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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Pr?ticas integrativas e complementares em Currais Novos/RN: uso de plantas medicinais? / Complementary and holistic practices in Currais Novos/RN: the use of medicinal plants

Santos, Danielle Chacon dos 12 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-01-05T17:39:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DanielleChaconDosSantos_DISSERT.pdf: 865752 bytes, checksum: 5beb848623ba3c6a5c87c1ea9552c03e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-01-08T21:00:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DanielleChaconDosSantos_DISSERT.pdf: 865752 bytes, checksum: 5beb848623ba3c6a5c87c1ea9552c03e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-08T21:00:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DanielleChaconDosSantos_DISSERT.pdf: 865752 bytes, checksum: 5beb848623ba3c6a5c87c1ea9552c03e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-12 / Este trabalho teve o objetivo de compreender como profissionais das equipes da Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia e usu?rios do Munic?pio de Currais Novos/RN lidam com a utiliza??o (ou n?o) de plantas medicinais como uma das Pr?ticas Integrativas e Complementares no SUS. A pesquisa ? do tipo qualitativo e apresenta como instrumento de coleta de dados um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada, relacionada a quest?es que contemplaram o objetivo proposto. As entrevistas foram utilizadas com os profissionais e usu?rios, com base nas quest?es formuladas em um question?rio e foram gravadas, com a anu?ncia dos mesmos, sendo posteriormente transcritas em di?rio de campo. Foram sujeitos do estudo os profissionais m?dicos, enfermeiros, dentistas e agentes comunit?rios de sa?de de equipes de Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia do munic?pio, totalizando 24 profissionais de sa?de, como tamb?m 10 usu?rios identificados como pessoas que utilizavam plantas medicinais para o cuidado de sua sa?de que se mostraram volunt?rios para a pesquisa. A partir deste estudo, pode-se perceber a import?ncia atribu?da, tanto pelos profissionais de sa?de quanto pelos usu?rios, ? utiliza??o de plantas medicinais, como tamb?m evidenciar que ? na tradi??o familiar que se encontra a principal forma de dissemina??o do conhecimento a respeito da utiliza??o das mesmas. A maioria das plantas medicinais tiveram indica??es populares semelhantes ?s indica??es cient?ficas de uso, por?m 70% dos usu?rios referiram nunca terem recebido de profissionais de sa?de orienta??es e incentivo de utiliza??o desta pr?tica de cuidado. Metade dos profissionais entrevistados relatou n?o sentir seguran?a para prescrever plantas medicinais, apenas 25% afirmaram ter recebido durante a gradua??o informa??o sobre o assunto. Espera-se, com o desenvolvimento deste estudo, contribuir para incentivar e tornar poss?vel a implanta??o de protocolos de aten??o por parte dos profissionais de sa?de, al?m de ampliar o cuidado integral, o acesso a outras op??es terap?uticas, a participa??o dos usu?rios e o fortalecimento do v?nculo no ?mbito da aten??o b?sica e da Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia / The objective of this study is to investigate how the team of health professionals of the Family Health Strategies program and clients in Currais Novos/RN deal with the use (or not) of medicinal plants as one of the complementary and holistic practices in the Individual Health System (SUS in Portuguese). The research is carried out using a qualitative approach, applying semi-structured interviews, related to the proposed objective, as the instruments of data collection. The interviews applied to professionals and clients were based on questionnaires and were recorded, with their permission, then transcribed in a field diary. The subjects of the study were doctors, nurses, dentists and community health agents of the Family Health Strategies team, totaling 24 (twenty four) health professionals, as well as ten volunteers identified in the research as people who use medicinal plants for health care purposes. From this study, we verify the great importance that health professionals and clients attribute to the use of medicinal plants, as well as evidence that family tradition is the main vehicle for the dissemination of knowledge regarding their use. Most medicinal plants had popular indications similar of those used scientifically, however, 70% of the clients reported never having had medical health advice or encouragement to use medicinal plants in their treatments. Half of the group of professionals interviewed reported not feeling safe in prescribing medicinal plants; approximately 25% reported having received information on the subject during their undergraduate program. Expected outcomes of this study include instigating the implementation of treatment protocols by the health professionals, and broadening holistic care practices, as well as access to alternative therapeutic options, client participation, ultimately strengthening the link between primary care and Family Health Strategies

Pr?ticas interativas e complementares grupais nos servi?os de sa?de da aten??o b?sica: possibilidades de di?logo com a educa??o popular

Nascimento, Maria Valqu?ria Nogueira do 05 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-04-17T20:58:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaValquiriaNogueiraDoNascimento_TESE.pdf: 1968707 bytes, checksum: 426f5acaf435127acdc436c73b2cb8b2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-04-18T18:34:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaValquiriaNogueiraDoNascimento_TESE.pdf: 1968707 bytes, checksum: 426f5acaf435127acdc436c73b2cb8b2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-18T18:34:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaValquiriaNogueiraDoNascimento_TESE.pdf: 1968707 bytes, checksum: 426f5acaf435127acdc436c73b2cb8b2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-05 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / A Pol?tica de Pr?ticas Integrativas e Complementares [PNPIC] foi implantada em 2006, por meio da portaria GM n? 971, contemplando as pr?ticas terap?uticas como Homeopatia, Fitoterapia, Acupuntura, Medicina Antropos?fica, Termalismo/Crenoterapia, Pr?ticas Corporais/Atividade F?sica e T?cnicas em Medicina Tradicional Chinesa, com base nos princ?pios de uma escuta acolhedora, desenvolvimento do v?nculo terap?utico, integra??o do ser humano com o meio ambiente e a sociedade, vis?o ampliada do processo sa?de-doen?a, promo??o global do cuidado humano e autocuidado. Embora n?o institu?das pela Pol?tica Nacional, as Pr?ticas Integrativas e Complementares [PIC?s] de natureza coletiva t?m crescido gradativamente nos servi?os de sa?de, em raz?o das demandas locais e das pr?prias reivindica??es da popula??o. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste estudo consistiu em analisar a inser??o das PIC?s Grupais como estrat?gia de cuidado e aten??o integral ? sa?de na aten??o b?sica e as possibilidades de di?logo com a educa??o popular. A pesquisa teve como cen?rio as Unidades B?sicas de Sa?de [UBS] e Unidades B?sicas de Sa?de da Fam?lia [UBSF], e como participantes profissionais que realizavam PIC?s Grupais nos servi?os. Em termos operacionais, desenvolvemos a pesquisa a partir das seguintes etapas: (a) visita ? Secretaria Municipal de Sa?de [SMS]; (b) mapeamento dos equipamentos de sa?de e de profissionais da aten??o b?sica que desenvolviam atividades em PIC?s Grupais; (c) identifica??o e caracteriza??o das PIC?s Grupais; (d) realiza??o de entrevistas e rodas de conversa; (e) observa??o-participante nos grupos de PIC?s. O estudo identificou 56profissionais em sa?de que desenvolviam PIC?s Grupais, vinculados ?s seguintes categorias: 16 agentes comunit?rios de sa?de, 09 enfermeiras, 08 educadores f?sicos, 07 m?dicas, 04 nutricionistas, 03 psic?logas, 03 auxiliares de enfermagem, 03 dentistas, 02 farmac?uticos e 01 fonoaudi?logo. Dos 66 equipamentos de sa?de da aten??o b?sica contactados, 37 realizavam PIC?s Grupais, divididas em 14 modalidades, a saber: relaxamento, medita??o, yoga, tai chi chuan, grupos de suporte m?tuo, tenda do conto, grupo de prosa com mulheres, grupo de bordadeiras, grupo de idosos, grupo de caminhadas, grupo de terapia e arte, grupos de conta??o de hist?rias, terapia comunit?ria e teatro do oprimido. As PIC?s Grupais atuam com ?nfase na valoriza??o das trocas interpessoais entre profissionais e usu?rios, com um olhar integral e interdisciplinar sobre os sujeitos, de modo a garantir uma participa??o mais efetiva e o compartilhamento de saberes, elementos essenciais na produ??o da autonomia. Nessa dire??o, a educa??o popular pode ser instrumento de reorienta??o da aten??o ? sa?de e globalidade das PIC?s Grupais, com base numa perspectiva participativa, criativa, dialogada e emancipadora. / The Policy of Integrative and Complementary Practices [PNPIC - Pol?tica de Pr?ticasIntegrativas e Complementares] was implemented in 2006, through GM Administrative Rule No. 971, contemplating therapeutic practices, such as Homeopathy, Phytotherapy, Acupuncture, Anthroposophic Medicine, Thermotherapy/Cryotherapy, Body Practices/Physical Activity and Techniques in Traditional Medicine, based on the principles of a warm listening, development of the therapeutic bond, integration of the human being with the environment and society, an expanded vision of the health-disease process, global promotion of human care and self-care. Although not instituted by the National Policy, the Collective and Complementary Practices [PIC's] ? Pr?ticas Integrativas e Complementares] of collective nature have gradually grown in the health services, due to the local demands and the own demands of the population. In this sense, the objective of this study was to analyze the insertion of Integrative and Complementary Group Practices as a strategy of care and integral health care in basic care and the possibilities of dialogue with popular education. The research had as a scenario the Basic Health Units [UBS] and Family Health Basic Units [UBSF], and, as participants, professionals that carried out group PIC's in the services. In operational terms, we developed the research from the following stages: (a) mapping of health equipment and primary care professionals who developed activities in group PIC's; (b) identification and characterization of group PIC's; (c) conducting interviews and talk wheels; (d) observation-participant in groups of PIC's. The study identified 56 health professionals who develop group PIC's, linked to the following categories: 16 community health agents, 09 nurses, 08 physical educators, 07 physicians, 04 nutritionists, 03 psychologists, 03 nursing assistants, 03 dentists, 02 pharmacists and 01 phonoaudiologist. Among the 66contacted basic care health teams, 22 perform group PIC's, divided into the following modalities: relaxation, meditation, yoga, tai chi chuan, mutual aid groups, taletent, prose group with women, group of embroiderers, group of seniors, group of walks, therapy and art group, storytelling groups, community therapy and theater of the oppressed. Group PIC's work focusing onvaluing interpersonal exchanges among professionals and users, with a comprehensive and interdisciplinary view of the subjects, in order to guarantee a more effective participation and the sharing of knowledge, essential elements in the production of autonomy. In this direction, popular education can be an instrument to reorient attention to health and globality of group PIC's, based on a participatory, creative, dialogic and emancipatory perspective.

Autoavalia??o integrativa da gest?o do cuidado: sentidos e significados das PICS em N?sia Floresta

David, Nathaly Sophia Rocha Phillips 31 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-20T23:36:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 NathalySophiaRochaPhillipsDavid_DISSERT.pdf: 3816331 bytes, checksum: fd53ac789388554ba81c53f7856b7a07 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-24T23:49:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 NathalySophiaRochaPhillipsDavid_DISSERT.pdf: 3816331 bytes, checksum: fd53ac789388554ba81c53f7856b7a07 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-24T23:49:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NathalySophiaRochaPhillipsDavid_DISSERT.pdf: 3816331 bytes, checksum: fd53ac789388554ba81c53f7856b7a07 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-31 / A reforma sanit?ria, institu?da no Brasil a partir de 1988, traz como um dos princ?pios basilares do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de - SUS a aten??o integral em sa?de. Uma das pol?ticas estruturantes para este cuidado integral ? a Pol?tica Nacional de Pr?ticas Integrativas e Complementares ? PNPIC, publicada no Brasil desde 2006, que incorpora como dispositivo a cl?nica ampliada e traz uma nova proposta de cuidado no ?mbito da sa?de. O Munic?pio de N?sia Floresta encontra-se em processo de implanta??o da sua Pol?tica Municipal de Pr?ticas Integrativas e Complementares em Sa?de ? PMPIC. O presente estudo ? uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo Pesquisa-A??o de cunho anal?tico etnofenomenol?gico com abordagem sociopo?tica, que tem como objetivo descrever e analisar o processo de implanta??o da PMPIC/N?sia Floresta ? RN, ? luz dos sentidos e significados apontados pelos profissionais da Estrat?gia de Sa?de da Fam?lia (grupo pesquisado) e como isso influenciou na gest?o do cuidado em sa?de. Como estrat?gia metodol?gica para coleta dos dados foi organizado pela autora um Ateli? Humanopoi?tico de Autoavalia??o Integrativa-AHAI. Os resultados do estudo apontam para a importante mudan?a no modelo de aten??o no munic?pio de N?sia Floresta a partir da implanta??o da PMPIC. Avan?os foram identificados nos aspectos legais e protocolares da gest?o do Cuidado no munic?pio. O Cuidado integrativo humanescente, introduzido pelos profissionais da Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia do munic?pio, fortaleceu a transdisciplinaridade e integralidade, a ado??o de novas tecnologias que atendem aos pressupostos da PMPIC, da Clinica ampliada e da Pol?tica Nacional de Humaniza??o. / The sanitary reform of the Public Health in Brazil, that was implemented by1988, points out the integrated health care as one of the most important aspect for the Unified Health System (SUS in Portuguese).The Complementary and Integrative Practices in Health (PICS in Portuguese) that is one of the basis of the politics for this integrated care and was published in Brazil by 2006, includes the expanded clinics as a tool and brings a new proposal about the care in health. N?sia Floresta, a county close to the capital of Rio Grande do Norte state (Natal), is implementing its County Policies of Complementary and Integrative Practices (PMPIC). This study is a qualitative research (research-action type) with an ethno-phenomenological analytical nature and with a social-poetic approach, and has the goal to describe and analyze the implementation process of the PMPIC at N?sia Floresta-RN county, based on the opinions and meanings pointed out by the professionals of the Strategy of the Family Health (researched group, ESF in Portuguese) and how this has influenced the management of care in health. As a methodological strategy for the data collection, it was organized by the author a Human-Poetic Atelier of Integrative Self-Assessment (AHAI in Portuguese). The results of the study point out to an important change at the model of attention used in N?sia Floresta County from the implementation of PMPIC. There were also identified advances at the legal and the protocol aspects related to the care management in the County.The Humanescent Integrative Care, introduced by the team of the Family Health Strategy of the county, strengthened the transdisciplinarity and the integrality, the adoption of new technologies that meet the assumptions of the PMPIC, the expanded clinic and the National Policy of Humanization.

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