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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à l'étude juridique des concessions portuaires / Contribution to study legal port concessions

Seka Aba, Clément 12 April 2013 (has links)
L’adaptation des ports maritimes aux nouvelles donnes du commerce international, ne peut se réaliser sans une implication des opérateurs privés dans la gestion des activités portuaires. Cette participation exige que, les activités industrielles et commerciales des ports, leur soient confiées par le biais de montages juridiques efficients. Parmi ceux-ci, les concessions portuaires apparaissent comme les outils juridiques offrant un cadre d’accueil, en termes de performance et de rentabilité des activités économiques dans les ports maritimes. Or, aujourd’hui, le problème de la qualification juridique de ces concessions portuaires semble se poser dans la mesure où règne un désordre juridique en droit administratif. Cette thèse vise, ainsi, à apporter un éclairage à la question. Son introduction générale expose, d’abord, la notion de concession portuaire et aborde ensuite l’objectif de cette étude en mettant l’accent sur sa problématique : le contrat de concession dans les ports peut-il être classé dans une famille juridique préétablie et être rattaché à une catégorie juridique préexistante ? Pour répondre à cette question, la première partie de cette thèse s’est attachée à mettre en relief la diversité des éléments caractéristiques des concessions portuaires. Cette opération d’identification a mis l’accent sur les éléments essentiels et ceux qui sont non essentiels permettant la qualification juridique des concessions portuaires. Mais, cette qualification théorique ne peut être judicieuse et cohérente que si elle est confrontée à la constante évolution de la pratique des montages concessifs réalisés par les opérateurs économiques dans les ports. C’est à cette grille d’analyse que s’est livrée la seconde partie de cette thèse. Elle a, ainsi, porté sur la diversité de la pratique concessive dans les ports maritimes français et africains. Aussi, ont été examinés les montages concessifs dans les ports français en comparaison avec ceux utilisés dans les ports européens (Anvers, Rotterdam, Hambourg) et dans les ports de l’Afrique notamment en Côte d’Ivoire, au Sénégal, au Cameroun, en Algérie et au Maroc. Cette analyse comparative qui est illustrée par des documents professionnels montre, finalement, que la qualification juridique des concessions portuaires qui est l’axe central de cette thèse est un exercice périlleux. Elle ne peut se faire qu’au cas par cas, selon les pays et en tenant compte des efforts conjugués de la doctrine, de la jurisprudence, des textes législatifs et réglementaires. / The adaptation of sea ports to the new rules of international trade can only happen with the involvement of private port managing operators. This involvement requires the entrustment of ports industrial and commercial activities, through efficient legal devices/arrangements/frameworks. Among these, port concessions seem like legal instruments providing a good setting, in terms of performance and profitability for economic activities in sea ports. However, the legal qualification/classification/characterization of these port concessions can be an issue since a legal disorder is observed in administrative law. The thesis is thus aiming at sheding light on this matter. The introduction firstly exposes the notion of port concession and then adresses the objective of this study by outlining its problematic : can port concession contracts be classified into a pre-establisehd legal group and attached to a pre-existing legal category ? To address the question, the first section of this thesis highlights the diversity characterizing port concessions. This identification process outlines the essentiel and non-essential elements, enabling the legal qualification of port concessions. However, this theoretical qualificaiton can only be wise and coherent if it adapts to the constant evolution of the use of concessive framework by the economic agents in sea ports. The second section of the thesis thus tackles the issue, by considering the diversity in use of concessions in sea ports of France and Africa. The concessive devices of French sea ports have been compared to those of other European ports (Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg) and African ports, in particular in Ivory Coast, Senegal, Cameroon, Algeria and Morocco. The comparative analysis illustrated through professional documents, shows that the legal qualification of port concessions, which is the center of this thesis, is a perilous enterprise. It can be done only on a case by cas basis, according to the various countries and taking into account the joint forces of doctrine, jurisdiction, as well as legal and regulatory texts.

Análisis de los factores operativos que afectan al despacho anticipado en el retiro de carga contenerizada del puerto DP World Callao en el período 2018 - 2020

Domenack Davila , Julio Joaquín Heriberto, Ly Arrascue, Germán Alfonso 22 October 2021 (has links)
El terminal portuario del Callao es el más importante del Perú, ya que es considerado como la principal conexión del país con el mundo por concentrar diversas operaciones de carga. El servicio de despacho anticipado es una modalidad de despacho aduanero que permite numerar la declaración de la importación antes de que ésta llegue al puerto. Para realizar el despacho anticipado, se deben cumplir con algunos requisitos como, por ejemplo, tener la Declaración Única de Aduanas (DUA) numerada y cancelada, con lo cual se podrá realizar el levante de su mercancía cuando ésta llegue al terminal portuario, en un plazo de 48 horas computados a partir del día siguiente del término de descarga, además de reducir costos. Sin embargo, no todos acceden a este beneficio. Por tal motivo, el objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar cuáles fueron los factores operativos que afectaron al despacho anticipado. Para ello se utilizó un enfoque de investigación cualitativa. Del mismo modo, se realizaron entrevistas, que constaron de 12 preguntas, a 20 trabajadores de las agencias aduaneras, la cual arrojó como resultado que los factores operativos que dificultaron al despacho anticipado de carga contenerizada fueron los trámites burocráticos, así como también la carencia de una infraestructura vial adecuada y la presencia de un parque automotor antiguo de transporte terrestre. En general, estos factores impactaron en sobrecostos y demoras excesivas en el despacho anticipado no pudiendo obtener los beneficios aduaneros. Luego del análisis se brindaron recomendaciones necesarias para poder optimizar la cadena logística. / The Callao port terminal is the most important in Peru, since it is considered the main connection between Peru and the world for concentrating various operations. The advance clearance service is a customs clearance modality that allows the import declaration to be numbered before it arrives at the port; To carry out the early dispatch, some requirements must be met, such as having the Unique Customs Declaration numbered and canceled, with which your merchandise can be released when it arrives at the port terminal, within a period of 48 hours computed at starting the day after the discharge term, in addition to reducing costs; however, not everyone has access to this benefit. For this reason, the objective of this investigation was to identify which were the operational factors that affected the anticipated dispatch. For this, a qualitative research approach was used. In the same way, interviews, consisting of 12 questions, were conducted with 20 workers of the customs agencies, which showed as a result that the operational factors that made it difficult to dispatch containerized cargo in advance were bureaucratic procedures, as well as the lack of a Adequate road infrastructure and the presence of an old land transport vehicle fleet, in general these factors impacted on cost overruns and excessive delays in early clearance, not being able to obtain customs benefits. After the analysis, the necessary recommendations were provided to optimize the logistics chain. / Tesis

An investigation into the efficiency of the port / rail interface at the Port of Durban

Foolchand, Paris 30 June 2006 (has links)
Trade liberalization and resultantly globalization has led to the relative free flow of goods, services, capital and people. The transport system in South Africa must be highly reliable and rapid to contribute to economic development. The focus of this research study is on the Port/Rail Interface in the Port of Durban which critically assesses the transfer of goods particularly from rail transport to and from vessels within the port precinct. Some of the major constraints identified in the study related to poor infrastructure, operations and levels of services; lack of maintenance, availability of rolling stock, locomotives and cargo stacking space. Transnet's role is pivotal in providing efficient port and rail operations and is currently upgrading infrastructure, operations and capacity of the port and rail services. One of the main objectives of the study is to present recommendations to Transnet management that arise out of the shortcomings identified during the course of the research study. / Transport Economics / M. Comm.

An investigation into the efficiency of the port / rail interface at the Port of Durban

Foolchand, Paris 30 June 2006 (has links)
Trade liberalization and resultantly globalization has led to the relative free flow of goods, services, capital and people. The transport system in South Africa must be highly reliable and rapid to contribute to economic development. The focus of this research study is on the Port/Rail Interface in the Port of Durban which critically assesses the transfer of goods particularly from rail transport to and from vessels within the port precinct. Some of the major constraints identified in the study related to poor infrastructure, operations and levels of services; lack of maintenance, availability of rolling stock, locomotives and cargo stacking space. Transnet's role is pivotal in providing efficient port and rail operations and is currently upgrading infrastructure, operations and capacity of the port and rail services. One of the main objectives of the study is to present recommendations to Transnet management that arise out of the shortcomings identified during the course of the research study. / Transport Economics / M. Comm.

Identificación y ponderación de las funcionalidades de una TOS (Terminal Operating System) mediante aplicación de método de análisis jerárquico (AHP). Microsimulación de resultados en ambiente real simulado

Hervás Peralta, Miguel 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] Este trabajo tiene como objetivo aumentar el conocimiento sobre las funcionalidades de los sistemas operativos de terminales (TOS) gestionando terminales de cualquier tipo (portuarias, interiores) con el fin de mejorar su desempeño y contribuir a la reducción de esa congestión. 117 funcionalidades han sido agrupadas en 6 clusters principales: Almacén, Operaciones marítimas, Puerta, Master Data, Comunicaciones y ERP Dashboard. Los resultados muestran que el traqueo del timing de los buques, la optimización de espacio, el desarrollo de listas de carga y/o descarga y la optimización de las ubicaciones de los contenedores son las funcionalidades más importantes de una TOS, y no deberían de faltar en ninguna de ellas que se precie para ser un buen cerebro de una terminal. Posteriormente, mediante una simulación en ambiente real, se perseguía el objetivo de verificar si profundizar en esas funcionalidades de una TOS efectivamente producía una mejora en los indicadores clave de desempeño de una terminal. / [CA] Aquest treball té com a objectiu augmentar el coneixement de les funcionalitats de les TOS gestionant terminales de qualsevol tipus (portuaries, interiors) amb la fi de millorar el seu acompliment i contribuir a la reducció d'eixa congestió. 117 funcionalitats han sigut agrupades en 6 clusters principales: Magatzem, Operacions marítimes, Porta, Master Data, Comunicacions i ERP Dashboard. El resultats mostren que el seguiment del timing del barcs, la optimització de l'espai, el desenvolupament de llistes de càrrega o descàrrega i la optimització de les ubicacions dels contenidors son les funcionalitats més importants d'una TOS, i no deurien de faltar en ninguna que vullga ser un bon cervell d'una terminal. Posteriorment, mitjançant una simulació en ambient reial, es perseguia l'objectiu de verificar si, profunditzant en eixes funcionalitats d'una TOS, efectivament es produïa una millora en el indicadors claus d'acompliment d'una terminal. / [EN] This work aims to improve the knowledge about the functionalities of Terminal Operating Systems (TOS) managing container terminales of sea, river, and dry ports, with the aim of improving their performance and contributing to reducing congestion and GHG emissions to achieve a higher sustainability. One hundred and seven functionalities were grouped into six main clusters: Warehouse, Maritime Operations, Gate, Master Data, Communications, and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Dashboard. The results show that time tracking of vessels, space optimization, development of loading and unloading lists, and optimization of container locations are the most important functionalities of a TOS. After this, using a simulation on a real environment, the target sought was to verify, if deepening in these functionalities of a TOS, there was an improvement of the terminal key performance indicators. / Hervás Peralta, M. (2021). Identificación y ponderación de las funcionalidades de una TOS (Terminal Operating System) mediante aplicación de método de análisis jerárquico (AHP). Microsimulación de resultados en ambiente real simulado [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171470

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