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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Do estranho ao comum nas idas e vindas entre Portugal e África no século XV /

Almeida, Paula Esposito January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Susani Silveira Lemos França / Resumo: Ao longo do século XV, entre curiosos e conquistadores ligados a Portugal, houve um número significativo de letrados que se ocupou em falar sobre as coisas da África. Os relatos dessas viagens, escritos com o intuito primordial de levar informações para os reis cristãos, tinham se tornado um modo de traduzir os novos mundos, ora enfatizando as estranhezas, ora lançando luz sobre traços que consideravam comuns, ou melhor, sobre aquilo que nos africanos não propriamente os distinguia dos povos dos reinos cristãos. Tendo isso em vista, a proposta da presente pesquisa consiste em examinar, nesses escritos, não apenas o que causou assombro, mas os parâmetros daquilo que, quando as viagens se tornaram mais frequentes, repetidas e demoradas, passou a ser compreendido e julgado comum ou familiar. Em suma, serão interrogados e confrontados valores e hábitos reconhecidos como partilhados entre os dois continentes: Europa e África. Com ênfase sobre as menções que os viajantes fizeram às práticas mais comezinhas da vida – comer, habitar, vestir e demonstrar sentimentos –, a pesquisa examina as páginas dos relatos dedicadas a conhecer aquelas gentes que, notadas a princípio por suas diferenças, não se mostraram depois tão estranhas aos cristãos. / Abstract: Throughout the fifteenth century, among curious and conquerors related to Portugal, there were a significant number of littered people, who were interested about things of Africa. The reports of these journeys, written primarily for the purpose of bringing information to the Christian kings, had become a way of translating new worlds, sometimes emphasizing strangeness, sometimes shedding light on traits that they considered common, or rather, on what in Africans did not properly distinguish them of the peoples of the Christian kingdoms. In view of this, the purpose of the present research is to examine in these writings not only what caused astonishment, but the parameters of what, when travel became more frequent, repeated and time consuming, came to be understood and judged common or familiar. In short, values and habits recognized as shared between the two continents, Europe and Africa, will be questioned and confronted. With an emphasis on travelers' mentions of life's tiniest practices - eating, living, dressing, and expressing feelings - the research examines the pages of stories devoted to meeting those people who, noted at first for their differences, were not then so strange to Christians. / Mestre


BRUNO OMAR DE SOUZA 11 June 2015 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação tem por propósito investigar os modos de composição discursiva das crônicas portuguesas ultramarinas dos séculos XV e XVI. O discurso histórico apresentado por cronistas como Gomes Eanes de Zurara, João de Barros e Fernão Lopes de Castanheda, que serão aqui analisados, vinculados que estão à retórica, aplicam convenções morais e sociais, através das quais compõem os comportamentos e dignidades dos indivíduos representados por meio das narrativas. A crônica, como lugar de inscrição dos res gestae, atualizava a concepção epocal da história como memória, monumento e celebração de feitos dignos de serem historiados, relacionados a um regime de verdade e veridicção das imagens reputadas honestas dos indivíduos. Estas imagens são construídas através da alegoria, da metáfora e da figuração, representando, segundo os critérios semânticos da época, a verossimilhança e verdade dos feitos narrados, a partir de técnicas retóricas da evidentia e da ekphrasis. Como narrativa moral, cuja utilidade se reconhece na disponibilização de exemplos de virtudes e vícios a serem evitados e seguidos pelos indivíduos ligados à classe senhorial, as crônicas serviam ao bem comum do reino. Discurso ligado à retórica e à teologia-política, a história, nos séculos XV, XVI e XVII serve como memória artificial do patrimônio coletivo da comunidade, seguida de sua celebração e amplificação. / [en] The purpose of this dissertation is investigate the modes of discursive composition of the Portuguese Chronicles of the Fifteenth century and of the Sixteenth century. The historical discourse presented by the chroniclers Gomes Eanes de Zurara, João de Barros and Fernão Lopes de Castanheda, composed rhetorically for apply moral and social conventions, compose the behaviors and dignity of the represented individuals in the narratives. The chronicle, as a narrative of the res gestae, comprise the epochal conception of history as a memory, a monument and a place of celebration of facts worthy for history. These are facts are related a regime of truth and veridiction of the honesty of individuals. These reputations are be construed through the allegory, of the metaphor and the figuration. These forms of representation, according with the representation concept of Sixteenth century, was building of the truth and verisimilitude of the historical narrative, made from the category rhetoric of the ekhprasis and evidentia. As a morality tale, whose usefulness are be recognized in providing examples of virtues and vices, to avoid and followed by individuals linked to the master class, chronic served the common good of the kingdom. Connected discourse rhetoric and theology, politics, history, in the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries serves as an artificial memory of the collective heritage of the community, followed by a celebration and amplification.

O escravo: entre a identidade caboverdiana e a literatura européia / The slave: between the European identity and literature capeverdian

Almeida, Claudia Bernardete Veiga de 16 March 2009 (has links)
O romance O Escravo (1856), escrito por José Evaristo de Almei-da, português radicado por algum tempo em Cabo Verde, traz marcas do contexto histórico e cultural daquela colônia portuguesa em meados do século XIX. Este estudo busca demonstrar que o romance vai além da caracterização genérica do arquipélago, e procura delinear literariamente uma identidade caboverdiana. Essa abordagem, identitária, tem por parâmetros, estéticos e de valor, não apenas o contexto literário e de idéias português, mas o contexto maior do debate europeu acerca da escravidão e da raça, com destaque para um diálogo intertextual privilegiado com o romance Bug-Jargal (1826) de Victor Hugo. / The novel The Slave (1856) written by José Evaristo de Almeida, a Portuguese who settled for a long time in Cape Verde Islands, brings trac-es of cultural and historical context from that Portuguese settlement in the middle of the 19th century. This literary production aims to show that the novel goes beyond a generic characterization of the Archipelago. Moreo-ver, it also aims to represent, through the literary field, an identity pertinent to Cape Verde Islands. This identity approach shows, through aesthetic pa-rameters and values, not only the literary context and Portuguese ideas, but also the larger context of European discussion about slavery and race, em-phasizing an intertextual dialogue in Victor Hugo\'s novel, Bug Jargal (1826).

Portugais, Néerlandais et Africains en Angola aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles : construction d'un espace colonial / The Portuguese, Dutch and Africans in Angola during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries : the making of a colonial territory

Demaret, Mathieu 06 February 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de s'interroger sur la nature de la présence portugaise en Angola au 16e et au 17e siècles. Cette période correspond au début de l'essor du commerce transatlantique des esclaves dans l'Atlantique sud. Nous insistons sur les spécificités de cette présence : premièrement, nous mettons l'accent sur son caractère territorial, par opposition à la plupart des autres régions d'Afrique où la présence européenne s'est limitée à l'établissement de comptoirs commerciaux sur la côte ; deuxièmement, nous accordons une importance particulière à la rivalité luso-néerlandaise qui s'est déroulée dans la première moitié du 17e siècle et qui a correspondu à un des premiers affrontements territoriaux inter-européens en Afrique sub-saharienne. Dans les quatre premiers chapitres, qui recouvrent la période allant de 1483 – date de l'arrivée des Portugais à l'embouchure du Congo – à 1671 – date de la victoire décisive des Portugais sur le Ndongo pour le contrôle de l'hinterland de Luanda – , nous abordons la question de l'espace colonial. Il s'agit d'analyser les étapes de la formation de cet espace en nous centrant sur les interactions entre les différents pouvoirs politiques, aussi bien africains qu'européens. Nous nous intéressons ainsi aux efforts de délimitation spatiale de la part des pouvoirs coloniaux, conséquence aussi bien de la présence physique des agents coloniaux que de la production d'un savoir géographique. Dans le cinquième et dernier chapitre, nous mettons l'accent sur l'émergence de la nouvelle société que nous qualifions de coloniale, en analysant les caractéristiques et des dynamiques sociales des agents qui la composent. / This thesis aims to question the nature of the Portuguese presence in Angola during the 16th and 17th centuries, a period which corresponds to the rise of the transatlantic slave trade in the South Atlantic Ocean. We pay particular attention to the distinctive features of the Portuguese presence: firstly, we insist on its territorial nature, that differentiates it from other African areas where Europeans went no further than setting up trading posts on the coastline; secondly, we focus on the Luso-Dutch rivalry that took place during the first half of the 17th century, leading to one of the first intra-European confrontations on sub-Sahara African soil. The first four chapters address the question of the colonial territory: they cover the period from 1483, when the Portuguese reached the mouth of the Congo River, to 1671, date of the decisive Portuguese victory over the Ndongo kingdom for the control of the Luanda hinterland. We analyse the stages in the formation of this territory by focusing on the interactions between African and European political powers. This focus leads us to take a special interest in the colonial powers' attempts at delimiting the colonial territory, a delimitation based on both the action of the colonial agents and the production of new geographical knowledge. In the fifth and final chapter, we analyse the social dynamics and characteristics of the agents that constitute what we see as a new emerging colonial society.

O escravo: entre a identidade caboverdiana e a literatura européia / The slave: between the European identity and literature capeverdian

Claudia Bernardete Veiga de Almeida 16 March 2009 (has links)
O romance O Escravo (1856), escrito por José Evaristo de Almei-da, português radicado por algum tempo em Cabo Verde, traz marcas do contexto histórico e cultural daquela colônia portuguesa em meados do século XIX. Este estudo busca demonstrar que o romance vai além da caracterização genérica do arquipélago, e procura delinear literariamente uma identidade caboverdiana. Essa abordagem, identitária, tem por parâmetros, estéticos e de valor, não apenas o contexto literário e de idéias português, mas o contexto maior do debate europeu acerca da escravidão e da raça, com destaque para um diálogo intertextual privilegiado com o romance Bug-Jargal (1826) de Victor Hugo. / The novel The Slave (1856) written by José Evaristo de Almeida, a Portuguese who settled for a long time in Cape Verde Islands, brings trac-es of cultural and historical context from that Portuguese settlement in the middle of the 19th century. This literary production aims to show that the novel goes beyond a generic characterization of the Archipelago. Moreo-ver, it also aims to represent, through the literary field, an identity pertinent to Cape Verde Islands. This identity approach shows, through aesthetic pa-rameters and values, not only the literary context and Portuguese ideas, but also the larger context of European discussion about slavery and race, em-phasizing an intertextual dialogue in Victor Hugo\'s novel, Bug Jargal (1826).

The river conguest : colonial encounter in the N' dongo Kingdom of Central West Africa

E'Silva, Jorge Hayes 07 1900 (has links)
Portuguese global expansion was initiated by the capture of Cueta in 1415. Voyages of discovery along the West African coast ensued, resulting in the conquest and colonisation of the N’Dongo Kingdom. This dissertation comprises an archaeological survey of the Lusitanian Empire in the Republic of Angola. The Portuguese first established a settlement at Luanda in 1576, after which they set forth into the interior, following the Kwanza River upstream. The strategy for conquest was to take possession of the river with the objective to control the indigenous population, subjugate the N’gola, and, ultimately, to reach the silver mines at Cambambe. Various settlements developed along the margins of the river with associated forts and churches. Fortifications dominated the landscape while the churches expressed religious idealism. Social contact between the Mbundu people and the Portuguese at the colonial frontier is discussed. Post-colonial theory is used as the research methodology. / Anthropology and Archaeology / M. A. (Archaeology)

River of Conquest : colonial encounters in the N' dongo Kingdom of Central West Africa

E'Silva, Jorge Hayes 07 1900 (has links)
Portuguese global expansion was initiated by the capture of Cueta in 1415. Voyages of discovery along the West African coast ensued, resulting in the conquest and colonisation of the N’Dongo Kingdom. This dissertation comprises an archaeological survey of the Lusitanian Empire in the Republic of Angola. The Portuguese first established a settlement at Luanda in 1576, after which they set forth into the interior, following the Kwanza River upstream. The strategy for conquest was to take possession of the river with the objective to control the indigenous population, subjugate the N’gola, and, ultimately, to reach the silver mines at Cambambe. Various settlements developed along the margins of the river with associated forts and churches. Fortifications dominated the landscape while the churches expressed religious idealism. Social contact between the Mbundu people and the Portuguese at the colonial frontier is discussed. Post-colonial theory is used as the research methodology. / Anthropology and Archaeology / M. A. (Archaeology)

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