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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of learning potential using a modified version of the coloured progressive matrices

Friedle, Robert E. 03 June 2011 (has links)
An assessment procedure to measure the learning potential of mildly and moderately mentally handicapped adults was investigated in this study. The procedure was developed to overcome the limitations of previously established learning potential assessment procedures by meeting the specific orientation necessary when assessing the mentally handicapped, by avoiding practice and mechanical memory effects, and by requiring the subjects to show the ability to retain and apply new cognitive skills. Thirty institutionalized mentally handicapped adults were matched on IG and then randomly assigned to an assessment or control group. For the assessment group the intervention procedure involved the Coloured Progressive Matrices test as a pretest measure, in four treatment sessions each two to three days apart, and as a posttest measure. Verbal and/or figural aids were provided when an incorrect response was given on a test item during the treatment sessions. The control group was provided the same number of administrations of the test but without the treatment intervention. Significant differences were found between the pre and post test performance levels of the assessment group. The control group showed no significant gains. The learning potential assessment procedure used in this study provided a measure of the learning potential of mentally handicapped institutionalized adults.The results indicate that the mentally handicapped can perform at much higher levels than those assessed by standardly used intellectual measures. Implications are that through the use of this approach a clearer discrimination of intellectual ability within the broad classifications of the mentally handicappped can be gained. Such information could be used to aid in the selection of peers, developmental programming decisions, and provide prescriptive information about the most efficacious modes of learning for an individual.

Mediated learning experience as an alternative approach to assessment

Seabi, Joseph Mahlakane 21 October 2008 (has links)
This study investigated the effectiveness of Feuerstein’s mediated intervention programme on a sample of the Grade Five population, in a remedial school. The participants (n=20) were systematically sampled and they constituted two groups, namely, Individual Mediation (n=10) and Group Mediation (n=10). It was hypothesised that participants exposed to this programme would yield significant improvement in cognitive functioning as measured by the (Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices (RCPM). As a result of the intensity and the duration of the mediation that was provided to the participants within the Individual Mediation, it was hypothesised that they would perform significantly better than those within the Group Mediation. Set Variations B-8 to B-12 from Feuerstein’s Learning Potential Assessment Device served as vehicle for mediating cognitive deficiencies. Following the intervention, a significant improvement on the RCPM was only obtained within the Individual Mediation. Although there was significant improvement, no significant difference was found between the Individual Mediation and the Group Mediation. The pre-post-test results of the Individual Mediation corroborate existing literature that provision of adequate and appropriate mediated learning experience is effective in improving cognitive functioning. However, non-significant results between the two groups suggest that a pre-post significant finding within the Individual Mediation was as an effect of pre-test differences. These findings are therefore inconclusive. It might be helpful to further replicate this investigation in order to determine whether support is found for the previous or for the present findings.

Learning potential assessment : an investigation to the correlation to the learning potential and how the supervisors rate the employees for the development indicators at Denny Mushrooms-Shongweni.

Sithole, Mduduzi Henley. January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to assess whether a psychological test of learning potential can predict supervisory rating of different components of learning potential for the low level worker-This exercise would be done ascertain the relationship between the learning potential by using the TRAM-2 battery Ca learning potential assessment instrument) and supervisory rating of the sample of workers. A sample of 60 employees with levels of education ranging form grade 8 to 12 inclusive was used. It is hoped that the findings would predict or identify employees with potential for development which would then lead to planning how that potential is developed to, empower the employees to improve their performance and self actualise their objectives. This would enhance the realisation of aims and objective of skills development and employment equity plan of the company. The findings and their implications and suggestions would be discussed in this study. / Thesis (M.Com.)-University of Durban-Westville, 2003.

Uncovering potential: dynamic assessment of non-verbal reasoning ability in educationally disadvantaged children

Gewer, Anthony 07 March 2014 (has links)
South African research into dynamic assessment has contributed to the growing body of international research which supports the efficacy of dynamic assessment in uncovering learning capacity in a variety of populations of learners with special needs. This study investigated the application of dynamic assessment to a sample of black children within a South African township clinic setting. Aged 9-15 years (mean age = 10.96) they had been referred to the clinic with learning difficulties. The experimental group (n=48) was exposed to a group dynamic assessment process, using certain tasks of the Learning Propensity Assessment Device (LPAD). Their performance was assessed prior to and following the mediated learning intervention. Using Analysis of Covariance, comparisons of pre and post-test scores combined with an innovative qualitative scoring method designed by Lurie and Kozulin (1996) yielded positive findings for the experimental group as compared with a control (n=24) not exposed to mediation. Results of the Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices (RCPM) and the Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure Test (ROCFT), suggest that the intervention yielded changes, not only in the scores attained, but also in the quality of the responses on the post-tests.

National Resource Monitoring for Biogenic Residues, By-products and Wastes: Development of a Systematic Data Collection, Management and Assessment for Germany

Brosowski, André 05 July 2021 (has links)
The reduction of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and the transformation from a fossil-based to a bio-based economy are declared social, political and entrepreneurial goals. The efficient material and energetic use of biogenic residues, by-products and wastes offers numerous means of working towards these goals. However, it is still unclear what raw materials can be understood under these collective terms, what quantities exist across sectors and what additional contribution can be expected from their improved use. In the context of this thesis, an internationally applicable method has been developed which can be used to continuously balance and evaluate the technical biomass potential and current use. The basis for this is a modular monitoring system that is used to develop a multi-stage biomass categorisation, a regularly updatable network of biomass-specific calculation elements and a procedure for the continuous improvement of data quality. The monitoring system was tested for a consistent reference year using Germany as an example. In addition, the temporal and spatial dynamics of the biomass availability were analysed for the case study of cereal straw using a geoinformation system. With the help of 1,113 calculation elements, the supply and use of 77 biomasses from five sectors were balanced. On this basis, the technical biomass potential for the year 2015 amounts to 86–140 million tonnes of dry matter. Between 65 % and 84 % are already tied up in a material or energetic use. There is a clear focus on only a few raw materials; 20 % of the resources make up more than 80 % of the supply. By further tapping the mobilisable potential of 14–48 million tonnes of dry matter, an annual primary energy contribution of at least 6 % and up to 15 % could be achieved in future, for example. The detailed analysis for the case study also shows that, despite significant fluctuations over time, large parts of the potential are concentrated in only a few regions. The overall broad ranges of results indicate that the data quality is uncertain and, in particular in the areas of soil and water quality, biodiversity and eutrophication of ecosystems, there is a need for research on how the complex interactions can be integrated into future calculations of biomass potentials, using which data sets. The consequent provision of the monitoring results and calculation methodology in an online data repository (http://webapp.dbfz.de) provides the opportunity to reflect on the existing approaches in an open debate and to continue developing them in line with the respective needs. Using the findings generated by the monitoring system, the focus can be placed on the most important raw materials and regions for the implementation of political and entrepreneurial strategies and for filling gaps in the data. On this basis, the next steps for an optimal and sustainable contribution to a bio-based circular economy can be prioritised and discussed with regional stakeholders and shareholders. / Die Reduktion von Treibhausgasen in der Atmosphäre und die Transformation von einer fossilbasierten zu einer bio-basierten Wirtschaftsweise sind erklärte gesellschaftliche, politische und unternehmerische Ziele. Die effiziente stoffliche und energetische Nutzung von biogenen Reststoffen, Nebenprodukten und Abfällen bietet zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, diesen Zielen näher zu kommen. Unklar ist bisher jedoch, welche Rohstoffe unter diesen Sammelbegriffen verstanden werden können, welche Mengen sektorenübergreifend existieren und welcher zusätzlichentzliche Beitrag aus einer optimierten Nutzung erwartet werden kann. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde daher eine international anwendbare Methode entwickelt, mit der das technische Biomassepotenzial und die aktuelle Nutzung fortlaufend bilanziert und bewertet werden kann. Die Grundlage bildet hierfür ein modulares Monitoringsystem, mit dem u. a. eine mehrstufige Biomassekategorisierung, ein regelmäßig aktualisierbares Netzwerk aus biomassespezifischen Berechnungselementen sowie ein Vorgehen zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung der Datenqualität entwickelt wurde. Das Monitoringsystem wurde am Beispiel von Deutschland und für ein konsistentes Bezugsjahr erprobt. Für das Fallbeispiel Getreidestroh wurde darüber hinaus die zeitliche und räumliche Dynamik der Rohstoffverfügbarkeit mit einem Geo-Informationssystem analysiert. Mit Hilfe von 1.113 Berechnungselementen wurden das Aufkommen und die Nutzung für 77 Biomassen aus fünf Sektoren bilanziert. Auf dieser Grundlage ergibt sich für das Jahr 2015 ein technisches Biomassepotenzial in Höhe von 86–140 Millionen Tonnen Trockenmasse. Zwischen 65 % und 84 % waren bereits in einer stofflichen oder energetischen Nutzung gebunden. Ein deutlicher Schwerpunkt liegt auf nur wenigen Rohstoffen; 20 % der Rohstoffe repräsentieren über 80 % des Potenzials. Durch die weitere Erschließung der noch mobilisierbaren Potenziale in Höhe von 14–48 Millionen Tonnen Trockenmasse könnte zukünftig z. B. ein jährlicher Primärenergiebeitrag von mindestens 6 % und bis zu 15 % realisiert werden. Die Detailanalyse für das Fallbeispiel zeigt darüber hinaus, dass trotz erheblicher zeitlicher Schwankungen große Teile des Potenzials in nur wenigen Regionen konzentriert sind. Die insgesamt hohen Ergebnisbandbreiten deuten jedoch auf eine unsichere Datenqualität hin und insbesondere bei den Themen Boden- und Wasserqualität, Biodiversität und Eutrophierung von Ökosystemen besteht Forschungsbedarf, wie und mit welchen Datensätzen die komplexen Wirkungsgefüge zukünftig in die Potenzialberechnungen integriert werden können. Durch die konsequente Offenlegung der Monitoringergebnisse und der Berechnungsmethodik in einem Online-Datenrepositorium (http://webapp.dbfz.de) besteht die Möglichkeit, die bisherigen Ansätze in einem offenen Diskurs zu reflektieren und bedarfsgerecht weiterzuentwickeln. Mit Hilfe der Erkenntnisse aus dem Monitoringsystem kann der Fokus für die Umsetzung von Politik- und Unternehmensstrategien und das Schließen von Datenlücken auf die wichtigsten Rohstoffe und Regionen gelenkt werden. Zusammen mit den regionalen Stake- und Shareholdern können auf dieser Grundlage die nächsten Schritte für einen optimalen und nachhaltigen Beitrag zu einer bio-basierten Kreislaufwirtschaft priorisiert und weiterführend diskutiert werden.

Identifier, mesurer et évaluer l’efficacité des techniques de rétroaction dans un contexte d’évaluation de potentiel.

Lessard, Frédérique-Emmanuelle 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.


[pt] A recente expansão das fontes renováveis para geração de energia elétrica decorre do encarecimento dos combustíveis fósseis e da preocupação com impactos ambientais e mudanças climáticas, assim como de avanços tecnológicos e da queda de seus custos de implantação. Entretanto, a natureza intermitente e sazonal dos recursos naturais, como vento e irradiação solar, pode afetar a operação do sistema elétrico. Uma alternativa para dar equilíbrio à carga do sistema, proporcionando ainda outros benefícios, é o armazenamento de energia. Uma tecnologia de larga escala para armazenamento é a de bombeamento hidráulico por meio de usinas hidrelétricas reversíveis (UHR), que oferecem mais eficiência, tempo de resposta mais rápido e vida útil mais longa que outras alternativas. Tendo em vista as lacunas teóricas no campo acadêmico, a dissertação propõe um modelo para identificação de locais potenciais para implantação dessas usinas, com o auxílio de ferramentas de sistema de informação geográfica e de formulações matemáticas que consideram critérios fisiográficos, energéticos, econômicos e socioambientais. Partindo de uma abordagem baseada no conceito de geomorphons combinada com soluções de um problema de otimização, o modelo proposto tem por objetivo definir uma formulação que busque minimizar os custos de construção de uma UHR. A demonstração da aplicabilidade do modelo é feita em torno do reservatório da UHE Sobradinho, e os resultados são discutidos a partir da comparação dos locais selecionados e dos custos obtidos. Pode-se concluir que é possível identificar potenciais locais para implantação de UHR a partir desse modelo, o que pode beneficiar agentes de planejamento do setor elétrico, bem como empresas que estejam interessadas em investir nesta tecnologia. / [en] The expansion of the use of renewable sources for electricity generation in recent years is a result of the increase of fossil fuels costs and the growing concern with climate change and the impacts on the environment, as well as technological advances and the reduction in their implementation costs. However, the availability of some natural resources for renewable energy matrices, such as wind and solar irradiation, has an intermittent and seasonal nature, which may affect the electrical system operation (CANALES et al., 2015; KELMAN & HARRISON, 2019). One of the alternatives to balance the system load is energy storage, which offers benefits to the electricity provision (ancillary services, for example) and regulates the frequency in times of high demand with low energy supply from renewables, contributing with the necessary inertia so that demand does not change instantly (BARBOUR et al., 2016). The most widely large-scale technology used for storage in the world is hydraulic pumping through pumped storage hydropower – PSH (GUITTET et al., 2016; IHA, 2018). Compared to other technologies, it provides a solution with high efficiency, faster response time and longer useful life (REHMAN et al., 2015). The operation of the plants is characterized by the pumping of water from a lower reservoir for its accumulation in an upper reservoir for energy generation in periods of high demand (BARBOUR et al., 2016). Energy storage alternatives are already on the agenda in the Brazilian energy sector as an option to ensure the system development in an economic and sustainable manner. In the 2030 Ten-Year Energy Expansion Plan (EPE, 2021b), PSH is highlighted as one of the resources to expand the offer for rush hour demand response. EPE understands that preliminary studies are an important step to support the sector s planning and guide the definition of regulatory aspects, which do not yet exist, related to the systemic benefits of this type of solution.

Hydropower Potential for Energy Recovery in Wastewater Systems. Assessment Methodology and Practical Application

Llácer Iglesias, Rosa María 03 January 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) plantean un llamamiento global para conseguir la sostenibilidad en aspectos esenciales de la vida humana. El actual consumo de energía para el tratamiento de aguas residuales es muy elevado, y las previsiones apuntan a un incremento de la demanda en la próxima década. En este contexto, resulta necesario aplicar la perspectiva de sostenibilidad, para conseguir de forma simultánea todos los ODS. Un desempeño energético más sostenible de las Estaciones Depuradoras de Aguas Residuales (EDAR) implica acciones en dos líneas, reducir el consumo, y generar energías renovables in situ. Para implantar medidas a corto plazo, es necesario explorar las posibilidades que pueden ofrecer las tecnologías ya maduras, y evaluar su potencial contribución a la descarbonización del sector. La generación de electricidad mediante maquinaria hidráulica aprovechando la energía potencial de los efluentes podría ser una de ellas. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral consiste en desarrollar una metodología, dirigida a los agentes de gobernanza, para evaluar el potencial de generación de energía hidráulica en EDAR, considerando las tres dimensiones de sostenibilidad. De este modo, poder ilustrar las posibilidades de aplicación de esta tecnología, actualmente poco conocida para el sector, que podría contribuir a una gestión más sostenible de las aguas residuales. Las fases desarrolladas incluyeron: 1) Contextualización: Se revisó el estado del arte sobre las necesidades energéticas y las tecnologías para la generación de energía renovable en EDAR. Paralelamente sobre el estado de la tecnología para la recuperación de energía en redes de agua existentes mediante maquinaria hidráulica. Para completar este marco, la revisión se amplió con una búsqueda exhaustiva de casos de estudio reales de aplicación en EDAR. En esta fase se identificaron 49 casos de estudio y se analizó su desempeño energético. Los resultados de esta fase en general demostraron que existe una experiencia real en la aplicación práctica de esta tecnología que no se está utilizando para el desarrollo de todo su potencial en este sector. 2) Desarrollo de la metodología: Se analizaron las metodologías existentes para evaluación del potencial de esta tecnología, y el resultado se comparó con la información obtenida en la contextualización. Como resultado, durante esta tesis se ha desarrollado una metodología con una nueva perspectiva. En primer lugar, se introduce la necesidad de considerar el nivel al que se produce la toma de decisiones, para adaptar el alcance del estudio (un grupo de EDAR). A continuación, la metodología se desarrolla en dos etapas. En la etapa 1 (evaluación técnica) el potencial de generación de energía hidráulica se estima de forma individual para cada EDAR. En la etapa 2 (evaluación global) se propone un método de decisión multicriterio (MCDA) introduciendo criterios de sostenibilidad. La alineación de la metodología con su contexto de aplicación se considera una cuestión clave, de modo que el método propuesto se basa en las directrices del instrumento de gobernanza para aguas residuales en España (Plan DSEAR). 3) Aplicación práctica: Esta fase completa el estudio con la aplicación a un grupo de 186 EDAR de la Comunidad Valenciana (España), con la misma modalidad de financiación. Se estimó una generación de electricidad de 340,472 kWh/año, aunque como hallazgo se observó la posibilidad de que dicho potencial sea mayor. En la etapa 2 se mostró que, cuando los resultados de la etapa 1 se ponen en el contexto de sostenibilidad, se obtiene una nueva perspectiva. Esta investigación demuestra que, en el marco de los ODS, la recuperación de energía hidráulica del agua residual podría ser una opción más en la descarbonización de este sector. Tomando como base esta propuesta, agentes de gobernanza para la gestión de aguas residuales en otro contexto podrían desarrollar metodologías similares adaptadas a su propio entorno. / [CA] Els Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODS) plantegen una crida global per a aconseguir la sostenibilitat en aspectes essencials de la vida humana. L'actual consum d'energia per al tractament d'aigües residuals és molt elevat, i les previsions apunten a un increment de la demanda en la dècada vinent. En este context, resulta necessari aplicar la perspectiva de sostenibilitat, per a aconseguir de manera simultània tots els ODS. Un acompliment energètic més sostenible de les Estacions Depuradores d'Aigües Residuals (EDAR) implica accions en dues línies, reduir el consum, i generar energies renovables in situ. Per a implantar mesures a curt termini, és necessari explorar les possibilitats que poden oferir les tecnologies ja madures, i avaluar la seua potencial contribució a la descarbonització del sector. La generació d'electricitat mitjançant maquinària hidràulica aprofitant l'energia potencial dels efluents podria ser una d'elles. El principal objectiu d'esta tesi doctoral consisteix a desenvolupar una metodologia, dirigida als agents de governança, per a avaluar el potencial de generació d'energia hidràulica en EDAR, considerant les tres dimensions de sostenibilitat. D'aquesta manera, poder il·lustrar les possibilitats d'aplicació d'esta tecnologia, actualment poc coneguda per al sector, que podria contribuir a una gestió més sostenible de les aigües residuals. Les fases desenvolupades van incloure: 1) Contextualització: Es va revisar l'estat de l'art sobre les necessitats energètiques i les tecnologies per a la generació d'energia renovable en EDAR. Paral·lelament sobre l'estat de la tecnologia per a la recuperació d'energia en xarxes d'aigua existents mitjançant maquinària hidràulica. Per a completar este marc, la revisió es va ampliar amb una cerca exhaustiva de casos d'estudi reals d'aplicació en EDAR. En esta fase es van identificar 49 casos d'estudi i es va analitzar el seu acompliment energètic. Els resultats d'esta fase en general van demostrar que existeix una experiència real en l'aplicació pràctica d'esta tecnologia que no s'està utilitzant per al desenvolupament de tot el seu potencial en este sector. 2) Desenvolupament de la metodologia: Es van analitzar les metodologies existents per a avaluació del potencial d'esta tecnologia, i el resultat es va comparar amb la informació obtinguda en la contextualització. Com a resultat, durant esta tesi s'ha desenvolupat una metodologia amb una nova perspectiva. En primer lloc, s'introdueix la necessitat de considerar el nivell al qual es produeix la presa de decisions, per a adaptar l'abast de l'estudi (un grup de EDAR). A continuació, la metodologia es desenvolupa en dues etapes. En l'etapa 1 (avaluació tècnica) el potencial de generació d'energia hidràulica s'estima de manera individual per a cada EDAR. En l'etapa 2 (avaluació global) es proposa un mètode de decisió multicriteri (MCDA) introduint criteris de sostenibilitat. L'alineació de la metodologia amb el seu context d'aplicació es considera una qüestió clau, de manera que el mètode proposat es basa en les directrius de l'instrument de governança per a aigües residuals a Espanya (Pla DSEAR). 3) Aplicació pràctica: Esta fase completa l'estudi amb l'aplicació a un grup de 186 EDAR de la Comunitat Valenciana, amb la mateixa modalitat de finançament. Es va estimar una generació d'electricitat de 340,472 kWh/any, encara que com a troballa es va observar la possibilitat que aquest potencial siga major. En l'etapa 2 es va mostrar que, quan els resultats de l'etapa 1 es posen en el context de sostenibilitat, s'obté una nova perspectiva. Esta investigació demostra que, en el marc dels ODS, la recuperació d'energia hidràulica de l'aigua residual podria ser una opció més en la descarbonització d'este sector. Prenent com a base esta proposta, agents de governança per a la gestió d'aigües residuals en un altre context podrien desenvolupar metodologies similars adaptades al seu propi entorn. / [EN] The Sustainable Development Goals establish a universal agenda to call for action and achieve sustainability in essential aspects of human life. Nowadays the energy demand for wastewater treatment is very high and it is expected to increase in the next decade. Therefore, the performance of this industry will have an effect on SDG 6, but also on SDG 7 and 13. In this context, it is necessary to apply the sustainability approach to wastewater systems to simultaneously achieve all these goals. More sustainable energy performance of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) implies two parallel steps: a reduction of energy consumption and the implementation of renewable energy technologies. To take action in the short term, existing mature technologies should be explored to evaluate their potential contribution to the decarbonization roadmaps in the wastewater industry. Hydropower might be one of these technologies. The main objective of this thesis is to develop a methodology, addressed to wastewater governance stakeholders, to assess the potential of hydropower application to WWTPs, regarding all three dimensions of sustainability. According to this, the final aim of this study is to illustrate the practical possibilities, usually unknown, that hydropower could offer to the wastewater sector in the pathway towards more sustainable systems. To achieve that aim, the steps in this research included: 1) Contextualization: The review of the state of the art was conducted in two lines. Firstly, about the energy needs for wastewater treatment and technologies for renewable energy generation. Secondly, about hydropower for energy recovery from existing networks. To complete the framework, this stage was extended with an exhaustive search and analysis of real case studies of hydropower applications to WWTPs. In this stage, 49 case studies were identified, and their energy data were extracted to obtain energy self-sufficiency indicators and analyze their renewable energy profiles. Furthermore, the technical data of their hydropower systems were examined. The overall results of this stage showed that there is an existing experience that is not being used to explore hydropower as an option for energy recovery in the wastewater sector. 2) Methodology development: In a preliminary step, existing methodologies for hydropower potential assessment were analyzed and compared with the framework obtained from the contextualization. As a result, a methodology with a broader approach was developed. First, it introduces the consideration of the decision-making level to select the scope of the study (a group of WWTPs). Then, the proposed methodology consists of two steps. In step 1 (technical assessment of hydropower potential) individual power output is estimated for each site. This step was validated with the data obtained during the contextualization. In step 2 (global assessment), after analyzing existing guidelines, a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) method with sustainability criteria is defined. As the alignment with the context is a key issue introduced in this proposal, this method is based on the guidelines in the wastewater governance instrument in Spain (PDSEAR). 3) Practical application: This stage completes the research with the application of the proposed methodology to a case study, a group of 186 WWTPs in the region of Valencia (Spain), selected according to their management model. The generation was estimated at 340,472 kWh/year, but it was found that the potential could be higher. The results also showed that the perspective may be different, if the outcomes from step 1, are put into context in step 2, with the application of the MCDA method. This research demonstrates that, in a sustainability framework, hydropower might be an interesting option to consider for the decarbonization of wastewater systems. Based on this study, decision-making stakeholders could design their own methodologies, adapted to the specific context. / The authors would like to acknowledge grant PID2020–114781RA-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033. / Llácer Iglesias, RM. (2023). Hydropower Potential for Energy Recovery in Wastewater Systems. Assessment Methodology and Practical Application [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/201558 / Compendio

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