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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Examining the technological development of preservice and novice teachers : cross-sectional case studies of teachers in a one-to-one laptop-infused teacher preparation program

Yoon, Hyo-Jin 04 April 2013 (has links)
The goal of this study was to explore technology experiences from a preservice teacher preparation program that requires every preservice teachers and instructors to own a laptop. The participants were a) preservice teachers who were in the program and b) novice teachers who are the program graduates. The setting of this study was a preservice teacher preparation program that involves one-to-one computing throughout in a college of education in a large southwestern university. The research conducted a cross sectional case study. Two preservice teachers across the first, second, and third semesters of the program and two novice teachers in the first year of teaching participated in this research. Various data sources were collected with: a) technological skills and attitude survey, b) related documents such as lesson plans, assignments and school documents, c) observation, and d) interviews. Results of this study showed each participant’s learning environment, technology experiences and technology skills, attitudes and knowledge. All preservice teachers mutually had media cart, instructors’ laptops, students’ laptops, and wireless internet in university classes, and had innovation station, teachers’ computers, printer, telephone, students’ computers, headsets and wireless internet in PK-6 school classes. Throughout the program, university instructors mutually required Email, word processing and electronic submission of assignments to the preservice teachers. The instructors mutually modeled using PowerPoint and Learning Management System (LMS). Preservice teachers in the first semester mutually used video creation, preservice teachers in the second semester used Email and LMS, and preservice teachers in the third semester mutually used search engine, PowerPoint and innovation station. All participants’ technology attitudes were overall positive. Most of the preservice teachers’ technology knowledge was rated accepting level, except Neal, one of the preservice teachers in the third semester, who was rated adapting level. Novice teachers mutually had innovation station, web conferencing devices and students’ laptops in their school. Both of the novice teachers experienced barrier of technology integration due to the necessary devices were already checked out. The novice teachers mutually used innovation station, had overall positive technology attitudes and had technology knowledge at the accepting level. The results led six discussion issues, including a) alignment of technological infrastructure, b) accessibility of technologies, c) limited exposure to technological activities, d) preservice teachers’ technology skills, e) technology experiences from the program and preservice teachers’ technology attitudes, and f) programmatic impact on novice teachers. / text

國民中小學校長領導能力指標權重之建構:以美國ISLLC學校領導者標準為例 / The construction of weight system of principal’s leadership competence indicators for the elementary and junior high school: The case of ISLLC Standards for School Leaders in American

陳遵行, Chen, Zun Shing Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在參照美國跨州學校領導標準證照聯合會(ISLLC)所提出的「ISLLC學校領導者標準」為例,藉以建構出國民中小學校長領導能力指標權重體系。研究方法運用分析網路程序法(ANP),研究工具則採用編修之「國民中小學校長領導能力指標權重體系調查問卷」,並以校長學、校長培育、學校行政等領域之13位學者專家為研究對象,對國民中小學校長領導能力指標之內容進行重要性評比。 本研究依據研究結果,得到以下二項研究結論: 一、學校文化與教學方案為最重要之校長領導能力向度 二、提升教師專業能力為最重要之校長領導能力指標 而依據研究結論,本研究提出以下建議,以作為教育行政機關、校長培育機構等之參考。 一、對教育行政機關之建議 (一)儘速研擬設立校長培育標準及專責單位 (二)校長領導能力指標可作為校長評鑑與校長證照制度之基礎 二、對校長培育機構之建議 (一)校長培育課程中其校長領導能力的規劃,以「學校文化的建立」與「教師能力的提升」作為初階能力的養成 (二)「提升教師專業能力」、「合作發展與共享」、「發展績效評估系統」作為校長培育課程的首要目標 此外,本研究亦針對後續研究者在研究對象、研究方法及研究範圍等三方面,提出相關建議。 關鍵字:校長領導能力、校長培育課程、分析網路程序法 / The purpose of this study is to construct a weight system of principal’s leadership competence indicators for the elementary and junior high school, and this study refer to “Interstate school leaders licensure consortium: Standards for school leaders” as an example. The main method of this study is Analytic Network Process (ANP). The research instrument of this study is a modified questionnaire which is used to survey the elementary and junior high principal’s leadership competence. 13 scholar experts most in principalship, principal preparation and school administration are taken as the research object to estimate the importance of indicator for the elementary and junior high school principal’s leadership competence. According to the research results, two conclusions are as follows: 1. School culture and instructional program is the most important dimension of school principals' leadership competence. 2. Enhancement of the professional competence of teachers is the most important indicator of school principals' leadership competence. This study provides the following suggestions from the conclusions to the educational administrations and the organizations of principal preparation for reference: 1. For education administration authority (1) Plan to establish the standards of principal preparation and set up an unit in charge of them. (2) The indicator of school principals' leadership competence can be a basis of principal evaluation and principals’ licensure. 2. For the institutes of principal preparation (1) Planning of principals' leadership capacity in the principal preparation courses as entry-level capacities are “The establishment of school culture” and “The enhancement of the professional competence of teachers”. (2) The principal of the primary objective of the course are “The enhancement of the professional competence of teachers”, “The cooperation and development and sharing”, and “The development of performance evaluation system”. In addition, this study also provides future researchers in three areas of the object of study, research methods and scope of the study to make recommendations. Keywords: principal leadership capacity, principal preparation program, analytic network process

Intercultural and academic transitions: A study of the gap between Chinese secondary schools and western universities

Mills, Bonnie K. 01 January 2013 (has links)
China is the top sending country of international students to Western universities. Chinese students can benefit a country's economy and aid in internationalizing campuses, providing opportunities for students to develop global competencies. However, as the number of Chinese students is increasing, so is the awareness of their difficulties in acculturating to the Western system of higher education. The literature attributes some of these difficulties to cultural, academic, and social factors. Filling a gap in the research, this cross-level study compares the preparation programs of four different types of secondary institutions. Results of surveys and interviews were correlated between faculty and alumni evaluating satisfaction and effectiveness of university preparation. The students generally were satisfied with their preparation training as compared to the faculty at the secondary schools. Results of this study will help bridge the gap of eradicating the difficulties Chinese students face in the Western higher education system.

Learning to "Teacher Think": Using English Education as a Model for Writing Teacher Preparation in the Composition Practicum

Lankford, Angela Celestine 18 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study explores the impact of "teacher thinking" exercises in the Composition Practicum as a means of instilling a clearer sense of professional development in graduate instructors. Teacher thinking is a teacher training method that asks the novice instructor to see from the perspective of learners within their writing classrooms. Scholarship on writing teacher preparation programs suggests that English educators regularly employ teacher thinking exercises in the training of secondary school teachers. Teacher thinking has allowed many English education majors to conceptualize and obtain teaching identities by helping them to envision the intricate layers of teaching earlier in their careers. But can teacher thinking exercises have the same effect on graduate instructors in the Composition Practicum? Using the two main writing teacher preparation courses at Brigham Young University (BYU) for graduate instructors and English education majors, English 610 and English 423, I analyze the evidence of teacher thinking in each program and address the possible implications these findings could hold for the Composition Practicum course. Through my comparison of these courses, I determine if conversations between English educators and the Composition Practicum could be beneficial in helping graduate instructors to grow professionally as teachers as they learn to think like teachers in the Composition Practicum. I examine, analyze, and compare syllabi, surveys, and interview response from graduate instructors, English education majors, and the teachers of both courses to identify the types of teaching thinking students are exposed to in each course. Structuring my discussion around the teacher thinking theories of teacher educators, Forrest Parkay and Beverly Stanford, George Hillocks, and Alicia Crowe and Amanda Berry, I identify three types of knowledge that graduate instructors and English education majors gained or lacked in each program. These three types of knowledge are knowledge of self, knowledge of students, and knowledge of educational theory. Through this discussion, I explore what it means to think like a composition teacher and how learning to "teacher think" may help graduate instructors, nationally, to understand what it means to "simply be a composition teacher".

Supervising Principals' Perceptions Of Preparing New Principal Program Completers: Meeting The 2011 Florida Principal Leadership Standards

Trimble, Wesley 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study sought to determine to what extend completers of School District A’s Preparing New Principals Program (PNPP) are prepared to meet the 2011 Florida Principal Leadership Standards (FPLS). Major questions addressed (a) the perception of principals regarding how well prepared completers of School District A’s principal preparation program were to meet the 2011 Florida Principal Leadership Standards, (b) if the perceived importance of the 2011 Florida Leadership Standards varied by leadership level, (c) if the perceived importance of the 2011 Florida Leadership Standards varied by a school’s free/reduced lunch percentage, and (d) the 2011 Florida Principal Leadership Standards perceived as the most beneficial to increasing student achievement. This mixed method study employed an online survey. The participants in this study included 46 supervising principals of Preparing New Principals Program completers from an urban school district in central Florida. Findings indicated that principals believed that Preparing New Principals Program completers were prepared to meet the 2011 Florida Principal Leadership Standards. Principals also believed that the following experiences would enhance the program: (a) more meaningful experiences that require participants to solve identified deficiencies, (b) an 18 to 24 month principal internship as opposed to the current eight-week principal internship, and (c) differentiating principal preparation based on participants’ experiences and school district needs.

Une évaluation qualitative d’un programme de préparation à l’examen professionnel québécois à partir de la perception des candidates infirmières

Allard, Emilie 10 1900 (has links)
Depuis 2000, l’examen professionnel de l’Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ) est constitué d’une partie écrite et d’une partie pratique sous la forme d’un examen clinique objectif structuré (ECOS). Des programmes de préparation à l’examen professionnel ont été mis en place par différents milieux afin d’aider les candidates à l’exercice de la profession infirmière (CEPI) à se préparer pour cet examen, toutefois aucune évaluation de ces programmes n’a encore été effectuée. Cette étude avait pour but d’évaluer qualitativement un programme de préparation à l’examen professionnel. Des groupes de discussion ont été organisés avec des CEPI ayant participé au programme de préparation afin d’obtenir leur perception quant à l’impact de ce programme sur leur expérience de l’examen professionnel. La méthode d’analyse par questionnement analytique de Paillé et Mucchielli (2008) a été utilisée pour réaliser l’analyse des données. L’approche par compétences de deuxième génération développée par Goudreau, Pepin, Dubois, Boyer, Larue et Legault (2009) fut utilisée comme cadre de référence pour cette étude. L’analyse des données a permis d’identifier les attentes des CEPI à l’égard du programme de préparation et les impacts de celui-ci sur leur expérience à l’examen professionnel. Ainsi, le programme permettrait aux CEPI d’évaluer leurs forces et leurs faiblesses afin d’orienter l’étude préparatoire, tout en diminuant le stress relié à l’inconnu et en augmentant leur motivation et leur confiance en elles. Le parcours ECOS et la rétroaction sont les activités du programme jugées les plus pertinentes dans une perspective d’approche par compétences. L’examen écrit serait toutefois moins représentatif de l’examen professionnel et moins pertinent pour le développement des compétences. Des suggestions d’amélioration pour le programme de préparation découlent des entrevues avec les participantes et des recommandations pour la gestion, la pratique, la formation et la recherche en sciences infirmières ont également été émises à la suite de cette étude. / Since 2000, the professional licensure exam of the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ) is comprised of two parts; a written exam and a practical exam in the form of an objectively structured clinical examination (OSCE). Various establishments have created preparation programs in order to help candidates study for the exam; however, these programs have never been evaluated. The goal of this study was to qualitatively assess a preparation program for the professional licensure exam. Focus groups were held with candidates who had participated in a preparation program. The groups explored the program’s impact on the candidates’ experience during the professional licensure exam, as perceived by the candidates themselves. The data analysis was performed based on the method of analysis by analytical questioning of Paillé and Mucchielli (2008). The second-generation competency-based approach developed by Goudreau, Pepin, Dubois, Boyer, Larue and Legault (2009) was used as a framework for this study. Analysis of the interviews identified candidates’ expectations with regards to the preparation program and its impact on their experience during the professional licensure exam. The program allowed candidates to assess their strengths and weaknesses in order to guide their study sessions, while reducing the stress linked to the fear of the unknown and increasing their motivation and confidence. The OSCE and the feedback provided after OSCE are the activities perceived as being the most relevant, both by the candidates and from a competency approach perspective. On the other hand, the written exam was perceived as being less relevant for the exam preparation and less relevant to competency development. Suggestions to improve the preparation program were gathered from the interviews with the participants and recommendations for management, practice, education and research in nursing science were made as a result of this study.

Une évaluation qualitative d’un programme de préparation à l’examen professionnel québécois à partir de la perception des candidates infirmières

Allard, Emilie 10 1900 (has links)
Depuis 2000, l’examen professionnel de l’Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ) est constitué d’une partie écrite et d’une partie pratique sous la forme d’un examen clinique objectif structuré (ECOS). Des programmes de préparation à l’examen professionnel ont été mis en place par différents milieux afin d’aider les candidates à l’exercice de la profession infirmière (CEPI) à se préparer pour cet examen, toutefois aucune évaluation de ces programmes n’a encore été effectuée. Cette étude avait pour but d’évaluer qualitativement un programme de préparation à l’examen professionnel. Des groupes de discussion ont été organisés avec des CEPI ayant participé au programme de préparation afin d’obtenir leur perception quant à l’impact de ce programme sur leur expérience de l’examen professionnel. La méthode d’analyse par questionnement analytique de Paillé et Mucchielli (2008) a été utilisée pour réaliser l’analyse des données. L’approche par compétences de deuxième génération développée par Goudreau, Pepin, Dubois, Boyer, Larue et Legault (2009) fut utilisée comme cadre de référence pour cette étude. L’analyse des données a permis d’identifier les attentes des CEPI à l’égard du programme de préparation et les impacts de celui-ci sur leur expérience à l’examen professionnel. Ainsi, le programme permettrait aux CEPI d’évaluer leurs forces et leurs faiblesses afin d’orienter l’étude préparatoire, tout en diminuant le stress relié à l’inconnu et en augmentant leur motivation et leur confiance en elles. Le parcours ECOS et la rétroaction sont les activités du programme jugées les plus pertinentes dans une perspective d’approche par compétences. L’examen écrit serait toutefois moins représentatif de l’examen professionnel et moins pertinent pour le développement des compétences. Des suggestions d’amélioration pour le programme de préparation découlent des entrevues avec les participantes et des recommandations pour la gestion, la pratique, la formation et la recherche en sciences infirmières ont également été émises à la suite de cette étude. / Since 2000, the professional licensure exam of the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ) is comprised of two parts; a written exam and a practical exam in the form of an objectively structured clinical examination (OSCE). Various establishments have created preparation programs in order to help candidates study for the exam; however, these programs have never been evaluated. The goal of this study was to qualitatively assess a preparation program for the professional licensure exam. Focus groups were held with candidates who had participated in a preparation program. The groups explored the program’s impact on the candidates’ experience during the professional licensure exam, as perceived by the candidates themselves. The data analysis was performed based on the method of analysis by analytical questioning of Paillé and Mucchielli (2008). The second-generation competency-based approach developed by Goudreau, Pepin, Dubois, Boyer, Larue and Legault (2009) was used as a framework for this study. Analysis of the interviews identified candidates’ expectations with regards to the preparation program and its impact on their experience during the professional licensure exam. The program allowed candidates to assess their strengths and weaknesses in order to guide their study sessions, while reducing the stress linked to the fear of the unknown and increasing their motivation and confidence. The OSCE and the feedback provided after OSCE are the activities perceived as being the most relevant, both by the candidates and from a competency approach perspective. On the other hand, the written exam was perceived as being less relevant for the exam preparation and less relevant to competency development. Suggestions to improve the preparation program were gathered from the interviews with the participants and recommendations for management, practice, education and research in nursing science were made as a result of this study.

Impact of a Student-Athlete Career Preparation Program on Athlete Alumni Affinity

Hunter, Heather L. 01 January 2020 (has links)
Previous research has indicated the majority of athlete alumni do not give charitable donations to their alma mater or athletics department. With over 4 million former National Collegiate Athletic Association student-athletes, these athlete alumni should have an inherent affinity for their athletics department. The purpose of this research study was to examine the relationship between a student-athlete career preparation program (“Career Program”) and athlete alumni affinity for the athletics department. This study uses the theoretical framework of Social Exchange Theory to examine if an athlete alumni’s affinity for their athletics department increases when they receive support for their career launch. The quantitative quasi-experimental study had two groups of athlete alumni, career program varsity athlete alumni and non-career program varsity athlete alumni, who graduated from one large, public university at the Football Championship Subdivision level. The intervention of the Career Program was provided to one group of athlete alumni. An athlete alumni affinity questionnaire was developed and administered to both groups. The questionnaire received a low response rate with 71 respondents. The Pearson chi-squared test did not show a relationship between athlete alumni affinity and the Career Program. There was no statistical difference indicated between the two groups for the five latent variables of (a) career preparedness, (b) communication, (c) connection, (d) student-athlete experience, and (e) undergraduate experience. Two athlete alumni affinity statements did show significance, and they were related to student-athletes developing a LinkedIn profile and professional resume.

Hofvoorbereidingsprogram vir die laerskoolkind wat onsedelik aangerand is : `n gestaltbenadering

Booysen, Judith Rosemary 30 June 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This study is about the provision of a prototype court preparation programme for the primary school child that had been sexually assaulted. The programme is developed from a Gestalt approach. Literature regarding several existing court preparation programmes was studied and compared in order to identify certain themes for the child's preparation. Knowledge regarding the court, procedures and the functions of the various role players was conveyed to the child with emphasis on the child's role as witness. The research strategy utilised in the study was that of the intervention research and specifically the D&D-model that comprises six phases. The study incorporates the first three phases plus the first step of the fourth phase. Semi-structured interviews and focus groups were utilised to establish which themes could be addressed to support the child towards being a credible witness. These themes are summarised in the court preparation programme and are addressed from the Gestalt approach. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Spelterapie)

A program to prepare children for grommet insertion and adenoidectomy : a Gestalt therapy approach

Birkenstock, Jeannette Dorothy 30 November 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study was to develop a Gestalt play therapy based hospital preparation program for children undergoing the surgical procedures of grommet insertion, or grommet insertion and adenoidectomy, at Tygerberg Hospital. Literature was reviewed according to relevant topics, namely otitis media in children, Gestalt play therapy, theories of child development, and children's experience of illness and hospitalisation. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four subject groups and the data obtained was qualitatively analysed. Research findings were discussed and integrated with reference to the literature. This information was applied in the development of the proposed program. The aim, underlying principles, objectives and components of the program were discussed and guidelines for implementation were provided. The program was implemented and evaluated in a single subject pilot study, which yielded a positive response. Recommendations for both practical implementation in a therapeutic context and further study in a research context were made. OPSOMMING Die doel van hierdie studie was om `n Gestalt spelterapie-gebaseerde hospitaalvoorbereidingsprogram te ontwikkel vir kinders wat die chirurgiese prosedures van ventilasiebuis-plasing of ventilasiebuis-plasing en adenoïdektomie by Tygerberg-hospitaal ondergaan. `n Literatuurstudie is uitgevoer rakende relevante onderwerpe; naamlik, otitis media in kinders, Gestalt spelterapie, kinderontwikkelingsteorieë, en kinders se ervaring van siekte en hospitalisasie. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is met vier subjekgroepe uitgevoer en die data wat verkry is, is kwalitatief geanaliseer. Navorsingsbevindinge is bespreek en geïntegreer met verwysing na die literatuur. Hierdie inligting is toegepas in die ontwikkeling van die voorgestelde program. Die doel, onderliggende beginsels, doelstellings en komponente van die program is bespreek en riglyne vir die implementering daarvan is verskaf. Die program is geïmplimenteer en geëvalueer in `n enkelsubjek loodsstudie, waar `n positiewe respons verkry is. Aanbevelings vir beide praktiese implementering in `n terapeutiese konteks en verdere studie binne navorsingskonteks is gemaak. / Social Work / M.Diac.

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