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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knowledge, attitudes and practices associated with PMTCT among breastfeeding mothers living with HIV in a King Sobhuza II public health unit, Swaziland

Dlamini, Phumzile Lucia 01 1900 (has links)
Thesis in English, Annexure E: Consent form (leaf 81) as well as KABP Survey Questionnaire (leaves 87-91) in English and SiSwati. / The purpose of the study was to assess knowledge, explore attitudes and determine practices of breastfeeding mothers living with HIV regarding post-natal PMTCT interventions and services. The study was quantitative and descriptive in nature, utilising a retrospective cohort design. The study sample included breastfeeding mothers living with HIV, who attended the King Sobhuza II public health unit in the Manzini region of Swaziland. A written questionnaire was administered to a non-random sample of 90 consecutively selected mothers living with HIV attending the above-cited public health unit for post-natal health purposes. The overall study results revealed that the majority of breastfeeding mothers living with HIV in the afore-mentioned region (77.8%) presented high levels of knowledge on PMTCT, and 90% demonstrated a positive attitude; while a further 90% also demonstrated positive behaviour towards PMTCT. However, stigma and discrimination among family members, non-disclosure of HIV status to sexual partners; as well as poverty and fear of future drug-resistance are the cause of non-adherence to ARV prophylaxis. Furthermore, inconsistent condom use, mixed-feeding methods and wet-nursing also emerged as other contributing factors to the increase of post-natal mother-to-child transmission of HIV among breastfeeding mothers living with HIV. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Déterminants et inégalités d’utilisation des services obstétricaux essentiels dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire

Langlois, Étienne Vincent 11 1900 (has links)
Introduction Chaque année, 289 000 femmes décèdent des complications reliées à la grossesse et à l’accouchement, et 2.9 millions de nouveau-nés décèdent avant d’atteindre 28 jours de vie. La quasi-totalité (99%) des décès maternels et néonataux ont cours dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire (PRFI). L’utilisation des services obstétricaux essentiels, incluant l’assistance qualifiée à l’accouchement (AA) et les services postnataux, contribue largement à la réduction de la morbidité et de la mortalité maternelle et néonatale. Il est donc essentiel d’évaluer les déterminants et les inégalités de couverture de ces services, en vue d’informer l’élaboration de politiques et de programmes de santé dans les PRFI. Objectifs 1. Étudier systématiquement les déterminants et inégalités socioéconomiques, géographiques et démographiques dans l’utilisation des services de santé postnataux dans les PRFI. 2. Évaluer l’effet de la politique de subvention des frais aux usagers introduite au Burkina Faso en 2007 sur les taux d’utilisation de l’assistance qualifiée à l’accouchement, en fonction du statut socioéconomique (SSE). Méthodes 1. Nous avons réalisé une revue systématique sur l’utilisation des services postnataux dans les PRFI, en fonction des déterminants socioéconomiques, géographiques et démographiques. Notre étude incluait une méta-analyse de l’utilisation des services selon les quintiles de SSE et le milieu de vie (urbain vs. rural). 2. Nous avons utilisé un devis quasi-expérimental. Les sources de données consistaient en deux sondages représentatifs (n=1408 et n=1403), conduits respectivement en 2008 et 2010 auprès de femmes des districts sanitaires de Houndé et de Ziniaré au Burkina Faso, en plus d’une enquête sur la qualité structurelle des soins offerts dans les centres de santé primaire. Nous avons utilisé des modèles de régression de Poisson, multi-niveaux et segmentés, afin d’évaluer l’effet de la politique de subvention sur les taux d’AA. Nous avons estimé des ratios et différences de taux d’incidence ajustés, en fonction du SSE et du temps écoulé depuis l’introduction de la subvention. Résultats 1. Les estimés de ratio de cotes (RC) agrégés (IC 95%) pour les femmes de SSE élevé (5e quintile ou Q5), Q4, Q3 et Q2 (référence : quintile le plus pauvre, Q1) étaient respectivement : 2.27 (1.75 – 2.93); 1.60 (1.30-1.98); 1.32 (1.12-1.55); et 1.14 (0.96-1.34). La méta-analyse a aussi démontré un gradient d’utilisation des services postnataux entre les femmes urbaines et rurales : RC (IC 95%) = 1.36 (1.01-1.81). L’évaluation narrative a par ailleurs identifié une différence dans la couverture de services selon le niveau d’éducation. 2. Pour les femmes de faible SSE, le taux d’AA était 24% plus élevé (IC 95% : 4-46%) immédiatement après l’introduction de la subvention, en comparaison au taux attendu en l’absence de ladite subvention. L’ampleur de l’effet a diminué dans le temps, correspondant à des estimés (IC 95%) de 22% (3-45%) à 6 mois, 20% (1-43%) à 12 mois, et 17% (-4-42%) à 24 mois après l’introduction de la subvention. La force d’association variait selon les strates de SSE, l’effet le plus prononcé étant observé au sein du SSE le plus faible. Conclusions 1. L’utilisation des services postnataux demeure inéquitable selon le SSE et l’accessibilité géographique aux formations sanitaires dans les PRFI. 2. Notre étude suggère que l’introduction de la subvention des frais aux usagers au Burkina Faso résulte en une augmentation soutenue dans le taux d’assistance qualifiée à l’accouchement, particulièrement chez les femmes de faible SSE. Cette évidence scientifique devrait alimenter l’élaboration de programmes de santé materno-infantile, en plus de guider la planification de politiques et le renforcement des systèmes de santé des PRFI. / Background Each year, 289 000 women die from complications related to pregnancy, childbirth or the postnatal period, and 2.9 million newborns decease before reaching 28 days of life. The near totality (99%) of maternal and neonatal deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Utilization of essential obstetric care services including skilled birth attendance (SBA) and postnatal care (PNC) largely contributes to the reduction of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. There is a strong need to assess the determinants and inequalities in coverage of SBA and PNC services, to inform health policy planning. Objectives 1. Systematically assess the socioeconomic, geographic and demographic inequalities in PNC services utilization in LMICs. 2. Evaluate the effect of Burkina Faso’s 2007 user-fee subsidy policy on SBA rate across socioeconomic status (SES) strata. Methods 1. We conducted a systematic review of the association between PNC services utilization and key determinants, including a meta-analysis of PNC use across socioeconomic status quintiles, and place of residence (urban vs. rural). 2. We used a quasi-experimental design. The data sources were two representative surveys (n=1408 and n=1403) carried out in 2008 and 2010, respectively, of women from Houndé and Ziniaré health districts of Burkina Faso, and a survey of health centres assessing structural quality of care. Multilevel segmented Poisson regression models were used to assess the effect of subsidy on SBA rate. We estimated adjusted rate ratios and rate differences as a function of time and socioeconomic status level. Results 1. The pooled odds ratio (OR) (95% CI) estimates for highest SES women (quintile 5, Q5), Q4, Q3 and Q2 (reference: poorest quintile, Q1) were respectively: 2.27 (1.75 – 2.93); 1.60 (1.30-1.98); 1.32 (1.12-1.55); and 1.14 (0.96-1.34). Meta-analysis also showed a PNC utilization divide between urban and rural women: OR (95% CI) = 1.36 (1.01-1.81). Narrative assessment of studies identified a gradient in PNC coverage across education levels. 2. For low-SES women, immediately upon the introduction of the subsidy policy, the rate of SBA was 24% higher (95% CI: 4-46%) than expected in the absence of subsidy policy introduction. The magnitude of the apparent effect decreased over time, with the corresponding estimates (95% CI) being 22% (3-45%) at 6 months, 20% (1-43%) at 12 months, and 17% (-4-42%) at 24 months after the policy introduction. Furthermore, the magnitude of the association varied across SES strata, with the apparent effect being most pronounced in the low SES stratum. Conclusions 1. PNC utilization remains inequitable across socioeconomic status and geographic access to health facilities in LMICs. 2. Our study suggests that introduction of user fee subsidy in Burkina Faso resulted in sustained increase in the rate of SBA, especially among low-SES women. This evidence should inform maternal and child health programmes and guide health policies and health care systems in LMICs.

Suivi postnatal à domicile après un congé précoce : Critères de sélection et Appréciation du délai

Pomerleau, Sophie G. 08 1900 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, la satisfaction des utilisateurs des services de santé est reconnue comme une mesure de la qualité des soins. Au Québec, le congé précoce en obstétrique constitue la norme pour les mères ayant donné naissance à un bébé en santé. Selon la littérature, cette pratique n’entraîne pas de répercussions négatives pour la santé des mères et de leur nouveau-né à condition qu’un suivi adéquat soit assuré. D’autre part, bien qu’il semble que la diminution de la durée du séjour hospitalier soit appréciée par les mères, peu de données sont disponibles relativement aux caractéristiques menant à l’appréciation du suivi postnatal. Objectifs : Cette étude s’intéresse principalement à la première visite à domicile effectuée par une infirmière suite au congé précoce en obstétrique. Dans un premier temps, elle vise à tracer un portrait des mères en fonction du délai de la première visite à domicile et, dans un second temps, à connaître les facteurs associés à l’appréciation, par les mères, du délai de cette visite. Méthode : Les données de cette étude ont été recueillies au Québec, entre janvier 2002 et janvier 2003, lors d’une enquête téléphonique effectuée auprès de mères de bébés nés en santé, un mois suivant leur accouchement vaginal sans complication (n=1548). Pour nos analyses, nous avons retranché les mères ayant eu une durée de séjour de plus de 60 heures, une grossesse de moins de 37semaines et un bébé pesant moins de 2500 g à la naissance. Notre échantillon se compose donc de 1351 mères. Résultats : 86,2 % des mères ont reçu une offre de visite à domicile. La majorité (80.2 %) des mères ont reçu la visite dans les trois premiers jours suivant leur retour à la maison, dont près du tiers (28,1 %), dans les 24 premières heures. Comparativement aux mères visitées au deuxième ou troisième jour suivant le congé, celles visitées dans les 24 premières heures ont jugé la durée de séjour hospitalier trop courte (p=0,018) et reçu un appel de l’infirmière qui a duré plus longtemps (p=0, 009). De plus, au moment du congé, elles perçoivent leur bébé en moins bonne santé (p=0,029). Elles ont aussi accouché d’un bébé plus petit (p=0,052) qui a tendance à avoir présenté des signes d’ictères pendant le séjour hospitalier (p=0,100). D’autre part, la majorité des mères (86,4 %) disent que le délai de la première visite à domicile est adéquat alors que 11,6 % le jugent trop court et 2,3 % trop long. Pour les mères visitées au premier jour, l’analyse multivariée révèle que certaines caractéristiques et certains besoins sont associés à la perception que le délai de la visite est trop court : une seule visite postnatale, un revenu familial de plus de 40 000 $, la perception que la durée de séjour est trop longue et le fait de ne pas allaiter. Pour les mères qui reçoivent la visite au deuxième et troisième jour, ce sont, seulement, le fait d’avoir été au rendez-vous médical et le fait d’avoir reçu une seule visite qui sont associés à la perception que le délai de la visite est trop court. Pour conclure, au Québec, le programme de suivi postnatal universel semble en mesure d’offrir une visite à domicile dans les délais prescrits à une majorité de mères. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que le délai de la première visite à domicile n’est pas optimal pour toutes les mères et permettent d’envisager que certaines mères auraient souhaité recevoir une seconde visite plus tardivement au cours de la période postnatale. D’autres recherches devront être effectuées afin de parfaire nos connaissances relativement au moment idéal pour réaliser les interventions postnatales.Mots clefs : Satisfaction, appréciation des utilisateurs, qualité des soins, programme universel, suivi postnatal, congé précoce en obstétrique, visite à domicile, délai de la visite, provision des services. / Patient satisfaction is now recognized as part of a measure of quality of care. In Québec, early discharge following normal delivery is common practice. Early discharge was proven to have no impact on the mother’s and baby’s health status when adequate follow-up is ensure. Women’s seems to appreciate early discharge but few studies have explored the factors contributing to the expression of satisfaction regarding home visits in the context of postnatal early discharge. Objectives: This study as two main objectives. First, we want to identify which characteristics are associated with the delay of the first postnatal visit. Second, we want to determine which factors are contributing to the appreciation of the visit’s delay. Methods : Data were obtained through a telephone survey conducted in the province of Quebec between January 2002 and January 2003. Mothers that had a normal vaginal delivery and a healthy baby were reached one month after giving birth (n=1548). For analysis purposes, mothers with length of stay above 60 hours, less than 37 week of pregnancy and a newborn weighing less than 2500 g at birth were cut off leaving a sample of 1351 mothers. Results: 86.2% of the mothers have been offered a postnatal visit. Most women (80.2%) received a home visit within three days and almost a third (28.1%) within the first 24 hours after hospital discharge. When compared to the mothers who received the visit within 2 or 3 days, mothers that received a visit within the first 24 hours found the hospital stay too short (p=0.018) but received a longer telephone call by the nurse (p=0.009). These mothers gave birth to smaller babies (p=0.052) whom also presented jaundiced while being in the hospital (p=0.100). Finally, at discharge, these mothers perceive their baby to be less healthy (p=0.029). On the other end, 86.4 % of all mothers are satisfied with the delay of the first postnatal visit, while 11.6% of them found it too short and 2.3% too long. For the mothers visited the first day, logistic regression analysis reveals that some characteristics as: having only one postnatal visit, a family income of more than 40 000$, perceived hospital stay as too long and not breastfeeding, are significantly associated with the perception of having a visit too soon after hospital discharge. For mothers visited on the second or third day after discharge, the perception that the delay was too short is only significantly associated with having a baby’s medical appointment within the first two weeks and one postnatal visit. Conclusion: Quebec’s postnatal visit program seems to offer a visit within an adequate length of time for the majority of mothers. Results of this study suggest that the time after the hospital discharge for the first visit might not be optimal for all mothers. This allows us to consider that some mothers would have appreciated a second postnatal visit. Further studies are needed to pursue analysis of the delays between discharge and the first visit in order to better meet the needs of mothers. Keywords :Satisfaction, user evaluation, quality of care, universal program, postnatal care, postpartum early discharge, home visit, timing, service provision

Socio-economic factors contributing to exclusion of women from maternal health benefit in Abuja, Nigeria

Oyewale, Tajudeen Oyeyemi 18 February 2015 (has links)
The study was conducted to describe how socio-economic characteristics (SEC) of women affect their utilization of maternal healthcare services in Abuja Municipal Areas Council (AMAC) in Abuja Nigeria. A non-experimental, facility-based cross-sectional survey was done. Data was collected using structured interviewer administered questionnaire in 5 district hospitals in AMAC. Sample size of 384 was calculated a priori based on the assumption that 50% of the target population utilized maternal healthcare services during their last pregnancy. Equal allocation of samples per facility was done. The ANC register was used as the sampling frame and proportionate allocation of samples per clinic days was undertaken in each facility. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, cross tabulations and measures of inequality. Logistic regression analysis was used to test the hypothesized relationship between socioeconomic characteristics (predictors) and maternal healthcare service utilization. Other than birth order that showed consistent effect, the results of this study indicated that the predictive effect (predisposing and enabling factors) of the SEC of women included in this study (age, education, birth order, location of residence, income group and coverage by health insurance) on maternal healthcare service utilization were not consistent when considered independently (bivariate analysis) as opposed to when considered together through logistic regression. In addition, the study revealed that there was inequality in the utilization of maternal healthcare services (ante-natal care - ANC, delivery care and post natal care - PNC, and contraceptive services) among women with different SEC, and the payment system for maternal healthcare services was regressive. Addressing these predictors in the natural co-existing state (as indicated by the logistic regression) is essential for equitable access and utilization of healthcare during pregnancy, delivery and the postnatal period, and for contraceptive services in AMAC, Abuja Nigeria. Targeted policy measures and programme actions guided by these findings are recommended to optimise returns on investment towards achieving national and global goals on maternal health in Nigeria / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Suivi postnatal à domicile après un congé précoce : Critères de sélection et Appréciation du délai

Pomerleau, Sophie G. 08 1900 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, la satisfaction des utilisateurs des services de santé est reconnue comme une mesure de la qualité des soins. Au Québec, le congé précoce en obstétrique constitue la norme pour les mères ayant donné naissance à un bébé en santé. Selon la littérature, cette pratique n’entraîne pas de répercussions négatives pour la santé des mères et de leur nouveau-né à condition qu’un suivi adéquat soit assuré. D’autre part, bien qu’il semble que la diminution de la durée du séjour hospitalier soit appréciée par les mères, peu de données sont disponibles relativement aux caractéristiques menant à l’appréciation du suivi postnatal. Objectifs : Cette étude s’intéresse principalement à la première visite à domicile effectuée par une infirmière suite au congé précoce en obstétrique. Dans un premier temps, elle vise à tracer un portrait des mères en fonction du délai de la première visite à domicile et, dans un second temps, à connaître les facteurs associés à l’appréciation, par les mères, du délai de cette visite. Méthode : Les données de cette étude ont été recueillies au Québec, entre janvier 2002 et janvier 2003, lors d’une enquête téléphonique effectuée auprès de mères de bébés nés en santé, un mois suivant leur accouchement vaginal sans complication (n=1548). Pour nos analyses, nous avons retranché les mères ayant eu une durée de séjour de plus de 60 heures, une grossesse de moins de 37semaines et un bébé pesant moins de 2500 g à la naissance. Notre échantillon se compose donc de 1351 mères. Résultats : 86,2 % des mères ont reçu une offre de visite à domicile. La majorité (80.2 %) des mères ont reçu la visite dans les trois premiers jours suivant leur retour à la maison, dont près du tiers (28,1 %), dans les 24 premières heures. Comparativement aux mères visitées au deuxième ou troisième jour suivant le congé, celles visitées dans les 24 premières heures ont jugé la durée de séjour hospitalier trop courte (p=0,018) et reçu un appel de l’infirmière qui a duré plus longtemps (p=0, 009). De plus, au moment du congé, elles perçoivent leur bébé en moins bonne santé (p=0,029). Elles ont aussi accouché d’un bébé plus petit (p=0,052) qui a tendance à avoir présenté des signes d’ictères pendant le séjour hospitalier (p=0,100). D’autre part, la majorité des mères (86,4 %) disent que le délai de la première visite à domicile est adéquat alors que 11,6 % le jugent trop court et 2,3 % trop long. Pour les mères visitées au premier jour, l’analyse multivariée révèle que certaines caractéristiques et certains besoins sont associés à la perception que le délai de la visite est trop court : une seule visite postnatale, un revenu familial de plus de 40 000 $, la perception que la durée de séjour est trop longue et le fait de ne pas allaiter. Pour les mères qui reçoivent la visite au deuxième et troisième jour, ce sont, seulement, le fait d’avoir été au rendez-vous médical et le fait d’avoir reçu une seule visite qui sont associés à la perception que le délai de la visite est trop court. Pour conclure, au Québec, le programme de suivi postnatal universel semble en mesure d’offrir une visite à domicile dans les délais prescrits à une majorité de mères. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que le délai de la première visite à domicile n’est pas optimal pour toutes les mères et permettent d’envisager que certaines mères auraient souhaité recevoir une seconde visite plus tardivement au cours de la période postnatale. D’autres recherches devront être effectuées afin de parfaire nos connaissances relativement au moment idéal pour réaliser les interventions postnatales.Mots clefs : Satisfaction, appréciation des utilisateurs, qualité des soins, programme universel, suivi postnatal, congé précoce en obstétrique, visite à domicile, délai de la visite, provision des services. / Patient satisfaction is now recognized as part of a measure of quality of care. In Québec, early discharge following normal delivery is common practice. Early discharge was proven to have no impact on the mother’s and baby’s health status when adequate follow-up is ensure. Women’s seems to appreciate early discharge but few studies have explored the factors contributing to the expression of satisfaction regarding home visits in the context of postnatal early discharge. Objectives: This study as two main objectives. First, we want to identify which characteristics are associated with the delay of the first postnatal visit. Second, we want to determine which factors are contributing to the appreciation of the visit’s delay. Methods : Data were obtained through a telephone survey conducted in the province of Quebec between January 2002 and January 2003. Mothers that had a normal vaginal delivery and a healthy baby were reached one month after giving birth (n=1548). For analysis purposes, mothers with length of stay above 60 hours, less than 37 week of pregnancy and a newborn weighing less than 2500 g at birth were cut off leaving a sample of 1351 mothers. Results: 86.2% of the mothers have been offered a postnatal visit. Most women (80.2%) received a home visit within three days and almost a third (28.1%) within the first 24 hours after hospital discharge. When compared to the mothers who received the visit within 2 or 3 days, mothers that received a visit within the first 24 hours found the hospital stay too short (p=0.018) but received a longer telephone call by the nurse (p=0.009). These mothers gave birth to smaller babies (p=0.052) whom also presented jaundiced while being in the hospital (p=0.100). Finally, at discharge, these mothers perceive their baby to be less healthy (p=0.029). On the other end, 86.4 % of all mothers are satisfied with the delay of the first postnatal visit, while 11.6% of them found it too short and 2.3% too long. For the mothers visited the first day, logistic regression analysis reveals that some characteristics as: having only one postnatal visit, a family income of more than 40 000$, perceived hospital stay as too long and not breastfeeding, are significantly associated with the perception of having a visit too soon after hospital discharge. For mothers visited on the second or third day after discharge, the perception that the delay was too short is only significantly associated with having a baby’s medical appointment within the first two weeks and one postnatal visit. Conclusion: Quebec’s postnatal visit program seems to offer a visit within an adequate length of time for the majority of mothers. Results of this study suggest that the time after the hospital discharge for the first visit might not be optimal for all mothers. This allows us to consider that some mothers would have appreciated a second postnatal visit. Further studies are needed to pursue analysis of the delays between discharge and the first visit in order to better meet the needs of mothers. Keywords :Satisfaction, user evaluation, quality of care, universal program, postnatal care, postpartum early discharge, home visit, timing, service provision

Knowledge, attitudes and practices associated with PMTCT among breastfeeding mothers living with HIV in a King Sobhuza II public health unit, Swaziland

Dlamini, Phumzile Lucia 01 1900 (has links)
Thesis in English, Annexure E: Consent form (leaf 81) as well as KABP Survey Questionnaire (leaves 87-91) in English and SiSwati. / The purpose of the study was to assess knowledge, explore attitudes and determine practices of breastfeeding mothers living with HIV regarding post-natal PMTCT interventions and services. The study was quantitative and descriptive in nature, utilising a retrospective cohort design. The study sample included breastfeeding mothers living with HIV, who attended the King Sobhuza II public health unit in the Manzini region of Swaziland. A written questionnaire was administered to a non-random sample of 90 consecutively selected mothers living with HIV attending the above-cited public health unit for post-natal health purposes. The overall study results revealed that the majority of breastfeeding mothers living with HIV in the afore-mentioned region (77.8%) presented high levels of knowledge on PMTCT, and 90% demonstrated a positive attitude; while a further 90% also demonstrated positive behaviour towards PMTCT. However, stigma and discrimination among family members, non-disclosure of HIV status to sexual partners; as well as poverty and fear of future drug-resistance are the cause of non-adherence to ARV prophylaxis. Furthermore, inconsistent condom use, mixed-feeding methods and wet-nursing also emerged as other contributing factors to the increase of post-natal mother-to-child transmission of HIV among breastfeeding mothers living with HIV. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Experiences of HIV positive women who utilised the PMTCT programme in one of the central hospitals in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Moyo, Idah 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This qualitative descriptive phenomenological study explored the experiences of HIV positive women utilising PMTCT services at a central hospital in Zimbabwe. Data was collected using in-depth interviews of fifteen participants. The interviews were audio recorded and transcribed verbatim. Using the Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis framework for data analysis, two super-ordinate themes emerged, namely resources for provision of PMTCT services and approaches and nature of PMTCT care. The study revealed challenges experienced by HIV positive women emanating from material, financial and human resource related constraints in the PMTCT setting. The resource challenges negatively affected access and utilisation of PMTCT services. A practice model, whose purpose is to enhance the quality and utilisation of PMTCT services, was developed and described. The model was evaluated using Chin and Krammer (2011) criteria plus a modified form of the Delphi technique. These findings have implications for effective PMTCT service provision. The key lessons learnt for programmatic improvement were that in order to provide quality and accessible PMTCT services the health care system will need to be well resourced. There is need to strengthen the health care system in line with HIV related programmatic changes. / Health Studies / D. L.itt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Exploring nurses' implementation of postnatal care to HIV positive mothers in the Free State

Mangoejane, Lumka Petunia 02 1900 (has links)
Postnatal care provides the opportunity for protecting the health of women and their babies by optimising human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatment and management. This study intended to explore the implementation of postnatal care to HIV positive women by explicating nurses’ views regarding their practices with the aim of improving the programme. The study was conducted at three clinics in Mangaung. An evaluative case study design was used to provide a detailed account on implementation of postnatal care to HIV positive clients. The purposive non-probability sampling was used. Semi-structured methods using focus group interviews were used to collect data. Data were reviewed through thematic analysis. The study found that nurses understood guidelines, used them to direct their practice and challenges were highlighted. It was concluded that the system limitations needed to be addressed, skills of health care providers improved and linkages with community based services strengthened to improve effectiveness of care. / Health Studies / M.PH.

Effects of coadministration of D-Napvsipq [NAP] and D-Sallrsipa [SAL] on spatial learning after developmental alcohol exposure

Wagner, Jennifer Lynne January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Despite warnings about the dangers of drinking during pregnancy, little progress has been made in reducing alcohol drinking among women of childbearing age. Even after the recognition of pregnancy, 15% of women continue to drink, 3% of which admit to binge drinking. Because we cannot stop women from drinking during pregnancy, and many children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are adopted, there is a significant need to develop postnatal interventions that can improve the long-term outcome of children adversely affected by prenatal alcohol exposure. This thesis aims to evaluate one promising new treatment in the rehabilitation or rescue of specific learning deficits long after the damage has occurred. The treatment evaluated herein (40µg D-NAP + 40µg D-SAL) has long been used in the prevention of the detrimental effects of long-term and binge-like alcohol exposures in rodent models of fetal alcohol syndrome and FASD. Until recently this peptide treatment had only been shown to be effective in preventing some of the consequences of alcohol exposure when administered concurrently with the prenatal alcohol exposure. A recent report by Incerti and colleagues (2010c), however, reported that these peptides could completely reverse a profound spatial learning deficit induced by one episode of a heavy binge-like alcohol exposure (5.9g.kg in a single intraperitoneal injection) on gestational day 8 (G8) in C57BL/6 mice. In that report, the peptide treatment was administered starting in late adolescence, beginning three days prior to and throughout water maze training, and the profound deficits in their alcohol-placebo group were completely eliminated in the alcohol-peptide group. There are currently no FDA-approved treatments for FASD. An effective treatment for the cognitive and behavioral dysfunctions suffered by the 1% of people born today could potentially improve the lives of millions of children and adults. The first aim of this thesis was to determine whether the peptide treatment could reverse the significant spatial learning deficits we have demonstrated in adult C57BL/6 mice given high-dose binge-like alcohol exposure (2.5 g/kg in each of two intraperitoneal injections separated by two hours) on postnatal day (P)7. When administered three days prior to and throughout water maze testing (P67-76), the peptide treatment had no effect on spatial learning. The second aim sought to determine whether the same peptide treatment could reverse water maze spatial learning deficits in G8 binge-like exposure models, as reported by Incerti et al. (2010c). For this analysis, the first study used a different binge-like alcohol exposure model that is more commonly used than that employed by the Incerti et al. (2010c) study, namely administration of 2.8g/kg in each of two intraperitoneal injections separated by four hours (Sulik et al., 1981). This model has been shown to produce high peak blood alcohol concentrations and neuroanatomical aberrations in the hippocampal formation and septal regions (Parnell et al., 2009), which have been implicated in learning and memory. Surprisingly, this G8 binge-like alcohol exposure failed to produce a spatial learning deficit, undermining the usefulness of this model in evaluating the peptide effects. In direct contrast to the outcomes of Incerti et al. (2010c), the G8 Webster alcohol exposure was also unable to produce any deficits in acquisition of spatial learning in the Morris water maze. Surprisingly, neither of the heavy binge-like alcohol exposures on G8 were able to produce spatial learning deficits in the Morris water maze. The binge-like alcohol exposure on P7 did yield the expected spatial learning deficit, but the peptide treatment was unsuccessful in recovering water maze learning. These findings fail to support oral administration of 40µg D-NAP and 40 µg D-SAL as a potential therapy for postnatal alcohol-induced spatial learning deficits in adult mice.

"Nobody asked if I was ok:" C-section experiences of mothers who wanted a birth with limited medical intervention

Van Busum, Kelly M. January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This thesis project aims to address the following question: How do women who were planning a vaginal birth with limited medical intervention experience an unplanned c-section? Specifically, this research project involved: completing in-depth interviews with 15 women who planned a vaginal birth with limited medical intervention but instead experienced an unplanned c-section between six months and two years ago; discovering and describing the nature of the birth the mothers originally envisioned for their child; exploring the women’s experiences with, and feelings about, the birth itself and how it might differ from what they envisioned; developing a better understanding of how these experiences and feelings affected the women during the first two years following the birth; describing any challenges they faced and how, if at all, they managed such challenges; and identifying strategies that could be used to improve the experience of women recovering from an unplanned c-section who envisioned a vaginal birth with limited medical intervention.

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