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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Isolation and characterisation of a polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP) and its encoding gene from Vitis vinifera L.

De Ascensao, Ana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins (PGIPs) are present in the cell walls of a variety of plant species. These proteins have been shown to specifically inhibit endopolygalacturonases (endo-PGs) secreted by invading fungal pathogens as part of the induced disease resistance mechanism of plants. This is the first report on the isolation and characterisation of a pgip gene from Vitis vinifera L., designated grapevine pgip1. A single open reading frame encoding a deduced polypeptide of 333 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 37.1 kOa and a calculated isoelectric point of 8.61 was identified from a 5.6 kb subgenomic fragment of V. vinifera cv Pinotage. Nucleotide and derived amino acid sequence analysis of grapevine pgip1 showed significant homology with other characterised PGIP encoding genes and revealed features characteristic of PGIPs found in several other plant families. Genomic DNA analysis showed that grapevine pgip1 belongs to a small multigene family in Vitis cultivars. From Northern blot analysis it was evident that expression of the PGIP family is both tissue- and developmental stage specific. The grapevine pgip1 was transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana L. with potato virus X (PVX) as a vector. Grapevine PGIP1 isolated from crude protein extracts of PVX-infected N. benthamiana were tested and showed inhibitory activity against polygalacturonases (PGs) from Botrytis cinerea. Grapevine PGIPs have not previously been purified and characterised. Molecular analyses have confirmed that PGIPs are typically encoded by multigene families and that the inhibitor specificities and kinetics of the isolated proteins differ within and among species. In this study, two PGIP isomers from V. vinifera berries were isolated. The one isomer, designated PGIP-A, was partially purified and had a molecular mass of 39 kOa, whereas the other PGIP, designated PGIP-B, was purified and had a molecular mass of 42 kOa as determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SOS-PAGE) and Western blot analysis. Both proteins were cell wall-bound. Enzymatic deglycosylation confirmed that PGIP-B is a glycosylated protein. Grapevine PGIP-A showed strong inhibitory activity against a homogeneous PG from Aspergillus niger and to a lesser extent against PG from Fusarium moniliforme, but was unable to interact with a crude PG preparation from B. cinerea. Grapevine PGIP-B was able to strongly inhibit PGs from B. cinerea as well as from Colletotrichum gleosporoides, yet showed no inhibition towards PG from A. niger. The grapevine pgip1 gene was expressed under the control of the Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter in tobacco plants via Agrobacterium tumefaciensmediated transformation. Transgenic tobacco plants expressing the grapevine PGIP (gPGIP1) were used to demonstrate the effectiveness of this inhibitor against fungal PGs and to investigate whether gPGIP1 influences disease development. Northern blot analysis identified 19 transgenic plants expressing pgip1 transcript levels. Crude PGIP extracts from the transgenic tobacco plants inhibited PGs from B. cinerea and C. gleosporoides, but not PG from A. niger. Leaves from untransformed tobacco plants, from transgenic tobacco lines showing high and low PG inhibition, and from transgenic plants that did not express pgip1, were inoculated with B. cinerea. Transgenic leaves showed a reduction in the size of necrotic lesions of macerated tissues of approximately 45% relative to control and non-expressing transgenic leaves. The results from the heterologous expression of gPGIP1, together with the results from the protein purifications and inhibition studies, indicate that the isolated grapevine pgip1 gene encodes the isolated PGIP-B isomer. This work has ; established a good model system to study certain aspects of plant-pathogen interactions in grapevine. Heterologous expression of gPGIP1 has demonstrated that PGIP inhibition of fungal PGs slows disease development of B. cinerea in planta. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sien volteks vir opsomming

Regulation of the Vitis vinifera PGIP1 gene encoding a polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein

Joubert, Dirk Albert, 1973- 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Plant-pathogen interactions have been intensively investigated in the last decade. This major drive towards understanding the fundamental aspects involved in plant disease resistance is propelled by the obvious agricultural and economical benefits that are intrinsically linked to disease and stress resistant plants. It is, therefore, not surprising that fundamental research in this area is not just restricted to model organisms, such as Arabidopsis and tobacco, but also extends to more traditional crop plants, such as maize, bean, soybean, apples, grapevine etc. In grapevine for instance, several genes involved in disease resistance have been isolated. One of these genes, encoding for a polygalacturonase inhibiting protein (PGIP), has been studied extensively. PGIPs are cell wall bound, contain leucine rich repeats (LRR) and are found in all dicotyledonous plants so far examined. In most cases, pgip genes occur in small multigene families and expression is often tissue specific and developmentally regulated. Up-regulation of PGIP-encoding genes typically occurs upon pathogen infection, treatment with elicitors, salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), cold treatment and wounding. Differential regulation and specificity have been shown to occur between members of the same multigene family. Differential regulation even extends to the utilization of separate pathways to induce pgip genes from the same family in response to a single stress stimulus. PGIPs interact with cell wall macerating polygalacturonases (PGs) that are secreted by pathogenic fungi during the infection process. The antifungal action of PGIPs is thought to depend on a dual action. The physical interaction of PGIP with PGs has an inhibitionary effect, resulting in (i) a slower fungal infection rate and (ii) the prolonged existence of long chain oligogalacturonides (OGs). These oligosaccharides are able to elicit a general plant defense response, enabling the plant to further retard or curb the spread of infection. The main objective of this study was to investigate the regulatory aspects underlying PGIP expression in grapevine. Unlike most characterized PGIP encoding genes from other dicotyledonous plant species, no evidence to support the existence of a V. vinifera PGIP multigene family could be found from either genetic or biochemical analyses. Recently, a genomic DNA fragment from Vitis vinifera cv Pinotage was pathogen interactions with regards to the fundamental processes underlying defense gene regulation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ooglopende voordele wat, vanuit 'n landboukundige én ekonomiese oogpunt, uit siekte- en stresbestande plante spruit, het gedurende die laaste dekade aanleiding gegee tot die ontwikkeling van plantpatogeen-interaksies as "n baie belangrike studieveld. Dit was dus ook te verwagte dat fundamentele navorsing in hierdie area nie net beperk gebly het tot modelorganismes soos Arabidopsis en tabak (ook natuurlik van landboukundige belang) nie, maar ook na meer tradisionele landbougewasse soos mielies, boontjies, sojaboontjies, appels, druiwe, ens. oorgevloei het. Verskeie siekteweerstands-verwante gene is byvoorbeeld al vanuit wingerd geïsoleer. Een só "n geen wat vir "n poligalakturonase-inhiberende proteïen (PGIP) kodeer, vorm deel van hierdie groep gene. Die funksie en regulering van PGIP's is baie goed bestudeer. Hierdie proteïene word normaalweg in die selwande van die meeste dikotiele plante aangetref. Leusienryke herhalings is algemeen in PGIP's en hierdie tipe van herhalings is kenmerkend van proteïene betrokke by proteïen-proteïen-interaksies. Verder word pgip-gene gewoonlik in klein multigeenfamilies aangetref, waar in die meeste gevalle die uitdrukking weefselspesifiek en die regulering spesifiek ten opsigte van die ontwikkelingsfase is. Verskeie faktore kan tot die induksie van pgip-gene lei, soos onder andere patogeen-infeksie, elisitoor-, salisiensuur-, jasmoonsuur- en kouebehandeling, asook verwonding. Differensiële regulering word in baie gevalle tussen lede van dieselfde multigeenfamilie aangetref. Hierdie differensiële regulering kan selfs bemiddel word deur onafhanklike reguleringsweë in reaksie op dieselfde induksiestimulus. PGIP's is in staat om te reageer met poligalakturonases (PGs), wat selwande afbreek en wat gedurende die infeksieproses deur swamme of fungi afgeskei word. Die effek van hierdie interaksie is tweeledig: (i) Die fisiese interaksie tussen PGIP en PG moduleer die aktiwiteit van die PG deur die ensiemaksie te inhibeer, en (ii) PGinhibisie lei tot die verhoogde stabiliteit van langketting-oligogalakturonades, molekules wat daartoe in staat is om die weerstandsrespons van plante te ontlok. Die inhibisie van die patogeen-PG's, tesame met die geïnduseerde weerstandrespons, stel die plant dan in staat om verdere infeksie te vertraag of te verhoed. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die onderliggende aspekte van PGIPregulering in wingerd te bestudeer. In teenstelling met die meeste plantspesies waar pgip-gene in klein multigeenfamilies aangetref word, is daar nie 'n pgip-multigeenfamilie in wingerd nie. Veelvuldige kopieë van In enkele pgip-geen word egter in die wingerdgenoom aangetref. Daar is onlangs in ons laboratorium In genoom-DNAfragment vanaf Vitis vinifera cv Pinotage geïsoleer wat die oopleesraam en 5'-stroomopsekwense van In PGIP-enkoderende geen (Vvpgip1) bevat. In hierdie studie is die uitdrukkingspatroon van Vvpgip1 ten opsigte van weefselspesifisiteit, korrelontwikkelingsfase, asook die effek van verskeie omgewings en patogeenverwante stres-stimuli ontleed. Die regulatoriese meganismes van Vvpgip1 bevat spesifieke in planta-ontwikkelingsfaseseine wat verder deur spesifieke faktore, insluitende omgewings- en patogeenstres, gereguleer word. In lyn hiermee is mRNS-transkripte van Vvpgip1 tot wortel- en korrelweefsels beperk, terwyl die mRNS-vlakke ook tussen verskillende korrelontwikkelingsfases wissel. Kumulatiewe uitdrukking kon waargeneem word in veráison-korrels in reaksie op verwonding en osmotiese stres. Die weefselspesifieke uitdrukkingspatroon tipies van wingerd-PGIP is in blare opgehef in reaksie op Botrytis cinerea-infeksie, verwonding, osmotiese stres, ouksien (indoolasynsuur) en salisiensuur. PGIP-uitdrukking word ook onderdruk deur In staurosporien-sensitiewe proteïenkinase, wat In goeie aanduiding is van die betrokkenheid van proteïenfosforilasie in die seintransduksiekaskade wat tot PGIPuitdrukking aanleiding gee. Die geïnduseerde PGIP-uitdrukkingsprofiel in wingerdblare kan ook nageboots word in tabak wat met die Vvpgip1-geen en -promotor getransformeer is. PG-inhibisie-eksperimente met membraan-geassosieerde proteïenekstrakte van geïnduseerde wingerdblare het ook dieselfde profiel getoon as dié van PGIP wat deur die Vvpgip1-geen geënkodeer is. Die uitdrukkingsprofiel van PGIP in die transgeniese tabakplante het ook bewys dat die promotor van die Vvpgip1-geen vir die geïnduseerde PGIP-uitdrukkingsprofiel in wingerdblare verantwoordelik is. In silica-analise van die promotorarea dui op die teenwoordigheid van verskeie cis-werkende elemente. Die kern promotor en transkripsie-aanvangsgedeelte is gevolglik eksperimenteel bepaal. Verder het uitdrukkingseksperimente met promotorfragmente verskeie dele van die promotor geïdentifiseer wat by stimulis-geassosieerde uitdrukking betrokke is. Posisioneel is hierdie fragmente in goeie konteks met die voorspelde cis-werkende elemente en kan dus die basis vorm vir verdere studies oor Vvpgip-regulering. Met hierdie studie word die eerste data verskaf waar die regulering van PGIP deur omgewingsverwante faktore verbind kan word met onwikkelingspesifieke toestande in die plant. Verder verskaf die resultate verdere bewyse vir die rol van PGIP in plant-patogeen-interaksies en lewer spesifieke bydraes tot die onderliggende prosesse wat by die regulering van siekteweerstandverwante gene betrokke is.

Biochemical Study and Technical Applications of Fungal Pectinase

Zhang, Jing January 2006 (has links)
<p>Pectinases are a group of enzymes produced by bacteria, fungi, higher plants and animals. Pectinases can modify and degrade pectins, a class of heterogeneous and multifunctional polysaccharides present in middle lamellae and primary cell walls of plants. Pectins have been showed to play diverse roles in cell physiology, growth, adhesion and separation. Pectinases are used technically in the processing of fiber production and fruit juice or wine making. We have studied the mechanisms and applications of pectinases, especially in retting, a microbiological process where bast fibers in flax and other bast fiber cultivars are released from each other and from the woody core.</p><p>A strong correlation was found between the ability to perform retting and the degradation of sparsely esterified pectin, a substrate of polygalacturonase. This led to the conclusion that polygalacturonase plays a key role in the enzymatic retting of flax. We purified and characterized an extracellular polygalacturonase produced by Rhizopus oryzae, a very potent retting organism. The purified enzyme which appeared to be the single active component in retting, has non-methylated polygalacturonan as its preferred substrate. Peptide sequences indicate that the enzyme, like another polygalacturonase (EC., belongs to glycosyl hydrolase family 28. It contains, however, an N-terminal sequence absent from other fungal pectinases, but present in an enzyme from the phytopathogenic bacterium, Ralstonia solanacearum.</p><p>Our finding that removal of calcium ions from the plant material by pre-incubation in dilute acid in enzymatic retting could reduce enzyme consumption by several orders of magnitude, improves the economical feasibility of the enzymatic retting process. Comparisons with different acids showed that the action was mainly pH dependent.</p><p>Pectinases were employed as analytical tools in a study of stored wood discoloration and, together with cellulases, in a mechanical process for making pulp from flax and hemp in paper production. </p>

Biochemical Study and Technical Applications of Fungal Pectinase

Zhang, Jing January 2006 (has links)
Pectinases are a group of enzymes produced by bacteria, fungi, higher plants and animals. Pectinases can modify and degrade pectins, a class of heterogeneous and multifunctional polysaccharides present in middle lamellae and primary cell walls of plants. Pectins have been showed to play diverse roles in cell physiology, growth, adhesion and separation. Pectinases are used technically in the processing of fiber production and fruit juice or wine making. We have studied the mechanisms and applications of pectinases, especially in retting, a microbiological process where bast fibers in flax and other bast fiber cultivars are released from each other and from the woody core. A strong correlation was found between the ability to perform retting and the degradation of sparsely esterified pectin, a substrate of polygalacturonase. This led to the conclusion that polygalacturonase plays a key role in the enzymatic retting of flax. We purified and characterized an extracellular polygalacturonase produced by Rhizopus oryzae, a very potent retting organism. The purified enzyme which appeared to be the single active component in retting, has non-methylated polygalacturonan as its preferred substrate. Peptide sequences indicate that the enzyme, like another polygalacturonase (EC., belongs to glycosyl hydrolase family 28. It contains, however, an N-terminal sequence absent from other fungal pectinases, but present in an enzyme from the phytopathogenic bacterium, Ralstonia solanacearum. Our finding that removal of calcium ions from the plant material by pre-incubation in dilute acid in enzymatic retting could reduce enzyme consumption by several orders of magnitude, improves the economical feasibility of the enzymatic retting process. Comparisons with different acids showed that the action was mainly pH dependent. Pectinases were employed as analytical tools in a study of stored wood discoloration and, together with cellulases, in a mechanical process for making pulp from flax and hemp in paper production.

Use of pectinases to improve the nutritive value of lupins for poultry

Ali, Ahmed January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Australia produces 87% of the world’s lupins (Lupinus angustifolius) which have the potential to be an excellent source of protein and energy in animal diets. However, feed manufacturers and poultry producers cannot use more than about 5% lupins in broiler and 7% in layer diets. The main reason is because 34% of the lupin grain comprises complex cell-wall polysaccharides that are indigestible. The main component of cell walls in lupins is pectin (33%). Poultry cannot digest pectin because they don't secrete the appropriate enzymes so their ability to use lupins is limited. Undigested pectins increase the viscosity of digesta in the bird's digestive tract, which in turn reduces the digestibility of dry matter and efficiency of feed utilisation. Pectins also increase water-holding capacity, a characteristic directly related to water intake and wet droppings. In this thesis, I tested the general hypothesis that breakdown of cell walls and pectins will improve the nutritive value of lupins for broilers and layers and reduce wet droppings. This hypothesis was tested in six experiments by treating lupins with specific exogenous enzymes (pectinases) or mechanical-heat treatment (expansion) plus pectinase. In the first experiment, attempts to break down the cell walls and pectins using four doses of pectinase, specifically polygalacturonase (PG), succeeded in improving the nutritive value of whole and dehulled lupins for egg layers. The lowest dose, 0.6g/kg diet, was the most effective dose for reducing water intake, wet droppings, the viscosity of the digesta and the number of soiled eggs. ... Equivalent figures for layers were 14, 15, 5 and 8%, indicating that the pectinases were slightly more effective in layers than broilers. For diets containing 20% dehulled lupins, pectinases were also very effective at breaking down both pectin and cell walls to release nutrients and, concomitantly, reducing water intake and wet droppings, but the magnitude of the responses was slightly less than with the 10% dehulled lupin diets. For diets containing 30% dehulled lupins, although the pectinases again were effective at breaking down pectin and cell walls and reducing viscosity, they did not reduce water intake or wet droppings. This might be due to the large amounts of nonmethylated pectic polysaccharides, which make up two thirds of the cell walls, by increasing water-holding capacity particularly when dehulled lupins are included in the diet at high levels (up to 30%). These polysaccharides might be broken down by appropriate enzymes. This hypothesis is worth testing in the future. Overall, the results of my study supported the general hypothesis. These in vivo results are conclusive and consistent. They show that an optimum combination of PME and PG is capable of including dehulled lupins up to 20% in broiler and layer diets without any nutritional or hygienic problems. The strategies I developed have proven very useful for breaking down the cell walls and pectins, improving the nutritive value of lupins for broilers and layers, and reducing wet droppings. By using the optimum combination of two pectinases, it should be possible to make substantial improvements in the nutritive value of lupins for broilers and layers, most importantly by reducing excessive water intake and wet droppings associated with feeding dehulled lupins. Without pectinases, the amount of dehulled lupins used in poultry diets is fairly small (7%), but if pectinases are used, this upper limit can be lifted to 20%.

Produção de poligalacturonase termoestável pelo fungo Rhizomucor pusillus A 13.36 em fermentação em estado sólido, purificação e caracterização da enzima

Freitas, Paula Mendes de [UNESP] 27 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-11-27Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:04:36Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 freitas_pm_dr_rcla.pdf: 670514 bytes, checksum: 22df87c8cdf056a03825df30dc778c89 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / O fungo Rhizomucor pusillus A 13.36, quando cultivado por fermentação em estado sólido utilizando farelo de algodão como fonte de carbono por 72 horas, produziu altos níveis de poligalacturonase (18,6U/g). Essa enzima apresentou atividade máxima em pH 5,5 e em 55oC. A poligalacturonase bruta apresentou estabilidade na faixa de pH entre 4,5 e 6,5, com uma atividade residual de 91,3% no pH 6,5, e também até 70oC por 1h, com atividade residual de 80% nas temperaturas de 55 a 60oC. Esta enzima foi purificada por concentração e uma combinação de procedimentos de gel filtração e cromatografia de troca-iônica. A massa molecular da enzima foi 53,7kDa. A focalização isoelétrica mostrou uma única banda cujo ponto isoelétrico (pI) foi 3,8. A atividade máxima da enzima purificada também ocorreu em pH 5,5 e a 55oC. A enzima purificada foi estável na faixa de pH 4,5 a 6,5, com atividade residual na faixa de 80 a 100%, e também até 70oC por 1h, com atividade residual de 100% nas temperaturas de 55 a 60oC. A enzima purificada foi totalmente inibida por Ca2+, Cu2+, Hg2+ e 80% inibida por Fe2+ e Ag+. Mg2+ estimulou a atividade da poligalacturonase em 100%. Entre os substratos avaliados, a pectina de citrus (D.E. 92%) foi o que mais estimulou a ação da enzima. A afinidade por pectinas de alta esterificação e a ausência de atividade quando o ácido poligalacturônico foi usado como substrato, indica que a enzima purificada é uma polimetilgalacturonase. Os resultados obtidos pela cromatografia de papel demonstraram que a polimetilgalacturonase purificada possui o modo de clivagem endo/exo misto. O Km com pectina de citrus foi 10,78mg mL-1 e a Vmax foi 2379,04μmolmin-1mg-1. As possíveis aplicações desta enzima incluem composição de detergentes, processamento têxtil e de fibras de celulose, degradação ou modificação de material vegetal, aditivo... / Rhizomucor pusillus A 13.36 produced high levels of polygalacturonase (18.6U/g) in solid state fermentation in medium composed by cotton bran for 72 hours. This enzyme showed maximal activity at pH 5.5 and 55oC. Crude polygalacturonase was stable from pH 4.5 to 6.5, with remaining activity of 91,3% at pH 6.5, and stable until 70oC for 1h, with remaining activity of 80% at 55-60oC. This enzyme was purified by concentration and a combination of gel filtration and ion exchange chromatographic procedures. The molecular mass of the enzyme was 53.7kDa. Isoelectric focusing showed a single band with an isoelectric point (pI) of 3.8. The purified enzyme also showed maximum activity at pH 5.5 and 55oC. The purified enzyme was stable from pH 4.5 to 6.5, with remaining activity range of 80 to 100%, and stable until 70oC for 1h, with remaining activity of 100% at 55-60oC. The purified enzyme was totally inhibited by Ca2+, Cu2+, Hg2+ and 80% inhibited by Fe2+ and Ag+. Mg2+ increased poligalacturonase activity in 100%. Citrus pectin (D.E. 92%) was found to be the preferred substrate among the different substrates tested in the enzyme assay. The affinity for high pectin esterification and the lack of activity when polygalacturonic acid was used as substrate, indicates that the enzyme is a polymethylgalacturonase. The results obtained by paper chromatography showed that the purified polymethylgalacturonase has the mixed endo/exo mode of cleavage. The Km with citrus pectin was 10.78mg mL-1 and the Vmax was 2379.04μmolmin-1mg- 1. The possible applications of this enzyme include the composition of detergents, textile and cellulosic fiber processing, degradation or modification of plant material, animal feed additive and wine and juice processing.

Produção de poligalacturonases por fungos termofílicos e mesofílicos em fermentação em estado sólido e comparação das isoformas da enzima produzidas por cada grupo

Monteiro, Alexandre Costa [UNESP] 25 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-04-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:08:23Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 monteiro_ac_me_rcla.pdf: 419901 bytes, checksum: 6e17ba68310913d5db3d8de5269a40dd (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / As pectinases são enzimas com importantes aplicações econômicas, especialmente na indústria alimentícia. Pectinases termoestáveis, produzidas por microrganismos termofílicos, apresentam uma série de características que favorecem sua aplicação em processos industriais, como, por exemplo, estabilidade em ampla faixa de pH e temperatura e maior tolerância a agentes químicos desnaturantes de proteínas. Contudo, os principais microrganismos empregados na produção de poligalacturonases (PGs) são fungos mesofílicos. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um estudo comparativo de produção de PGs em fermentação em estado sólido (FES) por fungos mesofílicos e termofílicos. Foram utilizados os fungos mesofílicos Aspergillus niger NRRL 3112 e Penicillium itallicum IZ 1584, reconhecidos como bons produtores de PGs, os termofílicos Thermomyces lanuginosus ROB e Rhizomucor pusillus A13.36 e o termodúrico Aspergillus fumigatus N31. Os microrganismos foram cultivados em FES em farelo de trigo, os mesofílicos a 27ºC e os demais a 45ºC, por períodos de 10 a 15 dias. Os maiores produtores de PG foram P. itallicum IZ 1584 (51U/g) e A. fumigatus N31 (59,40 U/g). As PGs dos fungos termofílicos apresentaram maiores valores de temperatura ótima e maior termoestabilidade que as dos mesofílicos. T. lanuginosus produziu PG com maior valor de temperatura ótima (70ºC). A. fumigatus produziu a PG mais termoestável, que conservou 100% da atividade original após 1 h de incubação a 50ºC em ausência de substrato. Cromatografias em filtração em gel e zimogramas revelaram a expressão de 7 isoformas de PG em A. niger NRRL 3112, 3 isoformas em P. itallicum IZ 1584, T. lanuginosus ROB e R. pusillus, e 2 isoformas em A. fumigatus N31. / Pectinases are enzymes with important economic applications, especially in food industry. Termostable pectinases, produced by termophilic microorganisms, display an array of characteristics that support their application in industrial processes, such as stability through a wide pH and temperature range, as well as higher tolerance to protein denaturating chemical agents. However, the major microoganisms employed in polygalacturonases (PGs) prodution are mesophilic fungi. The present work aimed to make a comparative study of PG production by mesophilic and thermophilc fungi in Solid-State Fermentation (SSF). The fungi employed were the mesophilic Aspergillus niger NRRL 3112 and Penicillium itallicum IZ 1584, both known as good PGs producers, the thermophilic Thermomyces lanuginosus ROB and Rhizomucor pusillus A13.36 and the termoduric Aspergillus fumigatus N31. The fungi were bred in wheat bran in SSF, the mesophilic at 27ºC and the others at 45ºC, during periods of 10 to 15 days. The higher PGs producers where P. itallicum IZ 1584 (51U/g) and A. fumigatus N31 (59,40 U/g). PGs of thermophilc fungi have shown higher values of optimum temperature and termostability than mesophilic PGs. T. lanuginosus produced PG with the higher value of optimum temperature for activity (70ºC). A. fumigatus have shown the most thermostable PG, which mantained 100% of its original activity after 1 h of incubation at 50ºC in absence of substrate. Gel filtration chromatography and zymograms revealed the expression of 7 PG isoforms for A. niger, 3 isoforms for P. itallicum IZ 1584, T. lanuginosus ROB and R. Pusillus, and 2 isoforms for A. fumigatus N31.

Produção de poligalacturonases por fungos termofílicos e mesofílicos em fermentação em estado sólido e comparação das isoformas da enzima produzidas por cada grupo /

Monteiro, Alexandre Costa. January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Eleni Gomes / Banca: Eleonora Cano Carmona / Banca: Hamilton Cabral / Resumo: As pectinases são enzimas com importantes aplicações econômicas, especialmente na indústria alimentícia. Pectinases termoestáveis, produzidas por microrganismos termofílicos, apresentam uma série de características que favorecem sua aplicação em processos industriais, como, por exemplo, estabilidade em ampla faixa de pH e temperatura e maior tolerância a agentes químicos desnaturantes de proteínas. Contudo, os principais microrganismos empregados na produção de poligalacturonases (PGs) são fungos mesofílicos. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo realizar um estudo comparativo de produção de PGs em fermentação em estado sólido (FES) por fungos mesofílicos e termofílicos. Foram utilizados os fungos mesofílicos Aspergillus niger NRRL 3112 e Penicillium itallicum IZ 1584, reconhecidos como bons produtores de PGs, os termofílicos Thermomyces lanuginosus ROB e Rhizomucor pusillus A13.36 e o termodúrico Aspergillus fumigatus N31. Os microrganismos foram cultivados em FES em farelo de trigo, os mesofílicos a 27ºC e os demais a 45ºC, por períodos de 10 a 15 dias. Os maiores produtores de PG foram P. itallicum IZ 1584 (51U/g) e A. fumigatus N31 (59,40 U/g). As PGs dos fungos termofílicos apresentaram maiores valores de temperatura ótima e maior termoestabilidade que as dos mesofílicos. T. lanuginosus produziu PG com maior valor de temperatura ótima (70ºC). A. fumigatus produziu a PG mais termoestável, que conservou 100% da atividade original após 1 h de incubação a 50ºC em ausência de substrato. Cromatografias em filtração em gel e zimogramas revelaram a expressão de 7 isoformas de PG em A. niger NRRL 3112, 3 isoformas em P. itallicum IZ 1584, T. lanuginosus ROB e R. pusillus, e 2 isoformas em A. fumigatus N31. / Abstract: Pectinases are enzymes with important economic applications, especially in food industry. Termostable pectinases, produced by termophilic microorganisms, display an array of characteristics that support their application in industrial processes, such as stability through a wide pH and temperature range, as well as higher tolerance to protein denaturating chemical agents. However, the major microoganisms employed in polygalacturonases (PGs) prodution are mesophilic fungi. The present work aimed to make a comparative study of PG production by mesophilic and thermophilc fungi in Solid-State Fermentation (SSF). The fungi employed were the mesophilic Aspergillus niger NRRL 3112 and Penicillium itallicum IZ 1584, both known as good PGs producers, the thermophilic Thermomyces lanuginosus ROB and Rhizomucor pusillus A13.36 and the termoduric Aspergillus fumigatus N31. The fungi were bred in wheat bran in SSF, the mesophilic at 27ºC and the others at 45ºC, during periods of 10 to 15 days. The higher PGs producers where P. itallicum IZ 1584 (51U/g) and A. fumigatus N31 (59,40 U/g). PGs of thermophilc fungi have shown higher values of optimum temperature and termostability than mesophilic PGs. T. lanuginosus produced PG with the higher value of optimum temperature for activity (70ºC). A. fumigatus have shown the most thermostable PG, which mantained 100% of its original activity after 1 h of incubation at 50ºC in absence of substrate. Gel filtration chromatography and zymograms revealed the expression of 7 PG isoforms for A. niger, 3 isoforms for P. itallicum IZ 1584, T. lanuginosus ROB and R. Pusillus, and 2 isoforms for A. fumigatus N31. / Mestre

Produção de poligalacturonase termoestável pelo fungo Rhizomucor pusillus A 13.36 em fermentação em estado sólido, purificação e caracterização da enzima /

Freitas, Paula Mendes de. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Eleni Gomes / Banca: Eleonora Cano Carmona / Banca: Hamilton Cabral / Banca: Daniela Alonso Bocchini Martins / Banca: Maria de Lourdes T. de M. Polizeli / Resumo: O fungo Rhizomucor pusillus A 13.36, quando cultivado por fermentação em estado sólido utilizando farelo de algodão como fonte de carbono por 72 horas, produziu altos níveis de poligalacturonase (18,6U/g). Essa enzima apresentou atividade máxima em pH 5,5 e em 55oC. A poligalacturonase bruta apresentou estabilidade na faixa de pH entre 4,5 e 6,5, com uma atividade residual de 91,3% no pH 6,5, e também até 70oC por 1h, com atividade residual de 80% nas temperaturas de 55 a 60oC. Esta enzima foi purificada por concentração e uma combinação de procedimentos de gel filtração e cromatografia de troca-iônica. A massa molecular da enzima foi 53,7kDa. A focalização isoelétrica mostrou uma única banda cujo ponto isoelétrico (pI) foi 3,8. A atividade máxima da enzima purificada também ocorreu em pH 5,5 e a 55oC. A enzima purificada foi estável na faixa de pH 4,5 a 6,5, com atividade residual na faixa de 80 a 100%, e também até 70oC por 1h, com atividade residual de 100% nas temperaturas de 55 a 60oC. A enzima purificada foi totalmente inibida por Ca2+, Cu2+, Hg2+ e 80% inibida por Fe2+ e Ag+. Mg2+ estimulou a atividade da poligalacturonase em 100%. Entre os substratos avaliados, a pectina de citrus (D.E. 92%) foi o que mais estimulou a ação da enzima. A afinidade por pectinas de alta esterificação e a ausência de atividade quando o ácido poligalacturônico foi usado como substrato, indica que a enzima purificada é uma polimetilgalacturonase. Os resultados obtidos pela cromatografia de papel demonstraram que a polimetilgalacturonase purificada possui o modo de clivagem endo/exo misto. O Km com pectina de citrus foi 10,78mg mL-1 e a Vmax foi 2379,04μmolmin-1mg-1. As possíveis aplicações desta enzima incluem composição de detergentes, processamento têxtil e de fibras de celulose, degradação ou modificação de material vegetal, aditivo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Rhizomucor pusillus A 13.36 produced high levels of polygalacturonase (18.6U/g) in solid state fermentation in medium composed by cotton bran for 72 hours. This enzyme showed maximal activity at pH 5.5 and 55oC. Crude polygalacturonase was stable from pH 4.5 to 6.5, with remaining activity of 91,3% at pH 6.5, and stable until 70oC for 1h, with remaining activity of 80% at 55-60oC. This enzyme was purified by concentration and a combination of gel filtration and ion exchange chromatographic procedures. The molecular mass of the enzyme was 53.7kDa. Isoelectric focusing showed a single band with an isoelectric point (pI) of 3.8. The purified enzyme also showed maximum activity at pH 5.5 and 55oC. The purified enzyme was stable from pH 4.5 to 6.5, with remaining activity range of 80 to 100%, and stable until 70oC for 1h, with remaining activity of 100% at 55-60oC. The purified enzyme was totally inhibited by Ca2+, Cu2+, Hg2+ and 80% inhibited by Fe2+ and Ag+. Mg2+ increased poligalacturonase activity in 100%. Citrus pectin (D.E. 92%) was found to be the preferred substrate among the different substrates tested in the enzyme assay. The affinity for high pectin esterification and the lack of activity when polygalacturonic acid was used as substrate, indicates that the enzyme is a polymethylgalacturonase. The results obtained by paper chromatography showed that the purified polymethylgalacturonase has the mixed endo/exo mode of cleavage. The Km with citrus pectin was 10.78mg mL-1 and the Vmax was 2379.04μmolmin-1mg- 1. The possible applications of this enzyme include the composition of detergents, textile and cellulosic fiber processing, degradation or modification of plant material, animal feed additive and wine and juice processing. / Doutor

Purificação, caracterização e aplicação de uma exo-poligalacturonase de penicillium janthinellum VI2R3M / Purification, characterization and application of exo-polygalacturonase from Penicillium janthinellum VI2R3M

Pagnonceli, Juliana 28 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Edineia Teixeira (edineia.teixeira@unioeste.br) on 2018-10-19T17:25:58Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Juliana_Pagnonceli_2018.pdf: 1171494 bytes, checksum: 7cdad7d4daba3285af407e74a949221c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-19T17:25:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Juliana_Pagnonceli_2018.pdf: 1171494 bytes, checksum: 7cdad7d4daba3285af407e74a949221c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-28 / Pectinases are enzymes in increasing use in the industrial sector as in the juice, wine, food, paper and fabric industries. They can be produced by a variety of microorganisms, but the fungi have greater advantages because they adapt to the great variety of substrates, they have a fast growth and they present wide prevalence in the environment. Pectinases act on pectin, which is one of the major components of the cell wall of plants and is rich in galacturonic acid (GalA). Among pectinases, polygalacturonase (PG) degrades the pectin molecule by acting internally and randomly in the chain, releasing oligosaccharides (endo-PG), or by attacking the non-reducing end of the chain, releasing monosaccharides (exo-PG). In view of the above, the objective of this work was to investigate the production of a polygalacturonase from the fungus Penicillium janthinellum VI2R3M, which was isolated from the Atlantic Forest of the West of Paraná, and afterwards, to purify, characterize and test a possible applicability. The enzyme was produced by culturing in Khanna medium, then purified through chromatographic columns and its purity and molecular weight confirmed by electrophoresis under denaturing conditions (SDS-PAGE). Subsequently, the enzyme was biochemically characterized in terms of pH, temperature, influence of metal ions, substrate specificity, hydrolysis products, molecular weight, kinetic parameters (Km, Vmáx, Kcat) and application of juice clarification. A PG was purified after two chromatographic steps involving ion exchange columns (DEAE-Sephadex) and molecular filtration (Sephadex G100). The purity and molecular mass (102.0 kDa) of the enzyme were determined by SDS-PAGE. The enzyme showed maximum activity at pH 5.0 and temperature at 50 °C, remaining 100% stable at 50 °C for 30 minutes and 80% at pH 3.0 to 5.0 for 24 hours. The Mg2+ metal ion increased enzyme activity significantly. Kinetic parameters, that is, Km, Vmax e Kcat for pectin hydrolysis were 2.56 mg/mL, 163.1 U/mg and 277s-¹, respectively. PG is highly specific for the polygalacturonic acid substrate and generated mono-galacturonic acid, products characteristic of exo-PG action. The clarified juices of orange, apple and mango presented an increase in transmittance at 35, 45, 49%, respectively, with reduction of color in 22, 51, 55%, respectively. In this way, the exo-PG of P. janthinellum VI2R3M has interesting biochemical characteristics for application in juice industries. / Pectinases são enzimas em crescente uso no setor industrial como na indústria de sucos, vinhos, alimentos, papel e tecidos. Podem ser produzidas por uma variedade de microrganismos, mas os fungos apresentam maiores vantagens pois se adaptam a grande variedade de substratos, possuem um rápido crescimento e apresentam ampla prevalência no meio ambiente. As pectinases atuam sobre a pectina, que é um dos principais componentes da parede celular de plantas e é rica em ácido galacturônico (GalA). Entre as pectinases, a poligalacturonase (PG) degrada a molécula de pectina atuando internamente e ao acaso na cadeia, liberando oligossacarídeos (endo-PG), ou por ataque da extremidade não redutora da cadeia, liberando monossacarídeos (exo-PG). Diante do exposto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a produção de uma poligalacturonase a partir do fungo Penicillium janthinellum VI2R3M, que foi isolado da Mata Atlântica do Oeste do Paraná, e após, purificar, caracterizar e testar uma possível aplicabilidade. A enzima foi produzida através de cultivo em meio Khanna, em seguida foi purificada através de colunas cromatográficas e sua pureza e massa molecular confirmada por eletroforese em condições desnaturantes (SDS-PAGE). Posteriormente, a enzima foi caracterizada bioquimicamente quanto ao pH, temperatura, influência dos íons metálicos, especificidade ao substrato, produtos de hidrólise, peso molecular, parâmetros cinéticos (Km, Vmáx, Kcat) e verificada a aplicação na clarificação de sucos. Uma PG foi purificada após duas etapas cromatográficas envolvendo colunas de troca iônica (DEAE-Sephadex) e filtração molecular (Sephadex G100). A pureza e massa molecular (102,0 kDa) da enzima foram determinadas por SDS-PAGE. A enzima apresentou atividade máxima em pH 5,0 e na tempertatura de 50 °C, mantendo-se 100% estável a 50 °C por 30 minutos e 80% em pH 3,0 a 5,0 por 24 horas. O íon metálico Mg2+ aumentou a atividade da enzima significativamente. Parâmetros cinéticos, ou seja, o Km, Vmax e Kcat para hidrólise da pectina foram de 2,56 mg/mL, 163,1 U/mg e 277s-1 respectivamente. A PG é altamente específica para o substrato ácido poligalacturônico e gerou ácido mono-galacturônico, produtos característicos da ação de exo-PG. Os sucos clarificados de laranja, maçã e manga apresentaram aumento da transmitância em 35, 45, 49%, respectivamente, com redução da cor em 22, 51, 55%, respectivamente. Dessa forma, a exo-PG de P. janthinellum VI2R3M possui características bioquímicas interessantes para aplicação em indústrias de sucos.

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