Spelling suggestions: "subject:"porosity."" "subject:"morosity.""
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The fabrication of direct-write waveguides via the glassy-state processing of porous films UV-induced porosity and solvent-induced porosity /Abdallah, Jassem. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M. S.)--Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008. / Hess, Dennis, Committee Member ; Teja, Amyn, Committee Member ; Kohl, Paul, Committee Chair ; Allen, Sue Ann Bidstrup, Committee Co-Chair.
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Fracturing and fracture reorientation in unconsolidated sands and sandstonesZhai, Zongyu, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2006. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references.
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Monitoramento por microscopia óptica e processamento digital de imagens do processo de conformação cerâmica por conformação com amidos comerciais /Cruz, Tessie Gouvea da. January 2007 (has links)
Resumo: Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia, baseada no processamento digital de imagens, para o monitoramento do processo de conformação cerâmica com amidos comerciais. No estudo da formação dos canais porosos e o processo de gelatinização foi utilizada a microscopia óptica a quente e análise do comportamento dos amidos com o aumento da temperatura. Para a caracterização dos poros durante as etapas da sua formação, foi utilizada a reconstrução por extensão de foco. Como resultado complementar às técnicas utilizadas foi desenvolvida uma metodologia, com base em tratamento estatístico, para caracterização espacial da porosidade. Foi feito o mapeamento das concentrações de porosidade e visualização em 3-D dessas regiões. / Abstract: A methodology is proposed to establish standards for consolidation casting ceramics process with commercial starches, based on digital image processing. Hot stage light microscopy has been used to study porous channels formation and gelling process, evaluating starches behavior with temperature rising. Depth-from-focus reconstruction and quantitative microscopy have been applied to characterize pores during their formation. As an supplementary result, a new method for statistical based spatial characterization of porous three-dimensional distribution has been developed. It provides 3-D maps for visualization of porosities concentration distribution. / Orientador: Luis Rogèrio de Oliveira Hein / Coorientador: Elson de Campos / Banca: Roberto Izumu Honda / Banca: Eduardo Bellini Ferreira / Banca: Carlos Alberto Grandini / Banca: Francisco Piorino Neto / Doutor
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Investigations on FRP-Concrete BondAzzawi, Mostfa Al 18 April 2018 (has links)
This dissertation presents findings from three separate investigations, a laboratory study and two field studies that evaluated the durability of the Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP)-concrete bond. The laboratory study explored the role of porosity on CFRP-concrete bond following immersion in warm water. Two disparate field studies measured residual bond after 20 years outdoor exposure of FRP repairs of full-size masonry walls and after 12 years for partially submerged piles supporting the Friendship Trail Bridge, Tampa Bay.
The ACI 440 code requires the same surface preparation for all externally bonded FRP concrete repairs. This disregards the role of porosity that is a function of the water / cementitious (w/c) ratio. Concretes with high w/c ratios are low strength concretes, have large voids and a more elaborate capillary pore network compared to low w/c, high strength concretes. Epoxies will therefore penetrate deeper into high porosity concretes. As a result, the performance of low strength, high porosity concrete under moisture exposure can be anticipated to be superior. The laboratory study was intended to determine whether this hypothesis was correct or not.
Three different concrete mixes with water / cementitious ratios of 0.73, 0.44 and 0.25 representing high, medium and low porosities were used for the study. The corresponding target compressive strengths were 2,500 psi, 5,000 psi and 7,500 psi respectively. A total of eighteen, 9 in. x 9 in. x 2.5 in. thick slabs, three for each concrete porosity were tested. Slabs were allowed to cure for over 90 days before surfaces were lightly sand blasted to provide the required concrete surface profile (CSP 3). Specimens were then pre-conditioned in an oven for 48 hours to ensure uniform drying.
Concrete porosity was characterized using mercury porosimetry, SEM, 3D surface scanning and images obtained using a portable microscope. Two commercially available CFRP materials were bonded to the oven-dried prepared slab surfaces and the epoxy allowed to cure at room temperature for 4 weeks. Twelve FRP bonded slabs were completely submerged in potable water at 30 oC (86 oF) as part of the aging program. The six remaining slabs were used for establishing baseline bond values through destructive pull-off tests. The twelve exposed slabs were similarly tested following 15 weeks of exposure.
Results showed minimal degradation in the high porosity, low strength concrete but over 20% reduction in the low porosity, higher strength concrete. Analysis of the failure plane indicated that the lower porosity of the high strength concrete had limited the depth to which the epoxy could penetrate. This was confirmed from magnified images of the bond line taken using a microscope and from a careful assessment of the failure mode. Findings also suggest that the CSP 3 surface profile (light sand blasting) may be adequate for lower strength concrete but not so for higher strength concrete. For applications where FRP concrete repairs of higher strength concrete are permanently or intermittently exposed to moisture, alternative surface preparation may be needed to allow epoxy to penetrate deeper into the concrete substrate. The viscosity of the resin hitherto not considered may be a critical parameter.
In 1995, two full-scale concrete masonry walls were repaired using three horizontally aligned 20 in. (508 mm) wide uni-directional carbon fiber sheets using different commercially available epoxies. Twenty years later the CFRP-CMU bond was determined through selective pull-off tests that were preceded by detailed non-destructive evaluation. Results showed that despite superficial damage to the top epoxy coating and debonding along masonry joints, the residual CFRP-CMU bond was largely unaffected by prolonged exposure to Florida’s harsh environment.
Therein, 99% of samples exhibited in cohesive failure of the CMU or mortar. Pull-off strength was poorer at mortar joints but because the CFRP was well bonded to the masonry surface, its impact on structural performance of the repair was expected to be minimal. Overall, the repairs proved to be durable with both epoxy systems performing well.
The Friendship Trail Bridge linking St. Petersburg to Tampa FL was demolished in 2016. This was the site of three disparate demonstration projects in which 13 corroding reinforced concrete piles were repaired using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) in 2003-04, 2006, and 2008. The repairs were undertaken using combinations of carbon and glass fiber, pre-preg and wet layup, epoxy and polyurethane resin, and were installed using either shrink wrap or pressure bagging. Residual FRP-concrete bond was evaluated after up to 12 years of exposure through 120 pull-off tests conducted on 10 representative repaired piles. Results showed a wide variation in the measured pull-off strength depending on the type of resin, the number of FRP layers, the prevailing conditions at the time the epoxy was mixed and the method of installation. Epoxy-based systems were found to be sensitive to ambient conditions at installation. Pressure bagging improved performance. The highest residual bond was recorded in pressure bagged piles repaired in 2008. The findings suggest that in marine environments epoxy-based systems installed using pressure bagging can lead to durable repairs.
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Porosity Evaluation in Carbon Fiber Polymer Laminates using AcoustographySpencer, Ryan J. 01 May 2017 (has links)
In this research, through-transmission ultrasonic (TTU) Acoustography was applied to measure and quantify porosity levels in carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite laminates. This study employed several CFRP specimens with wide ranges of porosity prepared by altering the curing pressure during the manufacturing process. The Acoustography method, operating at 5 MHz, was able to show contrast in ultrasonic images obtained for composite laminates with varied porosity levels. Porosity levels in composite laminates were quantified using destructive methods: acid digestion and microscopy. Also, strength analysis tests were conducted to investigate the effect porosity has on the laminate’s structural integrity. From the results obtained, it was demonstrated that the mechanical properties, interlaminar shear strength (ILSS), and flexural strength of CFRP decreased with the increasing void content. In addition, Acoustography absorption coefficient measurements were related to varied porosity levels in the composite laminates. As the porosity content increased within the laminates, the acoustic absorption coefficient increased. These findings are significant because Acoustography is being developed as a faster alternative to traditional ultrasonic inspection of composites and porosity is an important anomaly to quantify utilizing NDE methods.
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Desenvolvimento de implantes dentários por técnicas de metalurgia do pó / Development of the dental implants by powder metallurgy techniquesBOMFIM, PAMELA K. dos S. 07 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2015-08-07T13:57:03Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-07T13:57:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Ars proteus. Fables et pratiques d’un design organoplastique / Ars proteus. Fables and practices of an organoplastic designAndres, Roxane - Virginie 18 June 2013 (has links)
Les porosités dont témoigne le design contemporain en font un champ ouvert où viennent s’imprimer et s’entrelacer les enjeux d’autres domaines, aujourd’hui prédominés par la science. Situé à la croisée des territoires, le designer exerce un art de la protéiformité — un ars proteus — révélant, par les objets qu’il conçoit, les métamorphoses et les questionnements que suscite la science — et plus particulièrement la médecine et ses conséquences sur une pensée du corps.Le design aurait-il le pouvoir de rendre visibles les enjeux les plus imperceptibles qui se trament à des échelles qui dépassent la mesure humaine ? Le design contemporain questionne l’échelle du corps dans les objets : peuvent-ils contribuer à faire émerger ou à matérialiser un imaginaire corporel que notre époque ferait subrepticement éclore ? L’organoplastie dans le design est cette possible formulation d’un glissement de territoire qui se produit entre le corps et l’objet, entre la genesis et la technè. Que cette organoplastie soit réelle (comme avec les objets à croissance spontanée de François Azambourg ou de Tobie Kerridge), ou bien métaphorique, elle engendre de nouvelles conceptions de l’objet mais aussi des moyens de production et de création, tout en accompagnant l’émergence d’un imaginaire biologique de nos artefacts. Le designer serait-il le pourvoyeur d’une seconde genèse, d’une néogenèse dont les formes organiques autonomes se constitueraient sur le modèle naturel de la croissance, donnant une nouvelle consistance à l’élaboration d’un monde artificiel ? / Porosity highlighted by the contemporary design makes of this one an open field where issues ofother areas, dominated by science, are intertwined. Placed at the crossroads of different territories, thedesigner creates a protean art- an ars proteus- revealing by the objects, the metamorphosis andproblematics elicited by science- and more particularly by medicine and its impact on our bodyconception.Could the design have the power to detect the most imperceptible issues which are plotted beyondhuman measure? The contemporary design questions the scale of the body in the objects: can itcontribute to show or materialize a body imaginary that our time would have secretly create?The organoplastie in design is a word which could express a sliding that occurs between the bodyand objects, between genesis and technè. The organoplastie, either real (like François Azambourg orTobie Kerridge's spontaneous growth objects) or metaphorical, generates new designs of the objectand, moreover, new ways of production and creation, while supporting the advent of a biologicalimaginary of our artifacts. Could the designer be the purveyor of a second genesis, or a neogenesiswhose autonomous organic forms would be based on the natural growth mode!, giving a newconsistencv in the development of an artificial world?
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Desenvolvimento de implantes dentários por técnicas de metalurgia do pó / Development of the dental implants by powder metallurgy techniquesBOMFIM, PAMELA K. dos S. 07 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2015-08-07T13:57:03Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-07T13:57:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O interesse crescente no desenvolvimento de biomateriais com superfície porosa para aplicações dentárias decorre do suporte propicio ao crescimento do tecido ósseo, aumentando a adesão entre o tecido e material, favorecendo a osteointegração. O titânio pode ser considerado um ótimo material para implantes dentários, pela sua excelente biocompatibilidade, elevada resistência à corrosão e combinação de alta resistência com baixa densidade. Contudo, a alta reatividade do metal no estado líquido acaba dificultando a fabricação de implantes por fundição, sendo a metalurgia do pó composta por técnicas que permitem a obtenção de peças em temperaturas menores de processamento (estado sólido) e com módulo elástico próximo ao do tecido ósseo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar amostras porosas obtidas pela Metalurgia do Pó (MP) convencional. Inicialmente o pó de titânio comercialmente puro (Ti-cp) obtido pelo processo de hidretação-dehidretação (HDH), foi compactado em matriz uniaxial e sinterizado a vácuo em duas temperaturas,1100 e 1150°C/1h. As amostras sinterizadas foram caracterizadas quanto à densidade, porosidade, microestrutura ( microscopia óptica - MO e microscopia eletrônica de varredura - MEV), fases cristalinas (difração de raios - X - DRX), propriedades mecânicas (microdureza e ensaio de flexão em três pontos), comportamento eletroquímico (potencial de circuito aberto, espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica e polarização anódica) e o ensaio de imersão foram empregados nas amostras obtidas por (MP) e no titânio fundido. Os resultados indicaram morfologia angular, distribuição granulométrica com média de 45 μm, além de densidade aparente e escoabilidade baixas. Foram obtidas amostras com porosidade de aproximadamente 33% e poros interligados dentro de uma faixa de tamanho de 110 140 μm. As análises por MEV e DRX das amostras sinterizadas indicaram a presença de fase α e poros. As amostras sinterizadas a 1150°C revelaram melhor comportamento mecânico em relação as amsotras sinterizadas a 1100°C. As análises eletroquímicas indicaram a elevada resistência a corrosão do titânio fundido, seguida pela amostra sinterizada 1100°C e finalmente das sinterizadas a 1150°C, quando imersas em solução da saliva artificial. O EDS foi executado para verificar a deposição de elementos na superfície. Testes de citotoxicidade demonstraram que o pó e as amostras sinterizadas não apresentaram qualquer efeito tóxico em culturas celulares. As amostras sinterizadas à 1100°C possuiam grau de porosidade e tamanho de poros que favoreceram o crescimento do tecido ósseo, além do módulo de elasticidade próximo ao tecido ósseo e foram mais resistentes a corrosão na solução simuladora. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Understanding porosity formation and prevention when welding titanium alloys with 1μm wavelength laser beamsBlackburn, Jonathan January 2011 (has links)
Keyhole laser welding is a joining technology characterised by the high focussed power density applied to the workpiece, facilitating deep penetration at high processing speeds. High aspect-ratio welds produced using this process invariably have narrow heat-affected-zones and minimal thermal distortion compared with traditional arc welding processes. Furthermore, the ability to process out of vacuum and the easy robotic manipulation of fibre optically delivered 1μm wavelength laser beams, allow keyhole laser welding to process geometrically complex components. The widespread uptake of keyhole laser welding for the production of titanium alloy components in the aerospace industry has been limited by the stringent weld quality requirements. Producing welds with levels of subsurface weld metal porosity content meeting the required weld quality criteria has been the primary obstacle. Here, three techniques for controlling the levels of weld metal porosity when welding titanium alloys with Nd:YAG rod lasers have been developed. Characterisation of the welding processes using high speed photography and optical spectroscopy, have allowed an original scientific understanding of the effects these methods have on the keyhole, melt pool and vapour plume behaviour. Combining this with a thorough assessment of the weld qualities produced, has enabled the effects of these process behaviours on the formation of weld metal porosity to be determined. It was found that with the correct process parameters a directed gas jet and a dual focus laser welding condition can both be used to reduce the occurrence of keyhole collapse during Nd:YAG laser welding. The directed gas jet prevents the formation of a beam attenuating vapour plume and interacts with the molten metal to produce a stable welding condition, whereas the dual focus laser welding condition reduces fluctuations in the process due to an enlarged keyhole. When applied, both techniques reduced the occurrence of porosity in the weld metal of full penetration butt welds produced in titanium alloys. A modulated Nd:YAG laser output, with the correct waveform and modulation frequency, also reduced the occurrence of porosity in the weld metal compared with welds produced with a continuous-wave output. This was a result of an oscillating wave being set-up in the melt pool which manipulated the keyhole geometry and prevented instabilities in the process being established. In addition, the potential for welding titanium alloys to the required weld quality criteria with state-of-the-art Yb-fibre lasers has been assessed. It was found that the high power densities of suitably focussed laser beams with excellent beam quality, were capable of producing low-porosity full penetration butt welds in titanium alloys without the techniques required for laser beams with a lower beam quality. These new techniques for keyhole laser welding of titanium alloys will encourage the uptake of keyhole laser welding for producing near-net-shape high-performance aerospace components. The advantages offered by this joining technology include high productivity, low heat input and easy robotic automation.
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Petrophysical evaluation and characterization of sandstone reservoirs of the western Bredasdorp Basin, South Africa for well D-D1 and E-AP1Maseko, Phindile Pearl January 2016 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The Bredasdorp Basin was formed consequent to extensional episodes during the initial stages of rifting in the Jurassic age. The basin acted as a local depocentre and was primarily infilled with late Jurassic and early Cretaceous shallow-marine and continental sediments. Two wells namely; D-D1 and E-AP1 were studied in order to evaluate the petrophysics and characterize sandstone reservoirs of the western Bredasdorp basin. This could be achieved by generating and comparing results from core analysis and wireline in order to determine if the two wells are comprised of good quality sandstone reservoirs and if the identified reservoirs produce hydrocarbons. A number of methods were employed in order to characterise and evaluate sandstone reservoir, these included; editing and normalization of raw wireline log data ,classification of lithofacies on the basis of lithology, sedimentary structures, facies distribution, grain size variation, sorting of grains, fossils and bioturbation; calibration of log and core data to determine parameters for petrophysical interpretation; volume of clay; determination of porosity, permeability and fluid saturation, cut-off determination to distinguish between pay and non-pay sands. Borehole D-D1 is located in the western part of the Bredasdorp Basin. Only two reservoirs in well D-D1 indicated to have pay parameters with an average porosity ranging from 11.3% to 16%, average saturation from 0.6% to 21.5% and an volume of clay from 26.5% to 31.5%. This well was abandoned due to poor oil shows according to the geological well completion report. On the contrary well E-AP1 situated in the northwestern section of the basin showed good quality reservoir sandstones occurring in the 19082m to 26963m intervals though predominantly water saturated. Pay parameters for all five reservoirs in this well showed zero or no average porosity, saturation and volume of clay.
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