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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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地方政府政策行銷之研究-以宜蘭國際童玩藝術節為例 / A Study of Policy Marketing in Local Government-Illustrated by Yilan International Children’s Folklore&Folkgame Festival

杜昱潔, Tu,Yu Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,各地方政府都將節慶活動視為創造經濟效益、形塑地方文化特色的政治活動。臺灣各地方政府在面對經濟發展的競爭態勢下,為振興地方產業,紛紛積極推廣節慶觀光做為開發經濟的良機。地方政府運用行銷之概念,不僅為地方帶來財源,更為各地方政府塑造了鮮明的形象與特色。 在台灣各地方政府所舉辦的諸多大型節慶活動中,以「宜蘭國際童玩藝術節」最具有指標代表性,不但成功結合觀光、遊憩與文化產業,營造宜蘭的特色,獲得民眾的認同與支持,更成為享譽國際之活動,也是各縣市政府辦理節慶活動標竿學習之最佳實務典範。 本研究先檢視政策行銷與節慶相關理論及文獻,了解地方政府節慶行銷的意義、內涵、策略與作法等,比較政策行銷與節慶行銷的異同。並以「宜蘭國際童玩藝術節」個案為例,探討地方政府進行節慶行銷之策略與環境影響因素,檢視政策行銷執行成果,根據研究結果提出實務改進建議,做為其他縣市進行節慶行銷參考。舉辦十一年的宜蘭童玩節正面臨著競爭者增加、喪失創意等永續經營發展問題。本研究發現宜蘭童玩節受到政治因素的影響最大,並且產品的創意與文化內涵逐漸消退,缺乏整體性的行銷策略。故宜蘭童玩節的決策系統必須脫離政治的影響,並且投入成本開發創意,建立消費者習慣性的消費習慣,宜蘭童玩節才能永續經營。 / In recent years, the Taiwanese local governments often use festival celebrations to generate economical and political benefits, and at the same time to create and promote their local cultural characteristics. Under the pressure of political and economical competitions, the local governments are forced to encourage festival celebrations aggressively in order to revitalize the local tourism business and further economical opportunities. The local governments use marketing concept to bring financial enhancement and improve its fresh image and unique characteristics. In all festival celebration events held by the local governments in Taiwan, Yilan International Children’s Folklore&Folkgame Festival is considered as the most outstanding one. It successfully combined aspects of tourism, leisure events and cultural gatherings to establish Yilan’s distinctiveness. Such strategic activities have won the votes of its local residents and become an international recognition event. It has also been shaped into the best learning model and a practical example for many other county authorities to follow. This study aims to examine policy marketing and other related festival theories and literature, with the purpose of understanding the local government festival marketing value, its strategic plan and procedures, and yet comparing the similarities and differences between the policy marketing and the festival marketing. By employing Yilan International Children’s Folklore&Folkgame Festival as a study case, this paper analyzes the local government’s strategic progress in festival marketing and its environmental factors. In addition, it examines the results of such policy marketing practices for recommendations to other county authorities. After eleven years of annual celebrations, Yilan International Children’s Folklore&Folkgame Festival is currently facing with increasing competitors and at the same time, losing innovative ideas and other operating management problems. This study finds the Festival is being affected greatly by political factors and lacking the overall marketing strategy. As a result, such event must not be influenced by any political reasons and needs to increase its access to funds in developing creative ideas to attract consumers and to create a successful and sustainable festival event.


Huang, Yueh-ying 20 August 2007 (has links)
In Taiwan area, it has become a rule that the national identity cards of all population are changed every 10 years. The fifth comprehensive change of national identity cards was implemented from Dec. 21, 2005 to Dec. 31, 2006. The government institutions of different cities and counties (municipal) under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior positively conducted national propaganda of the important news through the strong promotion of the change of identity cards by various means of mass media. First of all, the study investigates promotion strategies and procedures of the change of national identity cards in Taiwan, and then studies the promotion situation of the services for people, and further investigates how to strengthen the use of marketing ideas to achieve the goal of offering services for people. In view of this, the study reviews the related literature about the development procedures of the household registration system of Taiwan. Through the understanding of the situation and problems of the current use of new national identity cards, as well as the necessity of the change of national identity cards, the study focuses on marketing strategies to adopt SWOT analysis of trend and use questionnaire survey to make proof analysis and review. The study examines the effects and improvement measures of the government for execution of public domains, and provides the following research conclusions and suggestions for the Ministry of Interior and other government institutions as a reference for innovative promotion of public policies: 1. It is not easy to promote relationship marketing of the first line household registration institutions. 2. Important project work relatively needs the increase of reasonable and proper budget for promotion. 3. Strengthen the innovative development culture of household registration organization, and cultivate the overall marketing team. 4. A sound evaluation mechanism should be established for the marketing of public policies 5. Although the promotion of comprehensive change of national identity cards used different marketing channels, measures should still be strengthened on how to integrate different communication tools effectively. 6. Strengthen the public¡¦s rights of their awareness of the use of identity cards. The government has the responsibility and obligation to teach the public use of identity cards. The conclusions made by the study are that national identity card system is not a system that has to be existed in all countries. Each country can determine the necessary of offering identity cards to the citizens according to the country¡¦s idea of system. Under the national identity card system constructed in Taiwan, the nature of national identity card is to ¡§prove¡¨ that a citizen possesses the archive of his/her nationality. It also refers that national identity card is a document that cites the nationality relationship between a citizen of his/her country. Under this system, all the citizens of Taiwan are obliged to collect their national identity cards, and have the rights to ask for offering them. Therefore, the people of Taiwan should be cautious about the importance, safekeeping and use of national identity cards. The government should more positively bear the responsibility of strengthening the concept of ruling by laws because the maintenance of social stability depends on the people¡¦s practices and compliance with laws. Keywords: national identity card, household registration system, SWOT analysis of trend, relationship marketing, development culture, public policy marketing, national identity card system, concept of ruling by laws


藍夏萍, Lan, Hsia Ping Unknown Date (has links)
著眼於全球生態與環境急速惡化之困境,環保政策成為各國政府傾力推動與執行的核心政策。企圖經由政策規劃與有效執行,達成教育社會大眾、進行社會行為變遷、保護全球生態的終極目標。環保署於2002年開始推動的限制使用塑膠袋政策即為一例。然而,限用政策通動力時至今,於2004年級2005年宣告部分政策停止執行。事實證明,限用政策之推廣與擴散受到阻礙。本研究為了尋求受阻原因,針對台北市文山區模範鄰里進行深度訪談研究,以及個案分析研究,希冀釐清限用政策執行障礙。 本研究針對政策行銷推廣擴散之面向,結合社會學研究方案中之創新擴散模式,以及政策行銷推廣模式,發現意見領袖之傳播途徑唯一有效影響社會大眾行為習慣之管道。歸納分析Everett M. Rogers曾進行的四個成功個案,發現有效之政策推廣及執行必須長期宣導、採行非強制性政策規劃與推廣、取得意見領袖高度認同、運用實際經驗影響與溝通模式,方能有效影響社會大眾,成功進行社會行為變遷,以利各項新政策運作執行。   本研究針對社區鄰里範圍內之研究分析得知,台北市政府進行限用政策推廣過程,未能妥適運用意見領袖傳播管道,同時礙於社會系絡與文化之差異,無法完全依循個案分析所歸納之各項成功運作因素,可能因此而導致限用政策未能達成預期目標。其中癥結包含:由上而下政策規畫可能無法運用由下而上之政策執行;限用政策未能取得意見領袖認同;政策宣導推廣時程可能過不足;強制規範性之政策規範可能引發反彈等等。因此,限用政策雖然應用了意見領袖的推廣宣導途徑,但是可能基於上述因素而導致政策推廣僅能達成部分預期目標。未來若能針對受阻因素適度修正,加強政策宣導與推廣工作,責各項環保政策可望能順利執行。 / Environmental Protection Policies play the magnificent role in the field of public policy since the environmental pollutions are getting worse and worse in the 21st Century. Environmental Protection Administration, Expectative Yuan (ROC) Taiwan had implemented the Forbidden to Use the Plastic Bag Policy since 2002 in order to protect the nature environment in Taiwan. However, part of this policy had been stop since 2004. There must some problems happened to make this policy incomplete, and this is also the research question. This research discovers that the Opinion-Leadership Communication Model, which is from the combination of the diffusion of innovations and public policy marketing, could be the most efficient communication path between the government and the public to implement the public policy. Through the further analysis of four successful cases adapted by Everett M. Rogers, there are several important elements, including long time to diffuse, no restricted policy, trust from the opinion leader, and experienced influence model, can make the policy implementation successful. The research findings offer the reasonable repressions for the fail of the Forbidden to Use of Plastic Bag. First of all, the policy marketing time is too short. Secondly, most of the local opinion leaders could not really understand this policy or even trust it. Thirdly, the bottom-up policy implementation model does not work with the top-down policy formation. Finally, the main purpose of this policy is to trigger the social change of the green shopping behavior, and the restricted policy implementation could not only fail, but also get more misunderstandings or complains from the public. The proper modifications shall direct a right way for this policy.

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