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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alibis d’un autre monde ? : expériences théâtrales au-dehors à Paris et à New York : 1913- 1939 / Alibis for another world? : outdoor theatrical experiences in Paris and New York : 1913-1939

Prévot, Géraldine 11 December 2017 (has links)
Les expériences théâtrales au-dehors sont multiples, à Paris et à New York entre 1913 et 1939, et plus largement dans l’ensemble du monde théâtral. Comment les interpréter, et les resituer dans l’histoire générale des formes théâtrales? Leur extrême diversité empêche tout discours homogène et invite à adopter une méthode d’analyse procédant par cas d’étude plutôt que par système. Cette thèse se propose de forger un concept opératoire, celui de « dehors », qui permettrait d’analyser ces formes et d’en restituer la polysémie. En se concentrant sur le contexte urbain et en faisant le choix d’une attitude comparatiste, cette étude vise à prendre en compte le spectacle des et dans les villes de Paris et New York, à un moment où les échanges entre les deux métropoles sont extrêmement féconds. Jacques Copeau, André Barsacq, le groupe Octobre, les représentations du Vray Mistère de la Passion dans les années 1930, les spectacles du Front Populaire, ou encore Jean-Richard Bloch sont quelques-unes des figures et des séances théâtrales sur lesquelles la partie française s’arrêtera. Pour le contexte américain, l’étude s’appuie notamment sur les expériences des Provincetown Players, sur la tradition des pageants et leur réorientation idéologique dans certains cas, sur les conceptions théâtrales de Percy MacKaye, sur les projects architecturaux de Friedrich Kiesler ou Norman Bel Geddes, mais aussi sur le Federal Theatre Project. L’objectif de cette thèse est ainsi d’analyser de quoi ces appropriations théâtrales diverses du dehors peuvent être le signe, au sein de quelle histoire théâtrale elles peuvent s’inscrire, et dans quelle mesure leur oubli relatif est révélateur, sur le plan tant esthétique que politique. / Many outdoor theatrical experiences could be observed in Paris and in New York, between 1913 and 1939 and, more broadly, in the whole theatrical world. How can we interpret them? And how can we insert them in the larger history of theatrical forms? Their extreme diversity prevents us from having a homogeneous discourse about them and calls for a method based on case studies more than on a systematic approach. This thesis aims at creating an operative concept, the « outdoor » concept (« dehors » in French), which will enable us to dig deeper into those theatrical forms and to restore their polysemy. By focusing on an urban context and by choosing a comparative approach, this thesis aspires to take into account the spectacle of the cities of Paris and New York and the spectacles in them, at a time when the exchanges between the two cities were very productive. Jacques Copeau, André Barsacq, the « groupe Octobre », the showings of the Vray Mistère de la Passion in the 1930s, the great shows during the Popular Front or Jean-Richard Bloch are some of the figures and theatrical events discussed in the first part of this work. The second part deals with the American context, it draws on experiences such as the Provincetown Players, the pageant tradition and its ideological shift, the theatrical vision of Percy MacKaye, the architectural projects of Friedrich Kiesler or Norman Bel Geddes, or the Federal Theatre Project. This thesis will hopefully help to understand these outdoor performances, what they indicate in terms of history and aesthetics and how their relatively cursory consideration can paradoxically be meaningful in several respects.

Discours et pratiques du théâtre populaire : le cas du Théâtre Populaire du Québec de 1963 à 1976

Lavoie, Sylvain 02 1900 (has links)
Le théâtre populaire, concept chargé des finalités les plus diverses, sʼinstitutionnalise en France à la fin du XIXe siècle, notamment grâce à Romain Rolland, Firmin Gémier, Jacques Copeau, Jean Vilar et Bertolt Brecht. De nombreuses traces de ces réflexions et pratiques se retrouvent dans le théâtre québécois, et tout au long de lʼexistence du Théâtre Populaire du Québec (TPQ) dont ce mémoire veut dégager les principaux éléments de la pensée artistique des directions successives pour les confronter aux programmes établis de la fondation de la compagnie en 1963 jusquʼen 1976. Au cours de cette période qui sʼest avérée déterminante dans le domaine de la production théâtrale au Québec, lʼhistoire de la compagnie met en lumière les paradoxes et les apories du concept de théâtre populaire. / The concept of popular theatre, which is full of the most diverse purposes, becomes institutionalized in France at the end of the XIXth century thanks to, among others, Romain Rolland, Firmin Gemier, Jacques Copeau, Jean Vilar and Bertolt Brecht. Numerous traces of these thoughts and practices are found in Quebec theatre, and throughout the existence of the Theatre Populaire du Quebec (TPQ) of which this report aims to draw the artistic thoughtʼs main elements of the successive directions, to then confront them with the established programs, that from the foundation of the company in 1963 until 1976. During this period, which turned out to be a deciding factor in the field of theatrical production in Quebec, the history of this company enlightens the paradoxes and aporias of the concept of popular theatre.

Discours et pratiques du théâtre populaire : le cas du Théâtre Populaire du Québec de 1963 à 1976

Lavoie, Sylvain 02 1900 (has links)
Le théâtre populaire, concept chargé des finalités les plus diverses, sʼinstitutionnalise en France à la fin du XIXe siècle, notamment grâce à Romain Rolland, Firmin Gémier, Jacques Copeau, Jean Vilar et Bertolt Brecht. De nombreuses traces de ces réflexions et pratiques se retrouvent dans le théâtre québécois, et tout au long de lʼexistence du Théâtre Populaire du Québec (TPQ) dont ce mémoire veut dégager les principaux éléments de la pensée artistique des directions successives pour les confronter aux programmes établis de la fondation de la compagnie en 1963 jusquʼen 1976. Au cours de cette période qui sʼest avérée déterminante dans le domaine de la production théâtrale au Québec, lʼhistoire de la compagnie met en lumière les paradoxes et les apories du concept de théâtre populaire. / The concept of popular theatre, which is full of the most diverse purposes, becomes institutionalized in France at the end of the XIXth century thanks to, among others, Romain Rolland, Firmin Gemier, Jacques Copeau, Jean Vilar and Bertolt Brecht. Numerous traces of these thoughts and practices are found in Quebec theatre, and throughout the existence of the Theatre Populaire du Quebec (TPQ) of which this report aims to draw the artistic thoughtʼs main elements of the successive directions, to then confront them with the established programs, that from the foundation of the company in 1963 until 1976. During this period, which turned out to be a deciding factor in the field of theatrical production in Quebec, the history of this company enlightens the paradoxes and aporias of the concept of popular theatre.

Les lieux de la critique de théâtre en France : enjeux esthétiques et convictions politiques : 1964-1981 / Loci of theatre critique in France : aesthetic issues and political convictions : 1964-1981

Valette, Léa 04 November 2014 (has links)
Ce travail étudie les liens qui relient la critique dramatique à une forme d’engagement politique dont certaines revues généralistes ont été porteuses du milieu des années 1960 au début des années 1980, à partir d’un corpus d’articles parus dans Les Temps modernes, Esprit et La Quinzaine Littéraire, dont la plupart sont respectivement signés par Renée Saurel, Alfred Simon et Gilles Sandier. La politisation de cette critique se manifeste dans laconception qu’elle professe du rôle du théâtre dans la société, dans les critères qu’elle applique à l’analyse des spectacles, dans sa participation aux débats des milieux artistiques et intellectuels, mais aussi dans l’acte même de l’écriture. La critique théâtrale pratiquée dans ces revues tend à se distinguer à la fois de la chronique journalistique et ducommentaire savant. Si sa périodicité lui permet de suivre l’actualité de la scène française (et surtout celle du théâtre public parisien), elle entend rompre avec le modèle traditionnel du compte-Rendu journalistique effectué sur un mode impressioniste. Elle tente d’expliciter ses critères de jugement en les rapportant aux problèmes théoriques soulevés par le marxisme, le brechtisme ou encore le structuralisme. Pour ce faire, elle s’ouvre à de nouveaux domaines de controverse comme celui des politiques culturelles. Bien qu’elle reconnaisse un certain degré d’autonomie aux questions esthétiques, elle considère l’écriture et la mise en scène au prisme de l’efficacité politique, en vue de promouvoir un théâtre véritablement populaire. Support matériel et instance symbolique, la revue constitue un lieu propice pour une critique alliant la revendication politique à l’exigence de savoir. / This research project aims to analyse the links between drama critique and political commitment, manifest in a number of reviews from the mid-1960s to the early 1980s. This investigation focuses on a corpus of articles published in Les Temps Modernes, Esprit and La Quinzaine Littéraire, most often signed by, respectively, Renée Saurel, AlfredSimon, and Gilles Sandier. This critique’s politicisation is most evident in four main areas, namely: its conception of the social function of theatre; in the selected criteria used to analyse performances; in its active involvment in the artistic and intellectual debates of the time; as well as in the very act of critical writing. The particular form of theatre critique emerging from these reviews tends to differ both from the journalistic column and from the scholarly commentary. These reviews’ publishing frequency allows this form of critique toremain topical in regards to contemporary french (and particularly public parisian) theatre; however, these texts also seek to break away from the traditional model of the theatre review and its impressionist mode. This critical movement attempts to explicate its criteria of appraisal by basing itself on the theoretical issues raised by Marxism, brechtism and/or structuralism. In so doing, it opens up its focus to include new controversial areas, such as debates on cultural policies. Despite aknowledging some form of autonomy to aesthetic issues, this critique analyses writing and mise-En-Scène through the lens of political efficiency, as a means to develop a genuine popular theatre. These reviews, considered here both as materialised spaces for intellectual debate and as objects of symbolic authority, become fertile loci in which to foster a new form of critique aiming to combine the development of theoretical frameworks with political commitment.

Théâtres en voyage : les grandes tournées internationales de la Comédie-Française, du Théâtre national populaire et de la Compagnie Renaud-Barrault, 1945-1969 / Theatres on the road : the international grand tours of the Comédie-Française, the National Popular Theatre of Jean Vilar, and of the Renaud-Barrault Company, 1945-1969

Falcon, Cécile 12 December 2011 (has links)
Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la France, affaiblie politiquement et économiquement, développe une politique culturelle extérieure qui utilise les manifestations artistiques, et en particulier les tournées théâtrales, pour assurer le rayonnement de sa culture et de sa langue. Par l’intermédiaire de l’Association française d’action artistique (AFAA), elle envoie de par le monde ses plus grandes compagnies, la Comédie-Française, le Théâtre national populaire de Jean Vilar, et la Compagnie Renaud-Barrault qui devient théâtre national en 1959. Dans un monde façonné par la Guerre Froide, les tournées les plus prestigieuses ont lieu aux États-Unis, en Union Soviétique et en Amérique latine. Le but de cette thèse est de déterminer dans quelle mesure les compagnies théâtrales, instrumentalisées par la diplomatie culturelle française, utilisent aussi ces tournées pour leur propre statut dans le champ culturel français, pour leur économie, ou pour l’affermissement de leur propre identité. La première partie explore les origines et le développement du cadre politique et institutionnel qui a permis la naissance de tournées théâtrales subventionnées et fait du théâtre français un produit d’exportation. Le deuxième mouvement se concentre sur la caractérisation de ce théâtre envoyé à l’étranger, sur son économie et son répertoire. Le troisième temps analyse les différents impacts du déplacement du théâtre à l’étranger. Quelles sont les conséquences possibles de cette situation sur la représentation elle-même et les attentes du public étranger ? Au-delà de la question de la réception, c’est la dimension politique, l’impact esthétique et le rôle symbolique des tournées qui seront mis en lumière. / After World War II, a politically and economically weakened France develops a cultural foreign policy that uses artistic manifestations, and in particular theatrical tours, in order to ensure the influence of its culture and language. Thanks to the French Association for Artistic Action (AFAA), which was directly supported by the ministry of Foreign Affairs, France sends its greatest theatre companies all over the world, the Comédie-Française and the National Popular Theatre of Jean Vilar, as well as the Renaud-Barrault Company that becomes a national theatre in 1959. In a world shaped by the Cold War, the most prestigious tours take place in the United States, the Soviet Union, and Latin America. This thesis aims at determining to what extent these theatrical companies are not only exploited by the French government for cultural diplomacy, but manage themselves to benefit from the touring system, be that for their own status within the French cultural field, for their own economic solvency, or for the strengthening of their own identity. The first part explores the origins and development of the political and institutional frame that enabled the birth of this system of subsidized, international theatrical tours that made an export out of French theatre. The second part focuses on the characterization of French theatre abroad, on its economy and its repertory. The third section analyses the different impacts of the displacement of theatre abroad. What are the possible consequences on the performance itself and on the expectations of the international audience? Beyond the question of reception, the thesis will shed light on the political consequences, the aesthetic impact and the symbolic role of the tours.

Researching Class Consciousness: The Transgression of a Radical Educator Across Three Continents

Thomson, Marion Arthur 31 August 2011 (has links)
This study addresses the topic of class consciousness and the radical educator. Using the theory of revolutionary critical pedagogy and Marxist humanism I examine the impact of formative experience and class consciousness on my own radical praxis across three continents. The methodology of auto/biography is used to interrogate my own life history. I excavate my own formative experience in Scotland, Canada and my radical praxis as a human rights educator in Ghana West Africa. The study is particularly interested in the possibility of a radical educator transgressing across race, whiteness and gender while working in Ghana, West Africa. Chapter One begins by discussing the theory of revolutionary critical pedagogy, Marxist humanism and theories of the self. Chapter Two assesses the methodology of auto/biography,research methods and an introduction to formative experience. Chapter Three, Four and Five contain excavation sites from Scotland, Canada and Ghana with accompanying analysis. Chapter Six concludes with a summary of research findings.

Researching Class Consciousness: The Transgression of a Radical Educator Across Three Continents

Thomson, Marion Arthur 31 August 2011 (has links)
This study addresses the topic of class consciousness and the radical educator. Using the theory of revolutionary critical pedagogy and Marxist humanism I examine the impact of formative experience and class consciousness on my own radical praxis across three continents. The methodology of auto/biography is used to interrogate my own life history. I excavate my own formative experience in Scotland, Canada and my radical praxis as a human rights educator in Ghana West Africa. The study is particularly interested in the possibility of a radical educator transgressing across race, whiteness and gender while working in Ghana, West Africa. Chapter One begins by discussing the theory of revolutionary critical pedagogy, Marxist humanism and theories of the self. Chapter Two assesses the methodology of auto/biography,research methods and an introduction to formative experience. Chapter Three, Four and Five contain excavation sites from Scotland, Canada and Ghana with accompanying analysis. Chapter Six concludes with a summary of research findings.

UNSETTLED embodying transformative learning and intersectionality in higher education: popular theatre as research with international graduate students

Etmanski, Catherine 14 September 2007 (has links)
This dissertation documents an action-oriented, arts-based doctoral study that used popular theatre to investigate graduate students’ experiences at the University of Victoria (UVic) in Canada. The research question asks, what are the contradictions between the welcoming multicultural discourses of Canada and the experiences of international graduate students? This question is explored with a total of twenty-four graduate students, representing fourteen countries, including Canada, and ten departments across campus. These students participated in pilot work, interviews, focus groups, in-depth theatre workshops, and a public performance entitled, UNSETTLED. The process of creating interactive forum theatre with six graduate students and one student’s infant is outlined in depth, as is performance at UVic on November 8, 2006. The community impact of UNSETTLED and the researcher and actors’ learning-healing experiences are highlighted. The key contributions of this research are practical, theoretical, and methodological. Practically, this research contributes to the ongoing dialogue and concrete efforts around already identified challenges of internationalization. The outcome is an entirely student-driven effort that is unique both in content (due to the graduate student perspective represented) and in form (theatre). Theoretically, this research contributes to the areas of transformative learning and intersectionality. These theoretical insights reposition the ‘international student’ from being a person solely in need of services, to being one of many potential agents of change. An intersectional analysis points to a need to simultaneously address the diverse struggles of other graduate students, staff, administrators, and faculty in increasingly globalized universities and communities. Methodologically, this study expresses the catalytic and dialogical power of the intersection of research with art, education, community development, and activism, contributing to the fields of both arts-based research and action-oriented, participatory research and the places where these overlap.

Biographie d'un artiste dramatique oublié : romuald Joubé (1876-1949) / Biography of a forgotten artist : Romuald Joubé, 1876-1949

Joubé Poreau, Martine 28 March 2014 (has links)
Ce projet a vu le jour afin de tirer de l'oubli un artiste dramatique nommé Romuald Joubé, né en 1876 et décédé en 1949. Cet homme était mon ancêtre, c'est l'oubli familial et collectif dont il a été victime qui a suscité la réalisation de ce travail. Il a eu la particularité de devenir un acteur reconnu au théâtre et au cinéma muet, en traversant deux guerres mondiales. Cette biographie s'attache à faire découvrir l'évolution du jeune comédien et celle du milieu théâtral et cinématographique de la première moitié du XXe siècle. Son parcours le mène de Saint-Gaudens à Paris, de l'Odéon à la Comédie-Française, des tournées européennes aux tournées internationales où il côtoie les grands noms du théâtre et du cinéma tels qu'André Antoine, Sarah Bernhardt, Abel Gance. Devenu une vedette il ne renie jamais sa région pyrénéenne où il crée un théâtre de verdure et défend ardemment le théâtre de plein air jusqu'à la fin de sa vie. Son éclectisme lui permet d'interpréter différents répertoires. Aussi remet-il en cause certaines idées reçues sur l'histoire du monde théâtral, par exemple le clivage entre Théâtre commercial et Théâtre littéraire. Acteur du cinéma muet, il est aussi intéressé par la radiophonie en 1936 et plus tard il fera une expérience au cinéma parlant avec Sacha Guitry. Homme entre tradition et modernité, Joubé révèle les ambiguïtés du monde artistique en temps de guerre. Cet homme aux multiples dons, à la fois acteur, dessinateur, peintre, spécialiste de la langue gasconne, se battra jusqu'à sa mort pour défendre l'art de qualité pour tous, sans jamais oublier sa famille et ses racines. / This project has been conceived to get out of oblivion Romuald Joubé (1876-1949). He was a professional dramatic artist and an ancestor of mine. Because of this familial and collective forgetting of the great works of Joubé, the main goal of this thesis is to reveal his biography. He became a famous and talented theatre and silent movie actor by crossing two world wars.This biography presents the evolution of Joubé as a young stage actor as well as the evolution of theatre and cinema during the first part of the twentieth century. From Saint-Gaudens (France) to Paris, and from Odéon to the Comédie-Française, Joubé met some of the great actors such as André Antoine, Sarah Bernhardt or Abel Gance. Even if he became famous at Paris, he did not forget his native region: Southwest of France and the Pyrénées. He created an open-air theater in this region. Until the end of his life, he promoted the open-air theatre. Joubé could play many different roles. He was also a silent film actor. Then in 1936, he got interested in radio. He accepted then sound films with Sacha Guitry. Tradition and modernity characterize this major and forgotten actor of the twentieth century. The biography of Joubé also brings us into the lives of artists of this period. Finally, Joubé, as an actor but also as a painter, a draughtsman and a defender of Gascon language. He will fight up to his dead to defend the quality art for all, without over forgetting his family and his region.

The Rebellious Mirror,Before and after 1984:Community-based theatre in Aotearoa

Maunder, Paul Allan January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis I outline the contribution Community-based theatre has made to New Zealand theatre. This involves a defining of theatre production as a material practice. Community-based theatre was a tendency from the 1930s, a promise of the left theatre movement and, I argue, was being searched for as a form of practice by the avant-garde, experimental practitioners of the 1970s. At the same time, early Māori theatre began as a Community-based practice before moving into the mainstream. With the arrival of neo-liberalism to Aotearoa in 1984, community groups and Community-based theatre could become official providers within the political system. This led to a flowering of practices, which I describe, together with the tensions that arise from being a part of that system. However, neo-liberalism introduced managerial practices into state contracting and patronage policy, which effectively denied this flowering the sustenance deserved. At the same time, these policies commodified mainstream theatre production. In conclusion, I argue that in the current situation of global crisis, Community-based theatre practice has a continuing role to play in giving voice to the multitude and by being a practice of the Common.

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