa Inovação Tecnológica (PIT) and the Programa Primeira Empresa Inovadora (PRIME)Maçonetto, Marcelo Regula 01 July 2010 (has links)
O Estado brasileiro, seguindo as tendências mundiais, vem desenvolvendo e implementando, de forma cada vez mais sistematizada, aparatos institucionais e políticas públicas de estímulo à inovação. Entretanto, tais políticas apresentam um longo histórico de falhas e de descontinuidades nas estratégias do governo e nos planos que incentivam o desenvolvimento da ciência, tecnologia e inovação no país. Tendo em vista esse contexto, o presente trabalho busca analisar em detalhes, por meio de um estudo de casos, como o governo formula e implementa seus programas de estímulo a inovação. Para tanto, foram escolhidos dois programas para serem comparados como estratégias de investigação, distantes no tempo e nos alicerces políticos e institucionais em que foram concebidos. O primeiro deles foi uma ação da década de oitenta, intitulada Programa Inovação Tecnológica (PIT), que objetivava a implantação de Núcleos de Inovação Tecnológica em universidades e institutos de pesquisas. O segundo e mais recente é o Programa Primeira Empresa Inovadora (PRIME), que visa o apoio financeiro, com recursos não reembolsáveis para empresas nascentes inovadoras. Verificou-se que houve avanços significativos na forma como são concebidos e implementados, todavia, alguns aspectos críticos das heranças culturais e políticas brasileiras continuam ameaçando a continuidade desse tipo de ação, com destaque para a excessiva politização dos altos escalões das entidades responsáveis por executar essas ações e a intensa corporatização dos atores centrais nos movimentos de tentativas de estímulo a inovação no Brasil. / The Brazilian State, following the worldwide trends, has been developing and implementing, in increasingly systemized way, public policies to stimulate innovation. However, such policies present a long description of imperfections and discontinuities in the government strategies, and plans that stimulate the development of science, technology and innovation in the country. In this context, this work aims to analyze at great length, through a study of cases, the way that the government formulates and implements its programs to stimulate innovation. Therefore, two programs had been chosen to be comparing as inquiry strategies, distant in time as well as in the institutional and politicians foundations where they had been conceived. The first one was an action of the eighties, entitled Programa Inovação Tecnológica (PIT), which aimed to implement the Core of Technological Innovation in universities and research institutes. The second and most recent is the Programa Primeira Empresa Inovadora (PRIME), which aims to support innovative emerging companies with non-refundable grant. It was verified that they had significant advances in the way that they are conceived and implemented, however some critical aspects of the cultural inheritances and Brazilian policies keep threatening the continuity of those kind of action, with prominence for the excessive politicalization of the high steps of the responsible entities for executing those actions and the intense corporatization of the central actors in the movements that attempts to stimulate innovation in Brazil.
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Three Essays on the Impact of Institutions on Workers' Behavior and Job Quality / Trois Essais sur l'Impact des Institutions sur le Comportement des Travailleurs et la Qualité de l'EmploiGeorgieff, Alexandre 10 January 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse examine l'impact des institutions sur le comportement des travailleurs et la qualité de l'emploi. Les deux premiers chapitres utilisent des données subjectives afin d’évaluer l'impact des politiques de l'emploi sur la qualité de l'emploi d'une manière qui prenne en compte un éventail plus large de conditions de travail pertinentes par rapport à la littérature existante. Le premier chapitre montre qu'une baisse de l'assurance-chômage diminue la satisfaction au travail des travailleurs en les amenant à accepter de moins bonnes conditions de travail. Le deuxième chapitre montre que les effets de la protection partielle de l'emploi sur les licenciements améliorent le sentiment de sécurité de l'emploi pour les travailleurs protégés, mais au prix d'externalités négatives pour les autres travailleurs. Le troisième chapitre apporte de nouveaux éléments sur la manière dont les institutions affectent les normes de genre en examinant les comportements des femmes sur le marché du travail et au sein de leur couple. En nous appuyant sur la période de 41 ans de division de l'Allemagne, nous montrons que les institutions de la RDA, favorable à l'égalité des sexes, ont créé une culture qui a défait la norme selon laquelle l’homme est le principal pourvoyeur du ménage. En revanche, cette norme est encore très répandue en ex-Allemagne de l’Ouest. / This dissertation examines the impact of institutions on workers' behavior and job quality. The first two chapters use subjective data to assess the impact of employment policies on job quality in a way that takes into account a broader range of relevant working conditions compared to existing papers. The first chapter shows that lower unemployment insurance decreases workers' job satisfaction by making them accept lower working conditions. The second chapter shows that the effects of partial employment protection on layoffs improve the feeling of job security for protected workers, but at the cost of a negative externality on other workers. The third chapter provides new evidence on the way institutions affect gender norms by looking at women's behaviors on the labour market and inside their couple. Using the 41-year division of Germany, we show that GDR’s gender equal institutions have created a culture that has undone the male breadwinner norm. By contrast, this norm is still prevalent in former West Germany.
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The sociology of numbers: statistics and social policy in AustraliaNeylan, Julian, School of History & Philosophy of Science, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
This dissertation presents an historical-sociological study of how governments of the modern western state use the language and techniques of quantification in the domain of social policy. The case material has an Australian focus. The thesis argues that by relying on techniques of quantification, governments risk introducing a false legitimacy to their social policy decisions. The thesis takes observed historical phenomena, language and techniques of quantification for signifying the social, and seeks meaningful interpretations in light of the culturally embedded actions of individuals and collective members of Australian bureaucracies. These interpretations are framed by the arguments of a range of scholars on the sociology of mathematics and quantitative technologies. The interpretative framework is in turn grounded in the history and sociology of modernity since the Enlightenment period, with a particular focus on three aspects: the nature and purpose of the administrative bureaucracy, the role of positivism in shaping scientific inquiry and the emergence of a risk consciousness in the late twentieth century. The thesis claim is examined across three case studies, each representative of Australian government action in formulating social policy or providing human services. Key social entities examined include the national census of population, housing needs indicators, welfare program performance and social capital. The analysis of these social statistics reveals a set of recurring characteristics that are shown to reduce their certainty. The analysis provides evidence for a common set of institutional attitudes toward social numbers, essentially that quantification is an objective technical device capable of reducing unstable social entities to stable, reliable significations (numbers). While this appears to strengthen the apparatus of governmentality for developing and implementing state policy, ignoring the many unarticulated and arbitrary judgments that are embedded in social numbers introduces a false legitimacy to these government actions.
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政府政策行銷活動評估之研究-以台灣燈會為例 / Research in the evaluation of marketing events under government policy: the case study of Taiwan Lantern Festival王紹旬, Wang, Shao Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
3.整體政策評估仍宜由中央單位以長時序效益進行整合評估 / The main objective of this research is to explore and analyze the various responses required from government agencies (e.g., democratic responsiveness, professional responsibilities and accountabilities, etc.) under a democratic governance environment when they organize marketing events to promote tourism-related policies. Considering the large amount of government-hosted tourism events at the present stage, an equally important task is to properly explain to the general public the legitimacy and effectiveness of such promotional events. When applying the relevant policy-promoting instruments, therefore, government agencies should not only pay attention to the process and achievements of the event, but also explain to the general public the rationality and legitimacy of such activities, making good use of the evaluation results. This approach will help to meet the public’s expectations in the process of democratic governance, i.e., monitoring and receiving proper response from government agencies.
In the research process, it is discovered that government agencies have initiated an ongoing series of evaluation tasks for the Taiwan Lantern Festival, which were carried out throughout the pre-event, planning, execution and post-event stages. Through the whole process of job division and project execution, the government agencies have already established relevant internal control models to ensure the successful completion of the projects, thereby satisfying public expectations and fulfilling their professional responsibilities. Furthermore, in the process of integrating resources from different public and private networks, the government agencies have also built up good interaction among one another. With their collaborative efforts, they have successfully organized the yearly event of the Taiwan Lantern Festival, representing the unique culture of the respective cities/counties. Their efforts have enriched the contents of the annual lantern festivals, and endowed them with additional charm and unique vitality.
The tourist growth created by the Taiwan Lantern Festival should have fulfilled the policy goals of developing the tourist business. While many people believe that the city/county governments are now fully competent to organize their own lantern festival activities, there is still a consistent theme and spirit for this event. Rather than a single and independent marketing activity, it is in fact considered an important policy that guides Taiwan’s festival tourist market. The author therefore holds the view that the continuity of this event will contribute to the improvement of international popularity of and marketing expertise for other cities. The author also has the following suggestions regarding policy evaluation in future:
-Policy goals should be established based on the local environment and requirements.
-Apart from quantitative indicators, qualitative indicators should also be established in the process of effectiveness evaluation, so as to take into account the diversified value of the events.
-As for integrated policy evaluation, it is recommended that evaluation should be conducted by the central government on a consolidated basis, taking into account long-term effectiveness.
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Quasi-Experimental Health Policy Research: Evaluation of Universal Health Insurance and Methods for Comparative Effectiveness ResearchGarabedian, Laura Faden 08 October 2013 (has links)
This dissertation consists of two empirical papers and one methods paper. The first two papers use quasi-experimental methods to evaluate the impact of universal health insurance reform in Massachusetts (MA) and Thailand and the third paper evaluates the validity of a quasi-experimental method used in comparative effectiveness research (CER).
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A study of the Tenants Purchase Scheme as a policy of subsidizing homeownershipKong, Fung-chu, Ada., 江鳳珠. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Public Administration / Master / Master of Public Administration
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Tenants purchase scheme: another round of arbitrary redistribution among different kinds of public housingoccupantsLeung, Sum-ping, Sam., 梁森平. January 2000 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Housing Management / Master / Master of Housing Management
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An assessment of government's supervision of franchised busoperationsMeakin, Richard Thomas. January 1986 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Public Administration / Master / Master of Social Sciences
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Bootstrap for panel data models with an application to the evaluation of public policiesHounkannounon, Bertrand G. B. 08 1900 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est d étendre la théorie du bootstrap aux modèles de données de panel. Les données de panel s obtiennent en observant plusieurs unités statistiques sur plusieurs périodes de temps. Leur double dimension individuelle et temporelle permet de contrôler l 'hétérogénéité non observable entre individus et entre les périodes de temps et donc de faire des études plus riches que les séries chronologiques ou les données en coupe instantanée. L 'avantage du bootstrap est de permettre d obtenir une inférence plus précise que celle avec la théorie asymptotique classique ou une inférence impossible en cas de paramètre de nuisance. La méthode consiste à tirer des échantillons
aléatoires qui ressemblent le plus possible à l échantillon d analyse. L 'objet statitstique d intérêt est estimé sur chacun de ses échantillons aléatoires et on
utilise l ensemble des valeurs estimées pour faire de l inférence. Il existe dans la littérature certaines application du bootstrap aux données de panels sans
justi cation théorique rigoureuse ou sous de fortes hypothèses. Cette thèse propose une méthode de bootstrap plus appropriée aux données de panels. Les trois chapitres analysent sa validité et son application.
Le premier chapitre postule un modèle simple avec un seul paramètre et s 'attaque aux propriétés théoriques de l estimateur de la moyenne. Nous montrons que le double rééchantillonnage que nous proposons et qui tient compte à la fois de la dimension individuelle et la dimension temporelle est
valide avec ces modèles. Le rééchantillonnage seulement dans la dimension
individuelle n est pas valide en présence d hétérogénéité temporelle. Le ré-échantillonnage dans la dimension temporelle n est pas valide en présence d'hétérogénéité individuelle.
Le deuxième chapitre étend le précédent au modèle panel de régression. linéaire. Trois types de régresseurs sont considérés : les caractéristiques individuelles, les caractéristiques temporelles et les régresseurs qui évoluent dans le temps et par individu. En utilisant un modèle à erreurs composées doubles, l'estimateur des moindres carrés ordinaires et la méthode de bootstrap des résidus, on montre que le rééchantillonnage dans la seule dimension individuelle est valide pour l'inférence sur les coe¢ cients associés aux régresseurs qui changent uniquement par individu. Le rééchantillonnage dans la dimen-
sion temporelle est valide seulement pour le sous vecteur des paramètres associés aux régresseurs qui évoluent uniquement dans le temps. Le double rééchantillonnage est quand à lui est valide pour faire de l inférence pour tout le vecteur des paramètres.
Le troisième chapitre re-examine l exercice de l estimateur de différence
en di¤érence de Bertrand, Duflo et Mullainathan (2004). Cet estimateur est
couramment utilisé dans la littérature pour évaluer l impact de certaines poli-
tiques publiques. L exercice empirique utilise des données de panel provenant
du Current Population Survey sur le salaire des femmes dans les 50 états des
Etats-Unis d Amérique de 1979 à 1999. Des variables de pseudo-interventions
publiques au niveau des états sont générées et on s attend à ce que les tests
arrivent à la conclusion qu il n y a pas d e¤et de ces politiques placebos sur
le salaire des femmes. Bertrand, Du o et Mullainathan (2004) montre que la non-prise en compte de l hétérogénéité et de la dépendance temporelle entraîne d importantes distorsions de niveau de test lorsqu'on évalue l'impact de politiques publiques en utilisant des données de panel. Une des solutions préconisées est d utiliser la méthode de bootstrap. La méthode de double ré-échantillonnage développée dans cette thèse permet de corriger le problème de niveau de test et donc d'évaluer correctement l'impact des politiques publiques. / The purpose of this thesis is to develop bootstrap methods for panel data models and to prove their validity. Panel data refers to data sets where observations on individual units (such as households, firms or countries) are available over several time periods. The availability of two dimensions (cross-section and time series) allows for the identi cation of effects that could not be accounted for otherwise. In this thesis, we explore the use of the bootstrap to obtain estimates of the distribution of statistics that are more accurate than the usual asymptotic theory. The method consists in drawing many ran-
dom samples that resembles the sample as much as possible and estimating
the distribution of the object of interest over these random samples. It has been shown, both theoretically and in simulations, that in many instances,this approach improves on asymptotic approximations. In other words, the
resulting tests have a rejection rate close to the nominal size under the null hypothesis and the resulting con dence intervals have a probability of inclu-
ding the true value of the parameter that is close to the desired level.
In the literature, there are many applications of the bootstrap with panel
data, but these methods are carried out without rigorous theoretical justi fication. This thesis suggests a bootstrap method that is suited to panel data (which we call double resampling), analyzes its validity, and implements it in the analysis of treatment e¤ects. The aim is to provide a method that will provide reliable inference without having to make strong assumptions on the underlying data-generating process.
The rst chapter considers a model with a single parameter (the overall expectation) with the sample mean as estimator. We show that our double resampling is valid for panel data models with some cross section and/or temporal heterogeneity. The assumptions made include one-way and two-
way error component models as well as factor models that have become popular with large panels. On the other hand, alternative methods such as bootstrapping cross-sections or blocks in the time dimensions are only valid under some of these models.
The second chapter extends the previous one to the panel linear regression model. Three kinds of regressors are considered : individual characteristics, temporal characteristics and regressors varying across periods and cross-sectional units. We show that our double resampling is valid for inference about all the coe¢ cients in the model estimated by ordinary least squares under general types of time-series and cross-sectional dependence. Again, we show that other bootstrap methods are only valid under more restrictive conditions.
Finally, the third chapter re-examines the analysis of di¤erences-in-differences
estimators by Bertrand, Du o and Mullainathan (2004). Their empirical application uses panel data from the Current Population Survey on wages of women in the 50 states. Placebo laws are generated at the state level, and the authors measure their impact on wages. By construction, no impact should
be found. Bertrand, Dufl o and Mullainathan (2004) show that neglected heterogeneity and temporal correlation lead to spurious ndings of an effect of the Placebo laws. The double resampling method developed in this thesis corrects these size distortions very well and gives more reliable evaluation of public policies.
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Two practices and one Act: Mangling tecnologically mediated transparency.Brown, Pamela Anne 05 December 2013 (has links)
During a municipal election in 2010, Canadian citizens used a blog to enact an ad hoc campaign funding disclosure request of all candidates. After the election, the municipality implemented formal legislation requiring campaign funding disclosure on their own website. This thesis is a case study that explores how two technologically mediated transparency practices were constituted within and outside the scope of legislation. I draw on Andrew Pickering's (1995) notion of the mangle of practice and Karen Barad's (2003) concept of intra-action to conceptualize these transparency practices as a mangle of entwining intra-connected phenomena. In my exploration of policy in practice I deconstruct transparency practice through a discussion of how transparency mechanisms and social media characteristics intra-act and transform each other into a practice that supersedes the original intent of the ad hoc request and formal legislation. This research queries assumptions about transparency practices and contributes to establishing an interdisciplinary methodology for policy evaluation in technologically mediated environments. / Graduate / 0617 / paganda@gmail.com
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