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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Egypt: ekonomika a postavení na mezinárodním trhu cestovního ruchu / Egypt: Economy and position in the international tourism market

Drahotová, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with economy of Egypt and its position in the international tourism market. The aim of the thesis is to analyse economy and tourism of Egypt and define their relationship. The thesis is focused on the period of global economic crises and the following political crises, and tries to emphasize the impact of these two events. The thesis is divided into three chapters; the first one is a theoretical basis for the analysis itself. The second chapter is devoted to an outline of the political situation and analyses development of the main macroeconomic indicators in the context of the events of past few years. The third chapter analyses tourism and its effect on the economy.

Les stratégies de sortie de crises politiques au Burkina Faso / Strategies for ending the political crises in Burkina Faso

Sawadogo, Aboubacar 19 November 2018 (has links)
La dynamique des crises politiques au Burkina Faso a été empreinte de mobilisations multisectorielles ayant entraîné une désectorisation conjoncturelle de l'espace social avec pour corollaire une mobilité des enjeux des confrontations et des transactions collusives d’opposition et de gouvernement. Ces mobilisations se sont faites autour d’enjeux relatifs notamment : à la conquête du pouvoir d’État, au contrôle de l’appareil d’État ; à l’amélioration des conditions de vie des travailleurs ; à la propriété foncière ; à l’intangibilité des règles constitutionnelles relatives à l’exercice du pouvoir d’État ; à l’alternance au sommet de l’État ; à la participation de certains acteurs à la compétition politique ; à la prise de mesures d’atténuation de la cherté de la vie ; à la quête de la vérité et de la justice.Au final, les mobilisations multisectorielles ont été à l’origine de changements politiques qui, selon la conjoncture, ont été soit pacifiques, soit violents.Quelles que soient leurs caractéristiques, les différentes crises politiques ont contraint les protagonistes, mais aussi des tierces personnes à ces crises, à y trouver des solutions par le recours à diverses stratégies.Ces stratégies de sortie de crises politiques se sont jouées autour d’enjeux liés à : la conservation du pouvoir politique, la préservation de la paix sociale, le redressement économique et financier de l’État, le rétablissement de l’ordre public, la quête de la vérité et de la justice, l’obtention du pardon et de la réconciliation nationale.Elles ont donné lieu à une diversité d’initiatives avec pour corollaire une variété des moyens, coercitifs et pacifiques, utilisés pour sortir des situations de crise. En outre, les initiatives de sortie de crises politiques ont débouché sur des dynamiques de transitions constitutionnelles et de justice transitionnelle. Si elles ont constitué des processus distincts, elles n’en ont pas moins eu des finalités communes : la garantie des droits et la reconstruction de l’État de droit. Ces finalités communes peuvent coïncider de sorte que la dynamique de justice transitionnelle intègre le texte constitutionnel consacrant ainsi sa constitutionnalisation. Finalement, ces dynamiques transitionnelles ont constitué des fenêtres d’opportunités pour procéder à des réformes constitutionnelles et de politiques publiques. / The dynamics of the political crises in Burkina Faso have been marked by multisectoral mobilizations having led to a cyclical desectorization of the social space, with the consequence of a mobility of the stakes of confrontations and collusive opposition and government transactions.These mobilizations were made around relative issues including: the conquest of state power, the control of the state apparatus; to the improvement of the living conditions of the workers; land ownership; the inviolability of constitutional rules relating to the exercise of State power; alternation at the top of the state; the participation of certain actors in the political competition; taking measures to mitigate the high cost of living and the quest for truth and justice.In the end, the multisectoral mobilizations have been at the origin of political changes which, according to the conjuncture, were either peaceful or violent.The different political strategies have forced the protagonists, but also third parties to these crises, to find solutions by the use of various strategies.These strategies out of political crises were played around issues related to: the preservation of political power, the preservation of social peace, the economic and financial recovery of the state, the restoration of public order, the quest truth and justice, obtaining forgiveness and national reconciliation.They have given rise to a variety of initiatives, resulting in a variety of means, coercive and peaceful, used to emerge from crisis situations. In addition, the initiatives to end political crises have resulted in constitutional transitions and transitional justice. Although they constituted distinct processes, they nevertheless had common goals: the guarantee of rights and the reconstruction of the rule of law. These common goals can coincide so that the dynamics of transitional justice integrate the constitutional text thus consecrating its constitutionalisation. Finally, these transitional dynamics constituted windows of opportunity to carry out constitutional and public policy reforms.


Finocchi, Emiliano January 2018 (has links)
As the world becomes more globalized, multinational corporations (MNCs) are obliged to spread and open subsidiaries in foreign countries. Unfortunately, some countries have unstable political systems that exist in a state of systematic crisis. For corporations whose subsidiaries are caught in the middle of a political crisis in foreign territories, this unrest presents high physical and economic risks. Thus, what types of threats do firms encounter, and how do they perceive them? Can their experience influence their perception of the crisis? The focus of this dissertation is to study the decision-making process of multinational corporations in times of political and economic crisis at a subsidiary level, utilizing the example of Mozambique. Two studies were conducted. The first was drawn on prior literature on threat perception, social embeddedness and MNCs’ reaction to external threats. A conceptual model of MNCs’ response to political crises in frontier markets was developed. The antecedents or predictors of exit included influences on exit decision, past experiences, crisis perceptions and the moderator effect of social embeddedness between perception and exit. The second study focused on MNCs that not only decided to stay in the foreign market, but seek for unique opportunities in an economic crisis. The conceptual model created is simple, and builds upon existing literature on social embeddedness, MNCs’ experience, and international staffing. Within the international staffing literature, it provides a strong contribution to the theories on parent country nationals and host country nationals, implementing new constructs such as parent company experience and subsidiary company experience. Both models were tested using a survey data from managers of 108 MNCs’ subsidiaries in Mozambique, some of which exited due to the economic and political crisis, and some of which remained. The results indicate that both models are mostly supported. These studies contribute to the literature involving MNCs in host countries, including threat perception, social embeddedness, local content, international staffing, expatriates and past experiences. In practical terms, they provide a tool for both policymakers and private MNCs to act preemptively in times of political and/or economic crisis. / Business Administration/International Business Administration

Les talk-shows en Egypte. D’un dispositif de modernisation de l’autoritarisme à des arènes de parole dissidente. Mise en perspective d’une situation révolutionnaire (25 janvier - 11 février 2011) / The talk shows in Egypt. From a device of modernizing authoritarianism to an arena of dissident speech. A revolutionary situation (25 January – 11 February 2011) in perspective

Adib Doss, Maria 05 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les talk-shows, ces émissions sociopolitiques « dialogiques » qui ont marqué la scène médiatique et politique durant les dernières années du règne de Moubarak, jusqu’à la nouvelle donne politique post-juillet 2013. La question principale qui a guidé cette recherche était : dans quelle mesure les talk-shows ont-ils constitué une arène de parole dissidente ? La thèse démontre, à travers l’étude du processus qui a permis l’émergence de ces émissions, de leurs acteurs et de leurs modalités de fonctionnement, que ce dispositif s’est inscrit dans un espace public dessiné par des dynamiques particulières et caractérisé par un autoritarisme adaptif et libéralisé. Ce dispositif a également permis la manifestation de processus sociaux, notamment des mouvements d’opposition, en leur permettant de s’exprimer et de gagner en visibilité. Les talk-shows ont fait partie de différentes dynamiques politiques et les ont alimentées, défiant ainsi le pouvoir politique. Ils ont gagné des rôles et un espace de parole que le pays n’avait pas connu depuis 1952, dépassant leur fonction première qui était conçue par le pouvoir. Ce processus a pu avoir lieu malgré les outils de contrôle que le pouvoir a conservés pour garantir un minimum de mainmise sur les médias, élargissant ainsi les domaines de luttes et les espaces de contentieux. La thèse observe ensuite les dynamiques des révoltes de janvier 2011. Partant d’une approche interactionniste, d’un travail issu d’une enquête de terrain de plusieurs années, menée aussi bien auprès de professionnels de la télévision que d’invités de ces émissions et d’une analyse d’un corpus d’émissions, nous démontrons que le rôle des talk-shows fut incontournable dans le conflit médiatique doublant celui sur le terrain. / The subject of this thesis is the talk-shows, those socio-political tv shows that marked the media and political scene during the last years of Mubarak’s regime till the new political era post-July 2013. The main question that guided this research was: to what extent have the talk shows been an arena of dissident speech? The thesis demonstrates that this mechanism was a part of a public space designed by specific dynamics and branded by a liberalized and adaptive authoritarianism. It allowed the manifestation of social practices including counter movements endorsing them to express themselves and to gain visibility.Thus, through the study of the process that allowed the appearance of such shows, its actors and its operating methods, we observe how these broadcasts were a part of different political dynamics and served challenging the political power. They acquired roles and a freedom of expression that the country hadn’t experienced since 1952, exceeding their initial function as designed by the regime despite the means of control that the latter kept in order to maintain a minimum control on media and hence widening the fields of struggles and spaces of contentious. Then, the thesis studies the dynamics of January 2011 uprisings. Based on an interactionist approach and a work of several years field study of both television professionals and guests of these shows and an analysis of a record of broadcasts. We demonstrate that the talk-shows role was fundamental in the media conflict which doubled the conflict in the field.

Crise política e referendo popular: o escândalo do mensalão como contexto político-midiático do referendo do desarmamento

Gomes, Maria Lucia Prandi 30 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:21:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Lucia Prandi Gomes.pdf: 2807946 bytes, checksum: 373c49fac2651cd204d308b747fd2ea2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-30 / On October, the 23rd, 2005, took place in Brazil the Referendo do Desarmamento (Referendum for the Disarmament), when Brazilians voted in favor or against the following question: The fire weapons and ammunitions trade must be prohibit in Brazil? . Polls predicted the vote Yes would win. It lost. The answer No got 63.9% of the total votes. The trade of weapons and ammunitions goes legally on. Different social scientists have studied the Referendo and pointed reasons for the victory of No, which make a complex explanation: the different quality of the radio and TV adverstising of the two sides; the failing of the governmental politics for public security; the lost of credibility of politicians, political parties, particularly the PT, Partido dos Trabalhadores (Workers Party), the federal government and President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva himself; at last but not least, the weakening of the voters confidence on public institutions because of the crisis that proceeded the Referendo. From May to September, a big scandal called Escândalo do Mensalão (The Big Monthly Bribe Scandal) shook and startled Brazil, affecting negatively the images of President Lula, his government and his Party. The present work seeks to understand the Escândalo do Mensalão as a political background to the Referendum. To reach that aim, two of the most important Brazilian weakly magazines, Veja and Época, were submitted under a content analysis. Both had a similar critical position about the crises of Mensalação, but Veja was in favor of the vote No to the Disarmament, and Época in favor of Yes / Em 23 de outubro de 2005, no Referendo do Desarmamento, o Brasil votou a favor ou contra a seguinte questão: O comércio de armas de fogo e munição deve ser proibido no Brasil? . Em 27 de julho, pesquisas de opinião apontavam vitória do Sim com 80% das intenções de voto. Mas o Desarmamento acabou perdendo, com 63,9% de votos dados ao Não. Manteve-se no Brasil a venda legal de armas de fogo e munição. As razões apontadas por diferentes autores que vêm estudando a vitória do Não desenham um quadro complexo, que envolve a questão da qualidade desigual da propaganda eleitoral dos lados a favor e contra no horário gratuito em rádio e televisão, o fracasso da política governamental de segurança pública e a conseqüente falta de credibilidade nas instituições públicas, o sentimento de que a proibição proposta no Referendo significaria perda de direito à legítima defesa, além de fatores decorrentes de interesses econômicos de fabricantes e comerciantes de armas e munições, assim como a posição assumida pelas elites e o financiamento das campanhas. Durante os meses que precederam o Referendo, aconteceu o chamado Escândalo do Mensalão, promovendo a maior crise política envolvendo o presidente Lula, seu governo e seu partido, o PT. É objetivo do presente trabalho estudar essa crise como pano de fundo do Referendo, ou seja, como elemento hipoteticamente fundamental para se entender o fracasso de uma iniciativa em que a posição favorável dos três era uma das marcas importantes. Com os promotores em baixa, os resultados podem ter refletido mais um aspecto da descrença dos eleitores naquela conjuntura. Uma imagem muito negativa do governo e dos governantes esteve durante meses em exposição na mídia. Analisar o conteúdo que então se divulgava em periódicos de importância nacional pode permitir uma reconstrução do que aqui se chamará contexto político-midiático. Para traçar esse pano de fundo foram escolhidas as revistas Veja e Época, que foram centrais na crise e que, em relação ao Referendo, assumiram posições contrárias

Crise política e referendo popular: o escândalo do mensalão como contexto político-midiático do referendo do desarmamento

Gomes, Maria Lucia Prandi 30 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:56:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Lucia Prandi Gomes.pdf: 2807946 bytes, checksum: 373c49fac2651cd204d308b747fd2ea2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-30 / On October, the 23rd, 2005, took place in Brazil the Referendo do Desarmamento (Referendum for the Disarmament), when Brazilians voted in favor or against the following question: The fire weapons and ammunitions trade must be prohibit in Brazil? . Polls predicted the vote Yes would win. It lost. The answer No got 63.9% of the total votes. The trade of weapons and ammunitions goes legally on. Different social scientists have studied the Referendo and pointed reasons for the victory of No, which make a complex explanation: the different quality of the radio and TV adverstising of the two sides; the failing of the governmental politics for public security; the lost of credibility of politicians, political parties, particularly the PT, Partido dos Trabalhadores (Workers Party), the federal government and President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva himself; at last but not least, the weakening of the voters confidence on public institutions because of the crisis that proceeded the Referendo. From May to September, a big scandal called Escândalo do Mensalão (The Big Monthly Bribe Scandal) shook and startled Brazil, affecting negatively the images of President Lula, his government and his Party. The present work seeks to understand the Escândalo do Mensalão as a political background to the Referendum. To reach that aim, two of the most important Brazilian weakly magazines, Veja and Época, were submitted under a content analysis. Both had a similar critical position about the crises of Mensalação, but Veja was in favor of the vote No to the Disarmament, and Época in favor of Yes / Em 23 de outubro de 2005, no Referendo do Desarmamento, o Brasil votou a favor ou contra a seguinte questão: O comércio de armas de fogo e munição deve ser proibido no Brasil? . Em 27 de julho, pesquisas de opinião apontavam vitória do Sim com 80% das intenções de voto. Mas o Desarmamento acabou perdendo, com 63,9% de votos dados ao Não. Manteve-se no Brasil a venda legal de armas de fogo e munição. As razões apontadas por diferentes autores que vêm estudando a vitória do Não desenham um quadro complexo, que envolve a questão da qualidade desigual da propaganda eleitoral dos lados a favor e contra no horário gratuito em rádio e televisão, o fracasso da política governamental de segurança pública e a conseqüente falta de credibilidade nas instituições públicas, o sentimento de que a proibição proposta no Referendo significaria perda de direito à legítima defesa, além de fatores decorrentes de interesses econômicos de fabricantes e comerciantes de armas e munições, assim como a posição assumida pelas elites e o financiamento das campanhas. Durante os meses que precederam o Referendo, aconteceu o chamado Escândalo do Mensalão, promovendo a maior crise política envolvendo o presidente Lula, seu governo e seu partido, o PT. É objetivo do presente trabalho estudar essa crise como pano de fundo do Referendo, ou seja, como elemento hipoteticamente fundamental para se entender o fracasso de uma iniciativa em que a posição favorável dos três era uma das marcas importantes. Com os promotores em baixa, os resultados podem ter refletido mais um aspecto da descrença dos eleitores naquela conjuntura. Uma imagem muito negativa do governo e dos governantes esteve durante meses em exposição na mídia. Analisar o conteúdo que então se divulgava em periódicos de importância nacional pode permitir uma reconstrução do que aqui se chamará contexto político-midiático. Para traçar esse pano de fundo foram escolhidas as revistas Veja e Época, que foram centrais na crise e que, em relação ao Referendo, assumiram posições contrárias

Overlapping organizations, political crises, and coexistence : complementarity and fragmentation in south american and african regionalisms /

Ribeiro, Clarissa Correa Neto. January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Shiguenoli Miyamoto / Abstract: The present research has the occurrence of overlapping regionalisms as its object, with a comparative cut for South America and Africa. The purpose of this thesis is to study types of institutional interaction and to analyze the effects of overlapping in the coexistence between regional processes in order to understand their dynamics in the above-mentioned regions. The observation of organizational behaviors and interaction is made through cases of political crises on the selected regions, as we assume that the interactions between overlapping regional organizations in those situations would tend to be more fragmenting than complementary as they go beyond the traditional membership-mandate relationship. Therefore, we also analyze overlapping performances and seek to understand how regional organizations will behave and interact while dealing with political crises, which constitute critical junctures, in accordance with the theoretical and methodological framework of the thesis. This work aims to produce a broad qualitative analysis of the given regions by considering applicable cases that cover all of the sub-regions and hence to contribute to the field of comparative regionalism by providing generalization and institutional learnings which are not derived by a given model of regionalism, but nonetheless based on a cross regional approach. The data is processed through document analysis and further systemized via the construction of presence and absence exercises, consisting ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Resumo: A presente pesquisa tem por objeto a ocorrência de regionalismos sobrepostos, com recorte comparativo para a América do Sul e a África. O propósito desta tese é estudar tipos de interação institucional e analisar os efeitos da sobreposição na coexistência entre processos regionais, de modo a entender sua dinâmica nas regiões supramencionadas. A observação de comportamentos organizacionais e interações é feita através de casos de crises políticas nas regiões selecionadas, uma vez que se assume que ditas interações entre organizações regionais sobrepostas tenderiam a produzir efeitos mais fragmentantes do que complementares para o espaço, uma vez que as mesmas ultrapassam a tradicional relação entre filiação e mandato. Portanto, se analisa também a sobreposição de performances enquanto se procura compreender como as organizações regionais irão se comportar e interagir ao lidar com crises políticas, que constituem conjunturas críticas, de acordo com o referencial teóricometodológico da pesquisa. A tese pretende produzir uma análise qualitativa de grande dimensão das regiões dadas, considerando casos aplicáveis que abarquem todas as sub-regiões e, assim, contribuir para o campo do regionalismo comparado, fornecendo generalizações e aprendizagens institucionais que não são derivadas de um dado modelo de regionalismo, mas, baseadas em uma abordagem regional cruzada. Os dados são processados através da análise de documentos e posteriormente sistematizados através da construção de ex... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Resumen: La presente investigación tiene como objeto la superposición de regionalismos como su objetivo, con un corte comparativo para América del Sur y África. El objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar los tipos de interacción institucional y analizar los efectos de la superposición en la coexistencia entre procesos regionales para comprender su dinámica en las regiones mencionadas. El objetivo de esta tesis es estudiar los tipos de interacción institucional y analizar los efectos de la superposición en la coexistencia entre procesos regionales para comprender su dinámica en las regiones mencionadas. La observación de los comportamientos e interacciones organizacionales se realiza a través de casos de crisis políticas en las regiones seleccionadas, ya que suponemos que las interacciones entre las organizaciones regionales superpuestas en esas situaciones tenderían a ser más fragmentarias que complementarias, ya que van más allá de la relación tradicional de membresía-mandato. Por lo tanto, también analizamos desempeños superpuestos y buscamos comprender cómo se comportarán e interactuarán las organizaciones regionales al enfrentar crisis políticas, que constituyen coyunturas críticas, de acuerdo con el marco teórico y metodológico de la tesis. La tesis tiene como objetivo producir un análisis cualitativo amplio de las regiones dadas al considerar los casos aplicables que cubren todas las subregiones y, por lo tanto, contribuir al campo del regionalismo comparativo al proporcionar general... (Resumen completo clicar acceso eletrônico abajo) / Doutor

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